ISHDO Induction on Staff Code of Conduct and Policies

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ISHDO's induction material covers important policies such as prohibition of harassment, child safeguarding, anti-fraud, conflict of interest, and more. The Code of Conduct emphasizes transparency, accountability, and high standards of conduct in serving communities. It promotes people-centered approaches, fairness, and moral integrity in all activities.

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  1. Integrated Services on Health and Development (ISHDO) INDUCTION ON STAFF CODE INDUCTION ON STAFF CODE OF CONDUCT AND POLICIES OF CONDUCT AND POLICIES PREPARED FOR ISHDO STAFF BY: Sisay Gebre-Egziabher, Knowledge Management and Communication Coordinator


  3. I. ISHDOs Code of Conduct I. ISHDO s Code of Conduct

  4. 1. Preamble It is, important for ISHDO to device and implement a code of conduct which is not only reflects its own core values and ensures the observance of its norms, but also leads to effective and efficient co-ordination and collaboration with the Government, the general public and close partners.

  5. 2. Purpose of the code of Conduct Ensure transparency and accountability in our work Improve the quality of services provided by ISHDO by adopting high standards of conduct and devising efficient decision-making processes. Improve our communication, standard of conducts and interaction with our stakeholders and the public

  6. 3. Standards of Conduct 3.I. People-centered Enable people and communities to solve their problem by themselves. ISHDO encourages and enable the development of self-reliance and advance the right of people to fully participate in decisions that affect their lives. Solidarity with the goals of the communities that ISHDO works with ISHDO respects indigenous knowledge, the dignity and identity of individuals and their culture, faith and values. We shall also respect the basic HR principles Our programs will be planned, designed, implemented, monitored and evaluated with egalitarian practice and the participation of the people concerned. We shall allocate resources efficiently and effectively to the right purpose

  7. 3.2. Fairness and Equity We shall exercise and promote fairness, impartially and equality in all of our activities and in our dealings with our stakeholders 3.3. Moral and Ethical integrity We shall be truthful in all our activities and maintain the moral and ethical integrity our organization. We shall utilize all the resource and privileges available to our Organizations in order to meet our mission and strategic objectives. We shall accept funds and donations only from sources whose aims are consistent with our mission, vision and values.

  8. 3.4. Transparency and accountability We shall be transparent and accountable in our dealings with the Government and community partners, the public donors and other interested parties. We shall use all available opportunities to inform the public about our work and about the original and use of our resources. We shall maintain and make available to all concerned bodies, periodic audit financial and activities report. We shall RESPECT laws, rules and regulations of the Government of Ethiopian and where necessary, lobby for change. We shall maintain an annual financial audit performed by an independent auditing firm and make the same public. We shall maintain a sound financial and accounting system

  9. 3.5. Good Governance We have a strategy that clearly defines our mission, our objectives and our organizational structure. We have written policy that affirms our commitment to equal opportunities in our employment processes, the promotion of staff and board composition. All of our organizational transactions shall be free of conflicts of personal and professional interest. The services of the governing body shall be given freely and voluntary

  10. 3.6. Independence Our activities and practices shall promote the interests of our target populations and the sector at large. We shall strive to maintain our autonomy and to resist conditional ties that may compromise our missions and principles. 3.7. Communication and Collaboration We make sure our partnerships and supportive relationships are to the best advantages of our organizations and target populations. We shall promote harmony, collaboration, and team sprite within and outside the sector. We shall share and exchange information, experiences and resources pertinent to our mission with the view to promoting, leaning and common understanding within and outside the sector.

  11. 3.8. Gender We seek to advance gender balance and equality and endeavor to ensure the equal participation of women in all our development initiatives. We shall fully integrate gender in all our work and promote non-discriminatory working practices and relationships. We will strive to increase the number of women in senior decision-making positions at headquarters and in the fields, in boards and in advisory groups. Our polices and procedures will be designed to promote gender equality in requirement, hiring, training, professional development and advancement.

  12. 3.9. Environmental Consciousness We shall exercise a responsible and responsive approach to the acre of the environment and to the proper management of the eco-system in all activities. 3.10. Sustainability All our programs will be designed in full consultation with community and other interested parties. Projects that will be taken over by target communities or by government bodies shall designed and facilitated to enhance sustainability.

  13. 3.11. Impact We shall develop and promote clear and measurable impact indicators for our programmers/projects in order to gauge their relevance and effectiveness. We shall make accessible to be public the findings of any assessments or evaluations of our activities. We shall institute proper mechanisms for the evaluations of our programs.


