Carers Support Needs in Wales - Training Slides
Explore the training slides that delve into assessing the needs of carers, barriers to identification, collaborative communication, and more in Wales. Learn about the definition of carers, their rights, and the significant contributions of adult carers in Wales.
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Asesu Anghenion Cymorth Gofalwyr Assessing Carers Support Needs Adnodd B Sleidiau Hyfforddi Resource B Training Slides Dysg a Datblygiad y Gweithlu Workforce learning and development
Nodau a chanlyniadau dysgu Aims and learning outcomes Mae'r hyfforddiant hwn yn ystyried: Asesu anghenion gofalwyr Cyd-destun a goblygiadau ar gyfer cymorth i ofalwyr Rhwystrau rhag dynodi gofalwyr Hawliau gofalwyr i gael asesiad Cyd-gyfathrebu Cofnodi Deall canlyniadau Adolygu cynnydd This training explores: Assessing the needs of carers Context and implications for carer support Barriers to identifying carers Carer s rights to assessment Collaborative communication Recording Understanding outcomes Reviewing progress
Gofalwyr diffiniad Carers a definition Unigolyn sy n darparu neu n bwriadu darparu gofal ar gyfer oedolyn neu blentyn anabl. A person who provides or intends to provide care for an adult or disabled child. Oedolyn o ofalwr ydy unigolyn sy n 18 oed neu drosodd a gofalwr ifanc ydy unigolyn o dan 18 oed An adult carer is a person who is aged 18 years old or over and a young carer is under 18 years old
Carers a definition (cont d) Gofalwyr diffiniad (parhad) Os bydd unigolyn yn gofalu drwy drefniant contract a/neu waith gwirfoddol, yn l Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 ni ystyrir eu bod yn ofalwyr Nid yw unigolyn yn ofalwr os ydyn nhw yn y carchar, mewn llety cadw ieuenctid neu wedi ei gael yn euog o drosedd a chyn preswylio mewn adeilad cymeradwy If a person is caring via a contractual arrangement and/or voluntary work they are not a carer under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 A person is not a carer if they are in prison, youth detention accommodation or have been convicted of an offense and residing in approved premises
Oedolion o ofalwyr Adult carers O leiaf 370,000 o ofalwyr yng Nghymru Gofalwr di-d l yn arbed cyfwerth ag 8.1 miliwn yng Nghymru bob blwyddyn Cymru sydd r gyfran uchaf 12% o ofalwyr yn y DU At least 370,000 carers in Wales Unpaid carers save the state the equivalent of 8.1 billion in Wales each year Wales has the highest proportion at 12% of carers in the UK
Young carers and young adult carers Gofalwyr ifanc ac oedolion ifanc o ofalwyr Estimates from the census show that there are: 7,500 young carers under 16 in Wales 21,000 young carers between 16-25 in Wales 30,000 carers under the age of 25 in Wales Mae amcangyfrifon o r cyfrifiad yn dangos bod: 7,500 o ofalwyr ifanc o dan 16 yng Nghymru 21,000 o ofalwyr ifanc rhwng 16 a 25 oed yng Nghymru 30,000 o ofalwyr ifanc o dan 25 oed yng Nghymru
National priorities for improving the lives of carers Blaenoriaethau cenedlaethol i wella bywydau gofalwyr Helpu i fyw yn ogystal gofalu Supporting life alongside caring Dynodi a chydnabod gofalwyr Identifying and recognising carers Darparu gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth Providing information, advice and assistance
Bywyd fel gofalwr Life as a carer Ystod gwaith gofalwr The scale of the caring role Y cynorthwyydd medrus The skiled helper The hidden world of the carer Byd cudd y gofalwr Sense of loss Synnwyr o golled Love and reward Cariad a gwobr Mixed emotions Emosiynau cymysg
Taith y gofalwr Carer journey Gorffen a symud ymlaen Dechrau sylweddoli Mabwysiadu r r l Ei wneud Ending and moving on Doing it Dawning realisation Adopting the role Ei addasu Ei gael yn drafferthus Adapting it Struggling with it
Goblygiadau ar gyfer cymorth i ofalwyr Implications for carer support Cymorth i lywio'r berthynas gyda'r person y mae 'n nhw'n gofalu amdano/ amdani Support to navigate the relationship with the person they care for Cymorth i gael mynediad a chael eu gwerthfawrogi gan y gymuned y maen nhw'n byw, yn gweithio ac yn cymdeithasu ynddi Support to access and be valued by the community they live, work and socialise in Support to manage the condition and symptoms Cymorth i reoli'r cyflwr a'r symptomau Carer Gofalwr Cymorth i gynnal rolau eraill a'u synnwyr o hunaaniaeth ar l bod yn ofalwr Support to maintain other roles and their sense of identity past carer Cymorth i lywio perthynas gyda'r teulu a ffrindiau Support to navigate relationships with family and friends Wedi'u grymuso i gael perthynas gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol Empowered to have equal relationships with professionals
