Masculism 101: A Men's Movement for Liberation in the 2020s

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Masculism, spearheaded by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, advocates for men's liberation from being manslaves to women. It highlights the shift in gender dynamics, emphasizing women's freedom brought about by advancements like the contraceptive Pill and the need for women to work in the modern era. The movement sheds light on gender crimes committed by women against men, challenging societal norms and promoting equality.

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  1. MASCULISM 101 Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Author of the book MASCULISM, Men s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 600+ Masculist Flyers for Men s Studies Courses Freely downloadable from my website, in Microsoft WORD format

  2. WHAT IS MASCULISM? Masculism (not Masculinism, as not Femininism) is Men s Lib. The 2020s is the decade of masculism. It s men s turn to liberate themselves. The core idea of masculism, is that it is a rebellion by men, against being manslaves to women, working for women, for decades, of men s lives to get regular sex from women.

  3. WHY NOW? There are 3 main gender political pillars. 1. The (contraceptive) Pill 2. Feminism 3. Masculism The pill freed women from having multiple kids, which enabled - Female (Feminist) Careerism. Female careerism freed men up from being manslaves to women, in exchange for sex.

  4. MEN LIBERATED WOMEN It was men who liberated women (from household drudgery.) By giving women The pill Household gadgets Science based medicine A female life expectancy of 85 years So even women with 2 kids, still have a career window of half a century.

  5. NOW WOMEN CAN WORK, THEY MUST WORK Masculists tell women Now that women have a career window of half a century, they CAN work. Therefore women MUST work. Anything else is MANSLAVERY. The masculists have a hatred of manslavery, and plan to wipe it out.

  6. WOMEN OPPRESS MEN FAR WORSE THAN VICE VERSA Masculists claim that women oppress men worse than vice versa, because Many of women s Gender Crimes against men are horrible, and last decades! The worst, big 3, ways that women oppress men, are - 1. Man Slavery, the worst of all gender crimes, hated by the masculists, and a war issue to them. 2. Divorce Rape. One father in FOUR is butchered in the hated, fluffie feminist controlled, divorce courts. 3. Forced Fathering. Millions of men are man slaved for decades, to pay for kids they didn t want. These 3 worst gender crimes that women commit against men are now discussed in more detail.

  7. 1. MAN SLAVERY Masculists are abolitionists. They see man slavery as literally 1000 times worse than was negro slavery in the early 1800s in the US, given the numbers. There were several million negro slaves in the US. There are several billion man slaves in the world today. Women now have a career window of half a century, so MUST work, or be seen by masculists as man slavers, and hence be hated and killed (slowly) in a sex war. Masculists have a hatred of fluffies (i.e. traditional women, who expect to live off the money and labor of a man, for decades). Masculists see fluffies as man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, to be wiped out. Masculists wipe out fluffies by effectively exterminating them, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, so as most men become masculisted, fluffies will be forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and spat at, utterly rejected both socially and sexually. It is likely in the next few decades, that millions of fluffies will commit suicide as masculisted men (most men) will utterly reject them and spit at them.

  8. 1. MANSLAVERY (ctd.) Masculists exert an enormous moral pressure on fluffies to get off their fat parasitic arses and FIP up, by getting career competent educations at high school and college, so that they become FIPs as adults, (FIP = financially independent person) and not expect to parasite off the labor and money of a man for decades of his life, thus man slaving him, and in one case in FOUR of fathers, divorce raping him, butchering him in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce court system. Masculists push for the FIPping of women, for the creation of a FIP Society so that most of the gender issues of the masculists can be solved. The essence of masculist consciousness raising, is to see fluffiedom as man slavery, and man slavery as slavery, which is hated, and a war issue to masculists, so the masculists are at war against the fluffies and fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them out, slowly, by totally ignoring them.

  9. 2. DIVORCE RAPE Roughly one father in FOUR is butchered in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. He will lose custody of his kids with a 90% probability. (No wonder so many young men say Fuck marriage! Fuck paternity! I ll go my own way, and spend my money on myself! ) He will lose his house to his ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it. He will lose half his wealth and stuff to her. He will be forced to make child payments to his kids whom he is barely allowed to see, maybe two weekends a month. If his ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may be forced to pay her alimony for the rest of his life, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to FIP up, so she continues to parasite off his money after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce. Masculists see the fluffie feminists who control the divorce courts as indirect GENOCIDERS since they have caused two thirds of young men in many countries to reject marriage and paternity, thus crashing the birth rate.

