School Handbook Coverage: Prescription Drugs, Property Offenses, Sexual Offenses, Stimulants, & Technology Offenses

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The school handbook covers various offenses including possession of prescription drugs, property-related offenses, and technology offenses. It outlines rules regarding medication possession, property damage, and theft on school premises. Students are prohibited from unauthorized possession or distribution of prescription medication, intentional damage to property, and engaging in theft or vandalism. The content also addresses scenarios involving stimulants and technology offenses within the school setting.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PCSD Handbook Coverage Pgs. 29-31: Prescription Drugs, Property Related Offenses, Sexual Offenses (#1-3 only), Stimulants, & Technology Offenses

  2. NOTE TO TEACHER Depending on the content, the student will either be given a scenario or examples of things that would fit into this category. Many slides have animations where pieces of content are displayed only with the mouse click. Be sure to have students have their handbooks opened and following along. After each topic, refer to the content printed in the book. (The slides here quoting the content are from 2015-16 and are NOT complete to what is listed in the handbook.) Be sure to discuss consequences of actions. Obviously, these slides are only examples appropriate for discussing with 6th graders, and are not all of the possible things included in the printed handbook.

  3. You have asthma have been permitted by the nurse to keep your inhaler in your backpack to use if you need it. Your best friend also has asthma, but does not have her inhaler here at school. You both are in PE and running outside has made it hard for your friend to catch her breath, and asks if she can use your inhaler

  4. Prescription Drugs (pg. 29) No student shall be in possession of prescription medication not prescribed for the student. All prescription medication prescribed for a student must be in compliance with Board Policy JGCD (Medication). In addition, a student shall not sell, distribute, or possess with intent to distribute any prescribed medication on school property. (Level 2-3) KEEP ALL MEDICINES WITH THE NURSE AT ALL TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You and your classmate are doing a BYOT assignment and you get really mad and grab your classmate s phone You notice that a textbook is on the floor and therefore easy to be damaged accidently Stealing from classmate or teacher You know another classmate has stolen something and they have it hidden in their locker or backpack... Someone wrote something about you or your friend on the bathroom stall, you have a pen in your pocket

  6. Property Related Offenses (pg. 29) No student shall intentionally cause substantial damage to personal property belonging to a District employee or another student. No student shall set fire to any private property or school property either while on school grounds or off school grounds during a school activity, function, or event. No student shall attempt to, threaten to, or actually damage, destroy, vandalize, or steal private property or school property on school grounds. No student shall attempt to, threaten to, or actually damage, destroy, vandalize, or steal private property or school property off school grounds during a school activity, function or event. No student shall possess stolen private property or school property on school grounds.

  7. You have a boyfriend/ girlfriend at school do you hold hands? Hug? Kiss (even on the cheek)? Boyfriend/ girlfriend sends an inappropriate text message or picture of their body Some teenagers are on the bus talking about things that are sexual in content what do you do?

  8. Sexual Misconduct Sexual Misconduct (pg. 28 & 30) No student shall be engaged in amorous kissing or other inordinate displays of affection. (Level 1-2) No student shall consent to and participate in any form of sexual activity. (Level 2-3 and contact law enforcement and other agencies as appropriate.) No student shall expose one s intimate body parts or moon" in public. Intimate body parts include the primary genital area, anus, groin, inner thighs, or buttocks of a male or female and the breasts of a female. (Level 2) No student shall commit any act of verbal, written, gesture-oriented, or physical sexual misconduct on school property, school buses, at school- sponsored events, or while using school technology resources. (Level 2-3)

  9. Communicate with anyone in any unwelcomed sexual way- texts, drawings, photos, words, speech etc. Inappropriate Advances or Gestures

  10. Sexual Harassment (pg. 29 & 30) Sexual Harassment (pg. 29 & 30) NOTE: See Board Policy JCAC (Harassment), for further requirements, information and explanation. No student shall participate in verbal or visual conduct of a sexual nature (including, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually offensive slurs, sexually offensive drawings, photographs or posters directed towards another person) where there is a pattern of harassing behavior or a single significant incident. (Level 2-3) No student shall participate in physical conduct of a sexual nature (including, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances or gestures) where there is a pattern of harassing behavior or a single significant incident. (Level 2-3)

  11. Touch anyone in any unwelcomed way! Slapping or touching someone in any private area or close to any private area. Pull a girl s bra strap! Giving anyone a wedgie!

  12. Sexual Battery (pg. 29 Sexual Battery (pg. 29- -30) 30) Sexual battery is defined as a student intentionally making physical contact with the intimate parts of the body of another person without the consent of that person. Intimate body parts include the primary genital area, anus, groin, inner thighs, or buttocks of a male or female and the breasts of a female. No student shall commit any act of sexual battery on school property, school buses, or at school-sponsored events. ***See handbook for offense and consequence details***

  13. You have not gotten much sleep and you are having a very hard time staying awake in classes. You

  14. STIMULANTS (pg. 30) STIMULANTS (pg. 30) A student shall not consume, possess, sell, distribute, or possess with intent to distribute diet pills, caffeine pills, or other stimulant on school property. (Level 2-3)

  15. Switching letter keys on the keyboard! Changing the screen display in any way! Swinging your legs to kick the desk in the computer lab (this detaches wires and breaks the network in the lab)! Taking apart the mouse!

