Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University Overview

  The Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open
University was established under the
provision of the KKHSOU Act- 2005,
enacted by the Govt. of Assam. The
notification was published in the Assam
Gazette (extraordinary) dated 29/9/05. It
has been recognized by the former
Distance Education Council, New Delhi
(now it is known as DEB, UGC).
    The University Grants Commission
has empowered the University to award
degrees under Section 22 of UGC Act,
1956.The Govt. of Assam has recognized
all the programmes of the University for
job and Higher Study vide letter no.
AHE/228/2007/330, dated 8 May 2009.
It is the fourteenth of its kind along with
IGNOU and the only state Open
University in the whole of NE India.
The Mission of the University is to
provide opportunities of higher education
through the open and distance learning
mode to all those who are interested in
pursuing  higher education.
    Details about the University can be
seen in the University website which is
Social Networking Support (Through
Facebook  official page)
     Online Ticket System/Complaint System)
      Mobile Application  (available in Google
Play Store/KKHSOU Web page)
      SMS / Telephonic Support
      FAQ / Email Based Support
      Community Radio  Service
      Akashvani Phone-in Programme
      Ekalavya ,    E-bidya,  E-SLM
Induction Programme
 – The Induction
Programme is to be arranged for the learners
on ODL system at the beginning of the
Regular  Counselling Sessions
 – Regular
counselling sessions are to be arranged by
the Study Centre on Sundays. These are
found to be very beneficial for the learners.
It is  strongly recommended to the Study
Centre for arranging the Counselling
Sessions regularly.
Counselling Sessions for the learners in the
ODL system is not the normal classroom
transactions carried out in the conventional
mode. The learners are expected to come to
the counselling sessions after carefully
consulting their SLMs so that they can
actively participate in the counselling
sessions. In the counselling sessions, the
counsellor and the learners should equally
participate and interact.
 – Working the assignments
help the learners in their preparation for
the Examinations. It is 
mandatory for
the learners
 to submit the Assignments
on time, failing which they can’t pass the
The Centre would take appropriate
arrangements for collection of the
assignments for next course of actions as
instructed by the university.
Issue of SLM
 – The University provides the
SLMs to the Centres well ahead of the
admission. So a learner is to be  given the
related SLMs by the Centre immediately
after the admission on production of the
admission receipt.
Learners are advised to see the 
correct entry
of the names and other information printed in
the admission related documents. If found
otherwise, please contact the Centre or the IT
Cell of the university immediately or use the
Complaint System in the website.
It is mandatory for the learner to carry
the Admit card and the Registration
Card to the Examination Hall.
Otherwise a learner is not allowed to sit
in the  examination.
 Please visit  the University Website
regularly for  the latest updates
e-SLMs of all new courses are available
in the Website as well as in the  Mobile
App of the  University.
Preparation of the  Audio-Visual materials
are in process and would be available
through YouTube within a short span of
The ICT -based support services like—
Audio-Visual Programmes  AIR Educational
Service, Internet Radio, Jnan Taranga
Community Radio, Ekalavya (AIR
programme), Inter Study Centre Phone
Service, Mobile Application, Email Support,
Learner Portal, Social Networking Support
(through Facebook)  are also available.
     At present the maximum durations of the
programmes are shown below. But there may
be changes if directed by UGC
Master Degree Programmes (4 Semesters)
              Maximum of 6 years
Bachelor Degree (6 Sem)
                                  Maximum of 8 years
Diploma/P G Diploma Programmes (One
Year/ 2 Sem):
                                Maximum of 4 years
Certificate Programme (6 Months):
          Maximum of 2 years
Those learners who are unable to complete the
programme within the specified period, shall
require to register/apply for admission afresh.
The University offers both Pass and Major Course
in Bachelor’s Degree Programmes.
Major Course is offered from 3rd Semester
The intending learners opting for major
subjects must have the same subject as one of the
elective subjects in the 1
 and 2
For change of elective subjects the learners are
requested to go through the prospectus. Also it is
available in  the website.
The university has attached high priority in
the functioning of the Study Centres for the
interest of the learners. Quality conduct of
examinations is a priority of the University.
The Centre is to form a Study Centre
Management Committee (05 member
committee) for improving the management
mechanism of the Centre.
It is mandatory to form a Study Centre Management
Committee with the following members-
Chairperson: Centre in-Charge of the  Centre
Member Secretary: Coordinator of the Centre
      a. G.B. member of the College
      b. President, Teachers’ unit of the College
      c. One teacher( to be nominated by  the Centre
                       in- Charge)
Special Invitee
      d.  Vice Principal of the College
      e. Secretary of the Teachers’ unit of the college
