Capitalization Regulations in Taxation

Capitalization Regulations
To Infinity and Beyond!
Cameron L. Hess, CPA, Esq.
Wagner Kirkman Blaine
Klomparens & Youmans LLP
Sacramento                    Walnut Creek
   (916) 920-5286
Items You Must Know
Unit of Property
Building Systems
Safe Harbors
De Minimis Election “f” election
Routine Maintenance
Small Taxpayers Expenditures – “(h)” election
Partial disposition election
Rev. Proc. 2015-20
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Items You Must Know
“[E]xcept as otherwise stated, a change to
comply with the final regulations is a 
change in
method of accounting
 to which the provisions of
sections 446 and 481 and the accompanying
regulations apply.”
(Preamble to TD 9636 Guidance Regarding
Deduction and Capitalization of Expenditures
Related to Tangible Personal Property)
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Evolution of  “§263 Regs”
01/20/04. Announcement
08/21/06.  1
 Proposed Regs
03/10/08.  2
 Proposed Regs
12/23/11.  Temporary Regulations
9/19/2013.  Final Regs. (2103-13 IRB 331)
64 pages, including preamble.
More examples
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Evolution of  “§263 Regs”
Rev. Proc. 2015-14, 
 a “no fee” Form
3115 for new capitalization/repair regulations
Rev. Proc. 2015-20, 2015-9 IRB 694.  No Form
3115 (“non-filing” option) for qualified small
No Safe Harbor Protection
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Evolution of  “§263 Regs”
Warning – Final Regs don’t tell the “whole story”
Concepts hidden in prior Proposed Regs.
Casualty Loss issue
Exploration of Continuing Rev. Procs
History of 50% replacement rule tossed.
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New 263 Regs
Why Change?
The standards for …Section 263…are difficult to discern
and apply …
considerable uncertainty and controversy for taxpayers
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1/1/14 (tax years
beginning on/after)
Can elect retroactively 
Simplifies some “objective standards”
Clarifies subjective standards (friendlier)
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Still Unchanged
Some Basic Principles Unchanged (1.263(a)-1)
Capitalize Improvements (263(a)) =
New use
Incidental repair/maint not an improvement (162)
263A applies to inventory and self-produced
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Still Unchanged
Improvement =
Betterment – fixes, adds, increases capacity
– replaces item of loss (165)
– replaces item sold
– restores item nonfunctional
– rebuilds to like-new @ life end
 – replaces a major component
New Use – adapts for a different use
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Final 263 Regulations - Overview
New Concepts (1.263(a)-3):
 “Unit of Property”
“Major Component” (MP) (significant importance
and value is material)
“Substantial Structural Part” (SSP) (large)
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Unit of Property - Overview
“Unit of Property” - *** 
 A “Unit” = all parts 
functionally interdependent
electric lathe + dedicated computer = 1 Unit.
Real Property (2 types):
Owner: = Whole Building + Its structural components
Lessee: = Leased Unit
“improvement” = “primary components” of building.
(building broken into distinct parts, e.g., roof 
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Final 263 Regulations - Overview
Replacing a
Major Component (MP)  or
Substantial Structural Part (SSP)
 means capitalization.
But it is based on facts & circumstances.  One may
argue it’s not betterment, restoration, like new.
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Improvement - Overview
Improvements (real/personal) - includes
= “Major replacements”.
2008 (proposed) - > 50 % cost test (cap vs deduct).
2008  Tossed (claims practitioners complained)
Temp/Final Regs:  
Facts & Circumstances
quantitative and qualitative significance of the
part or combination of parts in relation to the
unit of property.”
Means “we don’t know” - 
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Improvement - Overview
“Major Replacement” includes (
no surprise
“Major Component” (1.263-3(k)(6)(A))
Part performs a UOP critical function
“Substantial Structural Part” (-3(k)(6)(B))
Major Replacement involves
A large or critical part of the Unit of Property
Facts & Circumstance Approach
36 examples
 replacement is capitalized or expensed.
75 examples
 overall (all areas).
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Unit of Property - Building
Real Property - Buildings
Replacements that are (i) an 
 to (ii) a
“building component” or “
building system
” must
be capitalized.
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Not Improvements – Safe Harbors
De Minimis Safe Harbor (“f”) election
Routine Maintenance (1.263(a)-3(i))
Small Taxpayer Expenditures (“h”) election
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New De Minimis Rule
De Minimis Election
Annual election
: if elect, covers year’s
Be consistent
 (financial statements/books)
Apply items on invoice-by-invoice basis.
Not for 
inventory, land, rotables
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New De Minimis Rule
Election Statement:
Section 1.263(a)-1(f) DeMinimis Safe Harbor
Taxpayer Name
Taxpayer Identification #
Taxpayer is making the de minimis safe harbor
election under §1.263(a)-1(f)
