Physiology of Micturition
The process of micturition (urination), the functional anatomy of the urinary bladder, neural control, the mechanism of filling and emptying of the bladder, and the neurogenic control of the micturition reflex and its disorders.
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Gynaecological Cancers - Dr Manoj Dongare
Gynecologic cancer starts in a woman\u2019s reproductive organs. Five main types of cancer that affect a woman\u2019s reproductive organs are cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar. As a group, they are referred to as gynecologic cancer. Each cancer is different and requires special treatme
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Comprehensive Guide to Continuous Bladder Irrigation (CBI)
Explore the essential information about Continuous Bladder Irrigation (CBI), including its procedure, indications, supplies and equipment needed, documentation guidelines, and monitoring protocols. Learn about the importance of CBI in post-prostate surgery, urinary tract obstruction prevention, clot
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Cancer Specialist in Pune PCMC – Dr. Manoj Dongare
Dr. Manoj Dongare is one of the most experienced and qualified Cancer Specialists in PCMC, Pune with more than 16 years of experience in treating various types of cancers. Also, He has expertise in various cancer surgeries like breast, lung, Gynecological, bladder, oral, and GI cancers. He is one o
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The Impact of Selpercatinib 40 & 80 mg on RET-Positive Cancers
Selpercatinib, available in 40 mg and 80 mg doses, has revolutionized the treatment of RET-positive cancers, such as non-small cell lung cancer and medullary thyroid cancer. By specifically targeting RET gene alterations, Selpercatinib offers improved efficacy and reduced side effects compared to tr
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Poll Evil and Yoke Gall in Horses: Symptoms and Treatment
Poll evil and yoke gall are common afflictions affecting horses, particularly in the neck region. Poll evil is an inflammatory condition characterized by a painful swelling at the top of the neck, while yoke gall is localized acute inflammation caused by yoke pressure. Poll evil is typically treated
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Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly
The urinary system plays a vital role in regulating blood volume, pressure, and waste excretion. Urinary incontinence in the elderly can be caused by weak bladder muscles or neurological issues. The bladder consists of 4 layers, each serving a specific function. Normal voiding frequency and bladder
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Veterinary Anatomy of Urinary System in Different Animals
The urinary system in animals includes kidneys, ureters, and the bladder, all crucial for filtration and urine excretion. The ureters are excretory ducts from the kidneys, while the bladder stores urine before expulsion. Various diagrammatic structures illustrate the urogenital system of animals, pa
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Understanding the Symptoms of UTI Bladder Infection
This comprehensive guide will explore the symptoms of UTI bladder infections, risk factors, prevention strategies, and treatment options.
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The Anatomy of Ureters, Urinary Bladder, and Urethra
Explore the detailed anatomy of ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra in this comprehensive guide. Learn about the course of ureters, important relations of the urinary bladder, and differences in male and female urethra. Discover the sites of ureteric constrictions, arterial blood supply, and more.
