Topological Quintessence: Anomalous Cosmic Anisotropies and Dark Flow Directions

L. Perivolaropoulos
Department of Physics
University of Ioannina
Open page
J. Bueno-Sanchez (Madrid)
J. Grande (Barcelona)
A. Mariano (
LaPlata, Argentina
N. Platis (Ioannina)
The consistency level of 
CDM with 
geometrical data probes 
has been
increasing with time during the last decade.
There are some puzzling tensions between 
CDM predictions and 
dynamical data probes 
(CMB power asymmetry, 
bulk flows, alignment and magnitude of low CMB multipoles,
 Fine Structure Constant Dipole, Dark energy Dipole)
Most of these puzzles are related to the existence of  
preferred anisotropy axes 
which appear to be surprisingly close to each other! 
A simple mechanism that can give rise to a
cosmological preferred axis 
is based on an 
off-center observer
in a spherical dark energy inhomogeneity.
Topological Quintessence 
is a physical mechanism that can give rise 
a Hubble scale dark energy inhomogeneity.
weak non-minimal coupling 
of the scalar  field to electromagnetism
can naturally lead to 
dipole with a dark energy dipole.
Dark Flow Direction
Watkins et. al. MNRAS (2009) (COMPOSITE dataset)
(407±81km/sec at r<107Mpc
towards (l,b)=(287
WMAP7  CMB Map –
Maximum Temperature Asymmetry (1.5
(A. Mariano, LP
 Phys. Rev. D. 87, 043511 (2013)
et. al. 
, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 191101 (2011)
Q1: How anomalous is this coincidence?
Q2: Is there a physical model that can predict this
Dark Energy Dipole (2
A. Mariano, LP,  ,
 Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517
l= 309
, b=-15
l= 320
, b=-11
Dark Flow Direction
Kashlinsky et. al. ApJL (2010) (kSZ effct on CMB)
 (800±200km/sec at r<600Mpc
towards (l,b)=(296
WMAP7  CMB Map –
Maximum Temperature Asymmetry (1.5
(A. Mariano, LP
 Phys. Rev. D. 87, 043511 (2013)
et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 191101 (2011)
Q1: How anomalous is this coincidence?
Q2: Is there a physical model that can predict this
Dark Energy Dipole (2
A. Mariano, LP,  ,
 Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517
l= 309
, b=-15
l= 320
, b=-11
Dark Flow Direction
Turnbull et. al. 
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 420 (2012)
 (249±76km/sec at r<190Mpc
towards (l,b)=(319
),  (245 SneIa)
WMAP7  CMB Map –
Maximum Temperature Asymmetry (1.5
(A. Mariano, LP
 Phys. Rev. D. 87, 043511 (2013)
et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 191101 (2011)
Q1: How anomalous is this coincidence?
Q2: Is there a physical model that can predict this
Dark Energy Dipole (2
A. Mariano, LP,  ,
 Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517
A:  Monte Carlo Analysis: The probability that the combined quasar absorber (
dipole) and SnIa data (dark energy dipole) are obtained in the context of a
homogeneous and isotropic cosmology is less than one part in 10
Q: What is the probability to produce the observed combination of just
the two dipoles in a homogeneous-isotropic cosmological model?
A. Mariano, LP,  ,
 Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517
1.     The data are flawed due to  systematics.
2.     The data are unlikely statistical fluctuations in the context of
3.    The data are correct and a new theoretical model is needed.
Coincidence Problem:
Why Now?                 Time Dependent Dark Energy
Why Here?                Inhomogeneous Dark Energy
Standard Model (
1. Homogeneous  - Isotropic Dark and Baryonic Matter.
2. Homogeneous-Isotropic-Constant Dark Energy
(Cosmological Constant)
3. General Relativity
Consider Because:
1.  New generic generalization of 
CDM (breaks
homogeneity of dark energy).  Includes 
CDM as
special case.
Natural  emergence of preferred axis (off –
center observers)
Well defined physical mechanism (topological
