South Carolina P.E.O. Local Officer Training Session March 2022

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The South Carolina P.E.O. Local Officer Training Session held in March 2022 was presented by Laura Blanchard from the South Carolina State Chapter. It covered important topics such as the duties of the recording secretary and guidelines for chapter meetings. Attendees were reminded of website password protocols and procedures for amending local chapter bylaws. The event highlighted the essential responsibilities of the recording secretary within the organization.

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  1. South Carolina P.E.O. Local Officer Training Session March 2022 Presented by: Laura Blanchard South Carolina State Chapter

  2. Recording Secretary Officer Training 2022 Presented by: Laura Blanchard Please email, when possible, to set up a time to talk through your questions. Thank you! 2

  3. Website Password Reminder!! The SC state website uses the original password in all lowercase letters and adds the current calendar year (_ _ _ _ _2022) changing January 1st every year. The password for the International website adds the current calendar year (_ _ _ _ _ 2022) and changes January 1stevery year. The username for the state and International websites is the same and remains unchanged. The password and username for the International Website can be found on the Instructions for Officers of Local Chapters. 3

  4. Duties of the Recording Secretary The duties of the chapter recording secretary are outlined in the P.E.O. Constitution, Part III (for the local chapter), Article V, Section 4: 1. To keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the chapter and to authenticate these records with her signature. 2. To read all papers not considered correspondence. 3. To record answers pro and con when a vote is taken by roll call. 4. To sign official forms as required. 5. To send, in March, as instructed by the state executive board (or International Chapter) a copy of the local chapter bylaws (and standing rules) only if they have been amended during the fiscal year (March 1 Feb 28/29). In South Carolina, the Bylaws are sent to If no changes are made, then just email Chapter __ has no changes. 6. To deliver to your successor all papers and supplies of the office. P.E.O. Constitution is available online: 4

  5. Duties of the Recording Secretary The duties of the chapter recording secretary as outlined in the President s Book and SC Bylaws: 1. In the absence of the president and vice president, call the chapter meeting to order and act as the chair until a chair/pro-tem president is elected for that meeting. Instructions are in Appendix 3 of the President s Book. 2. Amending Local Chapter Bylaws instructions are in Appendix 5 of the President s book. 3. No later than March 10 annually, email state chapter a copy of the local chapter bylaws and standing rules, if amended. If bylaws and standing rules remain the same, a notification to that effect. Email: President s Book is available online: chapter-officers/president South Carolina State Chapter Bylaws: 5

  6. 2022: Summary of Changes The regular meetings of a local chapter are now twelve (12). Social meetings were eliminated, as was the requirement to have minutes of social meetings. Social gatherings may be still be listed in the yearbook but are not counted as regular meetings. Additional Special Meetings may be called by the president to address any business that is allowed to be conducted at a special meeting (See Appendix 2, President s Book). The Regular Meeting allows for multiple formats (in person, hybrid, virtual) but there is only one meeting minutes template. These changes required an update to all Local Chapter Bylaws in March 2022. 6

  7. Resources for the Recording Secretary International Website Resource Page for Recording Secretary: Current Instructions for Officers of Local Chapters (IOLC) [Pending Update in Spring 2022] Recording Secretary section is only 3 pages long. Print and keep in your Record Book. Check regularly for updates online. Includes Record Retention Requirements and duties of your office. Instructions Recording Secretary's Record Book This was previously Appendix 7, President s Book, but is now a stand-alone document Keep current copy in your Recording Secretary Record Book. Updated January 2022. Template for Regular Meeting Minutes and Instructions for using the template. List of Supplies for Officers of Local Chapters. Training resources and tips for taking minutes (Words that Count is your training module!). Recording Secretary Resource Page: chapter-officers/recording-secretary 7

  8. STEP 1: Log in to the International Website (Member Login) STEP 2: Click on Resource Library STEP 3: Select Local Chapter Officers 8

  9. STEP 4: Select Recording Secretary 9

  10. Resources for the Recording Secretary South Carolina State Chapter Website: Subscribe to the State Newsletter and view the State Newsletter Archive Current year LOTS handouts and presentations (available following LOTS) State Board and State Committee Contact Information Local Chapter Forms State Convention resources and information. State Chapter Web Page: Facebook Page: Website access & Newsletter Questions: Facebook Questions: 10

