Social perceptions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ECC Social Value Reporting and Evaluation Framework

Essex County Council (ECC) has implemented a robust Social Value Reporting and Evaluation framework based on the Local Government Association's National TOMs method. This framework categorizes and assesses social value contributions in two parts - Value Score and Supporting Statement Score - to deri

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Influence of Family Values and Christian Beliefs on Perceptions of Offensive Ads

This study explores how family values and Christian beliefs influence perceptions of offensive ads, particularly those featuring controversial topics like homosexuality. Research objectives include examining differences in perceived offensiveness between Christians and non-Christians, as well as the

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Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, and Social Innovation

Social entrepreneurship involves creating sustainable social impact, social enterprises address challenges in critical needs sectors, and social innovation focuses on developing effective solutions to social and environmental issues. These concepts emphasize creating social value while engaging with

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Anti-Poverty Practice Framework for Social Work in Northern Ireland

This framework emphasizes the importance of addressing poverty in social work practice in Northern Ireland. It aims to help social workers recognize and respond to the impact of poverty on individuals, families, and communities. Poverty is identified as a major social injustice, and social work prof

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The Philosophy of Social Work: A Deep Dive into Ethical Principles and Moral Philosophy

Exploring the complexity of the philosophy of social work, this text delves into ethical principles, moral philosophy, and the evolving perceptions of social workers in society, highlighting the crucial role of philosophy in shaping social work practices and principles.

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The Influence of Media on Body Image Perception

The media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions of body image, influencing how individuals view themselves and others. This article explores the impact of media portrayal on body image perceptions in both men and women, discussing the positive and negative influences of media representatio

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The Importance of Social Skills for Mental Health Recovery

Social skills play a crucial role in how we communicate, interact, and form relationships with others. They are essential for personal, social, and professional success. Neglecting social skills can hinder mental health recovery, as they contribute to social recognition, acceptance, and building soc

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Medical Social Work and Its Impact on Patient Well-being

Medical Social Work, also known as Health Care Social Work, plays a crucial role in addressing the social, physical, and psychological needs of patients. Through providing case work, after-care, and convalescence services, Medical Social Workers contribute to reducing hospital readmissions, preventi

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Objectives and Importance of Social Legislation for Social Workers

Social legislation is inspired by the constitution and aims to remove discrimination, safeguard rights of vulnerable groups, and eradicate social evils. It plays a crucial role in social welfare by providing a legal basis for addressing societal issues, enhancing community well-being, and facilitati

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Overview of Social Security and Health Care System in Turkey

The social security system in Turkey comprises three main organizations: Social Insurance Institution (SGK/SSK), Social Security Institution for the Self-employed (Bag-Kur/SISE), and Pension Fund for Civil Servants (Emekli Sandigi). Hospitals in Turkey are dispersed among various social security and

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Phases and Steps of Social Case Work Process

Social case work process involves three main phases: Social Study, Social Diagnosis, and Social Treatment. The Social Study phase focuses on acquiring facts about the client's situation, while Social Diagnosis involves the professional opinion of the case worker towards a solution. Social Treatment

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The Difference Between Social Work and Social Welfare

Social work and social welfare are often used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences between the two. Social work involves highly trained professionals providing services to individuals and communities in need, using problem-solving methods. On the other hand, social welfare focuses on

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Social Case Work: Elements and Process

Social case work, as defined by H.H. Perlman, is a process used by human welfare agencies to assist individuals in coping with problems in social functioning. The fundamental elements include the person/client, problem, agency, process, and professional representative (social worker). The client, wh

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The Relationship Between Social Welfare and Social Work

Social welfare and social work are interconnected concepts aimed at enhancing societal well-being. Social welfare refers to a nation's system of programs and services meeting essential needs, while social work involves professional activities supporting individuals and communities in achieving socia

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Effects of Cue-Do-Review Sequence on Teaching Assistant and Student Perceptions

This study explores the impact of the Cue-Do-Review sequence on teaching assistant and student perceptions of learning. The process involves TAs completing surveys, professional development sessions, implementing the sequence, and final surveys. Results show changes in perceptions before and after i

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Exploring the Social Construction of Blackness in Tunisia

Shreya Parikh, a Dual Ph.D. candidate, delves into the social construction of Blackness in Tunisia through a comprehensive research project focusing on social imagination, racialization based on skin color, and processes of contestation. The study aims to unravel the intersections of race, ethnicity

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Social Innovation and Social Change: Increasing Impact

Explore the concepts of social innovation and change in the context of societal and economic development. Delve into the key principles of social innovation, its impact on society, and the characteristics that define a practice as a social innovation. Understand the complexity of assessing and analy

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Social Inequality and Perceptions in the Covid-19 Era

The article discusses the impact of Covid-19 on social inequality, particularly focusing on how different segments of the working class have been affected. It explores varying perceptions of economic inequality, class conflict, and solidarity among workers during the pandemic. The study also highlig

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Perceptions and Needs of Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients During COVID-19 Pandemic

This study explores the perceptions, emotional reactions, and needs of adolescent psychiatric inpatients amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Through individual interviews, themes such as knowledge about the pandemic, changes in routine, feelings, positive behaviors, and social support were examined. Parti

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Insights into Social Economy and Social Dialogue Research Outcomes

Research outcomes from the Mesmer+ project at HIVA KU Leuven reveal misalignments in social dialogue inclusiveness, challenges faced by social economy entities, and the role of employers in the social economy. Recommendations include enhancing the role of social economy employers and promoting inclu

