Dormancy in Plants: Causes and Implications

 John L. Terlabie
Dormancy refers to the state in which a living plant
organ i.e. bud, seed, tuber or bulb fails to exhibit
growth, even when environmental conditions are
considered favorable.
It also refers to a state in which growth is
temporarily suspended.
It may be caused by 
- those within the organ;
-those outside the organ (external).
Dormancy occurs in both seeds and buds and
may last for seconds, minutes/years
In a stricter context, dormancy pertains to a
condition where the inhibition of growth is
internally controlled by factors restricting
water and nutrient absorption,
gas exchange,
cell division and
other metabolic processes necessary for growth.
Thus dormancy is a state of the seed and not of
the environment.
True dormancy
 therefore refers to conditions
within the seed that prevent germination.
This may be caused by many factors and
these include:
immature embryo,
impermeable seed coat to water and gases,
mechanical resistance to the growth of the
embryo due to the hard seed coat,
special requirements for temperature or light,
the presence of growth inhibitors in the
embryo, the testa, endosperm and pericarp.
Seed Dormancy 
Examples of growth inhibitors include,
abscisic acid,
cinnamic acid,
ferulic acid,
coumarin, ammonia,
caffeic acid,
hydrogen cyanide,
phenolic glucosides.
Some seeds also require some time after shedding
from their parent plants before they germinate such
seeds require a period of “after-ripening”.
Seed Dormancy 
The seed coat is one of the important factors for
many seeds.
hard seed coat
 is responsible for the dormancy found
in these families.
The seed coats may regulate germination by
establishing a permeability barrier and interfering
with these processes;
uptake of H
O required for imbibitions: -
adsorption of H
O to hydrolyze enzymes in seed;
Seed Dormancy 
subsequent radicle protrusion;
it also interferes with gaseous exchange and the
outward diffusion of endogenous growth
The hard seed coat may be broken artificially by
scarification which involves nicking or slightly
cracking the seeds or dipping them a concentrated
: seeds may be soaked in sulfuric acid for
a few seconds to a few hours which eat away the
hard seed coat or used alcohol for seeds with waxy
seed coat.
Immature Embryo can also cause dormancy in
In this case, the embryo is immature.
When the seed comes out of the parent, it has
not attained complete development and requires
When the seed comes out of the parent, it needs
to mature before germination takes place.
Immature Embryo 
E.g.s include 
Ginkgo biloba
Fraxinus nigra 
Ilex opaca
 usually need storage before they can
They often require a period at an appropriate
temperature after imbibition.
In some seeds the embryo may be matured but will
not germinate immediately after harvest but will do
so after storing for some time.
These seeds will not germinate until a certain
amount of time has passed regardless of how they
are treated.
Immature Embryo 
During the storage period, physiological processes
go on but are greatly reduced.
Cereals need dry storage at normal temperature
while seeds of temperate species need cold
storage for after ripening before they can break
E.g.s include 
Amaranthus retroflexus
Other seeds require various treatments before they
can germinate. For eg. photoblastic seeds need
light to break their dormancy.
Immature Embryo 
Examples of such seeds include Lactuca,
sativum, Nicotiana tabaccum, Lepidium,
Many chemicals are known to influence the
germination of dormant seeds example
potassium nitrate (KNO
) can replace the
requirement for light and particular temperature
regimes in large numbers.
GA (Gibberellic Acid) has been shown to be
capable of replacing requirements of light, low
temperature and alternation temperatures in a lot
of species.
Immature Embryo 
GA is active in breaking seed dormancy induced
by a number of agents such as darkness, osmotic
effects, high temperatures and coumarin.
Other chemicals that influence dormancy
include: cytokinin, thiourea, thiocyanate,
Seeds whose germination is prevented or
retarded by light are called negative
Immature Embryo 
Those that require light to break their dormancy
are called 
Positive Photoblastic
There are 
two types
 of positive photoblastic:
:- They are those that respond to brief
exposure to red light to break dormancy.
These types are called 
Type 2
:- These are called 
these require repeated exposure to light to be
able to germinate.
Immature Embryo 
Both types are controlled by light pigment
called phytochrome.
Photosensitivity in seeds is often induced.
