M.Tech. (Computational and Data Science)
Get all the information you need about the M.Tech. (Computational and Data Science) course structure, duration, core courses, soft core courses, dissertation, and electives.
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Universal Two-Qubit Computational Register for Trapped Ion Quantum Processors
Universal two-qubit computational register for trapped ion quantum processors, including state preparation, gates, and benchmarking. The experimental setup and results are discussed.
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Computational Physics (Lecture 18)
The basic structure of MPICH and its features in Computational Physics Lecture 18. Understand how MPI functions are used and linked with a static library provided by the software package. Explore how P4 offers functionality and supports parallel computer systems. Discover the concept of clusters in
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Cryptographic Reductions and Learning in Computational Complexity
This lecture explores the connection between computational complexity and cryptography, focusing on topics like pseudorandom functions, public-key cryptography, and learning from Gaussians. It delves into the implications of cryptographic reductions, lower bounds for learning MLPs, and the existence
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OBPMark and OBPMark-ML: Computational Benchmarks for Space Applications
OBPMark and OBPMark-ML are computational benchmarks developed by ESA and BSC/UPC for on-board data processing and machine learning in space applications. These benchmarks aim to standardize performance comparison across different processing devices, identify key parameters, and provide recommendatio
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Computational thinking as 21st Century skill
Computational thinking is a critical skill for the digital age, involving problem-solving techniques that enable computers to process information effectively. It precedes programming and requires breaking down complex problems into manageable steps. Educators emphasize computational thinking exercis
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Computational Geometry.
Voronoi diagrams, a key concept in computational geometry, involve partitioning a space based on points sites. They have diverse applications like nearest neighbor queries and facility location. The diagrams consist of Voronoi cells, edges, and vertices, forming a connected graph. Properties include
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Master's Program in Computational Drug Discovery and Development - Fall 2024 Curriculum
This Master's program offers a comprehensive curriculum focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Computational Drug Discovery, and Development. With a blend of cutting-edge technologies and practical applications, students delve into techniques, AI/ML, big data mining, modeling, and more. Through intens
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Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing
Explore the fascinating fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP), delving into their development, applications, and significance. Learn about the study of human languages in computational models, the importance of corpora in linguistic research, and the various types
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Engaging Paper-Based Problem Solving for Computational Thinking Skills
Implementing paper-based problem-solving activities using puzzles, riddles, and pattern recognition can effectively introduce computational thinking without the need for complex technology or terminology. Through real-life scenarios like transporting a fox, chicken, and corn across a river or encodi
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Insights on Computational Complexity Threshold Results
Exploring the challenges in proving major lower bounds for computational complexity, focusing on the Hardness Magnification and Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP). Discusses the difficulties in proving weak and strong LBs, highlighting recent theorems and barriers that impact progress in the field.
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Recent Advances in Computational Doppler Radar Data Modeling
Explore the latest developments in computational modeling of Doppler radar data, focusing on error estimation, dual vs. single pol radars comparison, uncertainty quantification, and methodology for analyzing Doppler radar predictions against gauge measurements. The study involves data from multiple
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Computational Complexity Through Statistical Physics
In the age of vast data growth, tackling complex computational problems is crucial. Statistical physics can provide insights into handling the new challenges arising from the exponential increase in data. As we delve into understanding the complexity of computational tasks, it becomes evident that e
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Introduction to Priority Search Trees in Computational Geometry
This lecture outlines the structure and query process of Priority Search Trees (PST) in computational geometry. It covers heap-based point queries, range trees for windowing queries, handling query ranges in 1D and 2D spaces, and using heaps to efficiently handle query ranges. The content discusses
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Actively Secure Arithmetic Computation and VOLE Study
Exploring actively secure arithmetic computation and VOLE with constant computational overhead at Tel Aviv University. Understanding how functions are represented in secure computation using arithmetic circuits over boolean circuits. Efficiently evaluating arithmetic circuits over large finite field
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Advances in Aviation Fuel Surrogates and Computational Modeling
This study explores the formulation of petroleum and alternative jet fuel surrogates, coupling chemical kinetics with computational fluid mechanics for engine design, and the variability of aviation fuels. It delves into the concept of surrogate fuel models, previous research on jet fuel surrogates,
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Advancing Computational Modeling for National Security and Climate Missions
Irina Tezaur leads the Quantitative Modeling & Analysis Department, focusing on computational modeling and simulation of complex multi-scale, multi-physics problems. Her work benefits DOE nuclear weapons, national security, and climate missions. By employing innovative techniques like model order re
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Computational Biology: Proteins, DNA, RNA, Genetics, and Evolution
Computational Biology combines computational methods with molecular biology to solve biological problems. Explore topics like proteins, DNA, RNA, and genetics, learning about amino acids, nucleotides, and the genetic code. Understand the evolutionary processes of mutation and natural selection.
