Steering Group Meeting - Priority Area 2, June 29, 2021

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The 22nd Steering Group Meeting of Priority Area 2 took place online on June 29, 2021, addressing key topics such as progress reports, stakeholder involvement, comparative assessments, and strategic processes in the context of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). Participants engaged in discussions, reviewed recent developments, and planned future activities to enhance cooperation and project generation within the area.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 2 The 22 2th th Steering Group Meeting of the Steering Group Meeting of the Priority Area 2 Priority Area 2 June 29, 2021, Online

  2. AGENDA 10:00 Opening remarks, adoption of the agenda 10:10 Introduction of the participants (Tour de Table) 10:20 Report of the PACs: Progress since the 21th SG Meeting, plans for the next period 10:40 Recent developments and activities in EUSDR 10:55 Comparative assessment of NECPs (outcomes of the study, policy briefs, webinars) 11:15 Results of SG survey, discussion on SG mobilization and stakeholder involvement 11:40 COFFEE BREAK

  3. AGENDA 12:00 Discussion: Rules of Procedure, Roadmap 12:20 Embedding, funding programs and discussion on project generation 13:00 Recent Developments in DSP 13:15 Discussion: Strategic processes/projects/flagships 13:30 Q&A, AOB, Closing words

  4. Opening remarks Opening remarks Ms Annam ria N DOR, Hungarian PAC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Mr. Luk LUKA OVI , National Coordinator of the EUSDR, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic

  5. Introduction of the Participants Introduction of the Participants Tour de Table

  6. Report of the PACs: Progress since Report of the PACs: Progress since the 2 the 21 1th th SG Meeting SG Meeting Ms. Annam ria N DOR, PAC (HU), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Ms. Zuzana SIMICOVA, Advisor (CZ), Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

  7. Joint activities Joint activities 2nd Progress Report (PAC project) Strategic Meetings (monthly online consultations) Participation at DSP workshops (e.g. Prerequisites for successful EUSDR implementation Jan 19, Stakeholder management May 26) Roadmap consultations with other PACs see separate agenda point Discussion on Working Groups decision: postponed Possibly Cooperation with UA on UA Presidency priorities

  8. Progress Progress on HU on HU side side Towards an integrated National Energy and Climate Plan in the Danube Region study, policy briefs, 2 online workshops (May 6: electricity and gas sectors, sector coupling, May 20 RES-heating and transport) - see separate agenda point Stakeholder database update see separate agenda point Update of website https://energy.danube- - 9 news in 2021 (events, policy reports, etc.)

  9. Progress on HU side Progress on HU side Brochure on energy storage - underground heat storage facilities online publication DSP Success stories EUSDR 10 years: (1) Energy storage, (2) Clean transport Project support: the project partners of the Interreg Europe project, SETUP Smart Energy Transition to Upgrade Regional Performance , offered PA2 to take part in the 1 year continuation of the project. The main project s objective has been the improvement of energy performance of the 6 partner regions based on an interregional exchange regarding the regional competencies on smart grids. The continuation will focus on the possible tools for balancing the power grids, mainly on battery storage and hydrogen, which became even more important during the pandemic, because of the unexpected and dramatic changes in demand and offer. The continuation is currently under approval.

  10. Plans for 2021 Q3 Plans for 2021 Q3- -Q4 HU side Q4 HU side Finalization of NECP recommendations Progress with DESTINE interactive website fill up missing menus + interactive map Green district heating Roadmap? (see discussion later) Slide Nr. 10

  11. Danube Region Sustainable Danube Region Sustainable Energy Energy - - DESTINE DESTINE Energy sources renewables o geothermal o solar o biomass non-renewable o gas alternative o waste o hydrogen Sectors electricity heating and cooling transport Governance EU Danube Region Country Cross-cutting issues Financing opportunities Project databases Topic highlights market connectivity energy storage energy efficiency energy poverty

  12. Progress on CZ side Progress on CZ side Support of the events: Municipal Climate Conference Baden- W rttemberg 2021 & Young Dialogue Initiative Manifesto for young people by young people to shape the European cooperation policy ESPON Territorial Scenarios 2050 for EUSDR & EUSAIR TEVI 2050 Active Involvement of SG Members & Stakeholders within PA2- see agenda point Slide Nr. 12