For example lettuce; the inductive agents may
be temperature, water stress or exposure to
certain chemicals.
In all cases, photosensitivity in seeds is lessened
by germinating the seed at low temperature.
Immature Embryo 
In many species, dormancy is broken by
exposing most seeds to low temperature
 for anything from 
 and this is termed 
There are extensive list of optimum temperature
and period or time for stratification include:
avena, fatua, Fraxinus e.g. Betula, pubescens.
Palm nuts require fire to break dormancy.
Immature Embryo 
In certain species, H
O and O
 are unable to
penetrate because the entry is blocked by a cork-
like fillings called 
 in a small
opening called 
Strophiolar cleft
 in the seed coat.
These seeds require vigorous shaking to
dislodge the plug.
It has been suggested that the blocking of
growth is due to restriction of respiration due to
the restriction of exchange of air within the
This may be the reason in some cases for
example where the seed coat is hard, the coat
may be impermeable to gases.
In restricting respiration, there would be less
energy available for growth.
This may be possible in some buds that are enclosed
by bud scales example Ficus.
However, in naked buds, this would not apply hence
there may be other factors responsible for
In certain seeds, there is the presence of
impermeable membranes either in the pericarp, the
seed coat or sometimes even in the endosperm.
All the seeds that form a barrier that is impermeable
to H
O and O
 intake may impose dormancy.
Another variation is found in certain seeds.
In another instance , a membrane layer may
form around the radicle which  interferes
with the maximum intake of H
It may also present a physical barrier to the
expansion and protrusion of the radicle
during germination.
One factor which also imposes dormancy in
seeds is the presence of inhibitors.
 The idea of presence of inhibitors comes from
the work of Molisch (1929).
He worked with some fleshy seeds and
succulent fruits example tomato.
He observed that in some fresh fruits, the seeds
did not germinate in situ but  germinated when
removed from the fruit.
He suggested the cause of dormancy may be due
to the presence of an inhibitor in the fleshy fruit.
He was later criticized by some workers that the
failure of the seeds to germinate within the fruit
was due to osmotic concentration of the juice.
However, when the juice is diluted even with
low osmotic concentration, there is still seed
It was later found out that phenolic substances
present in the tomato juice influenced tomato
seed dormancy.
Researchers have been able to isolate inhibitory
substances from seeds.
The inhibitors are either isolated either from the
pericarp in the case of rice.
From the endosperm, the seed coat (testa).
This therefore confirms to Molisch’s suggestion
that inhibitors are present in seeds and can cause
It was found out that, the inhibitor is water
In the case of these seeds in which the inhibitor
is present in the pericarp or testa, the seeds
germinate when they are washed.
Hemberg (1949) using potato tubers, suggested
that dormancy in the buds of potato tuber is due
to an inhibitor.
He demonstrated this by using extracts on wheat
coleoptiles, which was able to inhibit the wheat
coleoptiles tip growth.
When the potato tuber is treated with ethylene
chlorohydrine, the dormancy is removed within
a short period of time.
He observed that when the buds are emerging
from dormancy, the extracts showed little
inhibitory effects on the wheat coleoptiles
growth test.
From these studies, he postulated that when the
bud is emerging from dormancy the level of
inhibitory principle decreases, while it increases
when the bud is entering into deep dormancy.
Researchers have been able to identify Rf value
of the inhibitor (0.7 – 0.8). It is acidic in nature
however the chemical nature is unknown but is
called ß-inhibitor.
:- E.g. lily of the valley (
:- E.g
. Gladiolus
:- E.g. 
Alum cepa
:- E.g. potatoes
:- Buds of aquatic plants show dormancy.
In aquatic plant example
, bud
dormancy is induced by short day in association
with high temperature.
In onions, dormancy is prolonged by long day and
dormancy is broken by cool temperature.
Dormancy In Various Organs
, warm temperature induces
dormancy but chilling breaks the dormancy.
Then warm temperatures break the dormancy in
*  It affects  rate of production in certain industries
e.g. Malting industries
Loss of food
– Most cereals like maize, rice and
wheat, if they germinate immediately after
harvest will be lost as food.
*Bud dormancy protects plants against frost.
