Water Usage Analysis Among Students, Parents, and Teachers

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Explore the responses from students, parents, and teachers regarding their water usage habits. Discover insights on what purposes water is used for, shower and bath preferences, and the typical duration of showers. Gain an understanding of the varying perspectives on water use within different demographics.

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  2. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 1: What do you use the water for? (more than one option can be selected) a. Drinking, 190 200 180 d.Cleaning, 138 160 140 120 c.Sport, 81 f.others (If OTHER option was seleced, please write below), 77 100 80 b.Art, 41 60 40 e.learning, 15 20 0 Total

  3. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 1: What do you use the water for? (more than one option can be selected) a. Drinking, 128 140 d.Cleaning, 119 120 100 80 60 c.Sport, 39 f.others (If OTHER option was seleced, please write below), 29 40 b.Art, 19 e.learning, 18 20 0 Total

  4. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 1: What do you use the water for? a. Drinking, 69 d.Cleaning, 66 70 60 50 40 AXIS TITLE c.Sport, 29 f.others (If OTHER option was seleced, please write below), 8 30 20 b.Art, 13 e.learning, 13 10 0 Total

  5. STUDENTS ANSWER 65.87677725 70 60 50 34.12322275 PERCENTAGE 40 30 20 10 0 10 a. Bath b.Shower

  6. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 2: Which one do you take more often? b.Shower, 78.47222222 80 70 60 50 AXIS TITLE 40 a. Bath, 21.52777778 30 20 10 0 Percentage

  7. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 2: Which one do you take more often? b.Shower, 70.42253521 80 70 60 50 a. Bath, 29.57746479 40 30 20 10 0 Percentage

  8. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 3: How long do you usually take shower? 40 4-6 munites, 35.546875 35 7-10 munites, 16.40625 Longer than 15, 17.578125 30 11-15 munites, 16.40625 25 20 15 I always have bath, 9.765625 10 1-3 munites, 4.296875 5 0 Percentage

  9. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 3: How long do you usually take shower? c. About 7-10 munites, 34.02777778 35 30 b.About 4-6 munites, 25.69444444 d. About 11-15 munites, 22.91666667 25 20 15 f. I always have bath, 6.944444444 10 e.Longer than 15, 5.555555556 a.About 1-3 munites, 4.861111111 5 0 Percentage

  10. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 3: How long do you usually take shower? 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Percentage a.About 1-3 munites b.About 4-6 munites c. About 7-10 munites d. About 11-15 munites e.Longer than 15 f. I always have bath

  11. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 4: Do you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth? a. Yes, 81.9047619 90 80 70 60 AXIS TITLE 50 40 B. No, 18.0952381 30 20 10 0 percentage

  12. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 4: Do you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth? a. Yes, 72.22222222 80 70 60 50 B. No, 27.77777778 40 30 20 10 0 percentage

  13. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 4: Do you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth? a. Yes, 77.46478873 80 70 60 50 AXIS TITLE 40 B. No, 22.53521127 30 20 10 0 percentage

  14. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 5: In what ways do you and your family members re use water? c. Cleaning, 86 f. Watering Plants, 87 b. Drinking, 80 90 d. Washing, 75e. Flushing toilets, 74 80 a. We never re use water, 65 70 h. Shower, 55 60 50 i.baths, 39 g. Ironings, 40 40 30 j others (If OTHER option was seleced, please write below.), 18 20 10 0 Total

  15. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 5: In what ways do you and your family members re use water? f. Watering Plants, 60 a. We never re use water, 58 60 e. Flushing toilets, 49 50 c. Cleaning, 43 40 d. Washing, 28 30 g. Ironings, 22 20 h. Shower, 8 b. Drinking, 7 i.baths, 7 10 j others (If OTHER option was seleced, please write below.), 0 0 Total

