Insights on the Hidden Color Component in Nuclear Physics

Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Remarks on the hidden-color
Jialun Ping, Hongxia Huang
Nanjing Normal University
Fan Wang
Nanjing University
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
I.   Introduction
II.  Physics
bases and symmetry bases
III. Physical effects of hidden-color component
IV. Summary
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
I. Introduction
What is the hidden-color component?
  To deal with the dynamics of multi quark systems, quark cluster
model simplifies the many body problem into a two body one
via fixing the internal structure of cluster.
  Typical example: using two nucleon cluster to deal with NN
interaction from quark-gluon degree of freedom. Nuclear
physics shows this is a god approximation.
  In nuclear physics we only have colorless nucleon, for QCD
based nuclear physics we have the new degree of freedom:
hidden color component.
Clusters A and B are colorless,  A+B colorless,
                                                                      color singlet component
 are colorful,  A+B colorless,
                                                                      hidden-color component
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
I. Introduction
What is the hidden-color component?
                                    quark cluster model
multi-quark systems
    many body problem
a two body one
                               internal structure of cluster is fixed
  Typical example: NN interaction from quark-gluon d.o.f.
                              Nuclear physics:  a good approximation.
In conventional nuclear physics: only colorless nucleon,
QCD based nuclear physics: new d.o.f: 
hidden color component.
Clusters A and B are colorless,  A+B colorless,
                                                                      color singlet component
 are colorful,  A+B colorless,
                                                                      hidden-color component
9th Workshop on hadron physics
in China and opportunities
worldwide, Nanjing, 2017.7,26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Multiquark states
Tetraquark: Zc(3900), Zb(10610)  (BES Belle 2013)
Pentaquark: Pc(4380), Pc(4450)  (LHCb 2015)
d* (IJ
(WASA-at-COSY 2009-2014)
 ?  (STAR@RHIC 2017)
PRL 102, 052301 (2009);  M=2.36 GeV, 
=80 MeV
     PRL 106, 242302 (2011);  M=2.37 GeV, 
=70 MeV
     PLB  721, 229 (2013);       M=2.37 GeV, 
=70 MeV
     PRC 88, 055208 (2013);   M=2.37 GeV, 
=70 MeV
     PRL 112, 202301 (2014);  M=2.380
Multiquark structure
Many models proposed:
   hadronic molecules
   compact multiquark states
   hybrid ……
                 No consensus yet
There are misunderstandings on the
physical effects of the hidden-color
components for the multi-quark systems.
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Asian-Pacific, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Physical bases and symmetry bases
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Generalized to quark model
M. Harvey: NPA352(1981)301,  J.Q. Chen: NPA393(1983)122,
F. Wang,  J. L. Ping, T. Goldman: PRC51(1995)1648
Physical basis:
Symmetry basis:
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Unitary transformation?
 Asian-pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Harvey’s method
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Transformation (con’t)
In quark cluster model calculation one uses this relation for
independent defined physical (cluster) bases,
  valid for non-orthogonal single particle orbital states
center of mass motion can be separated from the internal motion
       Note: the 
physical bases are not orthonomal 
in general.
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
III. Physical effects of hidden color component
Is NN repulsive core due to hidden color component?
S. Brodsky et al.,
C.R. Ji, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 543(2014)No.1,012004
  No! Deuteron and d* have the same amount hidden-color
component at short distance, but d* has strong short range
attraction instead of repulsive core.
 It is due to CMI of one-gluon-exchange!
 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Is the NN Intermediate-range attraction due to color
van der Waals force       HC?  Just partly!
dominant one!
                 S.Brodsky, PR64(1990)1011, PLB412(19970125
N-N interaction is a QCD duplication of QED H-H molecular interaction
  H atoms: electric neutral,
electric charge and orbital distortion   
  molecular force
                               (electron percolation)
   Nucleons: color neutral,
color charge and orbital distortion    
  nuclear force
                             (quark delocalization)
We developed a molecular bond analog model for NN
interaction, QDCSM, which describe the deuteron and NN
scattering quantitatively well.                PRL69(1992)2901
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Asian-Pacific FB
Similarity between
nuclear force and molecular force
A.Bohr and B. Motelson, Nuclear structure
        spin singlet                            spin triplet isospin singlet
  interaction between atoms             interaction in deuteron
CPEP statement in Standard model chart
The strong binding of 
and neutrons to form a nuclei is due to
residue strong interactions between their
color charged constituents. It is 
 to the
residual electrical interaction that binds
electrical neutral 
atoms to form molecules.
Guilin,  2017.8,26
Color screening
qq interaction: 
   baryon    usual confinement
 baryon    color screening confinement
 The HC coupling is taken into account via this color screening confinement and has
 been checked through a quantitative color singlet-HC channel coupling calculation.
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Delocalized two center quark orbit
   N(s) normalization constant,
          delocalization parameter,
          it is not an adjusted parameter,
              but determined by
     the dynamics of the multi-quark system !
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Asian-Pacific FB
Guilin.  20178.26
delocalization parameter
Asian-Pacific FB
Asian-Pacific FB
Asian-Pacific, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin,  2017.8.26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin,  2017.8,26
Narrow width of d*
Bashkanov-Brodsky-Clement: PLB 727(2013)438
