Abnormal Psychology and Treatment
Explore the world of abnormal psychology and treatment through a variety of engaging activities, discussions, and role-plays. Delve into topics like defining abnormality, different causes of mental illness, and various treatment approaches. Join in to enhance your understanding of mental health disorders and their management.
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Abnormal Psychology and Treatment
Calendar for this Unit Art or Music, and Mental Illness Sign up for your day Week 1: Diagnose and Week 2: Treat Vocabulary Chapter 16 Due Friday! Vocabulary Chapter 17 Due Next Friday! Mental Illness and Treatment Role Play Groups of 3 (patient, therapist, narrator) 5 sources Have fun props, puppets, drama, etc.
Defining Abnormality 1/7 Americans and 1/10 Worldwide Why? Is it an illness? Yes! Schizophrenia vs. Type 1 Diabetes DSM IV TR Designed to diagnose not treat! Abnormality Maladaptive Disturbing to others Atypical Irrational
Defining Abnormality Insanity is a legal term Causes of Abnormality Mobile Survey/Notes Psychoanalytic Humanistic Behavioral Cognitive* Sociocultural Biomedical Eclectic*
Psychoanalytic Cause of mental illness--Internal, Unconscious Conflicts mostly stemming from childhood Freud, Horney, Erikson, Adler, and Jung
Humanistic Cause of mental illness--Failure to strive toward one s potential self actualization or being out of touch with one s true feelings Maslow and Rogers
Behavioral Cause of mental illness reinforcement history and the environment Skinner, Watson, and Bandura
Cognitive Cause of mental illness irrational, dysfunctional thoughts or maladaptive ways of thinking
Sociocultural Cause of mental illness Dysfunctional society; not you but the society that you live in
Biomedical Cause of mental illness organic problems, biochemical imbalances, genetic predispositions Psychiatrists
Eclectic Clinical psychologists do not tend to subscribe to just one perspective, but instead utilize many and accept and use ideas from a number of perspective
SybilScenes 1,2,3 What aspects of abnormality are displayed? What perspective of mental illness best explains Sybil s problems?
Types of Disorders Intern Syndrome???? Anxiety Somatoform Dissociative Mood or Affective Schizophrenic Personality
Anxiety Disorders Simple or Specific Phobia Claustrophobia Arachnophobia Agoraphobia Social Phobia Famous People With Anxiety
Anxiety Disorders GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder Constant Low Level Anxiety http://www.webmd. com/video/generaliz ed-anxiety-disorder Panic Disorder Acute /Instense Anxiety
http://www.webmd.com/vid eo/teen-with-ocd ANXIETY DISORDERS OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Germs Medical Issues Symmetry Cleanliness Numbers And more! Look at Checklist! http://www.brainph ysics.com/screener.p hp
ANXIETY DISORDERS PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Caused by trauma from war, rape, accidents, etc. Symptoms Flashbacks Nightmares Severe Anxiety Drug Abuse
Causes of Anxiety Psychoanalytic unresolved, internal conflicts between ID, Ego, and Superego EX. ID wishing to rid yourself of a bad parent and the Superego saying that it is wrong to have such a wish Behaviorists anxiety is learned EX.--classical conditioning of phobias Cognitive dysfunctional, irrational thinking EX. setting too high of standards for yourself
SybilScenes 4,5,6 What examples of anxiety did you see? If you were going to diagnose Sybil with an anxiety disorder, what would it be? What is the most probable cause for Sybil s anxiety?
Somatoform Disorders Psychological problem manifests in a physical way Somatization Hypochondriasis Conversion Psychophysical Munchausen Munchausen by Proxy
Causes of Somatoform Psychodynamic or psychoanalytic unresolved conflicts that cannot be resolved Behaviorists have been reinforced for being sick or for their behavior either through an actual reward or the removal of something unpleasant Cognitive don t know how to positively get attention
Dissociative Disordersdisruption in cognition Psychogenic Amnesia No organic or physical basis Selective, Localized, Generalized Fugue DID Dissociative Identity Disorder AKA multiple personality disorder
Causes of Dissociative Disorders Psychoanalytic extremely traumatic events have been repressed and the split consciousness results Behaviorists patients find dissociating rewarding because they don t have to think about the trauma. Amnesia is easier than dealing with it Very rare and many question legitimacy E. Loftus would question it why?
SybilScene 7, 10, 11 What signs of somatoform disorders did Sybil and/or her mom show of a somatoform disorder? What is the likely cause of the mother s somatoform behavior? What signs does Sybil show of DID? What is the likely cause of the disorder?
