Communicating and Engaging with Parents: Strategies for Effective Collaboration

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Effective communication and engagement with parents/carers are essential for supporting learners' progress. Regular communication, such as termly reports, parents' evenings, and various engagement methods, helps parents understand and support their child's learning journey. By utilizing a variety of communication approaches, schools can enhance parental involvement in their child's education and aid in blended recovery and re-engagement with learning. The mandatory National Personalised Assessments for 2023-2024 further emphasize the importance of involving parents in learners' educational assessments.

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  1. Adrodd i rieni Reporting to parents Ymarferwyr Arweiniol CSC CSC Lead Practitioners

  2. Communicating and engaging with parents and carers Cyfathrebu ac ymgysylltu rhieni a gofalwyr Mae cyfathrebu rheolaidd rhwng ysgolion a lleoliadau a rhieni/gofalwyr yn hanfodol er mwyn i ddysgwyr symud ymlaen ar hyd y continwwm dysgu. Regular communication between schools and settings and parents/carers is vital for learners to progress along the learning continuum. Bydd cyfathrebu'n dymhorol rhiant/gofalwyr mewn ffordd sy'n eu cynnwys yn nhaith eu dysgwyr, yn eu galluogi i ddeall sut mae eu plentyn yn symud ymlaen a'r ffordd orau o gefnogi eu dysgu. Communicating termly with parent/carers in a way that engages them in their learners journey, will enable them to understand how their child is progressing and how best to support their learning. Bydd gan ysgolion a lleoliadau eisoes amrywiaeth o wahanol ffyrdd y maent yn cyfathrebu ac yn ymgysylltu rhieni a gofalwyr am eu dysgwyr, megis adroddiadau diwedd tymor/blwyddyn, nosweithiau rhieni, cynulliadau ac ati a bydd llawer o'r rhain wedi'u mireinio a'u datblygu i gefnogi dysgwyr yn ystod cyfnodau o adferiad cyfunol ac ail-ymgysylltu dysgu. Schools and setting will already have a range of different ways that they communicate and engage with parents and carers about their learners, such as end of term/year reports, parents evenings, assemblies and many of these will have been refined and developed to support learners during periods of blended recovery and re-engagement with learning. Gan adeiladu ar y dulliau hyn, gellir cyfathrebu gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o ddulliau ac mewn ffordd sy'n gweddu orau i'r gynulleidfa e.e. wyneb yn wyneb, digidol, ysgrifenedig ac ati. Building on these approaches, communications can be made using a variety of methods and in a way that best suits the audience for example, face-to- face, digital, written. assessment/

  3. Communicating and engaging with parents and carers: Variety of methods Cyfathrebu ac ymgysylltu rhieni a gofalwyr: Amrywiaeth o ddulliau Adroddiadau llawn Adroddiadau interim Noson rieni Nosweithi agored Gwasanaethau Proffiliau Cynlluniau Cynnydd/Ymddygiad Classcharts Full reports Interim reports Parents evenings Open evenings Assemblies Profiles Progress / Behavioural Plans Classcharts

  4. National Personalised Assessments Asesiadau Personol Cenedlaethol Requirements for 2023 to 2024 Gofynion ar gyfer 2023 i 2024 The assessments are mandatory; this means that learners in Years 2 to 9 in maintained schools (including community, voluntary-aided, voluntary- controlled and foundation) must take the personalised assessments in reading and numeracy at least once during the school year. Numeracy is taken in 2 parts: Numeracy (Procedural) and Numeracy (Reasoning). Mae r asesiadau n fandadol, ac mae hyn yn golygu bod yn rhaid i ddysgwyr ym Mlynyddoedd 2 i 9 mewn ysgolion a gynhelir (gan gynnwys ysgolion cymunedol, ysgolion gwirfoddol a gynorthwyir, ysgolion gwirfoddol a reolir ac ysgolion sefydledig) ymgymryd r asesiadau personol mewn rhifedd a darllen o leiaf unwaith yn ystod y flwyddyn ysgol. Gwneir Rhifedd mewn 2 ran: Rhifedd (Gweithdrefnol) a Rhifedd (Rhesymu). personol-cenedlaethol-ar-gyfer-darllen-a-rhifedd-llawlyfr-gweinyddu-2023-i-2024/ assessments/national-reading-and-numeracy-personalised-assessments-administration-handbook- 2023-to-2024/