Regular monitoring of the Centre by the
Centre in-Charge helps in its activities
Submission of the Counsellors' List to
University by the Centre is essential
 In case the Coordinator is changed then the
matter is to be reported to the university and
the new appointment is to be approved by
the University.
 The learners will get the Routine of the
Counselling Sessions at the beginning of the
session. The Centre must forward the
routine the University regularly.
It is a normal practice that the Centre submits the
Audited Statement of Account annually to the
It is advisable for the Centre to keep the Attendance
Record of the learners regularly for onward
submission to the University.
If Workshops for the Counselors  are  arranged in
the Centre then it would be beneficial.
Sign Board
: The Sign Board of the Study Centre
should be displayed at a permanent place in the
Notice Board
: There should be a Notice Board in
the Study Centre for the purpose of information and
notices to the learners.
Wall Magazine
The Study Centre should
set up a Wall Magazine in the centre. The
articles published there may be preserved
for publication as a compiled volume later.
In addition to the regular engagements of
permanent members of the Teaching Staff
of the College/ Institute in the Counselling
Sessions, it is advisable to engagement
renowned educationists for counselling
classes and motivational lectures for
improvement of academic environment in
the Centre.
 Information of Awards and other
activities of the University are  to be
given to the learners (should be
displayed in the  notice board)
All counselling sessions are held on
Sundays only.   There will be at least 30
counselling sessions for each course
(paper) in the annual system, and 15
counselling sessions for each course
(paper) in the semester system
The Centre should take initiative in the
process of forming an Alumni /Alumnae
Association in the Centre.
The Centre is to keep the record of the
Divyanga (differently abled) learners
for onward submission to the university.
 The Centre should keep record of the
involvement of the learners in extra
Curricular activities and other good
practices, if any.
 As admission is a continuous process,
and it is not connected to examination
results, nobody should wait for the
results. A learner will have to take
admission to the next Semester within
one month from the last date of
examination of the previous Semester. A
learner who could not take admission in
the next semester within that stipulated
time may take admission with a fine of
Rs. 300/- during the next month.
Under special circumstances, a learner
may be  allowed admission in the next
Semester even beyond 2 months, but
before the issue of notification of
examination of that Semester on
application with sufficient reasons along
with a payment of  fine of Rs. 500/-
If any double payment is made for any
technical reason, the learner is to fill up
the Complaint Ticket available in the
university website.
After issue of notification of examination
of a particular semester, admission may
be allowed to a learner in that semester
without fine, but the learner will have to
appear in the examination of that
semester in the next year.
Please refer to the Prospectus, the Hand
Book for the Study Centre and SOP
(Standard Operating Procedure) of
Examination for necessary information.
Study centre transfer format is available in
the University website. The duly endorsed
form by the Co-ordinators of both the centres
with a Bank challan of Rs 1000/ shall be
entertained only up to the date of declaration
of examination schedule for the Semester in
which the learner is studying at that time.
However, the transfer will be allowed
without fees on the following grounds-
In case of medical emergency of the learner
or his/her family members.
In case, any study centre is closed, or any
programme is discontinued.
The last date of application for change of
subjects after admission (if any) will be two
months from  the last date of admission in
that semester. The learner is to  pay  Rs.
1000/- plus the cost of SLM (Rs. 75/-per
booklet for undergraduate, and graduate
programmes and Rs 150/- for post graduate
programmes) along with the application for
change of subject.(
Please refer the
prospectus for details
A learner shall forfeit his/her examination fee
in the event of his/her failure to appear in an
examination. However, he/she is not required
to pay the course fee for the particular
Semester and can appear the examination to
be held subsequently/later only by paying the
examination fee.
For Migration Certificate, a learner is required
to apply to the Registrar in plain paper with a
fees of Rs 300/ only by Demand Draft and to
surrender the Original Registration Card issue
Tenure of Coordinator
: The tenure of the
Coordinator of any KKHSOU Study  Centre is
fixed for two (2) years as per the Ordinance of
the University. However, it may be renewed for
the next term only subject to satisfactory
performance to be assessed by the University.
The Coordinator should be a permanent
member, preferably senior, of the teaching
faculty of the parent college whose
appointment as Coordinator must be approved
by the Governing Body of the College. The
University is give approval of the appointment.
The learners should keep regular contact
with the Centre.
The Centre can initiate for setting a
library for the learners.
The Counsellors should encourage the
learners to take part in classroom
interactions. If a learner makes it a
