Islam's Response to Contemporary Issues Seminar Series

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Explore the comprehensive approach of Islam towards contemporary issues in a seminar series covering topics like inter-religious peace, social peace, economic peace, political peace, and individual peace. Learn how individual peace, family bonds, support, and disciplining ambitions play crucial roles in creating a harmonious society based on Islamic teachings.

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  1. ISLAMS RESPONSE TO CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Khalifa-tul-Masih IV Rehm Allah talla Prepared by Dr Shakeel Ahmad, National Tabligh Department, UK

  2. ISLAMS RESPONSE TO CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Chapter wise seminar series: 1. Inter-religious peace 2. Social peace 3. Economic peace 4. Political peace 5. Individual peace


  4. Individual - The Building Block Different aspects of society - already discussed - in relation to Islamic teachings and their effect on development of peace Individual is the building block of the society - peaceful individuals - peaceful society Individual attributes - Quran deals very comprehensively - moral/spiritual growth - prime purpose of one s life

  5. Secure Platform Family Bond & Support Promotion of love within the family - Responsibility of children to look after parents when old 17:24-5 Your Lord has commanded worship none but Him, & show kindness to your parents. If one or both attain old age with thee, never express disgust nor reproach them, but address them with excellent speech. Lower towards them wings of humility, out of tenderness .And say my Lord, have mercy on them, as they nourished me when I was a little child . 25:75 and those who say Our Lord, grant us of our wives & children the delight of our eyes and make us a model for the righteous Ibn e Maja: Treat you children with kindness, always Sense of security for all age groups Society in which family structure is defragmented heightened anxiety of being alone - State cannot provide the affection and contentment

  6. Disciplining of Individual Ambitions - 1 Ambitions are a natural phenomenon - Applies to all aspects of life- day-day encounters - trade & industry - economic relations - If undisciplined - can be problematic In Islam - ambitions are facilitated but disciplined under Divine guidance - a system where ambitions can be promoted without mainly depending on one s financial status Competitive spirit is channelised by the injunction to excel others in goodness 2:149 And everyone has something that takes their whole attention, then vie with each other in goodness. Wherever you maybe, Allah will bring you together. Surely Allah has the power to do what He wishes.

  7. Disciplining of Individual Ambitions - 2 Goodness - must reign supreme - to become the object of all competition Real peace of mind - through acts of goodness - not by facade of success - achievement through foul means 104:2-10 Woe to every backbiter, slanderer, who collects wealth & keeps counting it. He thinks his wealth will make him immortal. Nay, he shall surely be cast in a crushing torment. And what will make you know what a crushing torment is? It is Allah s kindled fire which rises over hearts. It will be closed in on them in extended columns. Some confess the agony inspite of material gains, others don t; but facts of nature cannot be denied

  8. Refinement of Senses Quran pleasure in serving others rather than vice-versa 3:111 You are the best of all people, raised for the benefit of mankind, you enjoin good & forbid evil & believe in Allah. - Prophet Mohammad: upper hand is better than the lower hand, the upper gives & spends, the lower begs & receives. Islam attempts to refine human senses - Once refined - enjoys pleasure in service of others than in receiving service - Sensitivity to others suffering -once developed - others pain is ones pain One half of faith is service to God s creation Haquq Allah Haquq al Ibad

  9. Goodness for the Sake of Pleasure of God - 1 Islam creates a state of consciousness that all that matters is that one s act of goodness is recognised by God 99:5-9 On that day (all) will narrate the account for the Lord has so directed it. On that day people will come forth in diverse groups that they maybe shown their actions. Those with a good deed (even as) insignificant as a minute particle will see it (having been noticed by God); & those with an evil deed as insignificant as a minute particle will see it (having been noticed by God) Effective remedy for man s vanity & urge to show and exalt

  10. Goodness for the Sake of Pleasure of God - 2 Prophet Mohammad pbuh - Charity is due from every limb as every limb is accountable - Shield yourself against the fire even it be by giving away half a date - If a person should have nothing he should work with his hands & then give away some alms. If unable to earn, he should help the needy & helpless - If not he should urge others to do goodness - If not he should restrain himself from doing evil - Even a morsel of food fed to your wife s mouth with kindness earns the love of God Implied intention behind each of these acts is to seek God s pleasure

  11. Goodness for the Sake of Pleasure of God - 3 Islam extends the range of refinement to its max possible extreme Extending the sphere of care to the whole of creation - After relation of man-God, we extend the sphere to: - relation of man-man - relation of man-other life forms - relation of man-other non-living creation Concept of universal prophethood 21:108 And We have not sent you (Proph Mohammad pbuh) but as a blessing for all the worlds

  12. Mans Position in the Whole Creation 1 Purpose of creation - to create consciousness - to develop this consciousness - to achieve the state where the consciousness will be able to reach godliness thru its effort - not only to develop individually but to promote development of others Without this purpose, the process of creation becomes meaningless eg purpose of planting seed, nurturing, irrigating, pruning & maintenance of the garden is the fruit itself. Without fruit all this exercise is meaningless Man is the current climax in the known creation

  13. Mans Position in the Whole Creation 2 Man is in a relationship with all creation - Relation of man-God, man-man, man-other life forms, man-other non-living creation All that exists becomes important Important, not for its superiority to man but its service to creation and existence of mankind 45:14 He has subjected to you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, all of it is from Him. In that surely are signs for people who reflect. 16:13 He has constrained to your service the night & day, the sun & the moon, and the stars (too) have been constrained to your service by His command. Surely in this are signs for a people who make use of (their) understanding. - In other religions - nature is worshipped, idols are worshipped, man is turned to divinity Man emerges as the master amongst all creation - slave only to the Creator - a very strengthening effect

  14. Mans Position in the Whole Creation 3 Man is absolved from all other bondage by accepting the one bondage, of submission to the Creator 2:157 We belong to Allah and to Him we must ultimately return - spiritual return - not just a statement of fact but a reminder of the purpose of the creation of man The ultimate freedom The ultimate strength

  15. Ultimate pathway to peace Our attitude towards all creation to be governed by our submission to God s will Our respect for mankind to emaciate out of our respect for God Such respect is of a nobler & higher degree Without God There Is No Peace 13:29 Those who believe & whose hearts find peace in remembrance of Allah as it is in remembrance of Allah that hearts can find peace.

  16. No God ..? Hypothetically, remove God Human existence & relations acquire a different level Vacuum created by absence of God is quickly filled by man s ego Atheism does not only remove one God but brings to life lots of gods Societies built with bricks of such individuals are self oriented & egoistic No reason to be beneficial to others without selfish motives No reference point of a Creator to be the binding force between all creation Such societies are more likely to lack peace No God No Peace

  17. Summary Individuals are the building block of any society Spiritual growth of an individual is: - very comprehensively dealt by the Quran - described as prime purpose of one s life Islamic family system is a source of security for all individuals Ambitions are disciplined - competitive spirit is channelised to excel others in goodness Senses are refined - seeking pleasure from serving others - feeling pain for others & attempting to rectify their suffering Acts of goodness are for the sake of God only an effective remedy for man s vanity Islamic teachings, in fullness, are a source of blessing for all creation Man is the pinnacle of all creation in contrast to concepts of some other religions a very strengthening position Man is to only submit to God this provides ultimate freedom & ultimate strength Ultimate peace is thru God without God there is no peace

  18. CONCLUSION TO ALL FIVE SEMINARS Islam also means Complete Submission There is no god but Allah Islam means Peace In complete submission to Allah is complete peace
