Breastfeeding Education for Physicians: The Road to Baby-Friendly Designation

Breastfeeding Education
for Physicians: 
The Road to Baby
Friendly Designation
Jennifer Amrol, MD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Review the anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding.
Examine the composition of human milk and the
significance of individual components.
Breast Anatomy
Exterior breast
Located between 2nd rib and 6th intercostal space
Main blood supply: 60% from internal mammary artery and 30% from
lateral thoracic artery
Innervated primarily by 4th intercostal nerve
Mammary tissue
Nipple and Areola
Supporting connective tissue and fat, blood and lymphatic vessels,
Adipose tissue distribution greatly differs among women and is not
related to milk production
Mammary tissue
Small sacs of milk secreting and storing cells clustered into lobules
Surrounded by myoepithelial cells which contract in response to
oxytocin for milk ejection
Connect lobules to form distinct mammary lobe
Then connect lobes to end at the galactophore
Ducts beneath areola become fuller due to oxytocin during a feed
Number is not related to milk production
Breast Anatomy
Circular and pigmented
Contains smooth muscle and elastic connective tissue
Darkens and enlarges during pregnancy
Contains Montgomery tubercles (or glands) which provide lubrication
which is bacteriostatic; may produce a scent to help infant find the nipple
Shape and size vary between women
Has an average of 9 milk ducts passing to outside (range 4-18)
Has smooth muscle fibers and sensory nerves
Shape and size vary between women
Breast Anatomy
Women with inverted nipples can breastfed but they many need more help
She should request assistance with breastfeeding as soon as possible after
her baby is born.
After delivery, a breast pump might be useful to help evert the nipples.  If a
pump is not available, a 20ml syringe with the adaptor end cut off and the
plunger inserted backwards is used to help draw out a nipple.
Avoid bottle and pacifier use so the baby does not become accustomed to
the longer artificial nipple which feels and flows differently.
When all else fails, an ultra-think silicone nipple shield can be tried
Nipple preparation during pregnancy is not recommended
Inverted Nipples
Growth of the breasts
In utero, prepubertal, pubertal
Functional change of the breasts so that they can secrete milk
Occurs during pregnancy and initial postpartum period
Maintaining the production of milk
Begins 9 days postpartum
Termination of milk production
With weaning
Stages of Lactation
In utero
Mammary bulb is seen at 18-19 weeks gestation
Fat pad precursor develops
Rudimentary ductal system is present at birth
After birth/before puberty
Small set of branching ducts grows with child
Remains inactive
Puberty -Thelarche
Takes 3 to 3 ½ years
Occurs 2 ½ to 3 years prior to menarche
Initial stages
Increase in size and pigmentation of areola
Development of breast bud
Puberty -Thelarche
Breast tissue enlarges
Stimulates growth of mammary ducts into preexisting fat pad
Effect begins with onset of menses and ovulation
Secreted by ovary during luteal phase (second half of
menstrual cycle)
Stimulates lobulo-alveolar development
Alveolar clusters grow with each luteal phase and regress with
onset of menses and loss of hormones
Mammary gland develops capacity to secrete milk
Includes all steps needed to transform undifferentiated breast
tissue in early pregnancy to fully differentiated state after
Two stages
Beginning at the twelfth week of pregnancy (Lactogenesis Stage 1)
Beginning shortly after delivery (Lactogenesis Stage 2)
Occurs by mid pregnancy
Pregnancy hormones
Lactogenic hormones
Prolactin and Human placental hormone
Stimulate nipple and areolar growth
Breast changes
Double in weight
Increased blood flow
Growth in lobules and alveoli (progesterone effect)
Increased secretory activity
Mammary gland becomes competent to secrete milk
Alveoli accumulate colostrum
Colostrum is secreted immediately postpartum when the newborn feeds
Milk secretion is prevented by elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone
Lactogenesis Stage 1
Occurs whether or not the newborn breastfeeds
Day 2 or 3 to day 8 after birth
Average of 40 hours postpartum
Earlier in multiparous women
Tight junction in alveolar cell closes
Onset of copious milk secretion
Drop in levels of estrogen and progesterone
Relative increase in prolactin levels
Breasts are full and warm
Switch from endocrine to autocrine control
Continued milk production depends on regular milk removal
Lactogenesis Stage 2
Blood flow, oxygen, and glucose uptake increase
Removal of placenta with its progesterone is required for milk
Progesterone receptors appear to be lost in lactating tissues so that
the inhibitory effect of circulating progesterone is decreased once
lactation is established
So progesterone only birth control can be used once lactation is going well
Insulin, GH, cortisol, and PTH
Maternal secretion allows for mobilization of nutrients and minerals
required for lactation
Lactogenesis Stage 2
Begins 9 days after birth and continues until weaning
Established milk secretion/production is maintained
Continued autocrine system of control
Required to maintain milk secretion
Required to produce let-down to allow milk extraction
Begins at weaning
Regular milk extraction ceases
Prolactin is withdrawn
Is completed ~40 days after last breastfeeding
Milk secretion decreases due to the buildup of inhibitory
