French Curriculum and Progression Overview in Unity Schools
The Unity of Titchmarsh, Warmington, and Nassington Schools emphasizes the importance of learning a foreign language to broaden students' horizons. The French curriculum aims to develop students' language skills, cultural understanding, and ability to communicate effectively. The overview highlights the intent, purpose, and progression of French lessons over two years, focusing on key vocabulary, grammar, and interactive teaching methods.
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The Unity of Titchmarsh, Warmington and Nassington Schools Image result for warmington school Image result for titchmarsh primary school French Curriculum and Progression Documents
Languages Curriculum Intent and Purpose Purpose of study Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high- quality languages education should foster pupils curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries. Aims The national curriculum for languages aims to ensure that all pupils: understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation can write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied.
French Overview /Intent in the Unity Schools over 2 years / 12 half-terms This covers the plans for a 2 years roll out lessons for 3 mixed classes in the Unity Schools with 30mn for the 3 classes on 34 weeks, which makes 18 hours of teaching per academic year per pupil. It has been a difficult 2 years because of the pandemic and plans have had to be adapted to catch-up and some topics have just not been covered. They are not always all covered. Sometimes, one topic will extend and another topic will have to go. As the children s comprehension and confidence grows, I raise and increase their awareness on the vocabulary covered and on the grammar points. As the children progress through the years, it is necessary to enrich and vary the actual content of the curriculum to retain the children s interest, that is why Y5Y6 have 2 very distinctive cycles of learning even if I keep going back to the core of their knowledge. The very able children will go to the very top of understanding and use the different concepts. The less able ones will hopefully have learnt some basic useful French that they might use or recognise when going on holiday. My aim is to deliver French with Fun and with as much interaction as possible with the children.
French overview in the Unity Schools over 6 half-terms over 2 years 4 6 5 1 2 3 Hello hi goodbye to daddy mummy To a friend Head shoulders , knees and toes New action word To speak/ parler New action word To sing / chanter New action word To eat / manger New action word To play / jouer New action word voyager Numbers 6 and 10 And 10 sausages He or she is called Il/elle s appelle 3 colours Bleu, blanc rouge 1,2,3let s go /on y va Fr re Jacques Levez-vous/asseyez-vous /vite Numbers to 5 I speak a little bit French Je parle un petit peu fran ais He/she speaks English and a little bit of French How to say The French.English flag Give your name in French Je m appelle Reception class Yes/ no Please/ thank you Happy Christmas Numbers to 7,8,9 Let s start counting to 10 I like and I don t like J aime et je n aime pas A butterfly that flies away How to say boy/girl Gar on /fille The magic word this one please a s il_vous_pla t A little thumb dancing song The potato song A song about a potato with eyes, nose, mouth arms legs , wearing a hat which likes to dance The hedgehogs rap How to say French and English in French Fran ais / anglais Numbers to 12 I do some sport Je fais du sport Have a good day Bonne journ e The little owl hiding in a cabbage How to say Madame Kernick speaks French I speak English Madame Kernick parle fran ais Je parle anglais 5 action words Marcher Sauter, tourner T l phoner, danser Have a good holiday Bonnes vacances Numbers to 10 Each half-term also being a re-enforcement of the acquired knowledge which needs permanent practice
