Physical characteristics
Enamel forms a protective covering of
variable thickness over the entire surface of
the crown Because of its high content of
mineral salts and their crystalline
arrangement, enamel is the hardest
calcified tissue in the human body.
The function of the enamel is to form a
resistant covering of the teeth, adaptation
them suitable for mastication.
The enamel was found to be thicker in the
lingual surfaces of maxillary molars and in the
buccal surfaces of mandibular molars.
 As these are supporting cusps adaptation to
functional demands.
 On the cusps of human molars and premolars
the enamel attains a maximum thickness of
about 2 to 2.5 mm, thinning down to almost a
knife edge at the neck of the tooth.
The structure and hardness of the enamel makes
it brittle, which is particularly obvious when the
enamel loses its foundation of sound dentin.
 At the surface the modulus of elasticity is higher
and the hardness is more than on dentinoenamel
The density decreases from the surface to the
deeper regions and from cuspal to incisal region.
Enamel has always been observed as a non
electrical conductive material: it is in fact an
insulator at room temperature.
 Enamel is its permeable permitting complete or
partial passage of certain molecules.
The color of the enamel ranges from yellowish
white to grayish white is determined by
differences in the translucency of enamel,
yellowish teeth having a thin, translucent
enamel through which the yellow color of the
dentin is visible and grayish teeth having a more
opaque enamel.
This due to variations in the degree of
calcification and homogeneity of the enamel
 Grayish teeth frequently show a slightly yellowish
color at the cervical areas.
Incisal areas may have a bluish tinge where the
thin edge consists only of a double layer of
Dehydration decreased the translucency but it
was reversed on rehydration.
Chemical properties:
Inorganic material (96%)
The inorganic material of the enamel is
Its chemical formula is Ca10 (PO4)6(OH4)2.
They are hexagonal in cross-section.
The crystals are arranged to form enamel 
enamel prisms
The hydroxyapatite crystal has a central core or
C axis of hydroxyl ion around which calcium and
phosphorus ions are arranged in the form of
Carbonate rich crystals are preferentially
attacked by acids in caries
Organic substance and water (4%).
Water is present as a part of the crystal (hydroxyapatite),
between crystals and between rods and surrounding the
Pores are present between the crystals, especially at the
boundaries of the rods and these are filled with water.
The organic material consists of some unique proteins
Enamel proteins do not contribute to structuring of
This is in contrast to collagen, which is the principal
protein of dentin or bone, having a structuring function.
The proteins found in the enamel are
of two main groups
are a heterogenous group of low
molecular weight proteins, accounting for about
90% of the enamel proteins.
They are hydrophobic. Most of the secreted
 is removed during maturation
have a functional role in maintaining spaces
between the crystals.
 In the fully formed enamel amelogenin remains
in between the crystals and also surrounding
Amelogenins were also found in the acellular
 May be involved in the formation of acellular
cementum and help in the regeneration of
cementum in teeth affected by periodontal
constitute about 10% of
enamel matrix proteins.
Enamelin, ameloblastin and tuftelin are the
important proteins of this group.
Nonamelogenins are high molecular weight
proteins .
 Ameloblastin and enamelin help in nucleation
and growth of crystals.
 on the hand, is localized to DEJ and is
suggested to be involved in cell signaling.
 a new protein be secreted by
maturative ameloblast. This protein is suggested
to help in enamel formation.
Enamel microscopical Structure:
The enamel is composed of
1-Enamel rods or prisms:
are cylindrical, in longitudinal section,
therefore the term rods.
From the dentinoenamel junction the rods run
twisting courses outward to the surface of the
The length of most rods is greater than the
thickness of the enamel because of the oblique
direction and the wavy course of the rods.
The rods located in the cusps, the thickest part
of the enamel, are longer than those at the
cervical areas of the teeth.
The diameter of the rods averages 4 μm, but this
measurement necessarily varies, since the outer
surface of the enamel is greater than the dentinal
surface where the rods originate.
The diameter of the rods increases from the
dentinoenamel junction toward the surface of
the enamel at a ratio of about 1:2.
In cross-sections of human enamel, many rods
resemble fish scales, keyhole- or paddle- shaped
prism .When cut longitudinally sections pass
through the “heads” or “bodies” of one row of
rods and the “tails” of an adjacent row.
 The “bodies” of the rods are nearer occlusal and
incisal surfaces, whereas the “tails” point
At least two ameloblasts are involved in the
synthesis of each enamel rod.
One interpretation of the relationships between
key hole-shaped 
enamel rods and the
roughly hexagonal ameloblasts is indicated.
The bulk of the “head” of each rod is formed by
one ameloblast, whereas three others contribute
components to the “tail” of each rod.
 According to this interpretation, each rod is
formed by four ameloblasts, and each ameloblast
contributes to four different rods.
2-rod sheaths.
3- cementing interprismatic substance
Direction of rods:
Generally the rods are oriented at
right angles to the dentin surface.
 In the cervical and central parts of
the crown of a deciduous tooth they
are approximately horizontal.
 Near the Incisal edge or tip of the
cusps they change gradually to an
increasingly oblique direction until
they are almost vertical in the region
of the edge or tip of the cusps.
Gnarled enamel:
Optical appearance of enamel presents at the tip
of the cusps due to twisted enamel rods around
each other in complex arrangement. They
arranged in radial manner in horizontal plane.
Enamel Striations:
1-Cross striations
enamel rod is arranged of
segments separated by dark lines
that give it a striated appearance.
These cross striations demarcate
rod segments and become more
visible by the action of mild acids.