quintessence  with Hubble scale global
J. Grande,  L.P., 
Phys. Rev. D 84,  023514 (2011).
J. B. Sanchez, LP, 
Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 123516
Similar mechanism to Topological Inflation:
A. Vilenkin 
Phys.Rev.Lett. 72 (1994) 3137-3140
Global Monopole with Hubble scale Core
General Metric with Spherical Symmetry:
Energy – Momentum Tensor:
J. B. Sanchez, LP,
Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 123516
Monopole Core Scale:
Potential Energy Density at the Core:
Approximate Cosmic Evolution at the Core:
Approximate Cosmic Evolution away from  the Core:
Physical Requirements:
Cosmological Scale Core
Core Density similar as present
matter density
J. B. Sanchez, LP, , 
D84 (2011) 123516
Global Monopole: Field Direction in Space and Energy Density
Off-center Observer
Variation of expansion rate due to dark
energy density variation
Variation of 
Global Monopole Configuration:
Non-minimally coupled scalar field
Fine Structure Constant:
Fine Structure Constant Spatial Variation:
A. Mariano, LP,  ,
 Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517
Global Monopole: Field Direction in Space and Energy Density
Off-center Observer
Variation of 
due to field variation
Great Repulser
Variation of expansion rate due to dark
energy density variation
Initial-Boundary Conditions
Energy-Momentum Conservation
Static Monopole Profile
f(r) )
Homogeneous, Flat Matter
Dominated (A=B=1)
Monopole energy density slowly shrinks
and dominates at late times in the core.
Matter develops underdensity at the core.
Accelerating Expansion at the core.
Luminosity Distance:
J. Grande,  L.P., Phys. Rev. D 
023514 (2011).
LTB Metric:
Energy Momentum:
Union2 data:
Abelian Higgs Model:
Nielsen-Olesen ansatz:
Dilatonic Abelian Higgs Model:
For q>0 the scalar field effective
mass at the core decreases and the
vortex thickness increases. It also
becomes favorable to decrease u’.
Dilatonic Semilocal Model:
Perturbed Fields:
Perturbed  Energy:
Energy Perturbation:
Energy Perturbation:
Stability Improves for larger q
For q>0 the dilatonic term favors
zero field f and perturbation g at
the core.
LP,  N. Platis ,
 Phys. Rev. D 88, 065017 (2013)
Early hints for 
deviation from the cosmological principle 
 are being accumulated.  This appears to be one of the most likely
directions which may lead to 
new fundamental physics 
in the coming years.
A simple mechanism that can give rise to a
cosmological preferred axis 
is based on an 
off-center observer
in a spherical energy dark energy inhomogeneity.
Such a mechanism can also give rise to a 
Dark Energy Dipole
Scale Velocity Flows
Fine Structure Constant Dipole and a CMB
Temperature Asymmetry
.  Other interesting effects may occur (quasar
polarization alignment etc).
Topological Quintessence 
constitutes a physical mechanism to produce
Hubble scale dark energy inhomogeneities.
Probability to obtain  as large (or larger)  dipole magnitudes with the
observed  alignment in an  isotropic cosmological model:
The fraction of isotropic Monte Carlo
Keck+VLT datasets that can reproduce the
obverved dipole magnitude is less than 0.01%
The fraction of isotropic Monte Carlo Union2 datasets that
can reproduce the obverved dipole magnitude and the
observed alignment with Keck+VLT dipole is less than 1%
0.01% x 1% =
Monte-Carlo of  Isotropic quasar absorber datasets 
(quasar positions fixed)
Monte-Carlo of  Isotropic SnIa Uniot2 datasets (SnIa positions fixed)
Faster  expansion rate at low redshifts
(local space equivalent to recent times)
Local spherical underdensity of matter (Void), no dark energy
Apparent Acceleration
Faster  expansion rate at low redshifts
(local space equivalent to recent times)
Local spherical underdensity of matter (Void)
Slide Note