Identifying carers Dynodi (adnabod) gofalwyr Ffilm Muhammed, g r yn siarad am ei r l fel gofalwr a pha mor hir bu n ofalwr cyn dynodi ei hun fel gofalwr Film Muhammed, a gentleman talking about his role as a carer and how long he was a carer before identifying himself as one
Identifying carers Dynodi (adnabod) gofalwyr Ffilm Gofalwr ifanc yn siarad am ei Nain/Mamgu dementia y bu n gofalu amdani heb sylweddoli ei bod hi ei hunan yn ofalwr ifanc Film A young carer talking about her Nan with dementia who she cared for without realising she was a young carer
Carers rights to an assessment Hawliau gofalwyr i asesiad Local councils must offer an assessment to any carer where it appears to the authority that the carer may have needs for support The duty to assess a carer s needs is irrespective of the level of support the carer needs or the financial resources they have or the financial resources of the person needing care Rhaid i gynghorau lleol gynnig asesiad i unrhyw ofalwr os yw n amlwg i r awdurdod bod angen cymorth ar y gofalwr Mae dyletswydd i asesu anghenion gofalwr waeth beth fo lefel y cymorth sydd ei angen ar ofalwr neu adnoddau ariannol sydd ganddyn nhw neu adnoddau ariannol y person sydd angen gofal
Hawliau gofalwyr i asesiad (parhad) Carer s rights to an assessment (cont d) Rhaid i anghenion gofalwr gynnwys asesiad o i ba raddau y gall y gofalwr ddarparu ac y mae'n fodlon i ddarparu (a pharhau i ddarparu) y gofal The carers needs assessment must include an assessment of the extent to which the carer is able and willing to provide (and continue providing) the care
Hawliau gofalwyr i asesiad (parhad) Carer s rights to an assessment (cont d) Rhaid i r asesiad ystyried y canlyniad y mae r gofalwr yn dymuno ei gyflawni Os mai plentyn ydy r gofalwr, rhaid i r asesiad asesu r canlyniad y mae r bobl sydd chyfrifoldeb o fagu r plentyn o ofalwr yn dymuno ei gyflawni ar gyfer y plentyn The assessment must consider the outcomes the carer wishes to achieve If a child is a carer the assessment has to assess the outcomes that the people with parenting responsibility for the child carer wish to achieve for the child
Helpu gofalwyr i baratoi yr hyn y dylen nhw ei wybod cyn ymweliad asesu Helping carers to prepare what should they know prior to an assessment visit Beth ydy asesiad ac egwyddorion sgwrs am yr hyn sy n bwysig What an assessment is and the principles of a what matters conversation Deall ac ystyried ar feysydd llesiant ar gyfer oedolion/plant a u cymhwyso yn eu bywydau eu hunain. Sut mae eu rolau gofalu a u cyfrifoldebau yn effeithio ar yr agweddau hyn o u bywyd. Understand and reflect on the well-being areas for adults/ children and apply them in their own lives how their caring roles and responsibilities are impacting on these areas in their lives Gwybod am bethau ymarferol asesiad megis amserlenni/fformatau, ayyb Know the practicalities of assessment such as timescales/ formats, etc
Sgwrs am yr hyn syn bwysig What matters conversation Amgylchiadau personol Personal circumstances Mae sgwrs am yr hyn sy n bwysig yn cyfeirio at sgwrs ymarferydd medrus sy n cychwyn ar ddechrau unrhyw ryngweithiad gyda r gofalwr. O garreg y drws hyd at y cam olaf Canlyniadau personol Personal outcomes Risgiau Risks A what matters conversation refers to a skilled practitioner conversation that starts right at the very beginning of any interaction with the carer. From the front door right to the closure stage Rhwystrau rhag cyflawni canlyniadau Barriers to achieving outcomes Cryfderau a galluoedd Strengths and capabilities