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Social Economy and Innovation in Emilia-Romagna Region

Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy highlights the importance of social economy and innovation for sustainable development. Various initiatives such as Social Cooperatives and Voluntary Associations contribute to the region's social well-being. The focus on social values and not-for-profit activities dri

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Social Skills Development in Students

Explore the reasons behind students lacking social skills in school settings and analyze the challenges some face even after receiving social skills instruction. Discover the key social skills required for appropriate interactions and the importance of social competence for overall well-being. Delve

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Public Health and Social Measures in DRC: PERC Data Update

The Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (PERC) in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) collects data to assess the impact of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of public health measures. Findings include insights on disease dynamics, PHSM support, risk perceptions, vaccine beliefs, and

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Values, Perceptions, and Attributions in Conflict Management

Values, perceptions, and attributions play key roles in conflict management. Values shape behaviors, perceptions guide how we interpret information, and attributions help us understand causes of events. This chapter explores how these factors influence interpersonal interactions and offers strategie

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Achieving Resilience in Social Enterprise Delivery of Public Services

Social enterprises play a crucial role in the delivery of public services, with a focus on social missions and employing business approaches. This study explores the resilience of social enterprises in Scotland, examining factors such as diverse perceptions of social enterprise, resilience indicator

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Exploring the Relationship Between Academic Satisfaction and Self-Perceptions of Learning

Discussing the interplay between academic satisfaction and self-perceptions of learning, this study by Steve Graunke from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis delves into models and statistical analyses using the IUPUI Continuing Student Survey. Examining how these constructs relate, th

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Perceptions of Latin America 2019 - Insights from New Zealand

This study delves into the perceptions of Latin America among the general public and businesses in New Zealand. It includes insights on the importance of Latin America to New Zealand, awareness of its politics, economics, and culture, knowledge sources, personal experiences, language study views, an

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MSW Program at School of Social Work: Overview and Requirements

The Master of Social Work (MSW) Program at the School of Social Work within the College of Health & Human Services aims to prepare ethical and competent social workers to serve diverse populations for human well-being and social justice. Established in 1964, the program emphasizes anti-racism, diver

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Perceptions and Policy Choices in EU-MENA Relations

Explore the intricacies of EU-MENA relations post-Arab uprisings, focusing on missed opportunities, democracy perceptions, policy frameworks, and social transformations in the region. Delve into the evolution of EU policies pre- and post-uprisings, analyzing the role of democracy, human rights, and

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Social Neuroscience: Exploring Human Sociality and Well-Being

Social neuroscience delves into how the brain processes social interactions and their impact on human well-being. It focuses on the interconnectedness between social connections and overall life satisfaction, suggesting that humans are inherently social beings with a strong need for social belonging

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The Power of Social Connection: Understanding Human Nature

This collection of content emphasizes the importance of social connection in human society, exploring why people are social animals and the benefits of being social. It delves into dimensions of our ultra-social behavior, early life experiences, attachment styles like secure attachment, and the impa

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Gender Perceptions in Language and Society

Words in various languages can reflect gender associations, influencing perceptions of men and women. Gender, distinct from biological sex, is a social construct that shapes societal attitudes. Proverbs and sayings offer insight into historical beliefs about the characteristics of men and women. Var

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Identity, Gender, and Representation in Modern Culture

Delve into the concepts of identity, group memberships, gender norms, and the influence of advertising on societal perceptions. Uncover the complexities of social constructs, the role of media in shaping gender perceptions, and the debate surrounding gender norms in popular culture. Discover insight

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Social Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion in Bulgaria

The development and implementation of social entrepreneurship practices in Bulgaria aim to promote social inclusion through the development of the social economy. The focus is on combining economic results with social objectives, managed transparently with measurable, positive financial value. Vario

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Diverse Social Entities Mining from Linked Data in Social Networks

This research focuses on mining diverse social entities from linked data in social networks using a DF-tree structure and DF-growth mining algorithm. The study explores the extraction of important linked data in social networks and the mining of various social entities such as friends. Prominence va

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Gender Stereotypes and Moral Regulation Impacts on Girls

Analyzing the societal influences of gender stereotypes and moral regulations on the behavior and treatment of girls and young women, this study delves into historical perceptions, discourses surrounding vulnerability and risk, sexuality images, muddled discourses, incarceration trends, explanations

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Graduate Student Association Survey Results and Advising Perceptions

Survey results and perceptions of advisor attributes, advisee attributes, and college-wise advisor perceptions among graduate students presented on August 28, 2017. The data reflects responses on advisor characteristics, willingness to assist, understanding, professionalism, and communication skills

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Social Geography: Meaning, Scope, and Differences

Social geography is a branch of human geography focusing on social structures, groups, and activities. It examines the spatial arrangement of social phenomena, social differences, and patterns in understanding socially defined population groups. The scope of social geography includes analyzing spati

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Exploring The Relationship Between Natural and Social Sciences Through Anticipation

Explore the distinct characteristics that define the natural and social sciences, delving into how anticipation serves as a deep driver in the social sciences. Uncover the fundamental principles of human behavior, the role of consciousness and subjective reality in social science, and the influence

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Subjective Wellbeing of Social Workers in South Africa

Gain insights into the subjective wellbeing of social workers in South Africa within the context of work-life balance. Explore perceptions of work-life balance and subjective wellbeing, aiming to provide recommendations for improving the overall wellbeing of social workers. The study uses theoretica

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