regular practice of going through the
SLMs before coming to the classes then
he/she can easily interact with the
The University conducts term-end
examination once for the Odd Semesters and
once for the Even Semesters in a year. The
learners can appear in the examination only
after the minimum duration prescribed for the
course of study.
Examination schedule indicating the date and
time of examination for each course  is sent to
all the study centres in advance. The same is
also notified in the University website
Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside
the examination halls.
Eligibility of the learners to appear in the
End Examination
Must have valid Registration/Enrolment
Must have opted and pursued the prescribed
Must submit the assignments within due dates
before taking the examination.
Must submit the examination forms on time
along with the requisite fees, if appearing for
Back or Not Clear subject(s)
Must collect the admit cards
Learners are advised to keep regular touch
with the centre and explore (visit) the
university website for recent updates.
 Please keep in mind the maximum duration
of the programme where you have enrolled.
Learners may take admission in the next
semester even without appearing the exam of
the previous semester, but are not allowed to
appear the exam of one semester without
taking admission in all the previous
Assignments are integral parts of the total
evaluation process of exam. The rules
regarding assignments are as below-
 Assignments will be given to the learners
by the coordinator of the  centre.
These are also available in the website.
The learners need to complete the
assignments and submit it to the study
centres for evaluation within three
months of the admission in the semester.
The learners may take back the
evaluated assignments from the
Coordinators against written receipts
for their preparation for examination.
But must resubmit those to the Centre
immediately well ahead of examination
of that semester,
 The coordinator of the study centre is
responsible to  send the evaluated
marks to the Examination Branch by
online only in the Examination Portal
within 30 days from the start of the
concerned semester examination.
No marks will be accepted by the Examination
Branch after 30 days from the start of the Exam  and
the learners will be declared as 
(Absent) in the
assignment leading to failure of the learner in the
Any assignment submitted after 30 days from start of
examination will be considered only after one year
i.e. in the examination of the next session. The loss
of one year of the learner will be the responsibility of
the Coordinator of the study centre and the learner
The matter should be very
carefully observed.
Examination Form: A regular learner is not
required to fill up any examination form  to appear
in the term- end examination. However, a learner
of back/arrear course, shall have to fill up the
examination form. The examination form is to be
sent to the Controller of 
Examinations along
with the requisite fee within stipulated time
through the concerned Study Centre.
For any matters the learners are advised to
communicate with the university through the
Coordinator in order to get rid of a problem.
Dissertation in Master’s Degree: A learner
has to prepare a dissertation under the
guidance of a professionally qualified
supervisor to be selected in consultation with
the Coordinator. The learner has to select a
problem related to the subject and should
develop instruments for collection and
interpretation of data and preparation of
research report. The length of the 
report may
be between 60-70 pages. Detailed guidelines
shall be made available in the website.
Time Period of Dissertation
: Dissertation
work has to start from 3
 Semester, and
the final report has to be submitted within
the first 3 months of the 4
 Semester. The
topic of study, review of literature,
research questions, objectives of study and
method of data collection are to be decided
and finalized by the learner in consultation
with the guide or supervisor during the
first part of 3
 Semester. Data collection
should follow immediately.
During the 4
 Semester, the collected data has to
be interpreted and analysed. The report has to be
prepared and submitted within 3 months.
Submission of Project Report/Dissertation- The
learner has to prepare 3 (three) sets 
of the
Project Report / Dissertation for submission.
One set is to be sent to the University through
the Study Centre, one set is to be submitted at
the time of viva-voce examination and the third
set is to be kept with the learner  and may be
required to be submitted to 
the University
The University provides Consolidated Mark
sheet to all the learners who have passed all the
semester examinations of a Programme. The
Consolidated Marksheet will reflect the
semester-wise score. The learners need to pay
the fee for consolidated mark sheet at the time
of admission in the final Semester. There is
also a provision for Transcript Mark sheet
against a prescribed fee, for the issue of which
the University will take approximately three
months time.
Withheld Results
: For declaration of withheld
result the learner should  apply  to the
Controller of Examinations (through the centre
along with requisite documents) within 30
days from the date of declaration of the result
of that semester. The learner may contact the
Coordinator for knowing the reason for
withheld of result. A fine of 1000/- is to be
