This content provides detailed information on Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training for university staff, faculty, contractors, and students responsible for student activities in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. It covers the objectives, history, impact, and purpose of the Clery Act, highlighting the importance of crime awareness, reporting requirements, and campus safety measures. The Clery Act, named after victim Jeanne Clery, mandates colleges and universities to disclose crime information and maintain campus security to ensure a safe environment for students and employees.
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CAMPUS SECURITY AUTHORITY (CSA) TRAINING CAMPUS SECURITY AUTHORITY (CSA) TRAINING For University staff, faculty, contractors, and students with significant responsibility for student activities Created by the Clery Compliance Coordinator in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC 1092(f))
OBJECTIVES Clery Act awareness CSA reporting requirements How to handle crime disclosure
Clery Act History Named Named in memory in memory of of 19 freshman, freshman, Jeanne Jeanne Ann murdered murdered in in her 19- -year year- -old Ann Clery, Clery, who her residence residence hall old Lehigh Lehigh University who was was tragically tragically raped hall room room on on April April 5, 5, 1986. University raped and 1986. and Her Her parents parents believed more more cautious cautious if if they d at at Lehigh Lehigh University. University. believed she they d known she and known about and others others would about other would have other violent violent crimes have been been crimes 1990 Federal Law enacted: Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act amended the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965). 1998 Renamed Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (i.e., the CleryAct ).
IMPACT OF THE CLERY ACT Mandated Mandated a a requirement all all colleges colleges and and universities that that participate participate in in federal financial financial aid aid programs keep keep and and disclose information information about about crime and and near near their their respective campuses. campuses. requirement for universities federal programs to to disclose crime on respective for on
PURPOSE OF THE CLERY ACT Provide Provide students, students, families, information information about about campus families, and campus safety and employees employees with safety so so that that they with accurate, accurate, complete, they can can make make informed complete, and informed decisions. decisions. and timely timely James Madison University James Madison University provides ways, ways, including, including, but but not provides campus not limited limited to: campus safety safety information information in in a a number number of of to: Alerting Alerting the dangerous dangerous situations situations and Disclosing Disclosing safety Publishing Publishing a a daily campus campus student Collecting Collecting crime law law enforcement enforcement and the campus campus community community about about significant significant emergencies emergencies or or and crimes crimes that safety and and security daily crime crime and student housing housing facilities crime reports reports from and disclosing that pose pose a a serious security policies policies in in an and fire fire log facilities reported from Campus Campus Security disclosing statistics statistics to to the serious or or continuing continuing threat an annual annual security log of of all all crimes crimes and reported to to Madison Madison Police. Security Authorities Authorities and the public. threat to to safety. security report. report. and all all fires fires in in on Police. and local public. safety. on- - local
ROLE OF CAMPUS SECURITY AUTHORITIES (CSAs) Not Not all all crimes crimes come come to to the the attention attention of of campus campus police. police. Therefore, Therefore, the to to collect collect previously previously unreported all all individuals individuals and and organizations university university who who have have significant student student or or campus campus activities. the Clery Clery Act Act requires requires a a collaborative unreported crime crime statistics organizations associated associated with significant responsibility responsibility for activities. collaborative effort statistics from effort from the for with the
DEFINITION OF CSA AT JMU CSAs CSAs include include all Professional Professional Counselors. action action or or respond respond to to particular all University University faculty, Counselors. Additionally, particular issues faculty, staff, Additionally, all issues on staff, and all students students fulfilling on behalf behalf of of the and contractors contractors who fulfilling duties the institution who are duties requiring requiring them institution (e.g., (e.g., Resident are not not Pastoral Pastoral Counselors them to to take Resident Advisors) Counselors or or take Advisors) T The Clery Act also identifies certain categories of students, other university employees, volunteers and he Clery Act also identifies certain categories of students, other university employees, volunteers and contractors as CSA s: contractors as CSA s: Non Non- -police security staff responsible for monitoring university property, monitoring events, and police security staff responsible for monitoring university property, monitoring events, and providing escorts to include contract security and students providing escorts to include contract security and students. . People/offices designated under our policy as those to whom crimes should People/offices designated under our policy as those to whom crimes should be reported be reported the JMU Police, Title IX, Human Resources and the Office of Accountability and the JMU Police, Title IX, Human Resources and the Office of Accountability and Restorative Practice. Restorative Practice. Officials with significant responsibility for students and campus activities . Official is defined as Officials with significant responsibility for students and campus activities . Official is defined as any person who has the authority and duty to take action and respond to particular issues on behalf any person who has the authority and duty to take action and respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution to include Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, of the institution to include Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, and Department Heads. Deans, Directors, and Department Heads.