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New De Minimis Rule
Two Types:
“applicable financial statement” = FS for SEC, gov’t
agency, general audit (attest)
$5,000 limit
Witten accounting policy at beginning of year required
“No AFS”
$500  limit ($200 materials/supplies)
Taxpayer must adopt a “policy”, but it need not be
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New De Minimis Rule
May deduct item if
1)  Useful life  = < 1 year; 
2)  Cost </=“X” (written policy), n.t.e. 
On each invoice, add integrated items (parts and
E.g., cannot buy a car, but 
 it as engine -$2,000,
4 seats – 1,000, body - $3,000, tires - $800, A/C -
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New De Minimis Rule
Everybody Else (No AFS)
Meet Basic requirements
Procedure in place 1/1/xx (need not be written)
Item </=  $500.00
For capital items.  (Same rule to add on separate
invoice cost items that integrate to 
$200.00 for materials and supplies
Material Distortion Test
 in Temp Regs.
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New De Minimis Rule
Later re-sale = 1245 property
Example (no AFS):
1.  All these are deductible:
$2,500 for 10 printers (250.00 each).
$4,000 for Conference room - $600 to designer, $400 table,
10 chairs - $300 each. (Split up designer fee).
10 hand held restaurant POS-$300 each; 3 tablets-$500 each
2.  This must be capitalized:
10 computers/ tablets@ $600.00 each.
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New De Minimis Rule
Note:  No 3115 for (f) election:
Except for …“(f)”
…a change to comply…is a
change in method of accounting….A
taxpayer…must secure...consent……
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Not Improvements – Safe Harbors
Routine Maintenance (1.263(a)-3(i))
Do more than once every 10 years.
Escalator hand rails (4/yrs), HVAC maint. (4./yrs) (repl.
Allowable for rotables.
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Fun Test:  Routine Maintenace
Raj Wolowitz Apartments. 
Owner forgot to
certify his elevator.  It has not been working
for 3 years. Maintenance is usually in 3 year
Sheldon Cooper complains to Penny, his manager.
She gets Raj to do maintenance for $1,100 and to
pay a $100 inspection fee.
According Example 12, the $1,100 paid probably
 a) deductible (repair) or b) capitalized.
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Not Improvements – Safe Harbors
Small taxpayers expenditures (1.263(a)-3(h)
Ave Gross Receipts < $10 Million (See Rev. Proc.
Un adjusted basis </= $1 million
Total repair/improvements
  = lesser of:
2% of unadjusted basis
 repairs/improvements lumped in for $10K limit
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Not Improvements – Safe Harbors
$10 Million Ave Gross Receipts Limit
All sources
Can deduct returns & allowances
Can exclude sales tax (if buyer imposed) – CA.
3 Prior Year (shorter if < 3 years operating)
Annual election
If elect, but exceeds > $10K, only disqualified for
that building
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Not Improvements – Safe Harbors
Form of Election:
Section 1.263(a)-3(h) Safe Harbor Election for Qualified
Small Taxpayers.
Taxpayer’s Name
Identification Number
Identify Each Building
While not required by regulations  add:
Taxpayer is making the §1.263(a)-3(h) safe harbor
election for qualified small taxpayers.
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Partial Disposition Election
If capitalize an improvement, then taxpayer
election to write-off part of existing
asset disposed of.
Example:  Remodel pool in 2012 – pipe breaks,
must do 2
 remodel in 2015.
No form of election required:  “Just do it.”
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Unit of Property - Building
Buildings:  IRS Takes “Split” Approach
Whole Building:  Systems = parts of buildings).
Identify 9 common “systems” in buildings
Systems are 
 a Unit of Property; but decide capital
improvement at a systems level.
Tenant:  Tenant’s Unit – 1 Unit (unless divisions)
Condo/Co-op: (Each Unit = 1  Unit)
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Unit of Property - Building
Building systems (examples):
HVAC (heat, ventilation, and A.C.);
electrical systems;
Escalators and elevators;
fire protection,
alarm, security systems;
gas distribution systems; and
other systems identified in published guidance.
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Unit of Property - Building
Building systems – Capitalize or Deduct
Facts & Circumstances Approach
No safe harbor
Lots of examples provided to illustrate
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Learning by Example
Betterments – Equipment
If purchase and intend to fix.
Tractor needing new motor
Betterment – Building (paper towel; refresh)
Clean up environmental after purchase
Building purchased “below standard”, then repaired
Expand/improve in addition to a “refresh”.
Abandon at loss; later restoration (casualty not req’d)
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Betterments – Major Component
Gas Stations.  New tanks have leak detection.
Sprinkler System.  New fire system
100% Remodel.
All hotel bathrooms over 4 years (including furnishing
All flooring of public areas of hotel.  (b/c not
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Not Betterments – Equipment (“caps”)
Relocation & reinstall (moved)