The rods are segmented because
the enamel matrix is formed in a
rhythmic manner
2-Hunter–Schreger bands:
The more or less regular
change in the direction of rods
may be regarded as a functional
adaptation, minimizing the risk
of cleavage in the axial
direction under the influence of
occlusal masticatory forces.
The change in the direction of
rods is responsible for the
appearance of an optical
phenomenon the Hunter–
Schreger bands.
These are alternating
dark and light strips of
varying widths that can
best be seen in a
longitudinal ground
section under oblique
reflected light.
 They originate at the
dentinoenamel border
and pass outward,
ending at some distance
from the outer enamel
3-Incremental lines of Retzius
The incremental lines of
Retzius appear as brownish
bands in ground sections of the
enamel. They explain the
incremental pattern of the
enamel, that is, the successive
apposition of layers of enamel
during formation of the crown.
In longitudinal sections they
surround the tip of the dentin
In the cervical parts of the crown they run
In cross sections of a tooth the incremental lines
of Retzius appear as concentric circles .
They may be compared to the growth rings in
the cross-section of a tree.
The term “incremental lines” reflect variations in
structure and mineralization, either
hypomineralization or hypermineralization, that
occur during growth of the enamel.
The mean daily rate of enamel formation of
3.5 microns
 increases from inner to
outer enamel and decreases from incisal/cuspal
region to cervical enamel. The evenly spaced
striae of Retzius was shown to represent a 
day rhythm
 in enamel formation while other
Retzius lines are suggested to be due to stress.
4-The neonatal line or neonatal ring
The boundary between the two portions of
enamel in the deciduous teeth is marked by an
accentuated incremental line of Retzius.
It appears to be the result of the abrupt change
in the environment and nutrition of the newborn
The enamel of the deciduous teeth develops
partly before and partly after birth. The prenatal
enamel usually is better developed than the
postnatal enamel.
Surface structures:
Prismless enamel
: A relatively structureless
layer of enamel, approximately   has been
described in 70% of permanent teeth and all
deciduous teeth. It is found least often over the
cusp tips and most commonly toward the
cervical areas of the enamel surface.
is transverse, wave-like grooves, believed
to be the external manifestations of the
striae of Retzius.
They are continuous around a tooth and
usually lie parallel to each other and to the
cementoenamel junction.
The enamel rod ends are concave and vary
in depth and shape.
They are shallowest in the cervical regions
of surfaces and deepest near the incisal or
occlusal edges
the narrow, fissure-like structures that are seen on
almost all surfaces they are actually the outer edges
of lamellae.
They extend for varying distances along the surface,
at right angles to the dentinoenamel junction, from
which they originate.
Most of them are less than a millimeter in length,
but some are longer, and a few reach the occlusal or
incisal edge of a surface.
They are fairly evenly spaced, but long lamellae
appear thicker than short ones.
5-Enamel cuticle:
A delicate membrane called
Nasmyth’s membrane, after its first
investigator, or the 
primary enamel
 covers the entire crown of the
newly erupted tooth but is probably
soon removed by mastication.
Electron microscopic studies have
indicated that this membrane is a
atypical basal lamina found beneath most
epithelia secreted by the ameloblasts when
enamel formation is completed.
The function of enamel cuticle is to protect the
surface of enamel from the resorptive activity of
the adjacent vascular tissue prior to the eruption
of the teeth.
erupted enamel is normally covered by a
precipitate of salivary proteins. This pellicle
reforms within hours after an enamel surface is
mechanically cleaned. Within a day or two after
the pellicle has formed, it becomes colonized by
microorganisms to form a 
bacterial plaque
Dentinoenamel junction
The surface of the dentin at the dentinoenamel
junctions is pitted. Into the shallow depressions
of the dentin fit rounded projections of the
This relation assures the firm hold of the enamel
cap on the dentin therefore, the DEJ appears not
as a straight but as a scalloped line .
The DEJ, which is a series of ridges is more
pronounced in the occlusal area, where
masticatory stresses are greater.
Structured related to D.E.J:
-Enamel lamellae:
Enamel lamellae are thin, leaf-like structures
that extend from the enamel surface toward the
 They may extend to, and sometimes penetrate
into, the dentin.
They consist of organic material, with but little
mineral content makes possible the distinction
between cracks and enamel lamellae.
Three types of lamellae can thus be
1-Type A, lamellae composed of poorly calcified rod
segments restricted to the enamel
2-Type B, lamellae consisting of degenerated cells;
3- Type C more common.
Types B and C may reach into the dentin.
Lamellae arising in erupted teeth where the cracks are
filled with organic matter originating from saliva.
It has been suggested that enamel lamellae may be a
site of weakness in a tooth and may form a road of
entry for bacteria that initiate caries may act as
pathways for caries producing bacteria.
2-Enamel tufts
Enamel tufts arise at the DEJ and reach
into the enamel to about one 
its thickness.
They resemble tufts of grass when
viewed in ground sections.
Tufts consist of hypocalcified enamel
rods and interprismatic substance.
Like the lamellae, they extend in the
direction of the long axis of the crown.
Therefore they are seen abundantly in
horizontal section.
 Odontoblast processes and enamel
Occasionally odontoblast processes pass across
the dentinoenamel junction into the enamel.
Since many are thickened at their end they have
been termed enamel spindles.
They seem to originate from processes of
odontoblasts that extended into the enamel
epithelium before hard substances were formed
at right angles to the surface of the dentin. The
structure of the spindles were similar to enamel
tufts and that both of them were
hypomineralized or partially mineralized
Slide Note

