Performance Update of Essex Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024 for February 2023

Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024
Monthly Performance Update
February 2023
Version 1.8
Produced March 2023
Performance Analysis Unit, Research & Analysis Department, Essex Police
Sensitivity: Official
National and MSG positions are to 31 December 2022 
(Essex Police data are to 28 February 2023).
Executive Summary
The Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024 was introduced in April 2021,
with new measures that reflect the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s (PFCC) strategic commitment
to targeted prevention and early intervention. On 13 December 2022, the Chief Constable of Essex Police and the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Essex agreed that more
measures should be included so a more holistic and rounded view of the Force’s performance against the Police and Crime Plan could be provided.
Three of the twelve PFCC Priorities have been given a recommended grade of ‘
: 2 (Reducing drug driven violence), 3 (Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle
of domestic abuse) and 7 (Dog Theft). 
Seven have been given a recommended grade of ‘
’ and 
have been given a recommended grade of ‘
 5 (Improving support for victims of crime) and 9 (Improving safety on our roads).
There have been no changes in grading compared to last month’s report.
Confidence (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) was at 75.0% for the 12 months to December 2022. 
 by 5.1 percentage points
compared to the 12 months to December 2021 (80.1%), but 
 by 10.3 percentage points compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (64.7%). 
The 12 months to
December 2019 was the last full year (and last full financial quarter) in which society, crime and policing was not affected by the pandemic. Although confidence in the local
police has deteriorated significantly compared to year ending December 2021, Forces contacted by Essex Police reported patterns similar to Essex Police: confidence was high
during COVID, but has been in general decline ever since (the last two quarters especially have seen significant decreases).
There was a 
 in All Crime (0.5%), Rural Crime (0.5%) and Business Crime (14.6%) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022
However, the rate at which All Crimes have increased has slowed compared to last month’s report. When compared to the 12 months to December 2019, All Crime decreased by
this equates to 4,163 fewer offences. For the three months to February 2023, 
All Crime 
 by 3.6% whilst the solved rate increased by 1.5 percentage points compared
to the three months to February 2022
In the 12 months to February 2023 all Theft offence rose by 14% (5,638 more), compared to the 12 months to February 2022. This has primarily been driven by increases in
shoplifting (1,325 more), theft 
 a vehicle (1,016 more) and theft 
 a vehicle (801 more).
Essex experienced a 
 (2,118 fewer) in the number of offences with a repeat victim 
for the 12 months to February 2023 (45,220 offences) compared to the 12
months to February 2022 (47,338 offences). Except for August 2022, 
the year on year increase in repeat victimisation has been reducing each month since March 2022.
owever, the number of individual repeat victims 
 by 0.3% (60 more)
 for the 12 months to 
February 2023 
(22,310 individual victims) compared to the 12 months to
February 2022 (22,250 individual victims). It is of note that any over-recording of Stalking and Harassment offences (discussed on the next slide) will 
impact both the number of
repeat victims and the number of offences with a repeat victim.
Executive Summary - continued
Essex Police prides itself on having excellent Crime Data Accuracy (CDA)
. In its most recent inspection by HMICFRS, Essex Police was graded as Outstanding in relation to its
CDA. Maintaining excellent CDA, however, requires the Force to neither under-record nor over-record offences. To this end, Essex Police is auditing and – where appropriate –
cancelling Stalking & Harassment (S&H) offences to ensure additional crimes have not been unnecessarily recorded. Essex Police have also been educating those working within
the Resolution Centre to ensure they fully research the individuals involved in these types of
 offences before they create new crimes; where previous records exist, these
additional incidents are instead referred to the relevant officer(s) in order that they can be investigated together. 
This activity has therefore not only 
resulted in a decrease in
offences since the start of the review (August 2022) but has enabled the Force to better coordinate these types of investigations.
 As of 31 January 2023, 904 records have
been reviewed as potential duplicate crimes and 320 sent for cancellation; of these, 233 records (72.8%) have now been cancelled
.  It is of note that Stalking and
Harassment offences
 comprise the largest volume of Violence Against Women & Girls offences (VAWG) and accounts for 
.6% of all Domestic Abuse investigations
. There were,
for example, 
 Stalking and Harassment crimes committed against females 
in the 12 months to February 2023 (15,285 crimes) compared to the 12 months to
February 2022 (17,880 crimes).
Violence Against the Person (VAP) 
offences committed against females 
(2,007 fewer) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to
February 2022. 
here was also a 
 (286 fewer) in the number of sexual offences committed against females 
in these time periods. 
Essex Police solved
%) sexual offences committed against females 
in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022.
When comparing High Harm
 offences to its Most Similar Group (MSG) by crimes per 1,000 population, Essex recorded the third highest number of offences (out of eight police
forces) for Other Sexual Offences, fifth for Violence with Injury, sixth for Burglary Residential, and eighth for Rape and Robbery of Personal Property.
There was a 6.2% 
 (52 more) in the number of those Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) in Essex 
for the 12 months to 
 2023 compared to the 12 months to
 2022. Since August, the number of incidents reported each month (except in October and January) has been slightly below those experienced in the 12 months to
February 2022. It is of note that r
oad traffic safety is the responsibility of the 
Safer Essex Roads Partnership (
SERP) which includes Essex Police, Essex County Fire & Rescue
Service, Essex County Council, Southend on Sea Borough Council, Thurrock Council, National Highways, East of England Ambulance Service Trust, Essex and Herts Air Ambulance
Service Trust, and The Safer Roads Foundation (Registered Charity).
Essex Police conducted 37 
 OCG disruptions 
the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2021
Burglaries (Residential and Business & Community combined) experienced a statistically significant 
in offences in 
Domestic Abuse experienced a
statistically significant 
, due primarily to a fall in the volume of standard risk DA offences.
In spite of the fact that an article published in The Guardian in December
 indicated t
hat more than 1,800 police officers recruited under the Government’s pledge to increase
numbers have already resigned, 
in January Essex Police reached the highest numbers of 
in its 182-year history
The Force is also on track to have a total of 3,755
officers by March 2023. It is additionally of note that t
here has been a steady and continual increase in the numbers and proportion of employed female colleagues.
 See comparison chart on slide 15 and data table on slide 33.
 High Harm offences: Violence with Injury, Rape, Other Sexual Offences, Robbery of Personal Property and Burglary Residential
 Police: 1,800 officers recruited under Boris Johnson scheme ‘have resigned’. 
The Guardian, 30
 December 2022.
Priority 1 – Further investment in crime prevention
There was a 0.5% 
 in All Crime in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022
this equates to 771 more offences. There was,
a 2.5% 
 in All Crime (4,163 fewer offences) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019
Essex recorded the
second highest volume of offences per 1,000 population in its Most Similar Group of forces (MSG); there are seven other forces in Essex’s MSG.
Essex Police recorded a daily average of 429 crimes in February 2023, compared to an average of 415 crimes recorded in January 2023. This equates to an increase of
3.2%, or an average of 13 more crimes recorded per day.
11,998 offences were recorded in the month of February 2023, a decrease of 0.5% (56 fewer offences) compared to the month of February 2022 (11,942 offences).
Compared to December 2019, the daily average has seen an increase from 426 to 429 in February 2023.
The All Crime Harm (Crime Severity) Score* (14.5) has increased in the 12 months to December 2022 and places Essex seventh out of eight in its MSG.
Please note:
*  Crime Severity Scores (as calculated by the Office for National Statistics) measure the ‘relative harm’ of crimes by taking into account both their volume and their severity. As national data
are only available to December 2022, the score for the 12 months to December for the preceding year has been included.
 Homicides (to 15 offences) were recorded for the 12 months to February 2023 
compared to the 12 months to February 2022.
The number of Homicides decreased by 75.4% (46 fewer offences) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to
December 20
Essex experienced a 34.0% decrease (11,482 fewer) in Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) incidents for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to
the 12 months to February 2022.** There was a decrease of 47.0% ASB reports in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12
months to December 2019 (19,724 fewer incidents). The average daily number of ASB incidents increased by 25.1% in February 2023 (35
incidents) compared to January 2023 (28 incidents).
Please note:
*   In October 2019 the bodies of 39 Vietnamese nationals were discovered in a lorry trailer in Grays. This tragic incident is reflected in the Homicide numbers for the 12
months to December 2019.
** October 2021 saw the implementation of Operation SOMERTON, which aims to both improve the service given to victims of ASB and ensure crimes are correctly
Priority 1 - Further investment in crime prevention - continued
Essex Police received 20,897 fewer 101 calls to the Force Control Room (FCR), a decrease of 8.1% in the 12 months to February 2023 (236,781 calls) compared to
the 12 months to February 2022 (257,678). There was a 19.2% decrease compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (293,049 calls).
28.9% of FCR 101 calls were abandoned in February 2023, an increase of 18.2 percentage points. when compared to the same period last year, (10.7%). There
was a decrease of 5.0 percentage points when compared to December 2019 (34.0%). The average wait time increased by over five minutes in February 2023
when compared to February 2022, and an increase of almost a minute when compared to December 2019.
The Resolution Centre received 1,410 more calls (an increase of 1.6%) in the 12 months to February 2023 (87,493 calls) compared to the 12 months to February
2022 (86,083 calls). There was a 18.5% decrease compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (107,347 calls).
28.8% of Resolution Centre (RC) calls were abandoned in February 2023, an increase of 20.0 percentage points. when compared to the same period last year,
(8.8%). There was an increase of 5.3 percentage points when compared to December 2019 (23.5%). The average wait time increased by almost 24 minutes in
February 2023 when compared to February 2022, and an increase of almost fourteen minutes when compared to December 2019.
Due to concerns in this area, Contact Management is subject to one of the Force’s major change programmes, which aims to optimise and improve its processes.
The number of online reports increased by 24.8% (7,029 more) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The number of
reports also increased by 44.5% (10,884 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
Priority 1 - Further investment in crime prevention - continued
Confidence has experienced a statistically significant decline to 75.0% in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December
(by 5.1% percentage points from 80.1% for the 12 months to December 2021). It was 
during the height of the pandemic that confidence reached its
highest levels
. Forces contacted by Essex Police reported similar patterns: confidence was high during COVID but has been in general decline ever since.
Confidence remains 10.3 percentage points higher compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (64.7%).
Year on Year, the FCR and RC 101 call abandonment rates have deteriorated. However
 compared to last month there has 
een an improvement in the
FCR statistics and both areas are currently subject to a major change programme within the Contact Management Command. Due to this, a grade of
Adequate is recommended.
Priority 1 - Further investment in crime prevention - continued
Priority 2 – Reducing drug driven violence
Essex experienced 
four fewer drug related homicides (3) 
for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022
(7) and seven fewer compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
There was an 3.3% increase (513 more offences) in Violence with Injury (VWI) offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the
12 months to February 2022. There was a 3.8% increase compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (589 more offences).
Please note:
*   T
he methodology used for identifying investigations as being drug-related is subjective (qualitative data) and based on the circumstances presented. These
figures include investigations where the victim and/or suspect are suspected of being involved in Drug Use, Possession or Selling. 
Data has been re-run to reflect
the current position. This will be run on a annual basis due to the complexity of the process.
Priority 2 – Reducing drug driven violence – continued
There was a 1.0% decrease (16 fewer) in the number of knife-enabled crime offences in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022
The number of knife-enabled crime offences also decreased by 0.4% (six fewer) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 20
Essex conducted 11.4% more Organised Crime Group (OCG) disruptions (37 more) for the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2021.
Although there was a 265.7% increase compared with the 12 months to December 2019 (263 more), this is due to a breakdown in the communication between the data
from the operation activity to the figures which were produced by the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU)**.
Confidence that Essex Police and partners are dealing with drug crime (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 59.8% for the 12 months to
December 2022. The results for this question have been stable since it was first asked in September 2021.
rug related homicides and Knife enabled crimes have fallen, whilst confidence is relatively high
OCG disruptions are higher. However, there has been an increase in
the number of VWI offences when compared to the same period. Overall, with three measures improving and one deteriorating, a grade of Good is recommended.
Please note:
* The number of knife crime offences is an indicator of how effective Essex Police is at identifying knife-enabled offences, and is not necessarily reflective of the number of these offences
that have been committed in the county.  This is because the identification of these offences is reliant on the appropriate indicator being manually added to the crime record.  A new data
quality process was introduced in June 2020 and 
Essex Police is currently working with the National Data Quality Improvement Service (NDQIS) to revise knife crime flags. In September 2021,
data from April 2019 was revised; this resulted in an increase in the number of offences recorded. T
his has enabled Essex Police to better understand knife crime in Essex.
** In the fiscal year 2019/20 the disruption returns to the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) averaged 25 a quarter. A process review identified a breakdown in the
communication of the data from the operation activity to the figures produced by ERSOU. A project of improvement was implemented which focussed on improving the communication
between teams internally, and more importantly with ERSOU, to understand the parameters of what a disruption is and share this information with all teams within Essex Police. 
Over a two
year period a 
continual improvement of disruption figures has come from a refinement of the communication and claiming process. This has been focussed on ensuring that we are claiming
all possible disruptions of OCGs, tracking all activity from inception to closure, being innovative in our activity led by the 
Organised Crime Group Management Unit (
OCGMU) and highlighting
and educating new teams on how they can impact OCGs in their daily work. The moderation process has also been refined to ensure consistency with ERSOU. OCG disruption data are
provided quarterly, data is to December 2022.
*** The confidence question was added to the external independent survey in September 2021. A year on year comparison is therefore not available.
Priority 3 - Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle of
domestic abuse
Essex experienced a 
7.9% decrease (2,418 fewer) in the number of recorded Domestic Abuse (DA) offences
 for the 12 months to February 2023
compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The Force recorded 
1,353 fewer offences in the 
 months to February 2023 compared to the three
months to February 2022
 (6,218 v. 7,571). It is of note that Stalking & Harassment offences account for about a fifth (19.6%) of all Domestic Abuse
investigations and that Essex Police are currently auditing and – where appropriate – cancelling Stalking & Harassment offences to ensure additional
crimes have not been unnecessarily recorded.
Essex Police 
solved 1.7% (55) more DA offences
 for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The Force 
solved 37
fewer offences in the three months to February 2023 compared to the three months to February 2022
 (724 v. 761).
There was a 4.6% decrease (1,371 fewer) in DA offences and a 7.4% increase (223 more) in the number of DA offences solved for the 12 months to
February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
There were 2,446 fewer repeat victims of DA in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (11.6% less). There was
also a decrease of 9.0% (1,847 fewer) compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
Please note:
 repeat victim is someone who has been named as a victim for more than one crime within a 12-month period; to mitigate the fact that multiple crimes  can be
associated with the same incident, additional crimes with the same victim on the same date are not counted.
Essex Police solved 43 more (10.8%) child abuse offences 
for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022,
whilst there was a 
5.4% decrease (348 fewer) 
in offences for the same comparison periods.
Essex Police also solved 165 more (60.0%) offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. There
was also a 15.0% increase (788 more) in Child Abuse offences for the same comparison periods.
Priority 3 - Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle of
domestic abuse - continued
210 Modern Slavery referrals were made in the 12 months to February 2023 compared with 166 in the 12 months to February 2022 (44 more).
The number of Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPN) decreased by 34.3% (94 fewer notices) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the
12 months to February 2022. 94 fewer (37.2%) Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPO) were issued in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to
the 12 months to February 2022.
Confidence that the policing response to protect children and vulnerable people (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 79.6%
(results to the 12 months to December 2022). Compared to year ending December 2021, confidence has decreased by 6.7 percentage points but
nevertheless remains at a high level.
As a result of Operation Puffin***, the force has implemented a number of changes to how it approaches the issue of domestic violence. This includes
implementing improvements to the risk assessment and victim safeguarding processes.
 of the nine metrics for this Priority improved 
in the 12 months to February 2023 
compared to the 12 months to 
 2022 (DA offences, DA solved,
repeat victims of DA, CA offences, CA solved and NRM referrals); 
 deteriorated (
, DVPOs and confidence). Five metrics improved when
compared with the 12 months to December 2019.
As such, a grade of 
 is recommended.
Please note:
*  The number of Modern Slavery referrals made to the National Referral Model are only available from April 2019 due to a change in the method of recording. A year on
year comparison for the 12 months to December 2019 is therefore not possible.
DVPN’s are the first stage of the process, and DVPO the second. An officer issues a DVPN which has to go to court to become a DVPO
there are always less orders than
notices as a result, as not all are approved or process hasn’t been followed.
*** Operation Puffin was an investigation into the horrific murder of Ashley Wadsworth by a young man with a history of domestic violence in Chelmsford last year.
Priority 3 - Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle of
domestic abuse - continued
Priority 4 – Reducing violence against women and girls
Where gender is detailed, over half of victims of Violence Against the Person (VAP) offences identified as female* (56.3%). 
% of offences (
offences) had no gender recorded**.
Essex experienced a 
5.1% decrease (2,007 fewer) in the number of VAP offences committed against females 
in the 12 months to February 2023
compared to the 12 months to February 2022. There was an 5.8% increase (2,044 more) in the number of VAP offences committed against females in the
12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
Essex Police prides itself on having excellent Crime Data Accuracy (CDA)
. In its most recent inspection by HMICFRS, Essex Police was graded as
Outstanding in relation to its CDA. Maintaining excellent CDA, however, requires the Force to neither under-record nor over-record offences. To this end,
Essex Police is auditing and – where appropriate – cancelling Stalking & Harassment offences to ensure additional crimes have not been unnecessarily
recorded. Essex Police have also been educating those working within the Resolution Centre to ensure they fully research the individuals involved in these
types of
 offences before they create new crimes; where previous records exist, these additional incidents are instead referred to the relevant officer(s) in
order that they can be investigated together. 
As of the 31
 January 2023, 904 records have been reviewed as potential duplicate crimes and 320 sent for
cancellation; of these, 233 records (72.8%) have now been cancelled.  
It is of note that Stalking and Harassment offences
 comprise the largest volume of
VAWG offences; t
here were, for example, 
2,595 fewer Stalking and Harassment crimes committed against females 
in the 12 months to February 2023
(15,285 crimes) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (17,880 crimes).
There was a 
5.8% decrease (286 fewer) in the number of Sexual Offences committed against females 
in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the
12 months to February 2022, and a 22.2% increase (847 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019.  Although Essex Police solved ten fewer of
these offences in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022, it 
solved 81 more compared to the 12 months to
December 2019
Please note:
Officer defined gender.
Not Recorded also includes records where gender is unknown or unspecified.
*** Please see slide 36
for tables detailing Offences, Solved Outcomes and Solved Rates% for Violence against the Person and Sexual offences (by crime type) split by gender.
Priority 4 – Reducing violence against women and girls - continued
The Home Office is trialling a new online tool called StreetSafe on to enable people, particularly women and girls, to pin-point locations where they feel unsafe or have felt
unsafe and identify why that location made them feel unsafe. StreetSafe was developed by the Digital Public Contact (DPC) Programme in cooperation with the Home Office and
the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and was launched on 2 September 2021 as a national pilot for three months. StreetSafe was introduced into Essex as part of the
government’s strategy to tackle Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG). In February 2023, 7 reports were submitted in Essex. In total 335 reports have been submitted for the
43.5% of females feel safe walking alone in their area after dark (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) for the 12 months to December 2022 compared to
74.7% of males.
Essex Police is regularly reporting to the national VAWG Taskforce and HMICFRS in respect of its performance, its action plan to tackle VAWG, and its internal conduct and
behaviour. This contact also shares best practice and innovation.
The national VAWG Taskforce categorise work in three distinct areas: improving trust and confidence in policing;
relentless pursuit of offenders; and creating safer spaces. 
Partnership engagement is key in tackling VAWG, as there are many strands which policing cannot tackle alone; these
