Year 6 SPAG Spring Term Fast Five Challenges

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This set of challenges covers various aspects of English grammar for Year 6 students, including identifying determiners, using modal verbs, changing passive to active voice, and more. Students will practice writing in different tenses, identifying adverbial phrases, and working with prefixes and homophones. The tasks include correcting sentences, punctuating sentences, and recognizing different parts of speech.

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  1. Year 6 SPAG Spring term Fast Five

  2. WEEK 1 A 1/ I played tennis - Write in the present progressive and the past progressive. 2/ Write the longest possible noun phrase in this sentence. The ocean liner with three swimming pools sailed into port 3/ Identify the two determiners in the sentence above. 4/ Identify the modal verbs - Would you open the door please? I might be late for gym. 5/ Add a possessive pronoun. The book is --------------.

  3. WEEK 1 B 1/ Add a prefix to each word to give opposite meanings. ---behave ---advantage ---appear --easy --visible --resistible 2/ Correct these sentences: I should of gone to the park. He would of bought the car. 3/ Write in the passive - The Queen wears a crown. Brian bought a new hat. 4/ Identify the subject and the object. The fox crosses the road. Tom hit Arthur. 5/ I saw some money on the ground. Change to the present perfect and the past perfect.

  4. WEEK1 C 1/ London is the capital of England--- Paris is the capital of France Insert the correct punctuation. 2/ Correct these spellings: dictionery intaresting 3 Write the correct plural. lady ----------- knife --------- 4/ Identify the determiners. I bought some sweets at the small shop, every day for a week. Write a sentence using the two adverbs below. really probably definately memerable sheep ------------

  5. WEEK 2 A 1/ Change from the passive to the active. The ball was caught by the dog. The plan was agreed by the team. 2/ Put these homophones in a sentence. serial /cereal rains/reigns you/ewe 3/ Write 3 words which begin with each of these prefixes. anti tele circum photo 4/ Add a suitable prefix to these words. legal rational active prison 5/ Punctuate this sentence with inverted commas, commas and a question mark Anyway said Evie why did she shout go away at me like that

  6. WEEK 2 B 1/ Identify the adverbial phrase Jane sat with her legs crossed. A tree grew on the mountainside. 2/ Identify the relative pronouns This is the picture that Leo painted. I like the picture which was in the magazine. 3/ Rewrite this sentence using direct speech I asked Freya if she wanted a biscuit. 4/ Copy the longest possible noun phrase. The tall man with the red face pushed in front of me. 5/ Write in the present progressive and past progressive John swims every day.

  7. WEEK 2 C 1/ Write in the contracted form. we have not I will she does not he can not 2/ Identify the 3 determiners. The magician performed many tricks for our school fund- raising event. 3/ Write the following as a command. Please would you finish your homework? 4/ Identify the subordinate clause. After making dinner, Dad is taking me to the cinema. 5/ Which 2 of these are adverbs soon elderly cautiously ugly

  8. WEEK 3 A 1/ Add a suitable prefix. ---allow --regular --necessary --correct 2/ Add a suitable suffix to the words below. coward wood love friend 3/ Write 2 sentences. Use the word wait as a verb and a noun. 4/ Identify all the pronouns. She bought her Mum a new watch as her old one had broken. 5/ Write a synonym for these words: mend funny neat cold

  9. WEEK 3 B 1/ Write an antonym for the following words: mend funny neat cold 2/ Add all the capital letters joe and i went to spain and portugal last august. 3/ Add a subordinate clause to this sentence Jack went to the cinema -------- 4/ Write 5 words with a silent k 5/ Add a suitable suffix to the following words advert equal solid medic active

  10. WEEK 3 C 1/ Write plurals for these words: hobby fox dwarf thief army 2/ Copy the sentence and add a colon. I need these ingredients for the cake two eggs, 100g flour, 100g sugar and 100g butter. 3/ Punctuate this sentence. Georgie shouted angrily get away from me 4/ Are these apostrophes used for omission or possession? My train s running late . The teacher marked the pupils books. 5/ Correct these spellings: librery busness poisnous jewelery

  11. WEEK 4 A 1/ Write 5 words with a silent b 2/ Write a suitable preposition. The frog was hiding ---- a rock. The horse jumped ----- the fence. 3/ write a word which begins with each prefix bi- auto---- tri---- trans---- semi---- 4/ Copy out the adverbial phrase The new girl spoke in a rude manner. 5/Change to the present perfect and the past perfect. Lily ate all the ice-cream.

