Collaborative Plan for Pre-Employment Transition Services between LEA and IVRS

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This detailed plan outlines the collaboration between the Local Education Agency (LEA) and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS) to provide Pre-Employment Transition Services to students with disabilities. The plan includes responsibilities of both parties, access to student records, delivery of services, career exploration opportunities, job shadowing experiences, and skill development for students.

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  1. LEA/IVRSService Delivery Plan Contact: - - r l C o n t a c t : -- - Distric t- - 4 IVRSOffice: - - - - - -- - school Year:. 3 2 . . :::0=8 :.- .. 2 .:::0 = 19 "'--- - - - The following plan describeshow the partners listed above will collaborate andi mplement the Memorandum of Agreement developed betweentheI owa Department of Education and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services {IVRS); as well as our respective responsibilitiesas dictated bythe Workforce Innovat on and OpportunitiesAct (WIOA): Responsibilit es: LEA Responsibilit i es Provide access to student recordsor documentationthat studentsparticipatingin I VRS services who do not havean open record are served by the LEA as.a studentwith a disability (i.e. IEP or 504). Provide for studentswho are the most significantly disabledand for whom the LEA typicallyreferredto commun i ty rehabilitation programsfor adult services,documentation of the LEA providedassessments,work experiences, communityexperiences,andrelated pre- employment transition services once completed as requ i red under WIOA.(LEAsthat provideI VRS accessto student records and have providedto I VRS the name ofthe student neednot provide written documentation) I VRS Responsibili ties Follow-up withthe LEAto either obtainaccessto student records or documentationthatthe students referredfor participationi nJVRS delivered pre- employmenttransition services have a disability (i . e. I EP or504) Compile the documentationfrom the LEA and IVRs and presentthei nformationto the student, and/or parent/legalguardian,whenthe student/parent/legal guardian are requestingto pursuesubmin i mumwage employment.(LEAs that provide accessto student records,and who have referred the student to I VRS,do not needto provide written documentation buti nstead the IVRSstaff personwill printthe documentation from the record and follow I VRS WIOA requirements.) Follow-up on referralsand provide i nfonnation tothe school onstudent progress andservices fori nclusioni nthe I EP,etc. Participate inI E? meetings as requested either i n-personorvia technology. Refer studentsto I VRS for assistancewith transitionservice needs and assist"in coordinatonwith the parents Providei nformationtoI VRS as neededto coordinate and serve the student i ntransition. Provide informationto the LEA as neededto coordinateand serve the studenti ntransition.

  2. ServiceDelivery: Below detailsthe agreed upon delivery of Pre-Employment Transition Services {Pre-ETS): Pre-Employment Transitionservices Provided by INTERMEDIARY NETWORK Provided byLEA Provided1>yI VRS Job Explorat i on -Counseli ng Alt students atWISwill utilizethe Programto explore career i nterests and l earn more about l abor marketinformationi n their desiredcareerfie l d. I EPstudentswill have accessto further careerexploration i nthe PAES lab,VocationsClass,Tiger Perk and Career Academy as seen necessary bythe I EPteam. Studentson I EPsmay have access to the PAES lab, which provides exploration of 264job taskswithin fivejobcategories: Consumer Service,Computer Technology, ProcessingProduction, ConstructionI ndustrial,Business Marketing. 119willoffer aVocationsClass, which is a course offeredto studentsto work onfindingjobs, applyingforjobs andi nterviewing. Tl)isclassalso expl oressocial skiUs to maintainajob. career Academy will be offered at and allows for students to explorei nani ndependen tstudy format specificjob clusters. Studentswill also havethe opportunityto goonjob shadows andget paidpositionsi nthe commun i ty.Studentswillwork withI nstructionalTrainersto develop skillsetsi ntheirarea of choice. All studentswith I EP'swill be I VRS mayprovide a Career Scope assessmentfor those students withopen case fileswithI VRS. I VRS may utilze career Coach (online program) to work with students to explore professions, labor market i nformation, career pathways and trainingprograms. I VRS may helpset upjob shadowingexperiencesfor studentswho needadditional exploration opportun i ties butdo not necessarily need employability skilli nstruct i on. .I VRS will deli ver PreETS Train i ng. to potentially el igible students at VHS who needfurther helpwith career exploration,career readiness, etc. I Nmaycommun i catewith the d i str i ct onjobexploration opportunitiesi ncludingthe Career Discovery Days. I Nmay coordinatewithIVRS Counselor and Transition Coordi natorfor the deliveryof PreETStrain i ng.I Nmayassisti n settingupjob shadow experiencesfor students who needadditionalexploration opportunitesi npartnership withI VRS.