include education and the prevalence of VAWG and the anonymity of the internet. A national report into VAWG performance is due to be released in the near future.
Essex Police encourage reporting and are working to gain a better understand this type of offence. The recent high-profile conviction of Stephen Bear demonstrates the Forces
commitment to reducing VAWG and it is hoped this will encourage other victims to come forward with their experiences. There has been a decrease in Violence Against the Person
offences against females compared to last year. Whilst the number of solved sexual offences has fallen compared to last year, the number of sexual offences reported has also
fallen proportionately. As such a grade of Adequate is recommended.
Please note:
* The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not available.
Priority 5 – Improving support for victims of crime
Essex experienced a 
4.5% decrease (2,118 fewer) in the number of 
 with a repeat victim 
for the 12 months to February 2023 (45,220 offences) compared to the 12 months to
February 2022 (47,338 offences) and a 5.9% increase (2,516 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (42,704 offences).* Except for August 2022, the year on year change for
repeat victimisation has decreased each month since March 2022.
number of 
 repeat victims increased by 0.3% 
(60 more) for the 12 months to 
 2023 (22,310 individual victims) compared to the 12 months to 
 2022 (22,250
individual victims). There was a slightly larger overall rise of 4.7% (1,003 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (21,307 individual victims).
The average number of days taken to investigate High Harm offences increased to 51.3 in 
 2023 compared to 49.2 in 
 2022 (2.1 days more); it was 44.2 days in December
2019 (7.2 days more).
There was a 0.5% decrease in the number of referrals to Victim Support in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022; this equates to 152 fewer referrals.
There was, however, a 31.6% decrease (12,994 fewer referrals) for the 12 months to February 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.***
Please note:
*    This metric details how many crimes had a repeat victim rather than the number of individual people who are repeat victims of crime. A repeat victim is someone who has been named as
a victim for more than one crime within a 12-month period; to mitigate the fact that multiple crimes can be associated with the same incident, additional crimes with the same victim on the
same date are not counted.
**   Data are for February only for all three years.
*** Please see slide 37
for tables detailing Offence details.
Requires Improvement
Priority 5 – Improving support for victims of crime - continued
Confidence among victims (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 61.0%
 (results to the 12 months to December 2022).
Although this is 16.1 percentage points lower than confidence of non-victims for the same period (77.1%), the gap has narrowed from 21.1 percentage
points over the same period last year. However, the disparity has increased by 2.7 percentage points compared to the 12 months to December 2019
Compared to year ending December 2021, 
confidence in the local police among victims is stable
, in contrast to confidence amongst non-victims for whom
there was a statistically significantly reduction of 5.0 percentage points.
Whilst the number of repeat victims has decreased in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to last year, the average number of days taken to
investigate high harm offences has increased when compared to the February 2022 and December 2019, a grade of Requires Improvement is
Requires Improvement
Priority 6 – Protecting rural and isolated areas
Rural Crime increased by 0.5% (126 more offences) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022
. During this period All crime
increased by 0.5%. However, Rural crime decreased by 8.7% (2,305 fewer offences) compared to the 12 months to December 2019. All Crime in Essex decreased by 2.5%
in the same period.
Essex Police solved 0.2% (-5) fewer rural crime offences
 for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022, and 15.6% fewer (a decrease
of 474) compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
The rural crime Harm (Crime Severity) Score* was 8.7 for the 12 months to February 2023, which is stable when compared to the 12 months to February 2022 and lower
than the All Crime Harm Score in Essex (14.5) which increased by 0.4 over the same period.
Please note:
* Crime Severity Scores (as calculated by the Office for National Statistics) measure the ‘relative harm’ of crimes by taking into account both their volume and their
severity. National data are not available for crimes committed in rural areas, so it is not possible to measure against an MSG average; due to this, Essex Police data (to
January 2023) have been used rather than national data (which are to December 2022).
Priority 6 – Protecting rural and isolated areas - continued
Confidence in rural policing (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 77.4% (results to the 12 months to December
2022). Compared to year ending December 2021, confidence in rural policing has deteriorated significantly, although it remains higher than
the current overall Essex average (rural and urban combined) of 75.0%. 
Since 2019, confidence in Essex Police has increased significantly in
every area across Essex. 
The four districts with the lowest levels of confidence (between 69%-75%) are urban.
Essex Police is one of only 15 forces who have dedicated Rural Policing Teams. 
Essex Police are also continuing their commitment to prevent
rural and heritage crime with the innovative launch of a horseback volunteer scheme in Uttlesford. The idea behind the scheme is that horse
riders are in a unique position to spot signs of suspicious activity related to offences such as hare coursing, stolen agricultural vehicles,
unlawful metal detecting or theft of lead from protected heritage buildings. The horseback volunteers will be trained in what to look out for
and will be able to report any concerns or suspicious activity, helping the Force target those committing offences and stop criminality before it
Confidence in the local police in rural areas remains higher than in Essex as a whole, and offence levels in the 12 months to February 2023 are
lower compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (pre-COVID). While there has been a slight increase in the number of rural offences and
a slight decrease in the number solved, performance remains stable. A grade of Adequate is therefore recommended.
Please note:
* Rural districts: Braintree, Maldon, Tendring and Uttlesford
Priority 7 – Preventing dog theft
There were six fewer dog thefts in Essex for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (55 v. 61). There were two fewer dog thefts in
the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
Essex Police solved one fewer dog theft offence for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 and the 12 months to December 2019.
Confidence in how Essex Police and the organisations they work with are dealing with dog theft (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 63.3%
for the 12 months to December 2022.
Due to the low and reducing number of thefts across the county (given the comparatively large population of Essex), along with relatively high confidence levels, a grade
of Good is recommended.
Please note:
*   T
his is number of thefts in which dogs were stolen, and not quantity of dogs stolen in each theft. 
Data are based on theft offence crimes and robbery offence crimes where the ‘property
code’ is ‘pet animal – dog’ and the ‘property status’ is ‘stolen’ and/or ‘stolen/recovered’.
**  The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not available.
Priority 8 – Reducing business crime, fraud and cyber crime
Business Crime offences include any notifiable crimes recorded with a victim which is an organisation; it does not include Fraud offences. All
reports of Fraud are recorded by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) rather than Essex Police. In the 12 months to February 2023, a
total of 1,934 Fraud investigations were allocated to Essex Police by NFIB for investigation. For data on the number and type of Fraud
investigations reported as being committed within the Essex Police area, please visit the 
NFIB Fraud and Cyber Crime Dashboard.
Essex experienced a 
14.6% increase (2,660 more) in the number of Business Crime offences and a 17.9% increase (507 more) in the number
of these offences which were solved
 in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022.
hoplifting accounts
for approximately 46.6% of business crime. 
Essex Police have been working with businesses to encourage them to record more offences.
There was a 13.4% decrease (3,211 fewer) in the number of Business Crime offences and a 31.6% decrease (1,547 fewer) in the number of
Business Crimes solved in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
Priority 8 – Reducing business crime, fraud and cyber crime - continued
There was a 2.9% increase in the number of fraud offences related to business crime in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12
months to February 2022
 this equates to 10 more offences. There was also a 27.0% decrease in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to
the 12 months to December 20
 this equates to 131 fewer offences.
Confidence that Essex Police are dealing with cyber crime (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 50.4% for the 12
months to December 2022.
Three of the five metrics deteriorated when compared to the 12 months to January 2022 (Business Crime offences, fraud offences related to
Business Crime and the total number of fraud offences). However, despite the increase in Business Crime Offences, the number solved has
increased in proportion to this. Due to the fact that these measures are also improving when compared to the 12 months to December 2019,
a grade of Adequate is recommended.
Please note:
*   Fraud offences recorded on Athena where the victim is either an organisation or a person with the Business Victim flag.
** The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not yet available.
Priority 9 - Improving safety on our roads
Road traffic safety is the responsibility of the 
Safer Essex Roads Partnership (
SERP). SERP comprises reprentatives from Essex Police, Essex
County Fire & Rescue Service, Essex County Council, Southend on Sea Borough Council, Thurrock Council, National Highways, East of England
Ambulance Service Trust, Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Service Trust and The Safer Roads Foundation (Registered Charity). The aspiration of
Essex Police and partners is ‘Vision Zero’, namely to have no road deaths or serious injuries by 2040. 
The SERP Safety delivery plan sets out a
structured programme of educational and engagement activity to address this and support behavioural changes.
There was a 
6.2% increase (52 more) in the number of those Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) in Essex 
for the 12 months to February 2023
compared to the 12 months to February 2022 with the rate of increase slowing more recently. The number of KSIs also increased by 69 in the
12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.
Essex recorded the third highest number of casualties per 100 million vehicle kilometres (results to June 20
) in its Most Similar Group
(MSG) of eight forces; Essex are above the MSG average also. However, due to the fact that more recent national figures have not been
released, the current position cannot be determined (the date of the next national release has not yet been confirmed).
Please note that not all KSIs will result in a criminal offence, for instance where a fatal collision has been caused by bad weather or because of
a medical episode suffered by the driver.
Priority 9 - Improving safety on our roads - continued
There was a 
8.8% decrease (218 fewer offences) in drink/drug driving offences 
for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. There was a 10.0%
decrease (147 fewer offences) in drink driving and a 7.1% decrease (71 fewer offences) in drug driving. There was also a 31.7% decrease (1,049 fewer offences) in drink/drug driving offences
for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019; of these offences, there was a 9.4% decrease (138 fewer offences) in drink driving and a 49.4% decrease
(911 fewer offences) in drug driving. All of these offence types are primarily driven by police proactivity in relation to road safety.
The number of Failure to Provide samples decreased by 11.0% (39 fewer) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the same period last year, and by 20.6% compared to the 12
months to December 2019.
There was a 
229.4% increase (1030 more offences) in the number of driving related mobile phone offences 
recorded for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to
February 2022.*
Confidence in Essex Police and organisations with whom they police the roads (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 66.9% (results to the 12 months to
December 2022). Confidence in the local police and organisations they work with has increased significantly when compared to year ending December 2021 (63.9%).
Due to the increase in KSIs and the decrease in the number of driving under the influence of drink drug driving in the past 12 months compared to the previous 12 months and the 12 months
to December 2019 a grade of Requires Improvement is recommended.
Please note:
* In 2019, the definition as to what constituted “use” of a mobile phone in relation to driver-related mobile phone offences was subject to a legal challenge. This resulted in a ruling, which
held that while “use” included accessing the interactive functions of the mobile phone (such as making calls, sending messages or using the internet), it did not extend to solely accessing the
device’s internal functions (such as making use of the camera). Fewer mobile phone offences were subsequently prosecuted from this point. In 2021 the government announced that the law
was to be changed making it illegal to “hold” a phone or sat nav when driving or riding a motorcycle. This law was finally passed on 25th March 2022.
Priority 10 – Encouraging volunteers and community support
Essex Watch Liaison Officers continue to work with Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) to offer crime and fraud prevention advice.*
Citizens in Policing and the Special Constabulary play an integral part in supporting Essex Police.
 January 2022, the Local Policing Support Unit (LPSU) introduced a
Strategic Co-ordination Group which proactively supports, throughout the county, the mobilisation of all Special Constables, Police Support Volunteers, Active Citizens,
Accredited Persons and, where appropriate our Volunteer Police Cadets, with local operations and initiatives under the Chief Constable’s Plan on a Page and the Police,
Fire Crime Commissioner’s Police and Fire Plan.
Since last month’s report, there are now: twelve more dog group members, three more farm and rural group members and three more heritage group members.
There are currently 2,343 NHW Co-ordinators and 79,449 NHW members.
Please note:
* Neighbourhood Watch data were first produced in March 2022 so year on year comparison is not available.
Priority 10 – Encouraging volunteers and community support
The Special Constabulary headcount is currently 327 (as of 28 Feb 2023). This is down 30.6% (144 fewer) compared to February 2022. Compared to the 12 months to December 2019 this is
down 37.0% (192 fewer).
There are 221 Volunteer Police Cadets (VPCs) and 87 Volunteer Cadet Leaders across 13 Cadet Units. In addition, t
here are 
 Police Support Volunteers and 56 Active Citizens within Essex
Police across the county, a total of 155 Volunteers. This is a decrease of 2 compared to last month. These volunteers also are part of the Strategic Co-ordination Group and support their
Locally Community Policing Teams with local events
Confidence that there are good opportunities for volunteers to assist policing and reduce crime in Essex (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 52.5% for the 12
months to December 2022. Confidence has increased each quarter since Q4 2021/22 (2021/22 Q4 45.1%; 2022/23 Q1 48.6%; Q2 49.4%).
The total number of volunteers decreased slightly compared to last month. The Special Constabulary headcount has also decreased significantly compared to 12 months ago and December
2019. However, due to the fact that Essex has the second largest Special Constabulary in the country, and that the Essex Police makes use of Ethics Boards to inform its work, a grade of
Adequate is recommended.
Please note:
Monthly data only collected from December 2022 so year on year comparisons not available.
     VPC data are taken from the cadet census and are for the 28
 February each year.
     Of the 13 Cadet Units 
10 are active and 3 are temporarily suspended due to not enough leader coverage in that area. Recruitment is ongoing to get the units up and        
running again.
They are Southend, Chelmsford & Braintree.
** The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not available.
There has been a 
slight decrease (0.3%) in the proportion of ethnic minority employees 
in February 2023 (268) compared to February 2022 (289); this equates to 21 fewer employees.
However, in contrast, there has been an increase of 51 compared to December 2019 (217).
In the 12 months to February 2023, 
 new officers took their oaths to the King and started their Essex Police careers. The new officers pledged their commitment to police with the
consent of every community at a time when the Force is welcoming more new colleagues from a range of different backgrounds. Over the same period, 244 officers left their positions,
leading to an overall increase of 112 officers over the last year.
The average days lost per person for sickness decreased for Staff and PCSOs, but increased for Officers in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. Full
Time Employee vacancies deteriorated for all employee types except PCSOs over the same period. For these reasons a grade of Adequate is recommended.
 Please note:
*    Ethnic minority employees as a percentage of the total workforce.
**   Ethnic minority employees as a percentage of type of employee.
Priority 11 – Supporting our officers and staff
The data is this section is provided by Essex County Fire and Rescue Service as part of the Joint Essex Fire and Police Education in Schools
Programme (2022). School visit data has been provided up to December 2022.
330 school visits were conducted in the 12 months to December 2022. This is an increase of 17% compared to the 12 months to December
There was a 52.0% decrease (1,397 fewer) in the number of programmes delivered in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12
months to December 2019.** Audience Numbers decreased by 42.5% (88,963 fewer) in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the
12 months to December 2019.**
This section is due to be reviewed to include additional context. Whilst there has been a decrease in programmes delivered and audience
numbers in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2019, due to a lack of further qualitative information,
a grade of Adequate is recommended.
Please note:
* Data is to December 2022. Only data for the last two years has been provided, so comparisons to the Pre-Covid period are not possible.
** Schools and colleges reopened in September 2020 due to the pandemic, but were closed again from January to March 2021. In addition, throughout most of the
September 2020 to July 2021 period there were still government restrictions on gathering and movement, especially for non-essential mixing.
*** Data is only available to September 2022.
Priority 12 – Increasing collaboration
Monthly Performance Overview: Exceptions
Exceptions Overview
The force saw a statistically exceptional increase in Burglaries and a statistically exceptional decrease in Domestic Abuse in February 2023.
(Residential and Business & Community combined)
5.0% increase (321 more crimes) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022.
Domestic Abuse – 
8.1% decrease (2,489 fewer crimes) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. This is primarily
being driven by Standard Risk Domestic Abuse. There were statistically exceptional decreases in four Districts in February 2023: Tendring,
Southend, Castle Point and Basildon.
2021-2024 Police and Crime Plan Performance Indicators
Table 1
Please view above table with the explanations and caveats detailed on slides 32 and 33.
2021-2024 Police and Crime Plan Performance Indicators - continued
Table 2
Please view above table with the explanations and caveats detailed on slides 32 and 33.
2021-2024 Police and Crime Plan Performance Indicators - continued
Table 3
Please view above table with the explanations and caveats detailed on slides 32 and 33.
End Notes
 Crime Severity Score measures ‘relative harm’ of crimes by taking into account both the volume and the severity of offences, and by weighting offences differently.
National data for the 12 months to December 2022 have been used in order that comparisons can be made to Essex’s Most Similar Group of Forces (MSG).
 Please note that on Wednesday 23 October 2019 the bodies of 39 Vietnamese nationals were discovered in a lorry trailer in Grays. This tragic incident is reflected in the
Homicide numbers.
 October 2021 saw the implementation of Operation SOMERTON, which aims to both improve the service given to victims of ASB and ensure crimes are correctly
Question from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police. Results are for the period 12 months December 2022 versus the 12 months to December 2021.
 The confidence interval is the range +/- within which the survey result will lie. This is mainly influenced by the number of people answering the survey. The more people
that answer the survey, the smaller the interval range.
he methodology used for identifying these investigations as drug related is subjective and based on the circumstances presented. These figures will include
investigations where the victim or the suspect are involved Drug Use, Possession or Selling.
The number of knife crime offences is an indicator of how effective Essex Police is at identifying knife-enabled offences, and is not necessarily reflective of the number of
these offences that have been committed in the county.  This is because the identification of these offences is reliant on the appropriate indicator being manually added to
the crime record.  A manual review of knife flags was conducted and missing flags were added retrospectively. Additionally a new data quality process was introduced in
June 2020. Whilst this has enabled us to better understand knife crime in Essex, the process has consequently inflated the figures.  As such, no inferences can be drawn as
to the current trend.
 OCG disruptions are reported quarterly. Data are to December 2022.
 Solved outcomes are crimes that result in: charge or summons, caution, crimes taken into consideration, fixed penalty notice, cannabis warning or community resolution.
 NRM data only available from April 2019 due to recording change at that time.
 High Harm offences: Violence with Injury, Rape, Other Sexual Offences, Robbery of Personal Property and Residential Burglary. Average number of days are for the
previous month in all three periods.
his is the number of theft offences in which dogs were stolen, and not necessarily the number of dogs which were stolen.
End Notes - continued
 ‘Killed or Seriously Injured’ (KSI) refers to all people killed or seriously injured on Essex’s roads, regardless of whether any criminal offences were committed. ‘Causing
Death/Serious Injury by Dangerous/Inconsiderate Driving’ offences (detailed on slide 22) refers to the number of crimes of this type.
 In 2019, the definition as to what constituted “use” of a mobile phone in relation to driver-related mobile phone offences was subject to a legal challenge. This resulted
in a ruling, which held that while “use” included accessing the interactive functions of the mobile phone (such as making calls, sending messages or using the internet), it
did not extend to solely accessing the device’s internal functions (such as making use of the camera). Fewer mobile phone offences were subsequently prosecuted from
this point. In 2021 the government announced that the law was to be changed making it illegal to “hold” a phone or sat nav when driving or riding a motorcycle. This law
was finally passed on 25th March 2022.
 Monthly data only collected from December 2022 so year on year comparisons not available.
 Neighbourhood Watch data are reported quarterly. Data as at 28
 February 2022.
 Ethnic minority employees as a percentage of the total workforce.
 Absence data: Rolling from 1
 April each year.
 Data provided by the Fire Service and to the 12 months to December 2022.
 Number of offences with repeat victim including month on month percentage change.
Crime Tree Data – Rolling 12 Months to February
Table 4
Crime Tree Data – Rolling 12 Months to February - continued
Table 5
Table 6
Crime Tree Data - Rolling 12 months to February                                                                        
Violence against
the Person and Sexual offences and outcomes (by crime type) split by gender
Please note: the breakdown of data for the previous 12 months within these tables may not tally with the totals on slide 13 as gender data is rerun on a monthly basis.
Table 7
Victim Referrals by Crime offence - Rolling 12 months to February 2023
Please note: data updated quarterly.
Slide Note

