Research 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Research – Empowering Autistic Individuals

Research 101
The Nuts and Bolts of Research
A course for autistic people, by Jackie Ryan & Sue Fletcher-Watson
Research 101
Day One: Informed Consumer
Welcome & Why are we all here?
The vision behind the course
To empower autistic people to engage more effectively with the research that
affects them
To ensure autistic people know their rights as participants
To facilitate participatory working by moving towards a shared knowledge
To demystify the research establishment
What we did to plan it
Chatted to my autistic mentors
Sue and Jackie fortuitously met!
Surveyed autistic people within / outside research and non-autistic
researchers on 
What are we going to do?
What’s coming up today?
What does “informed consumer” mean?
Hand out packs
Notebook and pen
Detailed schedule & handouts
Lanyards with name card & coloured interaction stickers [write up what these
Bowl of fidgets
Talk about how to participate, ask questions etc.
Texts, notecards, raising a hand
Work alone, as a group, in pairs
We will create it as we go along
if you hear a word or an acronym you don’t know and want to know
pass a card to Jackie
Text Jackie
Raise your hand to ask
We will write definitions up on the wall as we go, and you can add
them to your notebooks
Ground Rules
Please be respectful and polite, even when talking about researchers who
aren’t present
Use identity-first language, except when not your personal preference
Everyone has permission to stim
Quiet spaces: hallway outside, Sue’s 5
 floor office,
Toilets: ground floor, second floor accessible
Fire alarms and fire exits: none planned today, two staircases
Talk about catering: what are we eating and when?
When to ask questions: interrupt for a point of clarification, otherwise wait
for discussion sections
Check slide design and contrast levels
Is there anything else we need?
Who are we?
Introduce Jackie
pronouns, background, neurotype
Sue, as above
Billie, as above
Rachael, as above
Shereen, as above
Who are you?
Invite people to introduce themselves if they want to
Please aim to take just 1-2 minutes each
Your name
Your pronouns
Your background – experience with research, reason to be on the course
Your neurotype
Day One Schedule – Informed Consumers
The Basics 
Literature reviews and Methods 101, panel
Statistics, lecture and activity
Reviewing Research Outputs, lecture & activity
feedback forms & goodbye
Any questions?
1.1 Learning Objective
to gain a general understanding of the research
cycle, key terms, and a framework for evaluating
the quality of research.
What is “research”?
Finding out new things in a systematic way
Creating new knowledge by
Seeking existing information and combining it in new ways
Creating brand new information
Replicable (you can copy it)
Transparent (you can copy it)
Systematic (you can copy it)
Examples of research
How do teachers support autistic pupils in school?
Review governmental and school policy and training documents to determine
hallmarks of ‘correct’ support
Review academic literature on studies that have interviewed teachers, to
extract common themes
Observe teachers directly and analyse their behaviour
Send a survey to autistic pupils
Analyse linked school records and health records to look at attainment in
pupils with / without an autism diagnosis
Design a new way of supporting autistic pupils and evaluate it
The difference between research and practice
Groups & Averages
Ideal world (?)
Peer reviewed
Individuals & Specifics
Real world
The research- practice gap
A typical project timeline
A typical PhD project
Review the literature
what do we already know?
Refine questions and hypotheses
Design the study
Best measures
Budget, resources
Pilot the method
Collect data
Design and perform analysis
Write up thesis
Review the literature
Study 1: practitioner survey
Study 2: development of method
Study 3: outcome-focused
Write up thesis
A larger scale research timeline
gets done?
Who does the research?
Connecting expertise, literature and resource
Pressure to publish, and publish “well”
Demonstrable expertise
The Research Excellence Framework
6-yearly evaluation of research “quality” and quantity
Dictates government block grants to Universities
Big influence on employment
What are research careers like?
What are research careers like?
Dr X
PhD graduation in 2017
6 month RA job with former supervisor, part time
+ some teaching work
2 year postdoc, 80% FTE (i.e. four days per week)
+ 4 months 10% FTE on a big grant helping get set-up
+ 10 months 10% FTE on her own “seedcorn” grant
10 month Fellowship, 60% FTE
+ 9 month 20% FTE on her own “seedcorn” grant
The researcher experience
Precarious contracts
Running a project while applying for the next one
