NSG Annual Report 2022/23: Empowering Public Servants for Service Excellence

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This presentation showcases the audited annual performance of the National School of Government (NSG) for the 2022/23 financial year, highlighting its achievements and key outcomes in line with the institution's five-year strategy. The NSG's mandate includes offering qualifications, fostering collaboration across government spheres, and supporting development through training and education initiatives. The service delivery model focuses on market intelligence, change management, and learner-centric outcomes. The institution's vision is to build an ethical and capable public sector, with a mission to empower public servants to serve citizens effectively. The strategic outcomes aim to create a functional institution, empower competent public servants, and establish sustainable partnerships for education, training, and development interventions.

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  1. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE 2022/23 FINANCIAL YEAR Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration 11 October 2023 Learn Grow Serve 1

  2. PURPOSE The purpose of the presentation is to present the audited annual performance of the National School of Government (the NSG) for the 2022/23 financial year. This performance represents the third year of implementation of the current five- year strategy (2020-2025). The presentation also reflects key highlights and achievements for the 2022/23 financial year. Learn Serve Grow 2


  4. SERVICE DELIVERY MODEL Market Intelligence & Data Analytics Change Management Diagnosis Content & Knowledge Management LEARNER Service Offering Outcome & Impact VALUE PROPOSITION Total Quality Management STATE Digital Transformation CITIZEN Delivery Enablement Partnership & Collaboration Brand Management Learn Serve Grow

  5. OUR 5-YEAR STRATEGY VISION VISION Build an Ethical and Capable Public Sector in Service of the People. MISSION MISSION To Empower Public Servants to be Responsive to Citizen Needs and Government Priorities through Education, Training and Development interventions. Learn Serve Grow 5

  6. STRATEGIC OUTCOMES A functional integrated institution (NSG) supporting the delivery of ETD interventions Competent public servants who are empowered to do their jobs Sustainable partnerships and collaboration to support ETD interventions Responsive ETD Interventions Quality ETD practitioners Learn Serve Grow 6

  7. TOWARDS 10 YEARS OF THE NSG The School has experienced high levels of success in the recent years through innovative design and delivery practices, as well as brand positioning. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic proved to be a significant catalyst in driving the online learning approach, which has recorded high online training numbers over the recent years. During this 10-year period, the NSG has been on a growth path towards making public sector education, training and development (ETD) more accessible, development-centric and relevant to the challenges of service delivery. The ETD interventions have focused across the public sector spectrum from training unemployed youth graduates, public service interns, serving public servants, senior managers and executive leaders. The NSG has now included members of legislatures, boards of state-owned entities, public representatives, members of the executive and traditional leaders to undertake capacity building. The reach of the School has also grown in the African continent, with many management development institutes (MDIs) benefiting from bilateral agreements with the National School of Government. Internationally, the NSG has strengthened partnerships that include the World Economic Forum, European Union as well as institutions such as the Civil Service College Singapore, China Africa Institute, and National School of Public Administration Brazil (ENAP). Learn Serve Grow

  8. TOWARDS 10 YEARS OF THE NSG Training in excess of 526 000 learners through all forms of training interventions and delivery modes Generating revenue from course fees in excess of R1 billion. Receiving unqualified and clean audit outcomes on both the Vote and the Training Trading Account Designing and delivering courses such as Nyukela, Compulsory Induction Programme, Project Khaedu, Ethics in the Public Service, Economic Governance School and other executive education courses. Over the last three years alone, there has been eLearning enrolments more than 194 000 learners. Learn Serve Grow 8

  9. PROFESSIONALISATION OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR Career Progression, Succession Planning & Management of Career Incidence of Heads of Depts. Continuing Learning & Professional Development Planning & Performance Management Induction & Onboarding Recruitment & Selection Learn Serve Grow