French overview in the Unity Schools over 6 half-terms over 2 years 4 6 5 1 2 3 Hello hi goodbye To a man/woman/ daddy mummy Where is England France ? What is your name? I am called I speak English I speak a little of French Levez-vous/asseyez-vous /vite Fr re Jacques 5 actions Marcher, sauter, tourner, t l phoner, danser Numbers to 5 he/she is called My friend is called Gar on / fille Les gar ons/les filles/ les enfants Simon says Yes/ please/thank you This please, thank you I like this, a lot or not Numbers 5 to 10 Have a good holiday I like the holidays Happy New year /kings cake Bleu, blanc, rouge French and English flag Head shoulders knees and toes Quel temps fait-il? Il fait beau Comme-ci comme- a Il ne fait pas beau Pets 1 En fran ais j ai appris le nom des animaux Un requin tadatada is a shark 5 more actions Manger, parler, chanter, voyager, jouer J aime/ je n aime pas + actions Un h risson a pique Un mouton c est doux Un papillon a vole Un petit hibou cach dans un chou Numbers to 20 Let s move ! A droite/ A gauche Tourner droite, gauche En avant En arri re Y1/Y2 Simon says and parts of the body Alouette je te plumerai Sur le pont d Avignon Potato song Numbers to 15 Numbers to 12 Je fais du sport J aime / je n aime pas a J aime les vacances J aime papa/maman J aime ma famille Amstramgram Happy Christmas Happy Easter O es-tu all ? Je suis all en France Qu est-ce que tu as vu ? J ai vu la Tour Eiffel Milo la mer Je surfe, je tombe, je nage jusqu la plage 1 tortue, 1 toile de mer, 1 requin, i hippocampe Cycle 1 Mon ami Barnab aime voyager (1) Je vois avec les yeux J'entends avec les oreilles Je sens avec le nez Je mange avec la bouche Je touche avec la main Milo dans la for t tropicale Est-ce que tu veux jouer avec moi ? Cache-cache Coco es-tu l ? Je ne suis pas l 1 papillon , 1 singe, 1 paresseux Cycle 2 C est l heure du snack Snack vocabulary Wash your hands 1 Each half-term also being a re-enforcement of the acquired knowledge which needs permanent practice
French overview in the Unity Schools over 6 half-terms over 2 years 4 6 5 1 2 3 Bonjour et bienvenue Have you hjad a good holiday? I had a good holiday Where is England France ? What about Germany, Spain and Italy ? I am British, English, French or not Je vais l acole le lundi, je parle fran ais avec Mme kernick How are you feeling? Happy New year /kings cake Quel temps fait-il? 1+ Il fait (tr s) chaud/froid As-tu pass de bonnes vacances? Je n ai pas pass de bonnes vacances Les voyelles La chanson de l l phant How are you feeling? a va (tr s) bien Comme-ci comme- a Ca va (tr s) mal Je suis d sol (e) How are you feeling? J ai (tr s) chaud, froid, faim, soif or not Je suis fatigu (e) Je suis joyeux(se) Je suis en col re Days of the week Mon jour pr f r c est pourquoi? La semaine , je suis l cole Le week-end, je suis la maison Y3/Y4 Au caf fran ais Un chocolat chaud s il-vous- pla t Puis-je avoir a SVP ? a fait combien? Je vais (aller) en vacances la montagne la mer A la campagne En voiture En avion En train Je vais rester la maison Je vais rester en Angleterre 11 couleurs J ai un T- shirt + couleurs Je n ai pas de T-shirt + couleurs Ma couleur pr f r (e) Food songs based on the Coca baguette song Wash your hands1+2 Each half-term also being a re-enforcement of the acquired knowledge which needs permanent practice Wild animals Dans la jungle, terrible jungle 12 action verbs Use them in sentences Numbers to 20 little French words song Un une des Le la les Du/ de la Numbers to 39 Listen carefully Look carefully song Les cr pes J aime faire sauter les cr pes A la cr perie Let s move Some directions Numbers to 59 C est bient t No l C est bient t P ques Halloween 1 J ai peur/je n ai pas peur Une petite citrouille saute de haut en bas J aime les fruits , j aime les bananes J aime (beaucoup) j adore Je n aime pas (beaucoup, du tout), je d teste Cycle 1 Days of the week + sports Je fais / je ne fais pas de . Je voudrais faire du/ de la Football song Je connais les couleurs en fran ais Est-ce que tu as ? + clothes and more Un manteau, un chapeau, un parapluie, un bonnet Une charpe, une montre, une barbe, une moustache Halloween2 J ai peur/ je n ai pas peur Pour faire une soupe Days of the week + my hobbies Cycle 2 Qu est-ce-que tu portes? Mr Arc-en-ciel Also very much following the year s events and special events as they arise Halloween/ 11th November/Christmas/Happy new year/ King s cake/ Valentine s poem/ Pancakes/ Easter/1st May Lilly of the Valley / Le Tour de France / Le 14 juillet
