North Salem School Reopening Overview Key Plan Details
Overview of the North Salem Central School District's plan for reopening in the 2020-2021 academic year. The plan includes details on the process from school closure to developing reopening strategies, collaboration with task forces, community engagement, adherence to Governor's requirements, and emphasis on health and safety measures such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and enhanced sanitation protocols.
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NORTH SALEM SCHOOL REOPENING OVERVIEW Key Plan Details Community Meeting Thursday, July 30, 2020 7:00 p.m. 1 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
Spring was focused on responding to school closure and trying to finish the year as best we all could. Where we are now Governor s decision School reopens March-June July August September Once school ended, our task forces formed and we gathered information to better understand the many different ways our students, staff, and, families were affected. Beginning to craft multiple plans for reopening. Building and finalizing school re-opening plans with continued input from families, students,and staff Continued partnership and communication between families, staff, students 2 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
WORKING TOGETHER 3 Task Forces: Health & Safety, Social & Emotional Health, and Academic Task Force Parent Surveys / Focus Group phone calls / Student Surveys / Staff Surveys Feeding Westchester provided 200 plus meals to our community every Wednesday Aramark provided lunch to District families in need weekly Distributed 250+ Chromebooks to students / families Extended School Year (ESY) programs and services in progress Hired multiple positions Facilities got a jump on summer work accomplished in buildings 3 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
GOVERNORS REQUIREMENTS Timeline: July 13 - DOH Guidance from NY State July 16 - DOE Guidance for Reopening Schools July 22 - Updated DOE FAQ July 31 - Schools submit plan assurances to NY State Portal Aug 1 - Aug 7 - Governor decision on reopening All District s must create three plans that encompass learning models for: 1. In-Person 2. Hybrid 3. Remote 4 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
Working Together is Essential for Everyones Safety Stay home if you feel sick or have any symptoms such as fever, cough, etc. Families should be teaching students how to properly wear masks, adequately wash and/or sanitize hands, as well as sneezing/coughing protocols Parents will be required to complete daily wellness check (less than 100.0 F without Tylenol, Advil, etc. is the threshold) Masks (cloth face coverings) without valves must be worn daily covering nose/mouth Mask breaks will be built into the day at appropriate times and directed by teachers Social/Physical Distancing followed where possible 6ft classroom/12ft certain activities Frequent hand washing/hand sanitizer required Everyone will be asked to do a bit more (wiping desks, waiting for restrooms, etc.) 5 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
HEALTH & SAFETY OVERVIEW Sanitizer and dispensers are on site and more purchased and ordered High touch areas cleaned throughout the day - door handles, bathrooms, etc. Flow in hallways marked - mostly one way and/or stanchions used Family provides masks for students (District has extra for as needed basis) Ventilation - filters replaced & units cleaned/maintained throughout summer Isolation rooms identified and being staffed/prepared in both schools Staff/Faculty provided training as per DOE requirements (GCN and videos) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) purchased for staff (face shields/masks) Contacting Tracing - it is OUR responsibility - 14-day quarantine required for 34 States travel currently and D.C. and Puerto Rico - Always evolving 6 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
COVID CASE IN BUILDING Our mentality needs to be not if, but when, this occurs. How can we help families and/or staff when this occurs? We need to keep the focus on problem-solving and not stigmatizing people We need to consider this a public health concern so we can communicate quickly and accurately and not place students/staff/families at greater risk Contact Tracing - You won t know the name of the individual Close contact - defined as 10 minutes within 6 feet Process followed; defined in collaboration with Department of Health 7 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL HEALTH Social & Emotional Health needs will need to be monitored and addressed Professional Development with Cognitive Behavioral Consultants will be provided for the full faculty and staff on September 2, 2020 to support the identification of the signs of trauma in students and adults when working both in-person and remotely Subgroup of the Social & Emotional Health Task Force focused on re-establishing the school community Further development and implementation of RULER, Kind Campus, and Habits of Mind at PQ; and RULER and DBT at the MS/HS MHAT/Wellness Committee and student led Warr;ors Club Subgroup of the Social & Emotional Health Task Force focused on maintaining a resource list for families and the community at-large 8 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
