Innovations in Last Mile Communication Technology

brahám K
Okleveles villamosmérnök, tervezőmérnök, feltaláló, cégvezető.
Esztergomban az I. István Hiradástechnikai szakközépiskolában
végzett, majd a University of Pennsylvan
án, a Moore School of
Engineering-en (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) diplomázott.
Szakterülete többek között a telekommunikáci
s rádiófrekvenciás
(RF) modemek tervezése és fejlesztése
, a zajcsökkentés
 ezeken a
készülékeken, ideális kommunikáció elérése hálózati és vezeték
nélküli készülékeknél - illesztéssel és k
innovatív modulációkkal. A kilőtt töltényt detektáló 10 GHz-es
radar rendszer K+F-én is részt vett.
brahám Károly eredményei
Megkapta a Most Innovative Ben Franklin Technology Award-ot
Több szakközlemény és több mint 50 nemzetközi szabadalom
szerzője. Ezek a szabadalmak elsősorban hál
zati és vezeték nélküli
modemek illesztés
, antennáj
 és az 
j fajta modulációra vonatkoznak
A találmányok sok éven át tartó k
utatás, fejlesztés és 
eredményeként születtek
A 2007 óta használt vezeték nélküli modemek antennájának feltalálója és
a nemzetközi szabadal
 szerzője. Ez az antenna ma 
mobiltelefon, okostelefonon, wifi és Bluetooth 
készülékben megtalálható
Kifejlesztette és gyártja a 
legkönnyebben telepíthet
olcsó és legmegbízhatóbb utols
 mérföld telekommunikációs modemeket;
nagy fontosságú azokban az épületben nincs kábel-
TV, telefonvezeték
vagy optikai szál.
The Solution
Last Mile Internet Communication
                         March 2018
The Company
Established -1992
BPL -1990
Video over power line -1994
Communication through Transformers
BPL patents were licensed
Three Ben Franklin Technology Awards
Including the Most Innovative Product Award
No viable low cost, high speed Last
Mile communication solution without
expensive installation
About a Billion Households need
 $10-$15 per month
Internet Access Service
BPL Technology
Available technical solutions:
Interfere with other devices
Unstable transmission bandwidth for +200 yards
BPL speed drops significantly versus distance
throughput speed unstable and slow for +200 yards
 Installation  required
every hundred yards
at transformers and
between 3 phase power lines
$1000+ deployment cost
Satius™ Technology
A Real Plug and Play Last Mile Communication Solution,
called AC-WAN(TM) offers a simple, low cost solution:
No Interference with other devices
    Stable transmission bandwidth for +1 Mile
       Transmission throughput speed stable and high enough
 NO Installation required  since it communicates through
transformers and between 3 phases of power lines
Low cost last mile solution:  ~$300 deployment cost per customer
for Internet
Current AC-WAN™ is already selling
AC-WAN™ marketing and selling in Asia,
and USA for Rural Broadband ISP
The cheaper AC-WAN™ are being re-
However, Custom IC sets needs to be
developed to reduce cost, size and increase
communication distance
DC-VIDEO™ is being sold as a video rear
vision system modem. The video signal is
communicated through the vehicle +12 V
power harness without picture delay
Current AC-WAN™
The cheaper AC-WAN™ is being re-developed
Future Satius AC-WAN™ Product
Last Mile Product
Satius™ - 
Raw Speed             
1Gbps       500Mbps   
Speed for 0.2 mile 
50Mbps        Gbps
Speed for 0.5 mile    6Mbps     
25Mbps      10 Mbps    
10 Mbps       Gbps
Speed for +1 mile 
5-25Mbps    1Mbps
Cost per customer      ~$300       ~$300         
$1,007       $800         
Needs installation        no             
no              yes             yes               yes
*  Above price estimates are based on large quantities
Future AC-WAN™ to be developed
The Future AC-WAN™ to be developed
with the new tested modulation that
adaptively can change speed and achieve
long distance communication
Development: 1. Interim AC-WAN™
development will provide smaller size, less
cost and longer distance communication.
Development: 2. Custom IC sets will be
developed to reduce cost, size and increase
even longer communication distance
North America
– rural areas and apartment buildings
Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South
– no coax, only 10-20% have telephone line
- TV channels, Video surveillance,
Internet, telephone and Cheap Smart Metering services
Local Internet Service Provider companies
purchasing AC-WAN(TM) and AC-LAN(TM) products
    Satius™ keeps receiving orders
Tervek és Ajánlatok
Satius cég szeretné a 
és onnan 
A Satius segítséget keres 
, afrikai és 
marketingben és AC-WAN eladásokban.
Károly felajánlja, hogy a telekommunikációs
s elektronikai szakterületeken a VALOR-hoz
beérkezett projekteket 
, véleményezi és a
megvalósíthatóságát elbírálja.
Slide Note

Electrical engineer and innovator Kroly brahm received multiple awards and patents for his groundbreaking work in RF modems, noise reduction, and communication technologies. His company, established in 1992, focuses on developing low-cost, high-speed Last Mile communication solutions. Despite challenges in existing BPL technology, Satius offers a revolutionary plug-and-play solution for affordable internet access. The quest for efficient communication continues to drive advancements in the field.