Reconditioning to meet regulations (not restored)
[new smog system]
Not Betterments – Building (“caps”)
New mandated reg.  Earthquake retrofit
Safety. Oil seeping in from outside; fix to avoid
health code closure.
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Test Your Knowledge (Real Story)
PTSD Property Mang’t, Inc.’s owner puts 82-year old Dad to work.
Dad attends seminar on “soft understructure apartments”.  As a
every apartment owner
 (about 100) receives a “free” quote -
($6,500) by an engineer/friend (lots of pictures of owner’s building)
and 12 newspaper articles. Letter says:
You may be next.  Act now to save $$.  One Tenant got $2 million.
County may soon set ordinances; costs will rise.
Dad estimates that + $6,500, $100,000-$200,000 per building.
Dad says “I’m just trying to help you.
Question:  To try to claim a deduction, does it make a different if
owner acts now or waits for an ordinance to pass.
(1.263(a)-3(j)(3),Example 12)
Question:  If building collapses, next EQ, is owner liable?
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Not Betterments
Replace 100 of 300 damaged exterior windows
Replace 4 of 10 old sinks (40%)
Replace Top Layer of “Roof”
M = Owner, replaces entire “membrane” (top layer).
Remove “drop ceiling” – paint exposed ducts.
Replace 2 of 10 roof-top worn HVAC systems, even
if better! 
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Building Systems –Betterment! (Surgery)
Blown insulation into walls to improve efficiency
Add in a new drive-through window
Electrical load capacity upgrade
Add stairs and mezzanine to make a 2
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Leased Buildings
Leased buildings – Unit of Property.
It is Both:
 Owner:  the whole building and
 Lessee:  each 
 leased “unit”
LH Improvements
Capitalize whether as owner or tenant paid.
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Condominiums/Coops – Unit of Property.
For the owner
 the unit owned and the structural components of the
the portion possessed by the coop owner and the
structural components of the unit possessed.
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Fun Problems
The roof leaks. Out of 10 units, 3 are most
affected.  Just over the 3 units is membrane
and 12 sheets of plywood are replaced.
Is this a repair?
Is this an improvement?
Would the result be different if the whole
membrane was replaced, but not the
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Fun Problems
A’s office building (leased) has:
 10 A/C Units, each separately piped.
How many HVAC systems are there?
  i) 1 or ii) 10.
1.263(a)-3(e)(2)(ii)(v)(B)(6), Example 1
2 banks of 3 lifts (6 total) and two escalators
How many systems are there:  i) 1, ii) 2, iii) 3, iii) 7, iv) 8
Example 2
Tenant leases 2 Units, each w/ separate A/Cs
How many systems does tenant have:  i) 1 or ii) 2.
Example 13
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Wait!:  Before Covering More:
Rev. Proc. 2015-14
New law is an “accounting method change”
File Form 3115
Section 481 adjustments required.
Rev. Proc. 2015- 20  (non-safe harbor)
No Form 3115
Beginning Assets < $10 Million or
Qualified small taxpayers (Ave Gross Receipts < $10 Mil)
No audit protection for prior years
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Acquisitions (1.263-2)
No surprises in basics
Must Capitalize Before Start Operations:
Pre-commencement repairs
Installation and pre-operational testing
Facilitative costs
Transport, secure, negotiate, costs to acquire, costs to
examine, fees, studies, intermediary
 – may (
 required to) capitalize
employee payroll to facilitate acquisition
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Purchases/Acquisition Costs
1.263(a)-2.  Basic Rule:  Capitalize:
build or create an 
Pre-development (builder rights/permits)
Repairs before placed in service
Acquisition costs (broker/attorney fees)
Defend/protect title
Need not capitalize:
Cost to relocate (remove and reinstall).
Failed acquisition
Not related – fight ordinance that would close business
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What is adapting to a different use?
1.263(a)-3(l)(2) Pg. 57,752
Example 2 - Commercial retail building
Removable walls
Convert 3 lease spaces into 1 rental unit
May deduct conversion, not a new or different use
Example 3
Prep building for sale – re-paint, refinish floors
May deduct expenses
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Improvement (263 Regs)
What is new or different use?
Example 4: Toxic land – Prep for sale
pre-existing contamination, when bought
contamination that owner created
Land contaminated, no longer in use; trying to sell
Clean up to sell to developer for houses (Aerojet)
Grade land
IRS:  Clean up to restore not an improvement –
deductible; but capitalize grading of land –
because adapts land for different use.
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Cam’s Rules (silly rules that work)
Environmental (Paper Towel Theory).
Wiping up the prior owner’s mess is a betterment;
therefore, just clean up your own mess.
Significant deferred maintenance eliminated
Environmental clean up
Buy proximate to scheduled maintenance
Not, clean your own or blocking some one else’s mess.
Freshen Up.
A bit of evening “make-up” is deductible
But, major “surgery” is probably a betterment.
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Not Changed
