Queer Perspectives in Judaism

Queering Spirituality
Religion, Belief, and Beyond
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
The Abrahamic Faiths:
Monotheism in the Desert (and the Gardens)
What they share in common: Lot/Lut and Sodom
Origin of terms “sodomy” and “sodomite”
In Hebrew (and Christian) Bible, 
Lot, the one righteous man
Attempted rape of angels by men of Sodom
Modern commentators view “inhospitality” as the sin of Sodom
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Judaism and the Book of Leviticus
Two verses that speak to male homosexuality:
18:22:  “You shall not lie with a man as with a woman”
20:13:   “If a man lies with a man as with a woman,
…shall surely be put to death”
Literalist view:  words intended as exactly written
Less literalist:  scripture written by humans in specific
historical periods and in geographical locations (why are
other injunctions not observed or punished?)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Branches of Judaism and Contemporary Queer Lives
Orthodox: most restrictive about the role of queer people in
Judaism; very few openly gay Orthodox rabbis (e.g. Steven
Greenberg in US; Ron Yosef in Israel)
Yosef’s views of queerness and orthodoxy: agrees that strict
interpretation of scripture forbids sexual activity between
men, but calls on Orthodox Judaism to support queer
members and allow them to become rabbis
Greenberg argues that a literalist reading only precludes
specific sexual acts (anal sex) between men
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
American Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism
On the whole, accepting of queer Jews
Does not mean that individual queer Jews do not face
challenges within individual communities and their families
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Judaism and Transgender/Intersex People
Midrash (commentary on Torah): long tradition of
distinctions beyond normative sex/gender binaries
Noach Dzmura, 
Balancing on the Mechitza 
Assigned female at birth
Found “herself” attracted to gay men, partly through AIDS work
Rejected Catholicism, though found self drawn to figure of Christ
as rabbi (teacher)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Judaism and Transgender/Intersex, continued
Zellman and Kukla: role of intersex people in Judaism/Jewish
Rabbi Yosi: “The 
, he is a created being of her
Co-existence in one body of multiplicity of sex/genderness
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Christianity: From “Social Tolerance” to “Queer Theology”
Christianity not monolithic in beliefs or practices
Shared: belief in the existence of Christ and his role of savior
Those denominations that forbid same-sex activities use the
Hebrew scriptural traditions as part of argument
In Christian Bible (often called New Testament), draw from
the writings of Paul, especially Romans 1:
…for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against
“likewise also the men....”
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Pro-Gay Christian Thinkers and Scholars
Argue that nowhere in the Gospels does Christ mention
Christ may have regarded heterosexual marriage itself as probably
necessary but regrettable practice
Christ’s own sexuality is never specified, but that he never married
and is vocal in condemning the punishment of such sexual outsiders
as “the women taken in adultery” and Mary Magdalene (prostitute)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Back to Boswell
John Boswell (discussed in chapter 8):  same-sex marriage-
like rituals in early Roman Catholic Church
Controversy:  Boswell’s use of the term “gay”
Critics argue that term describes a stable identity not relevant to
the time period
Mark Jordan: sees value in Boswell’s project to allow
contemporary Christians to see their lives in less isolation from
Christian history and traditions
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
“Queer Theologies”:  Practices, Beliefs, Possibilities
Jordan, “God’s Body”:
Sees Christianity as long avoiding discussions of “the body”
Christianity nonetheless founded on “incarnational” practices
Communion:  transubstantiation vs. consubstantion
Depictions of Christ on cross: inaccurate, as he would have been naked
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Dr. Patrick Cheng: Queer Episcopalian Priest
Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology 
Christian Asian-American gay man: intersectional identity
Reconsiders how queer theory and queer lives might deepen understanding
of Christian theology and life
An erotics of queerness: relationship between God, Jesus, and humans
God as “top”; humans as “bottoms”;  invokes language of BDSM/leather
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Cheng:  Four Strands of Queer Theology
Apologetic theology: theological strategies for viewing gay as
good within scriptures and teachings
Liberation theology:  originated in Latin American and
African American versions of Christianity, ways to understand
the meaning of “freedom” for sociopolitical and
religious/spiritual purposes
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Four Strands, continued
Relational theology:  emerging from lesbian responses to
omission from gay mal theologies; focuses on finding
spirituality in relationships to other people (lovers, partners,
spouses; based in Second Wave feminism)
