Understanding the A.M.E. Order of Worship and Church Bulletin

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Explore the components and purpose of a church bulletin in the context of the A.M.E. Order of Worship. Scriptural references and the flexibility of the Order of Worship are discussed, emphasizing the unity and familiarity it brings to all members. The detailed structure outlines the prelude, hymns, prayers, scripture readings, sermons, and closing blessings, guiding worshippers in their spiritual journey.

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  1. Understanding the A.M.E. Linnell Baker, WCC Director of Lay Activities (DOLA) 9/29/18

  2. Lesson Objectives State the purpose of a church bulletin List the components of a church bulletin Discuss the A.M.E. Order of Service Identify scriptural references to the Order of Worship 2

  3. Purpose of Bulletin The church bulletin should express the order in which things should appear in a worship service 3

  4. Scriptural Reference Let all things be done decently and in order I Corinthians 14:40 (KJV) 4

  5. Our Hymnal shall be used in all our congregations. The Order of Morning Worship Each member should have a copy , but where this is lacking the minister shall read the hymn aloud, verse by verse. Our Order of Worship is intended to be flexible so as to provide for richness and variety of content. At the same time, it must have such unity as to insure that all members of our Church will feel at home in any AME Church. 5

  6. The Prelude The Processional Doxology The Invocation Call to Worship Hymn of Praise The Prayer The Scripture Preface of Decalogue HEADLINERS 6

  7. Decalogue Traditional Contemporary The Gloria Patri The Litany Te Deum Laudamus Sermon Invitation to Christian Discipleship Closing Hymn Benediction CONTINUING 7

  8. Ten minutes before the worship begins, the Prelude should start. As the worshippers take their seats, they should pray and meditate, preparing themselves to receive the Word of God. MUSICAL PRELUDE Supportive Scripture Ephesians 5:19 8

  9. This is symbolic of the approach of God s children to His throne. The choir march with a togetherness, in step with the music. This music should be a song of jubilation and triumph. The minister calls the church into a worship session. THE PROCESSIONAL No matter what words he or she may use, it means nothing else is at hand except the worship. 9

  10. The Call to Worship is a verbal expression expressed singularly or led corporately by the pastor or worship leader. It is a unifying technique designed to establish corporate participation and helps to give direction and further set a worshipful mood for the remainder of the service. Supportive Scripture Psalms 122:1 10

  11. The first act of worship service itself is the invocation. This is a short prayer by the minister, while standing, invoking God s presence and blessings upon the choir and congregation assembled to worship. THE INVOCATION This prayer should not be a long drawn out prayer but straight to the point invokement. 11

  12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prayer of Praise and Adoration Prayer of Penitence Prayer of Petition Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer of Intercession Prayer of Humiliation Prayer of Consecration 12

  13. The Scripture The lesson from the Holy Scripture is the sounding board of the sermon that is to be preached. It is also significant as religious meditation guiding through spiritual verities. The lesson should be carefully chosen. The Bible holds the central place in Christian worship as the voice of divine revelation. It is God speaking to us, for it is the Word of God

  14. This is the first Hymn in worship. It expresses praise, rejoicing in gratitude. The Hymn also ascribes glory and honor to His name. This should be a lively Hymn with great jubilation and praise. HYMN OF PRAISE Supportive Scripture Psalms 98:4-6 14

  15. The Gloria Patri This is Latin for Glory to the Father . The Christian faith includes the _______, ______, and the _________ __________, this makes the Christian faith, Trinitarian. It is said or sung. It is a salute to the trinity and should never be said or sung while sitting or kneeling. The posture should be, standing, head up, eyes open Remember this is not a prayer.

  16. Te deum Laudamus Latin for We Praise You, O God . May be used in lieu of the Decalogue or may be used with it.

  17. Ministry of Kindness This is also known as the Benevolent Offering. The period of worship where we practice Christianity. Remember how the Scriptures said: He who hath this world s goods and seeth his brother hath need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

  18. The Sermon The central part in most worship services, bringing a united search for the deeper meaning and concerns of the religious life, to declare and decide to follow this way. The sermon expounds the scripture that was read. Faith comes from hearing. How can we bear witness without a preacher? How can he preach unless he has been sent?

  19. The Invitation to Christian Discipleship After the exposition of God s Word, we open the doors to the church and extend the invitation to Christian Discipleship to those who declare and decide to follow in the way. The hymn of invitation is sung as an indication of our desire to be consecrated to Him.

  20. Affirmation of Faith A constructive act in revolving in the truth; a declaration of faith stated with boldness and conviction. There is great value in confessing the faith that binds the worshippers to a common heritage. There are a number of creeds to recite. This is why it is necessary to name the creed to be recited. Question: What is one of the creeds recited in the A.M.E. Church?

  21. The Closing Hymn This is a carefully chosen hymn, expressing thanks and requesting God s presence to be with us; that His guiding hand sustain us until we come together in another worship service.

  22. The Doxology and Benediction Signifies an act of at ease . It also offers repose easily lost in closing the service. The benediction sends the worshippers forth with the guiding and sustaining presence Even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20)

  23. The Postlude This is the period of reflection on the worship experience. In these moments of quietness before departing, the value of the whole service may be summed up in the perspective.

  24. Remember The Order of Worship may have variations in what is done, how it is done and what position it is done. This is largely because of the degree of freedom given in the A.M.E. church. It does not matter what is done or how it is done, everyone should know its meaning and should have a reasonable understanding of the Order of Worship.

  25. Questions?

  26. Test Your Knowledge

  27. Walk-Sit-Stand- Protocol Is? Sanctuary should be entered __________________________ and to enter a period of silent prayer. Processional. Congregation should be __________ Seated or ________ Not Seated at this time? Call to Worship. Congregation should ___________ at this time. Doorkeepers or Ushers should allow congregants to enter or not enter at this time? Opening Hymn. Should there be seating at this time? Y or N? Apostles Creed or Decalogue- Seat or No Seating? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  28. References Book of Worship pages 9-23; page 222 The Doctrine and Discipline pages 599-612 AMEC Hymnal pages 796, 797 1. 2. 3. 28
