Understanding Diminutives in Czech, German, and English Terminology

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Explore the world of diminutives in Czech, German, and English terminology, delving into definitions, forms, meanings, and correlations with morphological language types. Discover the nuances of diminutive forms and their counterparts in different languages through a thorough analysis of linguistic structures and semantic fields.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Terminology in and around Terminology in and around Diminutives Diminutives Tom K a, Brno

  2. Content Content Objectives Definitions Method Diminutives in Czech Terminology and their counterparts in German and English Structure of counterparts Semantic fields Conclusions

  3. Issues Issues What do the counterparts of Czech quasi-diminutives look like? Are there also diminutive forms in English and German? Is there any correlation between the morphological language type and the type of coining terms?

  4. What What is is a term? a term? lexical unit typical for the particular technical language, expertise, study field, profession etc. stable, precise (not ambiguous) Coinage: typical formations of other (common) lexical units multi-word or compound derivation metaphorical transposition borrowing clipping, abbreviation

  5. What What is is a a diminutive diminutive? ? bal k, bal ek; chleb k, chleb ek; pumprl k, pumprl ek pack, packet; little bread; goblin kis csomag, keny rke -- house x housie x small house x cottage (po)posko it jump a little bit scamper, hop, make a leap, jump

  6. Diminutive Diminutive: : Definition Definition Form x Meaning Meaning: something small / smaller than a prototype; endearment, irony Form: synthetic (doggie) analytic (little/small dog) analytic-synthetic (little doggie) inherent (puppy)

  7. Q Questionnaire uestionnaire, corpus , corpus analysis analysis 240 Czech native speakers 170 German native speakers (mainly from Austria, Switzerland) Corpus InterCorp v.4 (cs-de(-en)) onwards (12 million German words) => Conclusion: 1. Diminutive form 2. Diminutive meaning If both => ( real ) Diminutive

  8. Diminutive Diminutive forms forms without without dim dim. . meanings meanings bullet, cigarette, particle (originally diminutives) Br tchen, Fr ulein, H rnchen/Kipferl, Kiesel, M rchen, Scherflein stice, kr l k, kulka, m stek, schodek andulka, bes dka, houska, polobotka

  9. System Systemof of Czech Czech diminutives diminutives quite complex (see handout) specific (- nek, ek, -ine ka, - te ko, -ou ko ) aspecific (-ek, - k, -ko, -e ko ) nouns other parts of speech (transposition to nouns)

  10. Gathering Gathering data data All diminutive forms in Corpus InterCorp v7 Collocations, counterparts 1. Real diminutives: potentially evaluative meaning (boti ka) 2. Quasi diminutives: no evaluative meaning (boti ka) 3. Non-diminutives : homonymous ending ( ejdl k, j deln ek, antuka, z kladka, nab je ka, p s ko )

  11. Quasi/ Quasi/Pseudo Pseudo diminutives diminutives around 600 different forms: and l ek [angelDIM], andulka [ Ann DIM], berli ka [crutchDIM], bramb rek [potatoeDIM], kah nek [oil lampDIM] mejdl ko [soapDIM] o ez v tko [sharpenerDIM] schodek [stepDIM], lu sek [yellow thingDIM] Only terms (in quite different semantic fields): biology 32 zoology 42 medicine 35 fashion 23 food 32 industry (various products) 120 (Examples see handout)

  12. Searching Searching for for counterparts counterparts Treq on korpus.cz Linguee.com Dictionaries Wikipedia several homepages (e.g. dental chairs)

  13. Counterparts Counterparts English Metaphors Borrowings Word-formation Attribute phrases Compounds Diminutives German Word-formation Compounds Diminutives Attribute Phrases Borrowings Metaphors

  14. Metaphors Metaphors chleba chleb ek bread sandwich Brot (beleges) Br tchen, Sandwich Jako by za t ch n kolik chleb k a v no m la povinnost m bavit. As if in return for those few sandwiches and the wine she had a duty to entertain me. Als w re sie verpflichtet, mich zum Dank f r den Wein und die paar Br tchen zu unterhalten. (Kl ma: Milostn l to / A Summer Affair)