  10. 2022/23 HIGHLIGHTS OF PERFORMANCE As at the end of the financial year, the following are reflected as highlights of performance: Clean Audit outcomes for the Vote and Trade Account A total of 78 720 learners trained against annual target of 40 460 Revenue generated to the amount of R115. million of the annual target Nyukela programme - total of 7450 learners enrolled for the course and 5 523 successfully completing Ethics in the public service course had a total enrolment of 16 753, with 13 765 completing the course (82% achievement) 10 online courses were developed to expand the eLearning platform and 9 skills assessments completed with public sector institutions. The Art of Facilitation training for Traditional Leaders in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, over 70 traditional leaders trained. Learn Serve Grow 10

  11. 2022/23 HIGHLIGHTS OF PERFORMANCE The NSG in collaboration with the COJ held the Local Government Leadership Development Programme Graduation Ceremony on 17 February 2023 and awarded certificates to respective councillors' post completion of the programme. Professionalisation of the Public Sector- An engagement was held with Department of Public Enterprises to discuss the implementation modalities and expectations for the implementation of the Professionalisation Framework. Contract extension for the delivery of Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP) and the Advanced Development Management Programme (AMDP) by five (5) universities. Master Classes held during the year on areas such as: Rethinking Economic Policy Cyber Security Just Energy Transition Building Social Compacts for Inclusive Growth Grassroots participation and Economic Development in collaboration with GIMPA and Kerala Centre for Rural Development in India Poverty Reduction: Lessons from China Promoting National Planning and Good Governance for the Implementation of Agenda 2063 and SDGs Civil Service Reforms in Post-Transition Societies Leading with Diligence Re-Inventing Africa s Development Developing Future Leaders a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Learn Serve Grow 11 11



  14. WEBINARS Learn Serve Grow 14

  15. MASTERCLASSES Learn Serve Grow 15




  19. STRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS 7 international partnerships and 4 international collaborations implemented to support public sector capacity development. These include China National Academy of Governance; China-Africa Institute; Escola Nacional de Administra o P blica (ENAP Brazil); World Economic Forum; INSEAD; Institute National du Service Public (INSP France); Common Purpose and University of Chile. Course on Long-Term Planning was held from 17-21 October 2022 with the China National Academy of Governance and participation from DPME and NPC Commissioners. This was combined with a Masterclass on Long-Term Planning to coincide with 10 years of the National Development Plan. Course on Infrastructure, Urban and Industrial Culture and Economic Development was held from 24 October to 04 November 2022, with participants from the three spheres of government. With the China-Africa Institute, short courses were held on Local Governance; Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development; and China-Africa Cooperation Under the Belt and Road Initiative. Through the partnership with the University College London (UCL), 29 officials participated in the Executive Education Programme from 3-14 December 2022 Learn Serve Grow 19

  20. STRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS The NSG piloted a project with the World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence from 02 November to 01 December 2022. Four officials from DIRCO and 28 interns (NSG, NYDA, Gauteng Office of the Premier, DIRCO) participated in the programme on Developing Policy Skills focusing on innovation and sustainability to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme brought expertise from the University of Pretoria, UNDP and the Gauteng Office of the Premier. Learn Serve Grow 20

  21. STRATEGIC CONTINENTAL PARTNERSHIPS MoUs to support capacity building signed with the Agency for National Human Resource Development of Seychelles; School of Administration (ENA) Cote d Ivoire; and Kenya School of Government. Joint Commission of Cooperation with Burundi National School of Administration Ghana, Rwanda and Tanzania participated in the commemoration of the Africa Public Service Day on 22 June 2022 Coordinated the Continental Economic Governance Winter School - delegates from DRC, Lesotho, Zambia, Cote D Ivoire, Tanzania, South Sudan and Ghana 2 Ministers and 11 Senior Officials NSG provided Khaedu training to the Lesotho Institute of Public Administration and Management (LIPAM) Learn Serve Grow 21


  23. PERFORMANCE PER PROGRAMME In the financial year under review there were 27 performance targets in the APP. 23 targets are achieved; 4 targets were not achieved. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The programme had a total of 6 planned targets for the financial year of which 5 targets were achieved. This translates to 83% achievement. PROGRAMME 2: PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANISATIONAL AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT The programme had a total of 21 planned targets for the financial year, of which 18 targets were achieved. This translates to 86% achievement. Learn Serve Grow 23

