More Than Conquerors - Romans 8:37-39 Reflections

More than
Romans 8:37-39
Romans 8:37-39
No, in all these things we are more than
conquerors through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons, neither the present
nor the future, nor any powers, neither height
nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will
be able to separate us from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
“In these things”
From troubles to death
(v. 35,36)
getting around
“I am convinced”
Anything else in all creation
On top of all this we know that God blends
together everything in our lives; all the ups and
downs, from the best of times to the worst of
times and like a Master Chef his final product
for us is “Good.” This is for God-lovers,
those who have heard God’s call and are
day-by-day and step-by-step moving
resolutely toward his ultimate purpose.
Here’s proof: observe those God knew in times
past.  He determined that their behavior would
change into a mirror-like resemblance of his Son.
His Son would thus lead a numberless family of
brothers and sisters who would follow in his wake.
These ones whom God previously determined
to live in such a way, he invited and summoned
them into this relationship.  Those “called ones”
he thus credited them with the status of
“just-as-if-they-had-never-sinned” and these
“saved ones” he deemed “glorious,” highly
esteemed and of great value.
In view of all these things, what is left to be said?
Since God’s focus is on our interest and for our
betterment, does it matter a whit who opposes us?
Grasp this! God did not cling to his own,
specially loved, and divine Son. But he turned
him over, gave him up for each one of us.
How could One with such sacrificial generosity,
not graciously give us, along with him,
the totality of what we now need?
Who will bring an indictment with charges
against the choice ones of God?
God Himself continually renders the
verdict “right-with-God.”
Who are the ones crying out for a guilty verdict?
Christ Jesus died and even more, was raised out of
death! Now he is in partnership with God ruling
the universe. He represents us, speaking and
praying on our behalf.
Who will serve us divorce papers from the love of Christ?
When the pressures of life lay heavy on you? When life’s
walls seem to close in on you and crush you filling you
with great turmoil, anguish, or anxiety? Or when others
pursue you like a wild animal seeking your doom or
when you’re hungry and find the cupboard bare or
perhaps when you don’t even have a stitch of clothing?
What if you were in absolute peril, your life in jeopardy
with someone about to lop your head off?
The Scripture laid it all out in black and white
long ago: “For your sake, Lord, we stare death
in the face day in and day out. We are only
thought of as slaughter-sheep
But God turns that all on its head.
In all these things we are super-conquerors, victors
above them all, through the One who loved us.
For I am absolutely sure, beyond a shadow of doubt,
that neither death nor the rigors of life, angelic hosts
nor earthly rulers, whatever is happening now or
whatever will happen later, not weather calamities of the
harshest kind,
nothing from the highest peak to the lowest depth nor
anything else on God’s green earth has the strength or
power to pry God’s love away from us. It all resides in
Christ Jesus our Master!
Slide Note

Reflecting on Romans 8:37-39, this content explores the profound message of being more than conquerors through the love of Christ. It emphasizes the unwavering assurance that nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God. The images and messages convey a deep sense of victory, faith, and hope amidst troubles and challenges, encouraging a profound connection with Christ's love and presence even in the face of difficulties.

  • Conquerors
  • Romans 8:37
  • Faith
  • Victory
  • Love of Christ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. More than More than conquerors conquerors Romans 8:37 Romans 8:37- -39 39

  2. No, in all these things we are more than No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  3. Super Super- -conquerors conquerors A holy A holy arrogance arrogance of victory of victory The focus of victory is only in the work and love of Christ The focus of victory is only in the work and love of Christ

  4. getting around getting around Christ Christ In these things In these things through through the love of Christ the love of Christ From troubles to death From troubles to death (v. 35,36) (v. 35,36)

  5. I am convinced I am convinced Death Death Life Life Angels Angels Demons Demons Present Present Future Future Powers Powers Height/Depth Height/Depth Anything else in all creation Anything else in all creation

  6. I would look about us as Betsie read, I would look about us as Betsie read, watching the light leap from face to face. watching the light leap from face to face. More than conquerors. It was not a wish. It More than conquerors. It was not a wish. It was a fact. We knew it, we experienced it was a fact. We knew it, we experienced it minute by minute in an ever widening circle minute by minute in an ever widening circle of help and hope. Life at of help and hope. Life at Ravensbruck place on two separate levels. One, the place on two separate levels. One, the observable, external life, grew every day more observable, external life, grew every day more horrible. The other, the life we lived with horrible. The other, the life we lived with God, grew daily better, truth upon truth, God, grew daily better, truth upon truth, glory upon glory glory upon glory Ravensbruck took took