  15. Metaphors Metaphors ruka ru i ka hand needle Hand Zeiger Ru i ka na seln ku vyst elila na pades t p t. The needle of the dial had shot up to fifty-five. Der Zeiger der Zahlenscheibe schnellte auf f nfundf nfzig hoch. (Orwell: 1984)

  16. Metaphors Metaphors ko ko ek (cake) ko ek (bra) basket cupcake cup Korb K rbchen K rbchen ml n ml nek mill grinder M le Kaffee-/K sem le

  17. Borrowings Borrowings bomba bombi ka bomb Cartridge Bombe Kartusche, Patrone pusa pusinka mouth, kiss meringue Mund, Kuss Baiser, Busserl (A) me gladiola sword gladiol-us/a Schwert Gladiole

  18. Intergration Intergration Czech Translations & integration suffixes fialka, c vka, limetka English No changes (except pronunciation) violet, catheter, lime German Translations & Anpassung (adjustment) Veilchen, Katheter, Limette

  19. Translations (Calques) Translations (Calques) me me k (gladiolus) sword sword lily Schwert Schwertblume pantofel pantofl ek (cypripedium) slipper lady s slipper orchid Pantoffel Frauenschuh sl ma sl mka (br ko) straw straw Stroh Strohalm

  20. Translations (Calques or same motivation) Translations (Calques or same motivation) trubka trubi ka pipe, tube rolled wafel Rohr Waffelr llchen stono ka desti ka krvinka korunka plot nka centipede brake disc corpuscle tooth crown (spine) disc Tausendf ler Bremsscheibe Blutk rperchen Zahnkrone Bandscheibe

  21. Compounds Compounds kabela kabelka bag handbag Tasche Handtasche zahrada zahr dka garden beer garden Garten Biergarten, Gastgarten, Schanigarten (A)

  22. Diminutives Diminutives ubrus ubrousek table cloth napkin Tischtuch Serviette kalhoty kalhotky pants, trousers undies Hose H schen kapsa (*ta ka) ta ti ka pie dumpling Tasche Tascherl, Keilchen, (Ravioli)

  23. Different Motivation led ek kohoutek kope ek ko ek rakvi ka tabulka ( oko) mati ka zahr dka (auto) kingfisher trigger/tap scoop cup casket, sweet bar nut luggage/roof rack Eisvogel Hahn Kugel K rbchen Liebesknochen Tafel, T felchen Mutter Dachtr ger

  24. Structures ( Structures (summing summing up) up) Czech terminology Word-formation (derivation even of old borrowings) & metaphors English terminology Metaphors & borrowings, word-formation German terminology Word-formation (compounding) & metaphors, borrowings

  25. Specification Specification in in the the opposite opposite direction direction Diminutive form is more common, both words are terms. kvas ferment kv sek sour dough istidlo polish ist tko cleaner nap n k shoe-tree nap n ek pin plivadlo spit sink pliv tko spitoon razidlo seal raz tko stamp sluchadlo earplug sluch tko headphone G rung Sauerteig Reinigungsmittel Reiniger Holzb gel Rei nagel Speichelschale (Spuckbecken?) Spuckschale Seiegelstempel Stempel H rger t Kopfh rer

  26. Back Back- -formation formation Desuffixation Desuffixation Diminutive form is more common, base is a term dalam nek [roll, bagel] loup ek [croissant] feferonka [pepper] ek [finch] s ek [little owl] Wide range of deverbatives (ohryzat [gnaw] ohryzek [core] p i esat [do/add hair] p esek [hairpiece] Formal words lebka [skull, head] v nek [breeze, wind] dalam n loup k feferona s c bagel croissant pepper finch little owl ohryz bark browsing) p es [ power piece] leb van skull draught, breeze

  27. Conclusion Conclusion Czech uses diminutive suffixes to form terminology unspecific suffixes Diminutives in German terminology are very rare specific diminutive suffixes Diminutives in English terminology invisible in borrowings only Counterparts of back-formed Czech words: formal English

  28. Issues Issues What do the counterparts of Czech quasi-diminutives look like? Are there also diminutive forms in English and German? In English no, in German yes Is there any correlation between the morphological language type and the type of coining terms? Yes, but in English more metaphors than conversions. In German: more metaphors and borrowings than expected.

  29. Thank you very much!


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