Modernization of Curricula for Transportation of Hazardous Materials and Emergency Response Workshop

"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s)
only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the
granting authority can be."
Miomir Raos
University of Niš
Niš workshop meeting/ 20 February 2024
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of
Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Project number: 
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Transporting Hazardous Materials
Roadway transportation vehicles
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Transport of 
hazardous materials 
air, sea, or land, or a combination of any
oadway transportation vehicles 
- t
he most common method of hazardous
material transport
oadway vehicles often
transport the shipments from the rail station, airport, or
dock to the point where it will be
bulk packaging that is permanently attached to or forms a part of a
motor vehicle, loaded or unloaded without being removed from the motor
tube trailers 
(consist of several individual cylinders banded together and affixed to
a trailer) 
is not 
as cargo tanks.
Transporting Hazardous Materials
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Cargo tanks 
- t
he most common and reliable transportation vessels
Cargo thank
frequently carry 
products, gasoline,
or other flammable and
combustible liquids.
capacity volume: 22000 to 37000 lit.
made of 
aluminum or
stainless steel, and
loaded and offloaded through valves
 at the
bottom of the thank;
safety features including full rollover
protection and remote
emergency shut-off
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Chemical hauler - 
round or horseshoe-shaped tank
Chemical Hauler
used to transport flammable
liquids, mild corrosives, and poisons
capacity volume: 22000 to 26000 lit.
may be 
 (horseshoe) or
have a 
higher internal working
(till 2,5
transport corrosives may have a 
rubber lining
prevent corrosion of the tank structure
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Corrosives cargo tank - 
commonly used to carry corrosives such
as concentrated
sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide
Corrosives cargo tank
has a 
smaller diameter
than previous;
capacity volume: 22000 lit
often identifiable by the presence of
several heavy-duty 
reinforcing rings
around the
internal working
 (till 1,7 bar);
have substantial 
rollover protection
reduce the potential for damage to the top-
mounted valves
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Pressure cargo tank - 
carries materials such as ammonia, propane, Freon, butane
Pressure cargo tank
rounded ends 
typical of a pressurized
commonly constructed of steel or stainless
steel with a single tank compartment
capacity volume: 3700 - 43000 lit.
often identifiable by the presence of
several heavy-duty 
reinforcing rings
around the
internal working
 (till 20 bar);
equipped with spring-loaded relief valves
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Cryogenic tank- 
carries materials such as nitrogen, 
carbon dioxide...
Cryogenic tank
low-pressure tank 
maintain the low temperatures required
for the cryogens it carries
tank control valves 
attached to the rear of
special training 
to operate valves
keep the liquefied gas cold and 
explosion hazard
relief valve 
near the valve control box
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Tube trailers - 
carry compressed gases
hydrogen, oxygen, helium, methane
Tube trailers
high-volume transportation vehicles
made up of
several individual cylinders banded together and
affixed to a trailer
working pressures of 
trailer may carry 
several different gases in
individual tubes
each individual cylinder has its own relief valve
valve control box
is found toward the rear of the
special training 
to operate valves
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Dry bulk cargo tanks - 
carry dry bulk goods 
powders, pellets, fertilizers, grain
Dry bulk cargo tanks
tanks are 
not pressurized
use pressure to offload the product
rounded sides
emptying the contents through the
bottom-mounted valves
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Dry bulk cargo tanks
Personal Protective Equipment
Clothing and equipment
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
offer the least amount of protection in a hazardous
materials emergency
ormal clothing (or
flame resistant coveralls)
offers no significant protection against 
of the
majority of 
hazardous materials
often used in industrial applications
rail yards, or city public works facilities
Police officers and emergency medical services
providers typically wear this level of
Personal Protective Equipment - 
normal work uniforms
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
a helmet, a bunker coat, bunker pants,
gloves, a hood, 
self conteined breathing apparatus
, and a personal alert safety system (PASS) device
primarily intended 
to protect from thermal hazards
(during firefighting),
and mechanical
glass or other sharp objects
not considered 
“chemical protection” 
down when exposed to chemicals
may not provide complete protection from the
gases, vapors, liquids, and dusts that could be
encountered during hazardous
materials incidents
Personal Protective Equipment - 
Standard structural firefighting gear
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IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
provides protection 
against high temperatures
shields the wearer during 
short-term exposures 
high temperatures;
responders often wear 
this kind of 
they are assigned to enter the initial 
it is not designed to protect the fire fighter from
hazardous materials
Personal Protective Equipment - H
igh temperature
protective equipment
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IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
to prevent
 chemicals from
coming in contact
with the body
 (skin, eyes and lungs);
highest level of protection, a
fully encapsulating 
completely envelops both
the wearer 
made of 
chemical-resistant materials 
to resist
the passage of chemicals through the material by the
processes of
penetration, permeation, or degradation
not intended to protect from thermal hazards
 and injuries
(heat and cold
, mechanical damage...
