Paralysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants and Neuromuscular Blockade

Skeletal muscle relaxants are used to induce muscle relaxation during surgeries. Neuromuscular blocking agents act at the neuromuscular junction. These drugs can either peripherally reduce muscle tone or centrally cause muscle paralysis. Different types of muscle relaxants are classified based on th

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Common Elbow and Shoulder Joint Conditions in Veterinary Medicine

Learn about radial paralysis, bicipital bursitis, capped elbow, and omarthritis in veterinary medicine. Understand the etiology, symptoms, and treatment options for these conditions, including corticosteroid injections and surgical debridement. Recognize the signs of omarthritis and how it affects j

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Veterinary Management of Jaw Affections and Treatments

Affections of the jaw in animals can range from congenital conditions to inflammatory diseases like gnathitis and lymphadenitis. Paralysis of the lower jaw, gnathitis from bit injuries, and lymphadenitis are discussed, along with their etiology, clinical signs, and treatment options such as general

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Understanding Rabies: Epidemiology, Etiology, and Control Measures

Rabies is an acute fatal disease affecting humans and warm-blooded animals worldwide. It is characterized by abnormal behavior, nervous disturbances, and ultimately death due to respiratory paralysis. Rabies claims approximately 55,000 human lives annually, with efforts at control showing marginal s

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Understanding Polio Eradication Efforts and Vaccine Development

Polio, a disabling disease caused by the poliovirus, mainly affects children and can lead to paralysis. Efforts to eradicate polio include the development of vaccines like the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) and Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV). The poliovirus' choice of host, ease of transmission, and impa

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Understanding Rabies: A Comprehensive Overview

Rabies is an acute fatal disease affecting humans and warm-blooded animals, characterized by abnormal behavior, nervous disturbances, excessive salivation, and respiratory paralysis. It claims around 55,000 human lives globally, with efforts in rabies control showing marginal success. The etiology o

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Understanding the Stages of General Anaesthesia in Veterinary Practice

Explore the four stages of general anaesthesia in animals, from the excitement and analgesia phase to delirium, surgical anaesthesia, and medullary paralysis. Learn about the criteria used to describe depth of anaesthesia and the specific characteristics of each stage. Dive into the complexities of

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Enhancing AFP Surveillance for Polio Eradication in East Africa

This presentation discusses the importance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance in detecting poliomyelitis cases, with a focus on the National Stop Transmission of Polio Mission in Kasese District, Uganda. The goal is to eradicate poliovirus through strategies such as immunization campaigns

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Implementation of nOPV2 for cVDPV2 Outbreak Response

Circulating Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus (cVDPV) outbreaks, particularly cVDPV type 2 (cVDPV2), have increased in recent years. The novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) is an innovative tool developed over nearly 10 years to combat these outbreaks. Clinical trials have shown that nOPV2 provides com

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Clinical Evaluation of Trigeminal Nerve Function

Sensory evaluation of trigeminal nerve function involves assessing exteroceptive sensations across its divisions, identifying sensory losses due to lesions, and distinguishing different types of lesions affecting sensation on the face. Motor evaluation focuses on the muscles of mastication to detect

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Understanding Polio: Causes, Spread, and Eradication Efforts

Polio, a disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus infection, can spread through contact with infected feces or droplets from sneezes/coughs. It mainly affects children, potentially leading to paralysis or respiratory issues. Lack of clean water and sanitation contributes to it

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Understanding Poliomyelitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Poliomyelitis, commonly known as polio, is an infectious viral disease caused by the poliovirus. It primarily affects young children, leading to the destruction of motor neurons. The disease can manifest with varying symptoms, ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to severe paralysis. Poliovirus is tr

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Poliomyelitis: A Comprehensive Overview of the Disease

Poliomyelitis, commonly known as polio, is caused by a non-enveloped, positive, single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the Picornaviridae family. Paralysis is the most severe consequence of polio infection, with transmission occurring through the fecal-oral route. The virus primarily infects the GI

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Understanding Word Formation in Medical Terminology

Explore the meaning of derived words in medical terminology related to head, color, and mortality. Learn about compound words with color names and terms for paralysis based on Greek elements. Engage in matching exercise for color prefixes and identifying types of plegia and dactylia. Fill in the mis

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Understanding Upper and Lower Motor Neuron Lesions: Effects and Manifestations

This content delves into the intricacies of upper and lower motor neuron lesions, detailing their effects and manifestations in the human body. It explores the causes, types of paralysis, reflexes, muscle tone changes, and the impact of lesions at various levels of the motor system. The insights pro

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Stroke Recovery Peer Support Program Guidelines

Learn about the "Peers Fostering Hope Supported by the Dr. Ed & Bobby Yielding Fund for Stroke Recovery" initiative aiming to re-engage and re-integrate stroke survivors into the community. Explore how peer visitors provide support, encouragement, and hope for community re-engagement and reintegrati

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