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Huang-Zhang-Shen-Wang: arXiv:1408.0458
              CC channel: 66%--68%  
  70 MeV
Huang-Ping-Wang: PRC89(2014)034001
B.Juan-Diaz,T.S.H. Lee,
A.Matsuyama, T.Sato:
Our Feshbach resonance calculation obtained the
right resonance scattering partial width         (14 Mev
versus 12 MeV),
is consistent with the WASA-at-
COSY measurement: the d* is formed from
Our rough estimate of the                        decay width
is much larger than the measurement one ( 110 MeV
versus 70 MeV )  means after               formation it
shrinks into a compact six-quark state due to strong
attraction between two      (with a rms~1.2 fm.)
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin,  2017.7,26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Hidden-color component or
compact six-quark state
 d*  compact object -----
       taking limit:  six quarks in one bag
Cluster model is an approximation used to
describe the multi quark system. It is good for a
system like deuteron or hadron scattering.
If the system is a compact multi-quark one, the
cluster approximation is no longer useful. Still to
talk about color singlet di-hadron and hidden-
color component is meaningless.
In fact, as the two clusters close together, the
overlap of colorless and hidden color
components become bigger and bigger and
finally collapse into the same one.
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
6 quarks are in the same orbit:   [
]=[6] remains,
Symmetry basis: only [6][33][33] exists
              ------> number of physical basis:  
 and CC  are the same !
                            <  | CC > =1
 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
numerical results
Calculation method:  RGM+GCM
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.7,26
+S/2, -S/2:  the reference centers of baryons
                                         <  | CC > =1
 <  | CC >  approx. 1,   
 S is small.
    S (fm)           <  | CC >               S (fm)           <  | CC >
        3                       0                          0.3                   0.997
        2                    7x10
                     0.2                   0.999
        1                      0.7                        0.1                   0.99996
        0.5                   0.98                      0.001               ~ 1
        0.4                   0.99
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Matrix elements:
 S (fm)           <  |H|  >     < CC |H|CC >      <  |H| CC >
        3                   2580                    7770                     ~0
        2                   2571                    4870                     9.9
        1                   2451                    2679                   1616
        0.5               2649                     2714                    2609
        0.3               2739                     2763                    2741
        0.2               2771                     2782                    2774
        0.1               2791                     2794                    2792
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
d* in chiral quark model (two channels: 
 and CC
  S(fm)         0.1            0.2            0.3           0.4            0.5
 E(MeV)      2404.0      2404.0      2404.1     2404.1     2405.0
  (%)         50             50.2          40.8          85.2         94.2
 CC(%)         50             49.8           59.2         14.8           5.8
       Physical basis and symmetry basis:   same results
Using Harvey’s method
 S(fm)         0.1            0.3            0.5           0.7            0.9
 E(MeV)      2745.7      2706.4      2635.0     2546.0     2463.5
  (%)         46             46              50           54            60
 CC(%)         54             54              50           46            40
 S(fm)         1.1            1.3            1.5           1.7            1.9
 E(MeV)      2423.6      2454.0      2513.7     2550.6     2567.1
  (%)         71             87              97           100           100
 CC(%)         29             13               3            0                0
CC is not dominant
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
To use the hidden color
assumption to explain the small width is
    In fact it is due to the space compactness of
the d*, which has small overlap with the
G.A. Miller’s explanation of the deuteron tensor
structure function     based on the HC
component has the same problem.
9th Workshop on hadron physics
in China and opportunities
worldwide, Nanjing, 2017.7,26
Hidden color component is
spurious or new degree of freedom
For any            (n+m module 3) quark antiquark system, one
always can choose only color singlet hadron channels to form a
complete set to describe it, i.e. any HC channel can be
transformed into color singlet channels through quark
rearrangement for the present formalism of multi-quark wave
         F. Wang et al., Nuovo Cim., 86A (1985)283; F. Wang, Prog. Phys. 9(1989)297.
Based on this possibility, P. Gonzales and V. Vento, 
(preprint MIT-
CTP-1347, 1986) 
argued that the HC is a spurious concept.
If we want to keep the overall color singlet multi quark wave
function gauge invariant under SU(3) color gauge
transformation, we have to add gauge link to this wave function.
Then the elimination recipe of HC no longer work.
Asian-pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Asian-pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26
Color singlet and HC both are cluster model idea, for compact multi
quark state, these cluster model approximation is no longer adequate.
The separation of two cluster smaller, the overlap of color singlet and
HC components bigger.  As the separation close to zero, the color
singlet and HC component collapse into the same one.
The NN short range repulsion is not due to HC component dominant
but due to color magnetic interaction. The NN interaction is a QCD
duplication of QED H-H molecular interaction, the color van der Waals
force is a minor contribution.
To explain the narrow width of d* by assuming the HC  component
dominant is questionable.
HC component is a new degree of freedom of multi quark systems.
     Hybrid and heavy quark fragmentation are good place to study the  HC
     channel effects.                                                            
Slide Note