Disseminating the last project while launching the next one
High expectations: papers, conference presentations,
Low grant success rates
Stress and anxiety
Student-supervisor or collaborative relationships
Why is this a problem?
Research ideas not followed through
Participatory working easily disregarded
Career anxiety shifts focus onto CV targets (and away from quality)
Academic ill health drains the system
NDIQ: Diversity in
Social Intelligence
Ideas, proposals
Dissemination, implementation
Active, data collection
getting closer to project completion
more worth talking about
MRB clinical trial
Residential care
for older adults
Autism &
Ideas, proposals
Dissemination, implementation
Active, data collection
Maggi: autism,
tech, play
getting closer to project completion
more worth talking about
Shereen: autism,
bilingualism, EF
Mihaela: autism,
tech , pretend
Billie: autism,
Kabie: autistic
Ruth: autism,
Ideas, proposals
Dissemination, implementation
Active, data collection
getting closer to project completion
more worth talking about
BETA: building
evidence for tech
in autism
Ideas, proposals
Dissemination, implementation
Active, data collection
Autistic staff
and students
getting closer to project completion
more worth talking about
Radical No
Early Life
Processing ET
data: bottom up
vs. top down
neurodiversity in
primary schools
Ideas, proposals
Dissemination, implementation
Active, data collection
getting closer to project completion
more worth talking about
SMRC research
Smooth Sailing
NDIQ: Diversity in
Social Intelligence
Processing ET
data: bottom up
vs. top down
neurodiversity in
primary schools
Ideas, proposals
Dissemination, implementation
Active, data collection
Autistic staff
and students
Maggi: autism,
tech, play
getting closer to project completion
more worth talking about
Shereen: autism,
bilingualism, EF
Mihaela: autism,
tech , pretend
Billie: autism,
MRB clinical trial
Residential care
for older adults
BETA: building
evidence for tech
in autism
SMRC research
Smooth Sailing
Radical No
Early Life
Autism &
Kabie: autistic
Ruth: autism,
Ideas, proposals
Dissemination, implementation
Active, data collection
services CSP
Lorna: stress,
getting closer to project completion
more worth talking about
Sinéad: gesture,
language, SES,
Bethan: social
Pathfinder: MH
data science
SMRC research
TEBC: preterm
infant follow-up
SYNGAP deletion:
WT translational
Would you be interested to see my CV?
If so, click out and show it
Intersectionality in Universities
Like any high-pressure environment,
marginalized and disadvantaged groups
are squeezed out of academia
We have problems with
Gender pay gap and gender balance in top
Additional BME pay gap
Exclusion / hidden status of LGBTQ+
groups, especially in STEM
The UCU strike as an example
15% gender pay gap
Casualisation of the work force
20% drop in salaries in real terms – comparison with other industries
Average working week >> 35 hours
Pensions: increasing contributions £40k, decreasing payout £200k
What does all this mean for
autism research?
Lessons for Informed Consumers
Research is heavily constrained
By time
By funding
By expertise
By barriers
Research is slow, and often behind the curve
Research is good at making generalized statements, not specific
Take-home messages
Hold the supervisor accountable, not the student
Look at the last as well as the first author (in medical research)
We look powerful, but we feel vulnerable
Not everything we do is a real choice
Any questions?
Time for a break
Literature Reviews and Methods
1.2 Learning Objective
To gain a general understanding of the quantitative and
qualitative research paradigms, how/why they are
chosen, and the realities of conducting research.
Panel discussion, with script by Jackie
Any questions?
Time for lunch
1.3 Learning Objective
To have a general understanding of statistics and be
able to interpret statistics in a research paper.
Any questions?
Time for a break
Research Outputs
1.4 Learning Objective
To be able to discern quality and relevance of published
research both in academic journals and as reported by
the media.
Any questions?
Thank you
Tomorrow we will talk about
Your rights as a participant
Understanding ethics in research
Understanding informed consent
Recruitment and (more) timelines of research
Data management and GDPR
Any questions?
Research 101
Day Two: Empowered Participant
Welcome & Why are we all here?
The vision behind the course
To empower autistic people to engage more effectively with the research that
affects them
To ensure autistic people know their rights as participants
To facilitate participatory working by moving towards a shared knowledge
To demystify the research establishment
What we did to plan it
Chatted to my autistic mentors
Sue and Jackie fortuitously met!
Surveyed autistic people within / outside research and non-autistic