  5. Summary of Legislation Crynodeb o r ddeddfwriaeth Er mwyn sicrhau bod gan rieni a gofalwyr yr wybodaeth berthnasol sydd ei hangen er mwyn iddynt allu cynnig cymorth i'w plentyn gydol y flwyddyn academaidd, mae'n ofynnol i benaethiaid roi trefniadau ar waith er mwyn sicrhau bod yr wybodaeth ganlynol yn cael ei rhannu nhw ar gyfer dysgwyr: crynodeb byr ar lesiant y dysgwr sylwadaeth fer ar gynnydd a dysgu allweddol y dysgwr crynodeb byr o anghenion allweddol y dysgwr i wneud cynnydd a r camau nesaf i gefnogi ei gynnydd ychydig o gyngor ynglyn sut y gall y rhiant neu r gofalwr gefnogi cynnydd ei blentyn Mater i r pennaeth yw penderfynu sut y caiff yr wybodaeth hon ei darparu i'r rhiant, y gofalwr neu'r dysgwr sy'n oedolyn ond rhaid iddi gael ei darparu cyn diwedd pob tymor. To ensure parents and carers have the relevant information needed to be able to offer support to their child throughout the academic year, head teachers are required to put in place arrangements so that the following information is shared with them for learners: a brief summary of the learner s well-being a brief commentary on their key progress and learning a brief summary of the key progression needs of the learner and the next steps to support their progression brief advice on how the parent and carer can support their child s progression. How this information is provided to the parent or carer or adult learner is to be decided by the head teacher but must be provided before the end of each term.

  6. Summary of Legislation: Yearly Reports Crynodeb o r ddeddfwriaeth: Adroddiadau Blynyddol Mae darparu gwybodaeth bob tymor yn canolbwyntio ar nodi dysgu allweddol a chynnydd allweddol gan y dysgwr gydol y tymor a nodi ei anghenion i wneud cynnydd yn y dyfodol. Fodd bynnag, bydd yn parhau i fod yn bwysig bod rhieni, gofalwyr a dysgwyr sy'n oedolion yn deall cynnydd cyffredinol dysgwr dros flwyddyn. Er y gall diweddariadau ar gynnydd bob tymor wella ymgysylltu a dealltwriaeth o gynnydd ac anghenion allweddol dysgwr, mae'n parhau i fod yn bwysig bod gan rieni a gofalwyr ddarlun o gynnydd cyffredinol y dysgwr mewn perthynas phob rhan o'r cwricwlwm. Provision of termly information focuses on identifying key learning and key progress made by the learner throughout the term and identifying their key future progress needs. However, it will remain important for parents and carers and adult learners to understand the overall progress of a learner across the year. Whilst termly progress updates can improve engagement and understanding of key learner progress and needs, it remains important that parents and carers have a picture of the learner s overall progress across the breadth of the curriculum.

