God the Son: The Apostles' Creed Worksheet

The Apostle’s Creed
Worksheet 3-4
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
The Answers to the following questions are in the section “The Names Jesus and
What does the name Jesus mean?
What does the title Christ mean?
Name the Bible reference that calls Jesus the Savior of the world
According to Acts 10:38, with whom did God anoint Jesus of Nazareth?
The Holy Spirit
From which three evils has Jesus delivered us?
Sin, death and the power of the Devil
The Lord Saves
The Anointed One
John 4:42
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things,
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things,
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things,
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things,
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things,
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things,
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things,
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Touch Me and see;
a. all things
2. The Son of Man has
b. same yesterday and today and forever.
3. He is the true God
c. the author of life.
4. Lord, You know
d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones.
5. Jesus Christ is the
e. things were made.
6. You killed
f. angels worship Him.
7. Through Him all
g. authority on earth to forgive sins.
8. Let all God’s
h. and eternal life.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 7
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
T    F
Jesus performed His first miracle at Cana.
T    F
Jesus is still true God and true man.
T    F
The suffering and death of Jesus prove that He is true man.
T    F
The incarnation of Jesus means that He did miracles.
T    F
Jesus did works that only God can do.
T    F
John 1:14 refers to Jesus as the Word.
T    F
Jesus was not tempted to sin as we are.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
T    F
The woman at the well was living in sin.
T    F
After He healed the paralytic, Jesus forgave him his sins.
T    F
That He knew about Nathanael proves that Jesus is eternal.
T    F
The shortest verse in the Bible is “He was hungry.”
T    F
Jesus did not exist when the world was created.
T    F
Rom. 9:5 refers to Jesus as God.
T    F
While He had a body, Jesus did not have a soul.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which show Christ’s divine nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son – His Nature
PG. 8
Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ’s human nature.
WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son – Redeemer
PG. 9
Write a Bible reference on the line that
describes how the soldiers treated Jesus.
tells us that Jesus took the form of a servant.
predicts the birth of Jesus (Old Testament verse).
reveals that Jesus’ body would not decay.
assures us that Christ has made us rich.
includes a question Jesus asked during His suffering.
calls Jesus a “man of sorrows.”
speaks of the poverty of Jesus.
John 19:1-3
Philippians 2:5-8
Isaiah 7:14
Acts 13:37 (Psalm 16:10)
1 Corinthians 8:9
Matthew 27:46
Isaiah 53:3
Matthew 8:20 (1 Cor. 8:9)
Match the first part of each sentence with its ending.
1. Christ’s humiliation began
a. and gave up His spirit.
2. He humbled Himself
b. when His body was buried.
3. He was despised,
c. and birds of the air have nests.
4. He bowed His head
d. be with child.
5. Foxes have holes
e. at His conception.
6. The virgin will
f. and became obedient to. . . death
7. Christ’s humiliation ended
g. and had Him flogged.
8. Pilate took Jesus
h. and we esteemed Him not.
WORKSHEET # 5 - God the Son – Redeemer 
PG. 10
1. reconcile
2. redeem
3. vicarious atonement
4. sins
5. death
6. devil
7. universal atonement
WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son – Redeemer 
PG. 10
WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son – Redeemer 
PG. 10
Circle T or F after each sentence (true/false).
T    F
Christ redeemed only those who believe in Him.
T    F
Since Jesus gave me eternal life I need not fear death.
T    F
Jesus was forced to die on the cross by God the Father.
T    F
If we believe, the devil won’t tempt us to sin.
T    F
The sins of all people have been paid for.
T    F
Even though Christ died, God is still angry with sinners.
T    F
Because of the Savior’s sacrifice, all people are saved.
T    F
Christ paid for actual sins but not for original sin.
WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son – Redeemer 
PG. 10
Fill in the missing words for the following Bible verses.
Matthew 24:27 As the __________________ comes from the east and shines as far
as the west, so will be the __________________of the Son of Man.
2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come like a __________________, and then
the heavens will pass away with a __________________, and the heavenly bodies
will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will
be __________________.
WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son – Redeemer 
PG. 10
Fill in the missing words for the following Bible verses.
2 Cor. 5:10 For we must all appear before the __________________seat of Christ, so
that each one may __________________what is due for what he has done in the
body, whether good or evil.
Mark 13:32 But concerning that day or that hour, no one __________________, not
even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Acts 17:31 he has fixed a day on which he will __________________the world in
righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance
to all by ________________him from the dead.
WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son – Redeemer 
PG. 10
Fill in the missing words for the following Bible verses.
Titus 2:11-14 For the __________________of God has appeared, bringing salvation
for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live
self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed
__________________, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus
Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for
himself a people for his own possession who are __________________for good
Slide Note

Enhance your knowledge of God the Son with this detailed worksheet focusing on the nature of Jesus Christ. Explore the meanings of "Jesus" and "Christ," biblical references, and key aspects of Jesus' role in delivering us from sin and death. Engage with thought-provoking questions and matching exercises to deepen your understanding of this fundamental Christian belief.