  15. 1. POLICY STATEMENT AND SCOPE OF THE POLICY POLICY STATEMENT All individuals working for ISHDO have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to work in an environment free from harassment, sexual harassment abuse of authority or discrimination. harassment, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination are referred to collectively as prohibited conduct . SCOPE This policy applies to all ISHDO personnel. Allegations of prohibited conduct can be made by any person irrespective of whether such persons have any contractual status with ISHDO.

  16. 2. PREVENTION ISHDO will take all appropriate preventive measures to protect personnel from exposure to any form of prohibited conduct through preventive measures ISHDO will check back stories of candidates before employment ISHDO will request that contractors, suppliers and partners adhere to zero-tolerance for prohibited conduct Managers and supervisors shall act as role models by upholding the highest standards of conduct without regard to the power their position holds and creating good working environment All staff shall Refrain from any form of harassment, sexual harassment, abuse of authority or discrimination.

  17. 3. Complaints Procedures Anyone who is subject to sexual harassment should, if possible, inform the alleged harasser that the conduct is unwanted and unwelcome. If a victim cannot directly approach an alleged harasser, he/she can approach one of the designated staff When a designated person receives a complaint, he/she will closely assess the situation and discuss with the harasser if he/she know about the policy With all the testimonies the designated person will inform the focal team to take all the necessary disciplinary and legal measures If the victim wants to make a formal complaint or if the informal complaint mechanism has not led to a satisfactory outcome for the victim, the formal complaint mechanism should be used

  18. 4. Sanctions and disciplinary measures Anyone who has been found to perform prohibited conduct on another person under the terms of this policy is liable to disciplinary sanctions verbal or written warning, adverse performance evaluation, reduction in wages, transfer, demotion, suspension, dismissal, etc. The nature of the sanctions will depend on the gravity and extent of the prohibited conduct. ISHDO will ensure that incidents of prohibited conduct are not treated as trivial.

  19. 5 Implementation and M&E of this policy IPMPLEMENTATION ISHDO will ensure that this policy is widely disseminated to all relevant persons. It will be included in the Human Resource manual of ISHDO. All new employees must be trained on the content of this policy as part of their induction. M&E ISHDO recognizes the importance of monitoring this policy and will ensure that it anonymously collects statistics and data as to how it is used and whether or not it is effective. Supervisors, managers and those responsible for dealing with prohibited conduct cases will report on compliance with this policy


  21. III. Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy III. Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy

  22. 1. Policy Statement As ISHDO family, we are committed-to: recognising, promoting and protecting the rights of all children. We believe that the welfare of children is the highest priority and that it is the responsibility of everyone who works for and with ISHDO to ensure that children are protected from abuse and exploitation We fully respect and enforce the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), We require all ISHDO Personnel and partners to uphold and demonstrate best practice in child safeguarding and protection We should ensure that children who come in contact with ISHDO Personnel and/or staff of subrecipient partners are protected from any form of abuse or exploitation.

  23. 2. Scope of the Policy 2. Scope of the Policy This policy applies to all ISHDO employees, contractors, consultants, fellows, advisors, interns and volunteers ( ISHDO Personnel ).

  24. 3. Core Principles As USAID PRIME IMPLEMENTING partner, ISHDO agrees to abide by the following core principles mentioned below: i. Ensure compliance with its implementation areas in the country and local child welfare and protection legislation or international standards ii. Prohibit all personnel from engaging in child abuse, exploitation, or neglect. iii. Consider child safeguarding in project planning and implementation to determine potential risks to children iv. Apply measures to reduce the risk of child abuse, exploitation, or neglect v. Promote child-safe screening procedures for personnel, particularly personnel whose work brings them in direct contact with children; vi. Have a procedure for ensuring that personnel and others recognize child abuse, exploitation, or neglect;

  25. 4. ISHDOS SAFEGUARDING COMMITMENT Awareness: We should well aware of the policy. We should make sure that all personnel of ISHDO, participated in the awareness raising training program Prevention: take all the necessary prevention mechanisms with personnel and subgrantees, Reporting : ISHDO Personnel being clear what to do when child protection concerns or disclosures arise; Responding: ensuring the safety of the child is always the first priority and that action is taken to support and protect children. Applying the principle of best interests of the child to all child. Investigating: Where an allegation is made about a ISHDO Personnel, the individual may be immediately suspended from their employment or contract without prejudice