Enamel, the hardest calcified tissue in the human body, forms a protective covering over the teeth, adapting them for mastication. Its thickness varies across different surfaces of the teeth, with maximum thickness found on cusps. The structure of enamel makes it brittle, especially when it loses support from sound dentin. Enamel density decreases from the surface to deeper regions and from cusps to incisal areas. The color of enamel ranges from yellowish white to grayish white due to differences in translucency. Chemical properties reveal enamel as an inorganic material consisting mostly of minerals.

  • Enamel
  • Physical Characteristics
  • Composition
  • Dental Health
  • Tooth Structure

Uploaded on Apr 07, 2024 | 2 Views

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  2. Physical characteristics Enamel forms a protective covering of variable thickness over the entire surface of the crown Because of its high content of mineral salts and their crystalline arrangement, enamel is the hardest calcified tissue in the human body. The function of the enamel is to form a resistant covering of the teeth, adaptation them suitable for mastication.

  3. The enamel was found to be thicker in the lingual surfaces of maxillary molars and in the buccal surfaces of mandibular molars. As these are supporting cusps adaptation to functional demands. On the cusps of human molars and premolars the enamel attains a maximum thickness of about 2 to 2.5 mm, thinning down to almost a knife edge at the neck of the tooth.

  4. The structure and hardness of the enamel makes it brittle, which is particularly obvious when the enamel loses its foundation of sound dentin. At the surface the modulus of elasticity is higher and the hardness is more than on dentinoenamel junction.

  5. The density decreases from the surface to the deeper regions and from cuspal to incisal region. Enamel has always been observed as a non electrical conductive material: it is in fact an insulator at room temperature. Enamel is its permeable permitting complete or partial passage of certain molecules.

  6. The color of the enamel ranges from yellowish white to grayish white is determined by differences in the translucency of enamel, yellowish teeth having a thin, translucent enamel through which the yellow color of the dentin is visible and grayish teeth having a more opaque enamel.

  7. This due to variations in the degree of calcification and homogeneity of the enamel Grayish teeth frequently show a slightly yellowish color at the cervical areas. Incisal areas may have a bluish tinge where the thin edge consists only of a double layer of enamel. Dehydration decreased the translucency but it was reversed on rehydration.

  8. Chemical properties: Inorganic material (96%) The inorganic material of the enamel is hydroxyapatite. Its chemical formula is Ca10 (PO4)6(OH4)2. They are hexagonal in cross-section. The crystals are arranged to form enamel rods or enamel prisms.