researchers on 
What are we going to do?
What’s coming up today?
What does “empowered participant” mean?
Hand out packs
Notebook and pen
Detailed schedule & handouts
Lanyards with name card & coloured interaction stickers
Bowl of fidgets
Talk about how to participate, ask questions etc.
Texts, notecards, raising a hand
Work alone, as a group, in pairs
We will create it as we go along
if you hear a word or an acronym you don’t know and want to know
pass a card to Jackie
Text Jackie
Raise your hand to ask
We will write definitions up on the wall as we go, and you can add
them to your notebooks
Ground Rules
Please be respectful and polite, even when talking about researchers who
aren’t present
Use identity-first language, except when not your personal preference
Everyone has permission to stim
Quiet spaces: hallway outside, Sue’s 5
 floor office,
Toilets: ground floor, second floor accessible
Fire alarms and fire exits: none planned today, two staircases
Talk about catering: what are we eating and when?
When to ask questions: interrupt for a point of clarification, otherwise wait
for discussion sections
Check slide design and contrast levels
Is there anything else we need?
Who are we?
Introduce Jackie
pronouns, background, neurotype
Sue, as above
Gill, as above
Who are you?
Invite people to introduce themselves if they want to
Please aim to take just 1-2 minutes each
Your name
Your pronouns
Your background – experience with research, reason to be on the course
Your neurotype
Day Two Schedule – Empowered Participants
9:00am – Introduction
9.15am – Ethics
10:20am – Break
10:50am – Ethics Workshop
12:10pm – Lunch
12:50pm – Recruitment & Timelines
2:10pm – Break
2:40pm – Data Management
4.00pm – feedback forms and goodbye
2.1 Learning Objective
To gain an understanding of your rights as a participant
and the researcher’s obligation to respect your rights
and minimize risk to you.
Any questions?
Time for a break
Ethics workshop
2.2 Learning Objective
To enhance understanding of your rights as a
Any questions?
Time for lunch
Recruitment and Timelines
2.3 Learning Objective
To gain an understanding of how and why researchers
set inclusion/exclusion criteria, and common barriers to
Some definitions
Finding people who can find people who want to take part in your study
Finding people who want to take part in your study
Inviting them to take part
Taking informed consent
Inclusion criteria
Attributes that people taking part in your work have to have e.g. “over 16
years old”
Exclusion criteria
Attributes that people taking part in your work should not have e.g.
“diagnosis of social anxiety”
Examples of inclusion / exclusion criteria
Diagnostic status
Co-occurring diagnoses
Reasons for inclusion / exclusion criteria
Available measures – e.g. age range
Safety of participants – e.g. co-occurring diagnoses
Informed consent – e.g. intellectual disability
Minimising risk – e.g. specific diagnosis
Maximising chances of statistical significance – e.g. narrow age range
Resources – e.g. budget, networks
Theoretical models – e.g. bilingual people
Problems with inclusion / exclusion criteria
Looking under the lamp-post
Problems with inclusion / exclusion criteria
Looking under the lamp-post
Reduced generalisability
Dependent on future researchers to pick up where we left off
Remember what we said about PhDs and research careers?
Frustration for the community
Underpinned by a patronising / disempowering narrative
(or are they??)
Example of exclusion of pregnant women from clinical trials
Worked example…
You want to find out
What factors shape whether an autistic person is
satisfied with the quality of their mental health care?
Q1: What factors might be relevant?
Q2: How will you measure them?
Q3: Who are you going to recruit for this study?
Q4: what are your inclusion / exclusion criteria?
Factors to consider
There are many potential predictors
You want data that can change the way services are provided in the
Clinical pathways are very different for different mental health
Clinical pathways are very different between Scotland and the rest of
the UK
If people self-identify as autistic, their mental health practitioner
might not know / believe them
Factors influencing recruitment
Inclusion / exclusion criteria
Ethical approval
Community identity and coherence
Researcher networks and confidence
Sample recruitment pathway & timeline
Sample recruitment pathway & timeline
Designing your recruitment pathway
You want to find out
What factors shape whether an autistic person is
satisfied with the quality of their mental health care?
You’re recruiting….
Q1: How will you find them?
Q2: What information do they need and when?
Q3: What reimbursement will you offer?
A note on payment
Participant rates vs. consultant rates
Ethical panel concerns re. consent