Introduction to the hidden color component in nuclear physics, discussing its definition, physical effects, and multiquark states like tetraquarks, pentaquarks, and dibaryons. Various models and ongoing debates on the role of hidden colors in multi-quark systems are explored. The concept of colorless nucleons and the introduction of hidden color components open up new dimensions in understanding the dynamics of quark systems.

  • Hidden Color Component
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Multiquark States
  • Quark Cluster Model
  • Colorful Quarks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Remarks on the hidden-color component Jialun Ping, Hongxia Huang Nanjing Normal University Fan Wang Nanjing University Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  2. Outline I. Introduction II. Physics bases and symmetry bases III. Physical effects of hidden-color component IV. Summary Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  3. I. Introduction What is the hidden-color component? To deal with the dynamics of multi quark systems, quark cluster model simplifies the many body problem into a two body one via fixing the internal structure of cluster. Typical example: using two nucleon cluster to deal with NN interaction from quark-gluon degree of freedom. Nuclear physics shows this is a god approximation. In nuclear physics we only have colorless nucleon, for QCD based nuclear physics we have the new degree of freedom: hidden color component. Clusters A and B are colorless, A+B colorless, color singlet component Clusters A and B are colorful, A+B colorless, hidden-color component Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  4. I. Introduction What is the hidden-color component? quark cluster model multi-quark systems many body problem a two body one internal structure of cluster is fixed Typical example: NN interaction from quark-gluon d.o.f. Nuclear physics: a good approximation. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  5. Definition In conventional nuclear physics: only colorless nucleon, QCD based nuclear physics: new d.o.f: hidden color component. Clusters A and B are colorless, A+B colorless, color singlet component Clusters A and B are colorful, A+B colorless, hidden-color component 9th Workshop on hadron physics in China and opportunities worldwide, Nanjing, 2017.7,26