  3. giventhe opportunityto go through a systemati c approach to helpthem assess theiri nterests and work areas and develop a visionfor themsl ves beyond h i gh school. IN may assisti ncounseli ngon post-secondary opportunities with studentsand connectto resources at connectstudents to H I Career Discovery Days,which provide opportunitiesto discuss post-secondary training i n various fieldsof study. mayofferi nformational resourcesfor families to explore opportunitiesi npost-secondary and vocationali nterest areas.- Counselorsassist i nputting together a College and Career Read i ness Fair.CTE{Career and Technical Education) will hosta career andTechnicalEducation fai rhighlightingpre apprenticeshl p/apprenticeshi p programs. . Transition Coordinatorand/or teachersmay arrange visitstovarious adult agenciesfor students and families i nterested infurther trainingsuch as Job Corps,6 Counselingon Opportunities !VRSwillprovide counselingon financialaid,programsof study, collegesthat providevarious programsto studentstoconsider post-secondary train i ng.I VRS will helparrange for the college I VRS employeeto meetwith the student during campusvisitsto d i scuss disability supports and accommodations.IVRSwill make connectionto othertraining programs suchas Project SEARCH andJobCorps as neededfor students. .INmay I 1 ,and Roster teachers will maereferraltoI VRS at the timean Employability Goal is be i ngadded or as determ i ned on an i nd i v i dualbasis. ._.may provi de studentswith significant needs bothbuil ding based and community based non paidwork experience .opportun i ties as determined necessary by theIEP team. Students may be gven the opportunityfor work-based l earni ngwithTiger Perk,the I MC and the Cat Condo at Arbor Springs. Students atthejob sites I VRS may assist i nsettingup paid work experienceswithany student with anI EPor 504plan. JVRS will assist i n coordinating with the Transition Coordinator toset upjob training and inform,ational interviews'andto research employers, set up work sitetours tol earnabout necessary job skills, andjob I Nmay coordinatewiththe district andI VRSto set upwork site tours,guest speakers and opportunit i esto connect students tothe workplacefor students with an I EPor 504.I N may coordinatesummer programmingfocusedonworksite tours andjob shadowing. Career Discovery Days provide anon- sitebusi nesstour Work-Based LeamingExperiences

  4. work to develop skills with money handling,customer service, hospitality, animalcare,marketing and administrative duties. Studentsmaywork one onone with an i nstructionaltrainer duringthese opportuni ties,buti f not,will always haveaccess to a trained professional. I ndi vidual roster teachers willsignstudents up for non-paidcommunitywork. experiences set upbythe transition coordinatorfor their classesweeklyor asneeded.- TransitionCoordinatorwill he l p set upvolunteer opportun i tiesfor students who needto develop work skills and gainexperiencefor theirresum.. shadowingor mentoring opportuni ties i nthe commun i ty. experience and may be recommended to studentsby the IN basedontheir area of i nterest. Workplace ReadinessTraining Various programsare offered at - to assist studentsi nbuilding skillsi n resumewriting, i nterviewingand other job- readinessskills.Stuntswill be providedtrainingJn living, l earningand workingi nspecial educationclasses,driven by what i sdetermi nedi nthe IEP. TransitionCoordinatorwill prsent transitiontraining materials monthlyto students duringclass. I Nmay utilize classroom workshops toi nstruct potentially eligible and eligible students on va i oustopicssuch as: Financial li teracy, career pathways,resume writing, i nterviewing,professionali mage in coordinationwith- Transition Coordinatorand I VRS.IN may offersummer programmingi npartnershi p with lVRS focused on workplace read i nesstraini ngand communicate offeringstothe district. ! VRS willhelpwork with the buil d i ng rosterteachers to help students develop resumesand I nterview skills. I VRS will utilize classroom trainingcurriculum developed bytransition counselorstoi nstruct students onvarioustopicssuch as: Financiall iteracy,career pathways,self-advocacy, d i sabilitydisclosure,professional i mage,and appropriatei ntervi ew attire and behavior.These topics will be discussedas neededfor specified students and classrooms. Self-Advocacy I nstruction I Nmay coordinateclassroom activity relatedto se l f-advocacy and/or i ndependentl iving. Students withsignificantneeds may be providedthe opportunity to participatei nSeni or Plus in order tol earnand practice living and workingskills bothi nthe I VRS will work with roster teachersandi ndividualstudents to provide counselingand gu i danceondisabilityadvocacy ac;:commodationsiADA rights in