  24. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE VOTE ACCOUNT Annual Budget 2022/23 Adjusted Budget April to March Pro-rata budget 2022/23 April to March Actual Expenditure 2022/23 April to March Variance budget compared to actual (over)/under April to March Expenditure as % of pro-rata budget R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 % Administration 115 376 115 376 115 014 103 968 11 046 90% Public Sector Organisational and Staff Development 115 721 115 721 115 721 115 721 - 100% Total Vote Expenditure 231 097 231 097 230 735 219 689 11 046 95% Annual Budget 2022/23 Adjusted Budget April to March Pro-rata budget 2022/23 April to March Actual Expenditure 2022/23 April to March Variance budget compared to actual (over)/under April to March Expenditure as % of pro-rata budget R'000 62 807 48 743 3 826 R'000 62 807 48 721 3 848 R'000 62 445 48 721 3 848 R'000 54 646 45 474 3 848 R'000 7 799 3 247 % Compensation of Employees Goods and services Payments for capital assets 88% 93% 100% - Transfer to Trading Entity 115 721 115 721 115 721 115 721 - 100% Total Vote Expenditure 231 097 231 097 230 735 219 689 11 046 95% Learn Serve Grow 24

  25. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE TRADING ACCOUNT Annual Budget 2022/23 Adjusted Budget April to March Pro-rata budget 2022/23 April to March Actual Expenditure 2022/23 April to March Variance budget compared to actual (over)/under April to March Expenditure as % of pro-rata budget R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 % Reserves - 0% Training related revenue (course Fees) 101 357 101 357 101 357 115 964 -14 607 114% Transfer from the Vote 115 721 115 721 115 721 115 721 - 100% Other Reveneue (Interest) 3 563 3 563 3 563 10 892 (7 329) 306% Total Revenue 220 641 220 641 220 641 242 577 -21 936 110% Compensation of Employees (106 069) (106 069) (106 069) (94 111) (11 958) 89% Goods and services (114 572) (114 572) (114 572) (101 351) (13 221) 88% Payments for capital assets - - (650) 650 0% Total Trade Expenditure (220 641) (220 641) (220 641) (196 112) (24 529) 89% Surplus/(Deficit) - - - 46 465 (46 465) Learn Serve Grow 25

  26. HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION The NSG has a total of 239 posts on the organisational structure, of which 197 posts are filled and 42 vacant (17,5% vacancy rate). Vacancy Rate During this financial year, the vacancy rate remained high as a result of the organisational restructuring process during the year (which included employee migration into posts before any vacant post could be filled). 42 197 The vacancy rate is also attributed to retirements, resignations as well as internal promotions. The NSG implemented a recruitment drive towards the end of the financial year, which will significantly reduce the vacancy rate in the new financial year. Posts filled Vacant Posts Demographic Profile Employment Equity African 82.7% NSG has the following representation of gender; females (57.3%), females SMS (48.8%).Youth (16.7%) and PWD (2.5%) White 7.6% In line with NSG s approach towards succession planning and developing talent, during this financial year 9 employees were appointed into higher positions. Coloured 5.6% Indian 4.4% Learn Serve Grow 26


  28. Programme 1: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement Actual Achievement 2022/23 2022/23 Deviation from planned Deviation from planned target to actual target to actual achievement 2022/23 achievement 2022/23 Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Number of mapped Number of mapped business processes in line business processes in line with operations with operations management plan management plan implemented implemented 4 mapped business processes in line with operations management plan implemented by March 2023 4 mapped business processes in line with operations management plan implemented by March 2023 None None Number of ICT projects Number of ICT projects enabling NSG operations enabling NSG operations implemented implemented 6 ICT business solutions enabling NSG operations implemented by March 2023 8 ICT business solutions enabling NSG operations implemented by March 2023 2 Ad-hoc requests based on various branch priorities Percentage of material Percentage of material audit findings resolved by audit findings resolved by the end of financial year the end of financial year 100% of material audit findings resolved by the end of the financial year by March 2023 100% (1/1) of material audit findings resolved by the end of the financial year by March 2023 None None Learn Serve Grow 28