*Dormancy ensures survival of young ones when
conditions are not favourable.
Significance Of Dormancy
* Dispersed seeds do not germinate under harsh
conditions, but do so when conditions are
Export commodities such as onion, potatoes etc.
will lose their value if they germinate before
they get to prospective buyers
Prevents immediate sowing  after harvesting.
* Lots of money is needed to break dormancy
(using chemicals).
It is defined as the process starting from the
imbibition of H
O by the seed and ending with
the protrusion of embryonic root (radicle).
Germination is the resumption of metabolic
activity and growth by the tissues of the seed
involving rehydration, utilization of nutrient
reserves and the gradual development of
synthetic systems which enable the young
plant/seedling to assume an autotrophic
Seed Germination 
The extent and rate at which germination
processes occur in a non-dormant seed are
affected by a lot of factors.
Among the important factors are light,
temperature, CO
and factors influencing the
availability of H
All these factors can favor or inhibit
germination in their natural environment.
Seed Germination 
the capacity of the seed to
 and the time at which it does so
are inevitably determined by a number of
factors acting upon it.
Seed Viability: - Ability of seed to germinate
Viability is 
 determined and modified
by the environment
Viability may be as long as 
90 years 
or as short
few months 
few weeks
(Longevity is the
period for which a seed remains viable)
 SEED                                VIABILITY PERIOD
Cassia bicapsularis
87 yrs
43 yrs
Ulmus campestris
6 months
81 yrs
Acer saccharinum
few weeks to months
Salix japonica
: - Germination starts with imbibition and
depends on the:
composition of the seeds
permeability of the seed coat and
availability of water.
Imbibition is also temperature dependent; it
increases with increase in temperature.
The medium in which the seed  germinates may
also determine the rate of imbibition. E.g. A
seed in saline conditions.
Imbibition is a physical process and therefore
depends on the colloidal properties of a seed.
The most important component is the protein
However, other components play a role and
these are: 
The process of imbibition may be slowed down
by the saline conditions which may create an
osmotic potential to prevent H
O uptake by the
It may also create the conditions that promotes the
entry of ions which may be toxic to the embryo or
the developing seedling.
Whereas the 
seeds of halophytes
 are adapted to
saline environment
, those of the 
have variable self-tolerance limits with respect to
germination in that environment.
: - Temperatures being high and low
affect germination.
Different seeds have different temperature ranges
where optimal germination occurs.
The percentage of any seed to germinate is
maximum at the optimal temperature for that
As temperature declines or advances away from
the optimal temperature, the percentage seed
germination decreases and the number of days
for germination also increases
The temperature at which different seeds
germinate and the range within which they
germinate depends on the:
Source of seeds,
Genetic differences within a given species/ varietal
differences and also on the
 Age of the seeds.
Alternating temperatures have been found to
increase germination of certain seeds.
Examples of such seeds are: 
Nicotiana tabaccum
Rumex crispus
Poa trivialis
Cynodon dactylon
: - light affects the germination of some
The fact of light is that most plants need light to
grow to keep them healthy but not all plants
need light to germinate, some seeds find light a
hindrance to germination.
Based upon this, seeds can be divided into
those that germinate only in the dark,
seeds that can germinate only in continuous light and
seeds that will require a brief exposure to light and
those that will germinate in both light and darkness.
It has now been established that red light
stimulates germination while far red light
inhibits germination.
The action spectrum is closely associated with
the absorption of light reception in plants called
the phytochrome.
Phytochrome is the light pigment in plants and it
exists in two inter-convertible forms- Pr and the
Pfr form.
It is first synthesized from amino acid in the Pr
The Pr form converts into the Pfr form when it is
exposed to red light.
The Pfr form is the active form that induces
biological responses.
The Pfr is converted back to the Pr when it is
exposed to the far red light or when in darkness.
In darkness, the Pfr is reversed to the Pr or it is
Slide Note