  5. employment and provide i nformation available to secondary settings. - school settingand i nthe community. Roster teachers will work with students to develop self-advocacy skllls related to their disability.Special education teachers,TransitionCoordinator and counselors provide families with informationon resources available in post-secondary settings. on resources them i n post- I nstructfonalTrain i ng None LEA willprovide the i nstruct i onal train i ng when it sfor the student tol earnjob skills,learn about the worldofwork,and explore occupationsto make an informed decisionabout a future work goal. Provideand/or payforjob coaching, whenneededas partof the i nstructional componentoftheI EP. Job Coach i ng I VRS will providejob coaching wheni t l s for the student'sfinal career thati sthe student's work goaland at whi chthe student witl work upon graduation.I VRS will i ssue an authorization to a Community Rehabilitation Provider to provide thejob coachingthati sneeded. I I Date LEAAdm i n strator S i gnature Date I VRSSignature

  6. LEA/IVRSService Delivery Plan Contact: . .._ . . . . , District: . . . .. . . . . .. . IVRSOffice: SchoolYear: - - Contact:-.-- - - - -- - . 2 =0 == 8'-2 '= 0 = 1 = 9 _ Thefollowingplandescribeshowthe partnerslistedabovewill collaborateandimplementthe MemorandumofAgreementdevelopedbetweentheIowa Department of Educat i on and IowaVocational Rehabilitation Services{IVRS); aswellasour respective responsibilitiesasdictated bythe Workforce Innovation andOpportun i tiesAct (WIOA): Responsibilities: LEA Responsibilities Provideaccess to student records or documentationthat students participating i n I VRS services who do not have an open record areserved by the LEAasa student with a disability (i.e.I EPor504). Provideforstudentswho are the most significantly disabled and for whomthe LEA typically referredtocommuni ty rehabilitation programsfor adult services,documentationof the LEAprovided assessments,work experiences, community experiences, and related pre- employment transition services once completed as required under WIOA.(LEAsthat provideI VRS access to student records and have providedto I VRS the name ofthe student need not provide written documentation) Referstudents to I VRS for assistance with transitionservice needs and assisti n coordi nationwiththe parents I VRS Responsibilii es Follow-upwiththe LEA to either obtainaccessto student records or documentationthat the students referredfor participationi nI VRS delvered pre-employment transition services have a disability (i.e.I EP or 504) Compile thedocumentationfrom the LEA and I VRS and presentthe i nformationtothe student, and/or parent/,when the student/parent/legal guardianare requestingto pursuesubmini mumwage employment.(LEAs that provide access tostudent records,and who have referredthestudentto I VRS,do notneedto provi de written documentation but i nstead the I VRS staff person willprintthe documentation from the record andfollow I VRS WIOA requirements.) Follow-uponreferralsand provide i nformation to the schoolonstudent progress andservices fori nclusi on i nthe IEP, etc.Participatei nI EP meetingsasrequestedeither in-personor via technology. Provide i nformationtothe LEA as needed to coordinate and serve thestudenti ntransition. Provideinformation toI VRS asneededto coord i nateand serve the student intransition.