  10. 2. DIVORCE RAPE (ctd.) Divorce rape is so horrendous, affecting one father in FOUR, that masculists push for the FIPping of women, to create a FIP Society, where young girls are socialized and educated to be FIPs, so they can be FIPs as adults, not expecting, fluffie style, to parasite off the labor and money of a man. Masculists want the divorce courts to be based on the Principle of Financial Independence (of both divorcing parties, i.e. the mother and the father) so that alimony is thrown out, custody of kids is made JOINT, by default, there is no dividing of wealth nor stuff. With the FIPping of women, divorce will be made a lot less horrible for men, so that men will be more prepared to be fathers again, thus increasing the birth rate. The fluffie feminists have fluffie attitudes towards men, seeing men as cash machines who exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. Masculists rebel against this role, and punish fluffies by totally ignoring them, forcing them into a slow miserable death, seen as man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, left to rot on the shelf, spat at, despised, and utterly rejected.

  11. 3. FORCED FATHERING Women s forced fathering takes two main forms. a) doesn t want to be a father, lies to him, saying that she is taking the pill, but isn t, gets pregnant, then forces him to pay for decades for a kid he never wanted in the first place, thus manslaving him for decades. Pill Lying, i.e. a woman who wants to get pregnant, but her man b) Paternity Fraud, i.e. a woman lies to her man that the kid growing in her is his, when she knows it s not. Thus the man pays for decades for a kid that IS NOT EVEN HIS! Forced fathering is a massive gender crime against men, which is why masculists are pushing for the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) which will allow a man to reject an unwanted pregnancy, that women already have. If the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy, then she pays full costs of the kid. If she is a FIP, she can afford it, which is another main reason why masculists push so hard for the FIPping of women.

  12. 3. FORCED FATHERING (ctd.) Women have the legislated right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, men don t. Women have the Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right) but men don t have the Parer, which is the greatest of all sexual discriminations, that is not against women, but against men. If a man is subject to paternity fraud, and can prove it, then he should be able to prosecute her, sending her to jail for 15 years, for paternity fraud, which is a gender crime worse than rape, which usually gets a man 10 years in jail. In jail, that woman then is forced to work, to pay for her incarceration costs and for the costs of her kid who stays with her.

  13. GENDER EQUALITY COMMITTEES Masculists aim for the creation of Gender Equality Committees (GECs) to be set up in the parliaments, that consist half of female feminists and half of male masculists, so that the gender issues of BOTH sexes are dealt with equally, which is far from being the case today. The male half of a GEC will legislate the Parer and the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births, to combat paternity fraud. If a man is paternity frauded, he can use the Parer to avoid being forced fathered, and then prosecute his woman for doing this to him. GECs will push for the FIPping of women, so that women pull their financial weight, sharing the burden of earning the living equally with men. Equal rights for women will imply equal obligations as well. Neither sex is to be privileged. GECs will systematically menfair the gender laws, e.g. by prosecuting women who make false rape accusations, punishing them with the same penalties as a rapist, i.e. typically, 10 years in jail. The male half of the GECs will push masculist ideas onto the public, so that society is as well aware how women oppress men as vice versa.

  14. BI-CONSCIOUS MASCULISTS CONFRONT MONO-CONSCIOUS FEMINISTS To be mono-conscious means that one has onlyhad one s feminist consciousness raised. A mono-conscious feminist is usually rather feminazi bitchy, because she is angry at men, for the ways that men oppress women (e.g. rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, etc.) which is what feminism has taught her. Feminism is a deeply misandrist, gynocentric ideology, that teaches women (and society) that gender oppression is a one way street, that men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed.) Feminism teaches women (and society) NOTHING about how women oppress men, and in fact far worse. So, mono-conscious feminists do NOT have their anger at men, for the ways that men oppress women, CANCELLED by their female masculist anger at women, for the ways that women oppress men.

  15. BI-CONSCIOUS MASCULISTS CONFRONT MONO-CONSCIOUS FEMINISTS (ctd.) Someone who is bi-conscious has had both their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised, i.e. he/she knows that gender oppression is a two way street, that men oppress women and women oppress men, and in fact, that women s oppression of men is often horrible and lasts decades, making men s oppression of women seem rather minor in comparison. To masculists, even rape, which is the worst way that men oppress women, is seen as rather small beer in comparison to women s big 3 gender crimes against men (man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering). Masculists see monoconscious feminists as hypocrites and bigots. Most women have been powerfully brainwashed all their lives by feminism, that gender oppression is a one way street, so typically suffer cognitive dissonance, when they are confronted by a masculist for the first time in their lives, who tells these women that women oppress men worse.