Section 263A
Capitalization for property produced by taxpayer
Real or personal property (e.g., costs to perfect title)
Capitalization of property acquired for resale
Section 162
Materials & supplies (under 1.163-3)
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Deductible (Not an improvement)
Repairs & maintenance
1.162-4.  Anything not capitalized
Any change to comply with regs is a Section 481 item
and requires IRS approval.  1.446-1(e)(3)(ii).
Repair Allowances?
Not yet.  Service thinking about.
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Deductible Repairs/Maintenance
Examples (Deductible)
T undertakes an asbestos abatement project to
remove and replace insulation.  The removal does
not improve insulation efficiency.
T does “Cosmetic” refreshing (minor
Hotel lobby floor changed (not whole hotel floor);
Retail store shelving changed (no greater storage).
IRS conceding some small cases.
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Summary:  263 Regs
Section 263 Regs
IRS Goal:
Not to end disputes
But to redirect the issues/arguments.
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Do these regs. affect your reporting?
Yes – you are adopting a different method.
Yes – you reported differently in any prior year
ccounting method change.
File Form 3115 (as automatic adjustment);
Adjust all opening accounts 1/1/2012. (1/1/2013)
Report 481 adjustment in 2012 (2014)—positive or
negative—to true up all accounts
Rev. Proc. 2012-19 and Rev. Proc. 2012-20
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Materials & Supplies (1.162-3)
Do not Supercede Rev. Procs.
2002-12 – Smallwares Deduction (restaurants)
2012-28 – Cash Basis for 
Qual. Small Taxp
M&S = tangible personal property
Incidental (i.e., napkins) – not defined
Non-incidental (everything else)
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Materials & Supplies (1.162-3)
M&S = tangible personal property
Not inventory
Used or consumed in business
Is either
Component to maintain, repair or improve a U of Tang
Fuel, lubricants, water, expected < 12 month life;
UOP < 12 months life
UOP costing $200 or less
Is identified by regs
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M&S: Rotables, Spares
Unusual Concept
Feature – item, if broken, can be removed, fixed,
then reinstalled.  But, takes time to fix.
Rotables: “rotated” out, fixed, then put back.
Standby Parts:  expensive, special order, critical
Historical – spare propeller, rudder, blade
Current – spare tank, engine, tire (re-tread)
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
M&S: Rotables, Spares
Options for Tax Purposes:
Applicable financial statement – depreciate over same
useful life (AFS = audited, government, SEC)
Deduct when finally thrown out
Capitalize and depreciate over tax useful life
Write-off when installed
Add-back to income/basis, fmv when removed;
Capitalize repairs
Write-off when re-installed, add to income/basis fmv when
removed – i.e., repeat.
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
M&S Examples
Under $200.00
Party supply rental – deduct every small item < $200.00.
(plates, cups, dishes) - deduct
Print Toner cartridges – box of 10 for $200.00 – deduct.
Office chairs under $200.00 if treated as M&S – deduct
50 desktop scanners, use 35 (small ware, treat as M&S)
Over $200.00 (not rotables)
Airplane parts.  Deduct when installed
Repair parts for machines.  Same.
Mods, jigs < 12 months.  Same, but Section 263A controls.
Not rotables
Aircraft engines
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Retirement (New!)
New but it depends:
Before:  Roof replaced = no deduction until whole
building disposed. (IRC Section 168).
New:  Replace 
 of a system/component:
If repair, may elect instead:
New basis capitalized
Old basis deducted
 (Section 1250/1231 loss)
Note:  Enhances doing cost segregation studies.
(still Section 1250 property.)
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Retirement (New!) 1.263(a)-3
Cost of removal:
If not part of major replacement can deduct,
rather than capitalize
If for major replacement, must capitalize
Example 30 – elevator.  1 of 4 retired/replaced
Option 1:  No cost segmentation of old elevator,
but can write-off replacement (not major
Option 2:  Write-off old; capitalize new.
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Not Finalized
Treas. Reg. 1.168(i)-1T. General Asset Account
Not finalized; status unknown.
Do not follow the repair/replacement rules.
$10 million building; roof leak and 
replace entire roof
Must capitalize replacement; no write-off of portion of
building that is “roof component”.
Sell all 2010-year purchased calculators over
2013/2014.  Get write-off in 2014 of basis.
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Not Finalized
Treas. Reg. 1.168(i)-8T. Dispositions
1.168(i)-8T.  Not finalized; status unknown.
Effect of cost segregation
Retirement entitles write-off (worn out, replaced).
Mass Assets (large quantity, lumped; not as an
Example, depreciate all chairs as a mass asset.
Right to write-off based on portion disposed.
Identifies what dispositions trigger gain/loss
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Thank You
Cameron L. Hess
Wagner Kirkman Blaine
Klomparens & Youmans LLP
(916) 920-5286
WKBK&Y 1066733  C. Hess 916-920-5286
Slide Note