  16. DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY OFFENSES (pg. 31) DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY OFFENSES (pg. 31) All students using school technology must have a signed Internet use form (Form IFBG-E(1)) on file with the school. Unauthorized access and prohibited behaviors are fully discussed and defined in Board Policy IFBG and IFBGA (Internet Acceptable Use and Electronic Communications). School technology cannot be used for other than school related purposes. Students will not purposely look for security problems because such action may be considered an unauthorized attempt to gain access to school technology resources. (Level 2-3 and contact law enforcement and other agencies as appropriate.) Students will not attempt to or disrupt the school technology resources by destroying, altering or otherwise modifying technology. Hacking is strictly prohibited. (Level 3 and contact law enforcement and other agencies as appropriate.) Students will not use school technology resources to solicit business, advertise, or engage in any other selling activities in support of non- school related fund-raising or private business enterprises. (Level 1-3) Students will not engage in any activity that monopolizes, wastes or compromises school technology resources. (Level 2-3) Students will not copy computer programs, software or other technology provided by the District for personal use. Downloading unauthorized files is strictly prohibited. (Level 1-3) No student shall attempt to, threaten to, or actually damage, destroy, vandalize, or steal private property or school property while using school technology resources on or off school grounds. (Level 2-3, contactlaw enforcement and other agencies as appropriate.) Students will not use school technology resources to distribute nor display inappropriate material. Inappropriate material does not serve an instructional or educational purpose and includes but is not limited to the following: Is profane, vulgar, lewd, obscene, offensive, indecent, sexually explicit, pornographic or threatening; Advocates illegal or dangerous acts; Causes disruption to the District, its employees or students; Advocates violence; Contains knowingly false, recklessly false, or defamatory information; or Is otherwise harmful to minors as defined by the Children's Internet Protection Act.

  17. Warm-Up 8/2/2016 Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. 1) I can share medicine with another classmate, as long as it is not a prescription. 2) I can t move the keyboard letters around in the computer lab. 3) The first thing I am supposed to do when I get in the classroom is write in my agenda. 4) I am supposed to use my agenda whenever I leave the classroom. 5) It s okay to get up and walk around the classroom whenever I want.

  18. Go Over Syllabus Hand out syllabus and parent signing sheet

  19. Procedures 1) Sharpen your pencils (if needed). 2) Get out your agenda and write what is on the board (Agenda and Homework). 3) Complete the warm-up for that day in your composition notebook. If you leave your notebook here, get it out of the crate in the front of the room. 4) Get out your spiral notebook, and prepare for the day s lesson. 5) Stay focused and keep up with your notebook! You may leave it in the classroom (in your class s crate), if you do not have a test or quiz coming up.

  20. Procedures Getting out of your seat Look at the poster by the door. The hand signals are for your benefit. If you raise your hand with one of those, I can let you get up without disrupting class. Use these every day! Restroom/Locker There are passes on the wall by the door. If you are just going to the restroom or your locker (when it is time to get them), you may use those without using your agenda.

  21. Procedures Class Points Each class has a jar on my filing cabinet. You will find ways to fill it up to get a surprise from me. Ways to fill up your jar: Full class participation Caught doing an act of kindness Caught doing a great job in class A on tests (2 pebbles) B on tests (1 pebble) Working well in your groups If everyone has Monday-Friday filled out in their agendas

  22. Procedures If you are absent There are folders in the front of the classroom. Find the folder with the day s date that you were absent. Take one of each of the papers from that day. If they required being turned in, turn them in as soon as possible. There is a black binder behind the folders. The agenda is filled out on a sheet of notebook paper for every day. To get your class a pebble in your jar, even if you are absent, fill out the day you were out from the notebook.

  23. Procedures Groups We will work in groups a lot this year! I will move you around quite a bit as well. Do your best with who you are working with. You may not always get to be with your friends, but you will at some point this year! Stay in your seat. Work only with your group. Stay on task. Technology Use your technology wisely! Stay on the sites that we tell you to be on. If you are caught doing things that you should not be doing, you will be given a consequence!

  24. Rules Always come to class prepared! Have your warm-up composition notebook and your spiral notebook in class every day! Have a pen or pencil every day. Respect yourself. Respect your classmates. Respect your teachers and administrators.

  25. Grades A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) F (Below 70) Think about what you would like your grades to be this year. You can do that by starting off on a positive note, thinking you will do wonderful. I believe in each and every one of you! You can do it!!

  26. What we are covering this year Geography History Government Economics Europe Central and South America (Latin America) Canada and Australia

  27. Closing In your composition notebook, tell me one thing you are most excited about for this year. Tell me two things that you are looking forward for in Social Studies. HOMEWORK: Get your syllabus signed. Sign up for Remind