Paying with gift vouchers
Paying in cash
Paying direct to your bank account
Consequences for benefits
Any questions?
Time for a break
Data Management
2.4 Learning Objective
To gain an understanding of what researchers can and
cannot do with the data they collect and how they must
ensure its protection.
What are data?
Personal information: name, date of birth, address, email
Interview recordings and transcripts
Focus group notes
Questionnaire responses
Saliva samples, and derived DNA
Eye-movement patterns
Fitbit recordings
Your school grades, or NHS prescription records
Identifiable data:
Personal information: name, date of birth, address, email
Interview recordings and transcripts??
Focus group notes
Questionnaire responses
Saliva samples, and derived DNA
Eye-movement patterns
Fitbit recordings??
Your school grades, or NHS prescription records
Routine data
Personal information: name, date of birth, address, email
Interview recordings and transcripts
Focus group notes
Questionnaire responses
Saliva samples, and derived DNA
Eye-movement patterns
Fitbit recordings
You school grades, or NHS prescription records
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation
Consent-based data
Research normally falls under this bracket
Limited impact of GDPR on research
Legitimate-interest based data
Student applications
Contact details of other research teams
Changes for researchers
Mailing lists
Fundraising and marketing
What happens to your data?
What happens to your data?
Where are your data?
Let’s have a look at some data!
Key considerations: managing new data
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Informed consent
Who is allowed to have access?
Reducing risks of data breaches
Blinded researchers
Secure transfer from data collection to data processing location
Effective pseudonymisation
Physical storage solutions (e.g. where are the filing cabinet keys?)
Digital storage solutions
Key considerations: processing new data
Turning words into numbers
Counting things (frequencies)
Identifying themes
Combing scores into indexes (Cronbach’s alpha)
Identifying and removing outliers?
Imputation = i.e. what to do with empty cells
Storage (data begets data)
Version control
Transparency and accurate recording
Key considerations: accessing routine /
banked data
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Public Benefit and Privacy Panel
Specific stakeholder opinion
Complexity of drawing conclusions from people who respond to surveys /
take part in focus groups
Data quality
Data relevance
Understanding what the data represent
Example of coroner’s reports
Key considerations: linking data
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Public Benefit and Privacy Panel
Specific stakeholder opinion
Complexity of drawing conclusions from people who respond to surveys /
take part in focus groups
Mechanisms for connecting data types
Safe Haven rules
Maximum sub-group sizes
Key considerations: sharing data
Anonymisation procedure
Data dictionary
Access rules and availability
Likelihood of data being useful to anyone
Responding to queries about the data
Any questions?
Thank you
On Monday we will talk about
Being a collaborator in a research project
How research ideas are generated
How research is funded
The research process
How research is shared, and put into action
How you can connect with researchers
Any questions?
Research 101
Day Three: Effective Collaborator
Welcome & Why are we all here?
The vision behind the course
To empower autistic people to engage more effectively with the research that
affects them
To ensure autistic people know their rights as participants
To facilitate participatory working by moving towards a shared knowledge
To demystify the research establishment
What we did to plan it
Chatted to my autistic mentors
Sue and Jackie fortuitously met!
Surveyed autistic people within / outside research and non-autistic
researchers on 
What are we going to do?
What’s coming up today?
What does “effective collaborator” mean?
Hand out packs
Notebook and pen
Detailed schedule & handouts
Lanyards with name card & coloured interaction stickers
Bowl of fidgets
Talk about how to participate, ask questions etc.
Texts, notecards, raising a hand
Work alone, as a group, in pairs
We will create it as we go along
if you hear a word or an acronym you don’t know and want to know
pass a card to Jackie
Text Jackie
Raise your hand to ask
We will write definitions up on the wall as we go, and you can add
them to your notebooks
Ground Rules
Please be respectful and polite, even when talking about researchers who
aren’t present
Use identity-first language, except when not your personal preference
Everyone has permission to stim
Quiet spaces: hallway outside, Sue’s 5
 floor office,
Toilets: ground floor, second floor accessible