  29. Programme 1: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement Actual Achievement 2022/23 2022/23 Deviation from planned Deviation from planned target to actual target to actual achievement 2022/23 achievement 2022/23 Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Percentage of the NSG brand Percentage of the NSG brand and marketing strategy and marketing strategy implemented implemented 50% of the NSG brand and marketing strategy implemented by March 2023 50% of the NSG brand and marketing strategy implemented by March 2023 None None Implementation covers the two objectives per strategy: - Develop and maintain NSG brand identity Enhance brand awareness - Number of communication Number of communication interventions promoting NSG interventions promoting NSG offerings in the public sector offerings in the public sector 20 communication interventions promoting NSG offerings in the public sector by March 2023 22 communication interventions promoting NSG offerings in the public sector by March 2023 2 NSG priority programmes implementation in support of the NSG strategy Learn Serve Grow 29

  30. Programme 1: Target Not Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Deviation from planned Deviation from planned target to actual target to actual achievement 2022/23 achievement 2022/23 Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Percentage of total Percentage of total quality quality management plan management plan implemented implemented Total quality management plan not implemented. 50% Continuation of TQM deliverables hindered by capacity constraints 50% of total quality management plan implemented by March 2023. Implementation covers two objectives per plan: Institutionalise TQM at the NSG Institutionalise TQM at the NSG (consultations and awareness) (consultations and awareness) TORs for the establishment of the Inter-branch Quality Management Committee were broadened from focusing exclusively on ETD quality management Implement Total Quality Implement Total Quality Management Policy Management Policy Total Quality Management policy approved on 15 March 2023. Learn Serve Grow 30

  31. Programme 2: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement Actual Achievement 2022/23 2022/23 Deviation from planned Deviation from planned target to actual target to actual achievement 2022/23 achievement 2022/23 Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Amount of revenue generated and other funding sources in TTA as part of the cost-recovery R101,3m in revenue and other funding sources generated by March 2023 R115 million in revenue and other funding sources generated 14.6mil NSG coordinated and trained departments that have been on training backlog Percentage of business development interventions resulting in the uptake of NSG offerings 75% of business development interventions resulting in the uptake of the NSG offerings by March 2023 83% of business development interventions resulting in the uptake of the NSG offerings by March 2023 8% Key focus on ensuring successful implementation of funded programmes across three spheres of government Number of areas of good practice in the public sector documented to enhance ETD interventions Number of research projects informing ETD interventions developed 4 areas of good practice in the public sector documented to enhance ETD interventions by March 2023 5 research reports informing ETD interventions developed by March 2023 4 areas of good practice in the public sector documented to enhance ETD interventions by March 2023 6 research reports informing ETD interventions developed by March 2023 None None 1 Ad-hoc requests for additional research Learn Serve Grow 31

  32. Programme 2: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Deviation from Deviation from planned target to planned target to actual achievement actual achievement 2022/23 2022/23 Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Number of skills assessment reports on specific departments or public sector informing ETD needs completed 5 skills assessment reports on specific departments or public sector informing ETD needs completed by March 2023 9 skills assessment reports on specific departments or public sector informing ETD needs completed by March 2023 4 Demand for additional assessments from departments / entities Number of courses/ programmes/ interventions responsive to identified skills gaps developed/ reviewed 8 courses/ programmes/ interventions responsive to identified skills gaps developed/ reviewed by March 2023 6 progress reports on the impact evaluation studies conducted by March 2023 8 courses/ programmes/ interventions responsive to identified skills gaps developed/ reviewed by March 2023 None None Number of impact evaluation studies conducted 6 progress reports on the impact evaluation studies conducted by March 2023 None None Learn Serve Grow 32