The consistency of Cold Dark Matter (CDM) with observational data has improved over the past decade, but tensions remain with various cosmic anomalies such as preferred anisotropy axes and dark flow directions. Topological Quintessence, a physical mechanism proposed by L. Perivolaropoulos and collaborators, suggests a Hubble-scale dark energy inhomogeneity that can explain these anomalies. An off-center observer in a spherical dark energy environment and non-minimal coupling of scalar fields to electromagnetism are key aspects of the proposed model. An investigation into the alignment and magnitude of cosmic anisotropy axes reveals intriguing alignments of dark flow directions, prompting questions about the underlying physical mechanisms governing these cosmic phenomena.

  • Topological Quintessence
  • Cosmic Anisotropies
  • Dark Flow Directions
  • Dark Energy
  • Cosmic Anomalies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Open page Topological Quintessence: L. Perivolaropoulos Department of Physics University of Ioannina Collaborators: J. Bueno-Sanchez (Madrid) J. Grande (Barcelona) A. Mariano (LaPlata, Argentina) N. Platis (Ioannina) 1

  2. Main Points The consistency level of CDM with geometrical data probes has been increasing with time during the last decade. There are some puzzling tensions between CDM predictions and dynamical data probes (CMB power asymmetry, bulk flows, alignment and magnitude of low CMB multipoles, Fine Structure Constant Dipole, Dark energy Dipole) Most of these puzzles are related to the existence of preferred anisotropy axes which appear to be surprisingly close to each other! A simple mechanism that can give rise to a cosmological preferred axis is based on an off-center observer in a spherical dark energy inhomogeneity. Topological Quintessence is a physical mechanism that can give rise to a Hubble scale dark energy inhomogeneity. A weak non-minimal coupling of the scalar field to electromagnetism can naturally lead to aligned dipole with a dark energy dipole. 2

  3. Cosmic Anisotropy Axes Dark Flow Direction (3 ) (407 81km/sec at r<107Mpc towards (l,b)=(287o 9o,8o 6o), Watkins et. al. MNRAS (2009) (COMPOSITE dataset) WMAP7 CMB Map Maximum Temperature Asymmetry (1.5 ) (A. Mariano, LP, arXiv:1211.5915 Phys. Rev. D. 87, 043511 (2013)) l= 320o, b=-11o larger Dark Energy Dipole (2 ) A. Mariano, LP, , Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517. Dipole (4 ) Webb et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 191101 (2011) l= 309o, b=-15o Q1: How anomalous is this coincidence? Q2: Is there a physical model that can predict this coincidence 3

  4. Cosmic Anisotropy Axes Dark Flow Direction (3 ) (800 200km/sec at r<600Mpc towards (l,b)=(296o 13o,14o 13o), Kashlinsky et. al. ApJL (2010) (kSZ effct on CMB) WMAP7 CMB Map Maximum Temperature Asymmetry (1.5 ) (A. Mariano, LP, arXiv:1211.5915 Phys. Rev. D. 87, 043511 (2013)) l= 320o, b=-11o larger Dark Energy Dipole (2 ) A. Mariano, LP, , Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517. Dipole (4 ) Webb et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 191101 (2011) l= 309o, b=-15o Q1: How anomalous is this coincidence? Q2: Is there a physical model that can predict this coincidence 4

  5. Cosmic Anisotropy Axes Dark Flow Direction (2 ) (249 76km/sec at r<190Mpc towards (l,b)=(319o 18o,7o 14o), (245 SneIa) Turnbull et. al. Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 420 (2012) WMAP7 CMB Map Maximum Temperature Asymmetry (1.5 ) (A. Mariano, LP, arXiv:1211.5915 Phys. Rev. D. 87, 043511 (2013)) Dark Energy Dipole (2 ) A. Mariano, LP, , Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517. Dipole (4 ) Webb et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 191101 (2011) Q1: How anomalous is this coincidence? Q2: Is there a physical model that can predict this coincidence 5

  6. Basic Issue Q: What is the probability to produce the observed combination of just the two dipoles in a homogeneous-isotropic cosmological model? A: Monte Carlo Analysis: The probability that the combined quasar absorber ( dipole) and SnIa data (dark energy dipole) are obtained in the context of a homogeneous and isotropic cosmology is less than one part in 106. A. Mariano, LP, , Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517. 6

  7. Possible Cases 1. The data are flawed due to systematics. 2. The data are unlikely statistical fluctuations in the context of isotropic CDM. 3. The data are correct and a new theoretical model is needed. 7

  8. Inhomogeneous Dark Energy: Why Consider? Standard Model ( CDM): 1. Homogeneous - Isotropic Dark and Baryonic Matter. Coincidence Problem: Why Now? Time Dependent Dark Energy 2. Homogeneous-Isotropic-Constant Dark Energy (Cosmological Constant) Alternatively: Why Here? Inhomogeneous Dark Energy 3. General Relativity Consider Because: 1. New generic generalization of CDM (breaks homogeneity of dark energy). Includes CDM as special case. 2. Natural emergence of preferred axis (off center observers) 3. Well defined physical mechanism (topological quintessence with Hubble scale global monopoles). J. Grande, L.P., Phys. Rev. D 84, 023514 (2011). J. B. Sanchez, LP, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 123516 Similar mechanism to Topological Inflation: A. Vilenkin Phys.Rev.Lett. 72 (1994) 3137-3140 8

  9. Topological Quintessence Global Monopole with Hubble scale Core = = 0 = ( ) V General Metric with Spherical Symmetry: 2 S Energy Momentum Tensor: J. B. Sanchez, LP, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 123516 9

