Evolution of Neural Networks through Neuroevolution by Ken Stanley

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Ken Stanley, a prominent figure in neuroevolution, has made significant contributions to the field, such as co-inventing NEAT and HyperNEAT. Through neuroevolution, complex artifacts like neural networks evolve, with the most complex known to have 100 trillion connections. The combination of evolutionary computation and neural networks offers a natural path to AI, dating back to the 1980s. Neuroevolution differs from deep learning by not using stochastic gradient descent and focuses on creating individuals rather than individual learning. The goal is to understand how complexity evolved and create open-ended systems that foster creativity.

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  1. Evolving Neural Networks through Neuroevolution Kenneth O. Stanley Uber AI Labs And Evolutionary Complexity Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida kstanley@uber.com kstanley@cs.ucf.edu

  2. Presenter Ken Stanley s connections to neuroevolution (NE): Co-inventor of NEAT (with Risto Miikkulainen) Inventor of CPPNs Co-inventor of HyperNEAT (with David D Ambrosio and Jason Gauci) Co-inventor of novelty search (with Joel Lehman) Coauthor of Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned (with Joel Lehman)

  3. Quiz What is the most complex artifact in the known universe?

  4. Quiz What is the most complex artifact in the known universe?

  5. Quiz What is the most complex artifact in the known universe? 100 trillion connections

  6. Quiz What is the most complex artifact in the known universe? 100 trillion connections How did it get here?

  7. Quiz What is the most complex artifact in the known universe? 100 trillion connections How did it get here? Evolution

  8. Main Idea: Combine Evolutionary Computation and Neural Networks Space-filling model of a section of DNA molecule Evolving brains : Neural networks compete and evolve Idea dates back to the 1980s Natural path to AI: Only way that intelligence ever really was created

  9. Difference from Deep Learning? No stochastic gradient descent Not used in NE Ubiquitous in deep learning Deep learning: how an individual learns NE: how to create an individual (who may be able to learn) Possible synergies: Neuroevolved networks could learn during lifetime through DL

  10. Why Neuroevolution? We don t understand how complexity evolved many deep lessons Evolution is a sandbox for creativity We want to create open-ended systems Not everything is differentiable E.g. architecture, hyperparameters Exact gradient is not always the best move As computation increases, gradient estimation becomes more tractable Easy formulations with sparse rewards

  11. Neural Networks Make Decisions Forward Left Right Front Left Right Back If we knew the right actions we could target them But often feedback is sparse (as in reinforcement learning) Evolution is naturally suited to sparse feedback (e.g. life) Because of natural independence from direct supervision, neuroevolution tends towards very diverse applications

  12. Diverse Applications Rocket Control 22 Evolving Pictures 52,53 Video Game NPC Control 59 Evolving Music 28,29 Real-world Robot Control 34 Video Game Content Generation 27

  13. What Is an Evolutionary Algorithm? Inspired by evolution in nature But not exactly the same 1. Generate random configurations 2. Choose the better as parents (Actually a very complicated issue) 3. Next generation is (hopefully) a bit better 4. And so on Basically: automated breeding Or, a diverse set of parallel gradient estimators

  14. The Neuroevolution Problem What is the topology that works? What are the weights that work? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  15. Earliest NE Methods Only evolved Weights Genome is a direct encoding Genes represent a vector of weights Could be a bit string or real valued NE optimizes the weights for the task Maybe a replacement for backprop/SGD ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  16. TWEANNS Topology and Weight Evolving Artificial Neural Networks 3,14,17,61,75 Population contains diverse topologies Why leave anything to humans? Topology evolution can combine w/ backprop

  17. Competing Conventions with Arbitrary Topologies Topology matching problem No clear solution to mating arbitrary topologies How do they match up? Radcliffe (1993) : Holy Grail in this area. 48

  18. The Loss of Innovation Problem Innovative structures have more connections Innovative structure cannot compete with simpler ones Yet the money is on innovation in the long run Need some kind of protection for innovation

  19. NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) 61,63 NEAT addressed the major TWEANN problems: Topology matching problem Loss of innovative structures Initial population topology randomization

  20. Historical Marking in NEAT Addresses topology-matching problem

  21. Protecting Innovation in NEAT Addresses loss of innovative structures Achieved through speciation Individuals compete primarily with others of similar topology

  22. Complexification from Minimal Structure in NEAT Addresses initialization problem Search begins in minimal-topology space Lower-dimensional structures easily optimized Useful innovations eventually survive So search transitions into good part of higher-dim. space The ticket to high-dimensional space

  23. Advantages of NEAT Unbounded complexity Potential for near-minimal solutions Diverse topologies and solutions in one run Double Pole Balancing Record 61 Vehicle Warnings 34 NewHopper3 Keepaway Record 66 lazy-img NERO: Real-time Neuroevolution in a Video Game 59 Robot Duel 63 Go 64 Hopper 13

