LRIT System for Ship Identification and Tracking
LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking) system enables global identification and tracking of ships for security purposes. Ships equipped with LRIT system can autonomously transmit ship data to authorized authorities. LRIT system is mandatory for certain types of vessels as per SOLAS convention, regulated by IMO. It utilizes satellite communication for one-way messaging, transmitting ship identification data, geographic position, and time stamp. Regular testing and message delivery to flag state administration are required.
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ELEKTRONIKA NAVIGACIJA LRIT Long Range Identification and Tracking
Sustav praenja i identifikacije brodova velikog Sustav pra enja i identifikacije brodova velikog dometa dometa LRIT LRIT LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking of ships LRIT) sustavom omogu ena je identifikacija i pra enje brodova na globalnoj razini u sigurnosne svrhe.Sustav uspostavljen 19.05.2006. Brodovi su du ni oda iljati podatke ovla tenim tijelima dr avama zastava. Uz zahtjeve rezolucije A.694(17), brodski ure aj za oda iljanje LRIT podataka mora ispunjavati i zahtjeve definirane u rezoluciji MSC.263(84): automatski i samostalno oda iljati brodske podatke Podatkovnim centrima u vremenskim intervalima od 6 sati ili na zahtjev; pru ati mogu nost daljinskog oda iljanja podataka, bez obzira gdje se brod nalazi, kako bi se LRIT podaci mogli primati u promjenjivim intervalima, u rasponu od 15 minuta do 6 sati; oda iljati podatke upravljanim (unaprijed zakazanim), odnosno pozivanim (na zahtjev) na inom rada; mora biti izravno spojen sa brodskom GNSS opremom, ili mora imati svoj izvor odre ivanja pozicije.
LRIT LRIT Prema SOLAS konvenciji od 1.1.2009., svi putni ki brodovi, HSC brodovi, mobilni odobalni objekti i teretni brodovi ve i od 300 GT trebaju biti opremljeni LRIT sustavom koji je reguliran od strane IMO-a Brodovi opremljeni LRIT sustavom imaju sposobnost oda iljanja identifikacijskih podataka i podataka o lokaciji broda LRIT sustav mora biti certificiran od strane ASP-a (Application Service Provider) priznat od administrativne strane LRIT testing ASP Vlade potpisnice LRIT projekta du ne su implementirati nacionalni LRIT podatkovni centar ili se pridru iti regionalnom LRIT podatkovnom centru za odre eno podru je s ciljem osiguranja razmjene podataka s brodova etiri puta dnevno LRIT sustav tako er omogu uje obalnim dr avama potpisnicama ovog projekta da identificiraju svaki brod na 1000 M udaljenosti od obale, neovisno o dr avnoj pripadnosti broda
Sustav praenja i identifikacije brodova velikog dometa Sustav pra enja i identifikacije brodova velikog dometa - - LRIT LRIT LRIT sustav za jednosmjernu komunikaciju koristi postoje e satelitske sustave (Inmarsat i Iridium). U svakoj poruci, brodski LRIT ure aj oda ilje identifikacijske podatke: (IMO broj i MMSI broj), geografsku poziciju broda te datum i vrijeme odre ivanja pozicije. Pozicija mo e biti odre ena pomo u integriranog GNSS prijamnika. Odre ena/odaslana pozicija temelji se na geografskim koordinatama u skladu sa WGS-84 geodetskim sustavom, a vremenska oznaka odaslane pozicije odnosi se na koordinirano svjetsko vrijeme (UTC). Jednom godi nje mora se izvr iti potpuno testiranje sustava, uklju uju i dostavu poruka administraciji, ovisno o dr avi zastave broda.