  13. Plans for 2021 Q3 Plans for 2021 Q3- -Q4 CZ side Call for subcontractor of a study Energy efficiency in buildings - first introductory presentation at the next SG Meeting tbc Update of RoP Ongoging progress on actively involvement of SG Members & Stakeholders Contribution to the ESPON Territorial Scenarios study & Manifesto for young people Organisation of next SG Meeting- in which form? Q4 CZ side Slide Nr. 13

  14. Recent Developments Recent Developments in in EUSDR EUSDR Mr. Johan MAGNUSSON, Team Leader Danube and Baltic Sea Regions, European Commission

  15. Follow up: Comparative Assessment of the Follow up: Comparative Assessment of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of the EUSDR countries EUSDR countries Policy Briefs and Webinars Policy Briefs and Webinars Ms Katalin VARGA, Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK), Hungary

  16. Presentation Presentation of of the the Outcomes Outcomes of of SG Survey SG Survey 1. Participation and contribution of SG Members - on average on scale Nr. 3 2. Involvement of SG Members- proposals based on the answers given in the questionnaire 3. Thematic focus of PA2 - on average on scale Nr. 4 4. General communication between PAC s and SG Members- well reviewed 5. Involvement of SG Members at the SG Meetings on average scale 3-4

  17. discussion Our Our proposals proposals as as basis basis for for the the discussion TO MAINTAIN OUR NETWORKING TO DO LIST FOR PA2 COORDINATION Discussion Tour de Table at SG Meetings More interactive Meetings in a lively and fruitable way Promotion of EUSDR 10 years brochure among the institutions/countries Periodic Survey before SG Meeting To share project ideas/ conference invitiations More Experts to the SG Meetings Workplan for a certain period/ Roadmap Subscription of news at the PA2 Website

  18. Roundtable Discussion Roundtable Discussion: SG stakeholder stakeholder involvement : SG mobilization mobilization and involvement and

  19. DSP workshop on Stakeholder management (May 26 online) Based on DSP workshop materials

  20. S Stakeholder takeholder involvement Update of stakeholder list (based on PA2 request) - 2020 Q4, 2021 Q1: involvement Country No of stakeholders Update (Y/N) Country No of stakeholders Update (Y/N) AT 6 Y MNG 0 N BH 41 Y RO 9 N BG 2 N SRB 5 Y HR 12 N SK 5 N CZ 8 Y SI 4 N D 27 Y UA 2 N HU 343 Y INT 29 Y MD 1 N SUM 494 / 151 Also asked: Type, Profil

