Relationships and Families in Religious Studies: Key Terms and Concepts

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Explore key terms related to relationships and families in GCSE AQA Religious Studies, including definitions of nuclear family, human sexuality, stepfamily, extended family, and various social and legal aspects of family dynamics and structures. Delve into topics such as marriage, gender equality, contraception, and protection of children. Gain insights into diverse family models, societal norms, and ethical considerations around sexuality and family life.

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  1. Theme A: Relationships & Families Name .. GCSE AQA Religious Studies A

  2. Relationships and Families Key terms Nuclear Family: a couple and their children regarded as a basic social unit Human sexuality: how people express themselves as sexual beings Stepfamily: a family that is formed on the remarriage of a divorced or widowed person and that includes a child or children Heterosexual: to be sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex Extended Family: a family that extends beyond just parents and their children by including grandparents and other relatives as well Homosexual: to be sexually attracted to members of the same sex Sex before marriage: sex between two single unmarried people Polygamy: the practice or custom of having more than one wife at the same time Adultery: between a married person and someone who is not their spouse (husband or wife) voluntary sexual intercourse Bigamy: the offence of marrying someone while already married to another person Same-sex parents: people of the same sex who are raising children together Sex outside marriage: sex between two people where one or both of them is married to someone else; adultery; having an affair Procreation: bringing babies into the world; producing offspring Contraception: the methods used to prevent a pregnancy from taking place Stability: safety and security; a stable society is one in which people s rights are protected and they are able to live peaceful, productive lives without continuous and rapid change Family planning: controlling how many children couples have and when they have them Protection of children: keeping children safe from harm Marriage: a legal union between a man and a woman (or in some countries, including the UK, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship Educating children in a faith: bringing up children according to the religious beliefs of the parents Civil partnership: legal union of same-sex couples Gender equality: giving people the same rights and opportunities regardless of whether they are male or female Same-sex partners of the same-sex marriage: marriage between Gender prejudice: unfairly judging someone before the facts are known; holding biased opinions about an individual or group based on their gender Cohabitation: a couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another Divorce: legal ending of a marriage Sexual stereotyping: having a fixed general idea or image of how men and women will behave Remarriage: when someone marries again while their former spouse (husband or wife) is still alive Gender someone on the basis of their gender; discrimination is usually seen as wrong and may be against the law discrimination: acting against Annulment: a Catholic Church ruling that a marriage was never valid Family: a group of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption

  3. Sex Why do people have sex? Because they love someone For the pleasure and fun To procreate (make children) SEXUALITY Heterosexuality- Being attracted to someone of the opposite sex. Age of consent- this is when you are old enough by law to choose to have sex. In the UK this is 16. Celibacy- People who agree to not have sex until they are married or to never have sex. Adultery- when you have a relationship with someone other than your spouse/partner. Having an affair.

  4. Sex before marriage- having sex before you marry someone or having sexual relationships without marriage. Homosexuality- being attracted to someone of the same sex. Contraception Artificial methods- contraceptive devices which are made and used such as condoms. Natural methods- contraceptives aimed at limiting the chance of pregnancy such as the rhythm method, which allows a couple to have sex only at the woman s least fertile part of her monthly cycle. Permanent methods- are operations to prevent either the production of egg or sperm permanently. These are the only ones guaranteed no pregnancy. Other alternatives The withdrawal method- when a man withdraws before he ejaculates inside the woman.

  5. Christian views on sex Most Christians believe that only married couples should have sex, and only with each other. Chastity is a virtue. Attitudes to the use of contraception vary. There is a celibate tradition within Christianity (e.g. the priesthood and the monastic life.) The Catholic Church teaches that only married couples should have sex and the most important reason for sex is to have children. There should be a chance of pregnancy within every act of sex. Sex before marriage is called fornication and is a sin. The same goes for masturbation, because it cannot lead to pregnancy. Using contraception is against Catholic teachings because it prevents pregnancy. Some Christians see homosexuality as wrong because it is unnatural as it cannot lead to pregnancy. In the Bible it says it is wrong for a man to lie with another man. This is why some Christians see it as wrong. Some Christians accept sex before marriage sex before marriage in a relationship which is leading to marriage, seeing it as an expression of love. They also stress the need of responsible parenting and only having as many children as you can properly look after. So the use of contraception is encouraged. The Bible says do not commit adultery ; Jesus says that even to look at someone lustfully is wrong and a sin. Having an affair means you break all the promises you made before God when marrying. Christians do not agree with adultery.