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Parameterized Workload Adaptation for Fork-Join Tasks with Dynamic Workloads and Deadlines
In dynamic environments, tasks may face unknown workloads and deadlines, leading to system overload and missed deadlines. This research focuses on adapting task workloads to provide results before the deadline by adjusting computational parameters. It explores how to minimize degradation of result u
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Introduction to Computational Number Theory in Cryptography
Practical private-key cryptography can be done without advanced math, but understanding computational number theory is essential for public-key encryption. This field focuses on the computational difficulty of problems, analyzing algorithms' running times, classifying problems as easy or hard based
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Computational Tools in Planetary Astrophysics - Fall 2017
Explore a limited subset of computational tools in planetary astrophysics used for modeling planetary transits, secondary eclipses, phase curves, radial velocities, Bayesian parameter estimation, and atmospheric modeling. Tools include BATMAN, SPIDERMAN, RadVel, e.emcee, and Exo_Transmit, each servi
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The Essence of Computer Science and Computational Thinking
Delve into the fundamentals of Computer Science and Computational Thinking through chapters discussing the nature of science, predictions in physics, and the distinction between Computer Science and Computer Information Systems. Explore the relationships between Math, Physics, and Computer Science i
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Advancing Auditory Enhancement: Integrating Spleeter with Advanced Remixing Techniques in The Cadenza Challenge 2023
Our project for The Cadenza Challenge 2023 focused on improving audio for headphone users with hearing loss by integrating Spleeter's deep learning capabilities. We utilized N-ALR prescriptions, Butterworth bandpass filters, and Dynamic Range Compression to enhance audio quality. By leveraging advan
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North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad: A Competition for High School Students
The North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO) is a competition for high school students interested in linguistics, languages, and computation. It consists of an Open Round in January and an Invitational Round in March, with no prerequisites needed. Participants tackle easy problems i
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Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research (MCSR) Overview
The Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research (MCSR) supports computational research in various fields like Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Physics, Engineering, and Computer Science for Mississippi IHLs. They provide training to optimize computational resources, offer classes for computational trai
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Complexity Measures of Boolean Functions
This work delves into the intricate world of complexity measures for Boolean functions, exploring concepts such as certificate complexity, decision tree depth, sensitivity, block sensitivity, PRAM complexity, and more. It sheds light on the relationships among different complexity measures and provi
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Computational Theories of Brain Function
In this series of images and text snippets, the discussion revolves around the emerging field of computational theories of brain function. Various aspects such as symbolic memories, the relationship between the brain and computation, the emergence of the mind from the brain, and computational thinki
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Computational Earth Science Course Overview
Explore the world of Computational Earth Science with Bill Menke as the instructor and Emily Glazer as the teaching assistant. The course aims to help you become proficient in applying Python-based computational methods to understand dynamic Earth Science phenomena. Through modeling, you will gain i
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Computational Play in Early Childhood Education: DLI 2023 Workshop
The workshop at the 8th EAI International Conference on Design, Learning & Innovation (DLI 2023) in Aalborg aims to delve into the application of computational play with mathematics in early childhood education. Through live sessions and discussions, opportunities and challenges in utilizing computa
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Fast and Efficient MPM Solver for Strain Localization Problems
This study presents a fast and efficient Material Point Method (MPM) solver for strain localization problems, introducing the Generalized Interpolation Material Point Method (GIMPM) and Convected Particle Domain Interpolation (CPDI). The MPM computational phase involves mapping, nodal solution, and
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In Chapter 7 of "Essential Computational Thinking" by Dr. Ricky J. Sethi, dive into procedural programming concepts like sequence, selection, and iteration to craft computational solutions. Explore how engineers approach problem-solving in software development, emphasizing efficiency and abstraction
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Neuroscience at UCL: Computational Brain Insights
Delve into the world of computational neuroscience with instructors Peter Latham, Maneesh Sahani, and Peter Dayan at University College London. Explore the brain's intricacies, from basic facts to mathematical foundations, and uncover the hidden complexities of neural processes. Engage in lectures,
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IT storage, security & Databases at MEB
Responsible for managing data storage, security, and databases at MEB Vivek SAS. The role involves overseeing various server setups, computational servers, home and scratch disk management, and providing access to applications and SQL servers. Additionally, managing computational servers at MEB requ
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Bioinformatics is an emerging interdisciplinary research area that deals with the computational management and analysis of biological information, including genes, genomes, proteins, and ecological systems. It aims to better understand living cells at the molecular level by developing computational
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Computational Biomedical Science Outreach Program - Overview
Delve into the intersection of computational science and biomedical engineering through the Computational Biomedical Science Outreach Program led by Dr. Suzanne Shontz. Explore the application of computational tools in treating conditions like deep vein thrombosis and hydrocephalus. Learn about the
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Platform for Executable Publications in Modern Computational Science
Computational science faces challenges in publishing large data volumes and complex algorithms. The Collage Authoring Environment offers a solution for validating and sharing executable content within research papers, addressing issues of trust and verifiability in scientific publications. This plat
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Computational Models for Tuberculosis Diagnosis: A Review
This systematic review examines computational models for diagnosing tuberculosis, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. The research aims to enhance TB diagnostic accuracy through advanced computational systems.
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Computational geometry introduction
Dive into the fundamentals of computational geometry with this introduction by Rugaia Omer Ahmed. Explore key concepts, algorithms, and applications in the field. Gain insights into geometric computations and problem-solving techniques. Enhance your understanding of spatial data structures and geome
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Mastering Computational Geometry: Problem-Solving Strategies
Explore the world of computational geometry through practical problems like finding the closest pair of points in a 2D plane. Delve into the divide and conquer approach to efficiently solve complex geometric challenges. Uncover insights on organizing points, sorting by x-values, and handling proximi
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Simplicity in Computational Geometry: Skyum's Algorithm for Smallest Enclosing Circle
In this computational geometry study, Skyum's algorithm for computing the smallest enclosing circle is explored. The algorithm's history, applications, and key findings are discussed, shedding light on the evolution of geometric algorithms over time.
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