effective protection against alpha radiation
Liquid splash 
protective clothing
Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level A
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
consists of multi-piece chemical-protective clothing,
boots, gloves, 
hard hat 
and SCBA
 (self conteined
breathing apparatus);
Level B is the minimum recomendation for initial site
should be
 a high level of respiratory
in highly toxic environment;
little or no flash fire protection
completely zipped
 leaving no skin (or the
lungs) accessible to the outside
equires to use an air
respiratory device
effective protection against alpha radiation.
Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level B
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
appropriate when the type 
and concentration 
airborne contamination is known
consists of standard work clothing, chemical-
protective clothing, chemical-resistant gloves, and a
form of respiratory protection system
appropriate when significant skin and eye exposure
is unlikely
Level C ensembles are worn in low-hazard situations
such as clean-up activities lasting hours or days
espiratory protection may be provided by a half-
face (with eye protection) or a full-face mask
Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level C
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
the lowest level of protection
consists of coveralls, work shoes, hard hat, gloves,
and standard work clothing
should be used only when the atmosphere contains
no known hazard 
splashes, immersion,
unexpected inhalation of or contact with hazardous
t should not be worn on any site where respiratory
or skin hazards exist
espiratory protection may be provided by a half-
face (with eye protection) or a full-face mask
Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level D
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Air Monitoring and Sampling
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Detection and monitoring devices have greatly improved
over the years.
One of the first instrument used in the fire service was
the MSA 2a combustible gas indicator, 
originally designed for the mining industry to
methane gas in coal mines
industry and the fire service began using CGIs in
natural gas leak
ing, presents of the
flammable gases
mergency responders have access to a 
number of
sophisticated instrumentation
can analyze
airborne/vapor, liquid, and solid
samples of a hazardous material and determine identity
of the substance.
Air Monitoring and Sampling
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
- s
urvey instrument designed to detect
chemicals at very low levels
ppm range
using an 
ultraviolet light lamp 
to break down the sample
gas into electrically charged ions, which produce a
current that is amplified and displayed by the
PIDs will 
not identify the material
, but 
simply alert the
user to
the presence of organic vapor or mist
 in the air
capable of detecting many other substances, such as
ammonia and hydrogen
can help pinpoint the sources of small leaks and identify
whether any vaporous
chemicals are present in low
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Photo-Ionization Detector
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IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
 also known as flammable gas detector
are employed to
detect flammable and
potentially explosive atmospheres
detect flammable atmospheres at or below their
Most CGIs measure a
percentage of the 
the gas they have been calibrated for
devices are set to alarm at a value of 10 percent of
of the substance for
which they have
been calibrated
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Combustible Gas Indicator
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
uses a series of techniques to break down
sample gases into their
various components
The operational principles of 
 are complex
pulls a sample
gas into a separation column
(analytical column) through which the different
compounds move at different rates, allowing the
machine to identify the various components
of the
gas mixture
In some cases, 
 instruments may be combined
flame ionization detectors to measure the
amount of each
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Gas Chromatography
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
can be used as either a
general survey
instrument or a qualitative instrument
The operational principles of 
 is similar to
; (
A sample gas is broken down into
charged ions, which produce a current that is
amplified and displayed by the
 is using tiny hydrogen flame to break down
the organic substance into ions
used with a 
 instrument, the 
determine the exact amount of each
of the gaseous mixture
sensitive and can read
concentrations that fall within the low ppm
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Flame Ionization Detector
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
is a designed to identify the presence of
oxygen in ambient air;
Ambient air at sea level contains 20.9
≤ 19.5
is considered an
oxygen concentration 
is considered an
Too little oxygen
creates a 
health risk
; too much
oxygen produces an elevated 
fire risk
Oxygen monitors typically provide accurate
readings when the O2 concentration is between 0
and 25 percent
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Oxygen Monitoring Device
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
is a designed to identify the presence of