Mammary gland returns nearly to pre-pregnancy state
The cyclical process of milk synthesis and secretion
Occurs with the help of prolactin and oxytocin
Regulation of milk synthesis
Quite efficient
Average of ~800 ml/day but volume secreted may vary depending on
infant’s requirement
Milk production
Improves with relaxation
Decreases with maternal stress and fatigue
Increased dopamine and/or norepinephrine inhibit prolactin synthesis
Stress and fatigue inhibit oxytocin release
Effect of Alcohol
Lower levels may enhance milk letdown due to decreased stress but higher
doses inhibit oxytocin release thereby inhibiting letdown
Physiology of Lactation
Polypeptide hormone synthesized in the anterior pituitary
Positive regulation of secretion
Released from anterior pituitary with the peak determined by the
intensity of suckling by the infant
Negative regulation of secretion
Main control is from hypothalamic inhibitory factors (dopamine
acts through the D2 receptors in lactotrophs)
Stimulates mammary gland ductal growth and epithelial cell
Stimulates milk synthesis in mammary gland epithelial cells
Suppresses ovulation
Physiology of Lactation
Levels increase from 10-20 ng/ml in prepregnant state to ~200-
400 ng/ml at term
Levels slowly decline but continue to rise and fall in proportion to
frequency, intensity, and duration of nipple stimulation
Will remain elevated as long as mother breastfeeds
Prolactin concentration in blood doubles in response to infant
suckling and peaks ~45 minutes after initiation of feed
More feeds lead to higher serum prolactin levels
Makes mother feels relaxed and sleepy
Physiology of Lactation
Levels follow a circadian rhythm (ie levels are higher at
Nocturnal feeds are helpful in keeping up supply initially
Levels drop with cigarette smoking
Levels are lower in mothers with depression
If lidocaine is applied to nipples, the loss of sensation results
in absence of increased prolactin levels in response to
Physiology of Lactation
Physiology of Lactation
Synthesized in hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary
Release is stimulated by suckling
Neuroendocrine reflex has a significant psychological component
Oxytocin release may be stimulated by thought, sight, or sound of infant
Stimulates myoepithelial cells in alveoli to contract and expel milk
Forcible milk removal is called milk ejection or let-down
Variation in perception of let-down
Increases temperature of mother's breast to provide warmth for
Increases calmness, social responsiveness, and enhances bonding
Aids in uterine involution after delivery
Uterine contractions may be associated with “after pains” that indicate
oxytocin release
Physiology of Lactation
Signs of Oxytocin Release
Tingling sensation in breast before or during a feed
Milk flowing when mother thinks of baby or hears crying
Milk flowing from other breast during feeding
Milk streaming from breast if latch is interrupted
Slow deep sucks and swallows by the baby during feed
Uterine pain during feed
Thirst during a feed
Physiology of Lactation
Milk production
Positive local regulation by demand
Increased suckling
Increased emptying
Increased milk secretion/production
Skin to Skin (SSC) supports successful breastfeeding
Partial milk removal sets a new, lower rate of milk production
Negative local regulation of milk production
Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation
Accumulates in milk between feeds so without removal of milk, secretion/production
is inhibited
Explains why an empty breast makes milk faster than a fuller one
Distention or stretch of the alveoli
Local effect to inhibit milk secretion/production
Once milk removal stops, involution begins
Physiology of Lactation
Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation
Inhibitory whey protein present in breast milk
Builds up as milk accumulates in the mammary gland
Without milk removal, the inhibitor stops epithelial cells from
secreting/producing more milk
Protects breast from harmful effects of overfilling
Once milk is removed, secretion restarts
Allows production of milk to be determined by infant’s needs
Especially important regulatory mechanism once lactation is
established since prolactin does not control milk volume
Physiology of Lactation
Mothers make nourishing milk for their infants from all kinds of food.
There are no foods that must be avoided, unless mother or baby
develops an allergic reaction.
Breastfeeding mothers have an increased thirst that usually maintains
an adequate fluid intake; no data support the assumption that
increasing fluid intake will increase milk volume.
Mothers do not need to drink milk to make milk; thirst can be satisfied
from a variety of nourishing beverages, including water.
Calcium is available not only in milk and milk products but in many other
foods, such as broccoli, spinach, kale, bok choy, collards, mustard and
turnip greens, almonds, and canned fish.
Poor maternal nutrition is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.
Mothers following a vegan diet should take a B12 supplement.
Maternal Diet and Milk Supply
Metoclopramide — most commonly used
Domperidone — not approved in USA. Similar to
metoclopramide but less side effects as little crosses
blood brain barrier
Fenugreek and other herbal medicines — no scientific
data except anecdotal reports
Goat’s rue, milk thistle, anise, basil, blessed thistle, fennel
seeds and marshmallow
Need more high quality studies to assess affect