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Overview of Bladder Tumours: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
Bladder tumours, particularly Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC), are the second most common cancer in the genitourinary system. Mainly caused by factors like cigarette smoking, industrial toxins, and genetic events, bladder cancer presents with symptoms such as hematuria and irritative voiding sympt
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Gall Bladder Cancers in India: A Report from Population Based Cancer Registries (1982-2010)
This report discusses the incidence rates of gall bladder cancers in various regions worldwide, focusing on India. It highlights the significant disparity in rates across different countries and regions. The data analysis includes age-adjusted incidence rates from specific districts in India, as wel
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Management of Overactive Bladder (OAB) - Overview and Guidelines Update
Learn about the assessment, tests, conservative and surgical management options for Overactive Bladder (OAB) based on the new draft NICE guideline updates. Understand the categorization of urinary incontinence types, urine testing protocols, bladder diaries, quality of life assessments, and the role
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Childhood Cancer Incidence and Diagnosis in General Practice
Childhood cancer is a significant cause of death in children in the UK, with 1 in 500 children developing cancer by age 14. GPs play a crucial role in diagnosing childhood cancers, recognizing red flags, and providing support during and after treatment. Common cancers include leukemias, brain tumors
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Suprapubic Catheter Insertion Procedure Guidelines
Suprapubic catheter insertion is a procedure indicated for conditions such as urethral injury, obstruction, bladder neck masses, and benign prostatic hypertrophy. It involves proper patient positioning, analgesia, equipment preparation, and a step-by-step technique including bladder palpation, marki
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Bowel and Bladder Management Post Transverse Myelitis
Following transverse myelitis, there can be significant changes in bowel and bladder function, impacting storage, release, and coordination. Neurogenic bowel and bladder issues, differentiated by injury level, can lead to challenges in controlling sphincters and bathroom habits. Understanding these
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Case Study: Bladder Exstrophy in Infant - Presentation and History
Bladder exstrophy case study of a 12-day-old female infant with abnormal swelling and opening in the lower abdomen since birth. The patient's history includes antenatal, natal, and postnatal details without complications. Family-social background information is provided.
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Functional Foods for Health Benefits
Functional foods are dietary components consumed primarily for health reasons, providing benefits beyond basic nutrition. Types of functional foods include beans, berries, cruciferous vegetables, and cocoa products. Beans contain saponins that may help protect against cancers and lower cholesterol l
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Lung Cancer Questions and Answers
This set of questions covers various aspects of lung cancer, including statistics, TNM staging, non-small cell lung cancers, and small cell lung cancers. Each question presents multiple choices, testing the reader's knowledge on different topics related to lung cancer.
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Development of the Urinary Bladder and Urethra in Embryology
Understanding the embryonic development of the urinary bladder and urethra involves studying the formation of the cloaca, division of the urogenital sinus, absorption of mesonephric ducts, position and fate of the urachus, and anomalies related to these structures. The cloaca, primitive urogenital s
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Bowel and Bladder Issues Post Stroke
Bowel and bladder incontinence are common after a stroke, often due to brain damage affecting control functions. Factors like mobility can exacerbate these issues, leading to discomfort, infections, and other complications. Managing incontinence involves assessing individual needs, recognizing signs
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Alcohol and Cancer Risk: Understanding the Links
Alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of various cancers, including mouth, throat, esophagus, breast, liver, and colorectal cancers. Factors such as ethanol, acetaldehyde, nutrient absorption, estrogen levels, and liver cirrhosis play a role in this risk. Even light drinking can elevate
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Chemotherapy Utilization in End-Stage Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients
This presentation explores the prevalence, correlates, and outcomes of chemotherapy use in patients with end-stage gastrointestinal cancers. Data is presented on the frequency of chemotherapy administration, correlates, harms, and benefits in patients in their final months of life. Insights from stu
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Alterations in Genitourinary Function: An Overview
The genitourinary system comprises the urinary and reproductive organs, with the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra playing crucial roles. Maintaining proper function involves factors like renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, tubular function, and urine flow. Nephrons are the functional unit
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Cystitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Cystitis is a common bladder infection that can affect both men and women. This lecture provides important information on the pathogenesis, causative organisms, diagnosis, and treatment of cystitis. Learn about the risk factors, types of cystitis, and how venereal diseases can present with symptoms