  26. 5. ISHDOS SAFEGUARDING COMMITMENT cont . . . Training and Education: We Provide training to all new ISHDO Personnel that may come into contact with children in their role, during their induction process Media and Communications: We acknowledge that child abuse, including exploitation can occur through the use of information technology, such as when children are photographed Monitoring and Review: With subgrantees: ISHDO prioritizes the monitoring and evaluation of proactive approaches to keeping children safe and responding to child protection concerns and disclosures. Safeguarding should be included in regular grantee reporting and evaluation. Internally, ISHDO will monitor compliance of this policy within ISHDO and evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through annual checks, including an annual report to the board; ISHDO will commit to review this Safeguarding and Child Protection policy every two years or sooner where there are changes in legislation or within the organisation that affect this policy.

  27. 6. Annexes The two declaration form that you need to sign ANNEX 1 CODE OF BEHAVIOUR ANNEX 2 Child Protection Acknowledgment Form


  29. 1. Purpose and Policy statement and Scope The purpose of this policy is to establish antifraud regulations so as to ensure that ISHDO s activities are performed with the highest ethical standards. POLICY STATEMENT: ISHDO takes a zero- tolerance approach to fraud, bribery and corruption; and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings ISHDO will uphold the country s laws relevant to countering fraud

  30. 2. SCOPE of the POLICY This policy applies to all individuals working at all levels and grades, including employees, consultants, contractors, trainees, volunteers, etc. This policy covers all forms of fraud particularly focusing on: Financial statement fraud Obtaining property, financial advantage or any other benefit Asset misappropriation Charging ISHDO for goods and services In addition: Bribes; Gifts and hospitality; Facilitation payments; Political contributions; Charitable contributions.

  31. 3. EMPLOYEEES RESPONSIBILITY All employees are required to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, violation of this policy. All employees should conduct lawfully and properly All employees should remain alert to the possibility of fraud and report suspicious behavior HOTLINE ( or a letter to the Executive Director. to which only the Executive Director has access, or by letter to the Executive Director. If the report will put the Executive Director accountable: to the Board All employees must read, understand, sign and accept the Anti-Fraud Policy All employees must attend in-house training courses on Fraud Prevention Any employee who violates this policy will face disciplinary action

  32. 4. OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE POLICY Record keeping How to raise a concern What to do if one is a victim of bribery or corruption Protection Managing external relations Recovering asset Training and communication Who is responsible for the policy? Monitoring and review Annex I ISHDO Hotline Standard Complaint Form Annex 2: Declaration of Non Engagement in Froud and Mandatory Disclosure of its Violation


  34. 1. PURPOSE and Policy Statement. Conflict of Interest refers to any case where an employee s personal interest might contradict to the interest of the organization they work for. The policy strictly advise employees to refrain from letting their personal and/or financial interests come into opposition with the organization s fundamental interests. This policy will outline the rules regarding conflict of interest and the responsibilities of employees and the organization in resolving any such discrepancies. Policy Statement The Relationship b/n ISHDO & its employees should be based on mutual trust. It is essential that all conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest are disclosed and managed correctly

  35. 2. SCOPE & APPROACHES of the Policy SCOPE of the Policy The policy applies to ISHDO and its employees and to all paid and unpaid consultants and contractors and volunteers that provide supplies, services or support, to ISHDO s work location. Approaches of the Policy The approach in this policy is one of disclosure rather than automatic prohibition of transactions that may give rise to a conflict of interest. Once disclosed, potential conflicts of interest will be appropriately analyzed and decision will be made on a case by case basis This policy cannot describe all conflicts of interest, and its application may be uncertain at times. Sound judgment need to be exercised and respect the spirit as well as the wording of this policy

  36. 3. DISCLOSURE Interests will be recorded on the organization s register of interests, which will be maintained by the secretary of the organization. The information will be processed only to ensure that directors and senior staff act in the best interests of ISHDO. The information provided will not be used for any other purpose. Upon employment or appointment to the Board, each employee or director is required to disclose fully any interests All employees and directors are required to re declare annually. They should disclose any interests as they arise, rather than waiting to be asked For interests that are identified in the course of actions, it should be reported promptly to the immediate supervisor, then to the Director

  37. 4. Other Steps to Address Conflict of Interest It will be sufficient to remove the person affected from any involvement so that ISHDO can proceed with the matter in an impartial and objective manner These may involve recruiting a third party to assist; removing the individual affected from relevant duties, requiring an individual to give up a private interest or, in exceptional cases, resignation. If an incident of conflict of interest result in a material benefit, ISHDO will enter into the transaction only with the approval of the Grants and Compliance Manager

