Sports for Kids Timmins - Empowering Youth Through Sports and Recreation

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Sports for Kids Timmins is a local charity focused on enabling children and youth in Timmins to participate in sports, recreation, and physical activities by removing barriers and providing financial support. Established in 2002 as Kid Sport Timmins, the organization has evolved to prioritize inclusivity and accessibility for all children, ensuring that no child is denied the benefits of sports engagement. Their mission is to support kids aged 4-18 by granting subsidies for registration fees and equipment, promoting a community where sport participation is celebrated and valued at all levels.

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  2. HISTORY HISTORY The organization started as Kid Sport Timmins on June 7, 2002 as the first chapter in Ontario. Kid Sport began in BC. It was adopted nationally in 1993 at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Council of Provincial and Territorial Sport Federations. The money was raised by hosting the provincial AAA Midget championships in 2001 and many volunteers raised $85,000 so we could launch the organization. In 2014, we used the name Sports for Kids Timmins as we were granted a charitable number and could not use it under the Kid Sport banner. In 2018, we became Sports for Kids Timmins and dropped the Kid Sport name so that it became a local charity, raising money locally, governed locally and granting to children from low-income in Timmins. This way all money raised in Timmins stays in Timmins and allowed us to increase the sports opportunities and change our income thresholds. Sports for Kids Timmins Charitable number 824143721 RR0001.

  3. Community mandate Community mandate The Sports for Kids Timmins mandate is to focus on creating conditions that enable and support children and youth to participate in sports, recreation and physical activities. This includes eliminating a range of barriers so children can engage in play, and thus receive all the benefits associated with constructive sport and recreation opportunities. Sports for Kids Timmins believes that because sport, recreation and physical activity provide documented substantive social, educational and health benefits, they must be accessible to all children, and that no child should be denied the tremendous associated benefits.

  4. Mission & vision statements Mission: To help the children of Timmins 4-18 years of age, to overcome social and economic barriers, which have prevented or limited their participation in sport, recreation and physical activity, by issuing direct financial subsidies/grants covering the cost of registration fees and the purchase of equipment. VISION: Our community is one in which sport, recreation and physical activities are accessible to everyone, and involvement is highly valued. Sport participation at all levels is celebrated; and no child/youth is denied the benefits and opportunities for participation in a variety of activities and programs. All children, who have a desire to participate in sport, should have the opportunity.

  5. Our Objectives Our Objectives Providing Sports for Kids Timmins with a strong sustainable organizational structure. Raising funds, gathering resources and building program partners. Partnering with corporate, charitable and community based organizations and programs. Identifying and alleviating social and economic barriers in order to positively impact a child/youth s participation in sport, recreation and physical activities. Being a strong voice and advocate for sport and recreation in our community. Promoting the benefits of physical activity and healthy living.

  6. STRATEGIC PLAN 2024 STRATEGIC PLAN 2024 1. Review and strengthen partnerships with the sports groups. 2. Assign volunteer tasks. 3. Develop & follow the approved budget. 4. Focus on our core mission. 5. Continue with grant program as established with no limit to the total amounts granted. 7. Review & update policies as required. 8. Focus on revenue generation opportunities: Businesses, In Memoriam, Applications grants or corporate sponsorships. 9. Update by-laws and policies yearly. 10. Promote the Bequest program. 12. Hold a Welcome to Sports for Kids Timmins May 2024. 13. Annual Report November 2024. 14. Hold 6 meetings: Feb, Apr, Jun, Sept, Nov and Dec where granting, finance and fundraising reviewed and approved by the board. 16. Hold an Annual Meeting, Elections December 2024. 17. Approve updated By-laws & Policies November 2024. 18. Host an Annual Mixed Fun Sports for Kids Golf Tournament in July .

  7. Major Revenue Sources Major Revenue Sources Partners - local sports organizations Sports for Kids Mixed Fun Golf Tournament Service clubs/community organizations donations Individual donations Bequest and in memoriam Businesses letter writing campaign Applications Corporate sponsorships Hollinger Golf Membership Annual Charity Golf Tournament We pride ourselves that we keep administration costs low so that $.95 of every dollar goes directly to a Timmins child from a low-income family. More information about our charity can be found at

  8. GRANTNG GRANTNG Grants are issued through an application process. Applicants must provide a completed application, Notice of assessment for year prior showing line 15,000 gross income, and paystubs or social assistant stubs for the month prior for all adults supporting the child. Income gross thresholds are: 1-child $41,000, 2- children $45,000, 3- children $50,000, and 4 or more children $54,000. Each child can receive 1 -3 vouchers equaling $400.00 per child per year whatever is reached first. Vouchers are issued to the sports organization or O Reilly sports for equipment and they invoice us once the child registers and attend two classes. We perform a follow up survey to ensure children are attending and there were no issues. To date in 2024, we have granted 97 children with 178 vouchers for a total of $35,200.00 of our 2024 budget of $50,000.00 .

  9. Application Process Application Process The application is reviewed for completeness and eligibility An application for assistance is submitted to Sports for Kids Timmins . It starts with a child s desire to participate in sport. A parent / guardian recognizes barriers preventing the child from participating. The application is adjudicated Qualifying candidates are approved a subsidy for registration fee and / or equipment.