The February 2023 update of the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024 for Essex Police highlights various aspects of their performance, including grades for different priorities, confidence ratings, crime statistics, and efforts to maintain Crime Data Accuracy. Despite some areas requiring improvement, the report emphasizes targeted prevention and early intervention strategies to enhance public safety.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024 Monthly Performance Update February 2023 National and MSG positions are to 31 December 2022 (Essex Police data are to 28 February 2023). Version 1.8 Produced March 2023 Performance Analysis Unit, Research & Analysis Department, Essex Police Sensitivity: Official

  2. Executive Summary The Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024 was introduced in April 2021,with new measures that reflect the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner s (PFCC) strategic commitment to targeted prevention and early intervention. On 13 December 2022, the Chief Constable of Essex Police and the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Essex agreed that more measures should be included so a more holistic and rounded view of the Force s performance against the Police and Crime Plan could be provided. Three of the twelve PFCC Priorities have been given a recommended grade of Good : 2 (Reducing drug driven violence), 3 (Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle of domestic abuse) and 7 (Dog Theft). Seven have been given a recommended grade of Adequate and twohave been given a recommended grade of Requires Improvement : 5 (Improving support for victims of crime) and 9 (Improving safety on our roads). There have been no changes in grading compared to last month s report. Confidence (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) was at 75.0% for the 12 months to December 2022. Confidence decreased by 5.1 percentage points compared to the 12 months to December 2021 (80.1%), but increased by 10.3 percentage points compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (64.7%). The 12 months to December 2019 was the last full year (and last full financial quarter) in which society, crime and policing was not affected by the pandemic. Although confidence in the local police has deteriorated significantly compared to year ending December 2021, Forces contacted by Essex Police reported patterns similar to Essex Police: confidence was high during COVID, but has been in general decline ever since (the last two quarters especially have seen significant decreases). There was a increase in All Crime (0.5%), Rural Crime (0.5%) and Business Crime (14.6%) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. However, the rate at which All Crimes have increased has slowed compared to last month s report. When compared to the 12 months to December 2019, All Crime decreased by 2.5%;this equates to 4,163 fewer offences. For the three months to February 2023, All Crime fell by 3.6% whilst the solved rate increased by 1.5 percentage points compared to the three months to February 2022. In the 12 months to February 2023 all Theft offence rose by 14% (5,638 more), compared to the 12 months to February 2022. This has primarily been driven by increases in shoplifting (1,325 more), theft of a vehicle (1,016 more) and theft from a vehicle (801 more). Essex experienced a 4.5% decrease (2,118 fewer) in the number of offences with a repeat victim for the 12 months to February 2023 (45,220 offences) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (47,338 offences). Except for August 2022, the year on year increase in repeat victimisation has been reducing each month since March 2022.1 However, the number of individual repeat victims increased by 0.3% (60 more) for the 12 months to February 2023 (22,310 individual victims) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (22,250 individual victims). It is of note that any over-recording of Stalking and Harassment offences (discussed on the next slide) will impact both the number of repeat victims and the number of offences with a repeat victim. 2

  3. Executive Summary - continued Essex Police prides itself on having excellent Crime Data Accuracy (CDA). In its most recent inspection by HMICFRS, Essex Police was graded as Outstanding in relation to its CDA. Maintaining excellent CDA, however, requires the Force to neither under-record nor over-record offences. To this end, Essex Police is auditing and where appropriate cancelling Stalking & Harassment (S&H) offences to ensure additional crimes have not been unnecessarily recorded. Essex Police have also been educating those working within the Resolution Centre to ensure they fully research the individuals involved in these types of offences before they create new crimes; where previous records exist, these additional incidents are instead referred to the relevant officer(s) in order that they can be investigated together. This activity has therefore not only resulted in a decrease in offences since the start of the review (August 2022) but has enabled the Force to better coordinate these types of investigations. As of 31 January 2023, 904 records have been reviewed as potential duplicate crimes and 320 sent for cancellation; of these, 233 records (72.8%) have now been cancelled. It is of note that Stalking and Harassment offences comprise the largest volume of Violence Against Women & Girls offences (VAWG) and accounts for 19.6% of all Domestic Abuse investigations. There were, for example, 2,595 fewer Stalking and Harassment crimes committed against females in the 12 months to February 2023 (15,285 crimes) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (17,880 crimes). Violence Against the Person (VAP) offences committed against females decreased by 5.1% (2,007 fewer) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. There was also a 5.8% decrease (286 fewer) in the number of sexual offences committed against females in these time periods. However, Essex Police solved ten fewer (-3.4%) sexual offences committed against females in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. When comparing High Harm2 offences to its Most Similar Group (MSG) by crimes per 1,000 population, Essex recorded the third highest number of offences (out of eight police forces) for Other Sexual Offences, fifth for Violence with Injury, sixth for Burglary Residential, and eighth for Rape and Robbery of Personal Property. There was a 6.2% increase (52 more) in the number of those Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) in Essex for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. Since August, the number of incidents reported each month (except in October and January) has been slightly below those experienced in the 12 months to February 2022. It is of note that road traffic safety is the responsibility of the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) which includes Essex Police, Essex County Fire & Rescue Service, Essex County Council, Southend on Sea Borough Council, Thurrock Council, National Highways, East of England Ambulance Service Trust, Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Service Trust, and The Safer Roads Foundation (Registered Charity). Essex Police conducted 37 more OCG disruptions in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2021. Burglaries (Residential and Business & Community combined) experienced a statistically significant increase in offences in February 2023. Domestic Abuse experienced a statistically significant decrease, due primarily to a fall in the volume of standard risk DA offences. In spite of the fact that an article published in The Guardian in December3 indicated that more than 1,800 police officers recruited under the Government s pledge to increase numbers have already resigned, in January Essex Police reached the highest numbers of officers in its 182-year history. The Force is also on track to have a total of 3,755 officers by March 2023. It is additionally of note that there has been a steady and continual increase in the numbers and proportion of employed female colleagues. 1 See comparison chart on slide 15 and data table on slide 33. 2 High Harm offences: Violence with Injury, Rape, Other Sexual Offences, Robbery of Personal Property and Burglary Residential 3Police: 1,800 officers recruited under Boris Johnson scheme have resigned . The Guardian, 30th December 2022. 3

  4. Priority 1 Further investment in crime prevention Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Essex per 1, 000 pop. M SG Ave per 1, 000 pop. Essex M SG Posi t i on Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 # di f f . Num ber of al l cr i m e of f ences 1 68, 21 8 1 63, 284 1 64, 055 771 0. 5 89. 7 81 . 4 8. 3 7 Essex M SG Ave # di f f . Essex M SG Posi t i on 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2021 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Num ber Di f f er ence 2021/22 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2021/22 Har m ( Cr i m e Sever i t y) Scor e* v. M ost Si m i l ar Gr oup of For ces ( M SG) - Al l Cr i m e 1 3. 8 1 4. 1 1 4. 5 0. 4 - 1 4. 5 1 2. 6 1 . 9 7 There was a 0.5% increase in All Crime in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022;this equates to 771 more offences. There was, however, a 2.5% decrease in All Crime (4,163 fewer offences) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.Essex recorded the second highest volume of offences per 1,000 population in its Most Similar Group of forces (MSG); there are seven other forces in Essex s MSG. Essex Police recorded a daily average of 429 crimes in February 2023, compared to an average of 415 crimes recorded in January 2023. This equates to an increase of 3.2%, or an average of 13 more crimes recorded per day. 11,998 offences were recorded in the month of February 2023, a decrease of 0.5% (56 fewer offences) compared to the month of February 2022 (11,942 offences). Compared to December 2019, the daily average has seen an increase from 426 to 429 in February 2023. The All Crime Harm (Crime Severity) Score* (14.5) has increased in the 12 months to December 2022 and places Essex seventh out of eight in its MSG. Please note: * Crime Severity Scores (as calculated by the Office for National Statistics) measure the relative harm of crimes by taking into account both their volume and their severity. As national data are only available to December 2022, the score for the 12 months to December for the preceding year has been included. 4

  5. Priority 1 - Further investment in crime prevention - continued Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of hom i ci des Num ber of Ant i - Soci al Behavi our I nci dent s 61 26 1 5 - 1 1 - 42. 3 - 34. 0 41 , 975 33, 733 22, 251 - 1 1 , 482 Eleven fewer Homicides (to 15 offences) were recorded for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The number of Homicides decreased by 75.4% (46 fewer offences) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.* Essex experienced a 34.0% decrease (11,482 fewer) in Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) incidents for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022.** There was a decrease of 47.0% ASB reports in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (19,724 fewer incidents). The average daily number of ASB incidents increased by 25.1% in February 2023 (35 incidents) compared to January 2023 (28 incidents). Please note: * In October 2019 the bodies of 39 Vietnamese nationals were discovered in a lorry trailer in Grays. This tragic incident is reflected in the Homicide numbers for the 12 months to December 2019. ** October 2021 saw the implementation of Operation SOMERTON, which aims to both improve the service given to victims of ASB and ensure crimes are correctly recorded. 5

  6. Priority 1 - Further investment in crime prevention - continued Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of FCR 1 01 cal l s 293, 049 1 07, 347 24, 468 257, 678 86, 083 28, 323 236, 781 87, 493 35, 352 - 20, 897 1 , 41 0 7, 029 - 8. 1 1 . 6 24. 8 Num ber of Resol ut i on Cent r e cal l s Num ber of onl i ne r epor t s % Di f f er ence 2022/23 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Dec 2019 Feb 2022 Feb 2023 Di f f er ence 2022/23 Per cent age of FCR 1 01 Cal l s Abandoned Per cent age of Resol ut i on Cent r e Cal l s Abandoned FCR aver age wai t t i m e ( m m : ss) Resol ut i on Cent r e aver age wai t t i m e ( m m : ss) 34. 0 23. 5 07: 00 1 4: 52 1 0. 7 8. 8 02: 26 05: 00 28. 9 28. 8 07: 59 28: 43 1 8. 2 20. 0 05: 33 23: 43 - - - - Essex Police received 20,897 fewer 101 calls to the Force Control Room (FCR), a decrease of 8.1% in the 12 months to February 2023 (236,781 calls) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (257,678). There was a 19.2% decrease compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (293,049 calls). 28.9% of FCR 101 calls were abandoned in February 2023, an increase of 18.2 percentage points. when compared to the same period last year, (10.7%). There was a decrease of 5.0 percentage points when compared to December 2019 (34.0%). The average wait time increased by over five minutes in February 2023 when compared to February 2022, and an increase of almost a minute when compared to December 2019. The Resolution Centre received 1,410 more calls (an increase of 1.6%) in the 12 months to February 2023 (87,493 calls) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (86,083 calls). There was a 18.5% decrease compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (107,347 calls). 28.8% of Resolution Centre (RC) calls were abandoned in February 2023, an increase of 20.0 percentage points. when compared to the same period last year, (8.8%). There was an increase of 5.3 percentage points when compared to December 2019 (23.5%). The average wait time increased by almost 24 minutes in February 2023 when compared to February 2022, and an increase of almost fourteen minutes when compared to December 2019. Due to concerns in this area, Contact Management is subject to one of the Force s major change programmes, which aims to optimise and improve its processes. The number of online reports increased by 24.8% (7,029 more) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The number of reports also increased by 44.5% (10,884 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019. 6

  7. Priority 1 - Further investment in crime prevention - continued Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2021 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Num ber Di f f er ence 2021/22 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2021/22 Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey) 64. 7 1 . 1 80. 1 0. 9 75. 0 1 . 0 - 5. 1 0. 0 - Conf i dence I nt er val Confidence has experienced a statistically significant decline to 75.0% in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2021 (by 5.1% percentage points from 80.1% for the 12 months to December 2021). It was during the height of the pandemic that confidence reached its highest levels. Forces contacted by Essex Police reported similar patterns: confidence was high during COVID but has been in general decline ever since. Confidence remains 10.3 percentage points higher compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (64.7%). Year on Year, the FCR and RC 101 call abandonment rates have deteriorated. However, compared to last month there has been an improvement in the FCR statistics and both areas are currently subject to a major change programme within the Contact Management Command. Due to this, a grade of Adequate is recommended. 7

  8. Priority 2 Reducing drug driven violence Grade: Good 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Dr ug r el at ed hom i ci des* Num ber of Vi ol ence wi t h I nj ur y of f ences 1 0 7 3 - 4 51 3 - 1 5, 360 1 5, 436 1 5, 949 3. 3 Essex experienced four fewer drug related homicides (3) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (7) and seven fewer compared to the 12 months to December 2019. There was an 3.3% increase (513 more offences) in Violence with Injury (VWI) offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. There was a 3.8% increase compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (589 more offences). Please note: * The methodology used for identifying investigations as being drug-related is subjective (qualitative data) and based on the circumstances presented. These figures include investigations where the victim and/or suspect are suspected of being involved in Drug Use, Possession or Selling. Data has been re-run to reflect the current position. This will be run on a annual basis due to the complexity of the process. 8