  7. On top of all this we know that God blends On top of all this we know that God blends together everything in our lives; all the ups and together everything in our lives; all the ups and downs, from the best of times to the worst of downs, from the best of times to the worst of times and like a Master Chef his final product times and like a Master Chef his final product for us is Good. This is for God for us is Good. This is for God- -lovers, those who have heard God s call and are those who have heard God s call and are day day- -by by- -day and step day and step- -by resolutely toward his ultimate purpose. resolutely toward his ultimate purpose. ~28~ ~28~ lovers, by- -step moving step moving

  8. Heres proof: observe those God knew in times Here s proof: observe those God knew in times past. He determined that their behavior would past. He determined that their behavior would change into a mirror change into a mirror- -like resemblance of his Son. like resemblance of his Son. His Son would thus lead a numberless family of His Son would thus lead a numberless family of brothers and sisters who would follow in his wake. brothers and sisters who would follow in his wake. ~29~ ~29~

  9. These ones whom God previously determined These ones whom God previously determined to live in such a way, he invited and summoned to live in such a way, he invited and summoned them into this relationship. Those called ones them into this relationship. Those called ones he thus credited them with the status of he thus credited them with the status of just just- -as as- -if if- -they they- -had had- -never never- -sinned and these saved ones he deemed glorious, highly saved ones he deemed glorious, highly esteemed and of great value. esteemed and of great value. ~30~ ~30~ sinned and these

  10. In view of all these things, what is left to be said? In view of all these things, what is left to be said? Since God s focus is on our interest and for our Since God s focus is on our interest and for our betterment, does it matter a whit who opposes us? betterment, does it matter a whit who opposes us? ~31~ ~31~

  11. Grasp this! God did not cling to his own, Grasp this! God did not cling to his own, specially loved, and divine Son. But he turned specially loved, and divine Son. But he turned him over, gave him up for each one of us. him over, gave him up for each one of us. How could One with such sacrificial generosity, How could One with such sacrificial generosity, not graciously give us, along with him, not graciously give us, along with him, the totality of what we now need? the totality of what we now need? ~32~ ~32~

  12. Who will bring an indictment with charges Who will bring an indictment with charges against the choice ones of God? against the choice ones of God? God Himself continually renders the God Himself continually renders the verdict right verdict right- -with ~33~ ~33~ with- -God. God.

  13. Who are the ones crying out for a guilty verdict? Who are the ones crying out for a guilty verdict? Christ Jesus died and even more, was raised out of Christ Jesus died and even more, was raised out of death! Now he is in partnership with God ruling death! Now he is in partnership with God ruling the universe. He represents us, speaking and the universe. He represents us, speaking and praying on our behalf. praying on our behalf. ~34~ ~34~

  14. Who will serve us divorce papers from the love of Christ? Who will serve us divorce papers from the love of Christ? When the pressures of life lay heavy on you? When life s When the pressures of life lay heavy on you? When life s walls seem to close in on you and crush you filling you walls seem to close in on you and crush you filling you with great turmoil, anguish, or anxiety? Or when others with great turmoil, anguish, or anxiety? Or when others pursue you like a wild animal seeking your doom or pursue you like a wild animal seeking your doom or when you re hungry and find the cupboard bare or when you re hungry and find the cupboard bare or perhaps when you don t even have a stitch of clothing? perhaps when you don t even have a stitch of clothing? What if you were in absolute peril, your life in jeopardy What if you were in absolute peril, your life in jeopardy with someone about to lop your head off? with someone about to lop your head off? ~35~ ~35~

  15. The Scripture laid it all out in black and white The Scripture laid it all out in black and white long ago: For your sake, Lord, we stare death long ago: For your sake, Lord, we stare death in the face day in and day out. We are only in the face day in and day out. We are only thought of as slaughter thought of as slaughter- -sheep ! !~36~ ~36~ sheep. . But God turns that all on its head. But God turns that all on its head. In all these things we are super In all these things we are super- -conquerors, victors above them all, through the One who loved us. above them all, through the One who loved us. ~37~ ~37~ conquerors, victors

  16. For I am absolutely sure, beyond a shadow of doubt, For I am absolutely sure, beyond a shadow of doubt, that neither death nor the rigors of life, angelic hosts that neither death nor the rigors of life, angelic hosts nor earthly rulers, whatever is happening now or nor earthly rulers, whatever is happening now or whatever will happen later, not weather calamities of the whatever will happen later, not weather calamities of the harshest kind, harshest kind, ~38~ ~38~ nothing from the highest peak to the lowest depth nor nothing from the highest peak to the lowest depth nor anything else on God s green earth has the strength or anything else on God s green earth has the strength or power to pry God s love away from us. It all resides in power to pry God s love away from us. It all resides in Christ Jesus our Master! Christ Jesus our Master! ~39~ ~39~

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