  • Jesus Christ
  • God the Son
  • Christian faith
  • Bible study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Apostles Creed Worksheet 3-4

  2. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 1. The Answers to the following questions are in the section The Names Jesus and Christ. The Lord Saves The Anointed One a) What does the name Jesus mean? b) What does the title Christ mean? John 4:42 c) Name the Bible reference that calls Jesus the Savior of the world d) According to Acts 10:38, with whom did God anoint Jesus of Nazareth? The Holy Spirit e) From which three evils has Jesus delivered us? Sin, death and the power of the Devil

  3. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things, _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  4. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things, _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  5. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things, _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  6. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things, _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  7. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things, _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  8. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things, _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  9. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things, _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  10. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  11. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  12. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  13. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  14. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b c _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  15. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b c _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  16. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b c e _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  17. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b c e _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  18. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b c e f _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  19. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 7 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. d g h a b c e f _____ 1. Touch Me and see; a. all things _____ 2. The Son of Man has b. same yesterday and today and forever. _____ 3. He is the true God c. the author of life. _____ 4. Lord, You know d. a ghost does not have flesh and bones. _____ 5. Jesus Christ is the e. things were made. _____ 6. You killed f. angels worship Him. _____ 7. Through Him all g. authority on earth to forgive sins. _____ 8. Let all God s h. and eternal life.

  20. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 T F 1. Jesus performed His first miracle at Cana. T F 2. Jesus is still true God and true man. T F 3. The suffering and death of Jesus prove that He is true man. T F 4. The incarnation of Jesus means that He did miracles. T F 5. Jesus did works that only God can do. T F 6. John 1:14 refers to Jesus as the Word. T F 7. Jesus was not tempted to sin as we are.

  21. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 T F 8. The woman at the well was living in sin. T F 9. After He healed the paralytic, Jesus forgave him his sins. T F 10. That He knew about Nathanael proves that Jesus is eternal. T F 11. The shortest verse in the Bible is He was hungry. T F 12. Jesus did not exist when the world was created. T F 13. Rom. 9:5 refers to Jesus as God. T F 14. While He had a body, Jesus did not have a soul.

  22. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  23. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  24. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  25. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  26. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  27. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  28. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  29. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  30. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  31. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  32. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  33. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 4. Underline those words or phrases which show Christ s divine nature. 1. suffered 7. holy 13. almighty 2. hungry 8. omniscient 14. I AM 3. tempted by Satan 9. was crucified 15. shall judge 4. adored by angels 10. performed miracles 16. wept 5. unchangeable 11. rose from the dead 17. Slept 6. walked on the sea 12. born in a manger 18. healed those with leprosy

  34. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  35. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  36. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  37. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  38. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  39. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  40. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  41. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  42. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  43. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  44. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  45. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  46. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  47. WORKSHEET #4 - God the Son His Nature PG. 8 5. Underline those words or phrases which describe Christ s human nature. 1. born of a woman 7. was crucified 13. raised Lazarus 2. grew tired 8. walked with His disciples 14. spoke to His disciples 3. ascended to heaven 10. all-present 15. wept 4. worked 9. drove out devils 16. prayed 5. died 11. suffered 17. healed the sick 6. ate and drank 12. kept the Law perfectly 18. was tempted

  48. WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son Redeemer PG. 9 1. Write a Bible reference on the line that John 19:1-3 Philippians 2:5-8 Isaiah 7:14 Acts 13:37 (Psalm 16:10) 1 Corinthians 8:9 Matthew 27:46 Isaiah 53:3 Matthew 8:20 (1 Cor. 8:9) a) describes how the soldiers treated Jesus. b) tells us that Jesus took the form of a servant. c) predicts the birth of Jesus (Old Testament verse). d) reveals that Jesus body would not decay. e) assures us that Christ has made us rich. f) includes a question Jesus asked during His suffering. g) calls Jesus a man of sorrows. h) speaks of the poverty of Jesus.

  49. WORKSHEET # 5 - God the Son Redeemer PG. 10 2. Match the first part of each sentence with its ending. _____ 1. Christ s humiliation began e f h a c d b g a. and gave up His spirit. _____ 2. He humbled Himself b. when His body was buried. _____ 3. He was despised, c. and birds of the air have nests. _____ 4. He bowed His head d. be with child. _____ 5. Foxes have holes e. at His conception. _____ 6. The virgin will f. and became obedient to. . . death _____ 7. Christ s humiliation ended g. and had Him flogged. _____ 8. Pilate took Jesus h. and we esteemed Him not.

  50. WORKSHEET #5 - God the Son Redeemer PG. 10 _____ 1. reconcile g to bring together again _____ 2. redeem f to buy back _____ 3. vicarious atonement b Christ made satisfaction made for my sins the wrongs we think, say, or do or the right we fail to think, say, or do _____ 4. sins e _____ 5. death a eternal separation from God _____ 6. devil c the one who tries to accuse me _____ 7. universal atonement d redemption of all people


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