  10. Model Parameters J. B. Sanchez, LP, , Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 123516 Monopole Core Scale: Potential Energy Density at the Core: Approximate Cosmic Evolution at the Core: Approximate Cosmic Evolution away from the Core: Physical Requirements: ( ) 0 0 in H t 1 1 H Cosmological Scale Core ( ) 0 Core Density similar as present matter density matt core 10

  11. Global Monopole Configuration Global Monopole: Field Direction in Space and Energy Density Variation of expansion rate due to dark energy density variation Variation of ? Off-center Observer 11

  12. Extended Topological Quintessence A. Mariano, LP, , Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083517. Non-minimally coupled scalar field Global Monopole Configuration: Fine Structure Constant: Fine Structure Constant Spatial Variation: 12

  13. Possible Origin of the Alignment Global Monopole: Field Direction in Space and Energy Density Variation of due to field variation Great Repulser Variation of expansion rate due to dark energy density variation Off-center Observer 13

  14. Full Dynamical Equations Energy-Momentum Conservation Initial-Boundary Conditions Static Monopole Profile ( =f(r) ) Homogeneous, Flat Matter Dominated (A=B=1) 14

  15. Energy Densities 1. Monopole energy density slowly shrinks and dominates at late times in the core. 2. Matter develops underdensity at the core. 15

  16. Scale Factors Accelerating Expansion at the core. =0.6 Mpl =0.1 Mpl r=5 r=0.5 =0.6 Mpl r=0 =0.1 Mpl 16

  17. Approximate Toy Model Energy Momentum: 0 LTB Metric: Geodesics: Luminosity Distance: J. Grande, L.P., Phys. Rev. D 84, ( ) 2 0, r 023514 (2011). in 17

  18. Constraints for On Center Observer 2 541 Union2 data: 18

  19. Dilatonic Defects Abelian Higgs Model: Nielsen-Olesen ansatz: Dilatonic Abelian Higgs Model: For q>0 the scalar field effective mass at the core decreases and the vortex thickness increases. It also becomes favorable to decrease u . 19

  20. Embedded Dilatonic Defects: Improved Stability Dilatonic Semilocal Model: Perturbed Fields: Perturbed Energy: Energy Perturbation: 20

  21. Embedded Dilatonic Defects: Improved Stability Energy Perturbation: Stability Improves for larger q For q>0 the dilatonic term favors zero field f and perturbation g at the core. 21

  22. Stability Parameter Sector Instability Stability LP, N. Platis , Phys. Rev. D 88, 065017 (2013) 22

  23. Summary Early hints for deviation from the cosmological principle and statistical isotropy are being accumulated. This appears to be one of the most likely directions which may lead to new fundamental physics in the coming years. A simple mechanism that can give rise to a cosmological preferred axis is based on an off-center observer in a spherical energy dark energy inhomogeneity. Topological Quintessence constitutes a physical mechanism to produce Hubble scale dark energy inhomogeneities. Such a mechanism can also give rise to a Dark Energy Dipole, Large Scale Velocity Flows, Fine Structure Constant Dipole and a CMB Temperature Asymmetry. Other interesting effects may occur (quasar polarization alignment etc). 23

  24. Monte Carlo Probability to obtain as large (or larger) dipole magnitudes with the observed alignment in an isotropic cosmological model: The fraction of isotropic Monte Carlo Keck+VLT datasets that can reproduce the obverved dipole magnitude is less than 0.01% 0.01% Monte-Carlo of Isotropic quasar absorber datasets (quasar positions fixed) 0.01% x 1% = 0.0001% The fraction of isotropic Monte Carlo Union2 datasets that can reproduce the obverved dipole magnitude and the observed alignment with Keck+VLT dipole is less than 1% 1% 24 Monte-Carlo of Isotropic SnIa Uniot2 datasets (SnIa positions fixed)

  25. Simplest Model: Lematre Tolman Bondi Local spherical underdensity of matter (Void), no dark energy = 1 M out ( ) z ( ) z H H 0r in out 0.2 M in Apparent Acceleration Central Observer ( ) z H ( ) z H in out Faster expansion rate at low redshifts (local space equivalent to recent times) 25

  26. Shifted Observer: Preferred Direction Local spherical underdensity of matter (Void) = 1 M out Preferred Direction 0r 0.2 M in Observer obs r ( ) z H ( ) z H in out Faster expansion rate at low redshifts (local space equivalent to recent times) 26


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