  9. Priority 2 Reducing drug driven violence continued Grade: Good 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of kni f e- enabl ed cr i m e of f ences* Num ber of Or gani sed Cr i m i nal Gr oup di sr upt i ons** 1 , 638 99 1 , 648 325 1 , 632 362 - 1 6 37 - 1 . 0 1 1 . 4 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence Essex Pol i ce and t he or gani sat i ons t hey wor k wi t h ar e deal i ng wi t h dr ug cr i m e ( i nt er nal sur vey) *** 59. 8 1 . 2 Conf i dence I nt er val There was a 1.0% decrease (16 fewer) in the number of knife-enabled crime offences in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The number of knife-enabled crime offences also decreased by 0.4% (six fewer) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. Essex conducted 11.4% more Organised Crime Group (OCG) disruptions (37 more) for the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2021. Although there was a 265.7% increase compared with the 12 months to December 2019 (263 more), this is due to a breakdown in the communication between the data from the operation activity to the figures which were produced by the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU)**. Confidence that Essex Police and partners are dealing with drug crime (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 59.8% for the 12 months to December 2022. The results for this question have been stable since it was first asked in September 2021. Drug related homicides and Knife enabled crimes have fallen, whilst confidence is relatively high and OCG disruptions are higher. However, there has been an increase in the number of VWI offences when compared to the same period. Overall, with three measures improving and one deteriorating, a grade of Good is recommended. Please note: * The number of knife crime offences is an indicator of how effective Essex Police is at identifying knife-enabled offences, and is not necessarily reflective of the number of these offences that have been committed in the county. This is because the identification of these offences is reliant on the appropriate indicator being manually added to the crime record. A new data quality process was introduced in June 2020 and Essex Police is currently working with the National Data Quality Improvement Service (NDQIS) to revise knife crime flags. In September 2021, data from April 2019 was revised; this resulted in an increase in the number of offences recorded. This has enabled Essex Police to better understand knife crime in Essex. ** In the fiscal year 2019/20 the disruption returns to the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) averaged 25 a quarter. A process review identified a breakdown in the communication of the data from the operation activity to the figures produced by ERSOU. A project of improvement was implemented which focussed on improving the communication between teams internally, and more importantly with ERSOU, to understand the parameters of what a disruption is and share this information with all teams within Essex Police. Over a two year period a continual improvement of disruption figures has come from a refinement of the communication and claiming process. This has been focussed on ensuring that we are claiming all possible disruptions of OCGs, tracking all activity from inception to closure, being innovative in our activity led by the Organised Crime Group Management Unit (OCGMU) and highlighting and educating new teams on how they can impact OCGs in their daily work. The moderation process has also been refined to ensure consistency with ERSOU. OCG disruption data are provided quarterly, data is to December 2022. *** The confidence question was added to the external independent survey in September 2021. A year on year comparison is therefore not available. 9

  10. Priority 3 - Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle of domestic abuse Grade: Good 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of Dom est i c Abuse of f ences Num ber of Dom est i c Abuse of f ences sol ved 29, 726 3, 005 20, 558 30, 773 3, 1 73 21 , 1 57 28, 355 3, 228 1 8, 71 1 - 2, 41 8 55 - 2, 446 - 7. 9 1 . 7 - 1 1 . 6 Repeat vi ct i m s of DA* Essex experienced a 7.9% decrease (2,418 fewer) in the number of recorded Domestic Abuse (DA) offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The Force recorded 1,353 fewer offences in the three months to February 2023 compared to the three months to February 2022 (6,218 v. 7,571). It is of note that Stalking & Harassment offences account for about a fifth (19.6%) of all Domestic Abuse investigations and that Essex Police are currently auditing and where appropriate cancelling Stalking & Harassment offences to ensure additional crimes have not been unnecessarily recorded. Essex Police solved 1.7% (55) more DA offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. The Force solved 37 fewer offences in the three months to February 2023 compared to the three months to February 2022 (724 v. 761). There was a 4.6% decrease (1,371 fewer) in DA offences and a 7.4% increase (223 more) in the number of DA offences solved for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. There were 2,446 fewer repeat victims of DA in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (11.6% less). There was also a decrease of 9.0% (1,847 fewer) compared to the 12 months to December 2019. Please note: A repeat victim is someone who has been named as a victim for more than one crime within a 12-month period; to mitigate the fact that multiple crimes can be associated with the same incident, additional crimes with the same victim on the same date are not counted. 10

  11. Priority 3 - Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle of domestic abuse - continued Grade: Good 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of Chi l d Abuse of f ences Num ber of Chi l d Abuse of f ences sol ved 5, 259 275 6, 395 397 6, 047 440 - 348 43 - 5. 4 1 0. 8 Essex Police solved 43 more (10.8%) child abuse offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022, whilst there was a 5.4% decrease (348 fewer) in offences for the same comparison periods. Essex Police also solved 165 more (60.0%) offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. There was also a 15.0% increase (788 more) in Child Abuse offences for the same comparison periods. 11

  12. Priority 3 - Protecting vulnerable people and breaking the cycle of domestic abuse - continued Grade: Good 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 NRM r ef er r al s ( M oder n Sl aver y) * Num ber of Dom est i c Vi ol ence Pr ot ect i on Not i ces** Num ber of Dom est i c Vi ol ence Pr ot ect i on Or der s** 98 245 245 1 66 274 253 21 0 1 80 1 59 44 - 94 - 94 Num ber Di f f er ence 2021/22 26. 5 - 34. 3 - 37. 2 % Di f f er ence 2021/22 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2021 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence t hat t he pol i ci ng r esponse t o pr ot ect i ng chi l dr en and vul ner abl e peopl e 83. 2 1 . 0 86. 3 0. 9 79. 6 1 . 0 - 6. 7 0. 0 - Conf i dence I nt er val 210 Modern Slavery referrals were made in the 12 months to February 2023 compared with 166 in the 12 months to February 2022 (44 more). The number of Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPN) decreased by 34.3% (94 fewer notices) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. 94 fewer (37.2%) Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPO) were issued in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. Confidence that the policing response to protect children and vulnerable people (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 79.6% (results to the 12 months to December 2022). Compared to year ending December 2021, confidence has decreased by 6.7 percentage points but nevertheless remains at a high level. As a result of Operation Puffin***, the force has implemented a number of changes to how it approaches the issue of domestic violence. This includes implementing improvements to the risk assessment and victim safeguarding processes. Six of the nine metrics for this Priority improved in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (DA offences, DA solved, repeat victims of DA, CA offences, CA solved and NRM referrals); three deteriorated (DVPNs, DVPOs and confidence). Five metrics improved when compared with the 12 months to December 2019. As such, a grade of Good is recommended. Please note: * The number of Modern Slavery referrals made to the National Referral Model are only available from April 2019 due to a change in the method of recording. A year on year comparison for the 12 months to December 2019 is therefore not possible. ** DVPN s are the first stage of the process, and DVPO the second. An officer issues a DVPN which has to go to court to become a DVPO, there are always less orders than notices as a result, as not all are approved or process hasn t been followed. *** Operation Puffin was an investigation into the horrific murder of Ashley Wadsworth by a young man with a history of domestic violence in Chelmsford last year. 12

  13. Priority 4 Reducing violence against women and girls Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of vi ol ence agai nst t he per son ( i ncl udi ng st al ki ng & har assm ent of f ences) agai nst f em al es*** Num ber of sexual of f ences agai nst f em al es*** 35, 41 8 3, 81 1 203 39, 469 4, 944 294 37, 462 4, 658 284 - 2, 007 - 286 - 1 0 - 5. 1 - 5. 8 - 3. 4 Num ber of sexual of f ences agai nst f em al es sol ved*** Where gender is detailed, over half of victims of Violence Against the Person (VAP) offences identified as female* (56.3%). 3.1% of offences (2,101 offences) had no gender recorded**. Essex experienced a 5.1% decrease (2,007 fewer) in the number of VAP offences committed against females in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. There was an 5.8% increase (2,044 more) in the number of VAP offences committed against females in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. Essex Police prides itself on having excellent Crime Data Accuracy (CDA). In its most recent inspection by HMICFRS, Essex Police was graded as Outstanding in relation to its CDA. Maintaining excellent CDA, however, requires the Force to neither under-record nor over-record offences. To this end, Essex Police is auditing and where appropriate cancelling Stalking & Harassment offences to ensure additional crimes have not been unnecessarily recorded. Essex Police have also been educating those working within the Resolution Centre to ensure they fully research the individuals involved in these types of offences before they create new crimes; where previous records exist, these additional incidents are instead referred to the relevant officer(s) in order that they can be investigated together. As of the 31st January 2023, 904 records have been reviewed as potential duplicate crimes and 320 sent for cancellation; of these, 233 records (72.8%) have now been cancelled. It is of note that Stalking and Harassment offences comprise the largest volume of VAWG offences; there were, for example, 2,595 fewer Stalking and Harassment crimes committed against females in the 12 months to February 2023 (15,285 crimes) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (17,880 crimes). There was a 5.8% decrease (286 fewer) in the number of Sexual Offences committed against females in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022, and a 22.2% increase (847 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019. Although Essex Police solved ten fewer of these offences in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022, it solved 81 more compared to the 12 months to December 2019. Please note: ***iOfficer defined gender. ***iNot Recorded also includes records where gender is unknown or unspecified. *** Please see slide 36for tables detailing Offences, Solved Outcomes and Solved Rates% for Violence against the Person and Sexual offences (by crime type) split by gender. 13

  14. Priority 4 Reducing violence against women and girls - continued Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Per cent age of f em al es who f eel saf e wal ki ng al one i n t hei r ar ea af t er dar k ( i nt er nal sur vey) * 43. 5 1 . 5 Conf i dence I nt er val The Home Office is trialling a new online tool called StreetSafe on to enable people, particularly women and girls, to pin-point locations where they feel unsafe or have felt unsafe and identify why that location made them feel unsafe. StreetSafe was developed by the Digital Public Contact (DPC) Programme in cooperation with the Home Office and the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and was launched on 2 September 2021 as a national pilot for three months. StreetSafe was introduced into Essex as part of the government s strategy to tackle Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG). In February 2023, 7 reports were submitted in Essex. In total 335 reports have been submitted for the county. 43.5% of females feel safe walking alone in their area after dark (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) for the 12 months to December 2022 compared to 74.7% of males. Essex Police is regularly reporting to the national VAWG Taskforce and HMICFRS in respect of its performance, its action plan to tackle VAWG, and its internal conduct and behaviour. This contact also shares best practice and innovation. The national VAWG Taskforce categorise work in three distinct areas: improving trust and confidence in policing; relentless pursuit of offenders; and creating safer spaces. Partnership engagement is key in tackling VAWG, as there are many strands which policing cannot tackle alone; these include education and the prevalence of VAWG and the anonymity of the internet. A national report into VAWG performance is due to be released in the near future. Essex Police encourage reporting and are working to gain a better understand this type of offence. The recent high-profile conviction of Stephen Bear demonstrates the Forces commitment to reducing VAWG and it is hoped this will encourage other victims to come forward with their experiences. There has been a decrease in Violence Against the Person offences against females compared to last year. Whilst the number of solved sexual offences has fallen compared to last year, the number of sexual offences reported has also fallen proportionately. As such a grade of Adequate is recommended. Please note: * The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not available. 14

  15. Grade: Requires Improvement Priority 5 Improving support for victims of crime 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of of f ences wi t h a r epeat vi ct i m * 42, 704 44. 2 41 , 068 47, 338 49. 2 28, 226 45, 220 51 . 3 28, 074 - 2, 1 1 8 2. 1 - 1 52 - 4. 5 - - 0. 5 Aver age days t aken t o i nvest i gat e Hi gh Har m of f ences** Num ber of r ef er r al s t o Vi ct i m Suppor t Essex experienced a 4.5% decrease (2,118 fewer) in the number of offences with a repeat victim for the 12 months to February 2023 (45,220 offences) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (47,338 offences) and a 5.9% increase (2,516 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (42,704 offences).* Except for August 2022, the year on year change for repeat victimisation has decreased each month since March 2022. The number of individual repeat victims increased by 0.3% (60 more) for the 12 months to February 2023 (22,310 individual victims) compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (22,250 individual victims). There was a slightly larger overall rise of 4.7% (1,003 more) compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (21,307 individual victims). The average number of days taken to investigate High Harm offences increased to 51.3 in February 2023 compared to 49.2 in February 2022 (2.1 days more); it was 44.2 days in December 2019 (7.2 days more). There was a 0.5% decrease in the number of referrals to Victim Support in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022; this equates to 152 fewer referrals. There was, however, a 31.6% decrease (12,994 fewer referrals) for the 12 months to February 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.*** Please note: * This metric details how many crimes had a repeat victim rather than the number of individual people who are repeat victims of crime. A repeat victim is someone who has been named as a victim for more than one crime within a 12-month period; to mitigate the fact that multiple crimes can be associated with the same incident, additional crimes with the same victim on the same date are not counted. ** Data are for February only for all three years. *** Please see slide 37for tables detailing Offence details. 15

  16. Grade: Requires Improvement Priority 5 Improving support for victims of crime - continued 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2021 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Num ber Di f f er ence 2021/22 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2021/22 Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey) Non- vi ct i m s 66. 1 1 . 1 52. 7 3. 5 1 3. 4 82. 1 0. 9 61 . 0 3. 5 21 . 1 77. 1 1 . 0 61 . 0 3. 0 1 6. 1 - 5. 0 - Conf i dence I nt er val Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey) Vi ct i m s 0. 0 - Conf i dence I nt er val Per cent age di spar i t y bet ween vi ct i m s and non- vi ct i m s - 5. 0 - Confidence among victims (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 61.0% (results to the 12 months to December 2022). Although this is 16.1 percentage points lower than confidence of non-victims for the same period (77.1%), the gap has narrowed from 21.1 percentage points over the same period last year. However, the disparity has increased by 2.7 percentage points compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (13.4%). Compared to year ending December 2021, confidence in the local police among victims is stable, in contrast to confidence amongst non-victims for whom there was a statistically significantly reduction of 5.0 percentage points. Whilst the number of repeat victims has decreased in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to last year, the average number of days taken to investigate high harm offences has increased when compared to the February 2022 and December 2019, a grade of Requires Improvement is recommended. 16

  17. Grade: Adequate Priority 6 Protecting rural and isolated areas 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of r ur al cr i m e of f ences Num ber of r ur al cr i m e of f ences sol ved 26, 459 3, 047 24, 028 2, 578 24, 1 54 2, 573 1 26 - 5 0. 5 - 0. 2 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Har m ( Cr i m e Sever i t y) Scor e* f or r ur al cr i m e 8. 7 8. 7 8. 7 0. 0 - Rural Crime increased by 0.5% (126 more offences) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. During this period All crime increased by 0.5%. However, Rural crime decreased by 8.7% (2,305 fewer offences) compared to the 12 months to December 2019. All Crime in Essex decreased by 2.5% in the same period. Essex Police solved 0.2% (-5) fewer rural crime offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022, and 15.6% fewer (a decrease of 474) compared to the 12 months to December 2019. The rural crime Harm (Crime Severity) Score* was 8.7 for the 12 months to February 2023, which is stable when compared to the 12 months to February 2022 and lower than the All Crime Harm Score in Essex (14.5) which increased by 0.4 over the same period. Please note: * Crime Severity Scores (as calculated by the Office for National Statistics) measure the relative harm of crimes by taking into account both their volume and their severity. National data are not available for crimes committed in rural areas, so it is not possible to measure against an MSG average; due to this, Essex Police data (to January 2023) have been used rather than national data (which are to December 2022). 17

  18. Grade: Adequate Priority 6 Protecting rural and isolated areas - continued 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2021 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Num ber Di f f er ence 2021/22 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2021/22 Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng of r ur al ar eas i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey) 64. 2 2. 1 82. 9 1 . 7 77. 4 1 . 9 - 5. 5 0. 0 - Conf i dence I nt er val Confidence in rural policing (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 77.4% (results to the 12 months to December 2022). Compared to year ending December 2021, confidence in rural policing has deteriorated significantly, although it remains higher than the current overall Essex average (rural and urban combined) of 75.0%. Since 2019, confidence in Essex Police has increased significantly in every area across Essex. The four districts with the lowest levels of confidence (between 69%-75%) are urban. Essex Police is one of only 15 forces who have dedicated Rural Policing Teams. Essex Police are also continuing their commitment to prevent rural and heritage crime with the innovative launch of a horseback volunteer scheme in Uttlesford. The idea behind the scheme is that horse riders are in a unique position to spot signs of suspicious activity related to offences such as hare coursing, stolen agricultural vehicles, unlawful metal detecting or theft of lead from protected heritage buildings. The horseback volunteers will be trained in what to look out for and will be able to report any concerns or suspicious activity, helping the Force target those committing offences and stop criminality before it happens. Confidence in the local police in rural areas remains higher than in Essex as a whole, and offence levels in the 12 months to February 2023 are lower compared to the 12 months to December 2019 (pre-COVID). While there has been a slight increase in the number of rural offences and a slight decrease in the number solved, performance remains stable. A grade of Adequate is therefore recommended. Please note: * Rural districts: Braintree, Maldon, Tendring and Uttlesford 18

  19. Grade: Good Priority 7 Preventing dog theft 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Num ber of dog t hef t s* Num ber of dog t hef t s sol ved 57 2 61 2 55 1 - 6 - 1 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence Essex Pol i ce and t he or gani sat i ons t hey wor k wi t h ar e deal i ng wi t h dog t hef t ( i nt er nal sur vey) ** 63. 3 1 . 4 Conf i dence I nt er val There were six fewer dog thefts in Essex for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 (55 v. 61). There were two fewer dog thefts in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. Essex Police solved one fewer dog theft offence for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 and the 12 months to December 2019. Confidence in how Essex Police and the organisations they work with are dealing with dog theft (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 63.3% for the 12 months to December 2022. Due to the low and reducing number of thefts across the county (given the comparatively large population of Essex), along with relatively high confidence levels, a grade of Good is recommended. Please note: * This is number of thefts in which dogs were stolen, and not quantity of dogs stolen in each theft. Data are based on theft offence crimes and robbery offence crimes where the property code is pet animal dog and the property status is stolen and/or stolen/recovered . ** The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not available. 19

