TVET Renewable Energy Course: Advanced Energy System Design

Session (June 23, 2023) – Term 4
C 62 – Advanced Energy System Design
Course 62 Advanced Energy System Design
Year Two April to June Term 6
10 Weeks with:
58.7 Classroom hours
10 weeks x 9 periods/week
Three periods Tuesday AM
Two periods Tuesday PM
One period lab Wednesday PM X 2
Three periods Thursday AM
Marking Breakdown
Individual Tests                20%
Individual Assignments   30%
Group Projects                 40%
Employability Skills          10%
What does “success” look like for students?
Students completing Year 1 (Installer) or Year 2 (Designer) Renewable
Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) program requirements
Students are Industry Qualified under NABCEP and others
Instructors are achieving the desired course outcomes and student
understanding with the required resources
ITVET is equipped with resources for a scalable and sustainable
Skills are competently applied to a changing Green Economy
Belize Employers are hiring competent and adaptable team members
from the program
Development of Course 62
From Theory to Practical Application through:
Development of hands-on 
 and assessments of energy systems 
Belize to act as a basis for assignments and projects within C-62 Advanced
Energy System Design tasks and outcomes.
What does “success” look like for employers?
Advanced Energy System Design Practice
Identification of the opportunity for advanced energy
system design in client buildings or processes
Analysis of loads and identification of advanced
energy system components to reduce energy
Communication with clients to promote energy
efficiency through advanced energy system design
Course Connections:
Advanced Energy System Design
 course completion is delivered in
Term six 
C61 Business Operations and Entrepreneurship
C63 Final Project
 Program Overview (Term 6)
Master Plan and TDAP Use
Typical of ITVET:
For all courses
By all Instructors
For each term
Training Delivery and Assessment Plan
Profile of the Trainer / Portfolio of the Trainee
Program Policies & Regulations / Technology Requirements
Instructional Methods / Modes (Face to Face and Online)
Resources (Technical Underpinning Knowledge and Skills)
Delivery Schedule by week and Instructional Methods (IM)
Practical Grading Criteria and Theoretical Grading Criteria
Master Plan Learning Outcomes
Master Plan Learning Outcome 1 – Knowledge-Base
Through reading, listening and understanding classroom lectures, students
will gain knowledge that will enable the application of their skills within the
class, lab, and industry.
Master Plan Learning Outcome 2 – Investigation
An ability to conduct investigations of a complex problem by methods that
include appropriate experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of information in order to reach valid conclusions.
Master Plan Learning Outcomes
Master Plan Learning Outcome 3 – Design
An ability to design solutions for complex, open-ended engineering problems and
to design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with
appropriate attention to health and safety risks, applicable standards, and
economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations.
An ability to assess the requirements of an energy system by collecting data and
making conclusions much like a detective solving a case.
Your case is how to create the most advanced energy system.
You will identify the best building envelope properties, system properties, and
loads to recommend an advanced system that will meet the demand without
Master Plan Learning Outcomes
Master Plan Learning Outcome 4 – Use of technical tools
An ability to create, select, apply, adapt, and extend appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern technical tools to a range of renewable energy activities,
from simple to complex, with an understanding of the associated limitations.
Master Plan Learning Outcome 5 – Individual work and teamwork
An ability to work effectively as a member and leader in teams, preferably in a
multi-disciplinary setting.
Master Plan Learning Outcomes
Master Plan Learning Outcome 6 – Communication skills
An ability to communicate complex renewable energy concepts within the
technical community, and with society at large.
 An ability to read, write, speak and listen, and comprehend information.
 An ability to write effective reports and design documentation
An ability to effectively give and respond to clear instructions.
Master Plan Learning Outcome 7 – Professionalism
An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a renewable energy
practitioner in society, especially the protection of the public and the public
Master Plan Learning Outcomes
Master Plan Learning Outcome 8 – Impact of renewable energy on society and the
An ability to analyze social and environmental aspects of renewable energy
An understanding of the interactions that renewable energy projects have with the
economic, social, health, safety, legal, and cultural aspects of society.
A prediction of the concepts of sustainable design, development and
environmental stewardship.
Master Plan Tasks
Task 01: Identify energy systems in the built environment
Task 02: Identify design concepts and components to implement an advanced energy
system in a building or process
Task 03: Identify relevant codes and requirements that impact advanced energy system
design and installation
Task 04: Identify factors 
that influence 
advanced energy system design and performance
Task 05: Identify equipment specification data
Task 06: Explain energy storage and advanced energy system sizing considerations
Task 3
Task 03:
Identify relevant codes and requirements that impact advanced
energy system design and installation.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