  6. Multiquark states Tetraquark: Zc(3900), Zb(10610) (BES Belle 2013) Pentaquark: Pc(4380), Pc(4450) (LHCb 2015) Dibaryon: d* (IJP=03+), (WASA-at-COSY 2009-2014) N ? (STAR@RHIC 2017) PRL 102, 052301 (2009); M=2.36 GeV, =80 MeV PRL 106, 242302 (2011); M=2.37 GeV, =70 MeV IJP=03+ PLB 721, 229 (2013); M=2.37 GeV, =70 MeV PRC 88, 055208 (2013); M=2.37 GeV, =70 MeV PRL 112, 202301 (2014); M=2.380 0.010 GeV, =40 5 MeV Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  7. Multiquark structure Many models proposed: hadronic molecules compact multiquark states hybrid hidden-color No consensus yet There are misunderstandings on the physical effects of the hidden-color components for the multi-quark systems. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  8. II. Physical bases and symmetry bases Two kind bases of many body systems: symmetric and physical bases both were developed in nuclear physics respectively in nuclear shell model and cluster model. An example of nuclear model : Elliott model with group chain (??4 ? ??? Symmetry basis: ?? ??2 ? ??2 ?) (??3 ??3) ??? ? ??? ? ???????? Physical basis: ??? ?????(?) ? ??1?1?1??2?2?2 ??? ??? Asian-Pacific, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  9. Generalized to quark model M. Harvey: NPA352(1981)301, J.Q. Chen: NPA393(1983)122, F. Wang, J. L. Ping, T. Goldman: PRC51(1995)1648 xcf x cf c f SU (36) SU (2) SU (18) SU SU SU (3) (2) SU U (6) f s ( (3) (1)) SU (2) Physical basis: Symmetry basis: Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  10. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  11. Unitary transformation? The transformation is restricted within the same configuration. The transformation is unitary only if two sets of bases are both orthonormal ones. Are symmetry bases and physical bases orthonormal in the two-center case? Yes, if the single particle states are orthonormal (s ) ? ? = ? ? = 1, ? ? = 0 However the usual two-center single-particle orbital states for cluster mode 2/2?2 2/2?2 3/4 3/4 ? ?+? ? ? ? 1 1 ? = ? = 2 2 ??2 are not orthogonal, m = ? ? 0 ??2 Asian-pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  12. Harveys method Introducing separation dependent normalization factor ? 6 ,? = ? 42 ,? = ? 51 ,? = ? 33 ,? = Such defined symmetry bases are orthonormal and the physical bases via transformation obtained are orthonormal too. 1 + 9?2+ 9?4+ ?6 1 ?2 ?4+ ?6 1 + 3?2 3?4 ?6 1 3?2+ 3?4 ?6 transformation table is unitary Problems: 1. Physical bases only can be obtained through the unitary transformation, can not be defined independently. 2. Having physical meaning only for the infinite separation of two cluster centers. 3. Center of mass motion can not be separated. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  13. Transformation (cont) In quark cluster model calculation one uses this relation for independent defined physical (cluster) bases, valid for non-orthogonal single particle orbital states center of mass motion can be separated from the internal motion Note: the physical bases are not orthonomal in general. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  14. III. Physical effects of hidden color component Is NN repulsive core due to hidden color component? S. Brodsky et al., PRL51(1983)83, C.R. Ji, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 543(2014)No.1,012004 No! Deuteron and d* have the same amount hidden-color component at short distance, but d* has strong short range attraction instead of repulsive core. It is due to CMI of one-gluon-exchange! Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  15. Is the NN Intermediate-range attraction due to color van der Waals force HC? Just partly! Not the dominant one! S.Brodsky, PR64(1990)1011, PLB412(19970125 N-N interaction is a QCD duplication of QED H-H molecular interaction. H atoms: electric neutral, electric charge and orbital distortion molecular force (electron percolation) Nucleons: color neutral, color charge and orbital distortion nuclear force (quark delocalization) We developed a molecular bond analog model for NN interaction, QDCSM, which describe the deuteron and NN scattering quantitatively well. PRL69(1992)2901 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  16. Similarity between nuclear force and molecular force A.Bohr and B. Motelson, Nuclear structure 1975 spin singlet spin triplet isospin singlet interaction between atoms interaction in deuteron Asian-Pacific FB Guilin 2017.8,26

  17. CPEP statement in Standard model chart The strong binding of color-neutral protons and neutrons to form a nuclei is due to residue strong interactions between their color charged constituents. It is similar to the residual electrical interaction that binds electrical neutral atoms to form molecules. Asian-Pacific Guilin, 2017.8,26

  18. QDCSM Color screening qq interaction: inside baryon usual confinement outside baryon color screening confinement The HC coupling is taken into account via this color screening confinement and has been checked through a quantitative color singlet-HC channel coupling calculation. PRC84(2011)064001 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  19. Delocalized two center quark orbit = + ( ) s ( )( N s l r , l = + S) ( )( N s r l ), r N(s) normalization constant, delocalization parameter, it is not an adjusted parameter, but determined by the dynamics of the multi-quark system ! ( ) s Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  20. delocalization parameter ( ) s Asian-Pacific FB Guilin. 20178.26

  21. deuteron Asian-Pacific FB Guilin 2017.8.26

  22. Asian-Pacific FBGuilin 2017.8.26

  23. Asian-Pacific, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  24. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  25. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  26. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8.26

  27. Narrow width of d* Bashkanov-Brodsky-Clement: PLB 727(2013)438 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  28. Huang-Zhang-Shen-Wang: arXiv:1408.0458 CC channel: 66%--68% 70 MeV Huang-Ping-Wang: PRC89(2014)034001 B.Juan-Diaz,T.S.H. Lee, A.Matsuyama, T.Sato: PRC76(2007)065201 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  29. Our Feshbach resonance calculation obtained the right resonance scattering partial width (14 Mev versus 12 MeV), it is consistent with the WASA-at- COSY measurement: the d* is formed from formation. Our rough estimate of the decay width is much larger than the measurement one ( 110 MeV versus 70 MeV ) means after formation it shrinks into a compact six-quark state due to strong attraction between two (with a rms~1.2 fm.) r N N di bound di Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.7,26

