Implementing Synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF: Insights from NCP Workshop
Exploring the role of National Contact Points (NCPs) in promoting synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF, this workshop on spreading excellence and widening participation delves into key questions and case studies from Germany. Recommendations focus on supporting widening participation initiatives and enhancing collaboration across key stakeholders to drive innovation and respond to societal challenges.
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Presentation Transcript Chart 1 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Spreading Excellence and Widening Particpiation The Role of NCP s in implementing synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF Matthias Woiwode von Gilardi DLR Project Management Agency Brussels, 11 October 2016 Chart 2 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Some key questions ISSUE What are the relevant policy processes to get involved in as NCP? PURPOSE Why is it important to get involved in them (purpose)? TARGET Who are the key stakeholders? METHOD How can NCP s get involved? --------------------------------------- Case studies Germany National dialogue on synergies Regional implementation project Northrhine-Westphalia --------------------------------------- Some recommendations Support to Widening Participation Chart 3 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Some key questions ISSUE What are the relevant policy processes to get involved in as NCP? PURPOSE Why is it important to get involved in them (purpose)? TARGET Who are the key stakeholders? METHOD How can NCP s get involved? Chart 4 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Reform discussion in Horizon 2020 Drivers, e.g. Ex-post Evaluation FP7 ( Commitment and Coherence ) Interim evaluation Horizon 2020 Reports (e.g. Perspectives of RIS3 in the context of Europe 2020 ) high-level politics (Member States/ Council, regions, European Commission, European Parliament) Chart 5 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Reform discussion in Horizon 2020 More investments (through EFSI, ESIF other) More innovation (KET, innovative procurement, EIC, Innovation Deals , ) Issues More integration and coherence (European Joint Programming, EIT-KIC, JTI ) Responding to societal challenges (circular economy, bio-economy, sustainable energy ) Vanguard Initiative, (thematic) S3 Platforms, H2020 seal of excellence (SoE), Stairway to Excellence (S2E), national-regional synergies dialogue Germany, Austria Initiatives 5 Chart 6 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Ex-Post-Evaluation FP7 Commission reaction on recommendations of the expert commission Commitment and Coherence (January 2016) Announcement of a series of measures: Exploring potential of a European Innovation Council (EIC) Further support to strengthening synergien between H2020, ESI- Funds and EFSI Stepping-up of simplification measures (Lump Sums, etc.) Evaluation of the executive agencies REA and ERCEA (until end of March 2016) Enhancing open access to research data Involvement of citizens particularly on shaping future framework programmes ( Online Stakeholder Consultation Oct-Dec. 2016) 6 Chart 7 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Reform discussions what about the ESI-Funds? Main lines of discussion at EU level Bratislava Conference on past, present and future of Cohesion Policy CC on Financial Instruments, Omnibus Regulation Topics: flexibility, performance, economic governance, simplification Are you aware of the main issues of the debate in your country? E.g. State aid rules Transnational regional cooperation on RIS3 priorities Strategic coordination of funding sources Are there opportunities to get involved? (consultations etc.) Consider opportunities in specific thematic objectives / investment priorities? at national / regional level? Chart 8 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Some key questions ISSUE What are the relevant policy processes to get involved in as NCP? PURPOSE Why is it important to get involved in them (purpose)? TARGET Who are the key stakeholders? METHOD How can NCP s get involved? Chart 9 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 synergies governance or synergies maze (or mess?) 9 COM MS Regions Industry / Science / Society Set up 7-year plan implementing Horizon 2020 (expenditure and activity planning) on European R&I priorities Conclude CP Partnership Agreements with COM feed into the development of the RIS3 strategies and OPs Information of CP managing authorities about priorities (and subsequent multi-annual work programme up-dates) Partnership principle: contribute to development of RIS3 and OP More specific information on timing and modalities for Horizon 2020 bridging - measures e.g. Twinning competition, ERA chairs, regional partner facilities of ESFRI, labels of excellence, the SME instrument managing authorities to consider opportunities for the preparation of the respective OPs Industrial Leadership pillar of Horizon 2020 Consider in RIS3 and involve actors from the relevant regions Development of (EIT) research and innovation agendas Societal Challenges pillar of Horizon 2020 European Innovation Partnerships Consider EIP priorities in CP actions (pilot / demonstration activities and public Belgrade, 12/04/2013 S3 Training for SEE Countries procurement of innovation) EU Bureau; based on COM Fiche 28 (MFF) on Synergies Chart 10 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Example: Horizon 2020 meta-work programme