s an independent, non-governmental international
organization with a membership of 168 
national standards
Task 3
Task 3
Identify relevant codes and requirements that impact advanced
energy system design and installation.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
s an independent, non-governmental international
organization with a membership of 168 
national standards
Task 3
National Standards Bodies:
Belize Bureau of Standards (BZBS)
Subscriber Membership
Subscriber members 
keep up to date on ISO's work but cannot participate in it, nor
can they sell or adopt ISO International Standards nationally
Established in 1992, The Belize Bureau of Standards is a
government department charged with the responsibility for
 and conformity assessment.
is the scientific study of measurement
Task 3
2021. BELIZE – Ministry of Energy & Public Utilities Sustainable Energy Roadmap 2021-2040
Task 3
2021. BELIZE – Ministry of Energy & Public Utilities Sustainable Energy Roadmap 2021-2040
Task 3
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9060:2018
Related to Solar 
Outlines the 
pecification and classification of instruments for
measuring hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation such
yranometers and pyrheliometers.
Task 3
A pyranometer is a sensor that converts the
global solar radiation 
it receives into an
electrical signal that can be measured.
Pyranometers measure a portion of the
As an example, the 
     measures wavelengths from 0.285 to 2.8
, and measures radiant flux in W/m
 is the symbol for micrometer, a
System International (SI) unit of length
equal to 10^-6 meters or 1 millionth of a
meter. Tiny!
Task 3
is a device that measures
solar irradiance coming directly from the
sun. The SI units of irradiance are watts per
square metre (W/m²).
have been historically
used for
climate data, but in recent years it is used to
measure irradiance related to solar
Why would these tools be used to
measure global solar radiation and solar
irradiance in an AES?
Task 3
Excellent instructional 34-minute video:
How to measure solar radiation
Task 3
Advanced Energy Design Guides (AEDGs) 
series from The
United States Office of 
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
provides design guidance for buildings that use 
50% less
than those built to the requirements of th
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American Society of
Heating Refrigeration and Airconditioning Engineers
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
 Standard 90.1-
2004 commercial code and are specific to prominent building
types across each of the eight U.S. climate zones.
Task 3
Task 3
Task 3
Task 3
Köppen climate classification. (2023, June 13). In Wikipedia
Task 3
International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
The 2018 
International Green Construction Code
 is an adoptable,
usable and enforceable standard for green building design and
As a co-sponsor, USGBC encourages the widespread adoption of the
Within jurisdictions that adopt the new green code, 
 will allow
projects pursuing 
 certification to be recognized for their
compliance to select IgCC measures. 
Learn more about 2018-IgCC
Task 3
International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
The 2018 
International Green Construction Code
 is an adoptable,
usable and enforceable standard for green building design and
As a co-sponsor, USGBC encourages the widespread adoption of the
Within jurisdictions that adopt the new green code, 
 will allow
projects pursuing 
 certification to be recognized for their
compliance to select IgCC measures. 
Learn more about 2018-IgCC
Task 3
International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
Buildings account for over 12% of water use, 40% of CO2 emissions, 65% of
all waste outputs, and more than 70% of electricity consumption.
 organizations believe green buildings offer solutions to many of these
problems by conserving resources, regenerating sites, and providing
economic and societal benefits.
Advanced Energy System design can achieve all of these goals!
Task 3
International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
Buildings account for over 12% of water use, 40% of CO2 emissions, 65% of all waste
outputs, and more than 70% of electricity consumption. Our organizations believe green
buildings offer solutions to many of these problems by conserving resources, regenerating
sites, and providing economic and societal benefits.
Task 3
Transport-related emission reduction may not
     happen uniformly across global regions.
Developed Countries, Eastern Europe and West Central
    Asia countries project a decrease from 2020 levels by 2050 across all
Projection is a decrease which will limit global warming to 1.5°C by 2100
Emissions may increase in Africa, Asia and Pacific (APC), Latin America, the
Caribbean, and the Middle East in some of these scenarios. {10.7}
Grubb.M, et al.(2022). AR6 WGIII Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change TechnicalSummary
Belize Consolidated Project Plan
Bunker, Kaitlyn, Roy Torbert, et al., Belize
Consolidated Project Plan. Rocky Mountain
Institute, 2018, 
2022.UNSDG Goals.
The United Nations Sustainable
     Development Goals (UNSDGs)
17 (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed
and developing - in a global partnership.
 Are focused on ending poverty and other deprivation
Must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and
education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all
while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans
and forests.
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI). JPOI provided
multiple anchor points for sustainable transport, in the context of