  16. BI-CONSCIOUS MASCULISTS CONFRONT MONO-CONSCIOUS FEMINISTS (ctd.) Masculists have a label for monoconscious feminists who resist being bi-conscioused. Masculists call them MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots). Masculists have no patience with MFBs and confront them with verbal violence and hatred, haranguing them out of the room, with masculist rhetoric and venom. Masculists see MFBs as utterly calloustowards men s suffering, at the hands of manslaving, divorce raping, women, and hate them for that callousness. Masculists see MFBs as hypocritical and bigoted, and aim to wipe them out, forcing them to become biconscious, otherwise they will be forced by men, masculisted men (who in time will be most men, as masculist ideas spread across the planet, as feminist ideas have) to rot on the shelf, totally ignored by men. Masculists argue that it is in women s self interest to become biconscious.

  17. BI-CONSCIOUS MASCULISTS CONFRONT MONO-CONSCIOUS FEMINISTS (ctd.) Masculists try to persuade monoconscious feminists that it is very much in their self interest to become biconscious, since they will then be more likely to have, or to hold onto, their boyfriends. A biconscious feminist loses her feminazi bitchiness, since her feminist anger at men is canceled by her female masculist anger at women, thus she makes herself much nicer for men to approach, so she is more likely to have a boyfriend. Research shows that the most miserable group of people are professional feminists in their 40s, manless, childless and depressed, feeling that life has passed them by, who take anti depressant drugs and live with their cats. Masculists aim to speed up the biconsciousing of monoconscious feminists, by targeting their currently monoconscious, male feminist boyfriends, by teaching these boyfriends masculism, making them biconscious. These boyfriends then become disgusted with the hypocritical, bigoted, monoconsciousness of their feminist girlfriends, and dump them, preferring to have relationships with biconscious feminists, who are much nicer to be with, and a lot more approachable. Most men don t want relationships with misandrist, male dumping, feminazi, cunts and avoid them like the plague.

  18. BI-CONSCIOUS MASCULISTS CONFRONT MONO-CONSCIOUS FEMINISTS (ctd.) Masculists aim to cause monoconscious feminists to be hated by BOTH sexes, by telling young women that the root cause of their babylessness is the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, which are so toxic for men, that young men refuse to give these young women their sperm, since these young men absolutely refuse to face a one chance in FOUR of being butchered as divorcing fathers by these monoconscious feminists. So the masculists tell these young babyless women, to hate the monoconscious feminists as much as the masculists do, so that BOTH sexes learn to hate the monoconscious feminists, putting enormous moral pressure on them to become biconscious, or be spat at from all sides. Masculists hate MFBs for their hypocrisy and bigotry, and young women will hate them for indirectly causing their babylessness.

  19. THE MASCULIST AGENDA Feminism (second wave) went through two major phases, i.e. The consciousness raising phase, e.g. in small groups at universities, that a) discussed how men oppress women, and how women could liberate themselves. The political phase, that changed the gender laws making them more favorable b) to women, e.g. equal pay for equal work, equal access to the professions, the abortion right, fault free divorce, the takeover of the divorce courts, setting up committees for equal rights for women in the parliaments, etc. Mens lib (masculism) is currently in its first phase, i.e. male consciousness raising, learning how women oppress men, especially with women s man slavery, women s divorce rape, women s forced fathering, women s false rape accusations, etc. The next obvious phase for men, is to go political, and change the gender laws so that they are men faired. How is this to be done?

  20. THE MASCULIST AGENDA (ctd.) Masculist theorists have largely finished their job. Masculist issues are now fairly clear, so current emphasis in the masculisting of men is to raise their masculist consciousness, and that is an on going process in the Manosphere i.e. men discussing men s issues on the internet. There are now probably several million masculists and MGTOWs (men going their own way) in the world, i.e. men who refuse to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves, to avoid being butchered as fathers in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, by living the MGTOW life style. Once there are millions of masculists, the time will soon come for the menfairing of the gender laws, by establishing GECs in the parliaments, whose task it is to legislate laws that are fair to BOTH sexes. The masculist half of these GECs will push for the legislation of gender laws that are fair to men, a process that is decades behind the equivalent process for women. Most women aren t even aware how women oppress men, and how badly.