Mood or Affective Disorders Major Depression aka: Unipolar Depression DSM says you have to: depressed more than 2 weeks Absence of clear reason Loss of Appetite Fatigue Change in sleep Lack of interest Feelings of worthlessnes Seasonal Affective Disorder--SAD Bipolar Depression aka: Manic-Depression Depressed episodes are similar to major depression Manic episodes High energy Heightened sense of confidence & power Anxious/Irritable Risky Behavior Don t think about negative consequences
Causes of Mood Disorders Psychoanalysts anger directed inward, loss during early stages, overly punitive superego Behaviorists brings some amount of reinforcement such as attention or sympathy Aaron Beck (cognitive) caused by unreasonably negative ideas about themselves, world, and future Cognitive Triad Cognitive psychologists would also look at attributions pessimism, internal, external, global, specific
Causes of Mood Disorders Martin Seligman Learned Helplessness Shocked Dogs Relate to humans?!? Unable to fix the situation, so they give up Biological low levels of serotonin and or norepinephrine and unipolar More receptors for acetylcholine and bipolar Genetic Component run in families
Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid Delusions of persecution Disorganized Clang association (+ symp.) Neologisms (+ symp.) Innappropriate Affect Flat Affect (neg. symp.) Catatonic (negative symp.) Waxy flexibility (neg. symp.) Undifferentiated Disorganized thinking Schizophrenia Most severe mental illness Disorder characterized by: Disturbed thoughts, behaviors, movement Hallucinations Delusions persecution and grandeur Disorganized thoughts and speech word salad, clang associations
Schizophrenia Simulator http://www.janssen.com/mindstorm_video.ht ml
Causes of Schizophrenia Genetic if a close family member has schizophrenia, then you are more likely to suffer 5th chromosome abnormality (bio) Twin Studies Monozygotic vs. Dizygotic Dopamine Hypothesis more dopamine (bio) Enlarged ventricles takes away frontal lobe development in late teen years, early 20s (bio) Double Bind parent??? (cognitive, sociocultural) Diathesis-Stress Model environmental stressors activate genetic predispositions (bio/) Drug use (bio)
SybilScenes 19,20, 21 What symptoms of depression does Sybil or one of her personalities display? What is the cause of her depression? What symptoms of schizophrenia does Hattie display? What do you think caused her schizophrenia?
Personality Disorders are characterized by a maladaptive way in behaving that seems to be imbedded in the personality during development Personality Disorders Histrionic Paranoid Dependent Anti-social Narcissistic DSM? Compulsive Obsessive Passive-Aggressive Schizoid/Avoidant Borderline
Causes of Personality Disorders Psychoanalytic unresolved conflict between the id and superego Behavioral some maladaptive aspect of the personality has been reinforced Sociocultural dysfunctional society has caused personality flaws Cognitive maladaptive thinking cause personality flaw Humanistic personality flaw developed by conflict between ideal self and real self
Other Mental Illnesses in the DSM-IV-TR Paraphillias sexual disorders Pedophillia, zoophillia, fetish, voyeur, masochist, sadist Anorexia-Nervosa and Bulemia Loss of 15% of body mass, fear of food, distorted body image Substance Use Disorder Substance dependence addiction ADHD??? Overdiagnosed Autism Less social and emotional contact, language delayed, and don t seek parent assistance
SybilScenes 26, 27, 28 Does Sybil suffer from any personality disorders? If so, why do you think she developed it? Does her dad seem to suffer from a personality disorder? If so, why do you think it developed?
Caution!!!!!!!! Is it a good idea to label people as depressed or as a hypochondriac? Is there really a benefit to giving a person a label? Rosenhan Who s Crazy Here Anyway? Discuss with a neighbor what Rosenhan concluded and what info we can take from his study! Clinical Psychologists more likely to label Counseling Psychologists not so much!
History of Treatment Trephining Enlightenment Dorothea Dix Deinstitutionalization Preventative Efforts Primary reduce socieatal problems Secondary work with at risk persons Tertiary keep mental illness from getting worse
Finish Sybil29, 31 Treatment Options Psychoanalytic Humanistic Behavioral Cognitive* Sociocultural Biomedical Eclectic* What type of therapy do you think Dr. Wilbur uses with Sybil? Do you think it was ethical/appropriate for Dr. Wilbur to get so close to Sybil?
http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/charlie-sheen- not-bipolar-bi-winning-13017875 Patient: Charlie Sheen Diagnosis:______________ Treatment Proposal:_____________________
http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/lindsay-lohan- speaks-out-13026910 Patient: Lindsay Lohan Diagnosis: ___________________ Treatment Proposal:____________________
Patient: Marshall Bruce Mathers III aka Eminem, Slim Shady Diagnosis:____________ Treatment Proposal:____________
Psychoanalytic Must bring repressed memories and conflict with id/superego to the surface so ego and conscious can deal with it. If you do the work, you won t have symptom substitution Hypnosis Free Association Role play! Dream Analysis Manifest vs. Latent Resistance Transference Countertransference Dr. Wilbur Example Psychodynamic--Insight
Humanistic Must help CLIENT remove roadblocks to self actualization and resolve incongruence between real self and ideal self in a non- directive way Need for unconditional positive regard Carl Rogers I m OK, You re OK Active Listening Role Play! Free Will vs. Determinism Client Centered or Person Centered Therapy Modeling Congruence
Other Types of Humanist Therapies Existential Therapy Life is worthwhile Has purpose Don t Worry, Be Happy! Gestalt Therapy Much more directive Empty Chair Technique WHOLE selves Integrate self into one Who would be in your empty chair and what would you say to them?
Behavioral Must counter condition the patient in a more adaptive way Mary Cover Jones Counter Conditioning Joseph Wolpe Systematic Desentization Relaxation Flooding In vivo vs. Convert Extinguishing Fear Aversive Conditioning Token Economy Biofeedback
Anxiety HierarchySystematic Desensitization in vivo vs. covert desensitization Most Anxiety Provoking Least Anxiety Provoking
Cognitive Must fix maladaptive thinking in a directive way Fix unhealthy attributional styles and replace it with more effective attributions Aaron Beck Cognitive Therapy Cognitive Triad Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy or RBET Albert Ellis Role Play with someone in class to get rid of an irrational belief they have!
Sociocultural Most help patient by fixing his/her environment ie family, friends, workplace, etc. YOU don t exist in a vacuum Family Therapy Couples Counseling Group Therapy AA/NA Self Help Groups
Biological or Somatic Therapies Treating mental illness from a biological approach like you would any illness Psychiatrists Family MDs Other MDs NOT typically Psychologists Medicine Psychosurgery Lesioning vs. Lobotomy Diet/Exercise ECT/Shock Therapy