  20. Priority 8 Reducing business crime, fraud and cyber crime Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of Busi ness Cr i m e Of f ences Num ber of Busi ness Cr i m e Of f ences sol ved 24, 034 4, 891 1 8, 1 63 2, 837 20, 823 3, 344 2, 660 507 1 4. 6 1 7. 9 Business Crime offences include any notifiable crimes recorded with a victim which is an organisation; it does not include Fraud offences. All reports of Fraud are recorded by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) rather than Essex Police. In the 12 months to February 2023, a total of 1,934 Fraud investigations were allocated to Essex Police by NFIB for investigation. For data on the number and type of Fraud investigations reported as being committed within the Essex Police area, please visit the NFIB Fraud and Cyber Crime Dashboard. Essex experienced a 14.6% increase (2,660 more) in the number of Business Crime offences and a 17.9% increase (507 more) in the number of these offences which were solved in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. Shoplifting accounts for approximately 46.6% of business crime. Essex Police have been working with businesses to encourage them to record more offences. There was a 13.4% decrease (3,211 fewer) in the number of Business Crime offences and a 31.6% decrease (1,547 fewer) in the number of Business Crimes solved in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. 20

  21. Priority 8 Reducing business crime, fraud and cyber crime - continued Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of f r aud of f ences r el at ed t o busi ness cr i m e* Tot al num ber of f r aud of f ences 485 2, 076 344 1 , 434 354 1 , 934 1 0 500 2. 9 34. 9 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence t hat t he pol i ci ng r esponse t o t ackl i ng cyber cr i m e i s i m pr ovi ng ( i nt er nal sur vey) ** 50. 4 1 . 7 Conf i dence I nt er val There was a 2.9% increase in the number of fraud offences related to business crime in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022; this equates to 10 more offences. There was also a 27.0% decrease in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019; this equates to 131 fewer offences. Confidence that Essex Police are dealing with cyber crime (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 50.4% for the 12 months to December 2022. Three of the five metrics deteriorated when compared to the 12 months to January 2022 (Business Crime offences, fraud offences related to Business Crime and the total number of fraud offences). However, despite the increase in Business Crime Offences, the number solved has increased in proportion to this. Due to the fact that these measures are also improving when compared to the 12 months to December 2019, a grade of Adequate is recommended. Please note: * Fraud offences recorded on Athena where the victim is either an organisation or a person with the Business Victim flag. ** The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not yet available. 21

  22. Grade: Requires Improvement Priority 9 - Improving safety on our roads # di f f . Essex M SG Posi t i on 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Essex M SG Ave Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 ( per 100 m i l l i on km ) Dat a t o Jun 2021 ( per 100 m i l l i on km ) Dat a t o Jun 2021 Al l peopl e ki l l ed or ser i ousl y i nj ur ed ( KSI ) i n r oad col l i si ons 823 840 892 52 6. 2 1 . 039 0. 963 0. 075 6 12 12 12 Number Differenc e 2022/23 52 -8 60 62 % months to Dec 2019 823 41 782 774 months to Feb 2022 840 47 793 754 months to Feb 2023 892 39 853 816 Differenc e 2022/23 6.2% -17.0% 7.6% 8.2% Rolling 12 months KSI - All KSI - Fatalities KSI - Serious injuries Number of Collisions Road traffic safety is the responsibility of the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP). SERP comprises reprentatives from Essex Police, Essex County Fire & Rescue Service, Essex County Council, Southend on Sea Borough Council, Thurrock Council, National Highways, East of England Ambulance Service Trust, Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Service Trust and The Safer Roads Foundation (Registered Charity). The aspiration of Essex Police and partners is Vision Zero , namely to have no road deaths or serious injuries by 2040. The SERP Safety delivery plan sets out a structured programme of educational and engagement activity to address this and support behavioural changes. There was a 6.2% increase (52 more) in the number of those Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) in Essex for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022 with the rate of increase slowing more recently. The number of KSIs also increased by 69 in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019. Essex recorded the third highest number of casualties per 100 million vehicle kilometres (results to June 2021) in its Most Similar Group (MSG) of eight forces; Essex are above the MSG average also. However, due to the fact that more recent national figures have not been released, the current position cannot be determined (the date of the next national release has not yet been confirmed). Please note that not all KSIs will result in a criminal offence, for instance where a fatal collision has been caused by bad weather or because of a medical episode suffered by the driver. 22

  23. Grade: Requires Improvement Priority 9 - Improving safety on our roads - continued 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of dr i vi ng under t he i nf l uence of dr i nk and/ or dr ugs on Essex r oads 3, 31 2 2, 481 2, 263 - 21 8 - 8. 8 Num ber of dr i vi ng under t he i nf l uence of dr i nk on Essex r oads Num ber of dr i vi ng under t he i nf l uence of dr ugs on Essex r oads Num ber of Fai l ur e t o Pr ovi de sam pl es 1 , 467 1 , 845 399 2, 269 1 , 476 1 , 005 356 449 1 , 329 934 31 7 1 , 479 - 1 47 - 71 - 39 1 , 030 - 1 0. 0 - 7. 1 - 1 1 . 0 229. 4 Num ber of dr i vi ng r el at ed m obi l e phone cr i m e on Essex r oads* 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2021 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Num ber Di f f er ence 2021/22 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2021/22 Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence Essex Pol i ce and t he or gani sat i ons t hey wor k wi t h pol i ci ng t he r oads ( i nt er nal sur vey) 68. 2 63. 9 66. 9 3. 0 - 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 Conf i dence I nt er val There was a 8.8% decrease (218 fewer offences) in drink/drug driving offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. There was a 10.0% decrease (147 fewer offences) in drink driving and a 7.1% decrease (71 fewer offences) in drug driving. There was also a 31.7% decrease (1,049 fewer offences) in drink/drug driving offences for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to December 2019; of these offences, there was a 9.4% decrease (138 fewer offences) in drink driving and a 49.4% decrease (911 fewer offences) in drug driving. All of these offence types are primarily driven by police proactivity in relation to road safety. The number of Failure to Provide samples decreased by 11.0% (39 fewer) in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the same period last year, and by 20.6% compared to the 12 months to December 2019. There was a 229.4% increase (1030 more offences) in the number of driving related mobile phone offences recorded for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022.* Confidence in Essex Police and organisations with whom they police the roads (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 66.9% (results to the 12 months to December 2022). Confidence in the local police and organisations they work with has increased significantly when compared to year ending December 2021 (63.9%). Due to the increase in KSIs and the decrease in the number of driving under the influence of drink drug driving in the past 12 months compared to the previous 12 months and the 12 months to December 2019 a grade of Requires Improvement is recommended. Please note: * In 2019, the definition as to what constituted use of a mobile phone in relation to driver-related mobile phone offences was subject to a legal challenge. This resulted in a ruling, which held that while use included accessing the interactive functions of the mobile phone (such as making calls, sending messages or using the internet), it did not extend to solely accessing the device s internal functions (such as making use of the camera). Fewer mobile phone offences were subsequently prosecuted from this point. In 2021 the government announced that the law was to be changed making it illegal to hold a phone or sat nav when driving or riding a motorcycle. This law was finally passed on 25th March 2022. 23

  24. Priority 10 Encouraging volunteers and community support Grade: Adequate Feb 23 No. of m em ber s W at ch Gr oup M em ber shi p t ypes Al l ot m ent I ndi vi dual s, exi st i ng bodi es e. g. , al l ot m ent com m i t t ees and i nt er est ed par t ner s. 49 Busi ness I ndi vi dual busi nesses, busi ness br anches, exi st i ng r epr esent at i ve bodi es e. g. , Busi ness Cr i m e Reduct i on Par t er shi ps, Busi ness I m pr ovem ent Di st r i ct gr oups, pr o- act i ve si t e m anagem ent and i nt er est ed par t ner s. 1 04 Car avan I ndi vi dual s, r el at ed busi nesses and i nt er est ed par t ner s. 62 Dog I ndi vi dual s, r el at ed busi nesses and i nt er est ed par t ner s. 2, 695 Far m and Rur al I ndi vi dual s, f ar m r el at ed busi nesses, r ur al l y l ocat ed busi nesses and i nt er est ed par t ner s. 754 Her i t age ( i nc. Fai t h W at ch) I ndi vi dual s, busi nesses i nc. m useum s, ar t gal l er i es, f ai t h gr oups et c. and i nt er est ed par t ner s. 1 98 M ar i ne I ndi vi dual s, r el at ed busi nesses and i nt er est ed par t ner s. 60 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Dec 2019 Feb 2022 Feb 2023 Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of Nei ghbour hood W at ch - Co- or di nat or s Num ber of Nei ghbour hood W at ch - M em ber s - - - - 2, 343 79, 449 - - - - Essex Watch Liaison Officers continue to work with Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) to offer crime and fraud prevention advice.* Citizens in Policing and the Special Constabulary play an integral part in supporting Essex Police. In January 2022, the Local Policing Support Unit (LPSU) introduced a Strategic Co-ordination Group which proactively supports, throughout the county, the mobilisation of all Special Constables, Police Support Volunteers, Active Citizens, Accredited Persons and, where appropriate our Volunteer Police Cadets, with local operations and initiatives under the Chief Constable s Plan on a Page and the Police, Fire Crime Commissioner s Police and Fire Plan. Since last month s report, there are now: twelve more dog group members, three more farm and rural group members and three more heritage group members. There are currently 2,343 NHW Co-ordinators and 79,449 NHW members. Please note: * Neighbourhood Watch data were first produced in March 2022 so year on year comparison is not available. 24

  25. Priority 10 Encouraging volunteers and community support Grade: Adequate 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of Speci al s 51 9 471 327 - 1 44 - 30. 6 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of Pol i ce Suppor t Vol unt eer s* Num ber of Act i ve Ci t i zens* Num ber of Vol unt eer Pol i ce Cadet s* Num ber of Vol unt eer Cadet Leader s* Num ber of Cadet Uni t s* 1 1 7 60 296 90 1 0 1 05 59 223 89 1 3 99 56 221 87 1 3 - 6 - 3 - 2 - 2 0 - 5. 7 - 5. 1 - 0. 9 - 2. 2 0. 0 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Per cent age of peopl e who f eel t her e ar e good oppor t uni t i es f or t hose who want t o vol unt eer t o assi st pol i ci ng and r educe cr i m e i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey) ** 52. 5 1 . 1 Conf i dence I nt er val The Special Constabulary headcount is currently 327 (as of 28 Feb 2023). This is down 30.6% (144 fewer) compared to February 2022. Compared to the 12 months to December 2019 this is down 37.0% (192 fewer). There are 221 Volunteer Police Cadets (VPCs) and 87 Volunteer Cadet Leaders across 13 Cadet Units. In addition, there are 99 Police Support Volunteers and 56 Active Citizens within Essex Police across the county, a total of 155 Volunteers. This is a decrease of 2 compared to last month. These volunteers also are part of the Strategic Co-ordination Group and support their Locally Community Policing Teams with local events. Confidence that there are good opportunities for volunteers to assist policing and reduce crime in Essex (from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police) is at 52.5% for the 12 months to December 2022. Confidence has increased each quarter since Q4 2021/22 (2021/22 Q4 45.1%; 2022/23 Q1 48.6%; Q2 49.4%). The total number of volunteers decreased slightly compared to last month. The Special Constabulary headcount has also decreased significantly compared to 12 months ago and December 2019. However, due to the fact that Essex has the second largest Special Constabulary in the country, and that the Essex Police makes use of Ethics Boards to inform its work, a grade of Adequate is recommended. Please note: Monthly data only collected from December 2022 so year on year comparisons not available. VPC data are taken from the cadet census and are for the 28th February each year. Of the 13 Cadet Units 10 are active and 3 are temporarily suspended due to not enough leader coverage in that area. Recruitment is ongoing to get the units up and iiiiirunning again. They are Southend, Chelmsford & Braintree. ** The confidence question was added to the internal survey in September 2021 so year on year comparison is not available. 25

  26. Priority 11 Supporting our officers and staff Grade: Adequate % Pt . Di f f er ence 2022/23 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Dec 2019 Feb 2022 Feb 2023 Et hni c M i nor i t y em pl oyees: per cent age of t ot al wor kf or ce* % of al l Pol i ce** % of al l St af f ( excl udi ng PCSOs) ** % of al l PCSOs** % of al l Speci al s** 3. 53 2. 99 3. 67 2. 59 6. 51 4. 41 4. 24 4. 55 0. 96 5. 86 4. 1 2 4. 07 4. 1 7 0. 00 5. 59 - 0. 30 - 0. 1 6 - 0. 1 1 - 0. 96 - 0. 27 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Apr - Dec 2019 Apr - Feb 2022 Apr - Feb 2023 Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Of f i cer s Si ckness ( Aver age days l ost per per son) Vacanci es ( Ful l Ti m e Em pl oyee) Vacanci es ( % ) St af f Si ckness ( Aver age days l ost per per son) Vacanci es ( Ful l Ti m e Em pl oyee) Vacanci es ( % ) PCSOs Si ckness ( Aver age days l ost per per son) Vacanci es ( Ful l Ti m e Em pl oyee) Vacanci es ( % ) 6. 87 - 21 . 07 - 0. 65 7. 72 - 3. 1 2 - 0. 09 8. 86 - 67. 84 - 1 . 81 1 . 1 4 - 64. 73 - 1 . 72 1 4. 7 2, 077. 3 - 7. 72 - 204. 1 3 - 9. 1 6 8. 38 - 1 53. 1 6 - 6. 67 7. 94 - 31 2. 77 - 1 3. 02 - 0. 44 - 1 59. 62 - 6. 35 - 5. 2 1 04. 2 - 8. 37 - 0. 91 - 0. 84 1 4. 49 - 8. 1 9 - 7. 95 9. 71 - 3. 1 3 - 3. 07 - 4. 78 5. 05 4. 88 - 33. 0 - 61 . 7 - There has been a slight decrease (0.3%) in the proportion of ethnic minority employees in February 2023 (268) compared to February 2022 (289); this equates to 21 fewer employees. However, in contrast, there has been an increase of 51 compared to December 2019 (217). In the 12 months to February 2023, 356 new officers took their oaths to the King and started their Essex Police careers. The new officers pledged their commitment to police with the consent of every community at a time when the Force is welcoming more new colleagues from a range of different backgrounds. Over the same period, 244 officers left their positions, leading to an overall increase of 112 officers over the last year. The average days lost per person for sickness decreased for Staff and PCSOs, but increased for Officers in the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. Full Time Employee vacancies deteriorated for all employee types except PCSOs over the same period. For these reasons a grade of Adequate is recommended. Please note: * Ethnic minority employees as a percentage of the total workforce. ** Ethnic minority employees as a percentage of type of employee. 26

  27. Grade: Adequate Priority 12 Increasing collaboration 1 2 m ont hs t o Dec 201 9 1 2 M ont hs t o Dec 2021 1 2 m ont hs t o Dec 2022 Num ber Di f f er ence 2021 / 22 % Pol i ce Pr i or i t y I ndi cat or s Di f f er ence 2021 / 22 School Vi si t s Pr ogr am m es Del i ver ed Audi ence Num ber s - 282 998 330 1 , 291 1 20, 302 48 293 - 25, 743 1 7 2, 688 209, 265 29. 4 - 1 7. 6 1 46, 045 12 m ont hs t o Sep 2022 12 m ont hs t o Sep 2022 Pr ogr am m es Del i ver ed*** School Vi si t s*** Tot al 1, 030 45 1 4 1 68 4 1 1 4 61 40 Al l school s Pr i m ar y Secondar y 6t h For m / Col l eges Al t er nat i ve Pr ovi si on Speci al 302 230 62 3 5 2 Hom e Saf et y Heat of t he m om ent Kni f e Cr i m e Gangs Awar eness Cyber Cr i m e Hat e Cr i m e Heal t hy Rel at i onshi ps 1 43 64 73 70 1 33 66 35 Respect assem bl y RTC & Pedest r i an saf et y Sum m er Saf et y ( Fi el d f i r es, wat er saf et y, pedest r i an saf et y) W at er Saf et y Fi r ewor k & Hal l oween Peopl e who hel p us Gr eat Fi r e of London The data is this section is provided by Essex County Fire and Rescue Service as part of the Joint Essex Fire and Police Education in Schools Programme (2022). School visit data has been provided up to December 2022. 330 school visits were conducted in the 12 months to December 2022. This is an increase of 17% compared to the 12 months to December 2021.* There was a 52.0% decrease (1,397 fewer) in the number of programmes delivered in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.** Audience Numbers decreased by 42.5% (88,963 fewer) in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2019.** This section is due to be reviewed to include additional context. Whilst there has been a decrease in programmes delivered and audience numbers in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to the 12 months to December 2019, due to a lack of further qualitative information, a grade of Adequate is recommended. Please note: * Data is to December 2022. Only data for the last two years has been provided, so comparisons to the Pre-Covid period are not possible. ** Schools and colleges reopened in September 2020 due to the pandemic, but were closed again from January to March 2021. In addition, throughout most of the September 2020 to July 2021 period there were still government restrictions on gathering and movement, especially for non-essential mixing. *** Data is only available to September 2022. 27

  28. Monthly Performance Overview: Exceptions Exceptions Overview The force saw a statistically exceptional increase in Burglaries and a statistically exceptional decrease in Domestic Abuse in February 2023. Burglary (Residential and Business & Community combined) Increase 5.0% increase (321 more crimes) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. Domestic Abuse Decrease 8.1% decrease (2,489 fewer crimes) for the 12 months to February 2023 compared to the 12 months to February 2022. This is primarily being driven by Standard Risk Domestic Abuse. There were statistically exceptional decreases in four Districts in February 2023: Tendring, Southend, Castle Point and Basildon. 28