  21. ENEMIES OF THE MASCULISTS The masculists have two main enemies. 1. Fluffies(based on the word fluff , a masculist label for a traditional woman who expects to parasite off the labor and money of a man, thus manslaving him for decades.) Masculists use this term because it has connotations of being light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP (financially independent person). 2. Fluffie feminists (i.e. feminists who still have fluffie expectations of men, seeing men as cash machines, to pay for women to have babies.) Masculists see fluffie feminists as hypocrites, as bigoted, and indirect genociders, so are truly hated by masculists. Masculists have a particular hatred for fluffie feminist divorce court lawyers and judges who butcher one father in four in the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.

  22. FLUFFIES The main enemy of the masculists is the fluffie(based on the word fluff ) A fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the labor and money of a man. A fluffie does not bother to get a career competent education, at high school and college. Instead, 80% of young women, at age 16, choose to become fluffie crappers. A fluffie crapper studies fluffie crap majors at high school and college, i.e. the soft option.

  23. MANSLAVING PARASITES Masculists see fluffies as manslaving parasites, who don t bother to FIP up. A FIP is a financially independent person, who bothers to get a career competent education, allowing her to become a financially responsible FIP as an adult, and not expect to parasite, fluffie style, off the labor and money of a man. Fluffies study fluffie crap majors at high school. They study the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy majors, that are memory based, e.g. English literature, history, foreign languages, which require a much lower level of analytic thought than the much more abstract subjects of math and the sciences. Fluffie crappers are then forced to study more fluffie crap majors at college. Fluffies end up with fluffie crap diplomas that the economy doesn t value, so are rather poor. Fluffies screw around in their 20s (with 40 different penises in her on average, by the time she is in her 30s, stats show, for female university graduates, at least.)

  24. MASCULISTS AS ABOLITIONISTS In her 30s, she listens to her biological clock ticking, and realizes she can t afford to pay for her own middle class house, that she wants to raise her kids in. So, she looks around for some gullible, stupid, ignorant, manslave to work for her. So she sits on her fat parasitic arse, living off his money, raising HER kids, in a middle class house that HE pays for, thus manslaving him for decades. To masculists, this is manslavery and is hence hated. Masculists see themselves as the 21st century equivalent of the 19th century abolitionists of the northern states of the US in the early 1800s. The abolitionists had a hatred towards the moral abomination of negro slavery, and eventually went to war against it, in the US Civil War in the 1860s. The masculists have a hatred of the moral abomination of manslavery, and aim to wipe it out, with bullets if necessary, in a sex war, against the fluffies and fluffie feminists.

  25. MASCULIST GROUPS IN EVERY HIGH SCHOOL, CAMPUS To masculists, fluffiedom is manslavery, manslavery is slavery, slavery is hated, so masculists have a hatred of fluffie manslavers and divorce rapists. In the limit, masculist soldiers will go to war against fluffies and fluffie feminists to wipe them out. The main masculist political goal is the creation of a FIP Society in which all girls are socialized by parents and educated by teachers, to FIP up, equally with boys. Otherwise, young fluffies will be punished by masculisted men, by not getting one, making fluffies manless, hence loveless, sexless, babyless, and as masculism spreads, spat at, for being hated fluffie manslaving parasites. Masculists aim to create masculist groups in every high school and college, so that male class mates can put powerful moral pressure on their female fluffie class mates to FIP up or be forced to rot on the shelf.

  26. FLUFFIES DIE OUT A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslavable man. But the supply of such manslavable men is drying up, due to the effect of the masculists and the MGTOWs (men going their own way, more on the MGTOWs later) in persuading men not to have anything to do with manslaving fluffie parasites, forcing them to be manless and spat at. Masculists want the teaching of Calculus to be made compulsory for all 11th and 12th grade high schoolers, for both sexes, as it was in the Soviet Union, so that women particularly, are pushed into studying career competent majors, so are less likely to become fluffie parasites off men, as adults. As masculist ideas spread throughout the world, men will see fluffies as immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin so that women will feel tremendous moral pressure to FIP up, or be rejected by men and society. With nearly all women as FIPs, it will be much easier for men to be given the Parer (Paternity Rejection Right). The Parer is men s equivalent of women s Marer (Maternity Rejection Right) which would allow a man the same right that a woman has, to reject an unwanted pregnancy, but that men don t have, which is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists. With the Parer, if the woman does not abort, and continues with the pregnancy, then she pays full costs for the kid, which as a FIP she can.