  33. Programme 2: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Deviation from Deviation from planned target to planned target to actual achievement actual achievement 2022/23 2022/23 Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Percentage of partnerships and collaborations facilitated to support ETD interventions 20% of partnerships and collaborations facilitated to support ETD interventions by March 2023 88% (114/129) of partnerships and collaborations facilitated to support ETD interventions by March 2023 68% Key focus on ensuring successful implementation of funded programmes across three spheres of government Percentage implemented of partnership covers 7 International and 107 local partnerships with facilitated training 9 thought leadership platforms/ seminars hosted by March 2023 Number of thought leadership seminars/ platforms in partnership with public and private sectors hosted Performance management systems for ETD practitioners piloted 5 thought leadership platforms/ seminars hosted by March 2023 4 Need for conversation on thematic areas relevant for the public service Performance management system for ETD Practitioners piloted by March 2023 Performance management system for ETD Practitioners piloted by March 2023 None None Learn Serve Grow 33

  34. Programme 2: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Deviation from Deviation from planned target to planned target to actual achievement actual achievement 2022/23 2022/23 None Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Approved NSG accreditation status by accrediting bodies Accreditation processes facilitated and managed to maintain the status of the NSG as an accredited training provider by March 2023 Accreditation processes facilitated and managed to maintain the status of the NSG as an accredited training provider by March 2023 None Number of programmes/ courses quality assured by the NSG Quality Assurance Committee Number of compulsory courses/ programmes Implemented 8 programmes/ courses quality assured by the NSG Quality Assurance Committee by March 2023 4 compulsory courses/ programmes implemented by March 2023 8 programmes/courses quality assured by the NSG Quality Assurance Committee by March 2023 None None 7 compulsory courses/ programmes implemented by March 2023 3 Increased uptake of compulsory courses by departments Number of learners trained on compulsory and demand-led ETD interventions 40 460 learners trained on compulsory and demand-led ETD interventions by March 2023 78 720 learners trained on compulsory and demand-led ETD interventions by March 2023 38 260 All modalities of teaching (online and face to face) are fully operational Learn Serve Grow 34

  35. Programme 2: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Planned Annual Target 2022/23 Target 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Deviation from Deviation from planned target to planned target to actual achievement actual achievement 2022/23 2022/23 2 Reason for Reason for deviation deviation Number of ODeL courses / programmes / interventions responsive to identified skills gaps developed/ reviewed 8 ODeL courses / programmes / interventions responsive to identified skills gaps developed/ reviewed by 2023 10 course materials developed/reviewed in line with the course development plan Materials are developed on demand and eLearning unit is under pressure to meet development demands Digital Art of Facilitation: Advanced Facilitation Skills Art of Facilitating Public Participation Master the Art of Government Communication Local Government Leadership Development Programme (Review and update) Ethics in the Public Service (review and update) Digital Art of Facilitation: Facilitating Content within Context and Programme Hub Public Sector Systems and Design Thinking Digital Art of Facilitation: Facilitating Open Distance eLearning Digital Art of Facilitation: Programme Hub 10. Mayoral Leadership and Oversight Programme 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Learn Serve Grow 35

  36. Programme 2: Targets Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Target Planned Annual Target 2022/23 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Deviation from planned Deviation from planned target to actual target to actual achievement 2022/23 achievement 2022/23 1 Reason for Reason for deviation deviation Number of provincial departments of education trained (Teaching for All) by NSG to roll out training on handling diversity and dealing with all forms of discrimination to teachers and School Management Teams Percentage of ODeL Help desk tickets successfully closed 5 provincial departments of education trained (Teaching for All) by NSG to roll out training to teachers and School Management Teams by March 2023 6 provincial departments of education trained (Teaching for All) by NSG to roll out training to teachers and School Management Teams by March 2023 Session was integrated with DBE arranged interprovincial meeting 100% of ODeL Help desk tickets successfully closed by March 2023 Annual Perception survey to determine the learner satisfaction on NSG s ETD interventions undertaken by March 2023 100% of ODeL Help desk tickets successfully closed by March 2023 None None Perception survey to determine learner satisfaction on NSG s ETD nterventions in response to government priorities and performance improvement in the public sector undertaken Satisfaction survey on the client services of the National School of Government completed None None A changed approach was adopted to determine client satisfaction of HRD officials from client departments Learn Serve Grow 36