Fire alarms and fire exits: none planned today, two staircases
Talk about catering: what are we eating and when?
When to ask questions: interrupt for a point of clarification, otherwise wait
for discussion sections
Check slide design and contrast levels
Is there anything else we need?
Who are we?
Introduce Jackie
pronouns, background, neurotype
Sue, as above
Colin, as above
Freya, as above
Sonny, as above
Catherine, as above
Who are you?
Invite people to introduce themselves if they want to
Please aim to take just 1-2 minutes each
Your name
Your pronouns
Your background – experience with research, reason to be on the course
Your neurotype
Day Three Schedule – Effective Collaborators
9:00am – Introduction
9.15am – Being a Collaborator
10:20am – Break
10:50am – Ideas, Funding and Research Questions
12:10pm – Lunch
12:50pm – Research Process
2:10pm – Break
2:40pm – Outcomes, Publications and Implementation
3.30pm – Next steps, connecting with Researchers
4.00pm – feedback forms and goodbye
Being a Collaborator
3.1 Learning Objective
To gain understanding of working as a team, including
the skills of working together, setting mutual
expectations, conflict resolution techniques.
To explore excellent examples of research partnerships.
Any questions?
Time for a break
Ideas, Funding and Research
3.2 Learning Objective
To gain an understanding of the process from idea, to
research question, to getting funding including barriers
to funding.
Where do research ideas come from?
Personal experience
Talking to friends and colleagues
Reading the literature – especially the final sections
Going to conferences
Funding calls
Donor priorities
Priority-setting exercises
A new
Your project: let’s write a grant!
We’re going to work through the decisions you need to make to write
a grant together
You can work alone or in a pair
You can share your ideas or stay quiet
I will do the process as well, on the whiteboard / flipchart
Part One, before lunch: writing your proposal
Part Two, after lunch: doing the project
Shall we have a look at some grant proposals?
Application form
Basic applicant details, address etc
Lay summary
Detailed proposal
Justification of resources
Impact statement
What’s your research idea?
Write down
Some keywords
A topic area
A group of people you want to
A life experience you want to
know more about
A method you like
Things to think about
What’s been done before (if in
doubt, assume nothing for today!)
What skills do you have?
What resources do you have?
money, time, tools
What does your supervisor / team
know how to do?
What measures are available?
watch out for the lamp-post…
Building up your idea
Try to formulate it into a question, or tight group of questions
Try to write down a hypothesis – a prediction about what you expect
Are you prepared for the opposite to be the case?
Prediction: stigma reduces willingness to share data
Identifying a method
Are you going to collect data from people, or other sources of
Do you want to adopt a qualitative or quantitative paradigm – or
mixed methods?  Why?
Make a list of
Participants: who they are, how many of them
Materials: what do you need (pen, paper, Dictaphone, IQ test, MRI scanner)
Procedure: what will happen (to participants), what’s the process?
this is more technical, and we can discuss this part
Identifying a participatory model
Who do you need to guide you?
Where will you find them?
What model of participatory working will you adopt?
Participatory working examples:
Citizen science
Leadership ✅ ✅ ✅
Making a budget
How long will the project take?
What staff are needed and how much will they be paid?
Include your participatory team
Do you need to pay student fees as well as salary / stipend
How about some expert advisors?
What equipment do you need to buy?
What consumables do you need to buy?
How much will it cost to share your research?
How much will it cost to implement your research?
A grant budget
Funder remit
ESRC New Investigator Scheme
Nuffield Foundation strategic fund
Doing the application
Costings from a finance team, including FEC
Internal competition
Collaborators, including non-academic partners
Creating an online account
Multiple stages? Interview?
Any questions?
Time for lunch
The Research Process
3.3 Learning Objective
To understand the research process, opportunities
within the process for collaboration, and the steps
within the process.
Yay, you got funded!
What’s next?
Recruiting your staff
You need to write a job description
Essential / desirable
Knowledge and Skills
Personal characteristics
Finding them an office, desk, computer…
Anything else?
Getting started
Reviewing the literature
Has anything changed since you applied?
Do you have a student / employee?
What do they want to achieve from the project?
Do you need to adjust your plans at all?
Agreeing working practices