Effect is to increase prolactin level
Benefit  shown in small placebo controlled crossover study with
increase of 50 cc per feed with dose of at least 30 mg per day
Side effects
gastrointestinal, anxiety, sedation, and rare dystonic reactions
No documented neonatal reactions
Short term: 1–3 weeks is common
No evidence supporting long-term use
Usually wean after 10–14 days
Common dosing regimen
10 mg po qd first day
Then 10 mg po bid
Then 10 mg po tid
Most commonly recommended herbal galactogogue
Usual dose is 1-4 capsules (580-610mg) tid to qid
No standard dosing
May also be taken as one cup of strained tea tid
¼ tsp seeds steeped in 8oz water for 10 minutes
Increases supply within 24 to 72 hours
Side effects in mother
Maple like odor to sweat, milk, and urine
Increased asthmatic symptoms
Lower blood sugar
Contraindicated during pregnancy due to uterine stimulant effects
Human Milk Composition
Denser milk provided for the first 2-3 days after birth
Facilitates the passage of meconium to decrease enterohepatic circulation and
thus encourage elimination of bilirubin
Aids in establishment of 
Lactobacillus bifidus
 flora in infant’s gut
Milk Volumes
Day 1 40-50 ml 
(range of 7-123ml)
Day 3 300-400 ml
Day 5 500-800 ml
Low volumes encourage frequent feeds to stimulate milk synthesis
Colostrum Energy Value
67 kcal/100ml
Colostrum components
Higher concentrations of Na, K, and Cl than mature milk
Higher percentage of protein, minerals, and fat soluble vitamins than mature
Human Milk Composition
Denser milk with 
higher concentration of proteins
White cells and antibodies (especially sIgA)
Important immune protection from exposures to environmental micro-
40-60% of cells are macrophages
Epidermal growth factor
Prepares gut lining to receive nutrients in milk
Prevents hypoglycemia and facilitates meconium passage and therefore
bilirubin excretion
Vitamin A
Protects the eyes and epithelial surfaces
Beta carotene, its precursor, provides yellowish color of colostrum
Human Milk Composition
Immunoglobulins in Human Milk
(levels decrease over time)
Output - mg/24 hours
Day Postpartum
8 – 50 
Human Milk Composition
Human Milk Composition
Note the 
increases in calories, lactose, and fat 
while the protein
 from colostrum to mature milk
Transitional Milk
Milk produced from days 5-14
Intermediate composition between
colostrum and mature milk
Volume continues to increase
Macrophage as percentage of WBCs
increases to 80-90%
Concentration is 10
 to 10
 per ml of milk
Human Milk Composition
Mature Milk
Milk produced after ~14 days
Contains all the nutrients an infant needs for the
first 6 months of life and is uniquely specific for
Fat (3.8%), protein (0.9%), carbohydrates (7.2%), vitamins,
minerals, and water (87%)
Is easily digested and efficiently used
Composition varies through lactation: over a day,
within a feed, and between women
20 calories per ounce (65-
Human Milk Composition
Note the substantial structure
of human milk under a
microscope; this is due to the
compartmentation of the
various components such as
the nutrients and bioactive
substances. This image
demonstrates that milk is a
living tissue containing about
4000 cells/cubic mm including
neutrophils, macrophages,
and lymphocytes.
Human milk is 87% water
Provides sufficient fluid to maintain hydration even in
hot climates
Human Milk Composition
Fat content
3.5-3.8g/100ml provides 50% of energy/calories in milk
Most variable component of human milk
Separates on standing
Contains cholesterol, triglycerides, short-chain fatty acids, and
long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
Milk that accumulates in breast since previous feed
Lower fat content (1.5 to 2%) and looks bluish-gray
Milk that is secreted during a feed
Higher fat content (2-3x more than foremilk- 5 to 6%) and
looks creamy white
Human Milk Composition
Fat content increases from the start of a feed (~1.7%)to
the end of a feed (~5.5%).
Protein content decreases from the start (0.9%) of a
feed to the end (0.7%).
Foremilk has less fat
but mor
e protein 
Human Milk Composition
Lipid Component
Milk fat globule
Forms with lipid secretion from apical mammary
epithelial cell and envelopment in its plasma membrane
Also contains proteins, growth factors, and vitamins
Mucins on the globule membrane adhere to viruses and
bacteria to aid in elimination from body
Human Milk Composition
Lipid Component
Bile salt-stimulated 
Acts on triglycerides to produce free fatty acids and 2-
Prevents fatty acids from forming soaps with minerals
Results in superior absorption of fat and minerals
Not present in formula
Human Milk Composition
Lipid Component
Abundance of essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic
Most exist as triacylglycerols and phospholipids
167 fatty acids have been identified in human milk
Unique long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-
3 fatty acids DHA and ARA)
Term infants are able to convert long chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids to DHA and ARA so the addition of these to term formulas
may be unnecessary but is likely useful for preterm infants who
cannot convert them.
Cholesterol is also present in significant quantities
Human Milk Composition
Human milk contains 9g protein/L (whey and casein)
Less than in other animal milks
Whey proteins consist primarily of 
Cow milk whey contains 
-lactalbumin to which infants can
become intolerant
Contains less casein than other milks
Provides 80% of milk’s nitrogen
