OAA Administration Webinar: Spring 2013 Overview
The OAA Administration Webinar provides detailed information on the Spring 2013 Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA) including test dates, roles and responsibilities, administration procedures, and contact information. Participants can learn about receiving test materials, test dates, and key deadlines for the assessment process.
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Welcome! The OAA Administration Webinar will start at 1:00 PM. To hear the presentation, dial 1-866-551-1530 and enter 8375857# as the Participant Code.
Ohio Achievement Assessments OAA Spring 2013 Administration Jon Peterson Scholarship April 17, 2013 Presented by the Ohio Department of Education Paula Mahaley Office of Curriculum and Assessment
Purpose of this Webinar Review functions and related areas for the 2013 Spring Administration of the Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA) : 1. Test Dates for OAA 2. OAA Administration Roles and Responsibilities 3. Administration of OAA 4. OAA Special Versions and Accommodations
Contact Information Test and Content Information ODE Paula Mahaley 614.466.0217 Test Materials; Receipt and Shipping test materials; TIDE AIR 888.944.5001 JPS ODE Kaellen Craft 614.466.6837
OAA Administration Dates Receive test materials week of April 8 Test Dates April 22 May 10 Return tests Initial administration May 3, 6, 7 Return tests Make-up administration May 10 Return tests Nonscorable materials May 13 Pre-processing Change April 15 May 17 Pre-reporting Change and Invalidation window May 29- 30 Score results electronically available June 15 Printed reports June 28
OAA Administration Dates Receive test materials week of April 8 Additional Order window in TIDE April 8 May 8 Test Dates April 22 May 10 Week 1 and 2 is the initial test administration: April 22 May 3 Week 3 is the makeup test administration: May 6-10
Questions on the OAA Dates
OAA Administration Roles
OAA Administration Roles District Test Coordinator Building Test Coordinator Test Administrator Depending on the size of the provider facilities, one person may be assigned all 3 roles and will be responsible for all duties listed.
District Test Coordinator (DTC) Responsibilities: Receive the monthly OAA newsletter sent by email share information with all staff who are involved with OAA must call AIR to sign up for newsletter. Train Building Test Coordinator (BTC) on proper security procedures. Receive and inventory test materials, special versions and overage from vendor and distribute to BTC using the packing lists. DO NOT open the shrink-wrapped packages prior to first day of testing.
District Test Coordinator (DTC) Responsibilities: Contact for TIDE online system used to order materials and preID file layout; change demographic data; request invalidations, rescores and verifications. Contact for OOARS online system where student results are receives. Ensure that state and district test security procedures are followed at all times: before, during and after test administration and during the return of test materials. Ensure the return of all test booklets and special versions.
District Test Coordinator (DTC) Responsibilities: Complete Secure Material Resolution Form. Retain documentation for returning materials after testing. Notify vendor of any discrepancy. Receive electronic test results (requires password) and distribute test results. Receive and distribute printed test reports Act as district liaison during anomalous situations Invalidations and Breach Forms Rescore and Verification Requests 12
Building Test Coordinator (BTC) Train Test Administrators (TA) on proper security procedures. Receive and inventory test materials and special versions from the DTC and distribute to the Test Administrator using the packing lists. DO NOT open the school boxes or shrink wrapped packages prior to the first day of testing. Notify vendor of any discrepancy by completing the Secure Material Resolution Form. Report discrepancies to the DTC that same day 13
Building Test Coordinator (BTC) Maintain test security by using the serial numbers to account for all secure test materials before, during and after test administration Process non-receipt of any materials listed on packing list damaged or defective test booklets or answer documents missing or duplicate sequence numbers on booklets or answer documents. Keep materials in locked storage until day of testing Keep all boxes in which test materials were delivered to return scorable materials to the DTC after testing 14
Building Test Coordinator (BTC) Collect all test booklets or answer documents from TAs, confirming receipt of all materials distributed. Compare student name on front of book to name on Pre-ID label (or as gridded on demographic page) to avoid incorrect reporting. Separate scorable and nonscorable materials after testing completed. Ensure that all completed answer documents are promptly returned to DTC for scoring. 15