  16. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 5: In what ways do you and your family members re use water? f. Watering Plants, 35 35 30 c. Cleaning, 23 25 a. We never re use water, 20 e. Flushing toilets, 20 20 15 d. Washing, 11 g. Ironings, 10 10 b. Drinking, 3 5 h. Shower, 2 i.baths, 2 j others (If OTHER option was seleced, please write below.), 0 0 Total

  17. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 6: Do you make sure the taps are turn off tight? a. Yes, 85.51401869 90 80 70 60 AXIS TITLE 50 40 30 b. No, 14.48598131 20 10 0 Percentage

  18. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 6: Do you make sure the taps are turn off tight? a. Yes, 88.81118881 90 80 70 60 AXIS TITLE 50 40 30 b. No, 11.18881119 20 10 0 Percentage

  19. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 6: Do you make sure the taps are turn off tight? a. Yes, 88.73239437 90 80 70 60 AXIS TITLE 50 40 30 b. No, 11.26760563 20 10 0 Percentage

  20. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 7: Do you tell your parents if you see tap leaking? a. Yes, 83.88625592 90 80 70 60 50 40 b. No, 16.11374408 30 20 10 0 Percentage

  21. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 7:Do you repair immediately if you see tap leaking? a. Yes, 88.02816901 90 80 70 60 AXIS TITLE 50 40 30 b. No, 11.97183099 20 10 0 Percentage

  22. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 7:Do you repair immediately if you see tap leaking? a. Yes, 92.95774648 100 90 80 70 60 AXIS TITLE 50 40 30 b. No, 7.042253521 20 10 0 Percentage

  23. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 8: Do you collect the water from the shower while you are waiting for it become hot? 75.24271845 80 70 60 50 24.75728155 40 30 20 10 0 Percentage a. Yes b. No

  24. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 8: Do you collect the water from the shower while you are waiting for it become hot? b. No, 65.95744681 70 60 50 a. Yes, 34.04255319 40 30 20 10 0 Percentage

  25. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 8: Do you collect the water from the shower while you are waiting for it become hot? b. No, 61.97183099 70 60 a. Yes, 38.02816901 50 40 AXIS TITLE 30 20 10 0 Percentage

  26. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 9: When is The World Water Day? 60 a. I don t know, 51.65876777 50 40 b. 22 th of March, 29.85781991 30 c. 12th of April, 13.74407583 20 d. First of June, 4.739336493 10 0 Percentage

  27. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 9: When is The World Water Day? a. I don t know, 50 50 b. 22 th of March, 40.27777778 45 40 35 30 AXIS TITLE 25 20 15 c. 12th of April, 8.333333333 10 d. First of June, 1.388888889 5 0 Percentage

  28. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 9: When is The World Water Day? b. 22 th of March, 61.97183099 70 60 50 a. I don t know, 38.02816901 40 AXIS TITLE 30 c. 12th of April, 0 20 d. First of June, 0 10 0 Percentage

  29. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 10: How much do you think your household pollutes water? 0= not at all, 28.43601896 30 1, 23.22274882 2, 20.37914692 25 3, 16.58767773 20 AXIS TITLE 15 4, 7.582938389 10 5 = very much , 3.791469194 5 0 Percentage

  30. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 10: How much do you think your household pollutes water? 30 2, 25.69444444 3, 22.91666667 25 1, 17.36111111 20 4, 13.88888889 0= not at all, 13.19444444 15 10 5 = very much , 6.944444444 5 0 Percentage

  31. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 10: How much do you think your household pollutes water? 3, 38.02816901 40 35 30 25 2, 21.12676056 AXIS TITLE 20 1, 14.08450704 4, 12.67605634 15 0= not at all, 9.85915493 10 5 = very much , 4.225352113 5 0 Percentage

  32. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 11. Are there any people around you who waste water 0= not at all, 31.7535545 35 30 25 1, 19.43127962 3, 18.48341232 20 2, 14.21800948 5 = very much , 11.84834123 15 10 4, 4.265402844 5 0 Percentage