Eiriolaeth A allai r unigolyn hwn fod yn profi rhwystrau rhag cyfranogi n llawn? A ellid eu cynorthwyo n well i oresgyn rhwystrau? [Addasiadau rhesymol dan Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010] Darparu cymorth a gwneud addasiadau Gellid Gallai Cytuno ar unigolyn priodol Oes Ydyn nhw n dal i brofi rhwystrau rhag cyfranogi n llawn? Oes unigolyn priodol gofalwr, ffrind, neu berthynas all eu cynorthwyo i gyfranogi n llawn? Ydyn Dyletswydd i drefnu eiriolwr proffesiynol annibynnol Nac oes
Advocacy Can they be better supported to enable them to overcome barriers? [Reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010] Might this person experience barriers in participating fully? Provide support and make adjustments Yes Yes Agree appropriate individual Is there an appropriate individual a carer, friend or relative that can support them to participate fully? Yes Do they still experience barriers in participating fully? Yes Duty to arrange for independent professional advocate No
Cynnig Gweithredol Staff yn 'gweithredu i gynnig' gwasanaethau Cymraeg i ofalwyr Deall anghenion gofalwyr Cymraeg eu hiaith a thrin gofalwyr gydag urddas a pharch Efallai na chaiff anghenion gofalwyr Cymraeg eu hiaith eu dynodi a'i diwallu gan beryglu urddas a pharch y gofalwyr Staff ddim yn 'gweithredu i gynnig' gwasanaethau Cymraeg i ofalwyr Gofalwyr ddim yn teimlo eu bod yn gallu gofyn am wasanaeth Cymraeg ei iaith
Active Offer Welsh speaking carers needs are understood and carers are treated with dignity and respect Staff Actively Offer Welsh language services to carers Welsh speaking carers needs may not be identified or met and carer dignity and respect are compromised Staff don t Actively Offer Welsh language services to carers Carers don t feel able to ask for a Welsh language service
Paratoi ar gyfer asesiad fel ymarferydd Mae n cychwyn gyda fi Preparing for an assessment as a practitioner It starts with me Fy agwedd My attitude Eich Fy ymddygiad Your behaviour ymddygiad My behaviour Eich agwedd Your attitude
Cyfathrebu ar y cyd Collaborative communication Gwybodaeth Knowledge Gwerthoedd Values Sgiliau Skills Diwylliant ac ymddygiad Culture and behaviour
Gwybodaeth: Cromlin newid Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh
Knowledge: Change curve
Sgiliau: Pum cam sgwrs dda 1. Cwestiynau agored ymglymu: A wnewch chi ddweud wrtha i ychydig am yr hyn sy'n digwydd? NID Beth ydy'r broblem a sut gallai helpu? 2. Gwrando gweithredol: Gadewch i bobl wybod eich bod yn gwrando ac yn deall Datganiadau adfyfyriol, ail-fframio, crynhoi 3. Cwestiynau archwiliadol agored: Beth sy'n eich pryderu fwyaf? Beth ydych chi'n sylwi arno pan fydd pethau'n gwella? Beth fyddai'n digwydd i'ch gwneud yn llai pryderus? 4. Cyfnewid gwybodaeth os yw'n briodol: Hoffech chi i mi roi rhagor o wybodaeth i chi? A alla i ofyn i chi am ychydig yn fwy o wybodaeth? 5. Crynodeb a chamau gweithredu canolbwyntio ar faterion allweddol: Pa gryfderau/sgiliau/ysgogiadau ydych chi'n eu gweld? Pa gamau ydych chi wedi penderfynu eu gweithredu? Crynodebau grymuso
Skills: Five stages of a good conversation 1. Open engaging questions: Tell me a bit about what's happening? NOT What s the problem and how can I help? 2. Active listening: Let people know you are listening and understand Reflective statements, reframing, summarising 3. Open exploratory questions: What concerns you most? What do you notice when things are a bit better? What would be happening to make you less anxious? 4. Information exchange if appropriate: Would you like me to give you a bit more information? Could I ask you for a little more information? 5. Summary and actions home in on key issues: What are the strengths/skills/motivators you notice? What actions have they decided to take? Empowering summaries
Cwestiynau agored Cwestiynau cae dig Cwestiynau agored Bydd cwestiynau agored yn gofyn sut ydych chi n teimlo? nid beth ydych chi n ei deimlo? sy n gwestiwn cae dig Allwch chi? (cwestiwn agored) yn hytrach na ble? (cwestiwn cae dig) Dwedwch wrtha i (cwestiwn agored) yn hytrach na Pam? (cwestiwn cae dig) Gwan ni siarad am eich ysmygu chi? Ydych chi n ysmygu? Faint ydych chi n ei ysmygu bob dydd? Ydy eich iechyd heb fod yn rht dda ar hyn o bryd? Ydych chi n ofalwr? Sut ydych chi n teimlo n wirioneddol am yr ysmygu? Gwan ni siarad an eich iechyd? Gwan ni siarad am y modd rydych chi n helpu eich merch? Beth ydych chi n feddwl? (cwestiwn agored) yn hytrach nag 'ydych chi?'
