Miso - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MRES Transmission Project Updates and Regulatory Overview

John Weber, Senior Transmission Engineer, presents key updates on MRES transmission projects, including the energization of the Lorain Substation and recent restoration efforts post-tornado strike at Elbow Lake Substation. The meeting agenda covers MRES member rate information, regulatory changes, a

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Evolution of MISO Interconnection Process: Enhancing Certainty and Efficiency

The MISO Interconnection Process has evolved over the years, reflecting improved certainty and efficiency. From historical trends to current statistics, the process highlights challenges, adjustments, and next steps to address issues like project dropouts, uncertainty in timing and costs, and entry

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Energy Center State Utility Forecasting Group (SUFG) Independent Load Forecasting Report

The Energy Center State Utility Forecasting Group (SUFG) presented draft results and approach changes for 2016 in their Independent Load Forecast for the MISO Planning Advisory Committee. Their methodology includes adjustments for energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed generation, as we

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Rochester Public Utilities Presentation on True-up of Attachment O Transmission Revenue Requirements

Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) holds annual meetings to discuss and provide information on the calculation of the True-up of RPU's 2016 Annual Transmission Revenue Requirements. The presentation also covers the True-up Adjustment applied to the 2018 Forward-Looking Rate. RPU uses a FERC-approved F

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Report on ISO/RTO Governance & Practices in FERC Jurisdiction

A recent report on the governance and practices of six ISOs/RTOs under FERC jurisdiction - CAISO, ISO-NE, NYISO, MISO, PJM, and SPP - compares stakeholder structures, Section 205 filing rights, board structures, and roles of state utility commissions. The report details stakeholder processes, board

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SMMPA Annual Meeting Transmission Rate Update 2018

SMMPA, a not-for-profit political subdivision in Minnesota, updated its transmission rate formula in August 2018. The Attachment O timeline outlines crucial dates for stakeholders, including the annual meeting on formula rate updates. SMMPA, as a Transmission Owner in MISO, follows FERC-approved tem

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Rochester Public Utilities - Forward-Looking Transmission Revenue Update

Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) presents an update on the forward-looking transmission revenue requirements for calendar year 2021. The presentation covers the regulatory background, rate calculations, and adjustments for the upcoming year. Key topics include the FERC-approved formula rate, true-up

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The MISO Survey: A Comprehensive Overview

The MISO Survey is a web-based quantitative tool that assesses how faculty, students, and staff perceive library and technology services in academia. Developed in 2005, it measures organizational effectiveness, constituent behavior, interests, and demographics, and addresses local needs while benchm

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FERC Update Mid-Year Meeting Highlights - Indianapolis 2022

Highlights from the FERC Update Mid-Year Meeting in Indianapolis, showcasing updates on Return on Equity, Cost Allocation, Transmission NOPR, and Generator Interconnection Planning. Important discussions on ROE methodology, MISO Appeals, Cost Allocation Proposals, and Long-Term Regional Transmission

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Rochester Public Utilities 2018 Transmission Revenue Update

Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) provides insights into its Forward-Looking Transmission Revenue Requirements for 2018 during a regulatory update meeting. The presentation covers RPU's formula rate development, adjustments in costs, and the inclusion of the MISO Base ROE and RTO Incentive Adder in t

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Rochester Public Utilities Presentation on True-up of Attachment O & GG Transmission Revenue

Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) uses a FERC-approved formula rate with True-up to develop its Annual Transmission Revenue Requirements for MISO. This presentation covers the purpose of the True-up meeting, regulatory background, calculation of True-up adjustments, and more. Discover how RPU prepare

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