Developing a Teacher Leadership Framework in West Virginia: Planning and Implementation

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This document outlines the planning process for creating a Teacher Leadership Framework in West Virginia. It covers sections of support for the framework, planning vision and goals, stakeholder engagement, communication plans, systemic implementation of teacher leadership efforts, and clear expectations for student achievement and teacher quality improvement.

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  1. W est Vi rgi ni a W est Vi rgi ni a Teac her Leadershi p F ram ew ork Teac her Leadershi p F ram ew ork An Overview of the Planning Process

  2. Sec ti ons of Su pport f or the W V Teac her Sec ti ons of Su pport f or the W V Teac her Leadershi p F ram ew ork Cou nty P l anni ng Leadershi p F ram ew ork Cou nty P l anni ng Doc u m ent Doc u m ent Planning Vision and Goals Data-Driven Measures Teacher Leadership Roles Teacher Leadership Selection Application and Hiring Process County/Administrator Roles Management Protocol Evaluation Procedures 10. Estimated Budget 11. Communication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

  3. P l anni ng P l anni ng As part of the planning process for developing a teacher leadership framework: Identify stakeholders and describe how they will be engaged in this process. Develop a communication plan for engaging stakeholders and highlighting appealing features and incentives. Specify how local teacher leadership efforts will be systemic, ongoing, and sustained in a fully supported manner.

  4. Vi si on and G oal s Vi si on and G oal s Districts should be clear on how they expect teacher leadership to contribute to increased student achievement, broader dissemination and use of effective teacher strategies, stronger and more positive school and district culture, and equitable access to highly effective teachers. With stakeholders, identify, discuss, and document the challenges you are trying to solve through teacher leadership, the goals you hope to achieve through teacher leadership, and the alignment with current county efforts and priorities to improve teacher quality and student learning.

  5. Vi si on and G oal s: Constru c ti ng a Theory of Ac ti on Vi si on and G oal s: Constru c ti ng a Theory of Ac ti on To clearly identify targeted challenges and goals, states and districts can reflect on the following questions: What critical challenges are we trying to solve? How are teacher leaders involved in helping to identify and understand critical challenges and their root causes? How (or why) are teacher leaders well positioned to help address identified challenges? How can we help position teacher leaders to better address key teaching and learning challenges? How can teacher leadership address existing state and district priorities and efforts to improve teacher quality and student learning? What are the specific and measurable goals we hope to reach through our teacher leadership efforts? Source: Teacher Leadership Toolkit 2.0: Strategies to Build, Support, and Sustain Teacher Leadership Opportunities

  6. Vi si on and G oal s: E x am pl e Theory of Ac ti on Vi si on and G oal s: E x am pl e Theory of Ac ti on Focus/approach Local teacher leadership model pilot, grant, or partnership Promote creation and implementation of local teacher leadership models Improve teaching and learning Improve teacher workforce Vision/Goal Stakeholders Activities Outputs Short-term outcomes Increased ability to create and implement models across systems statewide Improved teaching and learning Long-term outcomes Improved teaching and learning Improved teacher workforce State education agency staff Share guidance and information on local models Waive state policies as needed and/or provide funds for opt-in districts Implement local teacher leadership models Gather information on local teacher leadership model design, implementation, and impact Local teacher leadership models Districts Design, implementation, and evaluation partners Source: Resource 1: State Teacher Leadership Approaches: Example Theories of Action.

  7. Vi si o n a nd G o a l s: Theo ry o f Ac ti o n Tem p l a te Focus/Approach: Rationale: Vision/Goal: Stakeholders Activities Outputs Outcomes Short-term Long-term Source: Resource 1: State Teacher Leadership Approaches: Example Theories of Action. Teach to Lead Teacher Leadership Logic Model provides an alternative word version.

  8. Vi si on and G oal s: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Vi si on and G oal s: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Teacher Leadership Toolkit 2.0: Strategies to Build, Support, and Sustain Teacher Leadership Opportunities ( provides a discussion of goals and rationale for teacher leadership and example theories of action (see also Resource 1: State Teacher Leadership Approaches). Creating Your Theory of Action for Districtwide Teaching and Learning Improvement helps a team of district leaders generate central office transformation plans that are grounded in a clear analysis of what is working and not working. Developing Logic models for teacher leadership initiatives discusses suggested steps for developing a teacher leadership logic model.

  9. Data Data- -Dri ven M easu res Dri ven M easu res Teacher Leadership Role Example 1: Cooperating Teacher Teacher Leadership Role 2: _____________ Use data from Vision and Goals to determine how the county teacher leadership framework implementation will best connect to, support, and strengthen the county s key school improvement structures, processes, and initiatives. High-quality induction supports are essential to developing a highly effective teaching workforce. Incentivizing our cooperating teachers, especially in shortage areas, will increase our ability to identify and hire more vetted, newly certified teachers. Reflection question: How will teacher leadership role(s) support current county efforts and priorities?