This document delves into the intricate world of capitalization regulations in taxation, covering topics such as safe harbors, routine maintenance, small taxpayers, partial disposition elections, and more. It discusses the evolution of the 263 regulations, changes in methods of accounting, and the challenges faced by taxpayers in complying with these standards. The content provides insights into the background, history, and reasons behind the new 263 regulations, offering clarity on the standards and their application to tangible personal property expenditures.

  • Capitalization regulations
  • Taxation
  • 263 regulations
  • Accounting methods
  • Compliance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Capitalization Regulations To Infinity and Beyond! Cameron L. Hess, CPA, Esq. Wagner Kirkman Blaine Klomparens & Youmans LLP Sacramento Walnut Creek (916) 920-5286

  2. Items You Must Know Unit of Property Building Systems Safe Harbors De Minimis Election f election Routine Maintenance Small Taxpayers Expenditures (h) election Partial disposition election Rev. Proc. 2015-20 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 2

  3. Items You Must Know [E]xcept as otherwise stated, a change to comply with the final regulations is a change in method of accounting to which the provisions of sections 446 and 481 and the accompanying regulations apply. (Preamble to TD 9636 Guidance Regarding Deduction and Capitalization of Expenditures Related to Tangible Personal Property) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 3

  4. Evolution of 263 Regs History: 01/20/04. Announcement 08/21/06. 1st Proposed Regs 03/10/08. 2nd Proposed Regs 12/23/11. Temporary Regulations 9/19/2013. Final Regs. (2103-13 IRB 331) 64 pages, including preamble. More examples 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 4

  5. Evolution of 263 Regs History: Rev. Proc. 2015-14, mandatorya no fee Form 3115 for new capitalization/repair regulations Rev. Proc. 2015-20, 2015-9 IRB 694. No Form 3115 ( non-filing option) for qualified small taxpayers No Safe Harbor Protection 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 5

  6. Evolution of 263 Regs History: Warning Final Regs don t tell the whole story Concepts hidden in prior Proposed Regs. Casualty Loss issue Exploration of Continuing Rev. Procs History of 50% replacement rule tossed. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 6

  7. New 263 Regs Why Change? IRS: The standards for Section 263 are difficult to discern and apply considerable uncertainty and controversy for taxpayers. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 7

