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Programmatic items
The programmatic items for the INFCOM-3 Information Session include considerations of WMO Programmes relevant to the Commission, work programmes for the next intersessional period, and subsidiary bodies. Highlighted is the draft Recommendation 5/1 on the Expanded World Weather Watch Programme and th
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Impact Evaluation of Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation Projects
This evaluation focuses on the impact of UNDP-GEF supported Protected Areas (PAs) across 137 countries since 1992. It includes analysis of forest change, species population, human interaction with PAs, capacity trends, and governance. The portfolio analysis covers 618 projects with over $12.3 billio
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Climate Risk Assessment and Guidance for GEF Projects
This content discusses the guidance provided by STAP on climate risk assessment for GEF projects, emphasizing the importance of evaluating sensitivity to climate change, addressing risks over the period 2020-2050, and considering mitigation measures. It highlights observations from the June 2020 wor
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GEF Environmental & Social Safeguards Policy Overview
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) established the Policy on Environmental & Social Safeguards to address risks and impacts in projects. The approach includes minimum standards for agencies, conflict resolution, and safeguard implementation throughout the project cycle. Key elements involve envir
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Project Contributions to GEF Focal Areas Outcomes and Outputs
Highlighting the project's contributions to various GEF focal areas outcomes and outputs, including biodiversity, climate change adaptation, mitigation, and more. The presentation covers strategic issues encountered, lessons learned from implementing a programmatic approach, and insights on upscalin
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Regional Integrated Coastal Management and Island Water Resources Resilience Program
The program focuses on strengthening national and local capacities for integrated coastal management and island water resources resilience, incorporating climate change adaptation. It involves investments in human capital, mainstreaming approaches into development planning, establishing regional and
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FAO GEF Experiences and New Initiatives in Climate Resilience
FAO's involvement in GEF projects such as SAMIS and CAWA focuses on enhancing climate resilience in wetland areas through innovative approaches like climate-smart agriculture. The ongoing projects aim to reduce vulnerability to climate change and integrate adaptation measures into local planning pro
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Enhancing Coastal Spatial Systems and Database Management for R2R Investments
This presentation delves into the enhancement and training of national GIS/Data Practitioners on R2R coastal spatial systems, governance, and socioeconomic baseline assessments. It explores the use of EGS and DPSIR approaches, along with the integration of existing databases for future R2R investmen
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GEF Ridge to Reef Programme for Sustainable Development in Pacific Islands
The GEF Ridge to Reef Programme, a collaborative effort by UNDP, FAO, and UNEP, aims to support the strategic investment for sustainable development in Pacific Islands through integrated environmental and natural resource management. Challenges such as the COVID-19 outbreak and limited local experti
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Co-Financing Requirements for UNDP-Supported, GEF-Funded Projects
Co-financing for GEF-financed projects refers to additional resources provided by the GEF Partner Agency or other non-GEF sources to support project implementation and goals. The sources of co-financing include various entities such as bilateral aid agencies, foundations, governments, civil society
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Overview of GEF Project and Program Cycle
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) operates through key policies and partnerships to support projects and programs targeting global environmental impacts. The GEF cycle includes project modalities like Full-Sized Projects and Medium-Sized Projects, alongside enabling activities. The process invol
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Challenges and Progress in R2R Project Implementation
GEF Pacific Ridge to Reef Programme focuses on innovative solutions for resource management in the region. The project faces challenges like Covid-19 restrictions, turnover, and deadlines. Countries like Samoa, PNG, and Vanuatu have made progress in baseline assessments, while others are in the proc
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Enhancing Civil Society Engagement in GEF Programs: A Path to Sustainability
This article explores the significant role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Global Environment Facility (GEF) programs, highlighting the GEF's efforts to foster dialogue and collaboration between CSOs and stakeholders. It delves into the historical context, objectives, and roles of CSOs
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The GEF Project Cycle and Funding Schemes
Explore the GEF Project Cycle covering requirements, funding schemes based on project size, approval processes, and project completion steps. Learn about medium-sized project cycles and enabling activities in GEF projects.