infrastructure, public transport systems, goods delivery networks,
affordability, efficiency and convenience of transportation, as well
as improving urban air quality and health and reducing
greenhouse gas emissions.
Bi-directional Charging Systems
Watch: NSPI Coritech  Bidirectional Car Charger NSCC
Design Software
Leadership in Environmental Engineering Design (LEED)
Buildings consume energy and resources at an alarming
We can do better.
LEED provides a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon
and cost-saving green buildings.
 LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of
sustainability achievement, and it is backed by an entire
industry of committed organizations and individuals paving
the way for market transformation!
Design Certification: LEED & USGBC
Leadership in Environmental Engineering Design (LEED) is rolled out by the:
United States Green Building Council (USGBC)
 is that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the
health and vitality of all life within a generation.
is to transform how buildings and communities are designed,
built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible,
healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.
How does AESD support the 
Design Certification: LEED
Case Study Overview:
The Nova Scotia Community College:
Dr. John F. Hamm Trades and Innovation Centre
The Nova Scotia Community College:
Dr. John F. Hamm Trades and Innovation Centre
New campus addition meets LEED Gold building standard
By Miriam Harrison
The Dr. John F. Hamm Trades and
Innovation Centre (TIC) is a unique,
purpose-built addition to the Nova
Scotia Community College (NSCC)’s
Pictou campus. This 3000m
Gold certified construction provides a
necessary expansion to the existing
campus, creating an innovative new
learning environment.
The new addition will accommodate the
Carpentry, Cabinetry, Motor Vehicle
Repair and Heavy-Duty
Equipment/Truck & Transport Repair
programs which are taught at the
campus. The two new labs have high
ceilings and flexible workspaces, with
fewer walls in order to encourage an
open-concept learning environment.
The main focus of the TIC is the two
large workshop areas, which are
separated by a two-storey corridor. The
corridor provides a storage space for
tools and equipment, while a mezzanine
creates study spaces for students.
The addition was built in an area previously
used for parking, reducing the amount of
green space lost in the development. The
existing Pictou Campus building was not
included in the project boundary for the
addition as no modifications were made to
An effort was made to use local, renewable
and recycled materials where possible,
reducing the project’s carbon footprint.
Inside, low-emission materials were used to
finish the interior, reducing the presence of
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and
improving indoor air quality.
[1] The NSCC Pictou
Campus featuring the
TIC addition at its
completion in 2017.
[2] Site layout for the
TIC addition, LEED
project boundary
outlined in blue.
Project Credits:
Project Owner/Developer: 
Nova Scotia
Community College
LEED Consultant: 
Solterre Design/NSCC
Facilities and Engineering Department
Barrie and Langille Architects Ltd.
Mechanical, Electrical, and Energy
F.C O’Neill, Scriven & Assoc’s
Civil Engineer: 
Mac Williams Engineering
Structural Engineer: 
BMR Structural
Project Manager: 
Nova Scotia Community
Bird Construction
CaGBC Project #18417 LEED Scorecard
Project Abstract – Dr. John F. Hamm Trades and Innovation Centre
(LEED 2009 NC Gold Certified)
NSCC Facilities Management – Green Education Program Memo
A large solar wall can be seen on the south-
facing side of the TIC, allowing the air
entering the building’s HVAC system to be
pre-heated by the sun. A number of flat-
plate collectors on the TIC’s roof pre-heat
the building’s water, with any excess heat
being sent to the in-floor heating system. A
geothermal field beneath a parking area
supports the heating and cooling systems,
further reducing the building’s reliance on
fossil fuels.
Sensors and meters throughout the building
monitor the performance of systems,
optimizing the building’s efficiency.
Several detailed signs placed throughout
the building educate its occupants on the
green features of the building. Occupants
can view the geothermal mechanical room
through a window, and can see its live
temperature readouts, as well as those for
the solar hot water system. On top of being
a site for trades training, the building is an
interactive green learning experience.
[3] A bright common area. Air quality
was a priority during HVAC planning
and interior material selection.
[4] An entrance point near where the
TIC joins with the original building.
[5] Flat-plate collectors on the roof
supplement the building’s hot water
Task 3
C2ES Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. 
Why AESD, codes, policies and global goals are important?
Task 3
Why AESD related, codes, standards, policies and global goals are important?
BELIZE – Ministry of Energy & Public Utilities Sustainable Energy Roadmap 2021-2040
Discussion: How does AESD align with codes, policies and global goals?
Smart Grid Video
Net Zero Building
Task 3
Master Plan Tasks
Task 04: Identify factors 
that influence 
advanced energy
 system design and performance
BELIZE – Ministry of Energy & Public Utilities Sustainable Energy Roadmap 2021-2040
Master Plan Tasks
California Duck Curve
Task 04: Identify factors 
that influence 
advanced energy
 system design and performance
Questions or Comments?
Thank you!
Our final session next Friday, June 30
 will be
a wrap-up of Tasks 5 and 6
 assignments, projects and completion of
Tasks 5 and 6!
Have a great weekend!
Slide Note