  8. Background Final Regs. Effective: Applies: Can elect retroactively some provisions Simplifies some objective standards Clarifies subjective standards (friendlier) 09/19/2013 1/1/14 (tax years beginning on/after) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 8

  9. Still Unchanged Some Basic Principles Unchanged (1.263(a)-1) Capitalize Improvements (263(a)) = Betterment Restoration New use Incidental repair/maint not an improvement (162) 263A applies to inventory and self-produced property. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 9

  10. Still Unchanged Improvement = Betterment fixes, adds, increases capacity Restoration replaces item of loss (165) replaces item sold restores item nonfunctional rebuilds to like-new @ life end replaces a major component New Use adapts for a different use 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 10

  11. Final 263 Regulations - Overview New Concepts (1.263(a)-3): Unit of Property Major Component (MP) (significant importance and value is material) Substantial Structural Part (SSP) (large) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 11

  12. Unit of Property - Overview Unit of Property - *** New A Unit = all parts functionally interdependent. Example: electric lathe + dedicated computer = 1 Unit. Real Property (2 types): Owner: = Whole Building + Its structural components Lessee: = Leased Unit improvement = primary components of building. (building broken into distinct parts, e.g., roof structure) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 12

  13. Final 263 Regulations - Overview Replacing a Major Component (MP) or Substantial Structural Part (SSP) usually means capitalization. But it is based on facts & circumstances. One may argue it s not betterment, restoration, like new. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 13

  14. Improvement - Overview Improvements (real/personal) - includes = Major replacements . 2008 (proposed) - > 50 % cost test (cap vs deduct). 2008 Tossed (claims practitioners complained) Temp/Final Regs: Facts & Circumstances: quantitative and qualitative significance of the part or combination of parts in relation to the unit of property. Means we don t know - Subjective 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 14

  15. Improvement - Overview Major Replacement includes (no surprise) Major Component (1.263-3(k)(6)(A)) Part performs a UOP critical function Substantial Structural Part (-3(k)(6)(B)) Major Replacement involves A large or critical part of the Unit of Property Facts & Circumstance Approach 36 examples replacement is capitalized or expensed. About 75 examples overall (all areas). 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 15

  16. Unit of Property - Building Real Property - Buildings Replacements that are (i) an improvement to (ii) a building component or building system must be capitalized. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 16

  17. Not Improvements Safe Harbors De Minimis Safe Harbor ( f ) election Routine Maintenance (1.263(a)-3(i)) Small Taxpayer Expenditures ( h ) election 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 17

  18. New De Minimis Rule De Minimis Election 1.263(a)-1(f): Optional Annual election: if elect, covers year s purchases Be consistent (financial statements/books) Apply items on invoice-by-invoice basis. Not for inventory, land, rotables 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 18

  19. New De Minimis Rule Election Statement: Section 1.263(a)-1(f) DeMinimis Safe Harbor Election Taxpayer Name Address Taxpayer Identification # Taxpayer is making the de minimis safe harbor election under 1.263(a)-1(f) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 19

  20. New De Minimis Rule Two Types: AFS applicable financial statement = FS for SEC, gov t agency, general audit (attest) $5,000 limit Witten accounting policy at beginning of year required No AFS $500 limit ($200 materials/supplies) Taxpayer must adopt a policy , but it need not be written 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 20

  21. New De Minimis Rule AFS May deduct item if 1) Useful life = < 1 year; or 2) Cost </= X (written policy), n.t.e. $5,000/item. On each invoice, add integrated items (parts and installation) E.g., cannot buy a car, but itemize it as engine -$2,000, 4 seats 1,000, body - $3,000, tires - $800, A/C - $100. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 21

  22. New De Minimis Rule Everybody Else (No AFS) Meet Basic requirements Procedure in place 1/1/xx (need not be written) Item </= $500.00 For capital items. (Same rule to add on separate invoice cost items that integrate to one unit) $200.00 for materials and supplies Tossed: Material Distortion Test in Temp Regs. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 22

  23. New De Minimis Rule Warning: Later re-sale = 1245 property Example (no AFS): 1. All these are deductible: $2,500 for 10 printers (250.00 each). $4,000 for Conference room - $600 to designer, $400 table, 10 chairs - $300 each. (Split up designer fee). 10 hand held restaurant POS-$300 each; 3 tablets-$500 each 2. This must be capitalized: 10 computers/ tablets@ $600.00 each. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 23