  11. 2022 L.O.T.S. Training 11

  12. Recording Secretary Record Book What to keep in your Recording Secretary Book: 1. Instructions for Minutes, Recording Secretary Record Book 2. Recording Secretary portion of the IOLC 3. Local Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules 4. Treasurer s Monthly Report to Chapter Form (retain & provide to audit committee) 5. Worksheets of draft minutes until minutes are approved by chapter, then destroyed. 6. Minutes of chapter until notebook/binder is full. Once full, retain minutes in chronological order in series of large envelopes labeled with the date of minutes on each envelope. Minutes of chapter must be kept in original form for a minimum of 10 years. Upon vote of chapter, minutes older than 10 years may be preserved in any manner in accordance with the archival policy (see Recording Secretary section of the IOLC). 12

  13. Reading the Minutes Stand, if you are able, to read the minutes. If applicable, minutes of an interim special meeting are also read at this time. Minutes for each meeting are read and then voted on separately. The President will ask for corrections and approve them. The Recording Secretary makes corrections, if any, and writes approved or approved as corrected with the date beside her signature. While pandemic guidelines are still in place: For modified in-person and hybrid meetings, provide paper copies of the minutes for members to read. Destroy following the meeting. If the Recording Secretary attends a hybrid meeting virtually, minutes may be read. Your concise record of the meeting is a very helpful resource for your President. 13

  14. Recording the Minutes: Opening Use the Minutes Template and the Instructions to Recording Secretary for specific wording. Template may be adapted for the chapter s needs and agenda. Minutes should be as brief as possible. Record what is done (votes!) and not what is said. Aim to keep your meeting minutes to two pages or fewer, whenever possible. If there is discussion, minutes note that there was discussion, not what was discussed. Only record the outcome and any follow-up actions. If a vote is taken, record who made the motion and the result of the vote. Your chapter heard the discussion at one meeting, they don t need to hear it verbatim again. Focus on decisions, actions, and follow-up (unfinished business). If a pro tem officer serves for a meeting, record in the minutes, By general consent, Daisy Super-Star served as (office) for the meeting. (Except for the President ) The Opening Ode, Objects and Aims, Devotions, and formal opening of the meeting can be recorded with The meeting was opened in due form by the president. 14

  15. Recording the Minutes Roll Call Note the number of members responding, and if applicable, the number of members who arrived after roll call. For example: Sixteen members responded to roll call. Sixteen members responded to roll call and two members came in after roll was called. If a member is accepted by transfer or reinstatement at the meeting when her letter is read, record the number of members present at the start and add: Sixteen members responded to roll call and one member was later [accepted by transfer / reinstated]. List visiting (active members) who were introduced and attend the business meeting. Do not include visitors attending just a social or program portion of the meeting. 15

  16. Recording the Minutes Treasurer s Monthly Financial Report Retain copy of Treasurer s Report to provide to the Audit Committee at the conclusion of the P.E.O. year. The Audit Committee compares your copy of the Treasurer s monthly report to the Treasurer s complete records. Only the total receipts, total disbursements, and total assets are recorded in the minutes. Bills to be Presented If bills are presented, record the name of the member making the motion to allow the bills, and list the bills that are approved. If no bills are presented, make no mention in the minutes. 16

  17. Recording the Minutes Report of the Corresponding Secretary Reference Instructions for proper wording of membership correspondence, including when a proposed/balloted name may be included. The Corresponding Secretary will provide you with correspondence after she reads it so you can accurately note the author of each item and brief statement of the subject of the correspondence. Don t record the entire correspondence in the minutes. One sentence will do. Return correspondence that requires action to the appropriate person. Retain correspondence until the minutes recording said correspondence have been approved by chapter vote. See Instructions to Recording Secretary (pg 3) for specific language for minutes regarding Member Transferring Out, Member Transferring In, Member Reinstating, and Member Reinstating and Transferring In. 17

  18. Recording the Minutes Report of Committees Only committees that have reports need to be listed. Record just the basic facts, not the discussion. Chapter Business: Unfinished and New Business Record actions and votes, not discussion or debate. State all items of business addressed and disposition of each item. Only the name of the person who makes the motion needs to be recorded and the outcome of the vote. It is not necessary to record who seconded a motion. Note any actions or follow-up that is required, or when an item of business needs to be discussed again. 18

  19. Recording the Minutes Recording the Presentation of Names for Membership and Balloting Read Instructions for Recording Secretary for Minutes for specific language regarding when names are recorded in the minutes. When a name is proposed, record only: A name was proposed for membership. After balloting, if the vote is not favorable, her name is not listed. The number of unfavorable votes is not disclosed by the president nor recording in the minutes. A name is only listed in the minutes after there is a favorable vote. ** If ballot is favorable: The name of _________, proposed (date), sponsored by (list three names), was balloted upon favorably. **If ballot is unfavorable: A name was balloted upon unfavorably. Note: The president keeps a handwritten note in the President s Book of names presented with unfavorable chapter vote according to the instructions for her office. 19