  27. WOMEN OPPRESS MEN FAR WORSE THAN MEN OPPRESS WOMEN Masculists claim that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, because women s oppression of men is CONTINUOUS and LAST DECADES, e.g. Women s financial parasitism (not FIPping up, fluffie crap diplomas, etc.) Women s manslavery (living off the money of a manslave for decades.) Women s fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts. Women s many, decades lasting, gender crimes against men, e.g. Paternity fraud (in about 10% of pregnancies, the husband is NOT the father) Pill lying (where the woman lies to her husband/boyfriend that she is taking the pill, but isn t, gets pregnant, then expects BY LAW, that he pays for that kid, thus manslaving him for decades, etc.

  28. FLUFFIE FEMINIST HYPOCRITES Even more hated by the masculists are the fluffie feminists, who are seen by the masculists as being hypocrites, bigots and genociders. It is bad enough that these fluffie feminists are fluffies, and hence manslavers, but they are also hypocrites, and worse, bigots and genociders. Fluffie feminists are hypocrites because they want equal rights with men in the parliaments, but reject equal obligations with men in not sharing equally with men the burden of earning the living, by not bothering to FIP up at high school and college, thus expecting to be fluffie parasites off men, as adults, and for decades. Fluffie feminists are bigots, because they often stubbornly refuse to admit that gender oppression is a two way street. Fluffie feminists are genociders if they are lawyers and judges in the divorce courts, which they have made so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men in many countries now reject marriage and paternity, thus crashing the birth rate, and wiping out whole populations, but these young men are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, making these fluffie feminists indirect genociders, since they are the major cause of the population crash. Fluffie feminists behave as fluffie parasites in the divorce courts, expecting men to pay for them, after the divorce, the way men did before the divorce.

  29. FEMINIST GENDER POLITICIANS The feminist gender politicians are politicians who make the laws that impact on gender politics. Until recently, these feminist politicians suffered the delusion that gender political oppression is a one way street, that the oppressors are men, and that it is men who oppress women. Masculists know otherwise, so have a hatred for those feminist gender politicians who have created laws that are so oppressive for men, that are based on traditional gender expectations on men, i.e. seeing men as cash machines to pay for women to have babies, to be abused and robbed in the divorce courts, etc. The feminist gender politicians need to be masculisted as much as does the general population, so that they agree with making the gender laws menfair. Gender equality committees (GECs) need to be set up in the parliaments, that are comprised half by male masculists, and half by female feminists, to address feminist and masculist issues equally, and not be dominated by monoconscious feminazi bigots (MFBs) who know nothing about how women oppress men, and in fact worse than vice versa.

  30. MONOCONSCIOUS FEMINAZI BIGOTS (MFBs) Monoconscious people have only had one of their gender political consciousnesses raised, usually their feminist consciousness. Monoconscious feminists tend to be rather feminazi bitchy, because they have been taught by feminism, how men oppress women, but are not biconscious, i.e. they have not had BOTH their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised. Monoconscious feminists are thus angry at men for the ways that men oppress women (e.g. rape, sexual harassment, etc.) By definition, monoconscious feminists are ignorant of masculist ideas, so tend to have traditional fluffie expectations of men, whereas biconscious feminists tend to have their feminist anger at men cancelled by their female masculist anger at women, so are much less feminazi bitchy, so are much more approachable by men, and so are much more likely to have boyfriends. Masculists prefer biconscious women, rather than misandrist, male dumping, feminazi, bigots, who are repulsive to men, so are the first category of women to be rejected by men, and certainly by masculists, who won t even pump and dump such women, thus forcing them to rot on the shelf, spat at for being MFBs. Masculists claim that it is in monoconscious feminists self interest to become biconscious, by bothering to learn masculist ideas, so that they have their monoconscious feminist anger at men, for the ways that men oppress women, canceled by a corresponding and oppositely directed anger at women for the ways that women oppress men. Since 99.5% of women are heterosexual, most monoconscious feminists suffer by making themselves repulsive to men, so remain sexless and alone.