  24. New De Minimis Rule Note: No 3115 for (f) election: 1.263-1 Except for (f) a change to comply is a change in method of accounting .A taxpayer must secure...consent 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 24

  25. Not Improvements Safe Harbors Routine Maintenance (1.263(a)-3(i)) Do more than once every 10 years. Escalator hand rails (4/yrs), HVAC maint. (4./yrs) (repl. condenser). Allowable for rotables. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 25

  26. Fun Test: Routine Maintenace Raj Wolowitz Apartments. Owner forgot to certify his elevator. It has not been working for 3 years. Maintenance is usually in 3 year cycles. Sheldon Cooper complains to Penny, his manager. She gets Raj to do maintenance for $1,100 and to pay a $100 inspection fee. According Example 12, the $1,100 paid probably is: a) deductible (repair) or b) capitalized. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 26

  27. Not Improvements Safe Harbors Small taxpayers expenditures (1.263(a)-3(h) Ave Gross Receipts < $10 Million (See Rev. Proc. 2002-28) Un adjusted basis </= $1 million Total repair/improvements = lesser of: 2% of unadjusted basis $10,000/building All repairs/improvements lumped in for $10K limit 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 27

  28. Not Improvements Safe Harbors $10 Million Ave Gross Receipts Limit All sources Can deduct returns & allowances Can exclude sales tax (if buyer imposed) CA. 3 Prior Year (shorter if < 3 years operating) Annual election If elect, but exceeds > $10K, only disqualified for that building 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 28

  29. Not Improvements Safe Harbors Form of Election: Section 1.263(a)-3(h) Safe Harbor Election for Qualified Small Taxpayers. Taxpayer s Name Address Identification Number Identify Each Building While not required by regulations add: Taxpayer is making the 1.263(a)-3(h) safe harbor election for qualified small taxpayers. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 29

  30. Partial Disposition Election 1.168(i)-8(d). If capitalize an improvement, then taxpayer may election to write-off part of existing asset disposed of. Example: Remodel pool in 2012 pipe breaks, must do 2nd remodel in 2015. No form of election required: Just do it. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 30

  31. Unit of Property - Building Buildings: IRS Takes Split Approach Whole Building: Systems = parts of buildings). Identify 9 common systems in buildings Systems are NOT a Unit of Property; but decide capital improvement at a systems level. Tenant: Tenant s Unit 1 Unit (unless divisions) Condo/Co-op: (Each Unit = 1 Unit) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 31

  32. Unit of Property - Building Building systems (examples): HVAC (heat, ventilation, and A.C.); Plumbing electrical systems; Escalators and elevators; fire protection, alarm, security systems; gas distribution systems; and other systems identified in published guidance. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 32

  33. Unit of Property - Building Building systems Capitalize or Deduct Facts & Circumstances Approach No safe harbor Lots of examples provided to illustrate 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 33

  34. Learning by Example Betterments Equipment If purchase and intend to fix. Tractor needing new motor Betterment Building (paper towel; refresh) Clean up environmental after purchase Building purchased below standard , then repaired Expand/improve in addition to a refresh . Abandon at loss; later restoration (casualty not req d) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 34

  35. Examples Betterments Major Component Gas Stations. New tanks have leak detection. Sprinkler System. New fire system 100% Remodel. All hotel bathrooms over 4 years (including furnishing replaced). All flooring of public areas of hotel. (b/c not refreshment) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 35

  36. Examples Not Betterments Equipment ( caps ) Relocation & reinstall (moved) Reconditioning to meet regulations (not restored) [new smog system] Not Betterments Building ( caps ) New mandated reg. Earthquake retrofit Safety. Oil seeping in from outside; fix to avoid health code closure. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 36

  37. Test Your Knowledge (Real Story) PTSD Property Mang t, Inc. s owner puts 82-year old Dad to work. Dad attends seminar on soft understructure apartments . As a favor every apartment owner (about 100) receives a free quote - ($6,500) by an engineer/friend (lots of pictures of owner s building) and 12 newspaper articles. Letter says: You may be next. Act now to save $$. One Tenant got $2 million. County may soon set ordinances; costs will rise. Dad estimates that + $6,500, $100,000-$200,000 per building. Dad says I m just trying to help you. Question: To try to claim a deduction, does it make a different if owner acts now or waits for an ordinance to pass. (1.263(a)-3(j)(3),Example 12) Question: If building collapses, next EQ, is owner liable? 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 37