"Explore the in-depth curriculum of Course 62 - Advanced Energy System Design in the TVET Renewable Energy program. This course delves into practical applications, skills development, and industry qualifications, preparing students for success in the renewable energy sector. Discover how theory transforms into hands-on experience, leading to competent and adaptable professionals desired by employers in the evolving Green Economy of Belize."

Uploaded on Mar 23, 2024 | 6 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Design and Implementation of TVET Renewable Energy Course Pilot DELIVERABLE #5 - TRAINING COURSES & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Session (June 23, 2023) Term 4 C 62 Advanced Energy System Design

  2. Course 62 Advanced Energy System Design Year Two April to June Term 6 10 Weeks with: 58.7 Classroom hours 10 weeks x 9 periods/week Three periods Tuesday AM Two periods Tuesday PM One period lab Wednesday PM X 2 Three periods Thursday AM 2

  3. Marking Breakdown Individual Tests 20% Individual Assignments 30% Group Projects 40% Employability Skills 10% 3

  4. What does success look like for students? Students completing Year 1 (Installer) or Year 2 (Designer) Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) program requirements Students are Industry Qualified under NABCEP and others Instructors are achieving the desired course outcomes and student understanding with the required resources ITVET is equipped with resources for a scalable and sustainable program Skills are competently applied to a changing Green Economy Belize Employers are hiring competent and adaptable team members from the program 4

  5. Development of Course 62 From Theory to Practical Application through: Development of hands-on experiments and assessments of energy systems in Belize to act as a basis for assignments and projects within C-62 Advanced Energy System Design tasks and outcomes. 5

  6. What does success look like for employers? Advanced Energy System Design Practice: Identification of the opportunity for advanced energy system design in client buildings or processes Analysis of loads and identification of advanced energy system components to reduce energy consumption Communication with clients to promote energy efficiency through advanced energy system design recommendations 6

  7. Course Connections: C62 Advanced Energy System Design course completion is delivered in Term six with: C61 Business Operations and Entrepreneurship C63 Final Project 7