  20. Recording the Minutes Election and Installation At the start of the Ceremony of Installation, be prepared to call the roll of officers. Record names of members elected. Record the names of officers when installed. Remarks by Visitors Record her name, chapter letters (and state, if applicable). Record greetings if remarkable for the history of your chapter. 20

  21. Recording the Minutes Suggestions for the Good of the Chapter Do not record personal information unless it is significant. If item is truly a suggestion for the chapter, briefly note in the minutes. Record items such as address change or urgent update on member s health. News of personal matters should be shared after the meeting is closed and are not to be included in the minutes. (See President s Book instructions) Closing of the Meeting & Adjournment Both items may be stated The meeting was closed in due form by the president. Include your signature with title Secretary or Secretary, Pro Tem but, don t include respectfully submitted or other extra language. When minutes are approved, write approved with your signature and date. A social hour or program may be added as a brief footnote to the minutes. 21

  22. Other Duties In the absence of the President and Vice President: Call the meeting to order, according to Appendix 3 in the President s Book. Initiation / Initiation by Affirmation The name of a newly initiated member is included in the minutes. Be prepared to read the following statement regarding a favorable ballot during Initiation by Affirmation (Page 6-A of the President s Book, updated 1/22): 22

  23. Other Duties Balloting: Be familiar with Appendix 10 of the President s Book for balloting procedures for each meeting format. For in-person meetings, when written ballots are required: o Recording Secretary provides to the Vice President: paper ballots, pencils, and container to collect ballots. o President and Recording Secretary count the total ballots. If there are three or more con votes, then ballots must be tallied. o After determining the outcome of the ballot, Recording Secretary seals ballots in an envelope and destroys immediately following the meeting. o The number of unfavorable ballots, if any, is not disclosed or recorded. o This procedure is repeated for each vote. 23

  24. Important Reminders Meetings may not be recorded in any way (audio recording, Zoom, etc.). Local chapter minutes are not to be distributed to chapter members through any means not by US Post/mail, not by email, not on a website, etc. A chapter may send a newsletter summarizing business of the meeting so long as it does not include confidential information regarding project candidates personal/confidential information or membership-sensitive agenda items. However, the president and recording secretary ONLY, or their pro-tem officers, may exchange draft minutes by email to determine accuracy and assist in preparing the agenda for the next business meeting. You may use a computer during a meeting to take notes. YOU are key to assisting the president in expediting chapter meetings! Be familiar with the President s Book, provide reminders of unfinished business, sit near the president, when possible, during the chapter meeting. 24

  25. What to do with Forms & Reports? Be familiar with all the Chapter s Forms and the record retention requirements for your office (See the IOLC for Recording Secretary): Monthly Report of the Corresponding Secretary Destroy after the report is recorded in the minutes and the minutes are approved. Monthly Report of the Treasurer Keep until the end of the fiscal year and then provide to Auditing Committee. Social Correspondence Destroy after correspondence is recorded in the minutes and the minutes are approved, unless chapter historian wishes to retain significant items. Letter Accepting Membership Retain through Initiation by Affirmation. Then destroy or refer to historian. Other Papers Destroy unless further action is required; then return to appropriate individual. 25

  26. Local Chapter Bylaws The Recording Secretary is responsible for maintaining the Local Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules. According to the South Carolina State Chapter Bylaws, prior to March 10 annually, the recording secretary shall email to a copy of the Local Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules, with explanatory note of what changed. If no changes to the bylaws or standing rules were made, send an email or note with a notification to that effect. Provide a copy of the current chapter bylaws and standing rules to the president to be placed in the President s book. NOTE: All chapters are required to update their bylaws in 2022 to conform with amendments from Convention of International Chapter. Suggestions for Local Chapter Bylaws: [Updated 2/22] 26

  27. Ceremony of Initiation Ceremony is not to be conducted while under COVID restrictions and guidelines. New Ceremony of Initiation materials have not yet been sent to chapters. The 2022 State Convention will include a Period of Instruction on the Ceremony of Initiation. 27

  28. Thank you!! Thank you for serving your chapter and our sisterhood in this capacity! As recording secretary, you are making a significant contribution to your chapter. Your diligence is greatly appreciated. Questions? 28


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