Test Administrator (TA) Employed by the provider (may be the provider) Holds a current license/certificate/permit issued by ODE Cannot be a student teacher Cannot be related to a student Test administrator must remain in testing room at all times (also monitor or proctor if student number over 30)
Test Administrator (TA) Account for all secure test booklets, answer documents & special versions Ensure all electronic devices are secured Assure no coaching or test alterations take place Provide no accommodations unless checked student record
Resources for DTC, BTC and TA District Test Coordinators monthly newsletter main communication to supply details on OAA administration; DTC is required to share information with all staff involved with OAA administration ODE Website: education.ohio.gov Ohio Help Desk for OAA: 888.944.5001 Ohio Help Desk E-mail: OhioHelpDesk@air.org E-mail Blasts from OAA contractor
Resources for DTC, BTC and TA Ohio Statewide Assessment Rules Book District Test Coordinator s Manual Building Test Coordinator s Manual Directions for Administration Manual Ohio Documents posted on web: www.ohiodocs.org ODE Office of Curriculum and Assessment: 877-644-6338 / 614-466-0223
Questions on the Administration Roles
OAA Administration One test per student per day (includes makeup) Allow up to 2.5 hours to complete Make room secure. Have policy to address all electronic devices. Ratio one test administrator to 30 students; monitor/proctor must be used when student number over 30, an additional TA is not required. Observe all security precautions Before, during, after administration.
OAA Administration Dates Initial test administration: April 22 May 3 Districts may choose to begin the initial administration on any date within the first two weeks of the test window April 22 through May 3 it is not required to begin tests on Monday April 22 Initial testing involves the entire grade level The starting date for each grade-level test administration must be the same district-wide All schools within a district must test the same grade level content area on the same day
OAA Administration Dates Initial test administration: April 22 May 3 Tests may be administered on non-consecutive days or back-to-back days The testing sequence must be reading, mathematics and science
OAA Administration Dates Makeup test administration: May 6-10 Make-up testing involves only individual students who were absent at the time of the initial testing Make-up tests maybe administered after the tests have been initially administered to the entire grade level not required to wait until the make-up test week Make-up tests may be given on in between days if tests are administered on non-consecutive days during initial testing
OAA Administration Dates General return information All completed tests returned to one designated district office/location to be picked up by the test vendor Completed tests will not be picked up at individual buildings
OAA Administration Dates Return materials after initial test administration Scorable materials must be returned no later than Friday, May 3, Monday, May 6 or Tuesday, May 7 Auto-pickup, no need for district/school to schedule pickup after initial test administration Do not schedule testing on day of auto-pickup All materials are returned to the DTC (materials will not be collected at the school buildings)
OAA Administration Dates Rolling pickup , excluding make-up testing, is based on K 12 school enrollment as follows: Fewer than 2,500 students: Friday, May 3; Between 2,500 and 7,000 students: Monday, May 6; More than 7,000 students: Tuesday, May 7 Most JPS providers will have the auto pickup on Friday, May 3 as their enrollment is below 2,500
OAA Administration Dates Return materials after make-up test administration Make-up tests given during initial test administration may be returned during rolling pickup Make-up tests given during the make-up test week must be returned no later than Friday, May 10 District/school must call to set up pickup after make- up test administration
OAA Administration Dates Return of nonscorable test materials All nonscorable test materials must be returned no later than Monday, May 13 Districts/schools must arrange for the pickup of nonscorable materials information is given in the district test coordinator manual
OAA Administration Dates OAA Materials Defined Scorable Test booklets (grades 3 and 4) with test questions, student information and student responses Answer documents (grades 5 8) with student information and student responses
OAA Administration Dates OAA Materials Defined Nonscorable Unused grade 3 and 4 test booklets Used and unused grade 5 8 test booklets Used grade 3 and 4 test booklets and grade 5 8 answer documents that contain student responses that should not be scored (e.g., a soiled answer document) Blank unused answer documents do not have to be returned.