paid if requested for results after 30 days but
not beyond 90 days from the date of
declaration of the result of that semester. After
90 days, no request will be entertained and the
result will be updated as failed.
Back Exam Rules
: For clearing a subject, a
minimum of 35% marks (comprises the
marks obtained from term-end examination
and home assignments) shall have to be
secured by a learner in each course.
Maximum four attempts are allowed in each
course to clear the 
 subject/course, if
If a learner fails to get 45% marks in aggregate
despite of getting pass marks in individual
courses, the learner will not be eligible to get
the certificate for Master Programme. Such a
learner will be allowed to appear in the
examination (theory only) of that course in any
Semester for improving his/her aggregate
percentage. However, the learner will have to
complete the course within the maximum
duration prescribed by the University
The learners pursuing Master’s Degree shall
be given the option of appearing for
. Only one chance will be given
to a candidate for betterment in the
immediately next examination. To appear for
betterment, a candidate has to apply using
specific betterment form which is available
in the website. The chance for betterment can
be availed only for two papers in one
Semester, and betterment is applicable only
to those candidates who have passed all the
papers in single attempt
If there is any error in the Registration Card
of the learner then it is to be sent to the
Controller of Examinations for correction
within one month of issue of the Card. But if
applied after one month then the learner will
have to pay Rs. 400.00 for correction in the
Registration Card.  Same is the process for
corrections in  the Admit Card or Mark
Sheets, but the fees is Rs 100.00 for each
document if applied after one month.
One can request for re-scrutiny/photocopy/re-
evaluation of maximum 3 answer scripts
within one month from the declaration of the
result with a payment of fees of Rs. 100/-,
Rs. 200/- and Rs. 300/- respectively. Time
required for the declaration of result of each
paper is maximum 30 days. After getting the
result of re-scrutiny, he/she can apply for
photocopy. Then again, maximum 30 days
for photocopy shall be required. Details are
available in the university website.
Learner can change examination centre
only after getting the approval from the
CoE.  For this, the candidate has to apply
to the CoE  mentioning his/her problems
in detail at least one month prior to the
commencement of the said examination.
The CoE  will examine the documents and
other factors, and accordingly may allow
the candidate to sit in the examination
centre as desired by him/her and will have
to pay Rs 300/- as new examination centre
For a DUPLICATE document for loss of the
earlier ORIGINAL  document, the learner has
to apply to the university through the Centre
by enclosing the following documents-
 A police report
 A paper cut of the advertisement published
in  any daily news paper intimating the loss
of concerned original document
 A challan of Rs 400/-for  Registration
Certificate and Rs. 100/-for each of the other
A differently able learner, including the visually
challenged learners, may take the assistance of a
helper in writing the answers on his/her behalf.
The procedure to engage a helper is as follows:
The differently abled learner must have a valid
certificate issued by competent authority stating
that the candidate is not in a position to write the
answer himself/herself.
 Such a learner shall have to apply to the
Controller of Examinations well in advance
before the examination, for permission.
The helper (the person engaged for writing
answers on behalf of the differently abled
learner/visually challenged) must have lesser
qualification. A certificate in this regard is
required from a person like the Principal of
the school/college or a Gazetted Officer.
 The photograph and handwriting of the
helper is to be attested by the
Principal/Centre In-charge of Study Centre
or a Gazetted Officer.
The Centre In-charge of the examination will
arrange for allowing the helper on receiving
proper written permission from the Controller
of Examinations. The Centre In charge will
also certify on each day of examination that
the helper is the same person allowed by the
Controller of Examinations by verifying
him/her with the photograph in the
permission letter.
Before coming to the Class please go through the
Attend the  classes regularly and interact with
Keep contact with the Study Centre regularly
Make a group of students for academic
Visit the University website regularly for updates
Go through the SLMs at least once in everyday
Use e-SLMs and other formats available in the
university website
Regularly update your knowledge from available
Please participate in the University programs, if
The University extends its heartiest best
wishes to all the learners, Members of
the Management Committee, Teachers
and employees associated with the
Study Centre. We welcome you all to
extend your valuable suggestions to us
for the academic interest of KKHSOU.
Hope that your sincere participation
would help in establishing the
University as a People’s University.
Dear learners,
  WE express our gratitude to all of
you for attending the Induction
Programme. We offer our  Best
Wishes to all of you for your
interest in Higher Education.
                    On behalf of KKHSOU
                   Dr Dibyajyoti Mahanta
                     Dean(Study Centre)
Slide Note

Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU) in Guwahati, Assam, was established under the KKHSOU Act of 2005. Recognized by the University Grants Commission, it offers various programs for job and higher studies. The university's mission is to provide higher education through open and distance learning. It provides support through social networking, online ticket system, mobile application, and more. Induction programs and counseling sessions are organized regularly for learners in the open and distance learning system.

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  2. The Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University was established under the provision of the KKHSOU Act- 2005, enacted by the Govt. of Assam. The notification was published in the Assam Gazette (extraordinary) dated 29/9/05. It has been recognized by the former Distance Education Council, New Delhi (now it is known as DEB, UGC).

  3. The University Grants Commission has empowered the University to award degrees under Section 22 of UGC Act, 1956.The Govt. of Assam has recognized all the programmes of the University for job and Higher Study vide letter no. AHE/228/2007/330, dated 8 May 2009. It is the fourteenth of its kind along with IGNOU and the University in the whole of NE India. only state Open

  4. The Mission of the University is to provide opportunities of higher education through the open and distance learning mode to all those who are interested in pursuing higher education. Details about the University can be seen in the University website which is

  5. Social Networking Support (Through Facebook official page) Online Ticket System/Complaint System) Mobile Application (available in Google Play Store/KKHSOU Web page) SMS / Telephonic Support FAQ / Email Based Support Community Radio Service Akashvani Phone-in Programme Ekalavya , E-bidya, E-SLM

  6. Induction Programme The Induction Programme is to be arranged for the learners on ODL system at the beginning of the session. 2. Regular Counselling Sessions Regular counselling sessions are to be arranged by the Study Centre on Sundays. These are found to be very beneficial for the learners. It is strongly recommended to the Study Centre for arranging the Counselling Sessions regularly. 1. (contd)

  7. 3. Counselling Sessions for the learners in the ODL system is not the normal classroom transactions carried out in the conventional mode. The learners are expected to come to the counselling sessions after carefully consulting their SLMs so that they can actively participate in the counselling sessions. In the counselling sessions, the counsellor and the learners should equally participate and interact.

  8. Assignments Working the assignments help the learners in their preparation for the Examinations. It is mandatory for the learners to submit the Assignments on time, failing which they can t pass the Examination. 5. The Centre would arrangements for assignments for next course of actions as instructed by the university. 4. take appropriate of collection the

  9. Issue of SLM The University provides the SLMs to the Centres well ahead of the admission. So a learner is to be given the related SLMs by the Centre immediately after the admission on production of the admission receipt. 7. Learners are advised to see the correct entry of the names and other information printed in the admission related documents. If found otherwise, please contact the Centre or the IT Cell of the university immediately or use the Complaint System in the website. 6.

  10. It is mandatory for the learner to carry the Admit card and the Registration Card to the Examination Otherwise a learner is not allowed to sit in the examination. 9. Please visit the University Website regularly for the latest updates 10. e-SLMs of all new courses are available in the Website as well as in the Mobile App of the University. 8. Hall.

  11. Preparation of the Audio-Visual materials are in process and would be available through YouTube within a short span of time. 12. The ICT -based support services like Audio-Visual Programmes AIR Educational Service, Internet Radio, Community Radio, programme), Inter Service, Mobile Application, Email Support, Learner Portal, Social Networking Support (through Facebook) are also available. 11. Jnan Taranga (AIR Phone Ekalavya Centre Study

  12. Maximum Duration of the Programmes At present the maximum durations of the programmes are shown below. But there may be changes if directed by UGC Master Degree Programmes (4 Semesters) Maximum of 6 years Bachelor Degree (6 Sem) Maximum of 8 years Diploma/P G Diploma Programmes (One Year/ 2 Sem): Maximum of 4 years Certificate Programme (6 Months): Maximum of 2 years

  13. Those learners who are unable to complete the programme within the specified period, shall require to register/apply for admission afresh. The University offers both Pass and Major Course in Bachelor s Degree Programmes. Major Course is offered from 3rd Semester onwards. The intending learners opting for major subjects must have the same subject as one of the elective subjects in the 1st and 2nd Semesters. For change of elective subjects the learners are requested to go through the prospectus. Also it is available in the website.