French overview in the Unity Schools over 6 half-terms over 2 years 4 6 5 1 2 3 Bonjour bonsoir bonne nuit rap Have you had a good holiday? Unit1+unit 2 Where did you go ? I went to Where are BeIgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Andorra? Remembrance day L Arc de Triomphe Happy New year /kings cake Valentine s tradition 1st May Lilly of the Valley 14 juillet Le Tour de France Cycle 1 Cycle 1 Cycle 1 Cycle 1 Cycle 1 Get it together Meals and shopping May I have this ? I would like that ? Pour mon petit d jeuner, je voudrais . J voudrais ci, j voudrais a song Y5/Y6 The French alphabet In depth More about the weather Unit1+unit 2 The French alphabet Discovery The euros Learn to understand prices in French Practice shopping and paying. Make sentences with all phonics that we have been learning along the way It is sunny, windy, cloudy, Foggy, raining , snowing, A bit, a not or not Ma maison Rooms and what do I have in my bedroom ? My school, teacher, class is called What are you going to do this summer ? Ma classe What is there in my classroom ? Each half-term also being a re-enforcement of the acquired knowledge which needs permanent practice The Months of the year Set the date every week More on the family Les cousins song Wash your hands 3 What are you like ? Describing your personnality , or your friend s personnality What is your phne number ? Cycle 1 Numbers 79 to 100 I am (a little bit , or not Scottish, Irish, Welsh) Les cr pes J aime faire sauter les cr pes A la cr perie R le-play1 Numbers 100 to 100 000 and more Numbers 59 to 79 C est bient t No l C est bient t P ques Learn to play guess who in French ? Est-ce que ta personne a les cheveux blonds? Des lunettes? Les yeux bleux ? O habites-tu? J habite Quel ge as-tu, j ai Cycle 1 Use and practice sentences Je vais (aller) / je suis all (e + verb in another context than the holidays Also very much following the year s events and special events as they arise Halloween/ 11th November/Christmas/Happy new year/ King s cake/ Valentine s poem/ Pancakes/ Easter/1st May Lilly of the Valley / Le Tour de France / Le 14 juillet
French overview in the Unity Schools over 6 half-terms over 2 years 4 6 5 1 2 3 Bonjour bonsoir bonne nuit rap Have you had a good holiday? Unit1+unit 2 Where did you go ? I went to Where are BeIgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco, Corsica 7 flags Remembrance day L Arc de Triomphe Happy New year /kings cake Valentine s tradition 1st May Lilly of the Valley 14 juillet Le Tour de France Cycle 2 Cycle 2 Cycle 2 Learn more about the famous buildings/ places in Paris ,more about the Eiffel Tower, the Louvres, la D fense Arch, les Champs- Elys es, La concorde, La Seine; le Sacr -C ur and la Cath drale de Paris Cycle 2 Cycle 2 4 seasons Y5/Y6 Topics at school Teaching subjects Je fais / je ne fais pas de . What is the date of your birthday ? What time is it ? Understanding/ telling the time Excuse-me? Do you speak English ?Can you help me ? I don t understand Can you speak more slowly ? Special about Champagne area and m thode Champenoise What I like doing or not doing pout of school Travelling to France Various transport The Eurotunnel My school, teacher, class is called French food specials Ordering drinks in a caf chocolat chaud Jus de fruit / orange /raisin... Still water, fizzy water Asking for the bill Each half-term also being a re-enforcement of the acquired knowledge which needs permanent practice Revisit ordering food Revisit I like (a lot or not) I don t like (a not, at all) I hate Wash your hands 3 Qu est-ce que c est song The Months of the year Set the date every week Les magasins Understand some directions Numbers 79 to 100 Cycle 2 Les cr pes J aime faire sauter les cr pes A la cr perie R le-play 2 Harvesting grapes in France Wine making, Numbers 100 to 100 000 and more Numbers 59 to 79 C est bient t No l C est bient t P ques Let s play What do you like to eat ? Mystery voice Cycle 2 R le play It s my birthday , let s celebrate in a caf Specials on Monaco / Andorra/ Corsica Je voudrais faire de la musique Les instruments Famous bridges Le pont du Gard, le Viaduc de Millau Le pont des soupirs 18 ways to wish good things in French Also very much following the year s events and special events as they arise Halloween/ 11th November/Christmas/Happy new year/ King s cake/ Valentine s poem/ Pancakes/ Easter/1st May Lilly of the Valley / Le Tour de France / Le 14 juillet