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Updates on TNM-8 Staging for Urological Cancers: Insights by John Mitchard
An update by Consultant Histopathologist John Mitchard on TNM-8 staging for urological cancers, highlighting changes in RCC definitions and grading, along with minor adjustments in bladder staging. Details include revised pT3 criteria for kidney tumors, improvements in bladder M1 and T2 classificati
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The Physiology of Micturition: Bladder Function and Control Mechanisms
Explore the intricacies of micturition physiology focusing on the functional anatomy of the urinary bladder, mechanism of filling and emptying, cystometrogram, and neurogenic control. Delve into the internal structure of the bladder, sphincters, and innervation in males for a comprehensive understan
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Advances in Veterinary Oncology: Understanding and Treating Spontaneous Cancers in Animals
Veterinary oncology, led by Prof. David Killick, delves into the realm of spontaneous cancers in dogs, cats, and horses, mirroring the cancer evolution in humans. The field covers diagnosis through cytology and imaging to treatments like surgery, radiation, and emerging immunotherapy. University vet
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NTCP and Secondary Cancer Risk in Modulated Arc Therapy for Prostate Carcinoma
Prostate cancer, a significant health concern worldwide, has seen advancements in treatment with the adoption of IMRT. However, the use of radiotherapy poses risks of inducing secondary cancers due to organ toxicity. A study presented at ICARO3 focused on evaluating the toxicity of organs at risk an
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Crown Gall Disease in Plants
Crown gall is a plant tumor induced by the soil bacterium A. tumefaciens, resulting in oncogenic transformation. Opine metabolism plays a central role in the disease, with Ti-plasmids carrying T-DNA responsible for unregulated growth and opine synthesis. Border sequences on the Ti-plasmid are crucia
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Stroke Continence Protocols for Managing Bladder and Bowel Function After Stroke
This protocol outlines the management of urinary and bowel incontinence in stroke patients, emphasizing high nursing care levels and avoiding unnecessary catheterization. It discusses normal bladder functions, urinary dysfunction prevalence post-stroke, and interventions for promoting continence. Ur
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The Human Urinary System
The human urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys filter blood to produce urine, which is carried to the bladder through the ureters for storage until excretion. Each kidney is structured with renal pyramids and nephrons for blood filtration and waste remov
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Gall Bladder and Bile Duct
The gall bladder and bile ducts play crucial roles in the storage and transportation of bile in the body. They have specific anatomical divisions and functions, including bile secretion, concentration, and storage. Understanding their structure and function is essential for grasping their physiologi
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Selpercatinib 40 & 80 mg Tablets in India: For RET Fusion-Positive Cancers
Selpercatinib 40 & 80 mg tablets provide targeted treatment for RET fusion-positive cancers, effectively blocking RET mutations in cancers like non-small cell lung and thyroid cancer. Selpercatinib 40 & 80 mg in India, offers a specialized approach f
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Encorafenib 75 mg in India - Improving Survival Rates in BRAF-Mutated Cancers
Encorafenib 75 mg capsules are a targeted therapy designed to improve survival rates in patients with BRAF-mutated cancers by inhibiting cancer cell growth. Encorafenib 75 mg in India is becoming a key option for effective treatment, supporting longe
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Comprehensive Overview of Immunotherapy in Bladder and Renal Cancer Management
Explore the latest advancements in immunotherapy for managing bladder and renal cancer, including mechanisms of action, indications, adverse effects, and available treatment regimes. Learn about immune checkpoint inhibitors, differentiating immunotherapy from chemotherapy, indications for use across
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Urinary System: Bladder Anatomy and Function
Exploring the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system with a focus on the bladder, including details on muscle structure, capacity for urine collection, and the role of the detrusor muscle in micturition. Learn about key components such as the trigone and bladder neck, as well as innervation an
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Continence Care in the Community
Continence care in the community focuses on maintaining normal bladder and bowel functions to support individuals in managing their toileting needs effectively. Continence involves being aware of bodily signals, knowing when and how to void or defecate, managing clothing, storing urine or bowel move
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Overactive Bladder: Symptoms and Treatment Options
Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common condition characterized by urinary urgency, frequency, and sometimes incontinence. It significantly impacts quality of life and can affect individuals of all ages, with higher prevalence in older populations. Treatment options include drug therapy, bladder traini
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Bladder Trauma: Etiology, Pathophysiology, and Management
Bladder trauma commonly occurs due to pelvic trauma or surgical interventions, leading to injuries like contusion, intraperitoneal rupture, and extraperitoneal rupture. Dr. Nagwa M. Ahmed presents key elements of bladder trauma, including its etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnos
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