Protein content declines over 2-4 weeks but then is constant
until weaning
Human Milk Composition
90/10 ratio of whey/casein
Mature Milk
70/30 ratio of whey/casein
Late Lactation
50/50 ratio of whey/casein
Cow Milk
18/82 ratio of whey/casein
Human Milk Composition
Whey (70%)
Contains water, electrolytes, and proteins
-lactalbumin, albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins,
enzymes (e.g., lysozyme), growth factors, and hormones
Remains in solution after acidification
Lactoferrin, lysozyme, and sIgA resist proteolytic
digestion and line the GI tract to provide host
Present only in human milk
Generally more easily digested and associated with
more rapid gastric emptying
Human Milk Composition
Transports and promotes the absorption of iron
Inhibits the growth of iron-dependent bacteria in the
gastrointestinal tract such as coliforms and yeast
Enzyme that protects the infant against E. Coli and Salmonella
Promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora and has anti-
inflammatory functions
Secretory IgA
Primary Ig in breastmilk
Protects the infant from viruses and bacteria, specifically
those to which the baby, mom, and family are exposed
Helps protect against E. Coli
Human Milk Composition
Protein- Whey
Casein (30%)
-casein forms a soft curd in the infant’s stomach if pH<5
Curd is an insoluble calcium caseinate-calcium phosphate
Low solubility in acid
Human milk casein curds are more easily digested than
those in other milks
Human Milk Composition
Non-protein nitrogen containing compounds
Provide 20% of nitrogen in milk
Epidermal growth factor
Contributes to the development and function of intestinal mucosa
Free amino acid associated with bile acid conjugation and
Have metabolic and immune functions
Used for lipolysis of long-chain fatty acids
Somatomedin-C, Insulin and other peptides
Human Milk Composition
When is lactase present in the infant gut?
Present in maximal amounts in the intestinal
brush border of full term infants
Deficient before 34 wga
Human Milk Composition
Lactose (90%) 7.2g/L
Disaccharide of galactose and glucose synthesized in the breast
Important source of glucose
Important source of galactose for galactolipids used in infant brain
Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and glycoproteins (10%)
Oligosaccharides prevent bacteria from adhering to mucosal surface
Oligosaccharides plus glycoproteins = “bifidus factor”
Stimulate growth and colonization of newborn’s gut with 
Lactobacillus bifidus
(beneficial bacteria that creates an acidic gut where harmful bacteria cannot
Human Milk Composition
Content is similar between mammal milks but
concentrations, ratios, and bioavailability are species
Lower quantities results in lower solute load for
immature renal system
Iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc,
and small amounts of copper, selenium, chromium,
manganese, molybdenum, and nickel
Zinc and Iron
Well absorbed from human milk
Zinc deficiency is rare in breastfed infants whose
mothers have adequate Zn intake
Human Milk Composition
100mcg/L versus formula with 12mg/L
50-100% of human milk iron is absorbed
4% of iron fortified formula iron is absorbed
Absorption is enhanced by high lactose and vitamin C
concentrations in human milk
Lactoferrin in whey binds iron
Increasing digestion and absorption of iron
Also makes iron unavailable to iron dependent bacteria in gut
Normal full-term infants can be exclusively breastfed for
6 months without becoming iron deficient
Human Milk Composition
Vitamin A, beta carotene, and vitamin E
Plentiful in colostrum and early transitional milk
Vitamin A protects against infection and aids early retinal development
Vitamin E protects red cells against hemolysis
Vitamin D
Sufficient only with adequate maternal diet and maternal and infant sun exposure
AAP recommends 400 IU/d for all breastfed infants until they are ingesting or
exposed to sufficient Vitamin D from other sources
Vitamin K
Poorly transported prenatally and also limited in human milk
All newborns must receive Vitamin K at birth
Vitamin B12
Mothers on vegan diets may produce B12 deficient milk so supplements are
Human Milk Composition
Examples of the Non-nutritional
Components of Human milk
Antimicrobial factors
secretory IgA, IgM, IgG
complement C3
bifidus factor
lipids and fatty acids
antiviral mucins, GAGs
Cytokines and anti-inflammatory factors
tumour necrosis factor
platelet-activating factor: acetyl hydrolase
lactoferrin (Fe)
folate binder
cobalamin binder
IgF binder
thyroxine binder
corticosteroid binder
d -sleep peptides
Growth factors
epidermal (EGF)
nerve (NGF)
insulin-like (IGF)
transforming (TGF)
Digestive enzymes
bile acid-stimulating esterase
bile acid-stimulating lipases
lipoprotein lipase
feedback inhibitor of lactation (FIL)
thyroid hormones
corticosteroids, ACTH
parathyroid hormone
Potentially harmful substances
viruses (e.g., HIV)
-fatty acids
nicotine, caffeine
food allergens
PCBs, DDT, dioxins
Passive Immunization  via the Enteromammary Pathway
Human Milk Composition
Maternal exposure
Maternal gut
Mesenteric node
Thoracic duct
Blood stream
Other mucosal surfaces
Breast tissue and breastmilk
Lymphoblasts mature into
lymphocytes that produce
immunoglobulins that
move into the
Milk Composition Differences
Thank you for completing Section 2 of Breastfeeding
Education for Physicians. To obtain CME credit, please
click on the link below, provide your information and
complete the post-test
Slide Note