MAIN OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS TRANSPORTATION COHORTS / PODS All students are required to wear a mask and should maintain appropriate social distancing. The only exception to the mask requirement is that students whose physical or mental health would be impaired by wearing a mask are not required to do so, but must maintain distancing of 6 feet from other individuals on the bus. Placing students in cohorts is strongly encouraged to minimize exposure in case of a positive case of COVID. The District s plan is to divide families by cohorts. Cohort #1 - Last name A-K Cohort #2 - Last name L-Z Please contact your child s school if you have multiple students in your household with different last names. 9 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
MAIN OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS -cont. DISTANCING / FACILITIES A review of all facilities was completed to maximize and reconfigure available space, including gymnasiums, auditoriums, cafeterias, etc. with the intention to maximize 6ft. distancing guidelines. Outdoor areas will be maximized, weather dependent. Some activities require 12ft. distancing (aerobic activity, choral/instrumental music, etc) FACE COVERINGS All staff and students will be expected to wear a face covering/mask that completely covers the nose and mouth when on the bus and inside the building. Face masks/coverings with valves are not allowed. Certain exceptions to this requirement include teacher directed mask breaks throughout the day and for documented health reasons. Visitors to building will be severely restricted - questionnaire completed 10 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
WHAT WE LEARNED: SCHOOL 2.0 Social / Emotional needs will need to be addressed and monitored Need for more synchronous learning opportunities where appropriate A set schedule is essential for all students/families and assists with executive functioning including consistent assignment posting and turn in deadlines Grades motivate many; Feedback is essential Assessments need to be different to reduce potential plagiarism and online cheating Teaching requires learning by ALL in this environment (ongoing robust Professional Development is crucial to assist teachers throughout the year) Communication is essential - Teacher/Student, Student/Teacher, District/Parent, Parent/Teacher, Parent/District 11 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS Seating arrangements adjusted to prevent students from passing one another First students to load on the bus sit in the back, filling seats toward the front on each future stop Students sitting in the front of bus disembark first when arriving at school and use distancing recommendations upon entry to building. Families will be surveyed if they are driving students daily or need a bus seat as this impacts bus run scheduling (Greater need @ PQ during All in K-5 requires parents to drive in students)** Students are expected to ride the same bus to school in the morning and home in the afternoon Seniors will be required to remain at school all day once they arrive 12 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
INSTRUCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Attendance taken daily in-person and/or virtually (MSHS follows 9 period schedule) Grading system returns as normal upon return to school regardless of learning model chosen 6 ft. distancing and masks in classrooms - PQ vs. MSHS Synchronous availability for those in alternate Cohort Excess furniture will be removed to accommodate distancing requirement Inability to see/identify facial expressions (non-verbal cues) may be challenging for students MSHS: add/drops will be significantly impacted and less likely due to cohort requirements 13 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
TECHNOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS Increased upload/download bandwidth assessed - potential purchase $$$ Cadre of apps/platforms across District K-12 purchased/training developed - SeeSaw (K-2), GSuite Enterprise, EdPuzzle, ScreenCastify, PearDeck, Padlet, Kami, IXL, NewsELA 1:1 Chromebooks K-12 (asset tag and allocation in process) Touchscreens K-3 Internet assessment: network improvements, access point deployment upgrades to both buildings Considering live classrooms - new learning for ALL - Teacher/Students/Parents Zoom may be the video conferencing platform - better functionality - Breakout Rooms for the MSHS 14 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
REQUIRED 3 MODELS OF INSTRUCTION IN PERSON LEARNING MODEL HYBRID LEARNING MODEL REMOTE LEARNING MODEL Threshold determined in concert with State DOH, DOE, and Governor s Office 15 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
THRESHOLD DETERMINATIONS Schools will close if the regional infection rate rises over 9% after Aug. 1. Determined by the 7-day rolling average Schools in regions in Phase 4 can reopen if the daily infection rate remains below 5% using a 14-day average, unless otherwise directed from the health department If the infection rate rises about 9%, schools must wait until the 14-day average is below 5% Once schools open at Phase IV below 5% for a 14-day rolling average, schools can remain open even if the rate continues to rise about 5% until it reaches 9% for the 7-day average The District will consult with our medical director and/or the department of health when making decision related to closing. The District will also determine which operations will be decreased, or ceased and which operations will be conducted remotely. 16 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
