George Washington's Foreign Policy and Its Impact on the Early United States

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George Washington played a pivotal role in crafting a foreign policy that prioritized neutrality and avoided entanglements in European conflicts. His approach to diplomacy and decision-making laid the foundation for future foreign relations strategies in the nascent United States.

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  1. In REVIEW The Constitution has become the Law of the Land. George Washington is unanimously elected as the first President. Washington then sets out to establish his cabinet, those close advisors who will head up the various agencies of the country. Obviously, as we have seen the financial institution must be one of the first order of business. Alexander Hamilton is appointed at the first Secretary of Treasury. Immediately there is a controversy regarding the Bank and how the Constitution will be interpreted The controversy involved Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, the first Secretary of State

  2. What does the term Foreign policy mean Foreign policy is an umbrella term covering all issues regarding how a government and its agents politically relate to other governments; A few examples of foreign policy include: trade agreements, embargoes, declarations of war, treaties, humanitarian aid, intelligence gathering and analysis, and strategies employed.

  3. Introduction George Washington, America's first president practiced a policy which promoted neutrality. He understood that the United States had too many domestic issues, and had too small a military. Still, Washington was no isolationist. He wanted the United States to be an integral part of the western world. Washington avoided political and military alliances. Washington declined aid to France during their revolution. France only wanted the US to engage British troops who were still garrisoned in Canada, and take on British naval ships sailing near US waters, Washington refused.

  4. Division Within As with the Treasury Department Washington's foreign policy also contributed to a rift in the administration. Federalists, the core of whom had established the federal government with the Constitution, wanted to normalize relations with Great Britain. It was Alexander Hamilton, Washington's secretary of the treasury, championed that idea. However, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and the Democrat-Republicans favored France, since France had helped the US during their revolutionary war. Washington stayed clear from all alliances.

  5. Diplomacy Washington immediately set two critical foreign policy precedents: He assumed control of treaty negotiations with a hostile power then asked for congressional approval once they were finalized. In addition, he sent American emissaries overseas for negotiations. Washington was leery of any such foreign entanglement, considering his country too weak and unstable to fight another war with a major European power. His insistence on neutrality in foreign quarrels set another key precedent, as did his insistence that the power to make such a determination be lodged in the presidency.

  6. Jays TreaTy In mid-1793, Britain announced that it would seize any ships trading with the French, including those flying the American flag. At the same time the British were building forts in Ohio while increasing insurgent activities elsewhere in America. The President's strong inclination in response to British provocations was to seek a diplomatic solution. The resulting treaty addressed few U.S. interests, and ultimately granted Britain additional rights. The only concessions Jay obtained was a surrender of the northwestern posts and a commercial treaty with Great Britain. The Treaty however restricted U.S. access to the British West Indies. The compensation for pre-revolutionary debts, and British seizures of American ships, were to be resolved by arbitration. Jay even conceded that the British could seize U.S. goods bound for France if they paid for them and could confiscate without payment French goods on American ships.

  7. Administrative action For the first time, members of the government openly criticized Washington. It was the first example of the partisan give-and-take that has been essential to the survival of American democracy for over two centuries. There was a single casualty. Washington's advisers presented him with evidence that Edmund Randolph, Jefferson's successor as secretary of state, had allegedly solicited a bribe from a French envoy to oppose the treaty with England. Although Randolph denied the charges, an angry Washington forced him to resign. With this action, another important precedent was set. The Constitution empowers the President to nominate his principal officers with the advice and consent of the Senate; it says nothing, however, about the chief executive's authority to dismiss appointees. With Washington's dismissal of Randolph, the administrative system of the federal government was firmly tied to the President. In total, Washington dismissed three foreign ministers, all without seeking the advice or approval of Congress.

  8. The Final Years A pair of treaties dominated the later stages of Washington's foreign policy. Pirates from the Barbary region of North Africa were seizing American ships and demanded annual payments. It was, in short, a shakedown for protection money, and encouraged Washington's resolve to construct a viable navy. The agreement, Pinckney's Treaty with Spain had a better outcome for Washington. Spanish-controlled Florida agreed to stop inciting Native American attacks on settlers. More importantly, Spain conceded unrestricted access of the entire Mississippi River to Americans, opening much of the Ohio River Valley for settlement and trade. Agricultural produce could now flow on flatboats down the Ohio and Cumberland Rivers to the Mississippi River and on to New Orleans and Europe.

  9. Domestic Affairs At every turn, Washington was aware that the conduct of his presidency would set the standard for generations to come. The American government was in a primitive state. Washington's performance in those early years was brilliant. He went to one session of the Senate to receive its advice about a treaty but was annoyed because senators felt uncomfortable in his presence and would not debate its provisions. Washington withdrew angrily and swore he "would never go there again," ensuring a tradition of separation between the executive and legislative branches. The Departments of State, War, and Treasury were established, along with the office of Attorney General, each headed by a trusted presidential adviser. These advisers collectively became known as the cabinet. Washington strove for ideological balance in these appointments, thus augmenting their strength and credibility.

  10. Whiskey Rebellion A tax on whiskey was one of the key elements of Hamilton's fiscal program. This taxation enraged many citizens, and in 1794, resistance to the whiskey tax boiled over in western Pennsylvania with attacks on tax collectors and the formation of several well-armed resistance movements. Washington was alarmed by the Whiskey Rebellion, viewing it as a threat to the nation's existence. In an extraordinary move designed to demonstrate the federal government's preeminence and power, the President ordered militia from several other states into Pennsylvania to keep order. He then traveled to the site of the troubles to personally oversee the buildup of troops and to lend his encouragement to the enterprise. The insurrection collapsed quickly with little violence, and the resistance movements disbanded. Washington eventually pardoned the men convicted of treason in the matter.

  11. Battle of Fallen timbers In 1791, Washington learned that an American force had been defeated by a Native American uprising in the Northwest Territory that killed over 600 American soldiers and militia. The President ordered the Revolutionary War veteran General "Mad" Anthony Wayne to launch a new expedition against a coalition of tribes led by Miami Chief Little Turtle. Wayne spent months training his troops to fight using forest warfare in the style of the Indians before marching boldly into the region. After constructing a chain of forts, Wayne and his troops crushed the Indians in the Battle of Fallen Timbers in the summer of 1794. The seven tribes - the Shawnee, Miami, Ottawa, Chippewa, Iroquois, Sauk, and Fox ceded large portions of Indian lands to the United States by signing the Treaty of Greenville and moved west.

  12. Farewell Address Perhaps Washington's greatest contribution came in his farewell address in 1796. Washington was not seeking a third term and his comments were to celebrate his exit from public life. Washington warned against two things. The first, although it was really too late, was the destructive nature of party politics. The second was the danger of foreign alliances. He warned neither to favor one nation too highly over another, and to not ally with others in foreign wars. For the next century, while the United States did not steer perfectly clear from foreign alliances and issues, it did adhere to neutrality as the major part of its foreign policy.

  13. Transfer of Power By ceding office after two terms, Washington helped ensure a regular and orderly transfer of executive power. His two-term limit set a custom that would stand for 150 years until Franklin Roosevelt was elected to a third term in 1940 and a fourth term in 1944. Washington always urged Americans to be a vigilant and righteous people. "It is of infinite moment that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national union to your collective and individual happiness," "The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government." But some of Washington's advice was not heeded. He warned his fellow citizens against "the baneful spirit of faction," referring to the party spirit that had disrupted his administration and he warned against "foreign entanglements." To this day, Washington's farewell address is read aloud every year in the U.S. Senate as a tribute to his service and foresight.


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