Possible Analog States of the Hoyle State in Heavier Nuclei
Research conducted at the National Research Centre, Kurchatov Institute, explores possible analogs of the Hoyle state in heavier 4N nuclei, focusing on the 7.65 MeV 0+2 state in 12C (Hoyle state). The study reveals insights into the structure and characteristics of the Hoyle state, crucial for under
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Thermodynamics of Solar Plasma: SAHA-S Equation of State and Recent Results
SAHA-S equation of state (EOS) presents the current state and recent results in thermodynamics of solar plasma. Key authors V.K. Gryaznov, A.N. Starostin, and others have contributed to this field over 20 years. The equilibrium composition between 145 species, including elements and all ions, is exp
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Electric Fields: Chapter 1 Overview
Delve into the fundamental concepts of electric fields in Chapter 1 as we explore properties of electric charges, charging objects by induction, Coulomb's Law, the electric field, electric field lines, and the motion of charged particles in a uniform electric field. Discover how electric forces shap
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Electric Charges and Fields in Physics
Electrostatics is the study of forces, fields, and potentials arising from static charges, including positive and negative charges which interact based on the principles of like charges repelling and unlike charges attracting. By convention, electrons are considered negative, while protons are posit
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Mechanisms and Models of Nuclear Reactions
The chapter discusses the reaction cross-section in nuclear reactions, including resonance and tunneling phenomena. It explains the probability of reactions occurring, the influence of nuclear radius on cross-section, and how tunneling allows reactions at energies lower than the Coulomb barrier. Exa
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Role of Presynaptic Inhibition in Stabilizing Neural Networks
Presynaptic inhibition plays a crucial role in stabilizing neural networks by rapidly counteracting recurrent excitation in the face of plasticity. This mechanism prevents runaway excitation and maintains network stability, as demonstrated in computational models by Laura Bella Naumann and Henning S
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Experimental Reconstruction of Primary Hot Fragment in Heavy Ion Collisions
Investigation into primary hot fragment reconstruction at Fermi energy heavy ion collisions, utilizing experimental data and simulations to reconstruct excitation energy, mass, and charge of primary fragments. Techniques like kinematical focusing and isotope identification were employed, with a focu
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Unveiling the Fascinating World of Nuclear Physics
Delve into the discovery of the nucleus, nuclear properties, binding energies, radioactivity, and nuclear models. Explore nuclear energy through fission and fusion, uncovering the intricate structure of the atom and Coulomb's law. Witness Rutherford's groundbreaking experiments that revolutionized o
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Mechanism of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Low-Temperature Plasma
This work discusses nuclear-chemical processes underlying low-energy nuclear reactions in low-temperature plasma environments, focusing on the initiation of artificial radioactivity in metal cathodes under protium- and deuterium-containing nonequilibrium plasma conditions. The role of electrons with
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Moduli Spaces of 3D N=4 Quiver Gauge Theories
Study the rich moduli spaces and symmetries in 3D N=4 quiver gauge theories, analyzing superpartners, scalar fields, and the natural splitting of moduli space into Coulomb and Higgs branches. Gain insights into SUSY theories, duality, and potential applications in string theory and geometry.