  8. Program Overview (Term 6) 8

  9. Master Plan and TDAP Use Typical of ITVET: For all courses By all Instructors For each term Training Delivery and Assessment Plan Profile of the Trainer / Portfolio of the Trainee Program Policies & Regulations / Technology Requirements Instructional Methods / Modes (Face to Face and Online) Resources (Technical Underpinning Knowledge and Skills) Delivery Schedule by week and Instructional Methods (IM) Practical Grading Criteria and Theoretical Grading Criteria 9

  10. Master Plan Learning Outcomes Master Plan Learning Outcome 1 Knowledge-Base Through reading, listening and understanding classroom lectures, students will gain knowledge that will enable the application of their skills within the class, lab, and industry. Master Plan Learning Outcome 2 Investigation An ability to conduct investigations of a complex problem by methods that include appropriate experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information in order to reach valid conclusions. 10

  11. Master Plan Learning Outcomes Master Plan Learning Outcome 3 Design An ability to design solutions for complex, open-ended engineering problems and to design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate attention to health and safety risks, applicable standards, and economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations. An ability to assess the requirements of an energy system by collecting data and making conclusions much like a detective solving a case. Your case is how to create the most advanced energy system. You will identify the best building envelope properties, system properties, and loads to recommend an advanced system that will meet the demand without curtailment! 11

  12. Master Plan Learning Outcomes Master Plan Learning Outcome 4 Use of technical tools An ability to create, select, apply, adapt, and extend appropriate techniques, resources, and modern technical tools to a range of renewable energy activities, from simple to complex, with an understanding of the associated limitations. Master Plan Learning Outcome 5 Individual work and teamwork An ability to work effectively as a member and leader in teams, preferably in a multi-disciplinary setting. 12

  13. Master Plan Learning Outcomes Master Plan Learning Outcome 6 Communication skills An ability to communicate complex renewable energy concepts within the technical community, and with society at large. An ability to read, write, speak and listen, and comprehend information. An ability to write effective reports and design documentation An ability to effectively give and respond to clear instructions. Master Plan Learning Outcome 7 Professionalism An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a renewable energy practitioner in society, especially the protection of the public and the public interest. 13

  14. Master Plan Learning Outcomes Master Plan Learning Outcome 8 Impact of renewable energy on society and the environment: An ability to analyze social and environmental aspects of renewable energy activities. An understanding of the interactions that renewable energy projects have with the economic, social, health, safety, legal, and cultural aspects of society. A prediction of the concepts of sustainable design, development and environmental stewardship. 14

  15. Master Plan Tasks Task 01: Identify energy systems in the built environment Task 02: Identify design concepts and components to implement an advanced energy system in a building or process Task 03: Identify relevant codes and requirements that impact advanced energy system design and installation Task 04: Identify factors that influence advanced energy system design and performance Task 05: Identify equipment specification data Task 06: Explain energy storage and advanced energy system sizing considerations 15

  16. Task 3 Task 03: Identify relevant codes and requirements that impact advanced energy system design and installation. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 168 national standards bodies. 16

  17. Task 3 17

  18. Task 3 Identify relevant codes and requirements that impact advanced energy system design and installation. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 168 national standards bodies. 18

  19. Task 3 National Standards Bodies: Belize Bureau of Standards (BZBS) Belize Subscriber Membership *Subscriber members keep up to date on ISO's work but cannot participate in it, nor can they sell or adopt ISO International Standards nationally Established in 1992, The Belize Bureau of Standards is a government department charged with the responsibility for standards, metrology and conformity assessment. *Metrology is the scientific study of measurement 19

  20. Task 3 20 2021. BELIZE Ministry of Energy & Public Utilities Sustainable Energy Roadmap 2021-2040

  21. Task 3 21 2021. BELIZE Ministry of Energy & Public Utilities Sustainable Energy Roadmap 2021-2040

  22. Task 3 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9060:2018 Related to Solar Energy Outlines the specification and classification of instruments for measuring hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation such as pyranometers and pyrheliometers. 22