  29. 2021-2024 Police and Crime Plan Performance Indicators Table 1 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 % Di r ect i on of Tr avel 2022/23 Pol i ce and Cr i m e Pl an Pr i or i t i es Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Di f f er ence 2022/23 Num ber of al l cr i m e of f ences Har m ( Cr i m e Sever i t y) Scor e - Al l Cr i m e1 1 68, 21 8 1 3. 8 61 41 , 975 293, 049 1 07, 347 24, 468 34. 0 0. 2 07: 00 1 4: 52 64. 7 1 . 1 1 63, 284 1 4. 1 26 33, 733 257, 678 86, 083 28, 323 1 0. 7 8. 8 02: 26 05: 00 80. 1 0. 9 1 64, 055 1 4. 5 1 5 22, 251 236, 781 87, 493 35, 352 28. 9 28. 8 07: 59 28: 43 75. 0 1 . 0 771 0. 4 - 1 1 0. 5 - - 42. 3 - 34. 0 - 8. 1 1 . 6 24. 8 - - - - - Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Num ber of hom i ci des2 Num ber of Ant i - Soci al Behavi our i nci dent s3 Num ber of FCR 1 01 cal l s r ecei ved Num ber of Resol ut i on Cent r e cal l s r ecei ved Num ber of onl i ne r epor t s Per cent age of FCR 1 01 Cal l s Abandoned Per cent age of Resol ut i on Cent r e Cal l s Abandoned FCR 1 01 Aver age wai t t i m e ( m m : ss) Resol ut i on Cent r e Aver age wai t t i m e ( m m : ss) Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 - 1 1 , 482 - 20, 897 1 , 41 0 7, 029 1 8. 2 20. 0 05: 33 23: 43 - 5. 1 Pr i or i t y 1 - Fur t her i nvest m ent i n cr i m e pr event i on Conf i dence I nt er val5 Num ber of dr ug r el at ed hom i ci des6 1 0 7 3 - 4 51 3 - 1 6 37 - - I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng - Num ber of Vi ol ence wi t h I nj ur y of f ences Num ber of kni f e- enabl ed cr i m e of f ences7 Num ber of Or gani sed Cr i m i nal Gr oup di sr upt i ons8 Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence t hat t he pol i ci ng r esponse t o dr ug cr i m e i s i m pr ovi ng 1 5, 360 1 , 638 99 - 1 5, 436 1 , 648 325 - 1 5, 949 1 , 632 362 59. 8 1 . 2 3. 3 - 1 . 0 1 1 . 4 - Pr i or i t y 2 - Reduci ng dr ug dr i ven vi ol ence Conf i dence I nt er val5 Num ber of dom est i c abuse of f ences Num ber of dom est i c abuse of f ences sol ved9 Repeat vi ct i m s of DA 29, 726 3, 005 20, 558 5, 259 275 98 244 244 83. 2 30, 773 3, 1 73 21 , 1 57 6, 395 397 1 66 274 253 86. 3 28, 355 3, 228 1 8, 71 1 6, 047 440 21 0 1 80 1 59 79. 6 - 2, 41 8 55 - 2, 446 - 348 43 44 - 94 - 94 - 6. 7 - 7. 9 1 . 7 - 1 1 . 6 - 5. 4 1 0. 8 26. 5 - 34. 3 - 37. 2 - I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Num ber of chi l d abuse of f ences Pr i or i t y 3 - Pr ot ect i ng vul ner abl e peopl e and br eaki ng t he cycl e of dom est i c abuse Num ber of chi l d abuse of f ences sol ved9 NRM r ef er r al s ( m oder n sl aver y)10 Num ber of Dom est i c Vi ol ence Pr ot ect i on Not i ces Num ber of Dom est i c Vi ol ence Pr ot ect i on Or der s Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence t hat t he pol i ci ng r esponse t o pr ot ect i ng chi l dr en and vul ner abl e peopl e i s i m pr ovi ng ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 1 . 0 0. 9 1 . 0 Conf i dence I nt er val5 Num ber of vi ol ence agai nst t he per son ( i ncl udi ng St al ki ng & Har assm ent of f ences) agai nst f em al es Num ber of sexual of f ences agai nst f em al es Num ber of sexual of f ences agai nst f em al es sol ved9 Per cent age of f em al es who f eel saf e wal ki ng al one i n t hei r ar ea af t er dar k ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 35, 41 8 3, 81 1 203 - 39, 469 4, 944 294 - 37, 462 4, 658 284 43. 5 1 . 5 - 2, 007 - 286 - 1 0 - - - 5. 1 - 5. 8 - 3. 4 - I m pr ovi ng I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng Pr i or i t y 4 - Reduci ng vi ol ence agai nst wom en and gi r l s Conf i dence I nt er val5 29 Please view above table with the explanations and caveats detailed on slides 32 and 33.

  30. 2021-2024 Police and Crime Plan Performance Indicators - continued Table 2 % Di f f er ence 2022/23 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 Di r ect i on of Tr avel 2022/23 Pol i ce and Cr i m e Pl an Pr i or i t i es Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Num ber of of f ences wi t h a r epeat vi ct i m20 42, 704 44. 2 41 , 068 52. 7 3. 5 66. 1 1 . 1 1 3. 4 47, 338 49. 2 28, 226 61 . 0 3. 5 82. 1 0. 9 21 . 1 45, 220 51 . 3 28, 074 61 . 0 3. 0 77. 1 1 . 0 1 6. 1 - 2, 1 1 8 2. 1 - 1 52 0. 0 - 4. 5 - - 0. 5 - I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng I m pr ovi ng St abl e Aver age days t aken t o i nvest i gat e Hi gh Har m of f ences11 Num ber of r ef er r al s t o Vi ct i m Suppor t Per cent age of vi ct i m s of cr i m e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 Vi ct i m s Pr i or i t y 5 - I m pr ovi ng suppor t f or vi ct i m s of cr i m e Conf i dence I nt er val5 Per cent age of vi ct i m s of cr i m e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 Non- Vi ct i m s - 5. 0 - Det er i or at i ng Conf i dence I nt er val5 Per cent age di spar i t y bet ween vi ct i m s and non- vi ct i m s - 5. 0 - I m pr ovi ng Num ber of r ur al cr i m e of f ences 26, 459 3, 047 8. 7 64. 2 2. 1 24, 028 2, 578 8. 7 82. 9 1 . 7 24, 1 54 2, 573 8. 7 77. 4 1 . 9 1 26 - 5 0. 0 - 5. 5 0. 5 - 0. 2 - - Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng St abl e Det er i or at i ng Num ber of r ur al cr i m e of f ences sol ved Pr i or i t y 6 - Pr ot ect i ng r ur al and i sol at ed ar eas Har m ( Cr i m e Sever i t y) Scor e f or Rur al Cr i m e Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence i n pol i ci ng of r ur al ar eas i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 Conf i dence I nt er val5 Num ber of dog t hef t s12 57 2 - 61 2 - 55 1 63. 3 1 . 4 - 6 - 1 - - - - I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng Pr i or i t y 7 - Pevent i ng dog t hef t Num ber of dog t hef t s sol ved9 Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence t hat t he pol i ci ng r esponse t o dog t hef t i s i m pr ovi ng ( i nt er nal Conf i dence I nt er val5 Num ber of busi ness cr i m e of f ences 24, 034 4, 891 485 2, 076 1 8, 1 63 2, 837 344 1 , 434 20, 823 3, 344 354 1 , 934 2, 660 507 1 0 500 1 4. 6 1 7. 9 2. 9 34. 9 Det er i or at i ng I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Num ber of busi ness cr i m e of f ences sol ved9 Pr i or i t y 8 - Reduci ng busi ness cr i m e, f r aud and cyber cr i m e Num ber of f r aud of f ences r el at ed t o busi ness cr i m e Tot al num ber of f r aud of f ences Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence t hat t he pol i ci ng r esponse t o t ackl i ng cyber cr i m e i s i m pr ovi ng ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 - - 50. 4 - - Conf i dence I nt er val5 - 1 . 7 Al l peopl e ki l l ed or ser i ousl y i nj ur ed ( KSI ) i n r oad col l i si ons13 Num ber of dr i vi ng under t he i nf l uence of dr i nk and/ or dr ugs on Essex r oads 823 3, 31 2 399 2, 269 840 2, 481 356 449 892 2, 263 31 7 1 , 479 52 - 21 8 - 39 1 , 030 6. 2 - 8. 8 - 1 1 . 0 229. 4 Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Fai l ur e t o pr ovi de of f ences Num ber of dr i vi ng r el at ed m obi l e phone cr i m e on Essex r oads14 Per cent age of peopl e who have conf i dence t hat t he pol i ci ng r esponse t o pol i ci ng t he r oads i s i m pr ovi ng ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 Pr i or i t y 9 - I m pr ovi ng saf et y on our r oads 68. 2 63. 9 66. 9 3. 0 - St abl e Conf i dence I nt er val5 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 30 Please view above table with the explanations and caveats detailed on slides 32 and 33.

  31. 2021-2024 Police and Crime Plan Performance Indicators - continued Table 3 % Di f f er ence 2022/23 12 m ont hs t o Dec 2019 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2022 12 m ont hs t o Feb 2023 Num ber Di f f er ence 2022/23 Di r ect i on of Tr avel 2022/23 Pol i ce and Cr i m e Pl an Pr i or i t i es Pol i ce Pr i or i t y Indi cat or s Num ber of Speci al s Num ber of Pol i ce Suppor t Vol unt eer s 51 9 1 1 7 60 296 90 1 0 - - 471 1 05 59 223 89 1 3 - - 327 99 56 221 87 1 3 2, 343 79, 449 - 1 44 - 6 - 3 - 2 - 2 0 - - - 30. 6 - 5. 7 - 5. 1 - 0. 9 - 2. 2 0. 0 - - Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng St abl e Num ber of Act i ve Ci t i zens Num ber of Vol unt eer Pol i ce Cadet s Num ber of Vol unt eer Cadet Leader s Num ber of Cadet Uni t s Num ber of Nei ghbour hood W at ch - Co- or di nat or s16 Num ber of Nei ghbour hood W at ch - M em ber s16 Per cent age of peopl e who f eel t her e ar e good oppor t uni t i es f or t hose who want t o vol unt eer t o assi st pol i ci ng and r educe cr i m e i n Essex ( i nt er nal sur vey)4 Pr i or i t y 1 0 - Encour agi ng vol unt eer s and com m uni t y suppor t - - 52. 5 - - Conf i dence I nt er val5 1 . 1 Et hni c M i nor i t y em pl oyees: per cent age of t ot al wor kf or ce17 Vacanci es ( Ful l Ti m e Em pl oyee) : Of f i cer s18 Pr i or i t y 1 1 - Suppor t i ng our of f i cer s and st af f 3. 53 - 21 . 07 - 204. 1 3 - 0. 91 4. 41 - 3. 1 2 - 1 53. 1 6 - 8. 1 9 4. 1 2 - 67. 84 - 31 2. 77 - 3. 1 3 - 0. 30 - 65 - 1 60 5 - Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng I m pr ovi ng 2077. 3 1 04. 2 - 61 . 7 Vacanci es ( Ful l Ti m e Em pl oyee) : St af f18 Vacanci es ( Ful l Ti m e Em pl oyee) : PCSO18 School Vi si t s19 - 282 998 330 1 , 291 1 20, 302 48 293 25, 743 1 7. 0 29. 4 - 1 7. 6 I m pr ovi ng Det er i or at i ng Det er i or at i ng Pr i or i t y 1 2 - I ncr easi ng col l abor at i on Pr ogr am m es Del i ver ed19 Audi ence Num ber s19 2, 688 209, 265 1 46, 045 31 Please view above table with the explanations and caveats detailed on slides 32 and 33.

  32. End Notes 1Crime Severity Score measures relative harm of crimes by taking into account both the volume and the severity of offences, and by weighting offences differently. National data for the 12 months to December 2022 have been used in order that comparisons can be made to Essex s Most Similar Group of Forces (MSG). 2 Please note that on Wednesday 23 October 2019 the bodies of 39 Vietnamese nationals were discovered in a lorry trailer in Grays. This tragic incident is reflected in the Homicide numbers. 3 October 2021 saw the implementation of Operation SOMERTON, which aims to both improve the service given to victims of ASB and ensure crimes are correctly recorded. 4 Question from the independent survey commissioned by Essex Police. Results are for the period 12 months December 2022 versus the 12 months to December 2021. 5 The confidence interval is the range +/- within which the survey result will lie. This is mainly influenced by the number of people answering the survey. The more people that answer the survey, the smaller the interval range. 6 The methodology used for identifying these investigations as drug related is subjective and based on the circumstances presented. These figures will include investigations where the victim or the suspect are involved Drug Use, Possession or Selling. 7 The number of knife crime offences is an indicator of how effective Essex Police is at identifying knife-enabled offences, and is not necessarily reflective of the number of these offences that have been committed in the county. This is because the identification of these offences is reliant on the appropriate indicator being manually added to the crime record. A manual review of knife flags was conducted and missing flags were added retrospectively. Additionally a new data quality process was introduced in June 2020. Whilst this has enabled us to better understand knife crime in Essex, the process has consequently inflated the figures. As such, no inferences can be drawn as to the current trend. 8 OCG disruptions are reported quarterly. Data are to December 2022. 9 Solved outcomes are crimes that result in: charge or summons, caution, crimes taken into consideration, fixed penalty notice, cannabis warning or community resolution. 10 NRM data only available from April 2019 due to recording change at that time. 11 High Harm offences: Violence with Injury, Rape, Other Sexual Offences, Robbery of Personal Property and Residential Burglary. Average number of days are for the previous month in all three periods. 12 This is the number of theft offences in which dogs were stolen, and not necessarily the number of dogs which were stolen. 32

  33. End Notes - continued 13 Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) refers to all people killed or seriously injured on Essex s roads, regardless of whether any criminal offences were committed. Causing Death/Serious Injury by Dangerous/Inconsiderate Driving offences (detailed on slide 22) refers to the number of crimes of this type. 14In 2019, the definition as to what constituted use of a mobile phone in relation to driver-related mobile phone offences was subject to a legal challenge. This resulted in a ruling, which held that while use included accessing the interactive functions of the mobile phone (such as making calls, sending messages or using the internet), it did not extend to solely accessing the device s internal functions (such as making use of the camera). Fewer mobile phone offences were subsequently prosecuted from this point. In 2021 the government announced that the law was to be changed making it illegal to hold a phone or sat nav when driving or riding a motorcycle. This law was finally passed on 25th March 2022. 15 Monthly data only collected from December 2022 so year on year comparisons not available. 16 Neighbourhood Watch data are reported quarterly. Data as at 28th February 2022. 17 Ethnic minority employees as a percentage of the total workforce. 18 Absence data: Rolling from 1st April each year. 19 Data provided by the Fire Service and to the 12 months to December 2022. 20 Number of offences with repeat victim including month on month percentage change. Num ber of of f ences wi t h a r epeat vi ct i m Num ber Di f f er ence % M ont h Last Year Thi s Year Di f f er ence M ar Apr M ay Jun 41, 886 42, 447 43, 061 43, 411 47, 684 47, 922 47, 945 47, 691 5, 798 5, 475 4, 884 4, 280 13. 8% 12. 9% 11. 3% 9. 9% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 43, 905 43, 772 44, 282 45, 114 45, 663 46, 258 46, 863 47, 338 47, 667 47, 879 47, 553 47, 111 46, 747 46, 134 45, 595 45, 220 3, 762 4, 107 3, 271 1, 997 1, 084 - 124 - 1, 268 - 2, 118 8. 6% 9. 4% 7. 4% 4. 4% 2. 4% - 0. 3% - 2. 7% - 4. 5% 33