  21. Please name the respective stakeholders you are cooperating with in your PA Please select the stage of cooperation with the PA regarding the respective stakeholder Please name the respective stakeholders you are cooperating with in your PA regarding the listed actions from the EUSDR Action Plan Priority Area 2- EU Strategy for the Danube Region Sustainable Energy Funding institutions 9 Funding institutions 2 DTP, Horizon Europe, LIFE, ERDF, CF, CEF Program, EUREKA, International Visegrad Fund, CBC Programs ACTION 1- To further explore the sustainable use of clean biomass, Relevant line DGs 1 Relevant line DGs 2 Universities, municipalities, SG, energy agencies, think tanks, international organizations Civil society/NGOs/social partners 3 DGRegio, DGEner Regional/local authorities 3 Civil society/NGOs/social partners 6 ACTION 2 - To promote energy efficiency and use of renewable energy Transnational institutions 1 District heating companies, municipalities, universities WWF, electromobility association, biomass association, CESCI, hydrogen association, CEEN Projects and Poles of the DTP 3 Regional/local authorities 40 ACTION 3 - To promote decarbonisation and reduction of air pollutants Experts/observers/consultants 2 SG members, municipalities, covenant of mayors Electromobility association, Hydrogen Europe, think tanks Private sector/businesses/SMEs 1 Transnational institutions 7 Academia/think tanks 3 Energy Community, Carpathian Convention, International Energy Agency, IRENA, EGEC, RHC Platform, UNECE ACTION 4 - To improve energy efficient, cost efficient and innovative Projects and Poles of the DTP 1 Other MRS 1 Project developers, think tanks DanuP-2-Gas project Other PAs 2 Experts/observers/consultants 4 ACTION 5 - To enforce regional cooperation with the aim of supporting others Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria, Geo-Energy Expert group of EuroGeoSurveys, think tanks IRENA, Energy Community Please select the stage of cooperation among the different EU/MLG levels Private sector/businesses/SMEs 25 ACTION 6 - To exchange best practices and to develop activities to decrease Geonardo Ltd., MOL, district heating companies, energy companies Supranational/EU 1 Think tanks, universities Academia/think tanks 6 National 3 University of P cs, Hochschule Landshut, Regional Energy Research Centre, Jan Masaryk University, University of Zagreb, V4 Energy think tank Ministers (regional, local) 2 ACTION 7 -To explore new and innovative solutions of (subsurface) energy Other MRS 1 Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd., Hydrogen Europe, Verbund EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region ACTION 8 - To encourage exchange of information and best practices to improve cooperation, create synergies and to initiate joint projects with other Other PAs 4 Please select the overall stage of cooperation among internal and external stakeholders* PA1b, PA4, PA5, PA6 Other PAs, EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Carpathian Convention, Energy Community others no. internal stakeholders 2 ACTION 9 - To encourage project generation related to the energy field external stakeholders 3 DTP, universities, energy agencies

  22. 0) No information/cooperation at all/yet 1) Exchange of information: simple exchange of information 2) Working structure/harmonisation/agreements: joint working structures, agreements on cooperation issues & harmonisation of working methods 3) Joint pilot action/projects: joint pilot actions and projects 4) Strategy/action plan/funding: common strategies, action plans and joint funding

  23. Way Way forward forward Power-interest grid

  24. Roundtable Discussion Roundtable Discussion: : Stakeholder Stakeholder involvement involvement Feedbacks? 2nd round to update stakeholder list? (Stakeholder mapping) Steps from Stakeholder mapping to stakeholder management How to assess? DSP methods? Start with selected groups? Which ones?

  25. Coffee Break Coffee Break

  26. R Revision evision of of Rules Rules of of Procedures Procedures ( (RoP RoP) and ) and Roadmap Roadmap Aim of the RoP maintain rules by organizing SG Meetings and establishing WG s update our needs and wishes accordingly launch a smooth structure of PA2 and encourage decision making powers of SG Members Next steps: CZ side will prepare a draft autumn/winter 2021 !ROP WILL BE UP TO US!

  27. Roadmap Roadmap Online meeting, March 30, 2021 (PACs) : joint position on the update of Roadmaps Preparation and regular update of Roadmaps is set out in the EUSDR Governance Paper of the Danube Region Strategy Roadmap: PA s internal tool to monitor the progress of the implementation of the Action Plan, however no extra monitoring or reporting is foreseen Long term Performance of the 3 years PAC projects! Principle requirement: Roadmaps should be closely tied to the EUSDR Action Plan

  28. Roadmap Roadmap Online meeting. March 30, 2021(PAC-s) : joint position on the update of Roadmaps Aims of a Roadmap: a functional EUSDR governance, cooperation between EUSDR NCs and PACs; using Roadmaps as background documents for future DTP PAC projects from 2023 onwards (~ 7 years); mid-term planning of PA activities; a harmonised approach among the PAs (taking into account PA related specificities) for future updates, the embedding process and the future monitoring

  29. Roadmaps Roadmaps state state of art of art No roadmaps available so far (open for roadmaps in consultation with SGs): PA 1b, PA 2, PA 3, PA 7, PA 8, PA 10 Roadmap (partially) available for old AP: PA 1a, PA 4, PA 5, PA 6, (PA 9), (PA 11) Roadmaps available or working on/considering new AP: PA 1a, PA 4, PA 5, PA 6, (PA 11)

  30. Roadmaps Roadmaps discussion discussion Very diverse views of PAC-s (50% for, 50% against: extra administration, no added value, etc.) Roadmaps are considered highly individual in each Priority Area. Due to the diverse PA structures and modes of implementation of the Action Plan, a high degree of flexibility is needed. Many PAs already use Roadmaps, however under different names and different modi. Therefore, individual solutions for each PA, flexible and tailor-shaped, seem to be the best way to approach the Roadmaps. A unified approach throughout all PAs does not seem feasible at this stage.