Dormancy in plants, involving seeds and buds, is a state where growth is temporarily halted due to internal or external factors. Factors like immature embryos, impermeable seed coats, and growth inhibitors contribute to seed dormancy. The presence of inhibitors like abscisic acid and the influence of seed coats from specific plant families can regulate germination processes. This state is crucial for plant survival and propagation.

  • Plant Dormancy
  • Growth Inhibitors
  • Seed Coat Regulation
  • Botany Concepts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DORMANCY John L. Terlabie

  2. DORMANCY Dormancy refers to the state in which a living plant organ i.e. bud, seed, tuber or bulb fails to exhibit growth, even when environmental conditions are considered favorable. It also refers to a state in which growth is temporarily suspended. It may be caused by Innate or Environmental Factors. Innate- those within the organ; Environmental-those outside the organ (external).

  3. Dormancy contd. Dormancy occurs in both seeds and buds and may last for seconds, minutes/years In a stricter context, dormancy pertains to a condition where the inhibition of growth is internally controlled by factors restricting water and nutrient absorption, gas exchange, cell division and other metabolic processes necessary for growth.

  4. Dormancy contd. Thus dormancy is a state of the seed and not of the environment. True dormancy therefore refers to conditions within the seed that prevent germination.

  5. SEED DORMANCY This may be caused by many factors and these include: immature embryo, impermeable seed coat to water and gases, mechanical resistance to the growth of the embryo due to the hard seed coat, special requirements for temperature or light, the presence of growth inhibitors in the embryo, the testa, endosperm and pericarp.

  6. Seed Dormancy contd. Examples of growth inhibitors include, abscisic acid, cinnamic acid, ferulic acid, coumarin, ammonia, caffeic acid, hydrogen cyanide, phenolic glucosides. Some seeds also require some time after shedding from their parent plants before they germinate such seeds require a period of after-ripening .

  7. Seed Dormancy contd. The seed coat is one of the important factors for many seeds. The hard seed coat in malvaceae, convolvulaceae and fabaceae is responsible for the dormancy found in these families. The seed coats may regulate germination by establishing a permeability barrier and interfering with these processes; uptake of H2O required for imbibitions: - i. adsorption of H2O to hydrolyze enzymes in seed; a)

  8. Seed Dormancy contd. subsequent radicle protrusion; b) it also interferes with gaseous exchange and the outward diffusion of endogenous growth inhibitors. ii. The hard seed coat may be broken artificially by scarification which involves nicking or slightly cracking the seeds or dipping them a concentrated acid. Example: seeds may be soaked in sulfuric acid for a few seconds to a few hours which eat away the hard seed coat or used alcohol for seeds with waxy seed coat.

  9. IMMATURE EMBRYO Immature Embryo can also cause dormancy in seeds. In this case, the embryo is immature. When the seed comes out of the parent, it has not attained complete development and requires time. When the seed comes out of the parent, it needs to mature before germination takes place.

  10. Immature Embryo contd. E.g.s include Ginkgo biloba, Fraxinus nigra and Ilex opaca usually need storage before they can germinate. They often require a period at an appropriate temperature after imbibition. In some seeds the embryo may be matured but will not germinate immediately after harvest but will do so after storing for some time. These seeds will not germinate until a certain amount of time has passed regardless of how they are treated.

  11. Immature Embryo contd. During the storage period, physiological processes go on but are greatly reduced. Cereals need dry storage at normal temperature while seeds of temperate species need cold storage for after ripening before they can break dormancy. E.g.s include Amaranthus retroflexus, Malva craispa, M. silvestras. Other seeds require various treatments before they can germinate. For eg. photoblastic seeds need light to break their dormancy.

  12. Immature Embryo contd. Examples of such seeds include Lactuca, sativum, Nicotiana tabaccum, Lepidium, virginicum. Many chemicals are known to influence the germination of dormant seeds example potassium nitrate (KNO3) can replace the requirement for light and particular temperature regimes in large numbers. GA (GibberellicAcid) has been shown to be capable of replacing requirements of light, low temperature and alternation temperatures in a lot of species.

  13. Immature Embryo contd. GA is active in breaking seed dormancy induced by a number of agents such as darkness, osmotic effects, high temperatures and coumarin. Other chemicals that influence dormancy include: cytokinin, thiourea, thiocyanate, glutathione. Seeds whose germination is prevented or retarded by light are called negative photoblastic.

  14. Immature Embryo contd. Those that require light to break their dormancy are called Positive Photoblastic. There are two types of positive photoblastic: Type1:- They are those that respond to brief exposure to red light to break dormancy. These types are called photosensitive. Type 2:- These are called photoperiodic and these require repeated exposure to light to be able to germinate.