  34. Crime Tree Data Rolling 12 Months to February For ce Cr i m e Tr ee Dat a - Rol l i ng 12 M ont hs t o Febr uar y Table 4 Of f ences Sol ved Out com es Sol ved Rat es % Top Level % DA 2023 Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % pt . di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % pt . di f f . % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % pt . di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 Cr i m e Type 2022 2023 # di f f . Z CSS 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 Z Ant i - Soci al Behavi our ( i nci dent s) Al l Cr i m e ( excl . Act i on ( NFIB) Fr aud) - St at e Based Cr i m e - Vi ct i m Based Cr i m e - 33733 163284 164055 28275 1 35009 22251 - 11482 771 - 929 1 700 - 34. 0 0. 5 - 3. 3 1 . 3 - 1. 4 - 1. 0 - 1 . 5 - 0. 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17. 2 6. 3 1 9. 4 11942 1 858 1 0084 11998 1 885 1 01 1 3 0. 5 1 . 5 0. 3 38424 37031 6068 32356 - 3. 6 - 4. 0 - 3. 6 20279 22043 8635 1 1 644 1764 1 74 1 590 8. 7 2. 0 1 3. 7 1578 61 8 960 1633 700 933 3. 5 1 3. 3 - 2. 8 4882 2037 2845 5243 21 37 31 06 7. 4 4. 9 9. 2 12. 4 30. 5 8. 6 13. 4 32. 2 9. 7 1. 0 1 . 7 1 . 1 0. 2 0. 9 0. 2 13. 2 33. 3 9. 5 13. 6 37. 1 9. 2 0. 4 3. 9 - 0. 3 12. 7 33. 6 8. 8 14. 2 36. 7 1 0. 0 1. 5 3. 1 1 . 2 27346 1 36709 5825 31 206 8809 1 3234 Of f ences Sol ved Out com es Sol ved Rat es % Vi ct i m Based Cr i m e % DA 2023 Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % pt . di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % pt . di f f . % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % pt . di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 Cr i m e Type 2022 2023 # di f f . Z CSS 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 Z Vi ol ence Agai nst t he Per son - Hom i ci de - Vi ol ence wi t h I nj ur y - Deat h or Ser i ous I nj ur y caused by unl awf ul dr i vi ng - Deat h or ser i ous i nj ur y by danger ous dr i vi ng - Deat h by car el ess dr i vi ng ( dr i nk or dr ugs) - Deat h by car el ess or i nconsi der at e dr i vi ng - Deat h or ser i ous i nj ur y dr i vi ng - unl i censed, di squal i f i ed, uni nsur ed - Causi ng deat h by aggr avat ed vehi cl e t aki ng - Vi ol ence wi t hout I nj ur y - St al ki ng and Har assm ent Sexual Of f ences - Rape - Rape - Under 1 6 yr s - Rape - Over 1 6 yr s - Ot her Sexual Of f ences - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Age 1 3 t o 1 7 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Not Age Speci f i c Robber y - Robber y of busi ness pr oper t y - Robber y of Per sonal Pr oper t y Thef t Of f ences - Bur gl ar y - Bur gl ar y Resi dent i al - Bur gl ar y Busi ness & Com m uni t y - Bur gl ar y Dwel l i ng ( pr e- Apr 1 7 def i ni t i on) - Bur gl ar y Ot her ( pr e- Apr 1 7 def i ni t i on) - Vehi cl e Of f ences ( i ncl . Int er f er ence) - Thef t f r om a Vehi cl e - Thef t of a Vehi cl e - Vehi cl e I nt er f er ence - Thef t - Thef t f r om t he Per son - Thef t of Pedal Cycl e - Shopl i f t i ng - Ot her Thef t Cr i m i nal Dam age i nc. Ar son - Cr i m i nal Dam age - Ar son 32. 3 20. 0 35. 4 6. 5 8. 0 - 0. 0 0. 0 - 30. 7 32. 3 24. 9 43. 6 5. 7 55. 0 1 1 . 7 1 . 8 4. 6 8. 3 20. 6 1 1 . 8 1 0. 9 3. 9 0. 0 4. 1 2. 6 3. 4 4. 7 0. 1 6. 7 0. 3 1 . 3 0. 2 3. 0 0. 4 3. 1 2. 0 0. 1 0. 0 5. 9 1 0. 9 1 1 . 7 2. 4 72068 26 1 5436 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 28248 28347 6360 2805 705 21 00 3555 769 962 45 1 446 7 326 1 375 98 1 277 401 64 6468 4820 1 648 3235 3233 1 1 354 5648 41 43 1 563 22342 1 1 54 1 556 8382 1 1 250 1 5042 1 4027 1 01 5 68625 1 5 1 5949 31 25 0 5 1 0 28834 23796 5949 2456 564 1 892 3493 675 91 5 24 1 539 1 7 320 1 451 89 1 362 45802 6789 4930 1 859 3296 3493 1 3471 6449 51 59 1 863 25542 1 1 79 1 580 9707 1 3076 1 4882 1 3549 1 333 - 3443 - 1 1 51 3 20 1 5 0 5 1 - 1 586 - 4551 - 41 1 - 349 - 1 41 - 208 - 62 - 94 - 47 - 21 93 1 0 - 6 76 - 9 85 5638 321 1 1 0 21 1 61 260 21 1 7 801 1 01 6 300 3200 25 24 1 325 1 826 - 1 60 - 478 31 8 - 4. 8 - 42. 3 3. 3 1 81 . 8 1 50. 0 - - - - 1 00. 0 2. 1 - 1 6. 1 - 6. 5 - 1 2. 4 - 20. 0 - 9. 9 - 1 . 7 - 1 2. 2 - 4. 9 - 46. 7 6. 4 1 42. 9 - 1 . 8 5. 5 - 9. 2 6. 7 1 4. 0 5. 0 2. 3 1 2. 8 1 . 9 8. 0 1 8. 6 1 4. 2 24. 5 1 9. 2 1 4. 3 2. 2 1 . 5 1 5. 8 1 6. 2 - 1 . 1 - 3. 4 31 . 3 - 1 . 4 1 . 1 - 0. 9 - 0. 9 - - - - - - 1 . 2 - 1 . 5 - 0. 5 - 0. 8 - 0. 9 - 0. 6 - 0. 2 - - - - - - - 0. 3 - 1 . 0 - 0. 1 0. 6 2. 0 2. 3 0. 6 1 . 5 1 . 6 0. 8 0. 9 0. 7 0. 3 0. 1 - 0. 8 - 1 . 4 0. 8 0. 0 - 1 . 5 - 1 . 5 - 0. 7 51 53 3 1 091 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 963 2096 506 233 55 1 78 273 56 68 4 1 20 1 24 1 1 7 4 1 1 3 3262 542 397 1 45 273 269 960 445 404 1 1 1 1 760 1 1 9 85 660 896 1 046 996 50 491 4 3 1 064 0 0 0 0 0 0 2070 1 777 432 1 69 37 1 32 263 55 77 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 1 08 5 1 03 3666 682 520 1 62 339 343 1 1 07 548 41 2 1 47 1 877 63 77 793 944 993 928 65 - 4. 6 0. 0 - 2. 5 - - - - - - 5. 5 - 1 5. 2 - 1 4. 6 - 27. 5 - 32. 7 - 25. 8 - 3. 7 - 1 . 8 1 3. 2 - 75. 0 - 5. 8 200. 0 - 41 . 7 - 7. 7 25. 0 - 8. 8 1 2. 4 25. 8 31 . 0 1 1 . 7 24. 2 27. 5 1 5. 3 23. 1 2. 0 32. 4 6. 6 - 47. 1 - 9. 4 20. 2 5. 4 - 5. 1 - 6. 8 30. 0 1 6836 6 3575 0 0 0 0 0 0 6731 6524 1 51 2 683 1 80 503 829 1 60 230 1 2 355 2 70 331 21 31 0 1 01 24 1 785 1 31 8 467 926 859 2881 1 387 1 1 1 7 377 5458 290 262 21 05 2801 3553 3393 1 60 1 5006 7 3392 2 2 0 0 0 0 6521 5084 1 264 51 0 1 08 402 754 1 44 21 1 5 331 1 1 52 338 1 9 31 9 1 1 558 1 81 3 1 41 4 399 982 831 361 8 1 748 1 369 501 61 27 270 265 2525 3067 3040 2886 1 54 - 1 0. 9 1 6. 7 - 5. 1 - - - - - - - 3. 1 - 22. 1 - 1 6. 4 - 25. 3 - 40. 0 - 20. 1 - 9. 0 - 1 0. 0 - 8. 3 - 58. 3 - 6. 8 450. 0 - 25. 7 2. 1 - 9. 5 2. 9 1 4. 2 1 . 6 7. 3 - 1 4. 6 6. 0 - 3. 3 25. 6 26. 0 22. 6 32. 9 1 2. 3 - 6. 9 1 . 1 20. 0 9. 5 - 1 4. 4 - 1 4. 9 - 3. 8 6933 20 21 42 1 6 1 4 0 0 1 1 2977 1 778 469 63 36 27 406 51 1 73 1 4 1 1 1 1 56 1 24 1 2 1 1 2 2760 340 220 1 20 204 1 36 21 4 56 1 1 9 39 2206 1 4 48 1 71 3 431 1 358 1 31 2 46 7666 1 3 2663 30 24 0 5 1 0 3305 1 655 538 96 47 49 442 55 223 2 1 06 9 46 1 1 7 9 1 08 3501 41 9 241 1 78 21 6 203 352 78 1 37 1 37 2730 23 33 221 7 457 1 41 2 1 350 62 733 - 7 521 1 4 1 0 0 5 0 - 1 328 - 1 23 69 33 1 1 22 36 4 50 - 1 2 - 5 8 - 1 0 - 7 - 3 - 4 741 79 21 58 1 2 67 1 38 22 1 8 98 524 9 - 1 5 504 26 54 38 1 6 1 0. 6 - 35. 0 24. 3 87. 5 71 . 4 - - 0. 0 - 1 00. 0 1 1 . 0 - 6. 9 1 4. 7 52. 4 30. 6 81 . 5 8. 9 7. 8 28. 9 - 85. 7 - 4. 5 800. 0 - 1 7. 9 - 5. 6 - 25. 0 - 3. 6 26. 8 23. 2 9. 5 48. 3 5. 9 49. 3 64. 5 39. 3 1 5. 1 251 . 3 23. 8 64. 3 - 31 . 3 29. 4 6. 0 4. 0 2. 9 34. 8 583 3 1 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 1 43 57 3 2 1 54 1 34 1 1 5 0 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 91 1 9 1 4 5 1 4 5 1 8 2 1 1 5 1 54 0 1 1 25 28 1 1 7 1 1 4 3 523 5 1 82 2 0 0 0 0 0 226 1 08 50 9 4 5 41 5 1 6 0 1 6 0 4 1 1 2 9 266 32 1 7 1 5 1 7 1 5 1 7 6 7 4 21 7 3 0 1 87 27 83 76 7 - 1 0. 3 66. 7 - 6. 7 - - - - - - - 6. 6 - 24. 5 - 1 2. 3 200. 0 1 00. 0 400. 0 - 24. 1 400. 0 - 52. 9 - 1 00. 0 6. 7 - 33. 3 - 8. 3 1 00. 0 - 1 8. 2 39. 3 68. 4 21 . 4 200. 0 21 . 4 200. 0 - 5. 6 200. 0 - 36. 4 - 20. 0 40. 9 - - 1 00. 0 49. 6 - 3. 6 - 29. 1 - 33. 3 1 33. 3 1 760 6 535 2 2 0 0 0 0 774 443 1 20 1 0 5 5 1 1 0 6 65 2 32 0 5 29 1 28 61 7 65 38 27 37 28 48 1 2 29 7 504 2 3 384 1 1 5 31 9 31 1 8 1 803 7 649 5 5 0 0 0 0 796 346 1 48 23 1 1 1 2 1 25 1 3 68 0 31 5 8 27 5 22 822 95 58 37 56 39 54 1 3 28 1 3 673 9 1 567 96 306 294 1 2 2. 4 1 6. 7 21 . 3 1 50. 0 1 50. 0 - - - - 2. 8 - 21 . 9 23. 3 1 30. 0 1 20. 0 1 40. 0 1 3. 6 1 1 6. 7 4. 6 - 1 00. 0 - 3. 1 - 60. 0 - 6. 9 400. 0 - 21 . 4 33. 2 46. 2 52. 6 37. 0 51 . 4 39. 3 1 2. 5 8. 3 - 3. 4 85. 7 33. 5 350. 0 - 66. 7 47. 7 - 1 6. 5 - 4. 1 - 5. 5 50. 0 9. 6 76. 9 1 3. 9 1 45. 5 1 40. 0 - - - 1 00. 0 1 0. 5 6. 3 7. 4 2. 2 5. 1 1 . 3 1 1 . 4 6. 6 1 8. 0 31 . 1 7. 7 1 4. 3 1 7. 2 9. 0 1 2. 2 8. 8 6. 9 5. 3 4. 6 7. 3 6. 3 4. 2 1 . 9 1 . 0 2. 9 2. 5 9. 9 1 . 2 3. 1 20. 4 3. 8 9. 0 9. 4 4. 5 1 1 . 2 86. 7 1 6. 7 96. 8 96. 0 - 1 00. 0 1 00. 0 - 1 1 . 5 7. 0 9. 0 3. 9 8. 3 2. 6 1 2. 7 8. 1 24. 4 8. 3 6. 9 52. 9 1 4. 4 8. 1 1 0. 1 7. 9 7. 6 6. 2 4. 9 9. 6 6. 6 5. 8 2. 6 1 . 2 2. 7 7. 4 1 0. 7 2. 0 2. 1 22. 8 3. 5 9. 5 1 0. 0 4. 7 1 . 6 9. 7 2. 8 - 48. 7 - 44. 0 - - - - 0. 9 0. 7 1 . 7 1 . 7 3. 2 1 . 3 1 . 2 1 . 5 6. 4 - 22. 8 - 0. 8 38. 7 - 2. 8 - 1 . 0 - 2. 1 - 0. 8 0. 8 0. 9 0. 3 2. 3 0. 2 1 . 6 0. 7 0. 2 - 0. 2 4. 9 0. 8 0. 7 - 1 . 0 2. 4 - 0. 3 0. 5 0. 6 0. 1 0. 1 1 . 7 0. 4 - 0. 9 - - - - - - 0. 2 - 0. 3 1 . 1 1 . 1 0. 7 1 . 2 0. 8 - - - - - - 0. 1 0. 8 - 0. 1 0. 7 - 0. 3 - 0. 5 0. 8 - 0. 4 0. 3 - 0. 6 0. 4 - 1 . 0 - 0. 3 1 . 0 2. 2 - 1 . 0 0. 7 - 0. 4 - 0. 6 - 0. 9 2. 4 1 1 . 3 1 00. 0 1 7. 9 - - - - - - 1 2. 3 6. 8 1 1 . 3 1 . 3 3. 6 0. 6 1 9. 8 1 . 8 50. 0 25. 0 1 2. 5 0. 0 1 2. 5 1 0. 3 25. 0 9. 7 5. 9 3. 5 3. 5 3. 4 5. 1 1 . 9 1 . 9 0. 4 2. 7 4. 5 8. 8 0. 0 1 . 2 1 8. 9 3. 1 1 1 . 2 1 1 . 4 6. 0 1 0. 6 1 66. 7 1 7. 1 - - - - - - 1 0. 9 6. 1 1 1 . 6 5. 3 1 0. 8 3. 8 1 5. 6 9. 1 20. 8 0. 0 1 4. 2 0. 0 28. 6 1 0. 2 40. 0 8. 7 7. 3 4. 7 3. 3 9. 3 5. 0 4. 4 1 . 5 1 . 1 1 . 7 2. 7 1 1 . 6 4. 8 0. 0 23. 6 2. 9 8. 4 8. 2 1 0. 8 - 0. 7 66. 7 - 0. 8 - - - - - - - 1 . 4 - 0. 7 0. 3 4. 0 7. 2 3. 2 - 4. 2 7. 3 - 29. 2 - 25. 0 1 . 7 0. 0 1 6. 1 - 0. 1 1 5. 0 - 1 . 0 1 . 4 1 . 2 - 0. 3 5. 8 - 0. 1 2. 5 - 0. 3 0. 6 - 1 . 0 - 1 . 8 2. 8 4. 8 - 1 . 2 4. 6 - 0. 3 - 2. 8 - 3. 3 4. 8 1 0. 5 1 00. 0 1 5. 0 - - - - - - 1 1 . 5 6. 8 7. 9 1 . 5 2. 8 1 . 0 1 3. 3 3. 8 28. 3 1 6. 7 9. 0 0. 0 7. 1 8. 8 4. 8 9. 0 6. 1 3. 6 2. 9 5. 8 4. 0 3. 3 1 . 7 0. 9 2. 6 1 . 9 9. 2 0. 7 1 . 1 1 8. 2 4. 1 9. 0 9. 2 5. 0 1 2. 0 1 00. 0 1 9. 1 250. 0 250. 0 - - - - 1 2. 2 6. 8 1 1 . 7 4. 5 1 0. 2 3. 0 1 6. 6 9. 0 32. 2 0. 0 9. 4 45. 5 1 5. 4 8. 0 26. 3 6. 9 7. 1 5. 2 4. 1 9. 3 5. 7 4. 7 1 . 5 0. 7 2. 0 2. 6 1 1 . 0 3. 3 0. 4 22. 5 3. 1 1 0. 1 1 0. 2 7. 8 1 . 6 0. 0 4. 2 - - - - - - 0. 7 0. 0 3. 8 3. 0 7. 4 2. 0 3. 3 5. 3 4. 0 - 1 6. 7 0. 4 45. 5 8. 2 - 0. 8 21 . 6 - 2. 1 1 . 0 1 . 6 1 . 2 3. 5 1 . 7 1 . 4 - 0. 2 - 0. 1 - 0. 6 0. 7 1 . 8 2. 6 - 0. 8 4. 2 - 1 . 0 1 . 1 1 . 0 2. 8 1 4 2 20 6 9 4 1 5 1 8 8 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 21 1 6 1 9 1 5 7 1 7 1 1 34