  30. Hidden-color component or compact six-quark state d* compact object ----- taking limit: six quarks in one bag Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  31. Cluster model is an approximation used to describe the multi quark system. It is good for a system like deuteron or hadron scattering. If the system is a compact multi-quark one, the cluster approximation is no longer useful. Still to talk about color singlet di-hadron and hidden- color component is meaningless. In fact, as the two clusters close together, the overlap of colorless and hidden color components become bigger and bigger and finally collapse into the same one. Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  32. 6 quarks are in the same orbit: []=[6] remains, [42] disappears Symmetry basis: only [6][33][33] exists ------> number of physical basis: 1 and CC are the same ! < | CC > =1 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  33. numerical results Calculation method: RGM+GCM Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  34. +S/2, -S/2: the reference centers of baryons S 0, [6] exists, [42] disappears < | CC > =1 Continuity < | CC > approx. 1, when S is small. S (fm) < | CC > S (fm) < | CC > 3 0 0.3 0.997 2 7x10-3 1 0.7 0.1 0.99996 0.5 0.98 0.001 ~ 1 0.4 0.99 0.2 0.999 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.7,26

  35. Matrix elements: S (fm) < |H| > < CC |H|CC > < |H| CC > 3 2580 7770 ~0 2 2571 4870 9.9 1 2451 2679 1616 0.5 2649 2714 2609 0.3 2739 2763 2741 0.2 2771 2782 2774 0.1 2791 2794 2792 Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  36. d* in chiral quark model (two channels: and CC) S(fm) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 E(MeV) 2404.0 2404.0 2404.1 2404.1 2405.0 (%) 50 50.2 40.8 85.2 94.2 CC(%) 50 49.8 59.2 14.8 5.8 Physical basis and symmetry basis: same results Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  37. Using Harveys method S(fm) 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 E(MeV) 2745.7 2706.4 2635.0 2546.0 2463.5 (%) 46 46 50 54 60 CC(%) 54 54 50 46 40 S(fm) 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 E(MeV) 2423.6 2454.0 2513.7 2550.6 2567.1 (%) 71 87 97 100 100 CC(%) 29 13 3 0 0 CC is not dominant Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  38. To use the hidden color component dominant assumption to explain the small width is questionable. In fact it is due to the space compactness of the d*, which has small overlap with the Configuration. G.A. Miller s explanation of the deuteron tensor structure function based on the HC component has the same problem. di 1b 9th Workshop on hadron physics in China and opportunities worldwide, Nanjing, 2017.7,26

  39. Hidden color component is spurious or new degree of freedom For any (n+m module 3) quark antiquark system, one always can choose only color singlet hadron channels to form a complete set to describe it, i.e. any HC channel can be transformed into color singlet channels through quark rearrangement for the present formalism of multi-quark wave function. F. Wang et al., Nuovo Cim., 86A (1985)283; F. Wang, Prog. Phys. 9(1989)297. Based on this possibility, P. Gonzales and V. Vento, (preprint MIT- CTP-1347, 1986) argued that the HC is a spurious concept. If we want to keep the overall color singlet multi quark wave function gauge invariant under SU(3) color gauge transformation, we have to add gauge link to this wave function. Then the elimination recipe of HC no longer work. n m q q Asian-pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  40. hybrid Hybrid: a good place to study the HC channels. gluon: color octet, [21] q ? must be in color octet, [21] [21] x [21] == [222] HC component is inevitable! Heavy quark fragmentation might be another good place to study the HC effect. Asian-pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26

  41. Summary Color singlet and HC both are cluster model idea, for compact multi quark state, these cluster model approximation is no longer adequate. The separation of two cluster smaller, the overlap of color singlet and HC components bigger. As the separation close to zero, the color singlet and HC component collapse into the same one. The NN short range repulsion is not due to HC component dominant but due to color magnetic interaction. The NN interaction is a QCD duplication of QED H-H molecular interaction, the color van der Waals force is a minor contribution. To explain the narrow width of d* by assuming the HC component dominant is questionable. HC component is a new degree of freedom of multi quark systems. Hybrid and heavy quark fragmentation are good place to study the HC channel effects. Thanks!!! Asian-Pacific FB, Guilin, 2017.8,26


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