Judah - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Christ's Second Coming and the Battle of Armageddon in the Book of Revelation

The focal point of the Book of Revelation is Christ's second coming, where He will reclaim the world from sin and Satan's rule. The earth will be renewed by Jesus, who will return as the Lion of the tribe of Judah to execute judgment and reign. Contrasting the rapture with His second coming, this le

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Understanding Genesis 49:10 - The Prophecy of Shiloh

Exploring the significance of Genesis 49:10, this content delves into the prophetic nature of the verse which foretells the authority of Judah and the arrival of Shiloh. Examining the association with key figures like Judah, Moses, and the city of Shiloh, it navigates the interpretation challenges s

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The Bible Jesus Used: A Gospel-Centered Glance at the Old Testament

Explore the chronological sequence and historical context of the Twelve Minor Prophets in the Old Testament, understanding their unified message and impact on pre- and post-exile Judah and Israel.

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Zephaniah: The Savior's Call to Pursue Satisfaction Together

Delve into the book of Zephaniah which outlines the Savior's summons to satisfaction by urging believers to seek the Lord in righteousness and humility, emphasizing community and commitment. The text provides a detailed exploration of the charges set before the Remnant of Judah, highlighting the imp

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A Time To Celebrate! Nehemiah 12:27-47 Dedication of the Wall

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were gathered to celebrate with gladness, hymns of thanksgiving, and songs accompanied by musical instruments. The leaders of Judah appointed choirs to sing praises as they walked on the wall, and sacrifices were offered with great joy. The peo

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Insights into the Book of Jeremiah and Lamentations

Jeremiah, a prophet sent to urge Judah to return to God, warns of impending judgment. The historical setting and key passages reveal the gravity of the situation. Lamentations captures the sorrow over Jerusalem's destruction and the exile of its people.

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Genesis 22:1-19 - The Patriarchal Narratives: Events or Myths?

Genesis 22:1-19 presents a compelling argument for the authenticity of the patriarchal narratives, challenging the notion that they are merely mythological constructs. By examining various instances where key figures go against established values and guidelines, the text raises questions about the h

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Jehoshaphat: A King who Sought the Lord

Jehoshaphat, a king of Judah, walked in the ways of his father David, seeking God and His commandments. Despite facing battles, he feared the Lord and sought His help, leading his people to seek the Lord together. Through faith and obedience, Jehoshaphat experienced the power of God and saw victory

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Ezekiel - The Watchman of Israel: Summary of Judgement, Oracles, and Blessings

In the book of Ezekiel, the prophet serves as a watchman over Israel, delivering messages of judgement on Judah and Jerusalem, denouncing the false prophets and prophetesses, and foretelling the fate of the people. The narrative covers various chapters detailing accusations, inquiries, parables, and

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Insights of Lion's Gate in Jerusalem and Revelation

Unveil the profound significance of Lion's Gate in Jerusalem along with insights from the Book of Revelation, highlighting powerful imagery such as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb, and the Second Coming of Christ. Explore the mystique surrounding this ancient gate and its connection to spir

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Ezekiel - The Prophet of Judgement and Blessings

Ezekiel, the watchman of Israel, prophesied about the judgment on Judah and Jerusalem, oracles against foreign nations like Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Philistia, as well as blessings for Judah and Jerusalem. The oracles continue with prophecies against Tyre, Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria, symbolized by va

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Discovering Caleb: A Story of Faith and Determination

Caleb, a Hebrew of the tribe of Judah, lived through slavery in Egypt, wandered in the desert, and finally found freedom in the promised land. Known for his strong character and unwavering faith, Caleb's story teaches us about the value of familiarity with God's word and obedience to His plan.

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Judah's Moral Slip: Lessons on Overcoming Immorality

Explore the story of Judah's moral slip in the Scriptures, highlighting the consequences of ungodly friendships and immoral practices. Discover how Christian youth can overcome temptations and lead a godly life through repentance and returning to the Lord.

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The Fulfilled Promise in 2 Samuel 7:8-13 - Joash the Boy King

God's promise to David in 2 Samuel 7:8-13 is fulfilled through the reign of his descendants up to the Babylonian Captivity and the eternal reign of Jesus. One of these descendants, Joash, the son of Ahaziah, became the king of Judah, despite challenges such as the rise of Athaliah. Joash's journey,

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A Glance at the Kings and Prophets of Judah and Israel

Explore the rise, reign, and disobedience of Solomon, the division and demise of the kingdoms, and the prophetic ministry in the Old Testament. Delve into the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel, emphasizing the importance of trust in God's word and the validation of prophecy.

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