  • Last Mile Communication
  • Kroly brahm
  • RF Modems
  • Innovation
  • Satius

Uploaded on Sep 15, 2024 | 0 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. brahm Kroly Okleveles villamosm rn k, tervez m rn k, feltal l , c gvezet . Esztergomban az I. Istv n Hirad stechnikai szakk z piskol ban v gzett, majd a University of Pennsylvani n, a Moore School of Engineering-en (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) diplom zott. Szakter lete t bbek k z tt a telekommunik ci s r di frekvenci s (RF) modemek tervez se s fejleszt se, a zajcs kkent s ezeken a k sz l keken, ide lis kommunik ci el r se h l zati s vezet k n lk li k sz l kekn l - illeszt ssel s k l nb z , jszer innovat v modul ci kkal. A kil tt t lt nyt detekt l 10 GHz-es radar rendszer K+F- n is r szt vett. Confidential 1

  2. brahm Kroly eredmnyei Megkapta a Most Innovative Ben Franklin Technology Award-ot T bb szakk zlem ny s t bb mint 50 nemzetk zi szabadalom szerz je. Ezek a szabadalmak els sorban h l zati s vezet k n lk li modemek illeszt s re, antenn j ra s az j fajta modul ci ra vonatkoznak A tal lm nyok sok ven t tart kutat s, fejleszt s s nagysz m m r s eredm nyek nt sz lettek A 2007 ta haszn lt vezet k n lk li modemek antenn j nak feltal l ja s a nemzetk zi szabadalm nak szerz je. Ez az antenna ma m r minden mobiltelefon, okostelefonon, wifi s Bluetooth k sz l kben megtal lhat Kifejlesztette s gy rtja a szabadalmaztatott, legk nnyebben telep thet , olcs s legmegb zhat bb utols m rf ld telekommunik ci s modemeket; nagy fontoss g azokban az p letben nincs k bel-TV, telefonvezet k vagy optikai sz l. Confidential 2

  3. Satius The Solution for Last Mile Internet Communication March 2018 Confidential 3

  4. The Company Established -1992 Patented BPL -1990 Video over power line -1994 Communication through Transformers BPL patents were licensed Three Ben Franklin Technology Awards Including the Most Innovative Product Award Confidential 4

  5. Problem No viable low cost, high speed Last Mile communication solution without expensive installation About a Billion Households need $10-$15 per month Internet Access Service Confidential 5

  6. BPL Technology Available technical solutions: BPL Interfere with other devices Unstable transmission bandwidth for +200 yards BPL speed drops significantly versus distance throughput speed unstable and slow for +200 yards Installation required every hundred yards at transformers and between 3 phase power lines $1000+ deployment cost Confidential 6

  7. Satius Technology A Real Plug and Play Last Mile Communication Solution, called AC-WAN(TM) offers a simple, low cost solution: No Interference with other devices Stable transmission bandwidth for +1 Mile Transmission throughput speed stable and high enough NO Installation required since it communicates through transformers and between 3 phases of power lines Low cost last mile solution: ~$300 deployment cost per customer for Internet Confidential 7

  8. Confidential 8

  9. Confidential 9

  10. Current AC-WAN is already selling AC-WAN and USA for Rural Broadband ISP-s The cheaper AC-WAN developed However, Custom IC sets needs to be developed to reduce cost, size and increase communication distance DC-VIDEO is being sold as a video rear vision system modem. The video signal is communicated through the vehicle +12 V power harness without picture delay marketing and selling in Asia, are being re- Confidential 10

  11. Current AC-WAN The cheaper AC-WAN is being re-developed Confidential 11

  12. Confidential 12

  13. Future Satius AC-WAN Product Confidential 13

  14. Confidential 14

  15. Comparisons Last Mile Product Satius - Future BPL Wireless Fiber Raw Speed 50Mbps 1Gbps 500Mbps 300Mbps Gbps Speed for 0.2 mile 25Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps 50Mbps Gbps Speed for 0.5 mile 6Mbps 25Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps Gbps Speed for +1 mile 1-5Mbps 5-25Mbps 1Mbps 1Mbps Gbps Cost per customer ~$300 ~$300 $1,007 $800 +$3,000 Needs installation no no yes yes yes * Above price estimates are based on large quantities Confidential 15

  16. Future AC-WAN to be developed The Future AC-WAN with the new tested modulation that adaptively can change speed and achieve long distance communication Development: 1. Interim AC-WAN development will provide smaller size, less cost and longer distance communication. Development: 2. Custom IC sets will be developed to reduce cost, size and increase even longer communication distance to be developed Confidential 16

  17. MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES North America rural areas and apartment buildings Asia, Africa, Eastern America no coax, only 10-20% have telephone line Europe and South Applications Internet, telephone and Cheap Smart Metering services - TV channels, Video surveillance, Local Internet Service Provider companies purchasing AC-WAN(TM) and AC-LAN(TM) products Satius keeps receiving orders Confidential 17

  18. Tervek s Ajnlatok A Satius c g szeretn a gy rt st Magyarorsz gra kiterjeszteni s onnan lebonyol tani az zsiai rendel seket. A Satius seg ts get keres kelet-eur pai, afrikai s zsiai marketingben s AC-WAN elad sokban. brah m K roly felaj nlja, hogy a telekommunik ci s s elektronikai szakter leteken a VALOR-hoz be rkezett projekteket tvil g tja, v lem nyezi s a megval s that s g t elb r lja. Confidential 18


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