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Dark Side of the Afterglow: Complications in Dark Matter and Rare Events Searches
Exploring the challenges in detecting dark matter and rare events due to energy accumulation, excitation clustering, and avalanche relaxation events. Discusses issues such as low-energy background, ionization load on detectors, dual-phase detectors, universal scenarios of energy accumulation, and en
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Coulomb Excitation Studies of Neutron-Rich Ru and Mo Isotopes
Workshop presentation on using GRETINA, CHICO, and CARIBU for Coulomb excitation studies of even Ru and Mo isotopes, exploring shape evolution through systematic studies and experimental limitations like beam intensity and purity. Analysis includes gamma intensities, level schemes, and nuclear reori
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Electronic Excitation in Semiconductor Nanoparticles from a Real-Space Quasiparticle Perspective
This research delves into the electronic excitation in semiconductor nanoparticles, focusing on real-space quasiparticle perspectives. It explores treating electron correlation using explicit operators, leading to faster algorithms while calculating optical gap and exciton binding energies. Various
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Electric Current in Circuits
Electric current is the flow of electric charge between regions of different electric potential. This flow of charged particles, such as electrons, is essential for circuits to function effectively. Voltage sources, such as batteries or generators, maintain a potential difference necessary for susta
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Electricity: Atoms, Circuits, and Charges
Discover the fundamentals of electricity through atoms, circuits, and electric charges. Learn how electrons flow, how circuits are created, and the key elements in a circuit. Explore conductors and insulators, and understand the basic properties of electric charges. Unveil the mysteries behind Coulo
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Classical Mechanics and Fields in Physics
Explore the concepts of radiation, matter, fields, Hamiltonian, and more in classical mechanics with a focus on velocity-dependent potentials and conservative systems. Dive into the detailed discussions on gauge theory, Coulomb gauge, magnetic fields, and Hamiltonian operators within the framework o
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Implementation of Angular Momentum Formalism in Low-Energy Fusion Reactions
This update focuses on integrating the angular momentum formalism into low-energy fusion reactions using the LISE++ platform. It explores fission barriers, potential energy pockets, compound formation, and de-excitation processes in fusion reactions. The documentation delves into fusion residue tran
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Electrostatics and the Nature of Electric Charges
Explore the fascinating world of electricity and electrostatics through the discoveries of Benjamin Franklin and experiments showing the forces between charged objects. Learn about electric charges, the electric force, Coulomb's Law, conductors, insulators, electric fields, potentials, and energy st
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Fixed Point Collisions in Luttinger Semimetals and Field Theories
Exploring fixed point collisions and tensorial order parameters in Luttinger semimetals and various field theories, such as chiral symmetry breaking in QED and Interacting O(N) field theory. The research delves into the condensed matter motivation behind quadratic band touching and the Luttinger Ham
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PuReMD Design - Initialization, Interactions, and Experimental Results
PuReMD Design involves the initialization of neighbor lists, bond lists, hydrogen bond lists, and coefficients of QEq matrix for bonded interactions. It also implements non-bonded interactions such as charge equilibration, Coulomb's forces, and Van der Waals forces. The process includes the generati
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Vacuum Fluctuations in Quantum and Classical Physics
Explore the intriguing concept of vacuum fluctuations in both classical and quantum physics, delving into their experimental effects and significance. From classical interpretations of empty space to quantum field theory's zero-point fluctuations, discover how vacuum properties influence particle in
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Coulomb's Law in Electrostatic Interactions
Coulomb's Law states that charges with the same sign repel each other, while charges with opposite signs attract. The strength of the electrostatic force between two particles is directly related to the amount of charge each possesses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between
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Electric Fields: Fundamentals and Concepts
Electric fields are created by surrounding charges and are represented by vectors indicating the force experienced by a test charge. Electric field lines help visualize the direction and strength of the field, with denser lines indicating stronger fields. The electric field due to a point charge can
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Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Lines
Learn about Coulomb's Law, electric field lines, and how charges interact without touching. Explore the concept of electric fields and how to calculate them, along with understanding dipole configurations and similar charge interactions through informative visuals and explanations.