  24. NEAT: Beyond Control and Classification Interactive Picture Evolution 52 Harmonic Accompaniment Evolution 29 Interactive Drum Pattern Evolution 28 Guitar Effect-Pedal Emulation Interactive Particle Effect Evolution 26

  25. After NEAT: Shift Towards Indirect Encoding Also called Generative and Developmental Systems3,14,24,39,55,62,75 Space-filling model of a section of DNA molecule 100 trillion connections in the human brain 30,000 genes in the human genome Only possible through highly compressed representation (indirect encoding)

  26. An Interesting Observation NEAT-evolved networks (called CPPNs) produce nice patterns: Can this ability help to evolve brains?

  27. HyperNEAT: A CPPN Can Paint the Network s Connectivity Massive networks can be painted with regular patterns of weights Stanley, Kenneth O., David B. D'Ambrosio, and Jason Gauci. "A hypercube-based encoding for evolving large-scale neural networks." Artificial life 15.2 (2009): 185-212.

  28. Example HyperNEAT Substrates Quadruped Gaits 6,7 Checkers 18,19 Robocup 70

  29. Thena Surprising Discovery Experiments in interactive evolution of images reveal something shocking: The only way to find something interesting is not to be looking for it Leads to the novelty search algorithm Search only for behavioral novelty, not an objective Lehman, Joel, and Kenneth O. Stanley. "Abandoning objectives: Evolution through the search for novelty alone." Evolutionary computation 19.2 (2011): 189-223.

  30. Counterintuitive NS Results Novelty search found better solutions than objective-driven search in many domains Biped locomotion: Better walkers evolve Led to a new field called quality diversity algorithms

  31. Significant NE Applications Event selection for most accurate measurement of the top quark at the Tevatron particle accelerator optimized by NEAT Observation of Electroweak Single Top-Quark Production T. Aaltonen et al. (CDF Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 092002 Published 24 August 2009

  32. Significant NE Applications Robots recovering from damage through MAP-Elites on the cover of Nature Cully, A., Clune, J., Tarapore, D., and Mouret, J.-B. "Robots that can adapt like animals." Nature, 521.7553 (2015)

  33. Significant NE Applications Picbreeder! Secretan, Jimmy, et al. "Picbreeder: A case study in collaborative evolutionary exploration of design space." Evolutionary Computation 19.3 (2011): 373-403.

  34. Significant NE Applications Galactic Arms Race game: invents its own weapons as the game is played (over 2000 copies sold) Ultra-Wide CorkScrew Ladder Tunnel Maker Wall Gun Trident

  35. Significant NE Applications CPPNs in Physical Design Richards, D., and M. Amos. "Designing with gradients: bio-inspired computation for digital fabrication." Proceedings of ACADIA. 2014. AdamGaier. Evolutionary Design via Indirect Encoding of Non-Uniform Rational Basis Splines. Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. 2015. Storsveen, Anders. "Evolving a 2D Model of an Eye using CPPNs. NTNU Masters Thesis, 2008. Evins, Ralph, Ravi Vaidyanathan, and Stuart Burgess. "Multi- material compositional pattern-producing networks for form optimisation." Applications of Evolutionary Computation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. 189-200. Nicholas Cheney, Ethan Ritz, and Hod Lipson. 2014. Automated vibrational design and natural frequency tuning of multi-material structures. In Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1079-1086.

  36. Significant NE Applications Insights into society and life

  37. Recent Surprise: Evolution Strategies in RL From OpenAI: Variant of neuroevoltion based on ES competitive with Deep RL methods in Atari and MuJoCo domains From https://blog.openai.com/evolution-strategies/ Significance: Evolution can competitively optimize very high-dimensional networks directly (order of 1 million dimensions) Salimans, T., Ho, J., Chen, X., & Sutskever, I. (2017). Evolution strategies as a scalable alternative to reinforcement learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03864.

  38. Advanced Issues NE for architecture search for DL Recently popular Evolution of plasticity

  39. Major Research Questions Is high dimensionality in NE caving to computation? (as in DL) Is NE a promising partner to DL? Improvements in quality diversity What is the killer app for quality diversity? Grand challenge: Open-ended evolution Increasing complexity and novelty forever Path to AI?

  40. Getting Started NEAT / HyperNEAT / Novelty Search software catalog: http://eplex.cs.ucf.edu/neat_software/ ES blog post: https://blog.openai.com/evolution-strategies/ My UCF homepage: http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~kstanley/ Uber AI Labs: http://uber.ai/ kstanley@uber.com or kstanley@cs.ucf.edu Also: Meet the Expert Table 1 @1:45pm

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