To be designated as a “Baby Friendly” institution, hospitals must follow the guidelines in the 10 steps and then be evaluated on how well these items are implemented. Part of that designation is staff training. Physicians must receive 3 hours of breastfeeding education for compliance.


Explore the anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding, including the composition of human milk and individual components. Delve into breast anatomy, mammary tissue, alveoli, ducts, nipple and areola structure, and how inverted nipples can still allow for breastfeeding with appropriate assistance. Learn about strategies to support breastfeeding success and the importance of early intervention for women with inverted nipples.

  • Breastfeeding
  • Physicians
  • Education
  • Anatomy
  • Human Milk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Breastfeeding Education for Physicians: The Road to Baby Friendly Designation Jennifer Amrol, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics University of South Carolina School of Medicine

  2. Objectives Review the anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding. Examine the composition of human milk and the significance of individual components.

  3. Breast Anatomy

  4. Breast Exterior breast Located between 2nd rib and 6th intercostal space Main blood supply: 60% from internal mammary artery and 30% from lateral thoracic artery Innervated primarily by 4th intercostal nerve Mammary tissue Alveoli Ducts Nipple and Areola Supporting connective tissue and fat, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves Adipose tissue distribution greatly differs among women and is not related to milk production

  5. Breast Anatomy Mammary tissue Alveoli Small sacs of milk secreting and storing cells clustered into lobules Surrounded by myoepithelial cells which contract in response to oxytocin for milk ejection Ducts Connect lobules to form distinct mammary lobe Then connect lobes to end at the galactophore Ducts beneath areola become fuller due to oxytocin during a feed Number is not related to milk production

  6. Breast Anatomy Areola Circular and pigmented Contains smooth muscle and elastic connective tissue Darkens and enlarges during pregnancy Contains Montgomery tubercles (or glands) which provide lubrication which is bacteriostatic; may produce a scent to help infant find the nipple Shape and size vary between women Nipple Has an average of 9 milk ducts passing to outside (range 4-18) Has smooth muscle fibers and sensory nerves Shape and size vary between women

  7. Inverted Nipples Women with inverted nipples can breastfed but they many need more help postpartum. She should request assistance with breastfeeding as soon as possible after her baby is born. After delivery, a breast pump might be useful to help evert the nipples. If a pump is not available, a 20ml syringe with the adaptor end cut off and the plunger inserted backwards is used to help draw out a nipple. Avoid bottle and pacifier use so the baby does not become accustomed to the longer artificial nipple which feels and flows differently. When all else fails, an ultra-think silicone nipple shield can be tried temporarily. Nipple preparation during pregnancy is not recommended.