  10. Teac her Leadershi p Rol es Teac her Leadershi p Rol es Teacher Leadership Role Example 1: Cooperating teacher Define each proposed teacher leadership role by providing Teacher Leadership Role 2: _____________ Cooperating teacher leaders work closely with preservice teachers, modeling instruction and gradually releasing instructional responsibilities as preservice teachers develop readiness. Cooperating teachers may host preservice teachers for a full school year or a shorter time period, and they often provide guidance and support to the preservice teacher during planning time. a description of responsibilities and duties. the percentage of time performing teacher leader duties. No additional release time required. a description of how leadership role fits with instructional improvement strategy. [Incorporate rationale from theory of action]

  11. Teac her Leadershi p Rol es: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Teac her Leadershi p Rol es: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Resource 2: Teacher Leadership Role Profiles describes 10 main categories of teacher leader roles. Each of these categories includes a description, associated standards and competencies, and examples of these roles within current state and district teacher leadership systems. An Integrated Approach to Creating Effective Teacher and Principal Leadership Roles supports US Department of Education Effective Educator Development (EED) grantees in creating and implementing effective teacher and principal leader roles and positions that take into account the principles of job design. Guide to Creating Teacher Leader Positions discusses key decisions for creating teacher leader role including developing a theory of action. Tool: Example Teacher Leader Job Description and Template provides an example of a teacher leader role job description and a template for district staff to use to develop their teacher leader roles Taking the lead: New roles for teachers and school-based coaches outlines 10 practical and powerful roles for school-based coaches responsible for helping teachers increase their capacity to serve all students.

  12. Teac her Leadershi p Sel ec ti on Cri teri a Teac her Leadershi p Sel ec ti on Cri teri a Define teacher leader selection criteria for each role by Teacher Leadership Role Example 1: Cooperating teacher Teacher Leadership Role 2: _____________ Cooperating teachers often self-select by volunteering for this role, and they may coordinate with either the district or the preservice teacher s institution of higher education. teacher leader selection criteria for each role. Educators in all schools in the district are eligible to participate contingent upon meeting minimum qualifications for TL roles. Minimum years of experience 3 or more years experience Rating Accomplished or higher Additional TL competencies Teacher Leader Model Standards Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning

  13. Appl i c ati on and Hi ri ng P roc ess Appl i c ati on and Hi ri ng P roc ess Establish the application and hiring process by Teacher Leadership Role Example 1: Cooperating teacher Teacher Leadership Role 2: _____________ describing application and hiring process for each role. District staff conduct the initial recruitment, application review, and initial screening. School staff (the principal and/or hiring committee) then complete the remainder of the screening. specifying the contract type and length 1-year contract indicating optional components used in the process. Online application District and school administrator interview Interviews scored with 1-4 rating rubrics.

  14. Sel ec ti on and Hi ri ng: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Sel ec ti on and Hi ri ng: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Teacher Leader Programs: Structure and Staffing in Four TIF Districts provides examples of procedures for staffing TL programs including (a) a description of the TL tasks, duties, and compensation, (b) a process for recruiting and selecting the desired number of TLs, (c) a procedure for making job offers, and (d) and onboarding methods. Strengthening the Teacher Workforce through Selection Processes provides literature-based recommendations to improve the teacher selection process which can be applied to TL hiring processes.

  15. Cou nty /Adm i ni strator Rol es Cou nty /Adm i ni strator Rol es For Teacher Leadership Role Example 1: Cooperating Teacher (Please indicate and describe if responses vary by role.) Define proposed county/administrator roles by Requirements: describing how TL fits into the county strategic plan. describing process for how TL addresses the resident teacher, beginning teacher, and experienced teacher (as aligned with the County WVSIPP Plan). describing how teacher leader is included in school improvement planning. Considerations: describing teacher leadership standards and expectations. describing how teacher leadership (or administrator) supports school-wide focus on learning and reflection. describing how teacher leadership (or administrator) supports culture in which teachers are valued and respected.

  16. M anagem ent P rotoc ol : M oni tori ng and M anagem ent P rotoc ol : M oni tori ng and Su stai nabi l i ty Su stai nabi l i ty Establish management protocol for teacher leadership. Considerations: Create county-level team. Create teacher leader designation. Create process for tracking funding (Step 7d). Assist schools to structure teacher leader release time to perform related duties. Develop cohorts of teachers. Provide regular, targeted professional learning opportunities. Develop a peer and/or self-monitoring protocol for participating teachers. Designate Teacher Leader supervisor at school or county level. Incentivize teacher leaders remaining in role for a designated period of time.