  14. 1. The university has attached high priority in the functioning of the Study Centres for the interest of the learners. Quality conduct of examinations is a priority of the University. 2. The Centre is to form a Study Centre Management Committee committee) for improving the management mechanism of the Centre. (05 member

  15. It is mandatory to form a Study Centre Management Committee with the following members- Chairperson: Centre in-Charge of the Centre Member Secretary: Coordinator of the Centre Members: a. G.B. member of the College b. President, Teachers unit of the College c. One teacher( to be nominated by the Centre in- Charge) Special Invitee d. Vice Principal of the College e. Secretary of the Teachers unit of the college

  16. Regular monitoring of the Centre by the Centre in-Charge helps in its activities 4. Submission of the Counsellors' List to University by the Centre is essential 5. In case the Coordinator is changed then the matter is to be reported to the university and the new appointment is to be approved by the University. 6. The learners will get the Routine of the Counselling Sessions at the beginning of the session. The Centre must forward the routine the University regularly. 3.

  17. It is a normal practice that the Centre submits the Audited Statement of Account annually to the University It is advisable for the Centre to keep the Attendance Record of the learners regularly for onward submission to the University. If Workshops for the Counselors are arranged in the Centre then it would be beneficial. Sign Board: The Sign Board of the Study Centre should be displayed at a permanent place in the college. Notice Board: There should be a Notice Board in the Study Centre for the purpose of information and notices to the learners. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

  18. Wall Magazine:The Study Centre should set up a Wall Magazine in the centre. The articles published there may be preserved for publication as a compiled volume later. In addition to the regular engagements of permanent members of the Teaching Staff of the College/ Institute in the Counselling Sessions, it is advisable to engagement renowned educationists for counselling classes and motivational lectures for improvement of academic environment in the Centre. 12. 13.

  19. Information of Awards and other activities of the University are to be given to the learners (should be displayed in the notice board) All counselling sessions are held on Sundays only. There will be at least 30 counselling sessions for each course (paper) in the annual system, and 15 counselling sessions for each course (paper) in the semester system 14. 15.

  20. 16. The Centre should take initiative in the process of forming an Alumni /Alumnae Association in the Centre. 17. The Centre is to keep the record of the Divyanga (differently abled) learners for onward submission to the university. 18. The Centre should keep record of the involvement of the learners in extra Curricular activities and other good practices, if any.

  21. As admission is a continuous process, and it is not connected to examination results, nobody should wait for the results. A learner will have to take admission to the next Semester within one month from the last date of examination of the previous Semester. A learner who could not take admission in the next semester within that stipulated time may take admission with a fine of Rs. 300/- during the next month.

  22. Under special circumstances, a learner may be allowed admission in the next Semester even beyond 2 months, but before the issue of notification of examination of that application with sufficient reasons along with a payment of fine of Rs. 500/- If any double payment is made for any technical reason, the learner is to fill up the Complaint Ticket available in the university website. Semester on

  23. After issue of notification of examination of a particular semester, admission may be allowed to a learner in that semester without fine, but the learner will have to appear in the examination of that semester in the next year. Please refer to the Prospectus, the Hand Book for the Study Centre and SOP (Standard Operating Examination for necessary information. Procedure) of

  24. Study centre transfer format is available in the University website. The duly endorsed form by the Co-ordinators of both the centres with a Bank challan of Rs 1000/ shall be entertained only up to the date of declaration of examination schedule for the Semester in which the learner is studying at that time. However, the transfer will be allowed without fees on the following grounds- In case of medical emergency of the learner or his/her family members. In case, any study centre is closed, or any programme is discontinued.