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GEF Project Cycle and Financing
This content explains the accessing of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and its project cycle, including acronyms used, GEF financing objectives, eligibility criteria for project proposals, accessing the GEF Trust Fund through traditional and direct modes, and types of GEF projects based on gra
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Evaluating GEF's Performance and Impact through OPS5 Consultations
The OPS5 consultations in Dakar, March 2013 aimed to assess the GEF's effectiveness in achieving its objectives, identify potential improvements, and integrate evaluative evidence across various streams including country portfolio evaluations and thematic evaluations. The study also focused on refin
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GEF Funding for Enabling Activities and Support to Biodiversity
GEF provides financial support for enabling activities related to biodiversity and climate change, with a focus on funding national strategies, action plans, and reports. The support includes access to funds for implementing enabling activities and engaging with international conventions. Countries
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Enhancing Private Sector Engagement in GEF Projects Towards Sustainable Development
Expanding private sector engagement in GEF projects is crucial for leveraging funding, expertise, innovation, and technology transfer. Through partnerships with various private sector actors, GEF aims to address environmental challenges effectively and promote sustainable business models. Reflection
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Evaluation in the GEF and Training Module
The GEF Independent Evaluation Office plays a crucial role in monitoring and evaluating GEF activities to promote accountability and learning. The module focuses on terminal evaluations, outlining objectives, reporting lines, and the history of the Evaluation Office. Enhancing global environmental b
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Overview of Monitoring and Evaluation in the GEF
The Evaluation in the GEF and Training Module focuses on promoting accountability and learning within the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through monitoring and evaluation activities. The GEF Independent Evaluation Office plays a crucial role in assessing results, effectiveness, and performance of
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Overview of GEF Small Grants Program in Kyiv, Ukraine
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Program in Kyiv, Ukraine, supports community-level initiatives addressing various environmental issues. Managed by UNDP, the program provides grants up to $50,000 USD, targeting vulnerable communities with limited capacity. Since 1992, over 13,000 p
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STAR GEF Resource Allocation Framework Overview
STAR GEF (System for Transparent Allocation of Resources - Global Environment Facility) is a mechanism designed to allocate GEF resources to countries based on factors like biodiversity, climate change, and land degradation. The framework involves calculating country scores, preliminary country allo
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Overview of Global Environment Facility (GEF): History, Structure, and Responsibilities
Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a pivotal financial mechanism supporting environmental projects worldwide. Established in 1991, GEF plays a crucial role in addressing global environmental issues through partnerships with various agencies. GEF agencies are responsible for project oversight, mana
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GEF Chemicals Management Overview & Strategies
GEF plays a crucial role in managing chemicals such as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Ozone Depletion Substances, and Mercury. With a total allocation of $425 million, GEF agencies work towards reducing POPs use, updating National Implementation Plans, and supporting countries in meeting obli
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GEF Approach to Stakeholder Engagement
GEF's evolving approach to stakeholder engagement emphasizes full disclosure, consultation, and participation of major groups and local communities throughout project cycles. Policies and guidelines focus on promoting inclusive and meaningful stakeholder participation in support of the global enviro
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Overview of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
The content provides an overview of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) including its history, institutional framework, responsibilities of GEF agencies, GEF-5 allocation utilization, and the new GEF fee policy. It highlights the GEF's role as a financial mechanism for various conventions and its
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Developing a Regional Coastal Fisheries Project with SPC-FAO for GCF or GEF-7
Discussion between SPC and FAO on creating a Concept Note for a regional multi-country GCF or GEF-7 coastal fisheries project. The session aims to explore collaboration models, project magnitude, specific themes, and next steps for implementing the project. The focus is on addressing food production
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GEF Policies Progress and Next Steps Overview
The document provides an overview of the progress and next steps in GEF policies, with a focus on environmental and social safeguards. It includes a timeline of key events and the involvement of various stakeholders like the GEF Conflict Resolution Commissioner. The implementation guidelines for doc
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GEF-5 Climate Change Mitigation Strategies and Financing
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) plays a crucial role in financing climate change mitigation efforts, leveraging billions of dollars and promoting sustainable development worldwide. Through its various initiatives, the GEF supports technology transfer, catalyzes co-financing, and adheres to gui
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GEF Forest Investments and Sustainability Strategies
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) focuses on financing forest projects to address climate change, biodiversity conservation, and land degradation. With a history of investing in forests since 1991, GEF has created programs like GEF-5 SFM/REDD-plus to generate multiple environmental and social be
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GEF's Partnership with Civil Society Organizations and Policies Summary
GEF actively engages Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in its programs and policies, facilitating their participation at both project and global policy levels. The definition of civil society includes various major groups, and CSOs play a vital role in GEF's initiatives. Specific policies have been
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The GEF Project Cycle and Partnerships
The GEF project cycle involves various key players like countries, GEF Agencies, Secretariat, Council, and partners, working together in phases from project idea to completion. Behind-the-scenes roles are performed by Trustee, STAP, Evaluation Office, and Convention secretariats. Partnerships play a
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Simplifying Accounting Processes for Better Business Results_ Record to Report (R2R)
Record to Report (R2R) is essential for streamlining financial procedures in today's \nhectic business world, from gathering data to generating reports that support informed \ndecision-making. Businesses may increase reporting effectiveness and obtai
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Overview of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) plays a crucial role as a financial mechanism for various environmental conventions. It has a rich history since its establishment in 1992 and has evolved to become the world's largest public funder of global environmental projects. The GEF Trust Fund operates w
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Overview of GEF-UNFCCC Cooperation and COP 17 Action Items
GEF, as an Operating Entity of the UNFCCC, plays a crucial role in supporting non-Annex I Parties in various climate change initiatives. The COP 17 decisions relevant to GEF include long-term cooperative actions, technology mechanisms, and the Green Climate Fund. GEF is tasked with providing support
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History and Structure of GEF: Mission and Funding Overview
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) plays a crucial role in addressing global environmental challenges and supporting sustainable development initiatives. Learn about GEF's history, structure, funding mechanisms, and key focal areas such as biodiversity, climate change, and land degradation. Explo
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