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Impulse Excitation Technique for Monitoring Green Ceramics During Firing
The Impulse Excitation Technique (IET) is a nondestructive testing method employed to monitor the elastic properties of green ceramics as they undergo firing processes. This technique allows for the analysis of phase changes and material behavior at high temperatures, providing valuable insights int
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Coulomb Interaction in Many-Particle Hamiltonian
Explore the treatment of Coulomb interaction in a many-particle Hamiltonian, where careful integration is crucial due to divergence issues. Learn about solving the Coulomb Hamiltonian with Slater integrals and expanding the operator on spherical harmonics for analytical solutions. Discover the signi
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Coulomb Repulsion and Slater Integrals
Dive into the intricate world of Coulomb repulsion and Slater integrals, essential concepts in quantum physics. Explore the challenges posed by the diverging Coulomb integral and the complex calculations required to evaluate these interactions. Discover how Slater integrals play a crucial role in cr
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Enhancing Emittance Control Strategies in Particle Accelerators
The journey to multi-bunch emittance control goes beyond mere feedback mechanisms, involving nuances like pinhole cameras as detectors and skew quadrupole magnets as actuators. This innovative approach aims to overcome limitations of existing systems like coupling control issues and hysteresis perfo
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Intermolecular Forces in Chemistry
Interactions between static charge distributions in chemistry are governed by Coulomb's Law, playing a crucial role in understanding intermolecular forces. From ion-ion interactions to charge-dipole and charge-quadrupole interactions, the strength of forces varies based on factors like distance and
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Quantum Interactions: Electrons, Phonons, and Hubbard Interaction
Exploring the complexities of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, nonequilibrium Green's functions, Hartree-Fock method, Coulomb's law, quantum operator forms, Hubbard interaction, and electron-phonon interactions from first principles. The interactions delve into the behavior of cha
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Advances in Nuclear Physics Research at AGATA-GRETINA Collaboration Meetings
Cutting-edge research opportunities in nuclear physics using sophisticated devices like GRETINA at ATLAS, focusing on Coulomb excitation, deep inelastic reactions, and transfer reactions for studying neutron-rich nuclei. The installation of GRETINA involves technical support, equipment upgrades, and
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Insights into Intra-Beam Scattering Effects and Plasma Dynamics in Particle Colliders
Intra-Beam Scattering (IBS) effects near transition crossing in NICA collider result in energy exchange between different degrees of freedom, impacting beam size, luminosity, and lifetime. The IBS phenomenon is crucial for circular machines, with theoretical developments by Piwinski and Bjorken shap
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Nonlinear Optical Processes in Semiconductors
Exploring the complexities of nonlinear optics in the perturbative and non-perturbative regimes, this research delves into the generation of harmonics, optical Kerr effects, and extreme nonlinear optical phenomena utilizing phase-controlled electromagnetic pulses. The work also investigates the inte
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Electricity: From Static Shocks to Conductors
Delve into the world of electricity, demystifying phenomena like static shocks, sticky socks in dryers, and the science behind lightning and auroras. Explore the properties of charge in atoms, electric forces, Coulomb's Law, conductors vs. non-conductors, and more. Gain insights into volts, amps, oh
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Comprehensive Overview of Rock Mechanics Module at TISHK International University
This module at TISHK International University delves into the fundamental and advanced concepts of rock mechanics, focusing on design and stabilization of excavations in rock masses. Students gain knowledge on stress, strain, and elasticity relationships in rock masses, enabling them to characterize
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Optical Sideband Cooling of Ions in a Penning Trap - Research Summary
Researchers at Imperial College London, led by Richard Thompson, have made significant contributions in the field of optical sideband cooling of ions in a Penning trap. This technique involves laser cooling in the trap, large Lamb-Dicke parameters, sideband cooling of ions, coherent manipulation of
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Advances in Nonequilibrium Green's Function Method for Energy Transfer Mediated by Photons
Research discusses the application of the Nonequilibrium Green's Function method for analyzing energy, momentum, and angular momentum transfers mediated by photons. Various topics covered include near-field heat transfer, Coulomb interactions, electron-photon transitions, local equilibrium assumptio
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Cardiac Physiology: Electrical System and Excitation
Explore the intricate details of cardiac physiology, focusing on the electrical conducting system, spread of excitation, ECG interpretation, action potentials, and hemodynamic parameters. Learn about pacemaker cells, differences between ventricular and pacemaker action potentials, and the initiation
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Electrostatics Problems
Electrostatics problems in physics education related to electric field strength, charge interactions, and Coulomb's law. Solve and understand questions on changes in field strength, charge distances, and Coulomb's law implications.
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Introduction to Coulomb's Law in Electrostatics
Discover the principles of electrostatics through Coulomb's Law. Learn about the relationship between charges, forces, and distances in electrical interactions. Explore examples illustrating the attractive and repulsive forces between charged objects.
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