Reasonable adjustments
Let’s assume this is all fine… and talk about Gantt charts!!
Write your ethics form
What are the risks?
How will you minimize them?
How will you secure people’s data?
What will you put in your information sheet?
What will you put in your consent form?
How will these be shared with participants?
When?  Will they have time to reflect and a chance to ask questions?
Data management
Where are you when the data are collected?
In someone’s home, in a school, in “the lab”?
What tools are used to collect the data?
How secure are they?
Are they “GDPR compliant”?
How will you get the data from where it is collected to where it is
How will you store the data?
Digital vs paper
Who will have access and how?
Recruitment Pathway
Who are you trying to recruit?
Where can you find them?
Who are the gatekeepers?
How fast do you expect to recruit? (how many per month / week?)
Are there any “local” permissions that you need?
How will you correspond with your potential participants?
How will you look after their personal information (email, name)?
How will you screen them for eligibility?
Analysis plan
What kind of data are you expecting to get?
Audio or video recordings?
Text responses?
What processing is needed?
What kind of analysis do you plan to do?
Comparing two groups?
Comparing one group at two different time points?
Drawing Conclusions
Write down what you expect your data to show in an ideal world
Try to make it factual
e.g. older autistic people report having fewer symptoms of anxiety than
young autistic people
How can you minimize bias?
What’s the difference between 
what you found 
what it means
What do you want people to know about what you found?
A set of
for making
Publish a protocol
Publish a pre-print
Publish the data
Publish the methods
Publish the paper 
matter what you find
Talk honestly about
what you did
Problem Solving
Your PhD student is experiencing mental health problems, but doesn’t
want an interruption
Your community collaborator disagrees with an academic project
Your ethics committee wants parents to consent on behalf of
”vulnerable adults”
Your video camera breaks halfway through data collection
Your lead researcher takes parental leave
You accidentally send an email to all participants in CC instead of BCC
You did a research study!
Any questions?
Time for a break
Outcomes, Publications and
3.4 Learning Objective
To gain an understanding of where and how research
gets published, who or what determines authorship,
how does research become practice or policy.
Any questions?
Time for a break
Next Steps, Connecting with
Researchers, and Wrap-up
3.5 Learning Objective
To learn practical ways to connect with researchers to
become collaborators
So you want to be involved in research?
You don’t have to do your own research to be involved 
in research
If you want to do your OWN independent research
Make a clear plan including a budget and a timeline
Link with an establishment who can provide support 
e.g. insurance
Know what you want the end result to be in terms of impact and personal
So you want to be involved in research?
You don’t have to do your own research to be involved 
in research
If you want to do research in higher education
Look for degree courses you like: normally Masters, then PhD
Think carefully about funding sources
Approach a supervisor with: CV; brief idea / topic area; knowledge of what
they’re doing now; clear timeline and objective
Know what you want the end result to be in terms of impact and personal
So you want to be involved in research?
If you want to do research with academics
Look for research you like – who wrote it?
Look for researchers you like
Early career people might be best?
Think carefully about what you can afford to contribute
Approach a collaborator with: brief idea / topic area; knowledge of what
they’re doing now; clear proposal / objective
Know what you want the end result to be in terms of impact and personal
Practical Tips
Conferences are great
Set up a chat in a coffee break or ask a question after a talk
Twitter is great
Share and comment on their work in a constructive way
Read about participatory working
Lots of people don’t do it because they’re scared / don’t know how / don’t
know why it’s relevant to them
Tell them you did this course!
Busyness rules most academics’ lives
Ask what time of year is best
Be prepared to play a long game
What are we doing next?
Publishing all our slides online
Integrating the slides from our guest speakers
Integrating the activities, panel scripts, handouts
Writing up and sharing your feedback in a blog post
Disseminating the course, including via Autistica
Running this course again one day?
Making it available for other communities
Dementia buddies
Translational Neuroscience PhD
Any questions?
Thank you so much for coming!
Slide Note

