Islamic Values Promoting Equality and Justice
The Islamic faith emphasizes racial equality, justice, and women's rights based on teachings from the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. It advocates for fairness, honesty, and equal treatment regardless of race or gender, promoting a society founded on principles of respect and righteousness.
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In the Holy Quran we read a message of equality between races O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you into tribes and sub- tribes for the sake of easy recognition. Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is the most righteous among you. Surely, Allah is All Knowing, All- Aware.(49:14) RACIAL EQUALITY The Qur an tells us that being one race or another does not make us better, it is only righteousness or being a good person that makes us stand out
The Prophet (pbuh) also conveyed this message in his farewell sermon. He raised his hands and joined the fingers of the one hand with the fingers of the other and said: Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, any superiority to claim over another. You are as brothers. O men, your God is One and your ancestor is one. An Arab possesses no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab over an Arab. A white man is in no way superior to a black nor for that matter, is a black man better than a white, but only to the extent to which he discharges his duty to God and man. The most honoured among you in the sight of God is the most righteous among you . . . RACIAL EQUALITY
Islam calls for total justice in all affairs. In the Quran we are instructed: O ye who believe, be strict in observing justice and bear witness only for the sake of Allah, even if it be against your ownselves or against parents or kindred. Whether the person be rich or poor....(4: 136) This means that we always have to be just and honest even if it means testifying against our loved ones. So love should not impact our honesty. Likewise hatred should not make us dishonest and unjust either. JUSTICE O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do (5: 9)
The Holy Quran states that Just as men have rights upon women, so do women have rights upon men. (Ch.2:Vs.229) Islam grants women the right to education, work, inheritance, divorce, property and to choose who they marry The Qur an also further assures women that all the good the do will earn them the same reward as men. In the eyes of God, they are equal. WOMEN S RIGHTS Whoso acts righteously, whether male or female, and is a believer, We will surely grant him a pure life; and We will surely bestow on such their reward according to the best of their works. (16: 98) He who brings up his daughters well, and makes no distinction between them and his sons, will be close to me in Paradise. (Prophet Muhammad)
The defining characteristic of a Muslim is how kind he is to others and how much he seeks to serve mankind. God tells Muslims that they have only been raised to serve others. This makes them a good people. If they stop being kind to others, they will lose their status O people of Islam! You are the best people ever raised for the good of mankind because you have been raised to serve others; you enjoin what is good and forbid evil and believe in Allah.(3: 111) KINDNESS Furthermore, the characteristics of good believers are as follows: And they feed, for love of Him, the poor, the orphan, and the prisoner (76:9)
The Quran emphasises that believers are those who spread peace in word and in deed The servants of the Gracious God are those who walk on the earth in a dignified manner, and when the ignorant address them, they say, Peace! . Islam strongly abhors violence, stating that if a persons kills even one other it shall be as if he had killed all mankind (5:33). Whereas saving a human life, is compared to saving the whole of mankind. PEACE There are some today who misinterpret and misuse the teachings of Islam to spread violence and terror, but they know very little about the true Islam True Islam teaches that spiritual peace is the foundation for world peace. And that when there is peace in the family home and peace in communities, mankind will truly find peace.
Muslims believe that all Prophets including Abraham, Jesus and Moses were sent from God and bore the same essential message which was to worship the one true God and to be kind and good. We therefore respect all other Prophets and all other faiths. Muslims consider all places of worship as holy and all Scriptures as sacred. The Quran speaks of Christians and Jews as People of the Book and says about them: RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE They (the People of the Book) were not commanded but to serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, and being upright, and to observe Prayer and pay the Zakat. That is the religion of the people of the right path. (98:6)
The Quran also encourages discussion and debate between people of different faiths but says we should look for the commonalities between us Say, O People of the Book! Come to a word equal between us and you that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partner with Him, and that some of us take not others for Lords besides Allah But if they turn away, then say, Bear witness that we have submitted to God. (3:65) RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE Islam also emphasises that religion is a matter of the heart and soul. No one should be forced in matters of religion. There should be no compulsion in religion. Surely, right has become distinct from wrong (2: 257)
Islam encourages rationality and reasoning. The Quran states: Follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge. Verily, the ear and the eye and the heart all these shall be called to account.(17:37) This means that we should think, ponder and reflect before making decisions. We should research and study before taking a course of action. Likewise we should be able to defend our beliefs. REASONING The Quran when speaking of polytheists or idol- worshippers asks them to bring forward proofs for their belief just as the Quran had brought forward proof for Islam. This shows how much Islam values open debate and freedom of speech too. Have they taken gods beside Him! Say, Bring forth your proof. Here is the Book of those with me, and those before me! Nay, most of them know not the truth and so they turn away from it. (21:25)
Islam is a religion that encourages us to study, think and learn! The universe is an open book waiting to be read! The Qur an time and again points to the wondrous beauty of the universe and the need to ponder it deeply in scientific study. The Prophet of Islam also encouraged education for both girls and boys, saying that we should seek knowledge even if we have to go to China (e.g. really far away) to gain it SCIENCE In the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of the night and day there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth, say, Our Lord, Thou hast not created this in vain; Nay, Holy art Thou; save us then from the punishment of the fire .(3:191-2)