  9. The hydroxyapatite crystal has a central core or C axis of hydroxyl ion around which calcium and phosphorus ions are arranged in the form of triangles. Carbonate rich crystals are preferentially attacked by acids in caries

  10. Organic substance and water (4%). Water is present as a part of the crystal (hydroxyapatite), between crystals and between rods and surrounding the rods. Pores are present between the crystals, especially at the boundaries of the rods and these are filled with water. The organic material consists of some unique proteins Enamel proteins do not contribute to structuring of enamel. This is in contrast to collagen, which is the principal protein of dentin or bone, having a structuring function.

  11. The proteins found in the enamel are of two main groups: Amelogenins: are a heterogenous group of low molecular weight proteins, accounting for about 90% of the enamel proteins. They are hydrophobic. Most of the secreted amelogenin is removed during maturation have a functional role in maintaining spaces between the crystals. In the fully formed enamel amelogenin remains in between the crystals and also surrounding them..

  12. Amelogenins were also found in the acellular cementum. May be involved in the formation of acellular cementum and help in the regeneration of cementum in teeth affected by periodontal diseases

  13. Nonamelogenins constitute about 10% of enamel matrix proteins. Enamelin, ameloblastin and tuftelin are the important proteins of this group. Nonamelogenins are high molecular weight proteins . Ameloblastin and enamelin help in nucleation and growth of crystals.

  14. Tuftelin, on the hand, is localized to DEJ and is suggested to be involved in cell signaling. Amelotin, a new protein be secreted by maturative ameloblast. This protein is suggested to help in enamel formation.

  15. Enamel microscopical Structure: The enamel is composed of 1-Enamel rods or prisms: which are cylindrical, in longitudinal section, therefore the term rods. From the dentinoenamel junction the rods run twisting courses outward to the surface of the tooth. The length of most rods is greater than the thickness of the enamel because of the oblique direction and the wavy course of the rods.

  16. The rods located in the cusps, the thickest part of the enamel, are longer than those at the cervical areas of the teeth. The diameter of the rods averages 4 m, but this measurement necessarily varies, since the outer surface of the enamel is greater than the dentinal surface where the rods originate. The diameter of the rods increases from the dentinoenamel junction toward the surface of the enamel at a ratio of about 1:2.

  17. In cross-sections of human enamel, many rods resemble fish scales, keyhole- or paddle- shaped prism .When cut longitudinally sections pass through the heads or bodies of one row of rods and the tails of an adjacent row. The bodies of the rods are nearer occlusal and incisal surfaces, whereas the tails point cervically. At least two ameloblasts are involved in the synthesis of each enamel rod.

  18. One interpretation of the relationships between the key hole-shaped enamel rods and the roughly hexagonal ameloblasts is indicated. The bulk of the head of each rod is formed by one ameloblast, whereas three others contribute components to the tail of each rod. According to this interpretation, each rod is formed by four ameloblasts, and each ameloblast contributes to four different rods.

  19. 2-rod sheaths. 3- cementing interprismatic substance

  20. Direction of rods: Generally the rods are oriented at right angles to the dentin surface. In the cervical and central parts of the crown of a deciduous tooth they are approximately horizontal. Near the Incisal edge or tip of the cusps they change gradually to an increasingly oblique direction until they are almost vertical in the region of the edge or tip of the cusps.

  21. Gnarled enamel: Optical appearance of enamel presents at the tip of the cusps due to twisted enamel rods around each other in complex arrangement. They arranged in radial manner in horizontal plane.

  22. . Enamel Striations: 1-Cross striations :Each enamel rod is arranged of segments separated by dark lines that give it a striated appearance. These cross striations demarcate rod segments and become more visible by the action of mild acids. The rods are segmented because the enamel matrix is formed in a rhythmic manner

  23. 2-HunterSchreger bands: The more or less regular change in the direction of rods may be regarded as a functional adaptation, minimizing the risk of cleavage in the axial direction under the influence of occlusal masticatory forces. The change in the direction of rods is responsible for the appearance of an optical phenomenon the Hunter Schreger bands.

  24. These are alternating dark and light strips of varying widths that can best be seen in a longitudinal ground section under oblique reflected light. They originate at the dentinoenamel border and pass outward, ending at some distance from the outer enamel surface.

  25. . 3-Incremental lines of Retzius The incremental lines of Retzius appear as brownish bands in ground sections of the enamel. They explain the incremental pattern of the enamel, that is, the successive apposition of layers of enamel during formation of the crown. In longitudinal sections they surround the tip of the dentin

  26. In the cervical parts of the crown they run obliquely. In cross sections of a tooth the incremental lines of Retzius appear as concentric circles . They may be compared to the growth rings in the cross-section of a tree. The term incremental lines reflect variations in structure and mineralization, either hypomineralization or hypermineralization, that occur during growth of the enamel.