  15. Immature Embryo contd. Both types are controlled by light pigment called phytochrome. Photosensitivity in seeds is often induced. For example lettuce; the inductive agents may be temperature, water stress or exposure to certain chemicals. In all cases, photosensitivity in seeds is lessened by germinating the seed at low temperature.

  16. Immature Embryo contd. In many species, dormancy is broken by exposing most seeds to low temperature between 0 c to 10 c for anything from 7 to 108 days and this is termed Stratification. There are extensive list of optimum temperature and period or time for stratification include: avena, fatua, Fraxinus e.g. Betula, pubescens. Palm nuts require fire to break dormancy.

  17. Immature Embryo contd. In certain species, H2O and O2are unable to penetrate because the entry is blocked by a cork- like fillings called Strophiolar plug in a small opening called Strophiolar cleft in the seed coat. These seeds require vigorous shaking to dislodge the plug.

  18. MECHANISM OF DORMANCY It has been suggested that the blocking of growth is due to restriction of respiration due to the restriction of exchange of air within the organ. This may be the reason in some cases for example where the seed coat is hard, the coat may be impermeable to gases. In restricting respiration, there would be less energy available for growth.

  19. Mechanism contd. This may be possible in some buds that are enclosed by bud scales example Ficus. However, in naked buds, this would not apply hence there may be other factors responsible for dormancy. In certain seeds, there is the presence of impermeable membranes either in the pericarp, the seed coat or sometimes even in the endosperm. All the seeds that form a barrier that is impermeable to H2O and O2intake may impose dormancy.

  20. Mechanism contd. Another variation is found in certain seeds. In another instance , a membrane layer may form around the radicle which interferes with the maximum intake of H2O. It may also present a physical barrier to the expansion and protrusion of the radicle during germination. One factor which also imposes dormancy in seeds is the presence of inhibitors.

  21. Mechanism contd. The idea of presence of inhibitors comes from the work of Molisch (1929). He worked with some fleshy seeds and succulent fruits example tomato. He observed that in some fresh fruits, the seeds did not germinate in situ but germinated when removed from the fruit. He suggested the cause of dormancy may be due to the presence of an inhibitor in the fleshy fruit.

  22. Mechanism contd. He was later criticized by some workers that the failure of the seeds to germinate within the fruit was due to osmotic concentration of the juice. However, when the juice is diluted even with low osmotic concentration, there is still seed dormancy. It was later found out that phenolic substances present in the tomato juice influenced tomato seed dormancy.

  23. Mechanism contd. Researchers have been able to isolate inhibitory substances from seeds. The inhibitors are either isolated either from the pericarp in the case of rice. From the endosperm, the seed coat (testa). This therefore confirms to Molisch s suggestion that inhibitors are present in seeds and can cause dormancy.

  24. Mechanism contd. It was found out that, the inhibitor is water soluble. In the case of these seeds in which the inhibitor is present in the pericarp or testa, the seeds germinate when they are washed. Hemberg (1949) using potato tubers, suggested that dormancy in the buds of potato tuber is due to an inhibitor.

  25. Mechanism contd. He demonstrated this by using extracts on wheat coleoptiles, which was able to inhibit the wheat coleoptiles tip growth. When the potato tuber is treated with ethylene chlorohydrine, the dormancy is removed within a short period of time. He observed that when the buds are emerging from dormancy, the extracts showed little inhibitory effects on the wheat coleoptiles growth test.

  26. Mechanism contd. From these studies, he postulated that when the bud is emerging from dormancy the level of inhibitory principle decreases, while it increases when the bud is entering into deep dormancy. Researchers have been able to identify Rf value of the inhibitor (0.7 0.8). It is acidic in nature however the chemical nature is unknown but is called -inhibitor.

  27. DORMANCY IN VARIOUS ORGANS Rhizomes:- E.g. lily of the valley (Convallavia najalis) Corms:- E.g. Gladiolus Bulbs:- E.g. Alum cepa, Tubers:- E.g. potatoes Bud:- Buds of aquatic plants show dormancy. In aquatic plant example Utricularia, bud dormancy is induced by short day in association with high temperature. In onions, dormancy is prolonged by long day and dormancy is broken by cool temperature.

  28. Dormancy In Various Organs...contd With Gladiolus, warm temperature induces dormancy but chilling breaks the dormancy. Then warm temperatures break the dormancy in potatoes.