  7. Service Delivery: Below detailsthe agreedupon delivery of Pre-Employment TransitionServices (Pre-ETS): Pre-Employment Transition Services Job ExplorationCounseling Provided byLEA Provided byIVRS fVRS staff may administer ... interesti nventories such as O"'NET/My Next Move,orCareer Scope. Vi rtualjob shadow resources are utilizedand I VRS staff collaborate with teachersto provideopportuni tiesfor exposure tovarietyofwork environments andjob duties. In some instances,I VRS may collaborate with Commun i ty Rehabilitation Provider (CRP) to provide Discovery services/job shadows. I VRS faciltates connectionswith college&trainingprograms, includi ngapprenticeships Occupational SkillsTraining,Job Corps & ProjectSEARCH,in additionto helpingstudents access resourcesdesigned to support student success i n postsecondary setting(FAFSA, ICAN, earningServices,ADA programs). IVRS complimentsschool work experiencesby collaboratingto evaluate student progress, offeringexpertise ontraining strategies,assistingwith site selectionandgeneratingi deas for accommodations/assistive tech. IVRS mayauthorize OccupationalSkillsTraini ngor WorkReadinessAssessment as appropriate,and may provide direct support withjob Provided by TAPFacilitator Forstudents whose needs & post-secondary expectations appropriately matchthe goals & purpose oftheTAP program, the TAP Facilitator mayprovide suppl emental 1 : 1 servicessuch asi nformational interviews, tours andjob shadows. Thisi s a 4+ program inwhich majority of students have unmet needs inthe area of work. Teachers coordinatesmall group andi ndi vidualjob shadows and employer tours. Interest i nventoriesare provided onan i nd i vidualized basis asneeded. Forstudentswhose needs& p<lsHecondary expectations appropriately matchthe goals& purpose oftheTAP program,the TAP Facilitator may provide supplemental 1 : 1 servicessuch as communi ty linkages (ICAN, FAFSA, ADA departments at local colleges) andcollege visits/placement testing. Counselingon Opportunities Teachers connect studentswith college &training program admissionsstaff when appropriate,aswell as coordinate indvi dualized campus visitsand placement testingasneeded. Teachersi dentify, oversee unpaid work experiences for small groups. Teachers solicit I VRS i nput oncreating indi vidualizedwork experiences and/or creatingexperiencesthat more closely simul ate competitive i ntegratedemployment. coordinate and Work-Based LearningExperiences For students whose needs& post-secondary expectations appropriately matchthe goals & purpose oftheTAP program,the TAP Facilitator may provide support with i dentifying potential work sites,generating i deas for accommodations,AT& naturalsupports,andsupport withjob placement.

  8. placementor mayreferand authorize to CRP for thisservice. I VRS may provideJob Seeking SkillsTrain i ngtoi ndivi dual students andsmall groups,and may also utilize 30 Waysto Shine as a New Employeei ngroupor 1 : 1 format. I VRS may support specialized transportation trainingand/or evaluationas needed.I VRSwill provide technical assistancei nthearea of Work Adjustmentas needed. Workplace ReadinessTrain i ng Teachers assess work readi ness skills via I EP process,examin i ng living,l earningand working. Program paraeducators provide data via progress moni toringof I EP goals relatedto employabil i ty. Teachers providei nstructionon functionallife skills as a cornerstone ofprogrammingat thi ssite(ex: basicfinancial literacy,communication, organization). Trainingonuse of publictransportation is i ncorporated into daily programming. I ndependent living,social skills, commun i ty access and functional academics are the primaryfocus ofthe program.Transportation training is provided (city bus). Self-advocacy traini ngi s built into each I EP meeting,and guardianship discussiontakes_ place with eachfamily. Teachers collaborate withwaivercase managersas needed (ex:assist student/family withI nvitingcase managerto I EP meeti ngs).When appropriate, teachers support linkage to communityresources. Teachers support student understandingof i mpact ofthe disabilityandsupports needed. Forstudents whose needs& post-secondary expectations appropriately matchthegoals & purpose of theTAP program,the TAP Faciltator may provide supp l emental1 : 1 services such as i ndividualizedtransportati on trainingor mock i nterviews/interview prep. For students whose needs& post-secondary expectations appropriately matchthe goals& purpose of theTAP program,the TAP Facilitator may provide supplemental 1 : 1 services such as support with disability disclosure and requesting accommodations i nthe workplace.. Self-Advocacy I nstruction I VRS providesi nformationand referralto communitybased agencies for i ndependent living andselfadvocacy training{ex: SupportedCommuni ty Livingor SCL), and psychological/psychi atric assessmentandtreatment.I VRS can help link studentsto funding sourcessuchas Medicaid waivers,I HH,Social Security Disability/SS!,andBenefits Planning. I VRS can prov i de support wi th understanding guardianship,payee, and conservatorship.I VRS supports student understandingof self- disclosure and requesting accommodations inworkplace. None I nstructionalTraining LEA will provide the instructional traini ng wheni t i s for the student tol earn job skills,learn about the worldofwork,and explore

  9. occupationsto make ani nformed decisionabout a future work goal. Provide and/or payfor job coaching, when needed as part ofthe i nstructional componentof theI EP. I VRS willprovidejob coaching wheni t i sfor the student'sfinal careerthati sthe student's work goaland at wh i chthe student will work upongraduation. lVRS will i ssue an authorizationtoa Community Rehabilitation Job Coachin g Provider to provide the job coachingthati s needed. 10- 2-3 -1 LEAAdministrator S ignature Date I VRS Signature Date


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