  23. Task 3 A pyranometer is a sensor that converts the global solar radiation it receives into an electrical signal that can be measured. Pyranometers measure a portion of the solar spectrum. As an example, the CMP21 pyranometer measures wavelengths from 0.285 to 2.8 m, and measures radiant flux in W/m2. m is the symbol for micrometer, a System International (SI) unit of length equal to 10^-6 meters or 1 millionth of a meter. Tiny! 23

  24. Task 3 A pyrheliometer is a device that measures solar irradiance coming directly from the sun. The SI units of irradiance are watts per square metre (W/m ). Pyrheliometershave been historically used for climate data, but in recent years it is used to measure irradiance related to solar generation systems. Why would these tools be used to measure global solar radiation and solar irradiance in an AES? 24

  25. Task 3 Excellent instructional 34-minute video: How to measure solar radiation 25

  26. Task 3 The Advanced Energy Design Guides (AEDGs) series from The United States Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) provides design guidance for buildings that use 50% less energy than those built to the requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Airconditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)/Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Standard 90.1- 2004 commercial code and are specific to prominent building types across each of the eight U.S. climate zones. 26

  27. Task 3 27

  28. Task 3 28

  29. Task 3 29

  30. Task 3 30 K ppen climate classification. (2023, June 13). In Wikipedia.

  31. Task 3 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) The 2018International Green Construction Code is an adoptable, usable and enforceable standard for green building design and construction. As a co-sponsor, USGBC encourages the widespread adoption of the 2018-IgCC. Within jurisdictions that adopt the new green code, USGBC will allow projects pursuing LEED certification to be recognized for their compliance to select IgCC measures. Learn more about 2018-IgCC 31

  32. Task 3 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) The 2018International Green Construction Code is an adoptable, usable and enforceable standard for green building design and construction. As a co-sponsor, USGBC encourages the widespread adoption of the 2018-IgCC. Within jurisdictions that adopt the new green code, USGBC will allow projects pursuing LEED certification to be recognized for their compliance to select IgCC measures. Learn more about 2018-IgCC 32

  33. Task 3 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) Buildings account for over 12% of water use, 40% of CO2 emissions, 65% of all waste outputs, and more than 70% of electricity consumption. The organizations believe green buildings offer solutions to many of these problems by conserving resources, regenerating sites, and providing economic and societal benefits. Advanced Energy System design can achieve all of these goals! 33

  34. Task 3 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) Buildings account for over 12% of water use, 40% of CO2 emissions, 65% of all waste outputs, and more than 70% of electricity consumption. Our organizations believe green buildings offer solutions to many of these problems by conserving resources, regenerating sites, and providing economic and societal benefits. 34

  35. Task 3 Transport-related emission reduction may not happen uniformly across global regions. Developed Countries, Eastern Europe and West Central Asia countries project a decrease from 2020 levels by 2050 across all scenarios Projection is a decrease which will limit global warming to 1.5 C by 2100 Emissions may increase in Africa, Asia and Pacific (APC), Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East in some of these scenarios. {10.7} Grubb.M, et al.(2022). AR6 WGIII Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change TechnicalSummary 35

  36. Belize Consolidated Project Plan Bunker, Kaitlyn, Roy Torbert, et al., Belize Consolidated Project Plan. Rocky Mountain Institute, 2018, http:// consolidated-project-plan 36

  37. UNSDGs The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 17 (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. Are focused on ending poverty and other deprivation Must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. 2022.UNSDG Goals. 37

  38. UNSDGs Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI). JPOI provided multiple anchor points for sustainable transport, in the context of infrastructure, public transport systems, goods delivery networks, affordability, efficiency and convenience of transportation, as well as improving urban air quality and health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 2022.UNSDG 38

  39. Bi-directional Charging Systems Watch: NSPI Coritech Bidirectional Car Charger NSCC 39

  40. Design Software Leadership in Environmental Engineering Design (LEED) Buildings consume energy and resources at an alarming rate. We can do better. LEED provides a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon and cost-saving green buildings. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement, and it is backed by an entire industry of committed organizations and individuals paving the way for market transformation! 40


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