  6. Buddhist views on sex Ultimately, for Buddhists, sexuality has to be put aside. It is about desire and craving, which the Four Noble Truths explain we must stop of we want to achieve enlightenment. Buddhism, in all its forms, has a very strong celibate tradition, with many monasteries and convents. The energy channelled in sex is used in the spiritual activity in trying to reach enlightenment. On the other hand, some lay Buddhists have families. Sex is seen as natural, but most rewarding as part of a loving, caring relationship, so chastity is encouraged. Couples should limit their family size by using contraception and so practise family planning. This can also prevent the suffering of a new life, which is not born unwanted. One of the Buddhist 5 Moral Precepts is to avoid sexual immorality, including adultery. Breaking this precept will also lead to bad karma. Buddhists do not condemn sex before marriage and homosexuality, as long as it is part of a loving, caring relationship. Where sex is just based on lust, like one-night stands, then this is craving, which causes bad karma.

  7. Marriage and the family Love Family expectations Religious duty Why do people marry? To legitimise a child Duty For sex Companionship Money Who to marry? Someone in the same religion to continue the faith Religious people are taught to honour their father and mother so if their parents might choose their future partner Someone you love

  8. The nature of families Extended family- this is the nuclear family plus other relatives, usually grandparents, living with the family, but can also include cousins, uncles and aunts and so on. Nuclear family- this is basically mum and dad, plus the child(ren.) It is considered a normal family unit in the Western world. Single-parent family- this is a family of either a mum or a dad, plus child(ren.) It is becoming more common to see this kind of family in the UK. Polygamy- this is illegal in the UK. It is where a man has several wives, often having children with each. It is allowable under specific circumstance in the Islamic faith.

  9. Marriage ceremonies Christian weddings Marriage is a sacrament in some Christian traditions as it brings a blessing from God. In the Roman Catholic ceremony the marriage takes place in the Mass. The following takes place: 1. The couple will come to church to be united in marriage by the priest. He greets them before the whole congregation (church goers/guests.) 2. There might be readings and prayers. 3. The priest then reads a homily (a lecture with a moral/meaning) about what Christian marriage is. 4. He asks 3 set questions to check the couple understand the responsibilities of marriage. 5. The couple make their vows to each other. 6. The priest declares that they have made their vows in front of God and at some point he will say: What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. 7. The rings are blessed and exchanged. 8. The priest blesses the marriage. 9. The couple sign the marriage register and this is the legal part of the ceremony.

  10. Buddhist weddings Buddhism does not have a set ceremony for marriage. So the ceremonies are completely non-religious. A couple will visit a monk to have their fortunes read and a lucky date is decided for the date of their wedding. Buddhists will follow the local customs of their country for marriage. This may include registering their marriage officially. Later the couple might visit a monastery or temple to invite a monk to bless their marriage. He does this by reciting Buddhist scripture and verses. He also gives them advice about being a married Buddhist, The couple might then invite the monk to a feast, as a sign of their thanks for him blessing his marriage. Cohabitation Cohabitationis living together as if married. The couple do not have a marriage licence and legally they do not have the same rights as married people e.g. to each other s pension. Not everyone feels the need to marry.

  11. Civil marriage registration-being married but not through a religious ceremony. It is done at a register office. It will include promises. Since March 2014 same sex couples have the same rights as any other married couple. Civil partnership-the legal registration of a same-sex couple. This means that in law they are treated as though they are married and have many of the legal protections that married people have. PARENTING- PURPOSE OF FAMILIES Shows commitment Shows love Accident Fulfilment of relationships Duty Family tradition

  12. Religious parents They might want their child to follow their faith, so they will teach them their beliefs and how to practise their faith. For example, how and what rules they need to follow. Many might put their child through an initiation ceremony for their faith to welcome them into the religion e.g. Baptism for Christians. Divorce Why do people get divorced? Money, arguments, different attitudes or beliefs, affairs, illness, job issues, abuse, a solution to problems/issues etc.

  13. Any vows made are serious and shouldnt be broken too easily. Marriage is seen as something that keeps society stable so divorce is discouraged. However, divorce isn t against any Buddhist teachings. Buddhism teaches: Be compassionate and care for others Keep the 5 Moral Precepts Thoughts, deeds and actions should always be positive because of karma. This shapes our afterlife. Divorce can be seen as the right option. For example, if staying together causes distress and suffering. This breaks the precepts. Therefore, causing bad karma and going against the Buddhist principles of compassion and ahimsa.