  37. Programme 2: Targets Not Achieved Output Indicator Output Indicator Planned Annual Planned Annual Target 2022/23 Target 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Actual Achievement 2022/23 Deviation from planned Deviation from planned target to actual target to actual achievement 2022/23 achievement 2022/23 Reason for deviation Reason for deviation Number of Functional Number of Functional areas professionalised areas professionalised with professional with professional bodies bodies 2 Functional areas professionalised with professional bodies by March 2023 No functional areas professionalised with professional bodies by March 2023 2 Delays in the finalisation of MoA s between the NSG and professional bodies 1 MoA signed with the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply. Finalising MoA with Institute of Internal Auditors Facilitation of accreditation process for post graduate qualification is on-going Accreditation of the Accreditation of the Postgraduate Postgraduate qualification qualification Accreditation of the Post-graduate Appointment of HEI partner The initial tender process was unsuccessful and a new tender process initiated, HEI partner will be appointed in the new financial year Despite the efforts to make the course free and compulsory for SMS the uptake remained slow qualification facilitated by March 2023 Percentage of senior Percentage of senior managers in the managers in the public service trained public service trained on how to deal with all on how to deal with all forms of forms of discrimination discrimination 50% of senior managers in the public service trained on how to deal with all forms of discrimination by March 2023 49.4% 0.6% (62/9612) of senior managers in the public service trained on how to deal with all forms of discrimination by March 2023 Learn Serve Grow 37


  39. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON 2023/24 APP RECOMMENDATIONS PROGRESS The Government should develop a fully-fledged Funding Model to maintain self-generated income through the Training Account. The NSG should develop a repositioning strategy to align its mandate with Professionalising the public sector with the aim of expanding its services to most of the sectors in government. National School of The NSG is finalising a Concept Document on the Future Positioning of the NSG. This Concept Document makes the following proposals on the Funding Model of the NSG: a) The expenditure of the School is fully funded through the Vote, including compensation of all employees, capital and operating expenditure. Trading b) The hybrid funding model is still preferred to enable and provide options for the School to generate revenue from sources other than direct education and training through the Training Trading Account. Framework on c) Public sector institutions must set aside a percentage (at least 50%) of annual training budgets for compulsory education and training to be offered by the National School of Government and recognised partners/ providers. This must include delivering no-fee open distance eLearning courses to scale across the public sector. d) Education, training and development to be offered directly to public servants who wish to pay for such on their own, to non-public servants who have interest in public sector programmes, as well as to an international audience. e) The National School of Government is enabled to generate revenue (i.e fees for service) through other sources including: offering qualifications; providing assessments for recruitment and progression; undertaking skills audits and needs assessments sector; consulting on leadership, management and organisational interventions; research and publications. These proposals were presented to the National Treasury on 10 August 2023 and 22 August 2023 during the MTEF Function Group meeting. Learn Serve Grow 39

  40. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON 2023/24 APP RECOMMENDATIONS PROGRESS The NSG should move with speed towards the development of the Implementation Framework Professionalisation of the public sector. Since the approval of the National Framework Towards Professionalisation of the Public Sector by Cabinet on 19 October 2022, the former acting Minister of Public Service and Administration hosted a media briefing on 25 October 2022 to release the National Framework. The NSG also commenced with the advocacy programme supporting and guiding implementing government departments and public institutions on the development of implementation plans. Plan on of the the The Department of Public Service and Administration and Public Service Commission should ensure that all government departments entities abide by the Framework. There must be a monitoring tool to measure the implementation of the Framework. NSG together with the As the NSG rollout its advocacy programme, it became evident that some stakeholders are not entirely aware of provisions of the National Framework, hence the Minister published the National Framework on 11 August 2023 through the gazette for public information and for the relevant institutions to implement the National Framework. and SALGA adopted the National Framework for implementation by municipalities. Government departments, public entities, SALGA and other institutions are expected to finalise their implementation plans for implementation with effect from 01 April 2024. These government departments and institutions will report to their Executive Authorities regularly on the implementation of the National Framework. Learn Serve Grow 40