CSA TRAINING IN ONE SENTENCE You You have this this means means if if you you you must, must, as Police Police and and tell happened happened; ; you confidential confidential. . have been been designated designated as you witness, witness, learn as soon soon as as possible, tell them them what what happened, you may may identify identify the as a a Campus Campus Security learn of, of, or or hear hear about possible, contact contact James happened, when when it it happened, the victim victim or or keep Security Authority about a a Clery Clery Act James Madison Madison University happened, and keep the the victim s victim s identity Authority(CSA) Act crime, University and where where it it identity (CSA); ; crime,
WHAT ARE CLERY ACT CRIMES? Hate Hate Crimes: Crimes: Motivated Motivated in in whole gender gender identity, identity, religion, orientation, orientation, national All All criminal criminal offenses Larceny/theft Larceny/theft Simple Simple assault Destruction/damage/vandalism Destruction/damage/vandalism Intimidation Intimidation Any Any crime crime involving involving bodily Criminal Criminal Offenses: Offenses: Homicide Homicide Rape Rape Fondling Fondling Incest Incest Statutory Statutory Rape Rape Robbery Robbery Aggravated Aggravated Assault Burglary Burglary Motor Motor Vehicle Vehicle Theft Arson Arson Dating Dating Violence Violence Domestic Domestic Violence Violence Stalking Stalking whole or or part religion, ethnicity, disability, ethnicity, disability, sexual national origin) origin) offenses previously previously mentioned, part by by hate hate or or bias bias (race, (race, gender, sexual gender, mentioned, plus: plus: assault Assault Theft bodily injury injury Arrests Arrests and Carrying Carrying and Drug Drug abuse Liquor Liquor law and Referrals Referrals for and possessing possessing weapons abuse law violations violations for Disciplinary Disciplinary Action weapons Action
DOES IT MATTER WHERE INCIDENTS HAPPEN? YES YES Location Location Matters Matters Crimes are only Cleryreportable if they ve occurred on or near property that James Madison University owns or controls through a written agreement and have not already been reported to Madison Police. However, when in doubt, report! JMU Police will sort out any geography concerns.
WHAT IF VICTIMS WISH TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS? At the request of the victim(s), identifying information may be excluded from the report (e.g., names, initials, contact information, etc.). However, if the incident involves sexual violence (e.g., sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking), according to federal law, identifying information must be reported to JMU s Title IX Coordinator located at: Holland-Yates Hall, 100 East Grace Street, MSC 7806,Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Complete an intake form at ix/reporting/how-to-report-to-titleix.shtml E-mail, or Call 540-568-5219
HOW SHOULD I HANDLE THE CRIME DISCLOSURE? CSAs are not responsible for determining authoritatively whether a crime took place, and they should not try to apprehend alleged suspects of crimes. When interacting with a person reporting a crime, CSAs should do the following: Explain their obligation to report the incident to JMU Police Gather enough information that would provide sufficient detail to properly classify the incident Offer the person available support resources (a listing of available support resources is available here:
CSA REPORTING PROCEDURES CSAs CSAs must as as possible possible to must report report all to Madison one one of of the all Clery Clery Act Madison Police the following following options: Act crimes crimes as Police using using at at least options: as soon soon least Completing Completing the Statistics Statistics Reporting available online at nce/jmu-police-department-clery- compliant-form23.pdf the CSA CSA Crime Reporting Form Crime Form Contacting Contacting the Compliance Compliance Coordinator Coordinator at the Clery Clery Calling Calling JMU at (540) 568-6911 JMU Police Police directly directly In In case case of of emergency, emergency, immediately or or 9 9- -1 1- -1 1 immediately call (540)568 call (540)568- -6911 6911
RESOURCES For CSA reporting, use the CSA form23.pdf CSA Crime Crime Statistics Statistics Reporting Reporting Form Form available here: University Policy #1346: Reporting of Clery Act Crimes and/or Prohibited Sexual Conduct: More information about Clery Act crime reporting is available here: Various resources for reporting sexual misconduct, crimes, and other incidents can found in the most up to date Annual Security Report: The U.S. Department of Education has Clery Act information at:
Mission Statement In support of the mission of James Madison University, the JMU Police Department is dedicated to developing partnerships with the community we serve to enhance the goal of providing quality higher education. We will earn the public's trust through community engagement to: Support academic freedom; Respect diversity; Protect civil and human rights, and; Provide a safe environment to foster the open exchange of ideas. We will work collaboratively to prevent crime and disorder through a compassionate and empathetic police department, supporting our students, faculty, and staff in their goals to lead productive and meaningful lives. Anthony D. Matos, Chief of Police