Open questions Closed questions Open questions Open questions will ask how you feel? not what do you feel? which is a closed question Can you? (open question) rather than where? (closed question) Tell me (open question) as opposed to Why? (closed question) What do you think? (open question) instead of do you? Are you a smoker? How many do you smoke a day? Is your health not too good at the moment? Are you a carer? Tell me what s happening with your smoking? How do you really feel about the smoking? Would you mind if we talked about your health? Would you mind if we talked about how you are helping your daughter?
Pethau i osgoi eu dweud mewn sgwrs Conversational traps to avoid Trap yr arbenigwr Trap grym Trap datrys problemau Trap y cwestiwn ac ateb Trap 'ie ond' Trap labelu Trap cyfwynebol Expert trap Power trap Problem solving trap Question and answer trap Yes but trap Labelling trap Confrontational trap
6 lefel o wrando The 6 levels of listening Gwrando er mwyn: Listening to: Dadlau Meddwl am eich cwestiwn nesaf Dangos eich bod yn gwrando Gwrando n weithredol Deall Helpu siaradwr i ddeall ei hunain Argue Think about your next question Demonstrate you are listening Listening actively Listening to understand Help the speaker to understand themselves
Adfyfyrio Gwrthrychol Mae r ymarferydd yn adeiladu darlun o sefyllfa r gofalwr a r un sy n derbyn gofal mae hyn yn cynnwys tystiolaeth ffeithiol, argraffiadau synhwyraidd a gwybodaeth wrthrychol Adfyfyriol Mae r ymarferydd yn ystyried gyda r gofalwr ei h/ymatebion emosiynol a greddfol i r sefyllfa. Mae r ymarferydd hefyd yn ystyried ei h/ymatebion personol, yr hyn y mae n ei gysylltu gyda r sefyllfa, yr emosiynau a ddaew i r wyneb a r delweddau yn ei m/feddwl Deongliadol Sut mae r ymarferydd yn gwneud synnwyr o i arsylwadau a r adfyfyrdodau gyda r gofalwr ceisio sefydlu cyd-ymwybyddiaeth a chyd-ddeallwriaeth gyda r gofalwr, gan ystyried opsiynau posibl a phosibiliadau Datblygu barn a rennir ar y sefyllfa a phenderfynu ar y ffordd ymlaen datrysiad, y gweithredu a darper gamau nesaf/cynllun gweithredu Penderfyniadol
Reflecting The practitioner builds up a picture of the situation of the carer and cared for this includes factual evidence, sensory impressions and objective information Objective The practitioner explores with the carer their emotional and intuitive responses to the situation. The practitioner also reflects on their personal reactions, associations they make with the situation, emotions that come to the surface and images in their own mind Reflective How the practitioner makes sense of their observations and reflections with the carer trying to reach a shared awareness and meaning with the carer, looking at possible options and possibilities Interpretative Developing a shared opinion on the situation and deciding ways forward resolution, action and future next steps/action plan Decisional
Assessment and well-being Asesiad a llesiant Personal circumstances Amgylchiadau personol Strengths and capabilities Cryfderau a galluoedd Canlyniadau personol Personal outcomes Risgiau rhag cwrdd chanlyniadau personol Risks to meeting personal outcomes Rhwystrau Barriers
Assessment and well-being Asesiad a llesiant iechyd corfforol a meddyliol ac emosiynol physical and mental health and emotional protection from abuse and neglect diogelu rhag camdriniaeth ac esgeulustod cymryd rhan mewn gwaith education, training and recreation Participation in work rheolaeth dros fywyd o ddydd i ddydd addysg, hyfforddiant a hamddena Fy My well- being control over day- to-day life domestic, family and personal relationships llesiant i perthnasau domestig, teuluol a phersonol addasrwydd llety preswyl suitability of living accommodation contribution made to society cymdeithasol ac economaidd cyfraniad i gymdeithas sicrhau hawliau a hawliadau securing rights and entitlements social and economic