carbon monoxide
colorless, odorless gas is lighter than air and has a
flammable range
between 12 percent and 74
is generated during the combustion process
Long-term exposure 
to small amounts of CO can
cause chronic health effects such as cardiac
Short-term exposures 
to large amounts of CO can
prove rapidly fatal 
due to preventing 
bloodstream to supply oxygen to the heart, brain,
other vital organs
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Carbon Monoxide Detector
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
is a designed to identify the presence of
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas;
Hydrogen sulfide is a 
by-product of decaying
organic materials 
and is often referred to
as “sewer
 heavier than air
, affects the body
blocks the cells from using oxygen
has a
strong pungent odor
 (on a 
first smells
a person loses the ability to detect H2S
based on smell
in such case 
is particulary useful
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
is capable of detecting several different
hazards at the same time
A typical arrangement includes sensors for
oxygen, carbon monoxide,
hydrogen sulfide, and
flammable gas
excellent choice for general gas
detection at
confined space incidents
usually rely on specific electrochemical sensors
shelf life of 1 to 1 1/2 years
is one reason why calibration 
 so important
multi-gas meters
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Multi-gas Meter
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
 are a solid and reliable method 
used to
identify known and unknown chemical vapors
tubes are filled with reagents
designed to
single substances 
r chemical groups
ach reagent reacts to a
unique substance at a
particular concentration
operate by using a manual or automatic pump to
draw an air sample through a glass tube
contaminant is encountered, the reagent in the
tube progressively changes color
numerical values on the tube indicate the
level of contamination
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Colorimetric Tubes
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
pH Paper
is a chemical paper that allows the user
to determine if a liquid, vapor, or solid is an
or a base
pH scale 
goes from 0 (strong acid) to 14
(strong base)
The procedure of measuring the pH value with
paper strips involves immersing the pH strip in
the chemical or substance being tested.
fter a few seconds, the color of the pH strip is
compared to the color chart you received with the
complete pH paper.
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 pH Paper
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
chemical test strip 
looks like pH paper, but can
perform several tests at once
Each test strip have 
multiple areas 
on it that
allow for a wide range of
tests to be carried out
 (for halogens or fluoride, or acids
and bases, solvents, pesticides....);
If the test strip is immersed in an unknown liquid
and the chemical comes into contact with small
fields on the strip each containing reagents that
identify the presence of the chemical or class
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Chemical Test Strips
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
A specialized detection device offer
 more than
most detection and monitoring devices
most commonly used identification
technologies is Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR)
FTIR technology uses infrared radiation to excite
molecules of the sample substance.
This excitement creates a unique fingerprint for
substance, which is then compared against a
library of fingerprints (called
spectra) stored in
the device’s memory
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Specialized Detection Devices
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
detect and identify 
 type of 
(alpha, beta, or gamma)
may function as a 
general survey meter
type of
or as a specific meter
certain type of radiation
some radiation detectors now 
 identify the
isotope present
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Radiation Detection Devices
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals
in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
 small unit, clipped to a front shirt pocket,
that is capable of
measuring a specific
radiation dosimeter
, record the dose of
radiation the wearer might have received.
Other personal
are designed to
measure the amount of a particular chemical
contaminant the
wearer may have been
exposed to over a specified time period
Types of Detectors and Monitors
 Personal Dosimeters
taken from
IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
Rob Scnepp, 
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s)
only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the
granting authority can be."
Niš workshop meeting/ 20 February 2024
Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of
Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS
Project number: 
Slide Note

This workshop, funded by the European Union, focuses on modernizing curricula and developing training programs for professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs on the transportation of dangerous goods and emergency response. Various methods of transporting hazardous materials, such as cargo tanks, chemical haulers, and roadway vehicles, are discussed along with safety features and best practices. The event aims to enhance knowledge and skills in handling hazardous materials effectively and safely.