Listening skills Starting with a lot of repetitions, games and appropriate songs, the children progressively show understanding by reacting to instructions and showing with their hand language , kinaesthetic learning, that they have understood the meaning of what is being said. Speaking skills They gradually move from the listening and the repeating to being able to join in with the whole class speaking to progressively feel more confident to speak independently. Reading skills Most of my teaching is supported by power-point presentations where the children can read the French being delivered orally, they also can read the related English translation. Writing skills We occasionally write some French sentences when we happen to make some illustrations of our learning, we will have a go in year 6 at writing , for examples, days of the week, we have quizzes of understanding on white boards , but the emphasis is to practice the language orally rather than on paper. Cultural understanding I take every opportunity to bring the similarities and the differences between our 2 countries, we follow the yearly calendar to celebrate our similar or different traditions. There are 3 or 4 traditional French songs, the rest are made-up and purposeful, with an intention to teach them useful language once taken out of the context of the song. There are lots of games at the end of most lessons, re-enforcing the vocabulary that is being taught, including everyone, giving an opportunity to ALL , even the ones who find the language a challenge, an opportunity to win these dojos or house-points by just joining in the games, therefore getting them included and valued.
Lesson plans All my lessons are supported by customized PPoint presentations. I have made them up over the years, I adapt and improve them as I go along with the progress of a class. Some of it will be familiar to the children, an opportunity for all to gain confidence in the repetitions and the routine then, along the lesson, there will be as follows : Yellow slides These are new topics on the day Light blue slides These will be topics on their 2nd week introduction Light green slides This is work in progress and the number of weeks will be shown Orange slides Re introducing a topic/ a song for the first time on that new year Bright yellow slides The children should have that knowledge under their belt
Grammar coverage Y1/Y2 Simple nouns, simple questions, noun adjective order, cognates, simple sentences Nouns and adjective order, le drapeau fran ais , la Tour Eiffel 1st person + Verbs je m appelle , je parle , j aime , je fais du sport, je vois , j entends je surfe, je tombe . negative with je n aime pas Il fait beau , il ne fait pas beau 3rd person + verbs il and elle with il s appelle, elle parle anglais verb aller and voir in the past tense in Barnab s story Verb faire in the weather part 1 vocab il fait beau and negative form il ne fait pas beau Additional action infinitive verbs + imperative verbs for instructions marcher sauter tourner t l phoner danser jouer voyager parler manger chanter aimer levez-vous/ asseyez-vous.. a pique ! a vole ! Grammar coverage Y3/Y4 Continually maintain previous knkowledge porter des v tements 1st 2ndand thirdperson positive and negative sentences verb aller in the near future je vais aller en vacances Verb avoir faire 1st person Verb vouloir in est-ce que tu veux jouer avec moi? In the story Milo in the rain forest Noun and adjective order with colours Position of adjectives of size petit grand Definite indefinite partitive articles introduced with gender masculine /feminine singular/plural une/une/des le/la /les du/ de la Conjunctions et mais and intensifier beaucoup un petit peu Possessive descriptors mon ma mes Use of intonation for questionning Apostrophe to replace a missing letter when next word starts with vowel
Grammar coverage Y5/Y6 Continually maintain previous knowledge In Y5/Y6 bring in the realisation of all the grammar points and how it all makes sense. Verb avoir in est-ce que ta personne a les cheveux blonds? Positive /negative sentences with tre use of past tense with tre 1st person je suis all (e) je ne suis pas all (e) Positive /negative sentences with avoir use of past tense with tre 1st person j ai pass de bonnes vacances Positive /negative sentences with all the action infinitive verbs learnt over the years j ai mang j ai nag j ai chant Personality adjectives (1st and 3rd person &agreement)