  14. Christian views on divorce For Roman Catholics, divorce is always wrong. Marriage is a sacrament which cannot be broken. Promises are made to not only one another but to God. The promises are binding to death us do part. It is possible to have an annulment, which means the marriage never existed. For most other Christians, divorce is discouraged but can be accepted as a last resort. It is sometimes the lesser of two evils, and also is a necessary evil so divorcees should not be made villains. Christianity teaches: God hates divorce (Old Testament) Whoever divorces then marries another; it is as if he has committed adultery. - Jesus We should forgive those who wrong us, and show love to all- Jesus.

  15. Remarrying- This can be a partner remarrying someone else after they ve either divorced or been widowed. This can be their second, third marriage etc. In some cases divorced people could marry one another. Religious attitudes to remarriage For most Christians getting married after the death of a partner isn t an issue. They believe the person deserves to be happy. Roman Catholics do not agree with divorce and do not recognise it as God doesn t recognise it. Therefore, remarriage isn t allowed. Some religious believers would allow remarriage but not in a religious ceremony. Some Anglican priest will refuse to marry a divorcee because the vows they made to God were broken. In the Roman Catholic church you can get an annulment if the marriage wasn t consummated (no sexual relationship), or because one or both didn t understand the responsibility of marriage e.g. a Catholic marrying a non-Catholic and the religion becomes an issue between them.

  16. Gender equality Gender prejudice- this is prejudice against someone based on their gender. The way they were brought up Why are some people prejudice (about gender)? Ignorance Tradition An experience they had

  17. Few opportunities Not Treated negatively allowed to make own decisions What is the effect of gender prejudice against women? Not Makes women feel powerless allowed to have same freedom

  18. Christian views on gender equality Some of the earliest converts and leaders of the churches were women e.g. Priscilla at Ephesus. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus - St Paul (Galatians 3:28) So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27) Buddhist views on gender equality If a man denies the possibility of enlightenment of women, then his own enlightenment is possible (Lotus Sutra) There is no legal basis in Vinaya (monstic) law to deny a woman the right to full ordination. The practice of Buddhism is the same for men and women, showing no inequality.

  19. Traditionally men have held more roles than women. They tend to make the most decisions in religions. In Christianity, women cannot be priests in the Roman Catholic Church and the first female Bishops in the Anglican Church were only appointed in 2015. In Theravada Buddhism, women will pray that their rebirth will be as a man. Contrasting beliefs Topic Roman Catholic view Anglican view Contraception The Roman Catholic teaching on contraception is that all sexual acts should be open to procreation. This is what s considered natural (law.) They see contraception as going against natural law. The Church of England does not see contraception as a sin or against God s teachings.

  20. Topic General Christian view Buddhist view Anglican views Quaker views Sex before marriage Christian teaching generally is that sex should be experienced within marriage, so before marriage is wrong. Sex is a gift from God with the purpose of procreation. Sex before married is considered fornication which is a sin. if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. (1 Corinthians 7:9) Buddhism does not have marriage as a rite of passage- marriage are culturally based events. So sex before marriage, as long as it is in a loving relationship is allowed. The General Synod of the Church of England recognises that there are a variety of types of families today. It stresses marriage is the ideal but sexual relationships can be within permanent and loving relationships (which allows sex before marriage.) The Quakers see marriage as the ideal but understands the changing society norms. It accepts that a couple can be a loving and be in a non- exploitive relationship outside of marriage.

  21. Topic Quaker view Roman Catholic view Buddhist view Homosexuality Quakers in the UK fully accept homosexuals into their community and do not condemn those that have sexual relationships. The main consideration they have is whether the love is genuine (selfless) love between a couple. They point out that Genesis says all people are created in the image of God. This includes homosexuals. The Roman Catholic Church does not accept homosexual relationships. Church teaching classes homosexuality as an objective disorder (only leading towards sin) and homosexual relationships are a moral disorder (committing a sin.) Buddhism doesn t condemn homosexual relationships that are long term, loving and committed. However, short relationships based on lust are seen as craving and one of the 3 Poisons.

  22. Questions 1. Give two religious beliefs about the use of contraception. 2. Explain two reasons why couples get divorced. 3. Give two religious beliefs about the nature of the family. 4. Give two reasons why gender equality is important.

  23. Questions Marriage gives more stability to society than cohabitation. F- For A- Against R- Religious Teachings/argument C- Conclusion


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