  38. 5. Exclusivity of Service, Sanctions and Monitoring ISHDO employees cannot involve in any other business activities or employed to other organization. They can however involve in voluntary activities that can not affect the interest of ISHDO. Violations of this policy may subject to ISHDO s disciplinary measures ISHDO shall monitor the implementation of this policy on a regular basis ANNEXES 1 Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form You need to disclose if you have any Conflict of Interest to report or not ANNEX: 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE

  39. VI. Combating Trafficking in Persons VI. Combating Trafficking in Persons Policy Policy

  40. 1. Purpose ISHDO is opposed to all forms of trafficking in persons and is committed to mitigating the risk of trafficking in persons in connection with its operations and programs ISHDO is committed to full compliance with the Ethiopian Government laws, USAID s Standard Provisions regarding Trafficking in Persons; the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons ISHDO leadership understands the importance of anti- trafficking and has devoted resources to promote compliance.

  41. 2. Applicability and General Guidelines of the Policy This policy applies to: ISHDO staff and volunteers, including the Board members ISHDO suppliers: Sub-awardees (and their staff and volunteers), independent contractors, and vendors and their employees ISHDO prohibits: Engaging in any form of human trafficking Engaging in commercial sex acts that may be directly associated with ISHDO, which includes during work hours, while attending off-site functions, and any time in work travel status

  42. Applicability and General Guidelines cont . . . . . ISHDO prohibits: Using forced labor of any kind for any reason Destroying, concealing, confiscating, or otherwise denying access by an employee to the employee s identity or immigration documents Using misleading or fraudulent recruiting practices Charging employee candidates recruitment fees for employment

  43. 3. Implementation, Awareness, Compliance Plan and Reporting of Incidents and Enforcement of the Policy ISHDO will implement this policy through: Employee acknowledgement of receipt of the policy and related training Compliance plans Incident reporting All ISHDO staff will acknowledge receipt and understanding of ISHDO's Combating Trafficking in Persons Policy and accompanying resources upon hire and occasionally during ISHDO s Compliance training ISHDO will make available template for written anti-trafficking compliance plans All ISHDO staff are required to use their best judgement to report any suspected cases Any violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action that may include but is not limited to termination of employment and termination of relationship for non employed persons.


  45. 1. Purpose Whistle Blowing Policy is to give effect to ISHDO s duty to protect from abuse its funds, assets, employees, security procedures, policies, and the communities ISHDO encourages all employees to report suspected or actual instances of wrongdoing involving ISHDO s operations or the illegal, unethical or inappropriate activities by employee(s). To provide an effective and safe procedure for people to raise concerns about wrongdoing, suspected wrongdoing, or the likelihood of wrongdoing occurring

  46. 2. Scope of the policy and making report SCOPE This Policy applies to ISHDO Board, all ISHDO s employees, including affiliate organizations, and to all paid and unpaid consultants, contractors, volunteers. MAKING A REPORT Any person who, in good faith, makes a genuine and reasonable report of suspected wrongdoing under this policy can be assured that their concerns will be taken seriously and investigated It is the responsibility of all ISHDO s employees to report any suspicious of wrongdoing without delay to the Executive Director, Grant Compliance Officer or to The Board Chair Person

  47. 3. Reporting Suspected Wrong Doing Great care must be taken in dealing with suspected wrongdoing to avoid: Leveling unsubstantiated accusations; Alerting suspected individuals that an investigation is underway; treating employees unfairly. The whistle-blower should not attempt to confront or interview the person(s) about whom they have suspicions. This is a specialized area and will have implications in any subsequent legal proceedings.

  48. 4. Other issues that are considered in the policy FEEDBACK: ISHDO will be unable to provide any more than very limited feedback to a whistle blower UNFOUNDED ALLEGATIONS : If an employee is found to have knowingly submitted a false report(s) against a colleague(s), this will be regarded and treated as a serious disciplinary offence CONFIDENTIALITY: ISHDO will respect and protect the confidentiality of a whistle-blower provided ONLY shared with the persons investigating the suspected wrongdoing.

  49. VIII. Nondiscrimination and Inclusive VIII. Nondiscrimination and Inclusive Development Policy and Guidelines Development Policy and Guidelines for USAID Funded Activities for USAID Funded Activities

  50. Content Policy Statements Regarding Nondiscrimination for Access to Services for Beneficiaries APPLICABILITY NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY STATEMENT Annexes


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