  31. THE HATED FLUFFIE FEMINIST CONTROLLED DIVORCE COURTS The monoconscious feminists took over the divorce courts in the 1970s, bringing with them, by default, their fluffie feminist attitudes regarding men, seeing men as cash machines, to pay for women to have babies. In today s world, one married father in FOUR gets financially crucified and has his life ruined in the HATED fluffie feminist controlled divorce court system. He will lose custody of his kids with a 90% probability. He will lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife so that SHE can raise HER kids in it. He will lose half his wealth and half his stuff to her. He will be forced to make child payments to her for his kids, whom he will barely see. If his ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may be forced to pay her alimony until he dies, thus allowing her to parasite off his money after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up.

  32. FLUFFIE FEMINIST DIVORCE COURTS AS GENOCIDERS Modern marriage is now so toxic for men, that it is the main reason for the rise of the MGTOW (men going their own way) men s movement, who refuse to marry, reject paternity, and spend their money on themselves, utterly refusing to face a one in four chance of being financially massacred, and having custody of his kids ripped away from him, by the hated, monoconscious, fluffie feminist hypocrite, divorce court judges and lawyers, who see men as cash machines, to be robbed and abused. In many countries now, 2/3 of young men refuse to marry, and reject paternity, which makes these fluffie feminist divorce court lawyers and judges, indirect genociders, thus wiping out whole populations, in a few generations, so have to be stopped, with bullets, if necessary, in a sex war. Responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not TOLERATE, that these MFBs, who control the divorce courts, be allowed to wipe out whole populations, so in the limit, will shoot them, to remove from them their profoundly misandrist power over men, and then menfair the gender laws, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, so that whole populations are not wiped out.

  33. THE MFBs MOST FORMIDABLE ENEMY ARE MASCULIST SCIENTISTS Instead of a sex war, there is a much more benign approach to combatting the indirect genocide of the MFBs in the divorce courts, and that is to destroy those core ideas of the feminists that are irrational. Masculists are usually second wave male feminists, pushing for giving women equal rights with men, allowing women equal access to the professions, equal pay for equal work, etc. These rights for women are seen by masculists as essential prerequisites for the effective FIPping of women, so that we can live in a FIP Society a principal political goal of the masculists. But, there is a lot of irrational, illogical, delusional, garbage in third wave feminism (i.e. real empowerment of women, at men s expense) that masculist scientists can easily refute, with their scientific knowledge and contempt for the isscienate, innumerate, PC fairy, ignorance, of most feminists. Masculist scientists then crush it, when they come across it. For example -

  34. MASCULIST SCIENTIST CRUSHING OF CORE FEMINIST BELIEFS Some of the core beliefs of third wave feminists are anti-scientific, so can be easily crushed by masculist scientists, e.g. 1. Women are as intellectually capable as men. 2. The Patriarchy (general male dominance and male power over women) should be destroyed. 3. Men are toxic, causing the wars, that make humanity suffer so much. The scientific evidence does NOT support the above major claims of the third wave feminists. Science shows that women are dumber than men. Women will never be able to outcompete with men at the top end of the performance scale, due to women s genetically determined inferiorities relative to men.

  35. WOMENS GENETIC INFERIORITIES RELATIVE TO MEN Women are genetically inferior to men, in the following ways Women s average IQ is 4 IQ points dumber than men s. Women have an IQ variance that is 10% smaller than men s (i.e. women s IQ scores are more bunched up over a whole population, and men s are more spread out, so the morons and the genii are males.) Since the genii are males, it is not surprising than women have won a pathetic 1% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have 10 times higher testosterone levels in their blood than women, so are a lot more aggressive, dogged, persistent, at difficult tasks, so achieve far more than women. Women have 10% smaller brains, i.e. 10 billion fewer neurons, which is like taking an ice cream scoop out of the male brain, so women don t build anything, invent anything, create anything. Women have always been parasites off men. It is men who create cultures, and women who parasite off them. Women evolved to be prostitutes to men, the sexiest of mammals, in sexual heat every day of the month, unlike monkeys or dogs, to be better able to bribe men with sex, in exchange for scarce male hunted meat, for herself and her babies.

  36. THE PATRIARCHY IS INEVITABLE Third wave feminists want the patriarchy removed, by imposing quotas so that there is an equality of outcomes between the sexes, e.g. half of company board members, and half of national presidents should be women. These gender quotas should be imposed, BY LAW. Masculists claim that the patriarchy is genetically determined, in the sense that the top performing scorers will always be men, for the reasons given previously. Women cannot compete with men at the top performance level, so if the third wave feminists achieve their political goal of attaining equality of outcomes with men, then many of the top positions will be filled with women with inferior abilities compared to men with superior abilities, who are rejected. This will cause these fluffie feminists to be seen by masculists as sexist hypocrites, and will thus be hated by the masculists. This is not good for society. It rejects the principle of The best minds for the best jobs.