  25. The last date of application for change of subjects after admission (if any) will be two months from the last date of admission in that semester. The learner is to pay Rs. 1000/- plus the cost of SLM (Rs. 75/-per booklet for undergraduate, and graduate programmes and Rs 150/- for post graduate programmes) along with the application for change of subject.(Please refer the prospectus for details)

  26. A learner shall forfeit his/her examination fee in the event of his/her failure to appear in an examination. However, he/she is not required to pay the course fee for the particular Semester and can appear the examination to be held subsequently/later only by paying the examination fee. For Migration Certificate, a learner is required to apply to the Registrar in plain paper with a fees of Rs 300/ only by Demand Draft and to surrender the Original Registration Card issue by KKHSOU.

  27. Tenure of Coordinator: The tenure of the Coordinator of any KKHSOU Study Centre is fixed for two (2) years as per the Ordinance of the University. However, it may be renewed for the next term only subject to satisfactory performance to be assessed by the University. The Coordinator should be a permanent member, preferably senior, of the teaching faculty of the parent appointment as Coordinator must be approved by the Governing Body of the College. The University is give approval of the appointment. college whose

  28. The learners should keep regular contact with the Centre. The Centre can initiate for setting a library for the learners. The Counsellors should encourage the learners to take part in classroom interactions. If a learner makes it a regular practice of going through the SLMs before coming to the classes then he/she can easily interact with the counsellors.

  29. The examination once for the Odd Semesters and once for the Even Semesters in a year. The learners can appear in the examination only after the minimum duration prescribed for the course of study. Examination schedule indicating the date and time of examination for each course is sent to all the study centres in advance. The same is also notified in the University website Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside the examination halls. University conducts term-end

  30. Eligibility of the learners to appear in the Term- End Examination are Must have valid Number. II. Must have opted and pursued the prescribed courses. III. Must submit the assignments within due dates before taking the examination. IV. Must submit the examination forms on time along with the requisite fees, if appearing for Back or Not Clear subject(s) V. Must collect the admit cards. Registration/Enrolment I.

  31. Learners are advised to keep regular touch with the centre and explore (visit) the university website for recent updates. Please keep in mind the maximum duration of the programme where you have enrolled. Learners may take admission in the next semester even without appearing the exam of the previous semester, but are not allowed to appear the exam of one semester without taking admission in all the previous semesters.

  32. Assignments are integral parts of the total evaluation process of exam. The rules regarding assignments are as below- Assignments will be given to the learners by the coordinator of the centre. These are also available in the website. The learners need to complete the assignments and submit it to the study centres for evaluation within three months of the admission in the semester. I. II. III.

  33. IV. The learners may take back the evaluated assignments Coordinators against written receipts for their preparation for examination. But must resubmit those to the Centre immediately well ahead of examination of that semester, V. The coordinator of the study centre is responsible to send the evaluated marks to the Examination Branch by online only in the Examination Portal within 30 days from the start of the concerned semester examination. from the

  34. VI. No marks will be accepted by the Examination Branch after 30 days from the start of the Exam and the learners will be declared as ABS (Absent) in the assignment leading to failure of the learner in the subject. VII. Any assignment submitted after 30 days from start of examination will be considered only after one year i.e. in the examination of the next session. The loss of one year of the learner will be the responsibility of the Coordinator of the study centre and the learner himself/herself. The matter should be very carefully observed.

  35. VIII. Examination Form: A regular learner is not required to fill up any examination form to appear in the term- end examination. However, a learner of back/arrear course, shall have to fill up the examination form. The examination form is to be sent to the Controller of with the requisite fee within stipulated time through the concerned Study Centre. IX. For any matters the learners are advised to communicate with the university through the Coordinator in order to get rid of a problem. Examinations along

  36. Dissertation in Masters Degree: A learner has to prepare a dissertation under the guidance of a professionally qualified supervisor to be selected in consultation with the Coordinator. The learner has to select a problem related to the subject and should develop instruments for collection and interpretation of data and preparation of research report. The length of the report may be between 60-70 pages. Detailed guidelines shall be made available in the website.

  37. Time Period of Dissertation: Dissertation work has to start from 3rd Semester, and the final report has to be submitted within the first 3 months of the 4th Semester. The topic of study, review of literature, research questions, objectives of study and method of data collection are to be decided and finalized by the learner in consultation with the guide or supervisor during the first part of 3rd Semester. Data collection should follow immediately.