Queer theology, itself:  inclusive of bisexual, transgender, and
other non-heteronormative identities and experiences;
argues for greater attention to intersectionality
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Rev. Troy Perry and the MCC
Gay men an former Pentecostal minister
Defrocked because of his open identification as homosexual
Founded the Metropolitan Community Church (1968)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Challenges to Queer People Called to Religious Life
Often presented with option of celibacy or leaving ministry
The role of the closet
Sexual abuse scandals of Roman Catholic priests
, Academy Award for Best Picture
Not exclusive gay problem; heterosexual priests were also abusers
Not exclusive to Roman Catholicism either
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Challenges During the AIDS Epidemic
Some leaders described AIDS as “God’s punishment” for
homosexuality:  Cardinal O’Connor, Jerry Falwell
Of course, lesbians generally not at great risk of infection
Interventionist use of Christian imagery by ACT-UP and other groups
Led to opening up of many Christian communities to provide service
and support to people with AIDS
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Islam and Queerness:  Faith and Reason, Communities of Love
Second largest organized global religion (after Christianity)
Considerable diversity within different branches regarding
queer sexuality and relationships
Sufism:  most historical relevance to queer desire within
Emphasizes revelation through the heart (love) rather than
through rational thought per se
Rumi, 13
 century poet and mystic; many believe had both a
female wife and at least one male lover
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Contemporary Commentary on Islam and Queerness:
Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle
Homosexuality in Islam 
(2010) and 
Living Out Islam 
Argues that Islam, as later religion, tends to be less patriarchal
Lesson of Sodom: negative effects of ”using sex as a weapon”
 (commentary), little mention of same-sex relations
(especially true of between women)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Kugle, continued: Terminology
not cisgender homosexual per se, but
closer to trans women or intersex individuals
More described as “effeminate” frequently permitted (or forced) to
live “as” women and turned to sex work
In some countries, regarded as “third gender” or “third sex”; provided
financial and social support for sex reassignment surgeries
Organizations and Associations for Queer Muslims
The Inner Circle:  formed in 1996 in South Africa, led by
openly gay iman Muhsin Hendricks (same year South Africa
passed anti-discrimination law)
Imaan:  British organization formed to serve queer men,
women, and other genders, to do advocacy and education
Daaylee Abdullah: openly gay iman in US; born in Detroit and
raised a Southern Baptist
Global Queer Muslim Network
Eastern Religions and Queer Lives
Hinduism and Queerness:
Lamb: simultaneity of polytheism an monotheism in Hinduism
Scriptures do not contain prohibitions against same-sex love or
born into male-appearing bodies, but live lives as women
 often live in poverty and stigma, but sometimes are
afforded places of honor
Queerness is a form of desiring, an impediment to path to dhama
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Hindu Traditions of Same-Sex Relations
Myths and legends:  depict close friendships between members of
Not necessarily sexual, but represent intimacy
Ruth Vanita:  the Swayamvara friend (non-procreative relationship--
more than just “closeness)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Buddhism and Queerness
Shares certain terms and ideas with Hinduism
(acts and their results) and 
(sense of reality
and duty to that which is true and eternal)
Difference from Hinduism:  question of whether there is a
Divine in more atheistic framework:  “nothingness”
Attachment, suffering, world as illusory
”Sexual misconduct” as hindrance to enlightenment
Monks and nuns:  celibacy is required
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Views of Religious Leaders and Others
Dalai Lama:  1990s, gay sex inherently wrong; 2014, spoke
out in favor of same-sex marriage as a right, as long as
consensual and nonabusive
Spotlight on Issan Dorsey
, queer Zen monk:
Early life:  “speed freak, a drag queen, a junkie, a prostitute, and at
times a real bitch” (Daisihin David Sunseri)
Established an AIDS hospice in Castro neighborhood in San
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Lesbians and Buddhism
Valerie Rylance:  lesbian Buddhism as feminist and political issue
History of silencing and making invisible lesbian Buddhists
Naming, acknowledging, and making space in Buddhist traditions for
lesbians “promot[ing] egalitarian ethics”
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Queer Neopaganism:
Earth-Centered Spirituality and Goddess Worship
“Pagan”  originally used to refer to people who did not follow Christianity (around
Neopaganism:  more recent movements
Grounded in belief earth is a living organism
Holiness and spirituality tied to mystic union with Earth
Earth typically personified as feminine
Shamanism:  ability of figure to that span multiple worlds
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
The Radical Faeries
1978:  Harry Hay, Don Kilhefner, Mitch Stewart:
Organized a group to spread “gay consciousness”
Conferences and meetings:  “Faerie circles”
Harkens back to earlier mystical and legendary traditions
Jung:  anima and animus
Faeries: potential to celebrate the feminine side of gay men
Toby Johnson, 
Gay Spirituality
Gay spirituality within Neopagan traditions:
Experienced from an outsider perspective
Incarnation (sex-positive and not otherworldly)
Evolutionary (challenge to status quo of traditional religion)
Adaptively virtuous
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Witchcraft, Dianic Wicca, and Women-Centered Neopaganism
Women-centered:  Goddess worship
Wicca:  derived from Anglo-Saxon term used for male and female
Duotheistic divinity:  Mother Goddess (female) and Horned God
Dianic Wicca: based on Roman goddess of the hunt (Diana)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
“Gaytheism” (and “Gaygnosticism)”:
Belief in Nonbelief
Hitchens:  arguments against the existence of god/God and religion
Wholly represents origins of man and cosmos
Combines maximum of servility and solipsism
Result and cause of dangerous sexual repression
Grounded on wish-thinking
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Queer Atheists and Agnostics:
How is One to Live?
W.C. Harris, 
Slouching Towards Gaytheism 
Sees organized religion (especially Christianity) as threat to well-
being of queer people:
Examples:  ex-gay ministries and purity circles
Hard line: queers must resist organized religions
Sees in such religions reinforcement of gender and sexuality codes
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Christ Stedman: “Faithiest”
Grew up in secular home in Minnesota
Conversion experience to Christianity in middle school
Became aware of his homosexual orientation
Became a religion major in college and went to Unitarian-
Universalist seminar in Chicago
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Stedman, continued
Worked in urban Chicago neighborhoods
Involved in social activism, justice, and welfare
Did not think nonbelief in God excluded him from interfaith work
Humanist chaplin (assistant at Harvard, then lead humanist chaplain
at Yale)
Bruce Henderson, 
Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
, Harrington Park Press 2019
Slide Note

Delve into the intersection of queer identity and Judaism, examining interpretations of scriptures related to homosexuality within the Abrahamic faiths. This exploration covers different branches of Judaism and their varying degrees of acceptance towards queer individuals, shedding light on the challenges faced by queer Jews in their communities.

  • Queer Perspectives
  • Judaism
  • Abrahamic Faiths
  • LGBTQ+
  • Identity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHAPTER 10: Queering Spirituality Religion, Belief, and Beyond Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  2. The Abrahamic Faiths: Monotheism in the Desert (and the Gardens) What they share in common: Lot/Lut and Sodom Origin of terms sodomy and sodomite In Hebrew (and Christian) Bible, Genesis Lot, the one righteous man Attempted rape of angels by men of Sodom Modern commentators view inhospitality as the sin of Sodom Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  3. Judaism and the Book of Leviticus Two verses that speak to male homosexuality: 18:22: You shall not lie with a man as with a woman 20:13: If a man lies with a man as with a woman, both shall surely be put to death Literalist view: words intended as exactly written Less literalist: scripture written by humans in specific historical periods and in geographical locations (why are other injunctions not observed or punished?) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  4. Branches of Judaism and Contemporary Queer Lives Orthodox: most restrictive about the role of queer people in Judaism; very few openly gay Orthodox rabbis (e.g. Steven Greenberg in US; Ron Yosef in Israel) Yosef s views of queerness and orthodoxy: agrees that strict interpretation of scripture forbids sexual activity between men, but calls on Orthodox Judaism to support queer members and allow them to become rabbis Greenberg argues that a literalist reading only precludes specific sexual acts (anal sex) between men Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  5. American Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism On the whole, accepting of queer Jews Does not mean that individual queer Jews do not face challenges within individual communities and their families Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  6. Judaism and Transgender/Intersex People Midrash (commentary on Torah): long tradition of distinctions beyond normative sex/gender binaries Noach Dzmura, Balancing on the Mechitza (2010) Assigned female at birth Found herself attracted to gay men, partly through AIDS work Rejected Catholicism, though found self drawn to figure of Christ as rabbi (teacher) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  7. Judaism and Transgender/Intersex, continued Zellman and Kukla: role of intersex people in Judaism/Jewish history Rabbi Yosi: The androgynous, he is a created being of her own. Co-existence in one body of multiplicity of sex/genderness Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  8. Christianity: From Social Tolerance to Queer Theology Christianity not monolithic in beliefs or practices Shared: belief in the existence of Christ and his role of savior Those denominations that forbid same-sex activities use the Hebrew scriptural traditions as part of argument In Christian Bible (often called New Testament), draw from the writings of Paul, especially Romans 1: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature likewise also the men.... Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  9. Pro-Gay Christian Thinkers and Scholars Argue that nowhere in the Gospels does Christ mention homosexuality Christ may have regarded heterosexual marriage itself as probably necessary but regrettable practice Christ s own sexuality is never specified, but that he never married and is vocal in condemning the punishment of such sexual outsiders as the women taken in adultery and Mary Magdalene (prostitute) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  10. Back to Boswell John Boswell (discussed in chapter 8): same-sex marriage- like rituals in early Roman Catholic Church Controversy: Boswell s use of the term gay Critics argue that term describes a stable identity not relevant to the time period Mark Jordan: sees value in Boswell s project to allow contemporary Christians to see their lives in less isolation from Christian history and traditions Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  11. Queer Theologies: Practices, Beliefs, Possibilities Jordan, God s Body : Sees Christianity as long avoiding discussions of the body Christianity nonetheless founded on incarnational practices Communion: transubstantiation vs. consubstantion Depictions of Christ on cross: inaccurate, as he would have been naked Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  12. Dr. Patrick Cheng: Queer Episcopalian Priest Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology (2011) Christian Asian-American gay man: intersectional identity Reconsiders how queer theory and queer lives might deepen understanding of Christian theology and life An erotics of queerness: relationship between God, Jesus, and humans God as top ; humans as bottoms ; invokes language of BDSM/leather Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  13. Cheng: Four Strands of Queer Theology Apologetic theology: theological strategies for viewing gay as good within scriptures and teachings Liberation theology: originated in Latin American and African American versions of Christianity, ways to understand the meaning of freedom for sociopolitical and religious/spiritual purposes Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  14. Four Strands, continued Relational theology: emerging from lesbian responses to omission from gay mal theologies; focuses on finding spirituality in relationships to other people (lovers, partners, spouses; based in Second Wave feminism) Queer theology, itself: inclusive of bisexual, transgender, and other non-heteronormative identities and experiences; argues for greater attention to intersectionality Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  15. Rev. Troy Perry and the MCC Gay men an former Pentecostal minister Defrocked because of his open identification as homosexual Founded the Metropolitan Community Church (1968) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  16. Challenges to Queer People Called to Religious Life Often presented with option of celibacy or leaving ministry The role of the closet Sexual abuse scandals of Roman Catholic priests 2015: Spotlight, Academy Award for Best Picture Not exclusive gay problem; heterosexual priests were also abusers Not exclusive to Roman Catholicism either Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  17. Challenges During the AIDS Epidemic Some leaders described AIDS as God s punishment for homosexuality: Cardinal O Connor, Jerry Falwell Of course, lesbians generally not at great risk of infection Interventionist use of Christian imagery by ACT-UP and other groups Led to opening up of many Christian communities to provide service and support to people with AIDS Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  18. Islam and Queerness: Faith and Reason, Communities of Love Second largest organized global religion (after Christianity) Considerable diversity within different branches regarding queer sexuality and relationships Sufism: most historical relevance to queer desire within Islam Emphasizes revelation through the heart (love) rather than through rational thought per se Rumi, 13th century poet and mystic; many believe had both a female wife and at least one male lover Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  19. Contemporary Commentary on Islam and Queerness: Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle Homosexuality in Islam (2010) and Living Out Islam (2013) Argues that Islam, as later religion, tends to be less patriarchal Lesson of Sodom: negative effects of using sex as a weapon The hadith (commentary), little mention of same-sex relations (especially true of between women) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  20. Kugle, continued: Terminology Mukkhannathen and khanith: not cisgender homosexual per se, but closer to trans women or intersex individuals More described as effeminate frequently permitted (or forced) to live as women and turned to sex work In some countries, regarded as third gender or third sex ; provided financial and social support for sex reassignment surgeries