  8. Stages of Lactation Mammogenesis Growth of the breasts In utero, prepubertal, pubertal Lactogenesis Functional change of the breasts so that they can secrete milk Occurs during pregnancy and initial postpartum period Galactopoiesis Maintaining the production of milk Begins 9 days postpartum Involution Termination of milk production With weaning

  9. Mammogenesis In utero Mammary bulb is seen at 18-19 weeks gestation Fat pad precursor develops Rudimentary ductal system is present at birth After birth/before puberty Small set of branching ducts grows with child Remains inactive

  10. Mammogenesis Puberty -Thelarche Takes 3 to 3 years Occurs 2 to 3 years prior to menarche Initial stages Increase in size and pigmentation of areola Development of breast bud

  11. Mammogenesis Puberty -Thelarche Estrogen Breast tissue enlarges Stimulates growth of mammary ducts into preexisting fat pad Progesterone Effect begins with onset of menses and ovulation Secreted by ovary during luteal phase (second half of menstrual cycle) Stimulates lobulo-alveolar development Alveolar clusters grow with each luteal phase and regress with onset of menses and loss of hormones

  12. Lactogenesis Mammary gland develops capacity to secrete milk Includes all steps needed to transform undifferentiated breast tissue in early pregnancy to fully differentiated state after pregnancy Two stages Beginning at the twelfth week of pregnancy (Lactogenesis Stage 1) Beginning shortly after delivery (Lactogenesis Stage 2)

  13. Lactogenesis Stage 1 Occurs by mid pregnancy Pregnancy hormones Progesterone Lactogenic hormones Prolactin and Human placental hormone Stimulate nipple and areolar growth Breast changes Double in weight Increased blood flow Growth in lobules and alveoli (progesterone effect) Increased secretory activity Mammary gland becomes competent to secrete milk Alveoli accumulate colostrum Colostrum is secreted immediately postpartum when the newborn feeds Milk secretion is prevented by elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone

  14. Lactogenesis Stage 2 Occurs whether or not the newborn breastfeeds Day 2 or 3 to day 8 after birth Average of 40 hours postpartum Earlier in multiparous women Tight junction in alveolar cell closes Onset of copious milk secretion Drop in levels of estrogen and progesterone Relative increase in prolactin levels Breasts are full and warm Switch from endocrine to autocrine control Continued milk production depends on regular milk removal

  15. Lactogenesis Stage 2 Blood flow, oxygen, and glucose uptake increase Progesterone Removal of placenta with its progesterone is required for milk secretion Progesterone receptors appear to be lost in lactating tissues so that the inhibitory effect of circulating progesterone is decreased once lactation is established So progesterone only birth control can be used once lactation is going well Insulin, GH, cortisol, and PTH Maternal secretion allows for mobilization of nutrients and minerals required for lactation

  16. Galactopoesis Begins 9 days after birth and continues until weaning Established milk secretion/production is maintained Continued autocrine system of control Prolactin Required to maintain milk secretion Oxytocin Required to produce let-down to allow milk extraction

  17. Involution Begins at weaning Regular milk extraction ceases Prolactin is withdrawn Is completed ~40 days after last breastfeeding Milk secretion decreases due to the buildup of inhibitory peptides Mammary gland returns nearly to pre-pregnancy state

  18. Lactation The cyclical process of milk synthesis and secretion Occurs with the help of prolactin and oxytocin Regulation of milk synthesis Quite efficient Average of ~800 ml/day but volume secreted may vary depending on infant s requirement Milk production Improves with relaxation Decreases with maternal stress and fatigue Increased dopamine and/or norepinephrine inhibit prolactin synthesis Stress and fatigue inhibit oxytocin release Effect of Alcohol Lower levels may enhance milk letdown due to decreased stress but higher doses inhibit oxytocin release thereby inhibiting letdown

  19. Physiology of Lactation

  20. Physiology of Lactation Prolactin Polypeptide hormone synthesized in the anterior pituitary Positive regulation of secretion Released from anterior pituitary with the peak determined by the intensity of suckling by the infant Negative regulation of secretion Main control is from hypothalamic inhibitory factors (dopamine acts through the D2 receptors in lactotrophs) Stimulates mammary gland ductal growth and epithelial cell proliferation Stimulates milk synthesis in mammary gland epithelial cells Suppresses ovulation

  21. Physiology of Lactation Prolactin Levels increase from 10-20 ng/ml in prepregnant state to ~200- 400 ng/ml at term Levels slowly decline but continue to rise and fall in proportion to frequency, intensity, and duration of nipple stimulation Will remain elevated as long as mother breastfeeds Prolactin concentration in blood doubles in response to infant suckling and peaks ~45 minutes after initiation of feed More feeds lead to higher serum prolactin levels Makes mother feels relaxed and sleepy

  22. Physiology of Lactation Prolactin Levels follow a circadian rhythm (ie levels are higher at night) Nocturnal feeds are helpful in keeping up supply initially Levels drop with cigarette smoking Levels are lower in mothers with depression If lidocaine is applied to nipples, the loss of sensation results in absence of increased prolactin levels in response to suckling

  23. Physiology of Lactation

  24. Physiology of Lactation Oxytocin Synthesized in hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary Release is stimulated by suckling Neuroendocrine reflex has a significant psychological component Oxytocin release may be stimulated by thought, sight, or sound of infant Stimulates myoepithelial cells in alveoli to contract and expel milk Forcible milk removal is called milk ejection or let-down Variation in perception of let-down Increases temperature of mother's breast to provide warmth for infant Increases calmness, social responsiveness, and enhances bonding Aids in uterine involution after delivery Uterine contractions may be associated with after pains that indicate oxytocin release