  29. SIGNIFICANCE OF DORMANCY * It affects rate of production in certain industries e.g. Malting industries *Loss of food Most cereals like maize, rice and wheat, if they germinate immediately after harvest will be lost as food. *Bud dormancy protects plants against frost. *Dormancy ensures survival of young ones when conditions are not favourable.

  30. Significance Of Dormancy...contd. * Dispersed seeds do not germinate under harsh conditions, but do so when conditions are favourable. Export commodities such as onion, potatoes etc. will lose their value if they germinate before they get to prospective buyers Prevents immediate sowing after harvesting. * Lots of money is needed to break dormancy (using chemicals).

  31. SEED GERMINATION It is defined as the process starting from the imbibition of H2O by the seed and ending with the protrusion of embryonic root (radicle). Germination is the resumption of metabolic activity and growth by the tissues of the seed involving rehydration, utilization of nutrient reserves and the gradual development of synthetic systems which enable the young plant/seedling to assume an autotrophic existence.

  32. Seed Germination contd. The extent and rate at which germination processes occur in a non-dormant seed are affected by a lot of factors. Among the important factors are light, temperature, CO2 and factors influencing the availability of H2O. All these factors can favor or inhibit germination in their natural environment.

  33. Seed Germination contd. Hence the capacity of the seed to germinate and the time at which it does so are inevitably determined by a number of factors acting upon it.

  34. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION Seed Viability: -Ability of seed to germinate. Viability is genetically determined and modified by the environment Viability may be as long as 90 years or as short as few months or few weeks. (Longevity is the period for which a seed remains viable)

  35. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. SEED VIABILITY PERIOD Cassia bicapsularis 87 yrs Ipomea sp. 43 yrs Ulmus campestris 6 months Trifoliumpretense 81 yrs Acer saccharinum few weeks to months Salix japonica

  36. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. Water: - Germination starts with imbibition and depends on the: composition of the seeds permeability of the seed coat and availability of water. Imbibition is also temperature dependent; it increases with increase in temperature. The medium in which the seed germinates may also determine the rate of imbibition. E.g. A seed in saline conditions.

  37. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. Imbibition is a physical process and therefore depends on the colloidal properties of a seed. The most important component is the protein portion. However, other components play a role and these are: mucilage, cellulose and pectin. The process of imbibition may be slowed down by the saline conditions which may create an osmotic potential to prevent H2O uptake by the seed.

  38. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. It may also create the conditions that promotes the entry of ions which may be toxic to the embryo or the developing seedling. Whereas the seeds of halophytes are adapted to saline environment, those of the non-halophytes have variable self-tolerance limits with respect to germination in that environment. Temperature: - Temperatures being high and low affect germination. Different seeds have different temperature ranges where optimal germination occurs.

  39. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. The percentage of any seed to germinate is maximum at the optimal temperature for that species. As temperature declines or advances away from the optimal temperature, the percentage seed germination decreases and the number of days for germination also increases

  40. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. The temperature at which different seeds germinate and the range within which they germinate depends on the: Source of seeds, Genetic differences within a given species/ varietal differences and also on the Age of the seeds. Alternating temperatures have been found to increase germination of certain seeds. Examples of such seeds are: Nicotiana tabaccum, Rumex crispus, Poa trivialis, Cynodon dactylon.

  41. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. Light: - light affects the germination of some seeds. The fact of light is that most plants need light to grow to keep them healthy but not all plants need light to germinate, some seeds find light a hindrance to germination. Based upon this, seeds can be divided into those that germinate only in the dark, seeds that can germinate only in continuous light and seeds that will require a brief exposure to light and those that will germinate in both light and darkness.

  42. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. It has now been established that red light stimulates germination while far red light inhibits germination. The action spectrum is closely associated with the absorption of light reception in plants called the phytochrome. Phytochrome is the light pigment in plants and it exists in two inter-convertible forms- Pr and the Pfr form.

  43. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION...contd. It is first synthesized from amino acid in the Pr form. The Pr form converts into the Pfr form when it is exposed to red light. The Pfr form is the active form that induces biological responses. The Pfr is converted back to the Pr when it is exposed to the far red light or when in darkness. In darkness, the Pfr is reversed to the Pr or it is destroyed.

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