regional dimension, smart specialisation and synergies (excerpt) Horizon 2020 activities Links to smart specialisation / ESIF Thematic objectives of ESIF KET; ICT 5 calls (CSA, IA), links to ESIF & RIS3 i.a. R&I; SME; low-carbon economy; envirnoment, resource efficiency KET; nano-technology, materials and production, Bio-technology 2 calls (CSA), links to ESIF & RIS3, transregional cooperation of regions (with same key priorities) i.a. R&Icompetitiveness of SME s; ICT SC health 2 calls (PCP, CSA); links to ESIF & RIS3 to bridge the innovation divide i.a. R&I; SME, efficient administration SC Bio-economy: food, agriculture In all calls links to ESIF & RIS3, exploit synergies wherever possible i.a. R&I; SME; environment; risk management and prevention RI research infrastructures Synergies with ESIF across all calls Cross-cutting themes, i.a. R&I; SME; ICT SC Climate, Environment 10 calls (CSA, IA), links to ESIF & RIS3 i.a. R&I; SME; climate adaptation; Anpassung an Klimawandel; envirnoment, resource efficiency MSCA Marie-Sk odowska-Curie All calls with links to ESIF &RIS3, support to programmes implementing regional and national funding priorities Cross-cutting; mobility actions, education and training Chart 11 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Some key questions ISSUE What are the relevant policy processes to get involved in as NCP? PURPOSE Why is it important to get involved in them (purpose)? TARGET Who are the key stakeholders? METHOD How can NCP s get involved? Chart 12 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Cohesion Policy Players in Germany (Sponsors, Decision-Makers) EU: COM (GD Regionalpolitik), EP (REGI-Ausschuss), Council (RAG Strukturelle Ma nahmen; RfAA (St-Ebene) ) Programming instruments Common Strategic Framework (CSF) (Annexe to CPR) Lead on negotiations Joint positions Partnership Agreement (PA) Between MS and COM Regions Gov Government rep. BMBF: TO 1 BMWi: Coordination ERDF TO 2+3 OP-MA s(typical Departments): State chancelleries Europe Economy Finance Labour/ Employment/ social affairs (ESF) Agriculture/ environment (EMFF/ ELER) OP (national / regional) 221: ESIF in-house coord. 421: ERDF BMVI: ETc (INTERREG) 321: ESF 223: EU R&I policy Synergies H2020 BMU: TO 4 BMAS: ESF BMELV: EAFRD 12 Chart 13 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Some key questions ISSUE What are the relevant policy processes to get involved in as NCP? PURPOSE Why is it important to get involved in them (purpose)? TARGET Who are the key stakeholders? METHOD How can NCP s get involved? Chart 14 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Case studies Germany Chart 15 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 National Synergies Dialogue in Germany Chart 16 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 National dialogue first results Joint Workshop: Northrhine- Westphalia and BMBF Topic of common interest and relevance for synergies: innovative procurement Multi-stakeholder-approach Interactive sessions (break-out, panels ) Impact: Continuous exchange format launched by NCP coordination in Germany: experienced entities newcomers support services (national, NCP s etc.) Chart 17 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Regional implementation: building bridges (Northrhine-Westphalia) (ERDF funded) ESI-Fonds and actors in NRW NRW-Min. Economy Employment NRW-Min. NRW-Min. Env./Agriculture ESF ERDF EAFRD Lead market agency NRW agency GIB Efficiency agency ERDF Secretariat Energy agency counselling counselling counselling counselling counselling analyses - strategies technologies actors - information counselling ZENIT / NRW.Europa SYNERGIES HORIZON 2020 NRW-Min. IWF Chart 18 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Support to Widening Participation measures (SEWP) Some recommendations to NCP s: Find your allies in the national R&I eco-system (Rector s Conference, major RTO s, regional associations etc.) Team-up with national multipliers to promote SEWP (joint events and campaigns) Address multipliers to raise awareness of the alien programme part (ESIF for H2020, H2020 for ESIF stakeholders) Get involved in the policy debate in your country to know what s going on (national positions, programmes, trends ) In your organisation, link-up functions for policy counselling on synergies (if existing) and NCP ( personnel union ) COMMUNICATE! LISTEN! SHARE! Chart 19 Team Regional Dimension of European R&I > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Deutsches Zentrum f r Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR) Projekttr ger | Europ ische und internationale Zusammenarbeit | EU-B ro des BMBF Matthias Woiwode von Gilardi |Team Leader Phone +49 228 3821-1654 SERVICE Intelligence on Synergies Horizont 2020 and ESIF (RIS3, OP) Pathfinder on structural funding, priorities and contact persons in the regions (L nder) (Signposting), Integrated counselling H2020- proposers/ region Training on specific Topics Newsletter Regionen und EU- Synergien Pamela Weber |Synergies Dialogue Horizon 2020-ESIF Phone +49 228 3821-2024 Oliver Rohde|NRW Br ckenbildung (building bridges) Phone +49 228 3821-1891 Andreas Kahle|NCP SEWP Phone +49 228 3821-1829 You have concrete questions or need support? Make your cases! Birte Wollenhaupt |EU Research Policy Phone +49 228 3821-1892 Matthias Sell|Student Placement Phone +49 228 3821-1639 | | Chart 20 > NCP_WIDE.NET > Workshop HOW SYNERGIES WORK IN PRACTICE > 11 October 2016 Thank you for participating! Matthias Woiwode von Gilardi Team Leader / Head of Synergies Dialogue Secretariat DLR Project Management Agency