OAA Administration Dates OAA Materials Defined Nonscorable Braille test booklets used and unused Large-Print test booklet (with or without student responses) English Audio CD used and unused
OAA Administration Dates OAA Materials Defined Nonscorable Read-Aloud Scripts Grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheets containing student-written calculations if blank, not required to return
OAA Administration Dates Score results electronically available through Ohio Online Assessment Reporting System (OOARS) June 15 Email address: https://reports.success-ode- state-oh-us.info/Login.aspx Printed reports June 28
OAA Administration Labels PreID or Generic Suggest affixing labels after the test administration to avoid student doodling Do not place labels over the security number preprinted on the front of the document place label on back cover in designated space Testing time should not be used to apply the PreID labels or to complete demographic information No matter which label is used, the student name must be written on the front cover l
OAA Administration SSID Statewide Student IDs (SSIDs) must be used for public school students. The SSID is secure data; districts/ schools need to have a policy in place to access the SSID and associated data. District/School EMIS coordinators should refer to the EMIS Manual for instructions to obtain SSIDs. 37
OAA Administration OAA Demographic Page Grade 3-4 test booklet; Grade 5-8 answer document Back cover and inside back cover to be completed Testing Group Number based on location not TA Test Booklet Form must be completed if student used Form SV, mark SV
OAA Administration PreID Label If Pre-ID label used, no need to fill out inside front cover. Testing time should not be used to apply the Pre-ID labels or to complete demographic information. Suggest affixing Pre-ID labels after the test administration; labels must be aligned carefully for machine scoring. Do not place Pre-ID labels over the security number preprinted on the front of the document. Check name on cover with name on PreID label 39
OAA Administration Generic Label If a Pre-ID label is not available for the student and a generic label is being used, the inside front cover of the answer document must be filled out completely The inside front cover contains information that would be contained on a Pre-ID label. Contains district and school names and IRNs but does not contain student data 40
OAA Administration Pre-processing Record Changes April 15 May 17 Allows updates to student data prior to test documents being processed Allows Do Not Score (DNS) and Invalidation (INV) codes to be entered Pre-reporting Record Changes May 29 30 Allows final changes to student data prior to test documents being processed 41
OAA Administration Returning Scorable Materials Ensure secured test materials are returned in accordance with timelines OAA answer documents with student responses are secure and must be returned; blank answer documents are not required to be returned. Return all scorable materials to the DTC. All special versions are secure and must be returned Braille, Large Print, English Audio CD, Read-Aloud Script. 42
OAA Administration Rescores and Verifications Verify score data as soon as possible after receipt of test results Rescore and Verification results will be reported via on- line memos (including e-mail notification when results are posted for district review) Rescore Request if student score is thought to have an error; student score not expected based on classroom performance $25 charge for rescore if score changes, no charge; PO must be submitted 43
OAA Administration Rescores and Verifications Verifications $25 charge for verification Categories for submission of verifications Incorrect score assignment: Student score exchanged with another student s score Invalid test score assignment: Student received a DNA on a test that he/she took or student received a score on a test that he/she did not take Missing student: Student tested but test results were not received 44
OAA Administration Reports District Building Family student score Teacher classroom, available only if data entered into TIDE
OAA Administration Teacher Report Classroom data can only be reported if submitted through TIDE Data may be submitted for each subject area and may be different for each subject area per student Sample for reading shown below: District IRN School IRN Student Name SSID Reading Class Name Reading Class Section Number Reading Teacher Name 000001 000002 John Doe XX1234567 Reading Period 2 Janet Baker
Questions on the OAA Administration
OAA Special Versions and Accommodations
Accommodations for the Student with Disabilities (SWD) OAC 3301-13- 03(H)(1-4) specifies these four criteria for allowable accommodations: 1. The accommodation must be specified in a student with disabilities IEP and be provided to the student in the classroom for classroom- and district-wide tests. In addition, the accommodation must be documented in writing on the testing page of the IEP or 504 Plan.
Accommodations for the Student with Disabilities (SWD) 2. The accommodation cannot change the content or structure of the test. 3. The accommodation cannot change what type of knowledge or skill that a test is intended to measure. 4. The accommodation cannot change or enhance the student s response as to what type of knowledge or skill is intended to be assessed.