This course, led by Jackie Ryan & Sue Fletcher-Watson, aims to empower autistic individuals to engage effectively with research that impacts them. It focuses on educating participants about their rights, fostering shared knowledge, and demystifying research processes. The course includes activities like defining terms, setting ground rules, and providing resources for informed consumption.

  • Research
  • Autistic individuals
  • Empowerment
  • Knowledge sharing

Uploaded on Sep 12, 2024 | 0 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research 101 The Nuts and Bolts of Research A course for autistic people, by Jackie Ryan & Sue Fletcher-Watson

  2. Research 101 Day One: Informed Consumer

  3. Welcome & Why are we all here? The vision behind the course To empower autistic people to engage more effectively with the research that affects them To ensure autistic people know their rights as participants To facilitate participatory working by moving towards a shared knowledge base To demystify the research establishment What we did to plan it Chatted to my autistic mentors Sue and Jackie fortuitously met! Surveyed autistic people within / outside research and non-autistic researchers on content and delivery

  4. What are we going to do? What s coming up today? What does informed consumer mean? Hand out packs Notebook and pen Detailed schedule & handouts Lanyards with name card & coloured interaction stickers [write up what these mean] Bowl of fidgets Talk about how to participate, ask questions etc. Texts, notecards, raising a hand Work alone, as a group, in pairs

  5. Glossary We will create it as we go along if you hear a word or an acronym you don t know and want to know pass a card to Jackie Text Jackie Raise your hand to ask We will write definitions up on the wall as we go, and you can add them to your notebooks

  6. Ground Rules Please be respectful and polite, even when talking about researchers who aren t present Use identity-first language, except when not your personal preference Everyone has permission to stim Quiet spaces: hallway outside, Sue s 5thfloor office, Toilets: ground floor, second floor accessible Fire alarms and fire exits: none planned today, two staircases Talk about catering: what are we eating and when? When to ask questions: interrupt for a point of clarification, otherwise wait for discussion sections Check slide design and contrast levels Is there anything else we need?

  7. Who are we? Introduce Jackie pronouns, background, neurotype Sue, as above Billie, as above Rachael, as above Shereen, as above

  8. Who are you? Invite people to introduce themselves if they want to Please aim to take just 1-2 minutes each Your name Your pronouns Your background experience with research, reason to be on the course Your neurotype

  9. Day One Schedule Informed Consumers 9:00am: 10:20am: Break 10:50am: Literature reviews and Methods 101, panel 12:10pm: Lunch 12:50pm: Statistics, lecture and activity 2:10pm: Break 2:40pm: Reviewing Research Outputs, lecture & activity 4.00pm: feedback forms & goodbye The Basics

  10. Any questions?

  11. 1.1 Learning Objective to gain a general understanding of the research cycle, key terms, and a framework for evaluating the quality of research.

  12. What is research? Finding out new things in a systematic way Creating new knowledge by Seeking existing information and combining it in new ways Creating brand new information Hallmarks Replicable (you can copy it) Transparent (you can copy it) Systematic (you can copy it)

  13. Examples of research How do teachers support autistic pupils in school? Review governmental and school policy and training documents to determine hallmarks of correct support Review academic literature on studies that have interviewed teachers, to extract common themes Observe teachers directly and analyse their behaviour Send a survey to autistic pupils Analyse linked school records and health records to look at attainment in pupils with / without an autism diagnosis Design a new way of supporting autistic pupils and evaluate it

  14. The difference between research and practice Research Groups & Averages Ideal world (?) Assumptions Replicable Generalisations Recommendations Peer reviewed Practice Individuals & Specifics Real world Constraints Bespoke Targets Solutions Inspected

  15. The research- practice gap Funded research project Data collection and analysis Research publishing articles, going to conferences media, public lectures Disseminate training delivery workable products Implement

  16. A typical project timeline review, design, ethics: 3-6 months Idea: 1 month - 10 years application: 3-9 months recruitment, set- up: 3 months implementation: -6 months publication: 6-12 months analysis: 1-10 months data collection: 3-36 months

  17. A typical PhD project Review the literature what do we already know? Refine questions and hypotheses Design the study Best measures Budget, resources Pilot the method Collect data Design and perform analysis Write up thesis Review the literature Study 1: practitioner survey Design Ethics Data Analysis Publication Study 2: development of method Study 3: outcome-focused Write up thesis

  18. A larger scale research timeline Intervention design Pilot trial publication Basic findings 10 years 1-2 years 3 years 1 year publication clinical trial seek funding implementation??? 1 year 3 years 4 years

  19. Funder strategy What research gets done? Demonstrable need / open question Applicant expertise Available resources

  20. Who does the research? Connecting expertise, literature and resource Pressure to publish, and publish well Demonstrable expertise The Research Excellence Framework 6-yearly evaluation of research quality and quantity Dictates government block grants to Universities Big influence on employment

  21. What are research careers like? 6 month RA job, maternity leave Masters degree PhD Viva & postdoc 2003-2004 2004-2007 2008 2009-2010 Chancellor's Fellowship Fellowship, maternity leave Chancellor's Fellowship 2014- 2019 Permanent job 2019 2013-2014 2010-2013

  22. What are research careers like? Dr X 1. PhD graduation in 2017 2. 6 month RA job with former supervisor, part time + some teaching work 3. 2 year postdoc, 80% FTE (i.e. four days per week) + 4 months 10% FTE on a big grant helping get set-up + 10 months 10% FTE on her own seedcorn grant 4. 10 month Fellowship, 60% FTE + 9 month 20% FTE on her own seedcorn grant