  17. M oni tori ng and Su stai nabi l i ty Resou rc es M oni tori ng and Su stai nabi l i ty Resou rc es Resource 5: Approaches to Teacher Leader Licensure and Endorsement describes the current requirements for teacher leader licenses, along with relevant state examples. Resource 9: Ensuring Sustainability: Collecting Data on Teacher Leadership Implementation discusses developing an evaluation plan prior to system implementation to consider what metrics of success to track over time which will help with long-term success. Resource 10: Crosswalk of Teacher, Teacher Leader, and School Leader Standards provides a crosswalk of Teacher Leader Model Standards, Danielson Framework for Teaching (2013), and Professional Standards fro Education Leaders (2015).

  18. E val u ati on P roc edu res E val u ati on P roc edu res Teacher Leadership Role Example 1: Cooperating teacher Teacher Leadership Role 2: _____________ Procedures Procedures for evaluating teacher leaders. TLs evaluated using the Danielson Framework for Teaching. The TL manager completes an additional observation. District may add an additional competency to evaluation (Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction) in the future to cover TL role. Teacher leader logs Feedback from residency teachers Documentation of support Optional measures Procedures for evaluating county teacher leadership framework Survey participating teachers Optional methods Optional measures

  19. E val u ati on Resou rc es E val u ati on Resou rc es Evaluating Programs for Strengthening Teaching and Leadership ( provides strategies and resources to address the many complexities and challenges involved in evaluating programs, from conceptualizing the evaluation questions to reporting results. [others]

  20. E sti m ated Bu dget E sti m ated Bu dget Teacher Leadership Role Example 1: Cooperating teacher Create an estimated budget for use of Step 7d funds that includes Teacher Leadership Role 2: _____________ compensation $3,500 additional professional development One week in summer (adult learning, cognitive coaching, facilitating improvements in instruction) Resource 6: Approaches to Professional Learning for Teacher Leaders a narrative demonstrating clear connection between costs, roles and goals. [Incorporate rationale from theory of action]

  21. Com m u ni c ati on Com m u ni c ati on Develop a communication plan for county leadership about the teacher leadership framework and leadership opportunities. Considerations: Develop a teacher leadership website. Develop presentations for county board members on benefits of teacher leadership. Develop presentations for teachers on teacher leadership. Post on social media. Send e-mail blasts. Developing talking points for families. Developing teacher leadership network communication tool (e.g., MS Teams).

  22. Com m u ni c ati on: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Com m u ni c ati on: Addi ti onal Resou rc es Establishing a Teacher Leadership Initiative Working Committee provides tips and suggestions to develop a communication and stakeholder engagement for teacher leadership initiatives. Meeting the Challenges of Stakeholder Engagement and Communication: Lessons From Teacher Incentive Fund Grantees

  23. Appendi x : Teac her Leadershi p F ram ew ork Appendi x : Teac her Leadershi p F ram ew ork Chec kl i st Chec kl i st Teacher Leadership Framework Checklist Teacher Leadership Sections Planning, Vision and Goals Teacher leadership (TL) Considerations Develop a Theory of Action that includes problem, goal, rationale, inputs, outputs and outcomes. Demonstrate how efforts align with current priorities. Develop a communication plan for engaging stakeholders Develop a plan for sustaining efforts Assess and describe how efforts will connect to, support, and strengthen the county s key school improvement structures, processes and initiatives. Define proposed roles. For each role provide: Description of responsibilities and duties Percentage of time on TL duties Describe how role supports instructional improvement strategy Define teacher leader selection criteria for each role. Optional criteria: Minimum years of teaching experience (e.g., 3 or more years of experience) Rating under evaluation system (e.g., accomplished or above ) Additional TL competencies (e.g., vision, working with adult learners, deep knowledge of content or pedagogy, data- driven instruction, promoting diversity, interpersonal skills) Describe application and hiring process for each role. Include type and length of contract. Optional components: Administrator recommendation Online application Committee Interview Data Driven Measures Roles Selection Criteria Hiring process

  24. Ap p endi x: To o l ki ts Teacher Leadership Toolkit 2.0: Strategies to Build, Support, and Sustain Teacher Leadership Opportunities ( Resource 1: State Teacher Leadership Approaches: Example Theories of Action Resource 2: Teacher Leadership Role Profiles Resource 3: Teacher Leadership Strategies Resource 4: Teacher Leadership Models: Examples and Opportunities for Innovation Resource 5: Approaches to Teacher Leader Licensure and Endorsement Resource 6: Approaches to Professional Learning for Teacher Leaders Resource 7: Approaches to Promoting Equity Through Teacher Leadership Resource 8: Summary of the Research Literature on Teacher Leadership Resource 9: Ensuring Sustainability: Collecting Data on Teacher Leadership Implementation Ohio Teacher Leadership Toolkit


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