IN PERSON LEARNING MODEL Attendance taken daily PQ: Can bring in 100% of students and distance recommendations are followed with a maximum classroom capacity of 20 students MSHS: approximately 100-150 sq/per room less than PQ & cannot bring 100% of students in person and meet distance recommendations Parent survey/emails reveal some will opt to keep students home regardless of learning model chosen PQ specialists will teach in the students classroom 17 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
HYBRID LEARNING MODEL Cohort #1 Monday/Tuesday; Cohort #2 Thursday/Friday; Alternate Wednesday MSHS: Rotate the 1-6 days so students can access OT, PT, AIS, etc. Attendance taken daily in-person AND virtually (MSHS follows 9 period schedule) Grading system returns as normal upon return to school 6 ft. distancing and masks in classrooms - roster/class specific (50% capacity) Synchronous availability for those in alternate Cohort / at home Online platform primarily through Google Classroom (SeeSaw K-2) Instruction may include: mini-lesson, independent work, check in - not entire class time online synchronously (age-appropriate) 18 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
REMOTE LEARNING MODEL Attendance expectation follows schedule (Synchronous check-in required daily) Students K-12 receive 1:1 Chromebook before opening of school (K-3 Touchscreens) Online platform primarily through Google Classroom Grades 3-12 and SeeSaw K-2 Instruction may include: mini-lesson, independent work, check-in Student expectation may not be entire class time online synchronously (age- appropriate) Teachers may utilize content-specific platforms and apps 19 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
PARENTAL CHOICE Q: If school buildings are open, are districts required to provide full time remote instruction if requested by parents? Or do home school provisions apply if parents choose not to send their children to school? A: According to the Governor s P-12 Checklist and Master Guidance on Page 4 Policies regarding vulnerable populations including individuals who may not feel comfortable returning to an in-person educational environment, to allow them to safely participate in educational activities and, where appropriate, accommodate their specific circumstances. These accommodations may include, but are not limited to remote leaning or telework, modified educational or work settings or providing additional PPE to individuals with underlying health conditions. This question re: students and parental choice has been raised to the Governor s office as they will have to make this determination as this is not necessarily clear to Districts under their current guidance. 20 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
LUNCH When removing masks to eat, students must maintain 6 ft. distancing requirements Free & Reduced paperwork will be an insert in all calendars sent to households PQ - students will eat in the classrooms or cafeteria depending on model MSHS - MS Cafeteria, HS Cafeteria, Outdoor areas, and auditorium will be utilized NY State guidance requires all students have access to school meals both those in attendance and students learning remotely During the public health emergency meal benefits were available to students that may not usually have access to free meals. As school returns, lunch is available for purchase and Free & Reduced for qualifying families No sharing of food/beverages All students must clean hands either by washing hands or sanitizing prior to eating Common areas require cleaning and disinfection in between lunch periods Recess: PQ students will only interact with their cohort MSHS: Recess for MS only - Lunch A and Lunch B groups separately 21 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
ANY IN PERSON LEARNING MODEL ISSUES Students cannot congregate in hallways/quads and must arrive and go directly to classroom. Supervision is needed as early as 7:15 a.m. at the MSHS which may impede after school help No lockers would be assigned at the MSHS Students would not be required to change for physical education (congregation in locker rooms is not permitted) Bathrooms would need to be monitored for single or reduced use. Likely no bathroom use in-between changing of periods Safety Drills are still required - Fire same as; Lockdown verbal description What does after school help and co-curricular activities look like? What does before and after school care look like at PQ? 22 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan
ADDITIONAL Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility Art, Music, Physical Education, & Health may be impacted/adjusted as needed Fall athletic season delayed until 9/21. Guidance is ongoing from NYSPHSAA & Section I for Middle and High School Athletics Substitute teachers: shortage before COVID Unforeseen impacts / unintended consequences MSHS Schedules 7/31-8/21 Department of Health supersedes Department of Education No decision on NY State Testing 3-8 / Regents / ACT / SAT as of yet States visited from NY State website for required quarantine purposes - help us to develop an FAQ THANK YOU 23 North Salem Central School District 2020_2021 Reopening Plan