  • Transportation
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Emergency Response
  • European Union
  • Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transportation of dangerous goods Transportation of dangerous goods and Emergency Response and Emergency Response Miomir Raos University of Ni Ni workshop meeting/ 20 February 2024 "Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be." Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS Call: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 Project number: 101082187

  2. Transporting Hazardous Materials Roadway transportation vehicles Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  3. Transporting Hazardous Materials Transport of hazardous materials (air, sea, or land, or a combination of any) Roadway transportation vehicles - the most common method of hazardous material transport. Roadway vehicles often transport the shipments from the rail station, airport, or dock to the point where it will be used. cargo tank - bulk packaging that is permanently attached to or forms a part of a motor vehicle, loaded or unloaded without being removed from the motor vehicle. tube trailers (consist of several individual cylinders banded together and affixed to a trailer) is not as cargo tanks. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  4. Cargo thank Cargo tanks - the most common and reliable transportation vessels. - frequently products, gasoline, or other flammable and combustible liquids. carry liquid, food-grade - capacity volume: 22000 to 37000 lit. - made of aluminum or stainless steel, and loaded and offloaded through valves at the bottom of the thank; - safety features including full rollover protection and remote emergency shut-off valves. taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  5. Chemical Hauler Chemical hauler - round or horseshoe-shaped tank. - tractor-drawn tank - used to transport flammable liquids, mild corrosives, and poisons; - capacity volume: 22000 to 26000 lit. - may be insulated (horseshoe) or uninsulated (round); - have a higher internal working pressure (till 2,5 bar); taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - if transport corrosives may have a rubber lining to prevent corrosion of the tank structure. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  6. Corrosives cargo tank Corrosives cargo tank - commonly used to carry corrosives such as concentrated sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide... - has a smaller diameter than previous; - capacity volume: 22000 lit - often identifiable by the presence of several heavy-duty around the tank; reinforcing rings - internal working pressure (till 1,7 bar); - have substantial rollover protection to reduce the potential for damage to the top- mounted valves. taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  7. Pressure cargo tank Pressurecargo tank - carries materials such as ammonia, propane, Freon, butane... - has rounded ends (typical of a pressurized vessel); - commonly constructed of steel or stainless steel with a single tank compartment; - capacity volume: 3700 - 43000 lit. - often identifiable by the presence of several heavy-duty around the tank; reinforcing rings - internal working pressure (till 20 bar); taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - equipped with spring-loaded relief valves. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  8. Cryogenic tank Cryogenic tank- carries materials such as nitrogen, oxigen, carbon dioxide... - low-pressure tank with maintain the low temperatures required for the cryogens it carries; insulation to - boxlike structure; - tank control valves attached to the rear of the tank; - required special training to operate valves to keep the liquefied gas cold and avoid a potential explosion hazard; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - relief valve near the valve control box; Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  9. Tube trailers Tube trailers - carry compressed gases - hydrogen, oxygen, helium, methane... - high-volume transportation vehicles made up of several individual cylinders banded together and affixed to a trailer; - working pressures of 200 to 350 bar; - trailer may carry several different gases in individual tubes; - each individual cylinder has its own relief valve; - valve control box is found toward the rear of the trailer; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - required special training to operate valves; Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  10. Dry bulk cargo tanks Dry bulk cargo tanks - carry dry bulk goods (powders, pellets, fertilizers, grain...) - tanks are not pressurized; - may use pressure to offload the product; - generally V-shaped with rounded sides; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - emptying the contents through the bottom-mounted valves. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  11. Dry bulk cargo tanks Personal Protective Equipment Clothing and equipment Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  12. Personal Protective Equipment - normal work uniforms - offer the least amount of protection in a hazardous materials emergency; - normal clothing (or flame resistant coveralls) offers no significant protection against of the majority of hazardous materials; - often used in industrial applications (oil refineries, rail yards, or city public works facilities...); - Police officers and emergency medical services providers typically wear this level of protection. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  13. Personal Protective Equipment - Standard structural firefighting gear - includes a helmet, a bunker coat, bunker pants, boots, gloves, a hood, self conteined breathing apparatus (SCBA), and a personal alert safety system (PASS) device; - primarily intended to protect from thermal hazards (during firefighting), and mechanical hazards (broken glass or other sharp objects); - not considered as chemicalprotection (may break down when exposed to chemicals); - may not provide complete protection from the harmful gases, vapors, liquids, and dusts that could be encountered during hazardous materials incidents; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  14. Personal Protective Equipment - High temperature protective equipment - provides protection against high temperatures only; - shields the wearer during short-term exposures to high temperatures; - responders often wear this kind of clothing when they are assigned to enter the initial high temperature sites; - it is not designed to protect the fire fighter from hazardous materials; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  15. Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level A - designed to prevent chemicals from coming in contact with the body (skin, eyes and lungs); - highest level of protection, a fully encapsulating garment (completely envelops both the wearer with respiratory protection); - made of chemical-resistant materials designed to resist the passage of chemicals through the material by the processes of penetration, permeation, or degradation; - not intended to protect from thermal hazards and injuries (heat and cold, mechanical damage...); - effective protection against alpha radiation; - Vapor-protective clothing taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - Liquid splash protective clothing Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  16. Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level B - consists of multi-piece chemical-protective clothing, boots, gloves, hard hat and SCBA (self conteined breathing apparatus); - Level B is the minimum recomendation for initial site entry; - should be used for a high level of respiratory protection in highly toxic environment; - provides a little or no flash fire protection; - completely zipped inside and leaving no skin (or the lungs) accessible to the outside; - requires to use an air supplied respiratory device; taken from: - effective protection against alpha radiation. IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  17. Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level C - appropriate when the type and concentration of airborne contamination is known; - consists of standard work clothing, chemical- protective clothing, chemical-resistant gloves, and a form of respiratory protection system; - appropriate when significant skin and eye exposure is unlikely; - Level C ensembles are worn in low-hazard situations such as clean-up activities lasting hours or days; taken from: - respiratory protection may be provided by a half- face (with eye protection) or a full-face mask; IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  18. Chemical-Protective Clothing Ratings - Level D - the lowest level of protection; - consists of coveralls, work shoes, hard hat, gloves, and standard work clothing; - should be used only when the atmosphere contains no known hazard (without splashes, immersion, unexpected inhalation of or contact with hazardous chemicals); - it should not be worn on any site where respiratory or skin hazards exist; - respiratory protection may be provided by a half- face (with eye protection) or a full-face mask; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  19. Air Monitoring and Sampling Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  20. Air Monitoring and Sampling - Detection and monitoring devices have greatly improved over the years. - One of the first instrument used in the fire service was the MSA 2a combustible gas indicator, (1935); - originally designed for the mining industry to detect methane gas in coal mines; - Soon, industry and the fire service began using CGIs in various scenarios (natural gas leaking, presents of the flammable gases...); - Today, emergency responders have access to a number of sophisticated instrumentation; taken from: - Some, can analyze airborne/vapor, liquid, and solid samples of a hazardous material and determine identity of the substance. IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  21. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Photo-Ionization Detector - PID - survey instrument designed to detect vaporous chemicals at very low levels (ppm range); - using an ultraviolet light lamp to break down the sample gas into electrically charged ions, which produce a current that is amplified and displayed by the instrument; - PIDs will not identify the material, but simply alert the user to the presence of organic vapor or mist in the air (VOC); taken from: - capable of detecting many other substances, such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide...); IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - can help pinpoint the sources of small leaks and identify whether any vaporous chemicals are present in low concentrations. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  22. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Combustible Gas Indicator - CGI is also known as flammable gas detector; - CGIs potentially explosive atmospheres; are employed to detect flammable and - detect flammable atmospheres at or below their LEL/LFL; - Most CGIs measure a percentage of the LEL/LFL of the gas they have been calibrated for; - devices are set to alarm at a value of 10 percent of the LEL/LFL of the substance for which they have been calibrated. taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  23. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Gas Chromatography - GC uses a series of techniques to break down sample gases into their various components; - The operational principles of GC are complex; - GC pulls a sample gas into a separation column (analytical column) through which the different compounds move at different rates, allowing the machine to identify the various components of the gas mixture; - In some cases, GC instruments may be combined with flame ionization detectors to measure the amount of each component. taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  24. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Flame Ionization Detector - FID can be used as either a general survey instrument or a qualitative instrument; - The operational principles of FID is similar to PID; (A sample gas is broken down into electrically charged ions, which produce a current that is amplified and displayed by the instrument); - FID is using tiny hydrogen flame to break down the organic substance into ions; - When used with a GC instrument, the FID can determine the exact amount of each component of the gaseous mixture; taken from: - FIDs concentrations that fall within the low ppm range. are very sensitive and can read IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  25. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Oxygen Monitoring Device - OMD is a designed to identify the presence of oxygen in ambient air; - Ambient air at sea level contains 20.9% oxygen; - oxygen concentration 19.5% is considered an oxygen deficient atmosphere. - oxygen concentration 23.5% is considered an oxygen enriched atmosphere; - Too little oxygen creates a health risk; too much oxygen produces an elevated fire risk; taken from: - Oxygen monitors typically provide accurate readings when the O2 concentration is between 0 and 25 percent. IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  26. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Carbon Monoxide Detector - CMD is a designed to identify the presence of carbon monoxide; - colorless, odorless gas is lighter than air and has a flammable range between 12 percent and 74 percent; - CO is generated during the combustion process; - Long-term exposure to small amounts of CO can cause chronic health effects such as cardiac disease; - Short-term exposures to large amounts of CO can prove rapidly fatal (due bloodstream to supply oxygen to the heart, brain, and other vital organs). to preventing the taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  27. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor - HSM is a designed to identify the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas; - Hydrogen sulfide is a by-product of decaying organic materials and is often referred to as sewer gas ; - flammable and heavier than air, affects the body like that blocks the cells from using oxygen; - has a strong pungent odor (on a first smells); - soon after a person loses the ability to detect H2S based on smell; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - in such case HSM is particulary useful. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  28. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Multi-gas Meter - MGM is capable of detecting several different hazards at the same time; - A typical arrangement includes sensors for oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and flammable gas; - excellent choice for general gas detection at confined space incidents; - usually rely on specific electrochemical sensors (shelf life of 1 to 1 1/2 years); taken from: - this is one reason why calibration is so important for multi-gas meters; IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  29. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Colorimetric Tubes - CT are a solid and reliable method used to identify known and unknown chemical vapors; - glass tubes are filled with reagents, designed to detect single substances or chemical groups; - each reagent reacts to a unique substance at a particular concentration; - operate by using a manual or automatic pump to draw an air sample through a glass tube; - if contaminant is encountered, the reagent in the tube progressively changes color; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. - the numerical values on the tube indicate the level of contamination; Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  30. Types of Detectors and Monitors - pH Paper - pH Paper is a chemical paper that allows the user to determine if a liquid, vapor, or solid is an acid or a base; - The pH scale goes from 0 (strong acid) to 14 (strong base); - The procedure of measuring the pH value with paper strips involves immersing the pH strip in the chemical or substance being tested. - after a few seconds, the color of the pH strip is compared to the color chart you received with the complete pH paper. taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  31. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Chemical Test Strips - A chemical test strip looks like pH paper, but can perform several tests at once; - Each test strip have multiple areas on it that allow for a wide range of tests to be carried out simultaneously (for halogens or fluoride, or acids and bases, solvents, pesticides....); - If the test strip is immersed in an unknown liquid and the chemical comes into contact with small fields on the strip each containing reagents that identify the presence of the chemical or classes of chemicals. taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  32. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Specialized Detection Devices - A specialized detection device offer more than most detection and monitoring devices; - the technologies is Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); most commonly used identification - FTIR technology uses infrared radiation to excite the molecules of the sample substance. - This excitement creates a unique fingerprint for the substance, which is then compared against a library of fingerprints (called spectra) stored in the device s memory. taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  33. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Radiation Detection Devices - detect and identify a type of present radiation (alpha, beta, or gamma); - may function as a general survey meter for any type of radiation, or as a specific meter for a certain type of radiation; - some radiation detectors now can identify the isotope present; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  34. Types of Detectors and Monitors - Personal Dosimeters - A small unit, clipped to a front shirt pocket, that is capable of measuring a specific contaminant; - A radiation dosimeter, record the dose of radiation the wearer might have received. - Other personal dosimeters are designed to measure the amount of a particular chemical contaminant the wearer may have been exposed to over a specified time period; taken from: IAFC - Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Rob Scnepp, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS

  35. Thank You For Your Attention Ni workshop meeting/ 20 February 2024 "Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be." Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs / DGTRANS Call: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 Project number: 101082187


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