  21. Organizations and Associations for Queer Muslims The Inner Circle: formed in 1996 in South Africa, led by openly gay iman Muhsin Hendricks (same year South Africa passed anti-discrimination law) Imaan: British organization formed to serve queer men, women, and other genders, to do advocacy and education Daaylee Abdullah: openly gay iman in US; born in Detroit and raised a Southern Baptist Global Queer Muslim Network

  22. Eastern Religions and Queer Lives Hinduism and Queerness: Lamb: simultaneity of polytheism an monotheism in Hinduism Scriptures do not contain prohibitions against same-sex love or behavior Hijra: born into male-appearing bodies, but live lives as women Hijras often live in poverty and stigma, but sometimes are afforded places of honor Queerness is a form of desiring, an impediment to path to dhama Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  23. Hindu Traditions of Same-Sex Relations Myths and legends: depict close friendships between members of same-sex Not necessarily sexual, but represent intimacy Ruth Vanita: the Swayamvara friend (non-procreative relationship-- more than just closeness) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  24. Buddhism and Queerness Shares certain terms and ideas with Hinduism Kharma (acts and their results) and Dharma (sense of reality and duty to that which is true and eternal) Difference from Hinduism: question of whether there is a Divine in more atheistic framework: nothingness Attachment, suffering, world as illusory Sexual misconduct as hindrance to enlightenment Monks and nuns: celibacy is required Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  25. Views of Religious Leaders and Others Dalai Lama: 1990s, gay sex inherently wrong; 2014, spoke out in favor of same-sex marriage as a right, as long as consensual and nonabusive Spotlight on Issan Dorsey, queer Zen monk: Early life: speed freak, a drag queen, a junkie, a prostitute, and at times a real bitch (Daisihin David Sunseri) Established an AIDS hospice in Castro neighborhood in San Francisco Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  26. Lesbians and Buddhism Valerie Rylance: lesbian Buddhism as feminist and political issue History of silencing and making invisible lesbian Buddhists Naming, acknowledging, and making space in Buddhist traditions for lesbians promot[ing] egalitarian ethics Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  27. Queer Neopaganism: Earth-Centered Spirituality and Goddess Worship Pagan originally used to refer to people who did not follow Christianity (around 14th century) Neopaganism: more recent movements Grounded in belief earth is a living organism Holiness and spirituality tied to mystic union with Earth Earth typically personified as feminine Shamanism: ability of figure to that span multiple worlds Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  28. The Radical Faeries 1978: Harry Hay, Don Kilhefner, Mitch Stewart: Organized a group to spread gay consciousness Conferences and meetings: Faerie circles Harkens back to earlier mystical and legendary traditions Jung: anima and animus Faeries: potential to celebrate the feminine side of gay men

  29. Toby Johnson, Gay Spirituality Gay spirituality within Neopagan traditions: Experienced from an outsider perspective Nondualistic Incarnation (sex-positive and not otherworldly) Evolutionary (challenge to status quo of traditional religion) Insight-provoking Transformational Adaptively virtuous Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  30. Witchcraft, Dianic Wicca, and Women-Centered Neopaganism Women-centered: Goddess worship Wicca: derived from Anglo-Saxon term used for male and female witches Duotheistic divinity: Mother Goddess (female) and Horned God (male) Dianic Wicca: based on Roman goddess of the hunt (Diana) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  31. Gaytheism (and Gaygnosticism): Belief in Nonbelief Hitchens: arguments against the existence of god/God and religion Wholly represents origins of man and cosmos Combines maximum of servility and solipsism Result and cause of dangerous sexual repression Grounded on wish-thinking Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  32. Queer Atheists and Agnostics: How is One to Live? W.C. Harris, Slouching Towards Gaytheism (2014) Sees organized religion (especially Christianity) as threat to well- being of queer people: Examples: ex-gay ministries and purity circles Hard line: queers must resist organized religions Sees in such religions reinforcement of gender and sexuality codes Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  33. Christ Stedman: Faithiest Grew up in secular home in Minnesota Conversion experience to Christianity in middle school Became aware of his homosexual orientation Became a religion major in college and went to Unitarian- Universalist seminar in Chicago Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

  34. Stedman, continued Worked in urban Chicago neighborhoods Involved in social activism, justice, and welfare Did not think nonbelief in God excluded him from interfaith work Humanist chaplin (assistant at Harvard, then lead humanist chaplain at Yale) Bruce Henderson, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries, Harrington Park Press 2019

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