Vremenski okvir implementacije LRIT sustava Vremenski okvir implementacije LRIT sustava
IMO rezolucije vezane uz LRIT sustav IMO rezolucije vezane uz LRIT sustav MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.6 LRIT Technical documentation (part I) MSC.1/Circ.1294/Rev.4 LRIT Technical documentation (part II) MSC.1/Circ.1295 Guidance in relation to certain types of ships which are required to transmit LRIT information, on exemptions and equivalents and on certain operation matters MSC.1/Circ.1298 Guidance on the implementation of the LRIT system MSC.1/Circ.1307 Guidance on the survey and certification of compliance of ships with the requirement to transmit LRIT information MSC.1/Circ.1338 Guidance to search and rescue services in relation to requesting and receiving LRIT information MSC.1/Circ.1376/Rev.2 Continuity of service plan for the LRIT system MSC.1/Circ.1412/Rev.1 Principles and guidelines relating to the review and audit of the performance of LRIT Data Centres and the International LRIT Data Exchange MSC 86/INF.16 LRIT Data Distribution Plan - Accessing and entering information Guidance notes for Contracting Governments Developmental and integration testing Guidance notes for LRIT Data Centres MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.7 (draft version) LRIT Technical documentation (part I) MSC.1/Circ.1294/Rev.5 (draft version) LRIT Technical documentation (part II)
IMO rezolucije vezane uz LRIT sustav IMO rezolucije vezane uz LRIT sustav Resolution MSC.202(81) 2006 SOLAS (chapter V) amendments Resolution MSC.211(81) Arrangements for the timely establishment of the Long range identification and tracking system Resolution MSC.242(83) Use of Long-range identification and tracking information for safety and marine environmental protection purposes Resolution MSC.263(84) Revised performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships Resolution MSC.264(84) Establishment of the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim basis Resolution MSC.275(85) Appointment of the LRIT Coordinator Resolution MSC.276(85) Operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim basis Resolution MSC.297(87) Establishment of the International LRIT Data Exchange Resolution MSC.298(87) Establishment of a distribution facility for the provision of LRIT information to security forces operating in waters of the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean Resolution MSC.322(89) Operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange Resolution MSC.330(90) Adoption of amendments to the Revised performance standards and functional requirements for the long- range identification and tracking of ships (Resolution MSC.263(84)) Resolution MSC.331(90) Adoption of amendments to Resolution MSC.298(87) on Establishment of a distribution facility Resolution MSC.361(92) Operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange after 2013 Resolution MSC.400(95) Amendments to the Revised performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships (Resolution MSC.263(84)) Authorized testing ASPs List of application service providers authorized to conduct conformance tests and issue LRIT Conformance test reports on behalf of the Administrations (extracted from GISIS).
LRIT LRIT Svaka dr ava potpisnica du na je osnovati nacionalni LRIT podatkovni centar ili se pridru iti regionalnom LRIT centru, isto tako dr ava je du na odrediti ASP (Application Service Provider) koji e upravljati komunikacijama izme u brodova Podatkovni centar (Data Centre) prikuplja podatke brodova svih zastava i unosi ih u me unarodni LRIT sustav putem baze podataka za me unarodnu razmjenu (International Data Exchange) koriste i odre ene LRIT protokole Nacionalni centri imaju mogu nost komunikacije sa ostalim centrima i razmjene potrebnih podataka, te imaju mogu nost identifikacije svih brodova do 1000 M udaljenosti od obale neovisno o zastavi broda CLS Collect Localisation Satellites ASP
CLS CLS LRIT partner LRIT partner CLS- Collecte Localisation Satellites) proposes a complete range of LRIT products and services, from implementing LRIT data centers to providing satellite data (Application Service Provider) and may also furnish LRIT compliant terminals. CLS has operated satellite systems for vessel tracking and location services for over 20 years, thus offering you the best possible accompaniment in LRIT implementation. CLS provides the following LRIT services: Application Service Provider (ASP) to provide satellite communications from ships to LRIT Data Centres, via Inmarsat and Iridium Testing ASP: initial testing of ship terminals to verify their compliance with LRIT specifications LRIT Data Centre (DC): CLS can design, deliver and operate data centres for maritime administrations. The DCs are hosted either by the administrations or by CLS LRIT compliant ship terminals, based on the Iridium satellite system.
CLS CLS Main references are: the European Union LRIT DC, operated by EMSA on behalf of 27(28) EU member states (plus Iceland and Norway) Vanuatu DC Chile DC Authorized Testing ASP for all EU member states and several other Flag states, including Vanuatu, Kiribati and Tuvalu. The European LRIT Data Centre is one of the largest LRIT DC with around 10,000 ships and is a major contribution to the EMSA mission to ensure the highest level of maritime safety, security and environmental protection around the European coasts. The EU LRIT DC is managed by EMSA on behalf of all the EU Member States, plus Iceland and Norway. All 28 European member states (plus Iceland and Norway) have customized data access.
CLS CLS authorised authorised testing testing ASP ASP Authorized Testing ASP, CLS issues LRIT Conformance Test Reports on behalf of most Flag authorities. CLS will forward all successful test results directly to your Flag administration. Our testing the MSC.1/Circ.1307 dated 9 June 2009. CLS has operated satellite systems for over 20 years, specializing in vessel tracking and location services. CLS operates 40 instruments on board 30 satellites. Its Processing Centre is operational 24h a day, 365 days a year and has also a crash recovery centre which ensures an extremely reliable service. ASP procedures follow
LRIT LRIT conformance conformancetesting testing In order to comply with the LRIT regulation, the LRIT communication capabilities of the onboard equipment will have to be certified by an ASP (Application Service Provider) recognized by the Administration, or an authorized LRIT Testing ASP. These Testing ASPs can issue Conformance Test Reports (CTR) for the terminals that pass the test. Each terminal must be tested by an authorized Testing ASP to attest its LRIT conformance.