  37. WOMEN SEXUALLY SELECTED MEN TO BE TOXIC Men are taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer and smarter than women, because women sexually selected men to be like that. Taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer men were better able to defend their woman against other men, especially against the male warriors of enemy tribes. Women evolved to be sexually attracted to male brutes, who increased the odds of their woman remaining alive and reproducing. Women sexually selected men who were smarter than them, because such men were better hunters and hence were more sexploitable by women. Women want to mate with superior men, to obtain the superior DNA from such men for their kids, so that their kids have superior DNA than their mothers. This female instinct to mate up, is called hypergamy, and all women have it.

  38. CAUSES OF THE PATRIARCHY Masculist scientists claim that the patriarchy has two main causes 1. Female hypergamy 2. GMV (Greater Male Variance) Men are smarter than women, because of female hypergamy. Superior intelligence naturally rises to the top. Since men are smarter than women on average, and a lot more aggressive and ambitious, men naturally rise to the top and occupy the top jobs. Variance is a statistical term, that measures how spread out scores are over a whole population. Men have only one X chromosome in their cells, and women two. The Y male chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome, so many of the genes in the male X chromosome are expressed (used) that are not expressed in female cells due to the dominant gene of one of the female X chromosomes, switching off the corresponding recessive gene on the other female X chromosome. There are many more recessive genes than dominant genes, so males express a greater variety of genes than females do, so at the top end of the performance scales, males inevitably dominate.

  39. ALL MALE TRAITS ARE SEXUALLY SELECTED BY FEMALES If a woman dislikes some trait in a man, she refuses to mate with him. Women have always had a monopoly over reproduction, since it is the WOMAN who decides which man gets to ejaculate inside her, to get her pregnant. Third wave feminists bitterly complain about certain traits in men, e.g. male toxicity, the patriarchy, etc., that women largely created. It is this kind of fluffie feminist irrationality that masculist scientists sneer at, and aim to crush, with blistering masculist scientific attacks against it. Masculist scientists have little patience with isscienate, innumerate, PC oriented, monoconscious, fluffie feminists, and do not take them seriously, dismissing them as 21st century peasants, and attacking such feminist ignorance, wherever and whenever these masculist scientists come across it.

  40. WOMEN ARE ABOUT TO LOSE THEIR TWO TRADITIONAL MONOPOLIES Women have always had their two traditional monopolies over men, i.e. Their vaginas and their wombs. Thus men have always been forced to be nice to women, because men want to penis women. On the whole, men don t respect women as a sex, due to women s grossly inferior performance track record when it comes to building, creating, and inventing societies. Women have always been parasites off men that way. Women couldn t hunt, plough, nor fight. Men saw women as useless, and were only tolerated for their traditional monopolies, i.e. as fuck holes, baby factories, and child raisers, which are obviously essential, but not status worthy, since Any woman can fuck, and raise kids! But, women are about to lose these two monopolies, in the form of the sexbot and the artwomb (artificial womb). The sexbots are coming out now, with their luscious curves, their film star faces, their creamy grippy vaginas, that women, especially fat women, cannot compete with. These sexbots are increasingly equipped with the latest AI generated conversational abilities, making them very agreeable to men, since their artificial personalities are driven by market forces. Men wont buy sexbots who are feminazi bitches.

  41. FORCING WOMEN TO BE NICE TO MEN When men can grow their own kids, and prefer to sex their bots rather than women, especially fat and obese women, then men will become a lot ruder towards women. 40% of women are obese in many countries, and 30% are fat, so two thirds of women are now unfuckable, as judged by men who are health conscious and slim. Millions of such men are wiping their hands of such women, whom masculists label pejoratively, FUFs (fat unfuckable females), cock shrinkers, and yuckers (the reaction a man has when seeing such a woman naked.) Masculists expect feminists to be biconscious, otherwise, fat, unfuckable, monoconscious feminazis will be severely punished by men, by these women not getting one. Masculists teach men not to be interested in MFBs, nor in FUFs. Masculists preach to women, the common sense idea that If a woman wants to keep a man, she needs to remain nice to him, otherwise, he just walks away from her. Monoconscious feminists have become MFBs, and hence pay a very heavy price. They go manless, and hence loveless, sexless, babyless, and spat at, by men.