Assessment and well-being Asesiad a llesiant iechyd corfforol a meddyliol ac emosiynol protection from abuse and neglect physical and mental health and emotional diogelu rhag camdriniaeth ac esgeulustod education, training and recreation datblygiad lles addysg, hyfforddiant a hamddena development addasrwydd llety preswyl My well- being domestic, family and personal relationships Fy llesiant i welfare cymdeithasol ac economaidd perthnasau domestig, teuluol a phersonol suitability of living accommodation contribution made to society sicrhau hawliau a hawliadau securing rights and entitlements social and economic cyfraniad i gymdeithas
Rheoliadau Gofal a Chymorth (Cymhwystra) (Cymru) 2015 Gofalwyr Y gallu i weithredu hunan-ofal neu waith t Y gallu i gyfathrebu Amddiffyn rhag camdriniaeth neu esgeulustod Ymglymiad mewn gwaith, addysg, dysgu neu mewn gweithgareddau hamdden Cynnal neu ddatblygu perthynas deuluol neu berthynas bersonal arwyddocaol arall Datblygu a chynnal cysylltiadau cymdeithasol a r gwaith yn y gymuned I oedolyn o ofalwr, cyflawni cyfrifoldebau gofalu ar gyfer plentyn I blentyn, cyflawni targedau datblygu Mae eu hangen yn un sy n codi o ganlyniad i ddarparu gofal ar gyfer nail ai pentyn anabl neu am oedolyn sydd ag anghenion yn codi o afiechyd corfforol neu feddyliolm oed, anabledd, dibyniaerth ar alcohol, cyffuriau neu amgylchiadau tebyg eraill O ganlyniad, ni all y gofalwr ddiwallu r angen ar ei ben ei hun, na gyda help eraill sy n barod i helpu, na gyda chymorth gwasanaethau cymunedol O ganlyniad, dydyn nhw ddim yn debygol o gyflawni un neu fwy o ganlyniadau personol heblaw bod yr awdurdod lleol yn darparu neu n trefnu cymorth ar gyfer y gofalwr neu ofal ar gyfer yr unigolyn
Care and Support (Eligibility) (Wales) Regulations 2015 carers Ability to carry out self-care or domestic routines Ability to communicate Protection from abuse or neglect Involvement in work, education, learning or in leisure activities Maintenance or development of family or other significant personal relationships Development and maintenance of social relationships and involvement in the community For an adult carer, fulfilment of caring responsibilities for a child For a child, achieving developmental goals Their need is one that arises as a result of providing care for either a disabled child or an adult who has needs arising from physical or mental ill-health, age, disability, dependence on alcohol or drugs or other similar circumstances As a result the carer cannot meet the need alone, or with support of willing others, or with assistance of services in the community As a consequence they are unlikely to achieve one or more personal outcomes unless the local authority provides or arranges support for the carer or care for the cared for person
Dogfen asesu Oedolion o ofalwyr Assessment document Adult carers Basic contact information and other key contacts (core data set) Impact of the caring role on life and well-being Carer s health physical, mental and emotional What the carer does the tasks and roles they undertake as a carer Gwybodaeth am gyswllt sylfaenol a chysylltiadau allweddol eraill (set ddata greiddiol) Effaith y r l gofalu ar fywyd a llesiant Iechyd y gofalwr corfforol, meddyliol ac emosiynol Yr hyn mae gofalwyr yn ei wneud eu tasgau a u rolau fel gofalwyr
Dogfen asesu Oedolion o ofalwyr (parhad) Assessment document Adult carers (cont d) Yr hyn sy n bwysig iddyn nhw Pa gymorth sydd ei angen Teimladau a dewisiadau gofalwyr am ofalu A ydy r gofalwr yn gweithio neu n dymuno gwneud hynny A ydy r gofalwr yn cymryd rhan neu n dymuno cymryd rhan mewn addysg neu weithgaredd hamdden What is important to them What support is needed Carers feelings and choices about caring Whether the carer works or wishes to do so Whether the carer is participating in or wishes to participate in education, training or any leisure activity
Dogfen asesu Oedolion o ofalwyr (parhad) Assessment document Adult carers (cont d) I ba raddau mae gofalwr yn gallu bod yn ofalwr ac yn fodlon i fod ac a fydd yn parhau i fod yn gallu ac yn fodlon bod yn ofalwr Perthnasoedd gofalwr Sefyllfa dai gofalwyr Cynllunio mewn argyfwng/wrth gefn Extent to which the carer is currently able and willing to be a carer and whether they will continue to be able and willing to be a carer Carers relationships Carer s housing situation Emergency/contingency planning