  33. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 11. Are there any people aroun you who waste water 30 2, 25.35211268 3, 22.53521127 25 20 1, 16.1971831 5 = very much , 12.67605634 15 4, 11.97183099 0= not at all, 11.26760563 10 5 0 Percentage

  34. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 11. Are there any people arounD you who waste water 40 3, 35.21126761 35 30 2, 23.94366197 25 AXIS TITLE 20 1, 15.49295775 15 0= not at all, 8.450704225 4, 8.450704225 5 = very much , 8.450704225 10 5 0 Percentage

  35. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 12. How aware are you of saving water quality and quantity? 5 = very much , 43.60189573 45 40 35 30 4, 24.17061611 25 3, 16.58767773 20 15 2, 9.952606635 10 1, 3.791469194 0= not at all, 1.895734597 5 0 Percentage

  36. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 12. How aware are you of saving water quality and quantity? 4, 32.16783217 35 5 = very much , 30.76923077 30 25 3, 19.58041958 20 15 2, 10.48951049 10 1, 4.895104895 0= not at all, 2.097902098 5 0 Percentage

  37. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 12. How aware are you of saving water quality and quantity? 30 4, 26.76056338 5 = very much , 22.53521127 25 20 0= not at all, 16.90140845 3, 16.90140845 2, 15.49295775 AXIS TITLE 15 10 5 1, 1.408450704 0 Percentage

  38. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 13: How aware your family of saving water quality and quantity? 5 = very much , 47.39336493 50 45 40 35 30 3, 20.85308057 25 4, 19.43127962 20 15 2, 7.109004739 10 1, 2.843601896 0= not at all, 2.369668246 5 0 Percentage

  39. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 13: How aware your family of saving water quality and quantity? 4, 32.86713287 35 30 5 = very much , 26.57342657 3, 24.47552448 25 20 15 2, 9.79020979 10 0= not at all, 3.496503497 1, 2.797202797 5 0 Percentage

  40. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 13: How aware your family of saving water quality and quantity? 4, 35 35 3, 28.33333333 30 5 = very much , 21.66666667 25 20 2, 11.66666667 15 10 1, 3.333333333 5 0= not at all, 0 0 Percentage

  41. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 14: Are there any people around you who pollute water source (lake, see, river etc.)? 0= not at all, 28.43601896 30 25 5 = very much , 18.48341232 1, 18.95734597 20 3, 11.37440758 15 4, 11.84834123 2, 10.90047393 10 5 0 Percentage

  42. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 14: Are there any people around you who pollute water source (lake, see, river etc.)? 40 0= not at all, 35.66433566 35 30 2, 12.58741259 4, 6.993006993 25 1, 15.38461538 3, 17.48251748 20 5 = very much , 11.88811189 15 10 5 0 Percentage

  43. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 14: Are there any people around you who pollute water source (lake, see, river etc.)? 0= not at all, 42.25352113 45 40 35 30 25 20 3, 14.08450704 4, 14.08450704 2, 11.26760563 15 1, 9.85915493 5 = very much , 8.450704225 10 5 0 Percentage

  44. STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTION 15: Are water sources (lake, see, river etc.) around you enough clean? 25 2, 21.80094787 3, 20.85308057 0= not at all, 18.48341232 20 1, 13.74407583 4, 13.74407583 15 5 = very much , 11.37440758 10 5 0 Percentage

  45. PARENTS ANSWER QUESTION 15: Are water sources (lake, see, river etc.) around you enough clean? 30 3, 26.57342657 25 5 = very much , 17.48251748 20 2, 16.78321678 0= not at all, 15.38461538 4, 12.58741259 15 1, 11.18881119 10 5 0 Percentage

  46. TEACHERS ANSWER QUESTION 15: Are water sources (lake, see, river etc.) around you enough clean? 3, 39.43661972 40 35 30 25 2, 19.71830986 AXIS TITLE 5 = very much , 16.90140845 20 15 1, 8.450704225 4, 8.450704225 0= not at all, 7.042253521 10 5 0 Percentage


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