  31. EUSDR PA4 Roadmap for ACTION 1: HAZARDOUS & EMERGING SUBSTANCES EUSDR Action to which the Roadmap is related 1. Promote monitoring, prevention and reduction of water pollution deriving from hazardous and emerging substances (EU priority substances and watch list candidates as well as Danube basin specific pollutants candidates and others e.g. microplastics-plastics, pharmaceuticals, PFOS) o Close knowledge gaps on monitoring of hazardous and emerging substances in surface waters, biota and sediment o Determine sources and pathways of hazardous and emerging substances emissions o Quantify water emissions and loads o Implement prevention and mitigation measures including a more comprehensively evaluation of the measures efficiency o Contribute to capacity building in monitoring, modelling and management of hazardous substances pollution o Contribute to improved quality of sediments Description of the Action and related Targets Sub-topics Milestones and projects Contribution to the implementation of the DanubeHazard m3c DTP project and to the dissemination of its results Contribution to the implementation of the Joint Danube Survey 5 and to the dissemination of its results Support the relaization of the Joint Tisza Survey 1 based on the manual adopted under the JOINTISZA DTP project Planned deadline Involved actors project partners and interested stakeholders Indicators Status of implementation 1.1.1 2022 project results dissemination project started Hazardous substances: close knowledge gaps on monitoring, quantify their emissions and loads, implement measures and contribute to capacity building 1.1.2 2025 ICPDR project results dissemination planned PA4 M-1.1 1.1.3 JOINTISZA project partners, ICPDR discussions ongoing among Tisza countries 2023 project application 1.1.4 Re-submit the Trimonitor project proposal to new calls of the 2021-2027 MFF project partners and interested stakeholders 2027 project application starts later 1.2.1 Contribution to the implementation of the Tid(y)Up DTP project and to the dissemination of its results project partners and interested stakeholders Laboratories, universities, scientific community National authorities, PET Cup organizers, civil society EU, ICPDR, Black Sea Commission 2022 project results dissemination project started Plastics and microplastics: close monitoring gaps, discover impacts on ecosystems, raise awareness and consider freshwater-Marine interactions 1.2.2 Promoting and supporting microplastics monitoring and discovery of their impacts on ecosystems (e.g. migratory fish) Awareness raising about freshwater plastic pollution (PET Cup + events in UA, RO) monitoring results and impact studies 2027 starts later PA4 M-1.2 news and dissemination material Marine-freshwater common action 1.2.3 2025 starts later 1.2.4 Contributing to the EU plastic strategy by assisting in reducing freshwater plastic pollution that would potentially pollute Marine waters 2030 starts later

  32. Roadmaps Roadmaps discussion discussion Does PA2 need a roadmap? - VOTE (now, or in written form after the meeting) Format? (presented table or another?) If yes draft to be presented at the next SG (Nov-Dec 2021)

  33. Presentation Presentation of discussion discussion on of funding funding programs on project project generation generation programs, , Ms Annam ria N DOR, Hungarian PAC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary WHY? AP, ACT. 9: To encourage project generation related to the energy field Target: to generate 15 successful proposals, making use of all relevant funds and programmes, in the next programming period (until 2027)

  34. Actualities Actualities of of the the D Danube anube Strategy Strategy Point Point Ms Katharina LENZ, Pillar Officer, Danube Strategy Point

  35. Discussion Discussion: : Strategic Strategic projects flagships flagships projects, , processes processes, , Ms Katharina LENZ, Pillar Officer, Danube Strategy Point

  36. AOB, Q&A AOB, Q&A

  37. Closing words Closing words Ms Zuzana SIMICOVA, Advisor (CZ), Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Ms Annam ria N DOR, PAC (HU), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary

  38. Thank you for your time and valuable Thank you for your time and valuable inputs! inputs!


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