  12. WEEK 4 B 1/ Tick on the word which is a modal verb. happily effortlessly probably 2/ Put this sentence in the simple past and the future tense Jen sings in a choir. 3/ Insert a pair of brackets George Washington the first president of the United States was born in 1772. 4/ Name the punctuation mark which divides the clauses below You are my best friend - the only one who listens to me. 5/ Copy the longest possible expanded noun phrase The small dog with the silver collar growled at me.

  13. WEEK 4 C 1/ Rewrite this sentence using direct speech. I asked Jill if she wanted to borrow my trainers. 2/ Identify the subject, object and verb. The cat jumped onto the table. 3/ Copy out the subordinate clause. When it stops raining, we re going to the park. 4/ Which 2 of these have used the apostrophe correctly? A boy s ball the cars wheels the childrens books the ponies tails 5/ Identify all the determiners. Most children have improved their marks in the maths test.

  14. WEEK 5 A 1/ Identify the two verbs in this sentence. They played with the kitten, until she spied a fly on the bush. 2/ Identify all the word classes in this sentence. Paul and Jo ran fast as they wanted to hide from their friends. 3/ Expand these nouns into a noun phrase the shed an animal some books 4/ Insert commas and a semi-colon I love red blue yellow and green he prefers black white orange and purple. 5/ Rewrite in the passive The coastguard rescued her. The doctor took her to the hospital.

  15. Week 5 B 1/ Identify each word class in this sentence Three children bought some sweets, but the other children bought a cake. 2/ Correct these spellings enviromental ambitous financial 3/ The baby hugged the cuddly toy in her pram. Identify the adjective, noun, preposition and verb. 4.Start this sentence with the adverbial phrase. The robbers were caught by the police at the end of the film. 5/ Identify all the pronouns. I bought her some cake and she bought me an apple. oppertunity

  16. WEEK 5 C 1/ Write 5 collective nouns. 2/ Correct these spellings fasinate immediatly 3/ Punctuate this sentence. fran said i love cats 4/ Add a pair of dashes to this sentence. Ann and Carol the twin sisters both play the piano. 5/ Put in the present and past progressive. James jumped into the pool. Britan marraige

  17. WEEK 6 A 1/ Write 3 words which end in ful, 3 which end in ment and 3 which end in ness 2/ Identify the preposition. During the storm we hid under the house. We played outside the park. We ran through the park. 3/ Has the apostrophe been used for omission or possession? 1. The girl s bag is heavy. 2. I wouldn t go in there if I were you. 3. She wanted to see Billy s new book. 4. The frogs were croaking in Ben s face. 5. I m going to get you! 4/ Is the part in bold the main or subotdinate clause? The test was easy because it only had two questions. Although it was raining, we still went out to play. 5/ How may words can you think of which end in ian. What do you notice about each?

  18. WEEK 6 B 1 Are the underlined words nouns or adjectives? I thought the play was boring but James said he was excited when he listened to the songs.. 2/ Write two sentences using the word play a/ as a noun b/ as a verb. 3/ Use I or me 1. I wanted Dad to watch ________ in the football match. 2. He walked to school with Danny and ____ . 3. My teacher told Terry and ____ to collect the books. 4. Eddie came to school with Jim and _____ . 5. Ben and ____ are going to the cinema tomorrow. 4/ Find an antonym and a synonym for each of these words: huge, timid, damp and dirty 5/ Change the underlined word to a contraction. I can not eat that cake, it is too big! He will not go outside because he is afraid. I will try my best but I can not promise to get it right. Do not shout at me or I will send you to your room.

  19. WEEK 6 C 1/ Identify the subject object and verb Jane asked John for a sweet. 2/ Identify the verbs and adverbs in this sentence. Running quickly, Sally escaped from the galloping horse. She tripped carelessly on a fallen log. 3/ Write 5 compound words eg football ( 2 words added together to make one word). 4/ Why do these sentences neeed an exclamation mark? What a beautiful day! How clever you are! 5/ Change this sentence into the present and past perfect. James walked to the shops by himself.