  25. Physiology of Lactation Signs of Oxytocin Release Tingling sensation in breast before or during a feed Milk flowing when mother thinks of baby or hears crying baby Milk flowing from other breast during feeding Milk streaming from breast if latch is interrupted Slow deep sucks and swallows by the baby during feed Uterine pain during feed Thirst during a feed

  26. Physiology of Lactation Milk production Positive local regulation by demand 1. Increased suckling 2. Increased emptying 3. Increased milk secretion/production Skin to Skin (SSC) supports successful breastfeeding Partial milk removal sets a new, lower rate of milk production Negative local regulation of milk production Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation Accumulates in milk between feeds so without removal of milk, secretion/production is inhibited Explains why an empty breast makes milk faster than a fuller one Distention or stretch of the alveoli Local effect to inhibit milk secretion/production Once milk removal stops, involution begins

  27. Physiology of Lactation Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation Inhibitory whey protein present in breast milk Builds up as milk accumulates in the mammary gland Without milk removal, the inhibitor stops epithelial cells from secreting/producing more milk Protects breast from harmful effects of overfilling Once milk is removed, secretion restarts Allows production of milk to be determined by infant s needs Especially important regulatory mechanism once lactation is established since prolactin does not control milk volume produced

  28. Maternal Diet and Milk Supply Mothers make nourishing milk for their infants from all kinds of food. There are no foods that must be avoided, unless mother or baby develops an allergic reaction. Breastfeeding mothers have an increased thirst that usually maintains an adequate fluid intake; no data support the assumption that increasing fluid intake will increase milk volume. Mothers do not need to drink milk to make milk; thirst can be satisfied from a variety of nourishing beverages, including water. Calcium is available not only in milk and milk products but in many other foods, such as broccoli, spinach, kale, bok choy, collards, mustard and turnip greens, almonds, and canned fish. Poor maternal nutrition is not a contraindication to breastfeeding. Mothers following a vegan diet should take a B12 supplement.

  29. Galactagogues Metoclopramide most commonly used Domperidone not approved in USA. Similar to metoclopramide but less side effects as little crosses blood brain barrier Fenugreek and other herbal medicines no scientific data except anecdotal reports Goat s rue, milk thistle, anise, basil, blessed thistle, fennel seeds and marshmallow Need more high quality studies to assess affect

  30. Metoclopramide Effect is to increase prolactin level Benefit shown in small placebo controlled crossover study with increase of 50 cc per feed with dose of at least 30 mg per day Side effects gastrointestinal, anxiety, sedation, and rare dystonic reactions No documented neonatal reactions Short term: 1 3 weeks is common No evidence supporting long-term use Usually wean after 10 14 days Common dosing regimen 10 mg po qd first day Then 10 mg po bid Then 10 mg po tid

  31. Fenugreek Most commonly recommended herbal galactogogue Usual dose is 1-4 capsules (580-610mg) tid to qid No standard dosing May also be taken as one cup of strained tea tid tsp seeds steeped in 8oz water for 10 minutes Increases supply within 24 to 72 hours Side effects in mother Maple like odor to sweat, milk, and urine Diarrhea Increased asthmatic symptoms Lower blood sugar Contraindicated during pregnancy due to uterine stimulant effects

  32. Human Milk Composition

  33. Human Milk Composition Colostrum Denser milk provided for the first 2-3 days after birth Facilitates the passage of meconium to decrease enterohepatic circulation and thus encourage elimination of bilirubin Aids in establishment of Lactobacillus bifidus flora in infant s gut Milk Volumes Day 1 40-50 ml (range of 7-123ml) Day 3 300-400 ml Day 5 500-800 ml Low volumes encourage frequent feeds to stimulate milk synthesis Colostrum Energy Value 67 kcal/100ml Colostrum components Higher concentrations of Na, K, and Cl than mature milk Higher percentage of protein, minerals, and fat soluble vitamins than mature milk

  34. Human Milk Composition Colostrum Denser milk with higher concentration of proteins White cells and antibodies (especially sIgA) Important immune protection from exposures to environmental micro- organisms 40-60% of cells are macrophages Epidermal growth factor Prepares gut lining to receive nutrients in milk Lactose Prevents hypoglycemia and facilitates meconium passage and therefore bilirubin excretion Vitamin A Protects the eyes and epithelial surfaces Beta carotene, its precursor, provides yellowish color of colostrum

  35. Human Milk Composition Immunoglobulins in Human Milk (levels decrease over time) Output - mg/24 hours IgG IgM 80 120 50 40 25 10 1,000 10 10 1,000 Day Postpartum 1 3 7 8 50 IgA 11,000 2,000

  36. Human Milk Composition Note the increases in calories, lactose, and fat while the protein decreases from colostrum to mature milk.