  41. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON 2023/24 APP RECOMMENDATIONS The NSG continue to conduct an impact evaluation of its training programmes to measure the efficacy and application knowledge with the aim of performance. PROGRESS The impact evaluations that are conducted by the NSG stretches over a period of two financial years. should At the end of 2021/2022 financial year, the NSG completed six impact evaluations of NSG programmes that were offered to officials in the three spheres of government. The majority of the findings were positive, and participants and supervisors attested to the fact that these NSG programmes improved the way they execute their operational activities. With two of the impact evaluations, it was reported that changes/improvements were made to policies and procedures in their departments as a result of the training offered. At the end of 2022/2023 financial year, six (6) progress reports were compiled about the first phase of the impact evaluations and the findings were communicated to the Heads of Department, CEOs and Municipal Managers. The findings were also presented to the management of these institutions. Currently, the NSG is conducting the second and final phase of the impact evaluations which will be completed at the end of 2023/2024 financial year. The other six new programmes will be identified for impact evaluations in 2024/2025 to 2025/2026 financial year. of improving Learn Serve Grow 41

  42. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON 2023/24 APP RECOMMENDATIONS PROGRESS The NSG should create more awareness campaigns on the Nyukela programme for Middle Management services in order to attract young people employed in both public and private sectors to enrol for the training course, especially when aspiring to consider public service as a career of choice. The NSG is in the process of developing the course content and delivery strategy for the Nyukela programme for Middle Management Services. The NSG team is collaborating with several key departments to ensure that the course is institutionalised as per the Framework Towards Professionalisation of the Public Sector. These departments are amongst others; DPSA, PSC, NT and DPME. Once the Nyukela programme is ready for roll-out, the NSG will create awareness by: Leveraging its presence on social media and public radio platforms to reach those not employed. Utilising its existing partnerships with youth agents/entities such NYDA and Chrysalis. Hosting advocacy sessions at forums across the three spheres of government. Organising open day sessions that allow the youth to visit or get exposure to the NSG s offerings. Promoting the programme on the NSG s and its partner departments websites. Learn Serve Grow 42

  43. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON 2023/24 APP RECOMMENDATIONS The School should continue, where possible, to offer most of its training courses through platforms, as part of modernising its business and saving costs on the logistics such as venues. The School should devise a strategy to attract public servants to enrol for online courses. PROGRESS A proposal was developed to offer selected and suitable interventions through Open Distance eLearning, which is the most cost-effective, flexible, and scalable delivery mode used by the NSG. e-Learning The document included proposals for the utilisation of virtual learning to save additional costs such as travel, accommodation, catering, and S&T. The NSG is marketing the Online courses through targeted conferences, exhibitions, workshops attracting public servants as participants and digital platforms including NSG social media pages and the NSG Website. The School should continue with its efforts to approach all data network companies to donate data for NSG courses to be offered on a zero rated scale. Zero rated data for training courses will assist the School to attract more public servants to enrol for training and development interventions that will assist government officials to learn, serve and grow. A letter has been prepared to the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies requesting the Minister to engage the mobile network operators such as Vodacom, MTN, Telkom, etc. to zero-rate the NSG website as a state training institution. This will ensure greater access to the NSG courses and go a long way in building a capable, ethical and developmental state. Learn Serve Grow 43

  44. Thank you The NSG: Learn: expanding learning opportunities for public servants to master state craft Serve: building the capacity (and culture) of public servants to serve society effectively Grow: helping public servants to combine learning and service (experience) to grow professionally Learn Serve Grow 44