Dogfen asesu Gofalwyr ifanc Assessment document Young people Gwybodaeth am gyswllt sylfaenol a chysylltiadau allweddol eraill (set ddata greiddiol) R l fel gofalwr a gwybodaeth am y sawl sy n derbyn y gofal Yr hyn y mae gofalu yn ei olygu a r effeithiau ar lesiant Perthynas rhieni a chysylltiadau teuluol eraill r gofalwr ifanc. Ansawdd y berthynas rhwng y gofalwr ifanc phobl eraill allweddol Basic contact information and other key contacts (core data set) Role as a carer and information about the cared for What caring involves and impacts on well-being Parent and other family relationships to the young carer. Young carer s quality of relationships to other key people
Dogfen asesu Gofalwyr ifanc (parhad) Assessment document Young people (cont d) Yr hyn y mae gofalwr ifanc yn ei wneud yn ei r l fel gofalwr Effaith y gofalu ar lesiant Sut maen nhw n teimlo am eu r l gofalu (teimlad a dewisiadau cael eu clywed ) Gwybodaeth ehangach, cymorth a chyngor a allai gynorthwyo r gofalwr The things that the young carer does in their role of being a carer Impacts of caring on well- being How they feel about their caring role Wider information, assistance and advice
Dogfen asesu Gofalwyr ifanc (parhad) Assessment document Young people (cont d) Cryfderau, diddordebau hob au a chysylltiadau Dulliau positif o ddelio gyda risg Casgliad/datganiad yr ymarferydd A ydy r plentyn angen gofal a chymorth Yr hyn fydd yn digwydd nesaf Llofnod yr ymarferydd a'r gofalwr Strengths, interests, hobbies and relationships Positive approaches to risk Conclusion/practitioner statement If the child is in need of care and support. What's happening next Practitioner and carer signature
Asesiadau cymesur Proportionate assessments Dylai asesiad fod yn briodol a chymesur: Assessment should be appropriate and proportionate: Diwallu anghenion cyfathrebu a diwylliannol y person Ystyried yn llawn yr asedau a r rhwystrau a ddynodwyd yn ystod y sgwrs Siarad gyda gofalwyr ar wah n Asesiadau cyfunol Meet the person s communication and cultural needs Consider the assets and barriers identified during the conversation Talk to carers separately Combined assessments
Deall canlyniadau Parthau Canlyniadau personol Cysylltiad model cymorth y gofalwr Oedolyn o ofalwr Cymryd rhan mewn gwaith Iechyd corfforol, meddyliol ac emosiynol Dw i am barhau i weithio mewn cyflogaeth th l Dw i am allu cynorthwyo fy ng r i symud o gwmpas ein t heb anafu fy nghefn Cymorth i gael rolau a hunaniaethau eraill ar l bod yn ofalwr Cymorth i reoli r cyflwr a r symptomau Gofalwr ifanc Addysg, hyfforddiant a hamdden Cysylltiadau domestig, teuluol a phersonol Dw i am fynd i fy nosbarth dawnsio gyda fy ffrindiau bob wythnos Dw i am fwynhau gwneud pethau hwyliog gyda fy mam nid dim ond gofalu amdani hi Cynorthwyo r mynediad i r gymuned Cymorth i gael perthynas bositif gyda derbynnydd y gofal
Understanding outcomes Well-being domains Personal outcomes Link to carer model of support Adult carer Participation in work Physical, mental and emotional health I want to continue to work in paid employment I want to be able to support my husband to move around our house without injuring my back Support to have other roles and identities past that of carer Support to manage the condition and symptoms Young carer Education, training and recreation Domestic, family and personal relationships I want to go to my dance class with my friends every week I want to enjoy doing fun things with my Mum not just look after her Support to access the community Support to have a positive relationship with the care recipient
Ar l asesiad After an assessment At a minimum, social services must provide all carers including those not considered eligible for support with information and advice on local services to prevent their needs from developing further Fel lleiafswm, rhaid i r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ddarparu gwybodaeth a chyngor ar wasanaethau lleol ar gyfer pob gofalwr yn cynnwys y rhai hynny na ystyrir eu bod yn gymwys ar gyfer cymorth rhag i w hanghenion ddatblygu ymhellach