  38. During the 4th Semester, the collected data has to be interpreted and analysed. The report has to be prepared and submitted within 3 months. Submission of Project Report/Dissertation- The learner has to prepare 3 (three) sets of Project Report / Dissertation for submission. One set is to be sent to the University through the Study Centre, one set is to be submitted at the time of viva-voce examination and the third set is to be kept with the learner and may be required to be submitted to afterwards. the the University

  39. The University provides Consolidated Mark sheet to all the learners who have passed all the semester examinations of a Programme. The Consolidated Marksheet will reflect the semester-wise score. The learners need to pay the fee for consolidated mark sheet at the time of admission in the final Semester. There is also a provision for Transcript Mark sheet against a prescribed fee, for the issue of which the University will take approximately three months time.

  40. Withheld Results: For declaration of withheld result the learner should apply to the Controller of Examinations (through the centre along with requisite documents) within 30 days from the date of declaration of the result of that semester. The learner may contact the Coordinator for knowing the reason for withheld of result. A fine of 1000/- is to be paid if requested for results after 30 days but not beyond 90 days from the date of declaration of the result of that semester. After 90 days, no request will be entertained and the result will be updated as failed.

  41. Back Exam Rules: For clearing a subject, a minimum of 35% marks (comprises the marks obtained from term-end examination and home assignments) shall have to be secured by a learner in each course. Maximum four attempts are allowed in each course to clear the Back subject/course, if any.

  42. If a learner fails to get 45% marks in aggregate despite of getting pass marks in individual courses, the learner will not be eligible to get the certificate for Master Programme. Such a learner will be allowed to appear in the examination (theory only) of that course in any Semester for improving his/her aggregate percentage. However, the learner will have to complete the course within the maximum duration prescribed by the University

  43. The learners pursuing Masters Degree shall be given the option of appearing for Betterment. Only one chance will be given to a candidate for betterment in the immediately next examination. To appear for betterment, a candidate has to apply using specific betterment form which is available in the website. The chance for betterment can be availed only for two papers in one Semester, and betterment is applicable only to those candidates who have passed all the papers in single attempt

  44. If there is any error in the Registration Card of the learner then it is to be sent to the Controller of Examinations for correction within one month of issue of the Card. But if applied after one month then the learner will have to pay Rs. 400.00 for correction in the Registration Card. Same is the process for corrections in the Admit Card or Mark Sheets, but the fees is Rs 100.00 for each document if applied after one month.

  45. One can request for re-scrutiny/photocopy/re- evaluation of maximum 3 answer scripts within one month from the declaration of the result with a payment of fees of Rs. 100/-, Rs. 200/- and Rs. 300/- respectively. Time required for the declaration of result of each paper is maximum 30 days. After getting the result of re-scrutiny, he/she can apply for photocopy. Then again, maximum 30 days for photocopy shall be required. Details are available in the university website.

  46. Learner can change examination centre only after getting the approval from the CoE. For this, the candidate has to apply to the CoE mentioning his/her problems in detail at least one month prior to the commencement of the said examination. The CoE will examine the documents and other factors, and accordingly may allow the candidate to sit in the examination centre as desired by him/her and will have to pay Rs 300/- as new examination centre fees.

  47. For a DUPLICATE document for loss of the earlier ORIGINAL document, the learner has to apply to the university through the Centre by enclosing the following documents- A police report ii. A paper cut of the advertisement published in any daily news paper intimating the loss of concerned original document iii. A challan of Rs 400/-for Registration Certificate and Rs. 100/-for each of the other documents i.

  48. A differently able learner, including the visually challenged learners, may take the assistance of a helper in writing the answers on his/her behalf. The procedure to engage a helper is as follows: a. The differently abled learner must have a valid certificate issued by competent authority stating that the candidate is not in a position to write the answer himself/herself. b. Such a learner shall have to apply to the Controller of Examinations well in advance before the examination, for permission.

  49. c.The helper (the person engaged for writing answers on behalf of the differently abled learner/visually challenged) must have lesser qualification. A certificate in this regard is required from a person like the Principal of the school/college or a Gazetted Officer. d. The photograph and handwriting of the helper is to be Principal/Centre In-charge of Study Centre or a Gazetted Officer. attested by the

  50. e. The Centre In-charge of the examination will arrange for allowing the helper on receiving proper written permission from the Controller of Examinations. The Centre In charge will also certify on each day of examination that the helper is the same person allowed by the Controller of Examinations by verifying him/her with the photograph in the permission letter.


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