  37. Human Milk Composition Transitional Milk Milk produced from days 5-14 Intermediate composition between colostrum and mature milk Volume continues to increase Macrophage as percentage of WBCs increases to 80-90% Concentration is 104 to 105 per ml of milk

  38. Human Milk Composition Mature Milk Milk produced after ~14 days Contains all the nutrients an infant needs for the first 6 months of life and is uniquely specific for humans Fat (3.8%), protein (0.9%), carbohydrates (7.2%), vitamins, minerals, and water (87%) Is easily digested and efficiently used Composition varies through lactation: over a day, within a feed, and between women Calories 20 calories per ounce (65-75 kcal/100ml)

  39. Formula Milk Breast Milk Note the substantial structure of human milk under a microscope; this is due to the compartmentation of the various components such as the nutrients and bioactive substances. This image demonstrates that milk is a living tissue containing about 4000 cells/cubic mm including neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes.

  40. Human Milk Composition Water Human milk is 87% water Provides sufficient fluid to maintain hydration even in hot climates

  41. Human Milk Composition Fat Fat content 3.5-3.8g/100ml provides 50% of energy/calories in milk Most variable component of human milk Separates on standing Contains cholesterol, triglycerides, short-chain fatty acids, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids Foremilk Milk that accumulates in breast since previous feed Lower fat content (1.5 to 2%) and looks bluish-gray Hindmilk Milk that is secreted during a feed Higher fat content (2-3x more than foremilk- 5 to 6%) and looks creamy white

  42. Human Milk Composition Fat content increases from the start of a feed (~1.7%)to the end of a feed (~5.5%). Protein content decreases from the start (0.9%) of a feed to the end (0.7%). 7.0 6.0 Foremilk has less fat but more protein than hindmilk. 5.0 4.0 Fat 3.0 Protein 2.0 1.0 0.0 Foremilk Hindmilk

  43. Human Milk Composition Fat Lipid Component Milk fat globule Forms with lipid secretion from apical mammary epithelial cell and envelopment in its plasma membrane Also contains proteins, growth factors, and vitamins Mucins on the globule membrane adhere to viruses and bacteria to aid in elimination from body

  44. Human Milk Composition Fat Lipid Component Bile salt-stimulated lipase Acts on triglycerides to produce free fatty acids and 2- monoglycerides Prevents fatty acids from forming soaps with minerals Results in superior absorption of fat and minerals Not present in formula

  45. Human Milk Composition Fat Lipid Component Abundance of essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) Most exist as triacylglycerols and phospholipids 167 fatty acids have been identified in human milk Unique long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega- 3 fatty acids DHA and ARA) Term infants are able to convert long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids to DHA and ARA so the addition of these to term formulas may be unnecessary but is likely useful for preterm infants who cannot convert them. Cholesterol is also present in significant quantities

  46. Human Milk Composition Protein Human milk contains 9g protein/L (whey and casein) Less than in other animal milks Whey proteins consist primarily of -lactalbumin without -lactalbumin Cow milk whey contains -lactalbumin to which infants can become intolerant Contains less casein than other milks Provides 80% of milk s nitrogen Protein content declines over 2-4 weeks but then is constant until weaning

  47. Human Milk Composition Protein Colostrum 90/10 ratio of whey/casein Mature Milk 70/30 ratio of whey/casein Late Lactation 50/50 ratio of whey/casein Cow Milk 18/82 ratio of whey/casein

  48. Human Milk Composition Protein Whey (70%) Contains water, electrolytes, and proteins -lactalbumin, albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, enzymes (e.g., lysozyme), growth factors, and hormones Remains in solution after acidification Lactoferrin, lysozyme, and sIgA resist proteolytic digestion and line the GI tract to provide host defense Present only in human milk Generally more easily digested and associated with more rapid gastric emptying

  49. Human Milk Composition Protein- Whey Lactoferrin Transports and promotes the absorption of iron Inhibits the growth of iron-dependent bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract such as coliforms and yeast Lysozyme Enzyme that protects the infant against E. Coli and Salmonella Promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora and has anti- inflammatory functions Secretory IgA Primary Ig in breastmilk Protects the infant from viruses and bacteria, specifically those to which the baby, mom, and family are exposed Helps protect against E. Coli

  50. Human Milk Composition Protein Casein (30%) -casein forms a soft curd in the infant s stomach if pH<5 Curd is an insoluble calcium caseinate-calcium phosphate complex Low solubility in acid Human milk casein curds are more easily digested than those in other milks


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