  20. WEEK 7 A 1/Write this sentence in the present and past progressive Peter shouted at his Mum. 2 Add an adverbial phrase to each of these sentences. Mark played on the swings. Julia ran away. Mr Cross cried. Bea ate her dinner. Fatima climbed a tree. 3/Add a subordinating conjunction ---------- the lights had turned green, the car stood still. ---------- I started swimming lessons, my backstroke has improved. 4, Rewrite this sentence starting with an adverbial phrase, adding the correct punctuation. The cat climbed the tree, as fast as her little legs would carry her.

  21. WEEK 7 B 1/ On your whiteboard,practise spelling these tricky words: cupboard corridor subtle vicious parliament 2/ Write 5 words which end in ible and 5 which end in able 3/ Write out the longest possible noun phrase. The fast, red sport s car with alloy wheels, won the race. 4/Add a semi-colon. John liked jelly Sam loved ice cream. It was a dark night the moon hid behind a cloud. 5/ Add a relative pronoun to join the two simple sentences into one complex sentence. David was a fisherman. He was 18 years old. David was desperately sad. His parents had disappeared. His home was the island of Malta. It was peaceful and beautiful.

  22. Week 7 C 1/ Identify the modal verbs. Could I leave early today, please? You may not use the car tonight. Can we swim in the lake? 2/Add adverbs to improve these sentences: Shirley ran _________ to the castle and crept _________ up the stairs. While I milked the cow _________, he ___________ groomed the horse. The child ________ shouted at the man who was running ____________ . 3/ On your whiteboards, practise spelling these tricky words; persuade suitable difference description disastrous 4/ Write 3 sentences that include coordinating conjunctions. 5/ Identify all the verbs in this sentence. The boy, who is big for his age, won the sprint and collected his medal from the mayor.

  23. WEEK 8 A 1/ Which of these sentences is active or passive? We love playing football. I was driven here by Mum. I grew some lovely flowers. We were shown round by the tour guide. 2/ On your whiteboards write out 5 hyphenated words. 3/ Add a relative clause to this sentence. The rain cloud was directly above Jim. 4/Identify whether the words in bold are used as adjectives or adverbs. Do you ever regret buying that bright, pink dress? 5/ Write two sentences, use the word race as a noun and a verb.

  24. WEEK 8 B 1/ Add a subordinate clause to this sentence. I left the classroom--------------------------------- 2/ Identify the subject, object and verb. Mary wrote the letter We caught the fish. 3/ Identify the relative pronoun and the relative clause. The old house that is on top of the hill is for sale. 4/ Which verb completes the sentence so that it uses the subjunctive form. I wish ----------- able to join you, but I am going to the cinema. am was were be 5/ What is the function of this sentence? What an amazing day a question a command a statement an exclamation

  25. WEEK 8C 1/ Circle all the adverbs The crowd cheered loudly and we cheered too. 2/ Find synonyms for these words: fierce frightened cross sad 3/Add a possessive pronoun. The caravan is owned by us. This house is ---- These books belong to my brother. These games are -------- 4/ Circle the two words which show the tense in the sentence below. They went to the hospital the train journey there took a long time. 5/ Put this sentence in the present progressive and the past progressive. They listen to music.

  26. WEEK 9A 1/ Find all the adjectives in the text? There are 5 to find. Yesterday, I walked down the dirty road, darting quickly around the large, deep potholes on the floor. When I reached the bottom of the road, I found an old, dusty looking house. 2/ Join these two sentences with a conjunction. I love bananas. I don t like grapes. 3/ Circle the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence in the present perfect form, Ann (has seen / saw) the show. The boys ( were / have been ) playing as a team. The pig (has gone/ went) into the sty 4/ Which sentence is formal? Jane and I would appreciate a lift. I ve been to the new cinema. 5/ Practise spelling these trick words: celebrated pharmacy ascend council socialise

  27. WEEK 9B 1/ Turn this into the subjunctive by adding a verb. If I ----- chosen I would do a great job. 2/ Write in direct speech. Helen said she was going home. 3/ Change all the verbs from the past tense to the present tense. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom I reversed out of the drive and into a ditch! Lily tripped over a large boulder. 4/ Write two sentences, use the word drive as a noun and a verb. 5/ Work out each word starting with the prefixes re-, anti or auto -. Apply again _ _ _ _ _ l y _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ e another word for car Decorate again _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t e _ _ _ I _ _ c _ _ _ unsociable Arrange again _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g e