  38. Examples Not Betterments Replace 100 of 300 damaged exterior windows Replace 4 of 10 old sinks (40%) Replace Top Layer of Roof M = Owner, replaces entire membrane (top layer). Remove drop ceiling paint exposed ducts. Replace 2 of 10 roof-top worn HVAC systems, even if better! 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 38

  39. Examples Building Systems Betterment! (Surgery) Blown insulation into walls to improve efficiency Add in a new drive-through window Electrical load capacity upgrade Add stairs and mezzanine to make a 2nd floor. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 39

  40. Leased Buildings Leased buildings Unit of Property. It is Both: Owner: the whole building and Lessee: each separate leased unit LH Improvements Capitalize whether as owner or tenant paid. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 40

  41. Condos/Co-ops Condominiums/Coops Unit of Property. For the owner the unit owned and the structural components of the unit the portion possessed by the coop owner and the structural components of the unit possessed. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 41

  42. Fun Problems The roof leaks. Out of 10 units, 3 are most affected. Just over the 3 units is membrane and 12 sheets of plywood are replaced. Is this a repair? Is this an improvement? Tsakapoulous. Would the result be different if the whole membrane was replaced, but not the plywood? 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 42

  43. Fun Problems A s office building (leased) has: 10 A/C Units, each separately piped. How many HVAC systems are there? i) 1 or ii) 10. 1.263(a)-3(e)(2)(ii)(v)(B)(6), Example 1 2 banks of 3 lifts (6 total) and two escalators How many systems are there: i) 1, ii) 2, iii) 3, iii) 7, iv) 8 Example 2 Tenant leases 2 Units, each w/ separate A/Cs How many systems does tenant have: i) 1 or ii) 2. Example 13 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 43

  44. Wait!: Before Covering More: Rev. Proc. 2015-14 New law is an accounting method change File Form 3115 Section 481 adjustments required. Rev. Proc. 2015- 20 (non-safe harbor) No Form 3115 Beginning Assets < $10 Million or Qualified small taxpayers (Ave Gross Receipts < $10 Mil) No audit protection for prior years 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 44

  45. Acquisitions (1.263-2) No surprises in basics Must Capitalize Before Start Operations: Pre-commencement repairs Installation and pre-operational testing Facilitative costs Transport, secure, negotiate, costs to acquire, costs to examine, fees, studies, intermediary Optional may (not required to) capitalize employee payroll to facilitate acquisition 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 45

  46. Purchases/Acquisition Costs 1.263(a)-2. Basic Rule: Capitalize: purchases, build or create an improvement Pre-development (builder rights/permits) Repairs before placed in service Acquisition costs (broker/attorney fees) Defend/protect title Need not capitalize: Cost to relocate (remove and reinstall). Failed acquisition Not related fight ordinance that would close business 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 46

  47. Purchases/Acquisition What is adapting to a different use? 1.263(a)-3(l)(2) Pg. 57,752 Example 2 - Commercial retail building Removable walls Convert 3 lease spaces into 1 rental unit May deduct conversion, not a new or different use Example 3 Prep building for sale re-paint, refinish floors May deduct expenses 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 47

  48. Improvement (263 Regs) What is new or different use? Example 4: Toxic land Prep for sale pre-existing contamination, when bought contamination that owner created Land contaminated, no longer in use; trying to sell Clean up to sell to developer for houses (Aerojet) Grade land IRS: Clean up to restore not an improvement deductible; but capitalize grading of land because adapts land for different use. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 48

  49. Cams Rules (silly rules that work) Environmental (Paper Towel Theory). Wiping up the prior owner s mess is a betterment; therefore, just clean up your own mess. Significant deferred maintenance eliminated Environmental clean up Buy proximate to scheduled maintenance Not, clean your own or blocking some one else s mess. Freshen Up. A bit of evening make-up is deductible But, major surgery is probably a betterment. 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 49

  50. Not Changed Section 263A Capitalization for property produced by taxpayer Real or personal property (e.g., costs to perfect title) Capitalization of property acquired for resale Section 162 Materials & supplies (under 1.163-3) 8/23/2016 WKBK&Y 1066733 C. Hess 916-920-5286 50


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