  10. How we promote the program How we promote the program Internet Web Site Social, health, education, justice and community workers Brochures, pamphlets Radio/ print media (community announcements) Kiosk at public events (i.e. Welcome to Timmins) Presentations Special events Welcome to Sports Night. Social media Facebook page

  11. Some statistics . Some statistics . In 2023 we granted 158 children in 238 sport/equipment opportunities for a total of $ 50,878.55. Since our inception in 2002, we have donated over $800,000.00 to over 4000 children in 5800 sport opportunities.

  12. 2023 participation in sports 2023 participation in sports 2023 - Participation by Sports Badminton, 0 Curling, 1 Baseball, 2Basketball, 7 Bowling, 4 Boxing , 0 Swimming, 69 Wrestling, 0 Cross Country Skiing, 1 Yoga, 0 Snowboarding, 0 Dance, 23 O'Gorman All Sports, 0 Ringette, 0 Gym, 6 Golf, 0 Gymnastics, 31 Hockey - Ball, 0 Soccer, 40 Hockey - Ice, 24 Skiing, 1 Lacrosse, 0 Skating, 7 Horseback Riding, 0 Kayaking, 0 Martial Arts, 17

  13. Age distribution of approved applicants Age distribution of approved applicants Age Distribution of Approved Applicants 2023 1 17 -- 18 13 15 -- 16 12 Age Category 13 -- 14 29 11 -- 12 36 9 -- 10 43 6 -- 8 21 4-- 5 3 3 and 0 20 40 60 # of Applicants

  14. Gender Age distribution of approved applicants Gender Age distribution of approved applicants Gender Distribution of Approved Applicants 2023 Female 48% Male 52%

  15. Total household gross income 2023 Total household gross income 2023 Total House Hold Income of Approved Applicants 2023 The Average Yearly Income of those helped is $24,553.23 41 51 45 40 35 # of Applicants 30 21 25 20 15 10 5 1 2 3 4 Annual Income

  16. Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Board of Directors 9 volunteer Board members elected each year with divers knowledge, skills and links to the community Part time paid office coordinator Office located at the Archie Dillon Sportplex Arena Managed and guided with by-laws, administrative and financial guidelines and principles Three Standing Sections: Revenue Generation Adjudication Communications

  17. Granting 2023 Granting 2023 In 2023 we met all of our objectives. In 2023, we helped 158 children participate in 233 different sports activities and we issued 5 equipment vouchers for a total amount granted of $50,878.55. We had 24 applicants, that due to circumstances beyond our control, did not use 25 vouchers for a total amount of $4,591.50 not paid. We had $11,144.10 was donated in kind by sports organizations who we partner with by reducing their invoices. This left a total paid by Sports for Kids Timmins in 2023 of $35,002.95 which provided assistance for children to be able to play organized sport. We have increased the grant amount to $400.00 per child for 2024 with the allowance of 3 vouchers or $400.00 whichever come first and have increased our income thresholds to 1-child $41,000.00, 2-children $45,000.00, 3- children $50,000.00 and 4 or more children to $54,000.00 gross income per family to allow us to help more children. For 2024 we have budgeted $50,000.00 for 2024 to help more children play organized sports.

  18. Benefits of Sports and Recreation Benefits of Sports and Recreation Builds self-esteem and positive self-image Nurtures growth and acquisition of life skills Reduces self-destructive behaviour and negative activity Builds social skills and stimulate participation in community life Enhances overall physical and mental health Teaches to set personal goals Fosters teamwork and leadership skills Reduces isolation, loneliness and alienation Builds Strong Families and Healthy Communities

  19. TESTIMONIALS TESTIMONIALS It s awesome. I can t express how pleased I am! I m so glad my friend told me about Sports for Kids Timmins and gave me an application. It s helped us so much. I don t know how we would have managed without it. I appreciate the assistance so much! Mom of an 11 year old female hockey player She always wanted to play ringette, and is always anxious to be there! Spirts for Kids Timmins is an excellent organization! Mom of a 13 year old ringette player

  20. TESTIMONIALS TESTIMONIALS I was approved to do boxing at 14 years old with the help of my parole officer and was funded for 4 years. This opportunity changed my life! I am entering college today because of Sports for Kids Timmins. A 18 year old applicant. When I approved the voucher to one mother, she hugged me! She was so happy she thanked me profusely; she said she didn t know how she would have managed without the assistance from Sports to Kids Timmins I was touched; it is heartwarming to receive such a positive response. Sports for Kids Volunteer

  21. Ever child should be able to play organized sport Ever child should be able to play organized sport For low-income families, food clothing and shelter come first recreation may seem like a frivolous expense. Paying user fees, buying clothing, equipment and uniforms may not even be an option. Every child deserves the opportunity to play sports. Help us by donating by cash, cheque or e-transfer at and a charitable receipt will be issued for anything over $20.00. $400.00 sponsor 1 child for a year.

  22. Every child and youth deserves Every child and youth deserves a fair chance to play and grow a fair chance to play and grow TOGETHER LET S HELP CHILDREN STAY HEALTHY, ACTIVE AND HAPPY ! For more information contact Sports for kids Timmins 705-268-1112 Thank you!


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