  35. Crime Tree Data Rolling 12 Months to February - continued Table 5 Of f ences Sol ved Out com es Sol ved Rat es % Vi ct i m Based: Under Repor t ed % DA 2023 Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % pt . di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % pt . di f f . % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % pt . di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 Cr i m e Type 2022 2023 # di f f . Z CSS 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 Z Raci al /Rel i gi ousl y Aggr avat ed Of f ences Hat e Cr i m e HO Def i ni t i on Dom est i c Abuse - Hi gh Ri sk Dom est i c Abuse - M edi um Ri sk Dom est i c Abuse - St andar d Ri sk Dom est i c Abuse - No Ri sk Assessm ent 1 . 5 3. 2 1 00. 0 1 00. 0 1 00. 0 1 00. 0 1 00. 0 21 23 4503 30761 3232 3733 22635 1 1 61 21 01 4274 28272 3279 3451 20500 1 042 - 22 - 229 - 2489 47 - 282 - 21 35 - 1 1 9 - 1 . 0 - 5. 1 - 8. 1 1 . 5 - 7. 6 - 9. 4 - 1 0. 2 - 1 . 3 - 1 . 2 - 2. 8 - 0. 7 - 1 . 1 - 3. 2 - 1 . 1 1 31 274 2243 243 306 1 569 1 25 1 21 253 1 863 21 6 270 1 251 1 26 - 7. 6 - 7. 7 - 1 6. 9 - 1 1 . 1 - 1 1 . 8 - 20. 3 0. 8 430 926 7571 734 1 01 3 5537 287 401 858 621 8 706 802 4423 287 - 6. 7 - 7. 3 - 1 7. 9 - 3. 8 - 20. 8 - 20. 1 0. 0 279 452 3073 748 620 1 589 1 1 6 369 569 3224 896 61 0 1 579 1 39 90 1 1 7 1 51 1 48 - 1 0 - 1 0 23 32. 3 25. 9 4. 9 1 9. 8 - 1 . 6 - 0. 6 1 9. 8 25 34 267 61 53 1 42 1 1 30 43 209 55 37 1 09 8 20. 0 26. 5 - 21 . 7 - 9. 8 - 30. 2 - 23. 2 - 27. 3 59 99 761 1 54 1 60 41 8 29 94 1 58 724 21 1 1 37 342 34 59. 3 59. 6 - 4. 9 37. 0 - 1 4. 4 - 1 8. 2 1 7. 2 1 3. 1 1 0. 0 1 0. 0 23. 1 1 6. 6 7. 0 1 0. 0 1 7. 6 1 3. 3 1 1 . 4 27. 3 1 7. 7 7. 7 1 3. 3 4. 4 3. 3 1 . 4 4. 2 1 . 1 0. 7 3. 3 1 . 4 1 . 1 0. 5 0. 0 - 0. 8 1 . 2 - 0. 8 1 9. 1 1 2. 4 1 1 . 9 25. 1 1 7. 3 9. 1 8. 8 24. 8 1 7. 0 1 1 . 2 25. 5 1 3. 7 8. 7 6. 3 5. 7 4. 6 - 0. 7 0. 4 - 3. 6 - 0. 3 - 2. 5 1 3. 7 1 0. 7 1 0. 1 21 . 0 1 5. 8 7. 5 1 0. 1 23. 4 1 8. 4 1 1 . 6 29. 9 1 7. 1 7. 7 1 1 . 8 9. 7 7. 7 1 . 6 8. 9 1 . 3 0. 2 1 . 7 Of f ences Sol ved Out com es Sol ved Rat es % St at e Based Cr i m e % DA 2023 Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % di f f . Yr on Yr 1m % pt . di f f . Yr on Yr 3m % pt . di f f . % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 % pt . di f f . 1m Feb 22 1m Feb 23 3m Feb 22 3m Feb 23 Cr i m e Type 2022 2023 # di f f . Z CSS 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 Z Dr ug Of f ences - Tr af f i cki ng of Dr ugs - Possessi on of Dr ugs Possessi on of W eapons Publ i c Or der M i scel l aneous Cr i m es agai nst Soci et y 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 2. 1 7. 2 1 3. 8 5564 1 21 9 4345 1 288 1 7930 3493 5353 1 396 3957 1 723 1 6789 3481 - 21 1 1 77 - 388 435 - 1 1 41 - 1 2 - 3. 8 1 4. 5 - 8. 9 33. 8 - 6. 4 - 0. 3 - 0. 8 - 0. 2 - 0. 8 0. 9 - 1 . 4 - 0. 8 - 0. 55 358 88 270 1 01 1 1 36 263 403 1 00 303 1 40 1 075 267 1 2. 6 1 3. 6 1 2. 2 38. 6 - 5. 4 1 . 5 1 236 278 958 31 4 3693 825 1 361 394 967 41 3 3222 829 1 0. 1 41 . 7 0. 9 31 . 5 - 1 2. 8 0. 5 4949 91 7 4032 752 2336 598 4599 91 8 3681 980 2538 692 - 350 1 - 351 228 202 94 - 7. 1 0. 1 - 8. 7 30. 3 8. 6 1 5. 7 328 57 271 55 1 98 37 369 67 302 88 1 80 63 1 2. 5 1 7. 5 1 1 . 4 60. 0 - 9. 1 70. 3 1 1 27 220 907 21 2 564 1 34 1 1 30 21 7 91 3 243 576 1 88 0. 3 - 1 . 4 0. 7 1 4. 6 2. 1 40. 3 88. 9 75. 2 92. 8 58. 4 1 3. 0 1 7. 1 85. 9 65. 8 93. 0 56. 9 1 5. 1 1 9. 9 - 3. 0 - 9. 5 0. 2 - 1 . 5 2. 1 2. 8 0. 4 - 0. 5 0. 9 0. 6 1 . 2 1 . 5 91 . 6 64. 8 1 00. 4 54. 5 1 7. 4 1 4. 1 91 . 6 67. 0 99. 7 62. 9 1 6. 7 23. 6 - 0. 1 2. 2 - 0. 7 8. 4 - 0. 7 9. 5 91 . 2 79. 1 94. 7 67. 5 1 5. 3 1 6. 2 83. 0 55. 1 94. 4 58. 8 1 7. 9 22. 7 - 8. 2 - 24. 1 - 0. 3 - 8. 7 2. 6 6. 4 Cr i m e Sever i t y Scor e ( CSS) - Based on t he ONS Cr i m e Sever i t y Scor e whi ch r epl aces t he Cam br i dge Har m Index - dat a ar e f or t he 1 2 m ont hs t o Decem ber 2022, ( a t ot al of 24 cr i m e t ypes have been r anked wher e scor es ar e avai l abl e) . The CSS excl udes pr oact i vel y gener at ed cr i m e det ect i on by pol i ce i . e. St at e Based Cr i m e, as t hese of f ences do not r el i abl y m easur e har m s exper i enced by t he popul at i on. Rat her , t hey m easur e t he r esour ces i nvest ed i n cat chi ng of f ender s. Yr on Yr 1m % /% pt . di f f . - com par es t he m ont h of Febr uar y 2023 wi t h t he m ont h of Febr uar y 2022. Yr on Yr 3m % /% pt . di f f . - com par es t he t hr ee m ont hs t o Febr uar y 2023 wi t h t he t hr ee m ont hs t o Febr uar y 2022. Z Scor e - St andar d Scor e over 1 . 96 or under - 1 . 96. St andar d Scor es ar e used t o cal cul at e t he pr obabi l i t y of an event occur r i ng wi t hi n a nor m al di st r i but i on; t hey ar e al so used t o com par e t wo scor es f r om di f f er ent nor m al di st r i but i ons ( f or exam pl e t he num ber of of f ences per pol i ce Di st r i ct ) . In t hi s docum ent , St andar d Scor es ar e cal cul at ed i n t he f ol l owi ng way: ( cur r ent m ont h' s f i gur e, m i nus t he aver age f i gur e per m ont h over t he pr evi ous t hr ee year s) di vi ded by t he St andar d Devi at i on of t he sam e t hr ee year per i od. St andar d Devi at i on i s a m easur e t o det er m i ne how spr ead out f i gur es ar e f r om t he aver age or " m ean" a l ar ge st andar d devi at i on i ndi cat es t he dat a i s wi del y spr ead; i f sm al l , t he dat a wi l l be m or e cl ust er ed t oget her . 35

  36. Crime Tree Data - Rolling 12 months to February Violence against the Person and Sexual offences and outcomes (by crime type) split by gender For ce Cr i m e Tr ee Dat a - Rol l i ng 12 M ont hs t o Febr uar y Table 6 Of f ences Sol ved Out com es Sol ved Rat es % Of f ences Sol ved Out com es Sol ved Rat es % Vi ct i m Based Cr i m e - Fem al e Vi ct i m Based Cr i m e - M al e D A2022 39, 469 37, 462 - 2007 6 4 7, 486 7, 779 1 0 1 4, 091 1 4, 384 1 7, 880 1 5, 285 - 2595 4, 944 4, 658 2, 403 2, 227 535 477 1 , 868 1 , 750 2, 541 2, 431 482 436 431 322 1 9 1 5 1 , 358 1 , 436 4 5 247 21 7 % di f f . - 5. 1 - 33. 3 3. 9 66. 7 2. 1 - 1 4. 5 - 5. 8 - 7. 3 - 1 0. 8 - 6. 3 - 4. 3 - 9. 5 - 25. 3 - 21 . 1 5. 7 25. 0 - 1 2. 1 % di f f . 6. 9 0. 0 1 8. 6 22. 2 1 1 . 6 - 8. 8 - 3. 4 48. 3 26. 7 71 . 4 - 1 6. 1 1 2. 9 - 24. 3 - 1 00. 0 - 1 2. 0 1 00. 0 - 31 . 8 % pt . di f f . 1 . 2 25. 0 2. 1 - 40. 0 0. 8 0. 5 0. 2 1 . 4 2. 4 1 . 2 - 1 . 1 1 . 6 0. 1 - 31 . 6 - 1 . 4 1 5. 0 - 4. 0 % di f f . - 5. 2 - 35. 3 1 . 9 250. 0 0. 0 - 1 8. 3 0. 7 - 1 9. 9 - 29. 1 - 1 1 . 5 8. 2 - 1 5. 6 1 9. 4 - 62. 5 31 . 0 33. 3 66. 7 % di f f . 9. 3 - 41 . 2 24. 8 1 71 . 4 7. 2 - 20. 1 1 7. 8 0. 0 1 2. 5 - 1 00. 0 22. 2 - 53. 8 50. 0 0. 0 1 00. 0 - 1 33. 3 % pt . di f f . 1 . 6 - 9. 1 3. 1 - 26. 2 0. 9 - 0. 1 0. 9 1 . 0 4. 6 - 0. 9 0. 8 - 2. 7 1 . 6 1 0. 4 1 . 3 25. 0 3. 6 Cr i m e Type 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 Cr i m e Type 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 Vi ol ence Agai nst t he Per son - Hom i ci de - Vi ol ence wi t h I nj ur y - Deat h or Ser i ous I nj ur y caused by unl awf ul dr i vi ng6 - Vi ol ence wi t hout I nj ur y - St al ki ng and Har assm ent Sexual Of f ences - Rape - Rape - Under 1 6 yr s - Rape - Over 1 6 yr s - Ot her Sexual Of f ences - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Age 1 3 t o 1 7 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Not Age Speci f i c 3, 641 3 1 , 1 1 8 9 1 , 281 1 , 230 294 58 30 28 236 31 37 6 1 1 7 1 44 3, 891 3 1 , 326 1 1 1 , 429 1 , 1 22 284 86 38 48 1 98 35 28 0 1 03 2 30 250 0 208 2 1 48 - 1 08 - 1 0 28 8 20 - 38 4 - 9 - 6 - 1 4 1 - 1 4 9. 2 50. 0 1 4. 9 1 50. 0 9. 1 6. 9 5. 9 2. 4 5. 6 1 . 5 9. 3 6. 4 8. 6 31 . 6 8. 6 25. 0 1 7. 8 1 0. 4 75. 0 1 7. 0 1 1 0. 0 9. 9 7. 3 6. 1 3. 9 8. 0 2. 7 8. 1 8. 0 8. 7 0. 0 7. 2 40. 0 1 3. 8 Vi ol ence Agai nst t he Per son - Hom i ci de - Vi ol ence wi t h I nj ur y - Deat h or Ser i ous I nj ur y caused by unl awf ul dr i vi ng6 - Vi ol ence wi t hout I nj ur y - St al ki ng and Har assm ent Sexual Of f ences - Rape - Rape - Under 1 6 yr s - Rape - Over 1 6 yr s - Ot her Sexual Of f ences - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Age 1 3 t o 1 7 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Not Age Speci f i c 30, 647 29, 062 - 1 585 1 7 1 1 7, 61 1 7, 754 21 1 3, 474 1 3, 478 9, 539 7, 798 81 6 822 21 6 1 73 1 03 73 1 1 3 1 00 600 649 21 8 1 84 288 344 1 6 6 42 55 3 4 33 55 3, 1 79 1 7 1 , 031 7 1 , 687 437 45 9 8 1 36 1 3 1 8 1 1 0 3 3, 474 1 0 1 , 287 1 9 1 , 809 349 53 9 9 0 44 6 27 1 2 1 7 295 - 7 256 1 2 1 22 - 88 8 0 1 - 1 8 - 7 9 0 1 1 4 1 0. 4 1 00. 0 1 3. 5 1 1 6. 7 1 2. 5 4. 6 5. 5 4. 2 7. 8 0. 9 6. 0 6. 0 6. 3 6. 3 2. 4 0. 0 9. 1 1 2. 0 90. 9 1 6. 6 90. 5 1 3. 4 4. 5 6. 4 5. 2 1 2. 3 0. 0 6. 8 3. 3 7. 8 1 6. 7 3. 6 25. 0 1 2. 7 - 2 293 4 293 - 6 1 43 1 5 4 - 1 741 6 - 43 - 30 - 1 3 49 - 34 56 - 1 0 1 3 1 22 - 286 - 1 76 - 58 - 1 1 8 - 1 1 0 - 46 - 1 09 - 4 78 1 - 30 Of f ences Sol ved Out com es Sol ved Rat es % Vi ct i m Based Cr i m e - Unr ecor ded D A2022 1 , 887 % di f f . 1 1 . 3 - 1 00. 0 1 1 . 2 - 24. 5 - 2. 5 9. 1 - 1 1 . 1 - 30. 0 - 2. 3 1 2. 5 1 7. 0 8. 3 - 70. 0 37. 1 - 6. 7 % di f f . 3. 8 - 1 00. 0 66. 7 - 63. 4 - 1 5. 6 36. 7 - - - 36. 1 55. 6 41 . 2 - 85. 7 - 50. 0 - - 1 0. 0 % pt . di f f . - 1 . 0 - 4. 0 - 1 . 6 - 4. 0 8. 7 1 . 8 0. 0 2. 4 8. 4 6. 3 1 5. 7 - 36. 7 - 3. 6 - - 3. 5 Cr i m e Type 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 # di f f . 2022 2023 Vi ol ence Agai nst t he Per son - Hom i ci de - Vi ol ence wi t h I nj ur y - Deat h or Ser i ous I nj ur y caused by unl awf ul dr i vi ng0 - Vi ol ence wi t hout I nj ur y - St al ki ng and Har assm ent Sexual Of f ences - Rape - Rape - Under 1 6 yr s - Rape - Over 1 6 yr s - Ot her Sexual Of f ences - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Under 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Age 1 3 t o 1 7 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 3 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Over 1 6 - Ot her sexual of f ences : Not Age Speci f i c 2, 1 01 0 41 6 0 972 71 3 469 56 1 4 42 41 3 55 249 3 48 8 48 21 4 - 1 42 0 1 91 - 1 8 39 - 7 - 6 - 1 46 8 1 9 - 7 1 3 8 3 290 1 30 0 41 21 8 1 47 0 0 0 1 47 9 1 1 9 7 2 0 1 0 301 0 50 0 67 1 84 201 1 0 1 200 1 4 1 68 1 1 6 9 1 1 - 1 20 0 26 - 34 54 1 0 1 53 5 49 - 6 - 1 6 - 1 1 5. 4 1 00. 0 8. 0 - 5. 2 29. 8 34. 2 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 40. 1 1 9. 1 51 . 7 70. 0 5. 7 - 22. 2 1 4. 3 - 1 2. 0 - 6. 9 25. 8 42. 9 1 . 8 0. 0 2. 4 48. 4 25. 5 67. 5 33. 3 2. 1 75. 0 1 8. 8 1 374 781 731 430 63 20 43 367 47 230 1 0 35 0 45 Please note: the breakdown of data for the previous 12 months within these tables may not tally with the totals on slide 13 as gender data is rerun on a monthly basis. 36

  37. Victim Referrals by Crime offence - Rolling 12 months to February 2023 Table 7 Sum of Count Of f ence ALL OTHER THEFT OFFENCES ARSON BI CYCLE THEFT BURGLARY - BUSI NESS AND COM M UNI TY BURGLARY - RESI DENTI AL CRI M I NAL DAM AGE HOM I CI DE OTHER SEXUAL OFFENCES RAPE ROBBERY - BUSI NESS ROBBERY - PERSONAL SHOPLI FTI NG THEFT FROM THE PERSON VEHI CLE OFFENCES VI OLENCE W I TH I NJURY VI OLENCE W I THOUT I NJURY M ont h M ar 2022 Apr 2022 M ay 2022 Jun 2022 Jul 2022 Aug 2022 Sep 2022 Oct 2022 Nov 2022 Dec 2022 Jan 2023 Feb 2023 Gr and Tot al 1 34 1 04 1 48 1 55 1 68 1 55 6 1 0 1 3 7 5 4 1 6 1 7 27 20 1 7 24 7 5 2 1 7 3 1 20 1 03 1 1 1 1 27 1 01 1 23 223 1 52 1 91 1 74 1 94 1 64 1 80 83 90 86 1 09 79 61 61 71 89 83 76 2 2 1 2 1 1 36 35 32 44 46 44 2 1 1 3 2 1 27 1 7 1 5 1 0 21 21 1 60 1 1 6 1 1 9 1 48 1 39 1 26 378 386 346 439 490 433 1 , 241 1 , 01 0 1 , 1 45 1 , 1 47 1 , 300 1 , 21 2 1 , 1 23 1 60 1 50 1 8 32 1 34 1 35 1 37 1 41 4 1 4 5 1 76 1 67 1 , 721 90 244 59 1 , 483 2, 1 24 3 967 829 1 5 476 24 220 1 , 749 4, 653 1 3, 41 7 0 28, 074 1 1 27 7 1 26 1 76 2 4 6 1 6 9 1 1 8 1 69 1 2 2 1 21 1 54 22 7 1 55 1 72 4 1 02 1 88 1 1 79 80 64 68 91 64 59 53 66 58 81 65 1 4 1 40 52 28 4 1 7 1 48 353 1 , 1 28 35 39 45 1 1 3 5 1 1 20 1 50 41 3 1 , 1 32 29 1 59 354 977 1 8 1 4 1 60 402 1 55 333 997 1 69 326 1 , 005 Gr and Tot al 2, 493 2, 103 2, 312 2, 452 2, 683 2, 466 2, 404 2, 398 2, 282 2, 096 2, 168 2, 217 Please note: data updated quarterly. 37


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