  23. The researcher experience Precarious contracts Running a project while applying for the next one Disseminating the last project while launching the next one High expectations: papers, conference presentations, Low grant success rates Stress and anxiety Student-supervisor or collaborative relationships

  24. Why is this a problem? Research ideas not followed through Participatory working easily disregarded Career anxiety shifts focus onto CV targets (and away from quality) Academic ill health drains the system Workload

  25. Ideas, proposals Dissemination, implementation Active, data collection NDIQ: Diversity in Social Intelligence MRB clinical trial more worth talking about Residential care for older adults Autism & bilingualism: longitudinal getting closer to project completion

  26. Ideas, proposals Dissemination, implementation Active, data collection more worth talking about Mark Kabie: autistic parents Shereen: autism, bilingualism, EF Billie: autism, bilingualism, perspective taking Mihaela: autism, tech , pretend play Ruth: autism, instrument learning Maggi: autism, tech, play getting closer to project completion

  27. Ideas, proposals Dissemination, implementation Active, data collection Eye-contact project BETA: building evidence for tech in autism more worth talking about NESTA diagnosis app I-SOCIALISE getting closer to project completion

  28. Ideas, proposals Dissemination, implementation Active, data collection Learning about research more worth talking about External collaborator guidance Autistic staff and students Radical No ADOS consortium Early Life network getting closer to project completion

  29. Ideas, proposals Dissemination, implementation Active, data collection Teaching neurodiversity in primary schools Processing ET data: bottom up vs. top down Autism language Survey more worth talking about Smooth Sailing intervention SMRC research programme Peer support projects getting closer to project completion

  30. Ideas, proposals Dissemination, implementation Active, data collection Teaching neurodiversity in primary schools Learning about research NDIQ: Diversity in Social Intelligence Eye-contact project MRB clinical trial Processing ET data: bottom up vs. top down BETA: building evidence for tech in autism Autism language Survey more worth talking about NESTA diagnosis app I-SOCIALISE External collaborator guidance Smooth Sailing intervention Residential care for older adults Mark Autistic staff and students Autism & bilingualism: longitudinal SMRC research programme Peer support projects Radical No Kabie: autistic parents Shereen: autism, bilingualism, EF ADOS consortium Early Life network Billie: autism, bilingualism, perspective taking Mihaela: autism, tech , pretend play Ruth: autism, instrument learning Maggi: autism, tech, play getting closer to project completion

  31. Ideas, proposals Dissemination, implementation Active, data collection WT translational neuroscience PhD Pathfinder: MH data science more worth talking about TEBC: preterm infant follow-up SMRC research programme Professional services CSP SYNGAP deletion: characterisation Bethan: social cognition, prematurity Alexandra Sin ad: gesture, language, SES, prematurity Lorna: stress, attention, prematurity getting closer to project completion

  32. Would you be interested to see my CV? If so, click out and show it

  33. Intersectionality in Universities Like any high-pressure environment, marginalized and disadvantaged groups are squeezed out of academia We have problems with Gender pay gap and gender balance in top roles Additional BME pay gap Exclusion / hidden status of LGBTQ+ groups, especially in STEM

  34. The UCU strike as an example 15% gender pay gap Casualisation of the work force 20% drop in salaries in real terms comparison with other industries Average working week >> 35 hours Pensions: increasing contributions 40k, decreasing payout 200k

  35. What does all this mean for autism research? discussion

  36. Lessons for Informed Consumers Research is heavily constrained By time By funding By expertise By barriers Research is slow, and often behind the curve Research is good at making generalized statements, not specific recommendations

  37. Take-home messages Hold the supervisor accountable, not the student Look at the last as well as the first author (in medical research) We look powerful, but we feel vulnerable Not everything we do is a real choice

  38. Any questions?

  39. Time for a break

  40. Literature Reviews and Methods 101

  41. 1.2 Learning Objective To gain a general understanding of the quantitative and qualitative research paradigms, how/why they are chosen, and the realities of conducting research. Panel discussion, with script by Jackie

  42. Any questions?

  43. Time for lunch

  44. Statistics

  45. 1.3 Learning Objective To have a general understanding of statistics and be able to interpret statistics in a research paper.

  46. Any questions?

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