  7. Summary of Legislation Crynodeb o r ddeddfwriaeth The 2022 Provision of Information Regulations therefore place a duty on the head teacher to make arrangements to provide information on the annual progress of learners, including any adult learners. This information must include: a brief commentary about the progress in learning across the relevant curriculum a brief summary of the learner s progression needs and the next steps to support their progression brief advice on how parents and carers can support their child s progression feedback and progress on the learner s personalised assessments, as set out in the personalised assessments administration handbook brief commentary about the learner s well-being a brief summary of any qualifications attained a summary of the learner s attendance during the period showing the number of authorised and unauthorised absences (within the meaning of the Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010) and the number of possible attendances particulars of the arrangements under which the information provided may be discussed with the learner s teachers by the parent and carers or adult learner. It will be for the headteacher to determine the most appropriate form with which to provide information to parents and carers and the timing of the provision of annual progress information. Felly, mae Rheoliadau Darparu Gwybodaeth 2022 yn gosod dyletswydd ar y pennaeth i wneud trefniadau i ddarparu gwybodaeth am gynnydd blynyddol dysgwyr, gan gynnwys unrhyw ddysgwyr sy'n oedolion. Rhaid i'r wybodaeth hon gynnwys: sylwadaeth fer ar y cynnydd o ran dysgu ar draws y cwricwlwm perthnasol crynodeb byr o anghenion y dysgwr i wneud cynnydd a'r camau nesaf i gefnogi ei gynnydd ychydig o gyngor ynglyn sut y gall rhieni neu ofalwyr gefnogi cynnydd eu plentyn adborth a chynnydd o ran asesiadau personol y dysgwr, fel y nodir yn y llawlyfr gweinyddu asesiadau personol sylwadaeth fer ar lesiant y dysgwr crynodeb byr o unrhyw gymwysterau a enillwyd crynodeb o bresenoldeb y dysgwr yn ystod y cyfnod sy'n dangos nifer yr absenoldebau awdurdodedig ac anawdurdodedig (o fewn ystyr Rheoliadau Addysg (Cofrestru Disgyblion) (Cymru) 2010) a nifer yr achlysuron posibl o bresenoldeb manylion y trefniadau i alluogi'r rhiant, y gofalwr neu'r dysgwr sy'n oedolyn i drafod yr wybodaeth a ddarparwyd gydag athrawon y dysgwr. Mater i'r pennaeth fydd penderfynu ar y ffurf fwyaf priodol i ddarparu gwybodaeth i rieni a gofalwyr a phryd y caiff gwybodaeth am gynnydd blynyddol dysgwr ei darparu.

  8. Communicating and engaging with parents and carers: Learner Involvement Cyfathrebu ac ymgysylltu rhieni a gofalwyr: Cynnwys y dysgwr Caiff ysgolion a lleoliadau eu hannog i roi cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr gyfrannu at y broses gyfathrebu hon drwy alluogi dysgwyr i gasglu enghreifftiau o'u dysgu, mynegi eu cynnydd a'u cyflawniadau eu hunain, a chyfleu eu dyheadau a'u barn ar y camau nesaf yn eu dysgu. Yn ddelfrydol, dylai hyn fod yn broses gyfathrebu tair ffordd rhwng y dysgwyr, eu rhieni, eu gofalwyr ac ymarferwyr. Schools and settings are encouraged to provide learners with opportunities to contribute to this communication process, by enabling learners to gather examples of their learning, articulate their own progress and achievements, and convey their aspirations and views on the next steps in their learning. Ideally this should be a three-way communication process between the learner, their parents, carers and practitioners. canllawiau-asesu/#cyfathrebu-ac-ymgysylltu-%C3%A2-rhieni-a-gofalwyr progression-assessment-guidance/#communicating-and-engaging-with-parents-and-carers

  9. Enghreifftiau Maerdy Examples

  10. Enghreifftiau Maerdy Examples

  11. Enghreifftiau Maerdy Examples

  12. Enghreifftiau Maerdy Examples

  13. Enghreifftiau Calon y Cymoedd Examples Adroddiad diwedd blwyddyn End of year report

  14. Enghreifftiau Calon y Cymoedd Examples Adroddiad diwedd blwyddyn End of year report

  15. Enghreifftiau Calon y Cymoedd Examples Noson Rieni Parents Evening

  16. Enghreifftiau YGG Llangynwyd Examples Adrodd ar gynnydd Reporting on progress

  17. Enghreifftiau YGG Llangynwyd Examples Cynnwys y Dysgwyr Learner Involvement

  18. Enghreifftiau YGG Llangynwyd Examples Cynnwys y Dysgwyr Learner Involvement


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