  27. The mean daily rate of enamel formation of about 3.5 microns increases from inner to outer enamel and decreases from incisal/cuspal region to cervical enamel. The evenly spaced striae of Retzius was shown to represent a 6 11 day rhythm in enamel formation while other Retzius lines are suggested to be due to stress.

  28. 4-The neonatal line or neonatal ring: The boundary between the two portions of enamel in the deciduous teeth is marked by an accentuated incremental line of Retzius. It appears to be the result of the abrupt change in the environment and nutrition of the newborn infant. The enamel of the deciduous teeth develops partly before and partly after birth. The prenatal enamel usually is better developed than the postnatal enamel.

  29. Surface structures: 1- Prismless enamel: A relatively structureless layer of enamel, approximately has been described in 70% of permanent teeth and all deciduous teeth. It is found least often over the cusp tips and most commonly toward the cervical areas of the enamel surface.

  30. 2-Perikymata is transverse, wave-like grooves, believed to be the external manifestations of the striae of Retzius. They are continuous around a tooth and usually lie parallel to each other and to the cementoenamel junction. The enamel rod ends are concave and vary in depth and shape. They are shallowest in the cervical regions of surfaces and deepest near the incisal or occlusal edges

  31. 3- Cracks : the narrow, fissure-like structures that are seen on almost all surfaces they are actually the outer edges of lamellae. They extend for varying distances along the surface, at right angles to the dentinoenamel junction, from which they originate. Most of them are less than a millimeter in length, but some are longer, and a few reach the occlusal or incisal edge of a surface. They are fairly evenly spaced, but long lamellae appear thicker than short ones.

  32. 5-Enamel cuticle: A delicate membrane called Nasmyth s membrane, after its first investigator, or the primary enamel cuticle covers the entire crown of the newly erupted tooth but is probably soon removed by mastication. Electron microscopic studies have indicated that this membrane is a

  33. atypical basal lamina found beneath most epithelia secreted by the ameloblasts when enamel formation is completed. The function of enamel cuticle is to protect the surface of enamel from the resorptive activity of the adjacent vascular tissue prior to the eruption of the teeth.

  34. 6- Pellicle: erupted enamel is normally covered by a precipitate of salivary proteins. This pellicle reforms within hours after an enamel surface is mechanically cleaned. Within a day or two after the pellicle has formed, it becomes colonized by microorganisms to form a bacterial plaque.

  35. Dentinoenamel junction The surface of the dentin at the dentinoenamel junctions is pitted. Into the shallow depressions of the dentin fit rounded projections of the enamel. This relation assures the firm hold of the enamel cap on the dentin therefore, the DEJ appears not as a straight but as a scalloped line . The DEJ, which is a series of ridges is more pronounced in the occlusal area, where masticatory stresses are greater.

  36. Structured related to D.E.J: 1-Enamel lamellae: Enamel lamellae are thin, leaf-like structures that extend from the enamel surface toward the DEJ. They may extend to, and sometimes penetrate into, the dentin. They consist of organic material, with but little mineral content makes possible the distinction between cracks and enamel lamellae.

  37. Three types of lamellae can thus be differentiated: 1-Type A, lamellae composed of poorly calcified rod segments restricted to the enamel 2-Type B, lamellae consisting of degenerated cells; 3- Type C more common. Types B and C may reach into the dentin. Lamellae arising in erupted teeth where the cracks are filled with organic matter originating from saliva. It has been suggested that enamel lamellae may be a site of weakness in a tooth and may form a road of entry for bacteria that initiate caries may act as pathways for caries producing bacteria.

  38. 2-Enamel tufts Enamel tufts arise at the DEJ and reach into the enamel to about one 1\3-1\5 of its thickness. They resemble tufts of grass when viewed in ground sections. Tufts consist of hypocalcified enamel rods and interprismatic substance. Like the lamellae, they extend in the direction of the long axis of the crown. Therefore they are seen abundantly in horizontal section.

  39. 3- Odontoblast processes and enamel spindles: Occasionally odontoblast processes pass across the dentinoenamel junction into the enamel. Since many are thickened at their end they have been termed enamel spindles. They seem to originate from processes of odontoblasts that extended into the enamel epithelium before hard substances were formed at right angles to the surface of the dentin. The structure of the spindles were similar to enamel tufts and that both of them were hypomineralized or partially mineralized structures

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