  28. WEEK 9C 1/Look at the sentences below. How does the comma in the second sentence change its meaning? My dogs like to eat bark and play. My dogs like to eat, bark and play. 2/ Add the suffix er to spell the words below correctly. begin garden hot swim 3/ Write down what the underlined pronouns below refer back to The trees are blowing in the wind. It s making them shake. It refers back to Them refers back to . 4/ Are the words in bold adjectives or adverbs? He walked down the narrow street. Make sure you stay close. Andrew hit the ball hard. I gave her a challenging task. 5/ Practise spelling these tricky words: fountain murmured catepillar tomatoes scissors

  29. WEEK 10 A 1/Circle two suffixes which can be added to the word below to create new words. music -al -ment -ful -ian -ise 2/ Read the sentences below. Underline the main clause in each. Once we d found the missing piece, we finally finished the jigsaw. Toby went home after we d eaten our picnic. Before you go swimming, don t forget to feed the rabbits. He tried to fix the tyre that the dog had bitten. 3/Write the most likely final punctuation at the end of each sentence. John asked when they were leaving How ridiculous Switch the appliance off at the mains What time do you think we should leave What an incredible cake 4/ Write 5 words beginning with the prefix auto 5/ Write a definition of a synonym and an antonym.

  30. WEK 10 B 1/ Circle the correct spelling of each word to complete the sentences below. Ben was reasonably/ resonibly tired after the long journey. Cara s new car has an adjustable/ adjustible headrest The British gymnasts weren t as flexable/ flexible as the Chinese gymnasts. The hot air balloon was incredably/ incredibly light. 2/ Make a list of words which contain an ough pattern 3/ Find a synonym for these words: yell elegant impolite brave untrue 4/ What do these two words mean? abundant / sparse . Put each in a sentence. 5/ Add a relative pronoun to these sentences: She was on the bus ------ broke down. We listened to the musicians ------- were famous. The lawn mower ----- was broken was in the shed.

  31. WEEK 10C 1/ Write this sentence in the present perfect and the past perfect. John spilt his drink. 2/ Write this sentence in the present progressive and the past progressive. We plant some seeds. 3/ Which of the following are co-ordinating conjunctions or subordinating conjunctions but, so, because, while, after, or 4/ Put these sentence into the passive. John ate some sweets We played the instruments.

  32. WEEK 11A 1/ Find two more words which can be made from the root word family. 2/ Identify the two verbs in this sentence. When my neighbour s dog barks at night, it wakes me up. 3/ Change the place of the adverbial in this sentence. The robbers were caught by the police at the end of the story. 4/ Which suffix can be used with both of these words. confident fearful -er -ly -ment -ness 5/ On your whiteboards practise the following tricky spellings attention, definitely, physically, substantial, exaggerate

  33. WEEK 11B 1/ Which of the following sentences is written in the subjunctive? We were the last ones to arrive at the match. If I were you, I,d wear a t-shirt. Were you the one who won the prize? 2/ Add a relative pronoun. I m so please for the team ----- won the tournament. 3/ Add hyphens to this sentence All the two year olds had sugar free lollies. 4/ Add pronouns to this sentence. Paul bakes bread in ---- bakery and sells ---- in my shop. 5/ Identify the co-ordinating conjunction and the subordinating conjunction in this sentence. Peter enjoys football and rugby although he hasn t started playing cricket.

  34. WEEK 11C 1/ Identify each word class in this sentence Pip enjoyed the scary film because he had seen it before. 2/ Identify all the prepositions in this sentence. The sat underneath the table which was in the classroom. 3/ Make sure these sentences are written in standard English nothing / anything John did not tell his father ------ about the accident. John told his father ------ about the accident. .no / any 4/ Add a pair of brackets to this sentence. The teacher was informed that Michael Smith (a pupil in Year 6 ) has up always been thought of as one of the school s best students. 5/ Identify the longest possible noun phrase. The majestic temple on the outskirts of the town stood on a hill. There isn't ----- cake left. There is ----- cake left.


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