  42. MASCULIST LIFESTYLES Masculists advise men not to live full time together with a woman in the same dwelling. Such a life style promotes complacency, and incivility. Too often, the wife turns into a nagging, controlling, bitch, who will drag her husband into the fluffie feminist controlled divorce court, and destroy his life. Masculists advise men to live the Twaytwef (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs), or LATting lifestyle (Living Apart Together) LATting imposes discipline on the woman (and the man) to remain nice, to be civil, or he just walks away. The regular separations between the couple (e.g. 4 nights per week together, 3 apart) create a hunger, promoting better and more frequent sex and affection. Some MGTOWs are so pissed with women s psychology (e.g. nagging, controlling, hypergamy, sexploitation, obesity, using men as cash machines, etc.) that they have nothing to do with women, going MGTOW monk. MGTOWs and masculists strongly advise men not to marry, not to have kids (until the gender laws are menfaired) and certainly not to be a manslave to a parasitic bloody fluffie.

  43. MASCULIST POLITICS What do masculists want politically? Many things. Masculists want the media to take up the masculist message and spread it to the masses, so that humanity learns that gender oppression is a two way street. Masculists aim to put a masculist group in every high school, every college, so that male class mates can exert enormous moral pressure on female class mates to FIP up, or be severely punished by men, by not getting one, treated as a pariah, not even pumped and dumped, so are totally socially and sexually rejected by men, seen by men as hatable manslavers and divorce rapists. Masculists want parliamentary Gender Equality Committees (GECs) to be set up, with half the members male masculists, and the other half female feminists, so that both feminist AND masculist issues are addressed and legislated equally. Masculists want society menfaired e.g. laws be passed to reform the divorce courts, to make them fair to men, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, so that we don t wipe ourselves out, due to the lack of paternity, that the fluffie feminist hypocrite genociders have made so toxic for men. The Parer needs to be legislated. Probably most women, will fight this tooth and nail, since most women, including most feminists, have a deeply ingrained attitude that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. The existence of the Marer, and the non existence of the Parer, is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists. It screams out for reform. Masculists want to create a FIP Society, where both sexes are raised to be FIPs, so that fluffies die out, so that men can be liberated from being manslaves to women, working for women, for decades.

  44. BOTH SEXES HATING THE FLUFFIE FEMINISTS One of the masculist strategies to force the gender politicians and fluffie feminists to menfair the gender laws, is to persuade young women to VOTE, together with men, to achieve this goal. Masculists tell these young women that the main reason why boy friend after boy friend, refuses to give her his sperm, is that the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites have taken over the divorce courts, and made them so toxic for men, that the large majority of men now refuse to marry and reject paternity. Masculists tell these young women, that they should hate the fluffie feminists as much as men do, for indirectly causing these young women s babylessness. With both sexes hating the monoconscious fluffie feminist hypocrites, monoconscious feminism will soon die out, with most feminists educating themselves to become biconscious, and hence more likely to vote for the menfairing of the gender laws as well, especially in the divorce courts, and for the legislation of the Parer, which will force women to grow up, to FIP up, to no longer be fluffie parasites, so hated by the masculists, for their manslavery, that lasts decades of a man s life.

  45. THE MASCULIST MCT (MOTHER CAREER TIMELINE) FOR WOMEN Birth rates have dropped well below the replacement rate in many countries, so if present trends continue, we wipe ourselves out, so sooner or later, governments will put powerful moral pressure, incentives, and punishments, on both sexes, to have more children. Masculists see this, so push governments to menfair the gender laws, so that young men are more prepared to be fathers again. Many feminists prefer their careers over having babies, so masculists devised the following MCT for women. Take the case of an upper middle class woman who gets her masters degree at 23, then works in her career- competent profession for 5 years, in which time she marries, and has her first kid at 29 and her second kid at 31. She stays at home looking after them until the second kid is off to kindergarten. She is now 35. She has had her two kids, so has performed her civic duty in not contributing to the crash of the population. She is paid a hefty maternity wage by the government for the 6 years she stays at home, raising her two kids, so that her husband does not have to bare the sole responsibility for earning the living to keep the whole family financially afloat, which is incredibly stressful for him. At 35 she returns to her career so that she is not a fluffie.

  46. CONTACT Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Email : Website : (click on the masculist MGTOW tab, for 600+ masculist fliers (i.e. 2-3 page essays on masculist and MGTOW themes) and their videos of me reading these flyers aloud.
